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In APA style, the alphabetical list of works cited, which appears at the end of the paper,
is titled "References." Following are models illustrating APA style for entries in the list
of references. Obsere all details! capitali"ation, punctuation, use of italics, and so on.
For adice on preparing the reference list, click here. For a sample reference list, click
General guidelines for listing authors
Alphabeti"e entries in the list of references by authors# last names$ if a work has no
author, alphabeti"e it by its title. %he first element of each entry is important because
citations in the te&t of the paper refer to it and readers will be looking for it in the
alphabeti"ed list. %he date of publication appears immediately after the first element of
the citation.
'uncan ()**+, has reported that . . .
'uncan, -. ()**+,.
Items +./ show how to begin an entry for a work with a single author, multiple authors,
an organi"ation as author, and an unknown author. Items 0 and 1 show how to begin
an entry when your list includes two or more works by the same author or two or more
works by the same author in the same year. 2hat comes after the first element of your
citation will depend on the kind of source you are citing (see items 3.4+,.
1. SINGLE AUTHOR-egin the entry with the author#s last name, followed by a comma
and the author#s initial(s,. %hen gie the date in parentheses.
Pere", 5. ()**+,.
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2. MULTIPLE AUTHORS6ist up to si& authors by last names followed by initials. 7se
an ampersand (8, between the names of two authors or, if there are more than two
authors, before the name of the last author.
'u9ann, '. 2., 8 :oger, ;. <. ()**/,.
;loan, F. A., ;tout, 5. <., 2hetten=>oldstein, :., 8 6iang, 6. ()***,.
If there are more than si& authors, list the first si& and ?et al.@ (meaning ?and others@, to
indicate that there are others.
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3. ORGANIZATION AS AUTHOR2hen the author is an organi"ation, begin with the
name of the organi"ation.
American Psychiatric Association. ()**4,.
NOTE:If the organi"ation is also the publisher, see item )A.
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4. UNKNOWN AUTHOR-egin the entry with the work#s title. %itles of books are
italici"ed$ titles of articles are neither italici"ed nor put in Buotation marks. (For rules on
capitali"ation of titles, click here.,
Oxford essential world atlas. ()**+,.
Omega=4 fatty acids. ()**/, 9oember )4,.
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5. TWO OR MORE WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR7se the author#s name for all
entries. 6ist the entries by year, the earliest first.
;chlechty, P. C. (+DD3,.
;chlechty, P. C. ()**+,.
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works alphabetically by title. In the parentheses, following the year, add ?a,@ ?b,@ and so
on. 7se these same letters when giing the year in the in=te&t citation. (For adice on
alphabeti"ing the list, click here.,
'urgin, P. A. ()**4a,. At=risk behaiors in children.
'urgin, P. A. ()**4b,. %reating obesity with psychotherapy.
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Articles in periodicals
%his section shows how to prepare an entry for an article in a periodical such as a
scholarly Eournal, a maga"ine, or a newspaper. In addition to consulting the models in
this section, you may need to refer to items +.1 (general guidelines for listing authors,.
NOTE:For articles on consecutie pages, proide the range of pages at the end of the
citation (see item 3 for an e&ample,. 2hen an article does not appear on consecutie
pages, gie all page numbers! A+, A+3.
Citation at a glance! Article in a periodical
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!. ARTICLE IN A "OURNAL PAGINATED BY #OLUME<any professional Eournals
continue page numbers throughout the year instead of beginning each issue with page
+$ at the end of the year, the issues are collected in a olume. After the italici"ed title of
the Eournal, gie the olume number (also italici"ed,, followed by the page numbers.
<orawski, F. ()***,. ;ocial psychology a century ago. American
Psychologist, 55, /)3./4+.
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$. ARTICLE IN A "OURNAL PAGINATED BY ISSUE2hen each issue of a Eournal
begins with page +, include the issue number in parentheses after the olume number.
Italici"e the olume number but not the issue number.
;mith, ;. ()**4,. >oernment and nonprofits in the modern age.
Society, 40(/,, 41./0.
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%. ARTICLE IN A MAGAZINEIn addition to the year of publication, list the month and,
for weekly maga"ines, the day. If there is a olume number, include it (italici"ed, after
the title.
Raloff, F. ()**+, <ay +),. 6ead therapy won#t help most kids. Science
News, 15, )D).
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1&. ARTICLE IN A NEWSPAPER-egin with the name of the author followed by the
e&act date of publication. (If the author is unknown, see also item /., Page numbers
are introduced with ?p.@ (or ?pp.@,.
6ohr, ;. ()**/, 'ecember 4,. Gealth care technology is a promise
unfinanced. The New Yor Times, p. C0.
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11. LETTER TO THE EDITOR6etters to the editor appear in Eournals, maga"ines, and
newspapers. Follow the appropriate model and insert the words ?6etter to the editor@ in
brackets before the name of the periodical.
Carter, R. ()***, Fuly,. ;hot in the darkH I6etter to the editorJ.
Scientific American, !"#(+,, A.
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12. RE#IEWReiews of books and other media appear in a ariety of periodicals.
Follow the appropriate model for the periodical. For a reiew of a book, gie the title of
the reiew (if there is one,, followed by the words ?Reiew of the book@ and the title of
the book in brackets.
>leick, 5. ()***, 'ecember +/,. %he burdens of genius IReiew of the
book The $ast Sam%raiJ. Time, 15&, +3+.
For a film reiew, write ?Reiew of the motion picture,@ and for a %K reiew, write
?Reiew of the teleision program.@ %reat other media in a similar way.
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In addition to consulting the items in this section, you may need to refer to items +.1
(general guidelines for listing authors,.
Citation at a glance! -ook
13. BASIC FORMAT FOR A BOOK-egin with the author#s name, followed by the date
and the book#s title. 5nd with the place of publication and the name of the publisher.
%ake the information about the book from its title page and copyright page. If more than
one place of publication is gien, use only the first$ if more than one date is gien, use
the most recent one.
Gighmore, -. ()**+,. '(eryday life and c%lt%ral theory. 9ew Lork!
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14. BOOK WITH AN EDITORFor a book with an editor but no author, begin with the
name of the editor (or editors, followed by the abbreiation ?5d.@ (or ?5ds.@, in
-ronfen, 5., 8 :aka, <. (5ds.,. ()**+,. )eminist conse*%ences+ Theory
for a new cent%ry. 9ew Lork! Columbia 7niersity Press.
For a book with an author and an editor, begin with the author#s name. >ie the editor#s
name in parentheses after the title of the book, followed by the abbreiation ?5d.@ (or
Plath, ;. ()***,. The %na,ridged -o%rnals (:. K. :ukil, 5d.,. 9ew Lork!
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15. TRANSLATIONAfter the title, name the translator, followed by the abbreiation
?%rans.,@ in parentheses. Add the original date of the work#s publication in parentheses
at the end of the entry.
;teinberg, <. '. ()**4,. .oices of re(ol%tion, 1/10. (<. ;chwart",
%rans.,. 9ew Gaen, C%! Lale 7niersity Press. (Original work
published )**+,
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1. EDITION OTHER THAN THE FIRSTInclude the number of the edition in
parentheses after the title.
Gelfer, <. 5., :eme, R. ;., 8 'rugman, R. '. (+DD3,. The ,attered child
(0th ed.,. Chicago! 7niersity of Chicago Press.
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1!. ARTICLE OR CHAPTER IN AN EDITED BOOK-egin with the author, year of
publication, and title of the article or chapter. %hen write ?In@ and gie the editor#s name,
followed by ?5d.@ in parentheses$ the title of the book$ and the page numbers of the
article or chapter in parentheses. 5nd with the book#s publication information.
6uban, '. ()***,. %he ethics of wrongful obedience. In '. 6. Rhode
(5d.,, 'thics in 1ractice+ $awyers2 roles, res1onsi,ilities, and reg%3
lation (pp. D/=+)*,. 9ew Lork! O&ford 7niersity Press.
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1$. MULTI#OLUME WORK>ie the number of olumes after the title.
6uo, F. 'ncyclo1edia of contem1orary 4hinese ci(ili5ation (Kols. +=),.
2estport, C%! >reenwood Publishing >roup.
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Electronic sources
%his section shows how to prepare reference list entries for a ariety of electronic
sources, including articles in online periodicals and databases, 2eb documents, and e=
9O%5! %he publication information for some online sources now includes a 'OI (digital
obEect identifier,. APA uses the 'OI, when aailable, in reference list entries.
1%. ARTICLE FROM AN ONLINE PERIODICAL2hen citing online articles, include
publication information as in items 3.+). If the article has a 'OI (digital obEect
identifier,, include that number. >ie the olume and issue numbers for all Eournals.
2hitmeyer, F. <. ()***,. Power through appointment. Social Science 6esearch, !/(/,,
040=000. doi!+*.+**1Mssre.)***.*1A*
If there is no 'OI, include the 7R6 for the article or for the Eournal#s home page (if the
article is aailable only by subscription or the 7R6 is ery long,.
Ashe, '. '., 8 <cCutcheon, 6. 5. ()**+,. ;hyness, loneliness, and
attitude toward celebrities. 4%rrent 6esearch in Social Psychology,
&(D,, +)/.+44. Retrieed Fuly 4, )**+, from http!MMwww.uiowa.eduM
NOTE:2hen you hae retrieed an article from a newspaper#s searchable 2eb site,
gie the 7R6 for the site, not for the e&act source.
Cary, -. ()**+, Fune +A,. <entors of the mind. $os Angeles Times.
Retrieed Fuly 0, )**+, from http!
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2&. ARTICLE FROM A DATABASE%o cite an article from a library#s subscription
database, include the publication information from the source (see items 3.+),. If the
article has a 'OI (digital obEect identifier,, gie that number at the end and do not
include the database name. If there is no 'OI, include the name of the database and
the document number assigned by the database, if any.
Golliday, R. 5., 8 Gayes, -. :. ()***,. 'issociating automatic and
intentional processes in children#s eyewitness memory. 7o%rnal of
'x1erimental 4hild Psychology, 05(+,, +=/). doi!+*.+**1MEecp.+DDD.)0)+
Goward, :. R. ()**3,. Childhood oerweight! Parental perceptions and readiness for
change. The 7o%rnal of School N%rsing, !#(),, 34=3D. Retrieed from PsycI9FO
database. ()**3=*0*03=**4,
Citation at a glance! Article from a database
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21. DOCUMENT FROM A WEB SITEAPA refers to non=peer=reiewed work, such as
reports, brochures, fact sheets, press releases, and newsletter articles as ?gray
literature.@ 6ist as many of the following elements as are aailable.
Author#s name
'ate of publication (if there is no date, use ?n.d.@,
%itle of document (in italics,
A 7R6 that will take readers directly to the source
>ie your date of access only if the source itself has no date.
Cain, A., 8 -urris, <. (+DDD, April,. 8n(estigation of the %se of mo,ile
1hones while dri(ing. Retrieed Fanuary +0, )***, from
Archer, '. (n.d.,. 'x1loring non(er,al comm%nication. Retrieed Fuly
+A, )**+, from http!
If a source has no author, begin with the title and follow it with the date in parentheses.
NOTE:If you retrieed the source from a uniersity program#s 2eb site, name the
program in your retrieal statement.
Cosmides, 6., 8 %ooby, F. (+DD3,. '(ol%tionary 1sychology+ A 1rimer.
Retrieed from the 7niersity of California, ;anta
-arbara, Center for 5olutionary Psychology 2eb site!
Citation at a glance! 'ocument from a 2eb site
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22. CHAPTER OR SECTION IN A WEB DOCUMENT-egin with publication
information as for a chapter from a book (see item +3,, but do not include the city or
publisher. 5nd with retrieal information! either the name of the database and the
document number or the 7R6 for the chapter or section.
;tephenson, R. G. ()**3,. ;uper=si"ed kids! Obesity, children, moral panic, and the
media. In F. A. -ryant (5d.,, The children2s tele(ision comm%nity (pp. )33=)D+,.
Retrieed from PsycI9FO database. ()**1=)+3A)=**A,
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23. WEBLOG 'BLOG( POST>ie the writerPs name, the date of the post, and the title
or subEect of the post. Follow with the words ?<essage posted to@ and the 7R6.
:ellermann, <. ()**3, <ay )4,. 'isclosing clinical trials. <essage posted to
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24. PODCASTInclude as much of the following information as is aailable! 2riter or
producer of the podcast$ the date it was produced or posted$ the title and, in brackets,
any other identifying information such as a number$ and the words ?Podcast retrieed
from@ and the 7R6.
9ational Academies (Producer,. ()**3 Fune 1,. Progress in preenting childhood
obesity! Gow do we measure upH The So%nds of Science Podcast9 Podcast
retrieed from http!MMmedia.nap.eduMpodcasts
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25. ENTRY IN A WIKI-egin with the title of the entry and the date of posting, if there is
one (use ?n.d.@ for ?no date@ if there is not,. %hen add your retrieal date, the name of
the wiki, and the 7R6 for the wiki or the specific entry. 7nlike most other entries for
electronic sources, the entry for a wiki includes the date of retrieal because the
content of a wiki is often not stable. If an author or an editor is identified, include that
name at the beginning of the entry.
5thnomethodology. (n.d., Retrieed August )), )**3, from the ;%; 2iki!
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2. E)MAIL5=mail messages and other personal communications are not included in
the list of references.
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2!. ONLINE POSTINGIf an online posting is not maintained in an archie, cite it as a
personal communication in the te&t of your paper and do not include it in the list of
references. If the posting can be retrieed from an archie, gie as much information as
is aailable.
<c:inney, F. ()**1, 'ecember +D,. Adult education=healthcare partnerships I<sg 0*/J.
<essage posted to the Gealth6iteracy electronic mailing list, archied at
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2$. COMPUTER PROGRAMAdd the words ?Computer software@ in brackets after the
title of the program.
:aufmann, 2. F., III, 8 Comins, 9. F. ()**4,. 'iscoering the unierse
(Kersion 1.*, IComputer softwareJ. 9ew Lork! Freeman.
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Other sources
Loshida, L. ()**+,. 5ssays in urban transportation ('octoral disserta=
tion, -oston College, )**+,. :issertation A,stracts 8nternational,
&!, 33/+A.
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7.;. Census -ureau. ()***,. Statistical a,stract of the ;nited States.
2ashington, 'C! 7.;. >oernment Printing Office.
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31. REPORT FROM A PRI#ATE ORGANIZATIONIf the publisher is the author, gie
the word ?Author@ as the publisher. If the report has an author, begin with the author#s
name, and name the publisher at the end.
American Psychiatric Association. ()***,. Practice g%idelines for the
treatment of 1atients with eating disorders ()nd ed.,. 2ashington,
'C! Author.
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;tahl, >. (5d.,. ()**),. Proceedings of 4S4$ 20!+ 4om1%ter s%11ort for
colla,orati(e learning. Gillsdale, 9F! 5rlbaum.
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33. MOTION PICTURE%o cite a motion picture (film, ideo, or 'K',, list the director
and the year of the picture#s release. >ie the title, followed by ?<otion picture@ in
brackets, the country where it was made, and the name of the studio. If the motion
picture is difficult to find, include instead the name and address of its distributor.
;oderbergh, ;. ('irector,. ()***,. Traffic I<otion pictureJ. 7nited
;tates! >ramercy Pictures.
;purlock, <. ('irector,. ()**/,. S%1er si5e me I<otion pictureJ.
(Aailable from I'P Films, ++44 -roadway, ;uite D)1, 9ew Lork,
9L +**+*,
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34. TELE#ISION PROGRAM%o cite a teleision program, list the producer and the
date it was aired. >ie the title, followed by ?%eleision broadcast@ in brackets, the city,
and the teleision network or serice.
Pratt, C. (5&ecutie Producer,. ()**+, 'ecember ),. )ace the nation
I%eleision broadcastJ. 2ashington, 'C! C-; 9ews.
For a teleision series, use the year in which the series was produced, and follow the
title with ?%eleision series@ in brackets. For an episode in a series, list the writer and
director and the year. After the episode title put ?%eleision series episode@ in brackets.
Follow with information about the series.
Fanows, F. (5&ecutie Producer,. ()***,. 4%lt%re shoc I%eleision
seriesJ. -oston! 2>-G.
6oeterman, -. (2riter,, 8 >ale, -. ('irector,. ()***,. Real Eustice
I%eleision series episodeJ. In <. ;ullian (5&ecutie Producer,,
)rontline. -oston! 2>-G.
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