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Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................1
Chart: Highlights..................................................................................................................................1
2.0 Comany Summary...............................................................................................................................2
2.1 Start!u Summary..............................................................................................................................2
Table: Start!u "un#ing.......................................................................................................................$
Chart: Start!u......................................................................................................................................%
Table: Start!u.....................................................................................................................................%
2.2 Comany &'nershi.........................................................................................................................(
$.0 Services..................................................................................................................................................(
%.0 )ar*et +nalysis Summary....................................................................................................................(
%.1 )ar*et Segmentation.........................................................................................................................,
Table: )ar*et +nalysis........................................................................................................................,
Chart: )ar*et +nalysis -Pie................................................................................................................/
%.2 Target )ar*et Segment Strategy......................................................................................................./
%.$ Service 0usiness +nalysis................................................................................................................./
%.$.1 )ain Cometitors.......................................................................................................................1
%.$.2 0usiness Particiants................................................................................................................10
(.0 Strategy an# 2mlementation Summary...............................................................................................10
(.1 )ar*eting Strategy...........................................................................................................................11
(.2 Sales Strategy...................................................................................................................................12
(.2.1 Sales "orecast............................................................................................................................1$
Table: Sales "orecast.....................................................................................................................1$
Chart: Sales )onthly.....................................................................................................................1$
Chart: Sales by 3ear......................................................................................................................1%
(.2.2 4aily 5evenue "orcast..............................................................................................................1%
,.0 )anagement Summary........................................................................................................................1(
,.1 )anagement Team...........................................................................................................................1(
,.2 )anagement Team 6as.................................................................................................................1,
,.$ Personnel Plan..................................................................................................................................1,
Table: Personnel.................................................................................................................................11
/.0 "inancial Plan.......................................................................................................................................11
/.1 2mortant +ssumtions....................................................................................................................11
Table: 6eneral +ssumtions..............................................................................................................17
/.2 0rea*!even +nalysis........................................................................................................................17
Table: 0rea*!even +nalysis...............................................................................................................17
Chart: 0rea*!even +nalysis...............................................................................................................20
/.$ Pro8ecte# Profit an# 9oss.................................................................................................................21
Table: Profit an# 9oss........................................................................................................................21
Chart: Profit )onthly.........................................................................................................................22
Chart: Profit 3early............................................................................................................................22
Chart: 6ross )argin )onthly............................................................................................................2$
Chart: 6ross )argin 3early...............................................................................................................2$
/.% Pro8ecte# Cash "lo'........................................................................................................................2%
Page 1
Table of Contents
Chart: Cash.........................................................................................................................................2%
Table: Cash "lo'...............................................................................................................................2(
/.( Pro8ecte# 0alance Sheet...................................................................................................................2,
Table: 0alance Sheet..........................................................................................................................2,
/., 0usiness 5atios................................................................................................................................2,
Table: 5atios......................................................................................................................................2/
Table: Sales "orecast...................................................................................................................................1
Table: Personnel...........................................................................................................................................2
Table: 6eneral +ssumtions........................................................................................................................$
Table: Profit an# 9oss..................................................................................................................................%
Table: Cash "lo'.........................................................................................................................................,
Table: 0alance Sheet..................................................................................................................................../
Page 2
The :ightclub
9.+ C6ecutive #ummary
.he 5ightclub will be the premier, high:energy, themed dance and nightclub in Waldport,
Your#tate. Dur goal is to remain a step ahead of our competition through an e6emplary service
provision. We e6pect our guests to have more fun during their leisure time. We will provide
more video and electronic technology per s-uare footage than anyone else in the region. A
simple, yet uni-ue, themed menu and atmosphere will create a sense of EbelongingE for locals
and tourists alike. Dur operating credo is! Fhappy enthusiastic employees create happy
enthusiastic guests.F
.he main objectives of the development of this new venue are!
1apitaliGe on e6cellent location opportunity with swift commitment to the new .own #-uare
.o launch the venue with a highly publiciGed grand opening event in the summer of Year 9.
.o maintain tight control of costs, operations, and cash flow through diligent management
and automated computer control.
.o maintain a food cost below HH3 of food revenue.
.o maintain a total beverage cost below *23 of beverage revenue.
.o e6ceed IH million in annual sales by the fourth year of plan implementation.
.he keys to success in achieving our goals are!
rovide e6ceptional service that leaves an impression.
1onsistent entertainment atmosphere and product -uality.
Janaging our internal finances and cash flow to enable upward capital growth.
#trict control of all costs, at all times, without e6ception.
1hart! Kighlights
Page 1
The :ightclub
*.+ 1ompany #ummary
The key elements of The &ightcl'()s concept are as follows!
9. Cntertainment and dance based themes :: .he company will focus on themes that have
mass appeal.
*. Bistinctive design features :: .he 5ightclub will be characteriGed by the elaborate dance
club situated in a spectator setting which comfortably accommodates H2+ guests. .he area
will also offer three private sky bo6es which can be combined for use in a conference or
private party setting. .his room is intended for special events and daily use. .he adjoining
dining room and bar would present an inviting and rela6ing atmosphere, which displays a
collection of musical and dance memorabilia. A live dj will coordinate the events and
entertain the patrons with music and games during music breaks and off:times.
H. Location, location, location :: Dne of the major advantages that .he 5ightclub will have over
its competition will be its location in the new, high:profile Your .own 1enter.
L. Maming :: .he 5ightclub will provide several interactive style video games and pool tables
to provide for both additional entertainment and revenue.
2. Nuality food :: All would be lost without special attention being paid to the level of food
-uality. A simple menu offering foods similar to those found at a premier venue. .raditional
EbarE appetiGers will be on hand for people craving nachos, wings, or -uesadillas while they
drink and enjoy themselves.
>. C6ceptional service :: ,n order to reach and maintain a uni-ue image of -uality, the
5ightclub will provide attentive and friendly service through a high ratio of service personnel
to customers, and will also invest in the training and supervision of its employees. We
estimate nearly one service staff member for every H2 guests.
*.9 #tart:up #ummary
.he company is seeking a loan for start:up purposes for a new entertainment venue in
)unds needed to accomplish goal referenced above will be I6.6 million. .he applicant will
re-uire the entire I6.6 million to finish project build:out.
We will utiliGe the anticipated loans in the amount of I6.6 million to build out the appro6imate
9+,+++ s-uare foot space and purchase e-uipment necessary for the start:up of a new
nightclub venue. .he following tables and charts illustrate the capital re-uirements.
Page 2
The :ightclub
.able! #tart:up )unding
Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund $485,250
Start-up Assets to Fund $82,500
Total Funding Required $56,50
!on-"as# Assets $ro% Start-up $,500
&as# Require%ents $ro% Start-up $5,000
Additional &as# Raised $0
&as# 'alan"e on Starting (ate $5,000
Total Assets $82,500
)ia*ilities and &apital
&urrent 'orro+ing $0
)ong-ter% )ia*ilities $0
A""ounts ,a-a*le ./utstanding 'ills0 $0
/t#er &urrent )ia*ilities .interest-$ree0 $0
Total )ia*ilities $0
,lanned 1n2est%ent
1n2estor 3 $250,000
1n2estor 2 $250,000
/t#er $6,50
Additional 1n2est%ent Require%ent $0
Total ,lanned 1n2est%ent $56,50
)oss at Start-up .Start-up Expenses0 .$485,2500
Total &apital $82,500
Total &apital and )ia*ilities $82,500
Total Funding $56,50
Page $
The :ightclub
1hart! #tart:up
.able! #tart:up
Start-up Expenses
Air &ond4 5pgrade $25,000
Audio6)ig#ting )ease ,a-%ent $2,50
'ar Equip%ent $7,500
'ar Suppl- $5,500
&as# Reser2es $325,000
Exterior Signage $35,000
Fees and ,er%its $85,000
FFE $5,000
1%pa"t Fees $,500
1nitial 9ar:eting $22,500
1nterior Re$it $45,000
;it"#en 5pgrade $32,500
)egal $,500
/pening Salaries (eposits $25,000
,aper ,rodu"ts $2,500
,oint o$ Sales S-ste%s $85,000
Restroo% 5pgrade $85,000
Total Start-up Expenses $485,250
Start-up Assets
&as# Required $5,000
Start-up 1n2entor- $,500
/t#er &urrent Assets $0
)ong-ter% Assets $0
Total Assets $82,500
Total Requirements $56,50
Page %
The :ightclub
*.* 1ompany Dwnership
.he 5ightclub is a privately:held LL1, the details of which have not been solidified as of the
date of this publication. .he LL1 consists of three principals BB, KO, 'O.
B B holds a '# in business administration from the .he #tate Aniversity. Ke has held restaurant
management positions for the epsi1o 1orporation. Ke successfully opened and managed two
nightclubs, and went on to open other operations including a sports bar. Ke is currently in his
fifth year in the hotel industry, where he manages a successful sales department.
KO holds a 'A in ,ndustrial Jedia Janagement, with a concentration in marketing. #he has held
a financial analyst position with Lockheed Jartin and LH 1ommunications for two years.
'O has been managing a staff for eight years. Ke is currently in his fifth year in the automotive
industry, where he is a successful finance manager.
H.+ #ervices
.he emergence of the Jain #treet area of Waldport represents a uni-ue opportunity for a high:
energy, dance:themed venue. .he developmentEs central location, demographics, and lack of
direct competition are major advantages to this project. .he proposed venue will provide a local
solution to the lack of social atmosphere and live sports venues geared primarily toward the *9:
H2 age group in the Waldport area and will help keep late night entertainment e6penditures
within the localiGed region.
.he new venue will specialiGe in high:energy themes, a -uality video and gaming area, and will
offer beer, wine and an array of li-uors and mi6ed drinks. ,n addition, the venue will sell non:
alcoholic beverages such as soft drinks, juices and bottled water. A FcasualF food menu
consisting mostly of appetiGers and small entrees ranging in cost from si6 to nine dollars will
also be available. .he initial hours of operation will be 99!++ .J. to *!++ A.J., four nights a
week. .he establishment will draw primarily from the Waldport market while attracting guests
from the areaEs other surrounding cities and towns.
L.+ Jarket Analysis #ummary
.he concept and management of the 5ightclub has been well received, and has been offered
key placement at the center of WaldportEs new )irst P Jain .own 1enter development. .his
commercial center spans 9H; acres and promises an immediate primary trade population of
HH*,+++ people with a secondary population of 9>L,+++ people. .he 'oulevard at the Avenue
average daily traffic counts are currently 2H,+++, and will increase to =*,+++ by *++H following
the 'oulevardEs connection northward to ,:*2 in *++9. At the center of the comple6 will be a
9>:screen 1inemark and ,JAQ theater opening Jarch, *+++. .he 1enterEs planners having met
the 5ightclubEs management and have reviewed the concept. .hey have indicated that the
5ightclub is Fe6actlyF what they were looking for and wish to place it directly in front of the
theater. .he annual projected traffic for what 1inemark is calling their EflagshipE location is 9.L
million people, which e6ceeds their current .inseltown location at the arena.
.he 5ightclub will be a 9+,+++ s-uare foot unit, which will also house the companyEs corporate
business office. .he dance club and bar will accommodate =2+ people. With WaldportEs rapidly
growing population, the variety of the 5ightclub from across the country would create mass
appeal for all of the 5ightclubEs customers. .he store will be e-uipped with state:of:the:art
audio and video systems like none other found in Your 1ity. ,t will serve the need for a true
Page (
The :ightclub
nightclub in Waldport. .he general appearance will be clean, open, and pleasing to the
customer. .he demographics are favorable, with minimal competition from other dance:themed
venues and bars.
L.9 Jarket #egmentation
We see .he 5ightclub as appealing to three major market segments. )ortunately, the long, late
night hours of operation help .he 5ightclub lend itself to multiple segment appeal. Dur market
segmentation scheme allows some room for estimates and nonspecific definitions.
9. Childless *o'ng Professionals::Bue to our pro6imity to the ,JAQ and 1inemark theaters,
we must appeal to single adults and young couples. Whether it is a group of friends or a
couple out to see a movie together, these people need a place to eatRdrink either before
andRor after their movie. .hese customers will range in age from *= to L+. .he
5ightclub will appeal to this category by switching the tempo and entertainment to be more
appealing to adults as it gets later into the evening. We also anticipate a 923 annual
growth rate in tandem with the growth rate of Waldport and through increased popularity.
*. College St'dents::'y creating an environment that is appealing to college students, we
secure a natural progression between the high school student and the young professional.
.hrough word of mouth, the 5ightclub e6pects realiGe an increase of five percent annually
from this segment.
H. To'rists and B'siness Tra%elers::Jore and more business and travelers and tourists are
finding themselves in Waldport every year as is made evident by the increased demand and
subse-uent e6pansion of the local airport. We plan to reach these people through direct
marketing to local hotel patrons. We anticipate a *+3 annual growth rate in this segment.
As our relationships grow with the local hotels, so too will the word of mouth
recommendations from the hotel staff as well as the patroniGing of our restaurant by their
families. Dur future plan is to publish a simple website in order to create awareness to any
traveler who wants to take an advanced look at the club before their visit.
.he following chart and table outline the target market segments for the 5ightclub, and include
annual growth projections.
.able! Jarket Analysis
Market Analysis
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8 <ear 4 <ear 5
,otential &usto%ers =ro+t# &A=R
&#ildless <oung ,ro$essionals 35> 382,000 353,800 34,50 200,56 280,867 35400>
&ollege Students 5> 300,000 305,000 330,250 335,68 323,553 5400>
Tourists6'usiness Tra2elers 20> 300,000 320,000 344,000 32,800 20,860 20400>
Total 38475> 882,000 86,800 428,820 487,837 557,80 38475>
Page ,
The :ightclub
1hart! Jarket Analysis $ie&
L.* .arget Jarket #egment #trategy
Dur strategy is based on serving our niche markets e6ceptionally well. .he nightclub enthusiast,
the tourist and business traveler, the local nightclub crowd, the local service industry as well as
groups going out together, can all enjoy .he 5ightclub e6perience.
The marketing strategy is essential to the main strategy!
CmphasiGe e6ceptional service.
1reate awareness of .he 5ightclubEs uni-ue features.
)ocus on our target markets.
We must charge appropriately for the high:end, high:-uality service and food that we offer. Dur
revenue structure has to match our cost structure, so the wages we pay and the training we
provide to assure superior -uality and service must be balanced by the fees we charge.
art of the superior e6perience we offer is the simplicity o the menu items. While being uni-ue,
they are relatively ine6pensive and easy to prepare. While a premium is appropriate for the
e6perience, the pricing has to be balanced in accordance with what we are serving.
All menu items will be moderately priced. We e6pect an average guest e6penditure of I9*.2+
for beverages and I=.2+ for the percentage of our guests who choose to take advantage of our
food menu. Dur target customer spends more than the industry average for moderately priced
establishments. .his is due to our creating an atmosphere that encourages longer stays and
more spending, while still allowing ade-uate table turns due to e6tended hours of appeal.
L.H #ervice 'usiness Analysis
Kigh energy and dance themed venues have significantly impacted cities from coast to coast in
the nineties. Los AngelesE Kollywood, 5ew YorkEs .imes #-uare, and #eattleEs ioneer #-uare
Page /
The :ightclub
are just a few e6amples. Cntrancing their audiences with high:powered lights, sound, music,
and interactive entertainment, these venues are still one of the highest cash flow businesses in
the world. Dur localiGed studies have shown that the average person will spend three to four
hours per weekend in this type of an environment and will spend an average of twenty to fifty
dollars in that time frame. As we approach the new millennium, this trend shows no signs of
.he typical venue of our style is open from ;!++ .J. to *!++ A.J., and within this time frame,
the venue can achieve gross revenues anywhere from IH,2++ to I*2,+++, nightly. .he primary
sources of revenue in a venue of this type are high volume traffic, coupled with comparably
nominal spending. ,n addition to alcohol revenues, we will also generate substantial revenues
from food sales that can typically range from seven to ten dollars per person, and admission
fees that range between five and ten dollars per admit.
Cntertainment venues in the late 9<;+Es and 9<<+Es focused on high:energy light and sound,
multiple source video screens, and participative events. .his relatively simple concept is still
-uite popular today. Kowever, these concepts have greatly evolved with society. ,n recent
years this industry has become more sophisticated with the availability of new technology.
Larger metropolitan areas have taken this technology to new heights with sound, lighting, video
and interactive designs that create an e6citing and memorable e6perience. )ortunately, no one
in Your #tate area has been a pioneer in this specific segment of the industry as of the date of
this report.
Additionally, the nightclub and bar industry is shifting towards a more entertainment:oriented
concept. Muests of these venues are not only offered a dynamic place to gather and mingle, but
also a place to participate in the entertainment through interactive contests, theme nights, and
other events. We intend to heavily utiliGe entertainment:oriented marketing in an effort to
withstand the perpetual shift in trends and cater to as large a client base as possible.
5ightclubs and other drinking establishments rely heavily on their primary suppliers. .he
primary suppliers are the various beverage distributors that provide the establishment with
both alcoholic and non:alcoholic beverages. .he alcoholic beverages $beer, wine, and li-uor&
are the primary sources of income in this industry. Dther beverage suppliers also play a crucial
role by providing non:alcoholic beverages. .hese are either served alone or mi6ed with alcohol.
,n the area, all major brands of alcoholic beverages are available, in addition to several regional
brands of beer. ,nitial research shows that the major distributors in the market have a high
rating in both product availability and delivery.
L.H.9 Jain 1ompetitors
.he 5ightclub competition lies mainly with other casual facilities and less with conventional and
chain entertainment establishments. We need to effectively compete with the widely held idea
that you canEt get good service anymore, while maintaining the idea that being out can be a lot
of fun. Dur polling has indicated that consumers think of atmosphere, price, and -uality
respectively. Additionally, price was fre-uently mentioned by pointing out that if the former
concerns are present then they are willing to pay more for the e6perience.
Dur review of the market concludes that there are four entertainment venues that can be
considered direct competition to the proposed new venue. We do realiGe that the proposed
venue will also compete indirectly for every entertainment dollar spent in the Waldport area.
The main competitors of the &ightcl'( will (e!
Page 1
The :ightclub
Cl'( A
Kours of Dperation! 2!++ .J.:*!++ A.J.
Wednesday through #aturday
1apacity! H++
Wednesday 1ollege 5ight $I9 beers&
:.his nightclub appeals to a college crowd seeking cheap drinks.
:.he club is known for being dingy and dirty.
Bar B
Kours of Dperation! 9+!++ A.J.: *!++ A.J.
Jonday through #unday
1apacity! L++
.hursday 1ollegeRLadies 5ights
:.his club appeals to *2:H2 year olds.
:ool and video games are central focus.
:Bancing is pushed to the back of the club.
+rill C
Kours of Dperation! >!++ .J.:*!++ A.J.
Wednesday through #aturday
1apacity! *2+
:.his clubEs target customer is *2 to L2 years old R middle class or above.
:.his club is known for its older, dressed up crowd and cramped space.
Cl'( ,
Kours of Dperation! 99!++ A.J.:*!++ A.J.
Jonday through #unday
1apacity! H2+
:.his clubEs target customer is *2 to L2 years old.
:.his club is known for live jaGG and blues entertainment and their draught beers.
Page 7
The :ightclub
L.H.* 'usiness articipants
.he 5ightclub will be part of the restaurant and bar industry, which includes several kinds of
-ocally .perated Bars and &ightcl'(s : .his genre usually appeals to the local
neighborhood clientele. .his same client base dictates that the average price structure be
drastically scaled down in order to create Fregulars.F
&ightcl'( /ntertainment Comple0es : .his type of comple6 represents the concept we
will most closely compete with. .hey are typically placed in high traffic locations and are
normally treated as destination entertainment. An admission charge is usually in place and
the associated price structure is also most like our proposed structure. .hankfully there is
not an abundance if this type of entertainment within our region.
Con%entional ,ining : rimarily owned by large national chains, usually less than 9+,+++
s-uare feet, focused on serving good -uality food in a reasonable amount of time in a dining
room setting. .he service and food -uality are superior to that of a fast food establishment.
eople go there to eat and leave when theyEre done eating since thereEs rarely a reason to
1ormal ,ining : #imilar to conventional dining yet offering a higher -uality of food and
service for the added e6pense. As with the conventional dining facilities, there is little
interaction and when people are done eating, they leave.
Cas'al ,ining : 1ommonly building upon conventional dining with the addition of a bar,
playing of music and sporting events on numerous televisions. #ome establishments offer
their own brand of beer made on the premises. .he food -uality and service are at best,
similar to that found in a conventional dining e6perience.
Chain /ntertainment : .ypically manifested in each market through the Kard 7ock 1afes,
the lanet Kollywoods, etc. We e6pect to create an atmosphere that thrives on its trendy
feel. .hese chain entertainment venues can not hope to draw the same FhipF clientele.
2.+ #trategy and ,mplementation #ummary
,n order to place emphasis on e6ceptional service, our main tactics are bi:monthly service
training, employee recognition, and higher service employee to customer ratios. Dur specific
programs for training include employee for life training for management, customer for life
training for employees, and the sharing of success stories among employees and management.
Dur specific employee recognition programs include employee of the month with a personal
parking space, service e6cellence recognition awards of specific employees attached to
advertising. .o achieve higher service employee to customer ratios, we include separate
beverage servers and bussing personnel, as well as maintaining a comfortable table count for
the wait staff.
Dur second strategy is emphasiGing entertainment. .he tactics are interactive entertainment,
constant sensory appeal, and uni-ue event viewing. Dur specific programs for interactive
entertainment and constant sensory appeal are fre-uent contests, games, music, and karaoke
all hosted by an in:house dj who is also in charge of event programming for the main room and
lounge. A billiard room will overlook the main area. 'illiards was selected due to its widespread
popularity $fifth most popular sport in the world, according to 155&. A limited number of video
Page 10
The :ightclub
and pinball games, as well as computer dart boards, will compliment the billiard tables in order
to offer a less interactive entertainment option. With an adjoining bar and plenty of seating, yet
another uni-ue e6perience could be carved out of a visit to .he 5ightclub.
Dur promise fulfillment strategy may be our most important. .he necessary tactics are ongoing
value:based training, maintenance, and attention to detail, especially after popularity has been
established. .hrough empowerment of service employees to solve problems without making a
customer wait for management consultation we create a win:win situation for the customer and
the restaurant. 1ontinuous and never:ending improvement is the order of the day through our
regular training sessions and meetings. #ince value is e-ual to service rendered minus the price
charged, it is crucial to go beyond the mere serving of food in a room full of lights and sound,
you have to create a long:lasting impression.
CmphasiGe e6ceptional service :: We JA#. prove to guests that e6ceptional service is still
available and should be e6pected as part of a dining e6perience. We need to differentiate
ourselves from the mediocre service venues.
CmphasiGe an entertaining e6perience :: 'y assuring that all guests will enjoy themselves,
we would be securing market share through repeat business.
)ocus on target markets :: Dur marketing and themes of mass appeal and music based
entertainment will attract our target market segments.
Bifferentiate and fulfill the above promises.
We canEt just market and sell another dance club, we must actually deliver on our promise of
-uality, service and a uni-ue guest e6perience. We need to make sure we have the fun and
service intensive staff that we claim to have.
2.9 Jarketing #trategy
A high growth area, such as Waldport, has an annual influ6 of new residents from many other
parts of the country. .his trend is true of Your #tate in general.
Jany new residents, as well as many e6isting ones, are members of clubs in other markets.
.he 5ightclub is a place for all. .he enabling technology will be an inherent part of .he
5ightclubEs image.
Advertising budgets and event promotion are ongoing processes of management geared to
promote the brand name and keep the 5ightclub at the forefront of the dance theme
establishments in WaldportEs marketing area.
We depend on radio advertising as our main way to reach new customers. Dur strategies and
practices will remain constant, as will the way we promote ourselves!
Advertising :: WeEll be developing a core positioning message.
Mrand Dpening :: We will concentrate a substantial portion of our early advertising budget
towards the EMrand Dpening Cvent.E
Birect Jarketing :: WeEll directly market to local hotels surrounding the powers and the local
.he 5ightclub will create an identity:oriented marketing strategy with e6ecutions particularly in
radio media, alongside print ads, and in:store promotions.
Page 11
The :ightclub
A grand opening event will be held to launch .he 5ightclub in the summer of *++9. A radio
advertising blitG will precede the event for three weeks, with ambiguous teasers about an
Fevent like no otherF in the cityEs history and the forthcoming opening date. 1ontests will be
held on the target radio stations giving away S.,.. passes $coupons& to the event while at the
same time, creating e6citement about the opening. We will leverage our relationship with the
Ballas 1owboy 1heerleaders to be present on the night of the grand opening. .he opening date
is tentative at this point and dependent upon construction completion. .he budget for the event
will be I9+,+++, and the milestone date will parallel the available opening date, currently Tune
of *++9.
Achievement of the following campaigns will be measured by the polling of customers as to how
they heard of .he 5ightclub for the first ninety days of operation. 'udget adjustments will be
made as the results dictate.
We will be running regular local radio and newspaper ads to create brand awareness. Dur radio
ads will be concentrated strongly on Jagic )J, the cityEs top radio station among our target
market segments. .hrough commercial repetition, a teaser campaign, and the use of catchy
phrases, we hope to obtain intellectual ownership of our target market segments! when they
think dance club and bar theyEll have to think the 5ightclub. Brink specials will also be staples
of our radio advertising in order to bring people in. KO will be responsible for ongoing radio ads
with a monthly budget of I9*,+++ per month for the first ninety days, followed by an ongoing
budget of I>2++ per month.
We will advertise directly to local hotel guests in the local airport and surrounding the 'oulevard
areas to attract business travelers and tourists with no knowledge of where to go in the
evening. .hrough the use of fliers and table tents to place in hotel rooms, we hope to create
visitor awareness of our location and event promotion. romos such as Eshow your room key
and get a free drinkE in conjunction with the room ads would be relatively ine6pensive from an
advertising standpoint and re-uires limited ongoing maintenance and e6pense. 'O will be
responsible for direct advertising with a start:up budget of IH,+++ and a maintenance budget of
I9,+++ per month. .he milestone date will be thirty days after the grand opening event.
Ads will also go into the college newspapers for the local campuses of Your #tate 1ollege and
the Aniversity of Your #tate. KO will be responsible for this program. .he monthly budget for
these ads will be IH++. .he event date will be in tandem with the grand opening.
#hirts, ball caps, and bumper stickers bearing the 5ightclubEs logo will be marketed, as well as
given away as priGes, in order to further spread brand awareness. Artistic design will be KOEs
responsibility and merchandising will be headed by BB. A start:up budget of I9;++ will be in
place and a monthly promotional $giveaway& budget will also e6ist.
2.* #ales #trategy
#ales projections for this plan are presented in the following topics.
Page 12
The :ightclub
2.*.9 #ales )orecast
.his chart represents our forecast for ,ncome on a monthly basis. .he table presents yearly
e6pected sales. 1omplete monthly forecast figures for the first year are presented in the
.able! #ales )orecast
Sales Forecast
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
'e2erage Sales $3,846,300 $3,480,30 $3,628,83
Food Sales $78,500 $302,850 $338,385
Ad%ission Sales $886,40 $720,434 $3,032,455
Total Sales $2,26,840 $2,508,74 $2,54,83
(ire"t &ost o$ Sales <ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
'e2erage Sales $886,525 $80,38 $40,376
Food Sales $80,855 $88,743 $8,885
Ad%ission Sales $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $86,880 $404,337 $444,583
1hart! #ales Jonthly
Page 1$
The :ightclub
1hart! #ales by Year
2.*.* Baily 7evenue )orcast
.his table illustrates our daily revenue forecast for Q,666 total s-uare feet.
We are assuming a seating capacity for said space of QQQ guests. ,n addition, we e6pect just
less than one complete rotation of this space for food and beverage guests alike.
Baily 7evenue 'reakdown UU Jon .ue Wed .hu )ri #at #un Weekly
.otal Muests 1harged Admission + + H*2 L=2 >=2 ==2 + *,*2+
Average Admission )ee I= I= I= I9+ I9+ I9+ I= I<.2=
.otal Admission #ales I+ I+ I*,*=2 IL,=2+ I>,=2+ I=,=2+ I+ I*9,2*2
.otal 'ar Muests + + H2+ 22+ ==2 9,9++ + *,==2
Average Brinks per erson + H H H H H H H.*2
Average 'everage #ales per Muest I9*.2+ I9*.2+ I9+.++ I9*.2+ I9*.2+ I9*.2+ I9*.2+ I9*.9;
Average rice per Brink I+ IH.=2 IH.=2 IH.=2 IH.=2 IH.=2 IH.=2 IH.=2
.otal 'everage #ales I+ I+ IH,2++ I>,;=2 I<,>;; I9H,=2+ I+ IHH,;9*
.otal Admission and 'everage #ales I+ I+ I2,==2 I99,>*2 I9>,LH; I*9,2++ I+ I22,HH=
.otal )ood Muests + + H+ 2+ =+ 9++ + *2+
Average )ood #ales per Muest I2.++ I2.++ I=.2+ I=.2+ I=.2+ I=.2+ I2.++ IL2.++
.otal )ood #ales I+ I+ I**2 IH=2 I2*2 I=2+ I+ I9,;=2
Jisc. #ales $9+3 of Mross #ales& I+ I+ I2=; I9,9>H I9,>LL I*,92+ I+ I2,2HH
.otal 7evenue I+ I+ I>,2=; I9H,9>H I9;,>+> I*L,L++ I+ I>*,=L>
UUbased on =2+:person capacity
Page 1%
The :ightclub
>.+ Janagement #ummary
.he management team is an especially close one. Dne of the presidents has been married to
the vice president for seven years. .he two co:presidents have worked directly together for
three and a half years at four positions. Dne of the presidents has worked with the bar manager
in the past and has known him for nearly ten years. .ogether we share a single vision! to
provide a uni-ue and entertaining e6perience through e6ceptional service.
.he company will have si6 managers, including the two presidents, and three managers who
have yet to be recruited.
>.9 Janagement .eam
,,, Co"President. B has a bachelors degree in business management, five years
management in the restaurantRbar business, consultative e6perience opening other bars, si6
subse-uent years management in the car industry ending currently with his current position as
department manager. BEs specific responsibilities will lie primarily with the coordination of
events and oversight of the operations and evening activities of the restaurant and bar.
B2, Co"President. ' is pursuing a life:long ambition of restaurantRnightclub ownership. .hree
years of restaurant kitchen e6perience and nearly eight years of e6perience managing people
ending with three and a half years of finance management. ' is committed to not only creating
a successful business but also successfully running it. Cven though his hands:on e6perience in
business management is e6tensive through the finance business, he has spent the last year and
a half researching business and business ownership in his spare time. 'Es specific
responsibilities will be administrative management to include inventory management, accounts
payable, purchasing, payroll, and public relations with limited marketing involvement $mostly
direct& to other companies.
32, 4ice President. K has a bachelorEs degree in industrial media management. Ker
e6perience ranges from radio marketing sales to three years as a financial analyst for LH
1ommunications. K is a born leader to whom people of all levels flock. KEs responsibilities will
be limited to marketing with local radio and newspaper and her day:to:day role in the
restaurant will be a mostly silent one.
5C, Bar 5anager. J has more than fifteen years bartending and bar management e6perience.
J is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to work at a restaurantRbar where things are done
correctly and the customer is put first. ,n addition to managing the bar, its personnel, and the
djs, J will also be third in command under the two co:presidents.
.he positions of office, kitchen and dining room managers have yet to be filled at this time.
.hese positions will be openly sought along with the remainder of the staff.
Page 1(
The :ightclub
>.* Janagement .eam Maps
We believe we have a solid team constructed in order to cover the main points of the business
plan. Janagement growth through training will be an ongoing component of .he 5ightclubEs
Kowever, we do realiGe that we may not have the hands on specific knowledge that may be
re-uired to e6ecute pre:opening and opening phases of the venture. We also realiGe that we
may benefit greatly from the retention of a hospitality industry consultant to guide us through
the aforementioned time frames, as well as to consult with us through the first two years of our
.o this end we have contracted with a hospitality industry specialist consultant. Kis involvement
will e6ist in several facets, most notably, through providing assistance in launching this
venue. .his consultant has over 9* years of e6perience in the hospitality industry and has
assisted many first:time operators in getting their proposed venues launched successfully. .hey
will assist in the development of the design, concept, and strategies of the new business. ,n
addition, they will assist in the hiring process of the management staff, BTs, bartenders,
waitresses, and security staff. .hey will also provide educational services for management:level
personnel who will be responsible for the day:to:day operations of the club.
,nterviews for a general manager, operations manager, and all other personnel will be
conducted with the assistance of the consultant. .he co:presidents, Jr. B and Jr. O, will make
final decisions for each position.
.hese gaps will be filled as the opening date draws closer.
>.H ersonnel lan
.he ersonnel lan reflects the objective of providing an ample amount of service personnel.
Dur headcount will remain at thirty unless any unforeseen demands dictate otherwise. Assume
a burden rate of 9=3.
Page 1,
The :ightclub
,AI-* STA11I&+ $=2+:person capacity&
3o'rly /mployees
,ay Position 6'antity 7ate A%g 3rs S'("total B'rden Total
5onday #taff 1ostRJon. + I+ + I+ I+ I+
: : :: : : : : :
T'esday #taff 1ostR.ues. : : : I+ I+ I+
: : :: : : : : :
8ednesday Waitress * I2.++ =.2 I=2 : :
: #ecurity L I=.++ >.2 I9<2 : :
: 'artender * I2.++ =.2 I=2 : :
: 'arback 9 IL.2+ = IH9 : :
: olice Betail 9 I92.++ + I+ : :
: Jisc. : I;.++ + I+ : :
: #taff 1ostRWed. : : : IH=> I>L ILL9
: : : : : : : :
Th'rsday Waitress H I2.++ =.2 I99H : :
: #ecurity 2 I=.2+ >.2 I*LL : :
: 'artender H I2.++ =.2 I99H : :
: 'arback 9.2 IL.2+ = IL= : :
: olice Betail + I92.++ + I+ : :
: Jisc. + I92.++ + I+ : :
: #taff 1ostR.hur. : : : I29> I;; I>+L
: : : : : : : :
1riday Waitress L I2.++ =.2 I92+ : :
: #ecurity = I=.2+ >.2 IHL9 : :
: 'artender L I2.++ =.2 I92+ : :
: 'arback * IL.2+ = I>H : :
: olice Betail + I92.++ + I+ : :
: Jisc. + I92.++ + I+ : :
: #taff 1ostR)ri. : : : I=+L I9*+ I;*L
: : : : : : : :
Sat'rday Waitress L I2.++ =.2 I92+ : :
: #ecurity < I=.2+ >.2 ILH< : :
: 'artender 2 I2.++ =.2 I9;; : :
: 'arback * IL.2+ = I>H : :
: olice Betail + I92.++ + I+ : :
: Jisc. + I92.++ + I+ : :
: #taff 1ostR#at. : : : I;H< I9LH I<;*
: : : : : : : :
S'nday #taff 1ostR#un. + I+ + I+ I+ I+
Ttl 8kly93rly : : : : :#,;<= :;1; :#,>!$
Page 1/
The :ightclub
Salaried Staff
Position Salary *early 8eekly B'rden Total
Janager V9 Dper rtnr I22,+++ I;== I9=< :
Janager V* Dper rtnr I22,+++ I;== I9=< :
Janager VH Meneral Jgr I2+,+++ I=<; I9>H :
Janager VL 7 Jgr IL2,+++ I=9; I9L= :
Janager V2 'ar Jgr IH2,+++ I22; I99L :
Janager V> Asst. I*2,+++ IH<< I;9 :
Cntertainmnt BT I>2,+++ : : :
Ttl Salaried : : :!,;>$ :>== :=,<;=
Ttl 8eekly Staff : : : : :,1=
.able! ersonnel
Personnel Plan
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
Salaried Sta$$ $284,86 $278,768 $838,736
?ourl- Sta$$ $30,200 $332,560 $338,388
Total ,eople 0 0 0
Total Payroll $873,786 $433,528 $482,304
=.+ )inancial lan
.he financial projections for this plan are presented in the tables and charts of the following
=.9 ,mportant Assumptions
.he financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are illustrated in the
following table.
.he key underlying assumptions are!
We assume a slow:growth economy of five percent the first year, and three percent
thereafter, without major recession.
We assume that we will grow as managers during the process, this growth will manifest
itself as flat line e6pense growth over the five:year period, leading to increased annual cash
We assume access to e-uity capital and financing sufficient to maintain our financial plan as
shown in the tables.
We assume continued popularity of nightclubs in America and the growing demand for high:
energy themed and casual dining venues.
Page 11
The :ightclub
.able! Meneral Assumptions
General Assumptions
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
,lan 9ont# 3 2 8
&urrent 1nterest Rate 30400> 30400> 30400>
)ong-ter% 1nterest Rate 30400> 30400> 30400>
Tax Rate 25442> 25400> 25442>
Other 0 0 0
=.* 'reak:even Analysis
C6ample 'reak:Cven Analysis formulas are presented in the te6t below. 'usiness lan
roEs interactive table and chart are still linked to the program spreadsheets.
)i6ed 1osts IQ,666,666
Sariable 1osts IQ66,666
7evenue $Cstimated&IQ,666,666
*S = Gross Sales
# W I X Y$IQ66,666R IQ,666,666& 6 #Z
# W IQ,666,666 X Y$.6666& 6 #Z
# W IQ,666,666
Break /%en Point ? :@,000,000
Average 5ightly 'reak Cven 7evenues 0 appro6imately : @,000
Jinimum 5ightly 7e-uired #pending er erson : :>.A! B :.A! ? :1>.!$
Jinimum 5ightly 7e-uired ,ncoming .raffic 0 @00
.able! 'reak:even Analysis
Break-even Analysis
9ont#l- Re2enue 'rea:-e2en $340,08
A2erage ,er"ent Aaria*le &ost 36>
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $33,775
Page 17
The :ightclub
1hart! 'reak:even Analysis
Page 20
The :ightclub
=.H rojected rofit and Loss
rojected profit and loss statement for the nightclub follows. .hree yearsE annual totals are
shown below. Jonthly breakdown for year one appears in the appendi6.
.able! rofit and Loss
Pro Forma Profit and Loss
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
Sales $2,26,840 $2,508,74 $2,54,83
(ire"t &ost o$ Sales $86,880 $404,337 $444,583
/t#er ,rodu"tion Expenses $0 $0 $0
Total &ost o$ Sales $86,880 $404,337 $444,583
=ross 9argin $3,708,760 $2,077,855 $2,807,840
=ross 9argin > 88486> 88486> 88486>
,a-roll $873,786 $433,528 $482,304
Sales and 9ar:eting and /t#er Expenses $433,56 $480,54 $453,284
(epre"iation $0 $0 $0
Fees--&redit &ard $30,64 $30,782 $33,202
Fees--,ro$essional $,500 $,650 $,808
Taxes--Ad%ission $0 $0 $0
Taxes--Ex"ise $873,586 $877,868 $40,855
Taxes--,ropert- $0 $0 $0
)eased Equip%ent $2,476 $2,550 $2,603
5tilities $86,000 $86,20 $8,454
1nsuran"e $22,500 $22,750 $28,407
Rent $5,000 $5,000 $6,500
,a-roll Taxes $66,627 $67,760 $8,458
/t#er $0 $0 $0
Total /perating Expenses $3,435,78 $3,46,282 $3,528,30
,ro$it 'e$ore 1nterest and Taxes $478,028 $682,58 $86,60
E'1T(A $478,028 $682,58 $86,60
1nterest Expense $0 $0 $0
Taxes 1n"urred $323,322 $358,348 $377,745
!et ,ro$it $83,703 $44,480 $586,25
et Profit!Sales 36484> 38475> 23480>
Page 21
The :ightclub
1hart! rofit Jonthly
1hart! rofit Yearly
Page 22
The :ightclub
1hart! Mross Jargin Jonthly
1hart! Mross Jargin Yearly
Page 2$
The :ightclub
=.L rojected 1ash )low
.he following chart illustrates our monthly cash flow for year one. .he table shows three years
of annual totals. )irst year monthly figures as presented in the appendi6. .he months are
weighted according to the amount of weeks in that month in a typical calendar year.
1hart! 1ash
Page 2%
The :ightclub
.able! 1ash )low
Pro Forma Cash Flo
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
&as# Re"ei2ed
&as# $ro% /perations
&as# Sales $2,048,06 $2,258,5 $2,48,784
&as# $ro% Re"ei2a*les $205,378 $248,358 $22,767
Su*total &as# $ro% /perations $2,258,877 $2,503,80 $2,53,708
Additional &as# Re"ei2ed
Sales Tax, AAT, ?ST6=ST Re"ei2ed $0 $0 $0
!e+ &urrent 'orro+ing $0 $0 $0
!e+ /t#er )ia*ilities .interest-$ree0 $0 $0 $0
!e+ )ong-ter% )ia*ilities $0 $0 $0
Sales o$ /t#er &urrent Assets $0 $0 $0
Sales o$ )ong-ter% Assets $0 $0 $0
!e+ 1n2est%ent Re"ei2ed $0 $0 $0
Su*total &as# Re"ei2ed $2,258,877 $2,503,80 $2,53,708
Expenditures <ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
Expenditures $ro% /perations
&as# Spending $873,786 $433,528 $482,304
'ill ,a-%ents $3,445,436 $3,588,320 $3,83,744
Su*total Spent on /perations $3,88,852 $3,774,648 $2,364,048
Additional &as# Spent
Sales Tax, AAT, ?ST6=ST ,aid /ut $0 $0 $0
,rin"ipal Repa-%ent o$ &urrent 'orro+ing $0 $0 $0
/t#er )ia*ilities ,rin"ipal Repa-%ent $0 $0 $0
)ong-ter% )ia*ilities ,rin"ipal Repa-%ent $0 $0 $0
,ur"#ase /t#er &urrent Assets $0 $0 $0
,ur"#ase )ong-ter% Assets $0 $0 $0
(i2idends $0 $0 $0
Su*total &as# Spent $3,88,852 $3,774,648 $2,364,048
!et &as# Flo+ $436,54 $50,082 $58,855
Cash "alance $473,54 $778,627 $3,586,484
Page 2(
The :ightclub
=.2 rojected 'alance #heet
.he following 'alance #heet indicates healthy growth of net worth and a strong financial
position. .he monthly estimates are included in the appendi6.
.able! 'alance #heet
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
&urrent Assets
&as# $473,54 $778,627 $3,586,484
A""ounts Re"ei2a*le $22,443 $24,685 $2,358
1n2entor- $32,658 $40,820 $44,702
/t#er &urrent Assets $0 $0 $0
Total &urrent Assets $526,640 $3,064,384 $3,658,587
)ong-ter% Assets
)ong-ter% Assets $0 $0 $0
A""u%ulated (epre"iation $0 $0 $0
Total )ong-ter% Assets $0 $0 $0
Total Assets $526,640 $3,064,384 $3,658,587
)ia*ilities and &apital <ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
&urrent )ia*ilities
A""ounts ,a-a*le $2,287 $385,808 $342,788
&urrent 'orro+ing $0 $0 $0
/t#er &urrent )ia*ilities $0 $0 $0
Su*total &urrent )ia*ilities $2,287 $385,808 $342,788
)ong-ter% )ia*ilities $0 $0 $0
Total )ia*ilities $2,287 $385,808 $342,788
,aid-in &apital $56,50 $56,50 $56,50
Retained Earnings .$485,2500 .$338,8470 $863,083
Earnings $83,703 $44,480 $586,25
Total &apital $454,403 $728,883 $3,535,556
Total )ia*ilities and &apital $526,640 $3,064,384 $3,658,587
et #orth $454,403 $728,883 $3,535,556
=.> 'usiness 7atios
.he 7atios table below outlines important ratios for this 5ightclub. .he last column, ,ndustry
rofile, is derived from the #tandard ,ndustrial 1lassification $#,1& ,nde6 code 2;9H, for
Brinking laces.
Page 2,
The :ightclub
.able! 7atios
!atio Analysis
<ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8 1ndustr- ,ro$ile
Sales =ro+t# n4a4 30400> 30400> 3470>
,er"ent o$ Total Assets
A""ounts Re"ei2a*le 4426> 2482> 3464> 4460>
1n2entor- 2440> 8484> 243> 8430>
/t#er &urrent Assets 0400> 0400> 0400> 44460>
Total &urrent Assets 300400> 300400> 300400> 52480>
)ong-ter% Assets 0400> 0400> 0400> 440>
Total Assets 300400> 300400> 300400> 300400>
&urrent )ia*ilities 3842> 3243> 8462> 28420>
)ong-ter% )ia*ilities 0400> 0400> 0400> 28430>
Total )ia*ilities 3842> 3243> 8462> 53480>
!et Bort# 86428> 8427> 73488> 4840>
,er"ent o$ Sales
Sales 300400> 300400> 300400> 300400>
=ross 9argin 88486> 88486> 88486> 42480>
Selling, =eneral C Ad%inistrati2e Expenses 6486> 6446> 62420> 28440>
Ad2ertising Expenses 847> 8487> 8403> 2440>
,ro$it 'e$ore 1nterest and Taxes 23466> 25426> 28456> 2480>
9ain Ratios
&urrent 427 486 33460 3434
Dui": 432 456 33427 044
Total (e*t to Total Assets 3842> 3243> 8462> 53480>
,re-tax Return on !et Bort# 308450> 68430> 53473> 5420>
,re-tax Return on Assets 78462> 57444> 4448> 30460>
Additional Ratios <ear 3 <ear 2 <ear 8
!et ,ro$it 9argin 36484> 38475> 23480> n4a
Return on Equit- 83484> 53408> 8843> n4a
A"ti2it- Ratios
A""ounts Re"ei2a*le Turno2er 30434 30434 30434 n4a
&olle"tion (a-s 57 84 84 n4a
1n2entor- Turno2er 30487 35432 3048 n4a
A""ounts ,a-a*le Turno2er 23403 3243 3243 n4a
,a-%ent (a-s 2 28 27 n4a
Total Asset Turno2er 4482 2485 3466 n4a
(e*t Ratios
(e*t to !et Bort# 0436 0435 0407 n4a
&urrent )ia*4 to )ia*4 3400 3400 3400 n4a
)iquidit- Ratios
!et Bor:ing &apital $454,403 $728,883 $3,535,556 n4a
1nterest &o2erage 0400 0400 0400 n4a
Additional Ratios
Assets to Sales 0428 0442 0460 n4a
&urrent (e*t6Total Assets 34> 38> 7> n4a
A"id Test 6480 488 33430 n4a
Sales6!et Bort# 5403 240 3482 n4a
Di$idend Payout 0400 0400 0400 n4a
Page 2/
The :ightclub
Page 21
.able! #ales )orecast
Sales Forecast
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Beverage Sales 0% $44,600 $77,100 $96,300 $131,700 $152,800 $167,100 $165,700 $155,200 $134,900 $108,500 $76,800 $35,400
Food Sales 0% $4,900 $6,300 $7,100 $7,900 $9,100 $9,900 $10,000 $9,400 $8,700 $7,500 $6,600 $6,100
Ad!ss!on Sales 0% $34,100 $56,800 $74,600 $76,900 $75,100 $82,900 $88,440 $87,000 $82,400 $74,200 $60,400 $43,900
"otal Sales $83,600 $140,200 $178,000 $216,500 $237,000 $259,900 $264,140 $251,600 $226,000 $190,200 $143,800 $85,400
#!re$t %ost o& Sales Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Beverage Sales 25% $11,150 $19,275 $24,075 $32,925 $38,200 $41,775 $41,425 $38,800 $33,725 $27,125 $19,200 $8,850
Food Sales 33% $1,617 $2,079 $2,343 $2,607 $3,003 $3,267 $3,300 $3,102 $2,871 $2,475 $2,178 $2,013
Ad!ss!on Sales $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $12,767 $21,354 $26,418 $35,532 $41,203 $45,042 $44,725 $41,902 $36,596 $29,600 $21,378 $10,863
Page 1
.able! ersonnel
Personnel Plan
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Salar!ed Sta&& 0% $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728 $23,728
'o(rl) Sta&& 0% $5,100 $8,700 $9,400 $9,500 $9,900 $10,600 $10,900 $10,700 $9,500 $8,500 $7,600 $6,800
"otal *eo+le 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Payroll $28,828 $32,428 $33,128 $33,228 $33,628 $34,328 $34,628 $34,428 $33,228 $32,228 $31,328 $30,528
Page 2
.able! Meneral Assumptions
General Assumptions
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
*lan Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
%(rrent ,nterest -ate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
/ong0ter ,nterest -ate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
"a1 -ate 30.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00%
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Page $
.able! rofit and Loss
Pro Forma Profit and Loss
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Sales $83,600 $140,200 $178,000 $216,500 $237,000 $259,900 $264,140 $251,600 $226,000 $190,200 $143,800 $85,400
#!re$t %ost o& Sales $12,767 $21,354 $26,418 $35,532 $41,203 $45,042 $44,725 $41,902 $36,596 $29,600 $21,378 $10,863
2ther *rod($t!on 31+enses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"otal %ost o& Sales $12,767 $21,354 $26,418 $35,532 $41,203 $45,042 $44,725 $41,902 $36,596 $29,600 $21,378 $10,863
4ross Marg!n $70,833 $118,846 $151,582 $180,968 $195,797 $214,858 $219,415 $209,698 $189,404 $160,600 $122,422 $74,537
4ross Marg!n % 84.73% 84.77% 85.16% 83.59% 82.61% 82.67% 83.07% 83.35% 83.81% 84.44% 85.13% 87.28%
*a)roll $28,828 $32,428 $33,128 $33,228 $33,628 $34,328 $34,628 $34,428 $33,228 $32,228 $31,328 $30,528
Sales and Mar5et!ng and 2ther
$34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298 $34,298
#e+re$!at!on $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Fees00%red!t %ard $897 $897 $897 $897 $897 $897 $897 $897 $897 $897 $897 $897
Fees00*ro&ess!onal $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $625
"a1es00Ad!ss!on $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"a1es0031$!se $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628 $32,628
"a1es00*ro+ert) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
/eased 36(!+ent $208 $208 $208 $208 $208 $208 $208 $208 $208 $208 $208 $208
7t!l!t!es $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000
,ns(ran$e $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875
-ent $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250
*a)roll "a1es 17% $4,901 $5,513 $5,632 $5,649 $5,717 $5,836 $5,887 $5,853 $5,649 $5,479 $5,326 $5,190
2ther $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"otal 2+erat!ng 31+enses $113,510 $117,722 $118,541 $118,658 $119,126 $119,945 $120,296 $120,062 $118,658 $117,488 $116,435 $115,499
*ro&!t Be&ore ,nterest and "a1es 8$42,6779 $1,124 $33,041 $62,310 $76,671 $94,913 $99,119 $89,636 $70,746 $43,112 $5,987 8$40,9629
3B,"#A 8$42,6779 $1,124 $33,041 $62,310 $76,671 $94,913 $99,119 $89,636 $70,746 $43,112 $5,987 8$40,9629
,nterest 31+ense $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"a1es ,n$(rred 8$12,8039 $281 $8,260 $15,578 $19,168 $23,728 $24,780 $22,409 $17,687 $10,778 $1,497 8$10,2409
:et *ro&!t 8$29,8749 $843 $24,781 $46,733 $57,503 $71,185 $74,339 $67,227 $53,060 $32,334 $4,490 8$30,7219
Page %
Net Profit/Sales 035.73% 0.60% 13.92% 21.59% 24.26% 27.39% 28.14% 26.72% 23.48% 17.00% 3.12% 035.97%
Page (
.able! 1ash )low
Pro Forma Cash Flow
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
%ash -e$e!ved
%ash &ro 2+erat!ons
%ash Sales $75,240 $126,180 $160,200 $194,850 $213,300 $233,910 $237,726 $226,440 $203,400 $171,180 $129,420 $76,860
%ash &ro -e$e!va;les $0 $279 $8,549 $14,146 $17,928 $21,718 $23,776 $26,004 $26,372 $25,075 $22,481 $18,865
S(;total %ash &ro 2+erat!ons $75,240 $126,459 $168,749 $208,996 $231,228 $255,628 $261,502 $252,444 $229,772 $196,255 $151,901 $95,725
Add!t!onal %ash -e$e!ved
Sales "a1, <A", 'S"=4S" -e$e!ved 0.00% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
:e> %(rrent Borro>!ng $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
:e> 2ther /!a;!l!t!es 8!nterest0&ree9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
:e> /ong0ter /!a;!l!t!es $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sales o& 2ther %(rrent Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sales o& /ong0ter Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
:e> ,nvestent -e$e!ved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
S(;total %ash -e$e!ved $75,240 $126,459 $168,749 $208,996 $231,228 $255,628 $261,502 $252,444 $229,772 $196,255 $151,901 $95,725
31+end!t(res Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
31+end!t(res &ro 2+erat!ons
%ash S+end!ng $28,828 $32,428 $33,128 $33,228 $33,628 $34,328 $34,628 $34,428 $33,228 $32,228 $31,328 $30,528
B!ll *a)ents $3,040 $92,029 $116,684 $126,358 $146,749 $152,323 $158,484 $154,558 $146,407 $133,345 $117,309 $98,130
S(;total S+ent on 2+erat!ons $31,868 $124,457 $149,812 $159,586 $180,377 $186,651 $193,112 $188,986 $179,635 $165,573 $148,637 $128,658
Add!t!onal %ash S+ent
Sales "a1, <A", 'S"=4S" *a!d 2(t $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
*r!n$!+al -e+a)ent o& %(rrent Borro>!ng $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2ther /!a;!l!t!es *r!n$!+al -e+a)ent $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
/ong0ter /!a;!l!t!es *r!n$!+al -e+a)ent $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
*(r$hase 2ther %(rrent Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
*(r$hase /ong0ter Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
#!v!dends $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
S(;total %ash S+ent $31,868 $124,457 $149,812 $159,586 $180,377 $186,651 $193,112 $188,986 $179,635 $165,573 $148,637 $128,658
:et %ash Flo> $43,372 $2,002 $18,937 $49,410 $50,851 $68,977 $68,391 $63,458 $50,137 $30,682 $3,264 8$32,9339
Cash Balance $118,372 $120,374 $139,311 $188,720 $239,571 $308,548 $376,939 $440,397 $490,534 $521,216 $524,480 $491,547
Page ,
.able! 'alance #heet
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Assets Start!ng Balan$es
%(rrent Assets
%ash $75,000 $118,372 $120,374 $139,311 $188,720 $239,571 $308,548 $376,939 $440,397 $490,534 $521,216 $524,480 $491,547
A$$o(nts -e$e!va;le $0 $8,360 $22,101 $31,353 $38,857 $44,628 $48,900 $51,538 $50,694 $46,921 $40,867 $32,766 $22,441
,nventor) $7,500 $14,044 $23,489 $29,060 $39,085 $45,323 $49,546 $49,198 $46,092 $40,256 $32,560 $23,516 $12,653
2ther %(rrent Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"otal %(rrent Assets $82,500 $140,776 $165,965 $199,723 $266,662 $329,523 $406,994 $477,674 $537,183 $577,711 $594,643 $580,762 $526,640
/ong0ter Assets
/ong0ter Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
A$$((lated #e+re$!at!on $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"otal /ong0ter Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"otal Assets $82,500 $140,776 $165,965 $199,723 $266,662 $329,523 $406,994 $477,674 $537,183 $577,711 $594,643 $580,762 $526,640
/!a;!l!t!es and %a+!tal Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
%(rrent /!a;!l!t!es
A$$o(nts *a)a;le $0 $88,150 $112,495 $121,473 $141,679 $147,036 $153,323 $149,663 $141,945 $129,413 $114,011 $95,639 $72,239
%(rrent Borro>!ng $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2ther %(rrent /!a;!l!t!es $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
S(;total %(rrent /!a;!l!t!es $0 $88,150 $112,495 $121,473 $141,679 $147,036 $153,323 $149,663 $141,945 $129,413 $114,011 $95,639 $72,239
/ong0ter /!a;!l!t!es $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
"otal /!a;!l!t!es $0 $88,150 $112,495 $121,473 $141,679 $147,036 $153,323 $149,663 $141,945 $129,413 $114,011 $95,639 $72,239
*a!d0!n %a+!tal $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750 $567,750
-eta!ned 3arn!ngs 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509 8$485,2509
3arn!ngs $0 8$29,8749 8$29,0319 8$4,2509 $42,483 $99,986 $171,171 $245,511 $312,738 $365,798 $398,132 $402,622 $371,901
"otal %a+!tal $82,500 $52,626 $53,469 $78,250 $124,983 $182,486 $253,671 $328,011 $395,238 $448,298 $480,632 $485,122 $454,401
"otal /!a;!l!t!es and %a+!tal $82,500 $140,776 $165,965 $199,723 $266,662 $329,523 $406,994 $477,674 $537,183 $577,711 $594,643 $580,762 $526,640
Net Worth $82,500 $52,626 $53,469 $78,250 $124,983 $182,486 $253,671 $328,011 $395,238 $448,298 $480,632 $485,122 $454,401
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