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Home page should contain the following tabs on left frame
1. Requirements
2. Test Plan
3. Test Lab
4. efects
!" default Requirements tab should be #isible for the user
Requirements tab should contain following column headings
$ame% irect &o#er 'tatus% Req( with loc) s"mbol% *uthor% Re#iewed%
&reation Time% &reation ate% Priorit"% T"pe and Product.
!ottom of the page should contain following tabs with + button ,b" using
this button we can add escription% Histor" and attachments also possible.-
escription% *ttachments and Histor"

*t top right corner it should shows following information
0ser .
To create a requirement.
1. &lic) the New Requirement button . *lternati#el"% choose Requirements 2
New Requirement. The $ew Requirement dialog bo1 opens.
1. T"pe a name for the new requirement. * requirement name cannot include
the following characters. 3 + 4
2. *dd details for the requirement. $ote that a required field is displa"ed in red.
5or more information on the a#ailable fields in the Requirements module% see
The Requirement 5ields.
3. To clear the data in the $ew Requirement dialog bo1% clic) the Clear button
4. 6ou can add an attachment to "our requirement.
&lic) the Attach File button to attach a te1t file.
&lic) the Attach URL button to attach a 0RL.
&lic) the Attach Snapshot button to capture and attach an image.
&lic) the Attach SysInfo button to attach information about "our
Click the Attach Clipboard Content button to attach an image from
the &lipboard.
7. 6ou can chec) the spelling in the $ew Requirement dialog bo1.
&lic) the Check Spelling button to chec) the spelling for the selected word
or te1t bo1.
&lic) the Spelling ptions button to open the 'pelling 8ptions dialog bo1%
enabling "ou to configure the wa" 9ualit" &enter chec)s spelling.
&lic) the Thesaurus button to open the Thesaurus dialog bo1 and displa"
a s"non"m% anton"m% or related word for the selected word.
:. &lic) Su!mit to add the new requirement to the tree.
;. To add test co#erage for the requirement% choose "iew # Requirements
Co$erage. 6ou can also choose "iew # Co$erage Analysis to displa" the
brea)down of child requirements according to test co#erage status. 5or more
<. To add defect lin)s for the requirement% choose "iew # Requirements
Co$erage and clic) the Linke% &efects tab.
=. *dd additional requirements to the tree.
&lic) the New Requirement button to add the ne1t requirement below
the pre#ious one% at the same hierarchical le#el.
&lic) the New Chil% Requirement button to add the ne1t requirement
below the pre#ious one% at the ne1t hierarchical le#el.
*fter adding the requirements% obser#e the Requirements options
Fa$orites>*lwa"s disable for the user.
() Tests
!" default ?$ew 5older@ option onl" enable for the user.
New Fol%er.
*fter creating folder Acreated folderB*$*$C% Li#e *nal"sis tab is #isible
*fter creating folder ?$ew Test@ option is enable for the user
New Test
&reated test is #isible under created folder Acreated testBRD6C
(n right frame following Ta!s is #isible for the user
esign 'teps
Test 'cript
Req &o#erage
Lin)ed efects
!" default ?etails@ tab information is #isible for the user.
4 Test $ame. &reated test name
esigner. logged user name
&reation ate. &reation date


&esign Steps
&esigning Test Steps
6ou add steps to a test using the esign 'tep Dditor.
To create a test step*
1. 'elect a test in the test plan tree and clic) the &esign Steps tab.
2. &lic) the New Step button or right>clic) in the esign 'teps tab and
choose New Step. The esign 'tep Dditor opens and displa"s a default step
name in the 'tep $ame bo1.
The default step name is the sequential number of the test step A'tep 1 if "ou are
adding steps to a test for the first timeC. 6ou can change the name b" t"ping a
different name in the bo1.
3. T"pe a &escription and '+pecte% Result for the test step.
4. To insert a parameter% clic) the Insert ,arameter button . 5or more
information on parameters% see &alling a Eanual Test with Parameters.
5. To add additional steps% clic) the New Step button ) The ne1t sequential
number appears in the Step Name bo1.
$ote. The steps are sa#ed onl" after "ou e1it the esign 'teps tab% not after
each step is added. (f "ou are adding a large amount of te1t% "ou can clic) the
Sa$e Steps button to manuall" sa#e as "ou go.
6. &lic) - to close the esign 'tep Dditor and add the steps.
The test steps appear in the esign 'teps tab. (n the test plan tree% a footprint
appears ne1t to the test icon% indicating that steps were defined for the test.
7. 6ou can associate an attachment with a test step. *n attachment can be a
file% 0RL% snapshot% an image from the &lipboard% or s"stem information. To
add an attachment to a test step% select a step and clic) the Attachments
button . 5or more information% see *dding *ttachments.
$ote. 6ou can cop" steps from an e1isting test. 5or more information% see &op"ing
!efore and *fter creating Test &ase obser#e right clic) options

!efore *fter
*fter creating an" test case% select that test case clic) on button or clic) on
?(nsert Parameter@ right clic) option
&reate parameter
*fter creating parameter% obser#e that parameter in that particular test case
Parameters represented b" FFFParameter name222
Test ,arameters*
*fter creating parameters% for seeing that total parameters clic) on FP2 button
or clic) on ?Test Parameter@ right clic) option% it will shows all the created
Generate 'cript.
Test Script
Req Co$erage
'elect Req
Linke% &efects
Here also we can add defect b" using first button or clic)ing on ?*dd and Lin)
efect@ right clic) option.
Lin) D1isting efects.
!" using second button Ain abo#e figureC% lin) e1isting defects is possible.
Remo#e Lin). !" using third button remo#e lin) is possible.
!" default ?$ew 5older@ option onl" enable for the user.
New Fol%er.
*fter creating folder Acreated folderB&*'D'H*RDC% Li#e *nal"sis tab is #isible
*fter creating folder ?$ew Test@ option is enable for the user
New Test
&reated test is #isible under created folder Acreated testB&*T*L6'TC
(n right frame following Ta!s is #isible for the user
'elect Tests
Run Test 'et
D1ecution Grid
D1ecution 5low
Test 'et Properties
Lin)ed efects
!" default ?D1ecution Grid@ tab information is #isible for the user.
Select Tests
!" clic)ing on ?'elect Tests@ on right corner it should shows created Test 'ets in
Test Plan
A%% Tests to Test Set .Test cases e+ecution/
Right clic) on created Test set>right frame Ain Test Plan TreeC and clic) on
?*dd Tests to Test 'et@ option or clic) on button
*fter adding it will add in the following manner
'tatus options

Test cases e1ecution
&lic) on Run or Run Test 'et button% it will shows
following window
Running a Test 0anually
Ihen "ou run a test manuall"% "ou follow the test steps and perform operations
on the application under test. 6ou compare the e1pected results with the actual
outcome and record the results. 6ou can e1ecute a test as man" times as "ou
want. Test results are stored separatel" for each run. 6ou can run both manual
and automated tests manuall".
$ote that while e1ecuting a test manuall" "ou can modif" the test steps. 5or more
information% see Dditing the Test 'teps.
To run a test manually*
1. (n the D1ecution Grid tab or D1ecution 5low tab% select the tests "ou want to run
To run a single manual test% select the test and clic) the
Run button . The Eanual Runner dialog bo1 opens.
To run two or more manual tests% select the tests and
clic) the Run button. The Eanual Test Run dialog bo1 opens.
'elect 0anual Runner.
$ote that "ou can select Automatic Runner to run manual tests automaticall".
5or more information% see Running a Test *utomaticall".
(f "ou do not want the Eanual Test Run dialog bo1 to be displa"ed the ne1t time
"ou run manual tests% select &o not show this %ialog again. To enable%
choose Tests # 'na!le 0anual Test Run Confirmation.
&lic) -. The Eanual Runner dialog bo1 opens.
To run automated tests manuall"% select the tests% clic) the Run arrow% and choose
Run 0anually. The Eanual Runner dialog bo1 opens.
2. 0nder Run &etails% "ou can edit the following run information.
Run Name. The name of the test run.
Tester. The user name of the person who e1ecuted the test.
'+ec &ate.
'+ecution Time.
3. &lic) the perating System Info lin) to displa" operating s"stem information.
The 8perating '"stem (nformation dialog bo1 opens.
6ou can edit the following operating s"stem information.
perating System. The operating s"stem on the machine where "ou perform
"our test steps. !" default% the operating s"stem on "our 9ualit" &enter client
machine is displa"ed.
S Ser$ice ,ack. The operating s"stem ser#ice pac).
S 1uil% Num!er. The operating s"stem build number.
4. 0nder Test &etails% "ou can #iew details of the test. &lic) 0ore to open the Test
Properties dialog bo1 and displa" test details and attachments. 5or more information on
test properties% see e#eloping the Test Plan Tree.
7. To add attachments to the test run% clic) the Attach to Run button . *n
attachment can be a file% 0RL% snapshot of "our application% an image from the
&lipboard% or s"stem information. 5or more information on attachments% see *dding
:. To add a defect to the test run% clic) the New &efect button . The $ew efect
dialog bo1 opens. 9ualit" &enter automaticall" creates a lin) between the test run and
the new defect. 5or more information% see *dding and Trac)ing efects% and Lin)ing
;. To end the run at this point% "ou can clic) the 'n% Run button . 9ualit"
&enter sa#es the test run. To cancel the run completel"% clic) the Cancel Run button
and clic) No to confirm.
<. &lic) the 1egin Run button to start the test run.
(f the test "ou are running has unassigned parameters% the Parameter Jalues for
Run dialog bo1 opens% enabling "ou to assign #alues. 5or more information on
parameters% see &alling a Eanual Test with Parameters.
The Eanual Runner. 'tep etails dialog bo1 opens.
$ote. (n =.K 'ource Test column is not there.
6ou cannot assign multiple #alues to a parameter during a test run.
(f "ou are running a business process test% the user interface is
different. 5or more information% refer to the Mercury Business Process
Testing User's Guide: Running a !usiness Process Test Eanuall".
=. (f there are no test steps% or if "ou want to ma)e changes to the steps% "ou can edit
the test steps before "ou begin e1ecuting them. 5or more information% see Dditing the
Test 'teps.
1K. To #iew the #alues of the test parameters% clic) the Show ,arameters button .
The Parameter Jalues for Run dialog bo1 opens. 5or more information on parameters%
see &alling a Eanual Test with Parameters.
11. 8pen the application being tested and e1ecute the first step of the test.
12. (n Filter !y% "ou can filter the steps in the test according to the 'tatus column%
5ilter options>> *ll% 5ailed% $L*% $o Run% $ot &ompleted and Passed.

13. 6ou can con#enientl" read each test step and record the results using the
compact #iew displa" of this dialog bo1. To open this displa"% clic) the Compact
"iew button . To return to the steps grid% clic) the 1ack to Steps 2ri% button.
14. &lic) ,ass Selecte% if the actual result is the same as the e1pected result. *
green chec) is added to the step and the step status changes to Passed. ATo pass all
the test steps at once% clic) the ,ass Selecte% arrow and choose ,ass All.C
17. (f the actual result is different from the e1pected result% t"pe the actual result in
the Actual bo1 and clic) the Fail Selecte% button . * red M is added to the step
and the step status changes to 5ailed. ATo fail all the test steps at once% clic) the Fail
Selecte% arrow and choose Fail All.C
1:. &lic) Attachments to add attachments to the test step. To add attachments
to the entire test run% clic) the Attachments arrow and choose Attach to Run. 5or
more information on attachments% see *dding *ttachments.
1;. &lic) New &efect if "ou detect an application flaw while running the test. The
$ew efect dialog bo1 opens% enabling "ou to add the defect. 9ualit" &enter
automaticall" creates a lin) between the test run and the new defect. 5or more
information% see *dding $ew efects and Lin)ing efects.
1<. &lic) the -eep on Top button to displa" the Eanual Runner. 'tep etails dialog
bo1 on top of all open windows. To displa" selected windows on top of the Eanual
Runner. 'tep etails dialog bo1% clic) the Not on Top button .
1=. Perform the remaining steps.
2K. &lic) the 'n% Run button when "ou complete the test run.
'+ecution 2ri%
D1ecution Grid contains following information
Plan. Test $ame% Plan. t"pe% 'tatus% (terations% Planned Host $ame% Responsible
Tester% D1ec ate% Time% Planned D1ec ate and Planned D1ec Time
'+ecution Flow
Test Set ,roperties
Linke% &efects
A%%ing New &efects
6ou can add a new defect to a 9ualit" &enter pro/ect at an" stage of the testing
To a%% a new %efect*
1. (n the efects module% clic) the New &efect button . The $ew
efect dialog bo1 opens.
2. Dnter the rele#ant defect details. $ote that a required field is displa"ed in red.
5or more information on a#ailable fields in the $ew efect dialog bo1% see The
efects Eodule at a Glance.
To clear the data in the $ew efect dialog bo1% clic) the Clear button .
3. 6ou can add an attachment to "our defect.
2&lic) the Attach File button to attach a te1t file.
2&lic) the Attach URL button to attach a 0RL.
2&lic) the Attach Snapshot button to capture and attach an image.
2&lic) the Attach SysInfo button to attach information about "our machine.
2&lic) the Attach Clip!oar% Content button to attach an image from the
25or more information about adding attachments% see *dding *ttachments.
4. To eliminate duplicate or highl" similar defects% "ou can.
2&lic) the Fin% Similar &efects button to conduct a search for similar
defects based on )e"words from the Summary and &escription fields.
2&lic) the Fin% Similar &efects arrow and choose Fin% Similar Te+t to search
for similar defects b" specif"ing a te1t string.
5or more information% see Eatching efects.
7. 6ou can chec) the spelling in the dialog bo1.
2&lic) the Check Spelling button to chec) the spelling for the selected word or
te1t bo1. (f there are no errors% a confirmation message opens. (f errors are found%
the 'pelling dialog bo1 opens and displa"s the word together with replacement
2&lic) the Spelling ptions button to open the 'pelling 8ptions dialog bo1%
enabling "ou to configure the wa" 9ualit" &enter chec)s spelling.
2&lic) the Thesaurus button to open the Thesaurus dialog bo1 and displa" a
s"non"m% anton"m% or related word for the selected word. 6ou can replace the
selected word or loo) up new words.
2&lic) the Su!mit button to add the defect to the pro/ect. 9ualit" &enter assigns
a efect ( to the new defect.
:. &lic) Close.
Create &omain
Create ,ro3ect


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