Renewable Energy Tech - Task#1: Sullah-Ud-Din 10-Me-83

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Renewable energy tech.task#1

Question no: 01
Define the following with suitable examples and sketches:

Primary Energy :
Primary energy is an energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any conversion
or transformation process. It is energy contained in raw fuels, and other forms of energy received
as input to a system. Primary energy can be non-renewable or renewable.
The concept of primary energy is used in energy statistics in the compilation of energy balances,
as well as in the field of energetics. In energetics, a primary energy source (PES) refers to the
energy forms required by the energy sector to generate the supply of energy carriers used by
human society

Secondary Energy:
Secondary energy refers to the more convenient forms of energy which are transformed from
other, primary, energy sources through energy conversion processes. Examples are electricity,
which is transformed from primary sources such as coal, raw oil, fuel oil, natural gas, wind, sun,
streaming water, nuclear power, gasoline etc., but also refined fuels such as gasoline or synthetic
fuels such as hydrogen fuels.
Renewable energy tech.task#1

Secondary energy sources are also referred to as energy carriers, because they move energy in a
useable form from one place to another. The two most well-known energy carriers are:
We get electricity and hydrogen from the conversion of other sources of energy, such as coal,
nuclear, or solar energy. These are called primary sources.
For many energy needs, it is much easier to use electricity or hydrogen than the primary energy
sources themselves.

Final Energy:
Energy supplied that is available to the consumer to be converted into useful energy (e.g.
electricity at the wall outlet). Final energy consumption covers all energy supplied to the final
consumer for all energy uses. It is usually disaggregated into the final end-use sectors: industry,
transport, households, services and agriculture.
Renewable energy tech.task#1

Total final consumption in absolute terms is measured in millions of oil equivalent (Mtoe).
In relative terms it is provided in percentage.

Total final energy demand (consumption) is the sum of energy consumption in each final
demand sector. In each sub-sector or end-use, at least six types of energy are shown: coal,
oil, gas, electricity, heat and renewables. However, this aggregation conceals more detail.
For example, the different oil products are modeled separately for the transport sector,
and renewables are split into "biomass and waste" and "other renewables". Note that the
terms "total final energy demand" and "total final energy consumption" are convertible
accordingly to the World Energy Outlook.

Useful Energy:
Renewable energy tech.task#1

The portion of final energy which is actually available after final conversion to the
consumer for the respective use. In final conversion, electricity becomes for instance light,
mechanical energy or heat. For example, in a petrol (gasoline) engine, perhaps only 60%
of the energy released through combustion is used in driving the car forwards. The other
40% is lost as heat. So only 60% is USEFUL ENERGY.

Renewable energy tech.task#1

Derived Energy:

The energy obtained from the conversion of primary energy or of any other derived energy
NOTE: When this energy is obtained from primary energy it is termed as secondary energy.

Renewable energy tech.task#1

Energy Intensity:
Energy intensity is a measure of the energy efficiency of a nation's economy. It is calculated as
units of energy per unit of GDP.
High energy intensities indicate a high price or cost of converting energy into GDP.
Low energy intensity indicates a lower price or cost of converting energy into GDP.
Energy Intensity as defined here is not to be confused with Energy Use Intensity (EUI), a
measure of building energy use per unit area.
Many factors influence an economy's overall energy intensity. It may reflect requirements for
general standards of living and weather conditions in an economy. It is not atypical for
particularly cold or hot climates to require greater energy consumption in homes and workplaces
for heating (furnaces, or electric heaters) or cooling (air conditioning, fans, refrigeration). A
country with an advanced standard of living is more likely to have a wider prevalence of such
consumer goods and thereby be impacted in its energy intensity than one with a lower standard
of living.
Energy efficiency of appliances and buildings (through use of building materials and methods,
such as insulation), fuel economy of vehicles, vehicular distances travelled (frequency of travel
or larger geographical distances), better methods and patterns of transportation, capacities and
utility of mass transit, energy rationing or conservation efforts, 'off-grid' energy sources, and
stochastic economic shocks such as disruptions of energy due to natural disasters, wars,
massive power outages, unexpected new sources, efficient uses of energy or energy subsidies
may all impact overall energy intensity of a nation.

Renewable energy tech.task#1

Energy Intensity of household:
The final energy consumption intensity of the household sector increased slightly over the
period 1990-2004 (by 0.9% on average per year), with average annual population growth of
0.3 % and final household energy consumption growing by 1.2 % per annum. As the
indicator is sensitive to both changing population size and household size, it is measured per
capita and not per household. The household sectors energy intensity is also linked closely
with climatic conditions, as the major part of the energy is used for space heating.

Energy Conversion losses:
Renewable energy tech.task#1

Energy conversion refers to the decrease in energy when it is converted from one form to
another examples include the conversion of primary energy into secondary energy. It leads to
the concept of energy conversion efficiency which is defined as:
Energy conversion efficiency () is the ratio between the useful output of
an energy conversion machine and the input, in energy terms. The useful output may
be electric power, mechanical work, or heat.

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