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1 a) Derive an expression for the electric field intensity due to a finite length line charge

along the Z-axis at an arbitrary point Q(x, y, z).

b) Two uniform line charges of density 8nC/m are located in a plane with y=0 at x=8m.Find
the E- field at a point P (5, 4, 8) m.
2 a) Show that the electric field intensity due to an infinite sheet of charge is independent of
the distance of the point from the sheet.
b) A Parallel plate capacitance has 500mm side plates of square shaped separated by
10mm. A Sulphur slab of 6mm thickness with _r=4 is kept on the lower plate. Find the
capacitance of the setup. If a voltage of 100Volts is applied across the capacitor; calculate
the voltages at both the regions of the capacitor between the plates

3. a) Derive an expressions for the field strength due to a volume of uniform charge density
at an arbitrary point P(r,_, ).
b) A circular ring of radius a carries uniform change LC/m and is in the xy-plane. Find
the electric field at point (0, 0, z) along the axis

4 a) a) State Coulombs law of force between any two point charges, and indicate the units of
the quantities in the force equation.
b) A point charge Q1 =10C is located at P(1,2,3) in free space, while Q2=5C is at P2(1,2,10).
i) Find the vector force exerted on Q2 by Q1.
ii) Find the coordinates of P3 at which a point charge Q3 experience no force.

Unit II
1 a) State Amperes circuital law. Specify the conditions to be met for determining magnetic
field strength H, based on Amperes circuital law.
b) Given E=Em Sin(_t-_z) ay in free space. Find the D, B and H.

2 a) Define Lorentz force equation and explain its significance.
b) A circular loop of 3 units radius is centered at origin in z=0 plane and carries a DC
current of 10mA, along _-direction. Find the magnetic flux density at (0, 0, 4)

3 a) Define and explain the Biot- Savarts law. Hence obtain the field due to a straight
current carrying filamentary conductor of finite length
b) Derive the Maxwells two equations for magneto static fields in point and integral forms.
Give their word statements and explain their significance

4 The magnetic vector potential of a current distribution in free space is given by
z a 15 sin A e Wb/m. Find H at (3, / 4,10). Also find the flux through
_ 5, 0

0 z 10.
b) Derive an expression for magnetic vector potential A for surface currents

Unit III
1 a) Derive the boundary conditions for the tangential and normal components of
Electrostatic fields at the boundary between two perfect dielectrics.
b) In a non magnetic medium E=50 Cos (109t-8x) ay+40 Sin (109t-8x) az V/m. Find the
dielectric constant _r and corresponding H

2 a) Derive the Maxwells two equations in integral form and differential form for time
varying fields.
b) In a medium characterized by _ =0, =0, _=_0 and E=20 Sin (108t-_z)ayV/m. Calculate _
and H using Maxwells equations

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