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Homework 1

CSE884: ATM Networks Autumn Term 2012

Each question carries 5 marks MM 0
Submitted to: Mr. Satinder Saini
Submitted By:
Name : Vikas Gupta
Roll No. : ROE131A1
Se!tion : OE131
Re"d. No. : 1#$#%&3
'1: ()at are t)e !urrent te!)nolo"i!al trends* +o, do t)ese trends e--e!t t)e "ro,t)
and deployment o- A.M net,orks* /o t)ese trends t)emsel0es "et impa!ted by
de0elopment in A.M te!)nolo"y*
New Cha!!en"es to "rowth an# #e$!o%ment o& ATM N'(:
Net,orkin" is mo0in" -rom spe!ialists to masses
1sability 2plu" 3 play45 se!urity
E6ponential "ro,t) in number o- users 7 E6ponential "ro,t) in band,idt)
per user
.ra--i! mana"ement
Standards based net,orkin" -or redu!ed !ost
8 9mportant to parti!ipate in standardi:ation -orums
A.M ;orum5 ;rame Relay ;orum5 <
9nternet En"ineerin" .ask ;or!e 29E.;45
9nstitute o- Ele!tri!al and Ele!troni! En"ineers 29EEE4
9nternational .ele!ommuni!ations 1nion 29.14
.e!)nolo"y /ri0ers impa!t dire!tion to emer"in" te!)nolo"ies. (e !an took an
e6ample o- -iber !ables as !opper ,as t)e primary means o- data transmission.
O0er t)e last t,o de!ades5 -our key te!)nolo"i!al de0elopments )a0e si"ni-i!antly
altered t)e -a!e o- !ommuni!ation and pro0ided s)ape o- !ommuni!ation
te!)nolo"ies. .)ese de0elopments are:
1. =ro!essin" speed bein" in!reased.
. 9mpro0ement in t)e transmission media
3. 0ast internet 0irtual ,orld
&. Gro,t) o- t)e mobile net,orks and telep)oni! !ommuni!ation.
.)e "ro,t) o- t)e internet pro0ides t)e ne!essary appli!ation base -or t)e use o- A.M
te!)nolo"y. 9n -a!t5 one o- t)e important use o- A.M lies in t)e 9nternet ba!kbone5
,)erein A.M is used to pro0ide )i") speed data pipes.
.)e "ro,t) o- mobile net,orks )as also pro0ided a boost to A.M net,orks as A.M
)as been !)osen as t)e transport te!)nolo"y -or t)e A!!ess Net,ork as ,ell as t)e
!onne!ti0ity bet,een A!!ess and >ore Net,ork.
Net,orkin" is a !riti!al part o- !omputin" today and is "ro,in" e6ponentially.
Net,orkin" is in t)e mid -ast?"ro,in" re"ion o- t)e te!)nolo"y !ur0e. +i") speed
net,orkin" ,ill su!!eed i- and only i- t)ere is e!onomy o- s!ale so t)at usin" )i")er
speed links results in !ost sa0in"s. 1n-ortunately5 t)is is not !ase ri")t no,. (e -a!e
t)e dan"er o- users di0idin" t)eir appli!ations and usin" se0eral lo,?speed links.
>onsiderable amount o- resour!es are bein" put on A.M net,orks. +o,e0er5 its
su!!ess ,ill depend upon our bein" able to trans-er data at a lo,er !ost and )i")er
per-orman!e t)an le"a!y @ANs. Also5 ,e ,ill )a0e to !ontrol t)e desire to
in!orporate all options at on!e ot)er,ise it ,ill be!ome too !omple6.
': +o, does A.M pro0ide !on0er"en!e o- 0arious data types* ()at is t)e role o-
AA@ in t)is*
A.M pro0ides !on0er"en!e o- 0arious data types by .>S. .ransmission >on0er"en!e
Sublayer 2.>S4: adapts A.M layer abo0e to =M/ sub layer belo,
+eader checksum "eneration: A bits >R>
>ell #e!ineation
(it) Bunstru!turedC =M/ sublayer5 transmission o- i#!e ce!!s ,)en no
data !ells to send
AA@ layer )as sublayers:
>on0er"en!e Sublayer 2>S4
Supports spe!i-i! appli!ations usin" AA@
mana"es t)e -lo, o- data to and -rom SAR sublayer .imin"
and !ell loss re!o0ery
Se"mentation and Reassembly @ayer 2SAR4
=a!ka"es data -rom >S into !ells and unpa!ks at ot)er end
.)e pro!es t)at se"ments a lon"er entity o- data into D3 byte !ells is !alled
Ese"mentation and reassemblyE 2SAR4. .)e data t)at "oes into t)ese !ells !omes -rom
di--erent nati0e mode proto!ols5 su!) as .>=F9=. .)e A.M Adaptation @ayer 2AA@4
takes !are o- t)e di--eren!es bet,een t)e di--erent sour!es. .)e AA@ adapts t)e
proto!ols to an A.M intermediate -ormat. 9t uses so!alled E!lassesE to do so. AA@ type
3 and & )andle transmissions o- !onne!tionless data5 AA@ type D is intended -or
!onne!tion?oriented ser0i!es
AA@ 1:
-or iso!)ronous5 !onstaant bit?rate ser0i!es5 su!) as audio and 0ideo. .)is
adaption layer !orresponds to -ra!tional and -ull .1 and .35 but ,it) a "reater
ran"e o- !)oi!es -or data rates.
AA@ :
-or iso!)ronous 0ariale bit?rate ser0i!es5 su!) as !ompressed 0ideo.
AA@ 3F&:
-or 0ariable bi?rate data5 su!) as @AN appli!ations. Ori"inally desi"ned as t,o
di--erent layers5 one -or !onnetion?oriented ser0i!es 2like -rame relay4 and one
-or !onne!tionles ser0i!es 2like SM/S4. bot) !an be done by t)e same AA@
AA@ D:
-or 0riable bit?rate data t)at must be -ormatted into D3?byte !ells. Similar to
AA@ 3F&5 easier to implement5 less -eature.
3': An A.M net,ork uses a token bu!ket s!)eme -or tra--i! s)apin". A ne, token is
put into t)e bu!ket e0ery 1# mi!rose!onds. Ea!) token is "ood -or one !ell5 ,)i!)
!ontains &A bytes o- data. ()at is t)e ma6imum sustainable data rate*
A.M payload G &A bytes G &A8A G 3A& bits
An A.M !ell may be sent e0ery time a ne, token is pla!ed into t)e .oken
Bu!ket5 ,)i!) o!!urs e0ery 1# mi!rose!onds.
So t)e ma6imum sustainable data rate G 3A& bitsF 1#61#
G 3A.& Mbps
&': +o, is t)e A.M proto!ol re-eren!e model di--erent -rom OS9 re-eren!e model*
()at is t)e relation bet,een t)e t,o models* 9- OS9 model is used5 ,)at t)e layers in
,)i!) A.M resides*
.)e di--eren!e bF, t)e A.M NF, and OS9 re-eren!e model is depi!ted by layer and
its -un!tionality o- ea!) layerHs di--eren!e
A.M Ar!)ite!ture
.)e A.M ar!)ite!ture is based on Broadband 9nte"rated Ser0i!es /i"ital Net,ork
2B?9S/N4 and !onsists o- t)ree layers:
I A.M Adaptation @ayer 2AA@4
I A.M @ayer
I A.M =)ysi!al @ayer
.)e A.M =)ysi!al @ayer !orresponds to t)e OS9 model =)ysi!al @ayer. .)e
A.M @ayer and AA@ @ayer !orrespond to t)e OS9 model /ata @ink @ayer and
part o- t)e Net,ork @ayer.
=)ysi!al layer
Various transmission media
Jilobits per se!ond to "i"abits per se!ond
A.M @ayer
s)ort -i6ed?len"t) !ells 2D3 bytes 2&A bytes payload 7 D bytes )eader44
multiple6 lo"i!al !)annels ,it)in a p)ysi!al !)annel
-i6ed len"t) !ells 0ery?)i")?speed s,it!)in" )ard,are
problems ,it) tra--i! mana"ement
A.M adaptation layer
AA@ .ype 1 ??? !onstant bit rate ser0i!es
AA@ .ype ??? 0ariable bit rate ser0i!es
AA@ .ype 3F& ??? !onne!tionless ser0i!esFdata proto!ols
AA@ .ype D ??? )i")?speed data proto!ol
A.M =roto!ol Ar!)ite!ture 0s. Se0en layer o- OS9 Model
;i": >omparison o- A.M =roto!ol Ar!)ite!ture to Se0en?@ayer OS9 Model s)o,s
t)at A.M adaptation layer and A.M layer o- A.M Ar!)ite!ture are eKui0alent to
.ransport5 Net,ork5 and /ata @ink layers o- OS9 Model.
D': ()at are t)e important issues in !arryin" A.M !ells o0er a p)ysi!al layer
inter-a!e* >an A.M !ells be !arried o0er any p)ysi!al layer*
.M p)ysi!al layer !ontrols transmission and re!eipt o- bits on t)e p)ysi!al medium. 9t
also keeps tra!k o- A.M !ell boundaries and pa!ka"es !ells into t)e appropriate type
o- -rame -or t)e p)ysi!al medium bein" used.
.)e A.M p)ysi!al layer is di0ided into t,o parts: t)e physical medium sublayer and
t)e transmission convergence sublayer. .)e p)ysi!al medium sublayer is responsible
-or sendin" and re!ei0in" a !ontinuous -lo, o- bits ,it) asso!iated timin" in-ormation
to syn!)roni:e transmission and re!eption. Be!ause it in!ludes only p)ysi!al?medium?
dependent -un!tions5 its spe!i-i!ation depends on t)e p)ysi!al medium used.
Les ATM ce!! can )e carrie# o*er some $h%sica! !a%er.A.M !an use any p)ysi!al
medium !apable o- !arryin" A.M !ells. Some e6istin" standards t)at !an !arry A.M
!ells are SONE. 2Syn!)ronous Opti!al Net,ork4FS/+5 /S?3FE35 1##?Mbps lo!al
-iber 2;iber /istributed /ata 9nter-a!e M;//9N p)ysi!al layer45 and 1DD?Mbps lo!al
-iber 2;iber >)annel p)ysi!al layer4. Various proposals -or use o0er t,isted?pair ,ire
are also under !onsideratio
2a4 ()at is t)e role o- V=9FV>9 in A.M >ell )eader*
Ans: .)e role o- t)e V=9FV>9 -ields is to indi!ate Virtual =at) or Virtual
>)annel identi-i!ation numbers5 so t)at t)e !ells belon"in" to t)e same !onne!tion
!an be distin"uis)ed. A uniKue and separate V=9FV>9 identi-ier is assi"ned in ad0an!e
to indi!ate ,)i!) type o- !ell is -ollo,in"5 unassi"ned !ells5 p)ysi!al layer OAM
!ells5 metasi"nallin" !)annel or a "eneri! broad!ast si"nalin" !)annel.
+irtua! ,ath -#enti&ier .+,-/O9n !onPun!tion ,it) t)e V>95 identi-ies t)e ne6t
destination o- a !ell as it passes t)rou") a series o- A.M s,it!)es on t)e ,ay to its
Q +irtua! Channe! -#enti&ier .+C-/O9n !onPun!tion ,it) t)e V=95 identi-ies t)e ne6t
destination o- a !ell as it passes t)rou") a series o- A.M s,it!)es on t)e ,ay to its
2b4 ()y A.M !ells are -i6ed in si:e* ()at are its bene-its*

A.M !ells are -i6ed in si:e be!ause o- -ollo,in" reason:
o Allo,s better statisti!al multiple6in" o- in-ormation on a "i0en medium t)an
does t)e use o- lar"er pa!kets o- 0ariable len"t).
o (it) lon"er 0ariable?len"t) pa!kets5 )i")?speed s,it!)in" ,ould be more
o .)e limited amount o- in-ormation in t)e )eader allo,s A.M !ells to be
pro!essed at a 0ery )i") rate -rom 1D# Mbps to se0eral Gbps.
o =ro0ides speed5 -le6ibility and !ompatibility ,it) many di--erent appli!ations
and p)ysi!al media.
o .)e redu!ed si:e o- t)e internal bu--ers "uarantees a minimal delay and delay
Pitter. .)is is ,)y A.M !an )andle bot) !onstant rate tra--i! 2audio5 0ideo4
and 0ariable rate tra--i! 2data4 easily.
o .o limit t)e Kueuin" delays in internal bu--ers.
9ts bene-its are : .)e main ad0anta"e is t)at t)e seriali:ation delay or t)e delay o-
pro!essin" !ells is deterministi! 2re"ular and predi!table45 ,)i!) aids in t)e
mana"ement o- t)e net,ork. .)is -eature also makes A.M better suited -or 0oi!e and
0ideo tra--i!5 ,)i!) is time sensiti0e. (it) -i6ed?len"t) !ells5 t)ere is no dan"er o- a
0oi!e !ell "ettin" Bstu!k in tra--i!C be)ind a lar"e data !ell.

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