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Running head: Marlboro Marketing Strategies Page 1

Marlboro Marketing
Jennifer Lucatero, Stacy Kuhn, Jocelyn Solis, Isaac Ceron, Karrar Hashem
Mill Creek Middle School
Kent, WA

Marketing Strategies
Marlboro cigarettes are the largest selling brand of cigarettes in the whole world. At first when
the cigarettes were invented they seemed to target the audience of woman, which was their target
audience. They would make ads of Marlboro cigarettes; they would use guy models such as
cowboys, construction workers etc. and put them in the ads to attract women.
Their aiming to women was not successful, so then they decided to target the cigarettes to men
which ended up being a success. Marlboro is also targeting young youths, what they dont
understand is that Marlboro cigarettes are deadly and dangerous, their third Marlboro man died
off cigarettes. Marlboro cigarettes can give you lung cancer, heart disease, can complicate
pregnancy theres more effects but these are the main ones.
Marlboro cigarettes are horrible for your health, people buy the cigarettes because of their
popularity, and their great marketing. Around 4.5 million people per year die or get effects from
smoking Marlboro cigarettes. They should stop selling Marlboro cigarettes and actually realize
that they are killing and harming peoples health, Marlboro cigarettes are killers.
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Product Placement
Product placement is when the company places the products and when the people see it
like in movies, Ads, and commercials. For example our topic is Marlboro and in the movie
superman II took about $43,000 to push Marlboro at kids. Product placement is when you
encourage somebody to buy it by making the famous people use your product, for example the
Marlboro man was a famous cowboy Character they made him advertises Marlboro by making
him smoke their product and then the people will see him and then they would want to smoke the
product. Seeing your favorite character holding a Marlboro cigarette and smoking it makes you
want to smoke it too because you think whatever that person does is cool. Marlboro pays movie
makers to advertise their product by putting it in the movie so the viewers can see it. Companies
pay a lot of money to the movie makers to put their product in the movie because that will
increase the buying of the product and people can see that product. For example my favorite car
is Range Rover because I saw it in a movie and my favorite character was riding it so I got
interested in that car and it became my favorite. The Marlboro Company tries to reach you and
convince you to buy their product so thats a way for them to reach you and make you buy their
Emotional Appeal
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Emotional appeal is when marketers/companies try to make an emotional connection with the
audience, to get them to buy their product. Marketers do their best to try to get the audiences
attention in order to make an emotional connection in the first place. They first need to find out
what kind of audience is easier to target, after that, they make a commercial or quote that is
emotional either in a funny way, sad way, or serious state kind of way. Their most common
strategy is to aim at all ages and aim good at them by making a commercial where it attracts all
ages attention. In most cases they want an advertisement that fits with the item theyre selling.
Marketers, most of the time, their first option is to make it either sad or happy. Happy makes
people get into the mood and buy the item. If they plan to make it sad, they make it sad for sad
people; in other words, that would be so stressed/ depressed people can see their commercial or
advertisement and think to themselves that other people know what theyre going through. The
last thing marketers might do is just place BOTH of those emotions together; they dont do it
often because its very difficult to get someone from a good or bad mood to the opposite mood.
They dont care about taking you from your good mood to a sad one; they only care about
catching your attention with their campaign.

An example of how marketers advertise their cigarettes is by making a loud, happy,
sensational kind of commercial. Another good example is that cigarette companies only make
commercials, since they dont have any other good way to put it in words on posters. Tobacco/
cigarettes dont do any good than kill people, and there is no way tobacco companies would put
that in words as advertisement on a poster. There are some posters with advertising cigarettes but
most of the time, dont even say anything, they just have the logo. Commercials on cigarettes are
pointless, since all they do is advertise and not name one single good thing about cigarettes.
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People only buy cigarettes most of the time because they either became addicted in the first
place, or think they look cool doing it, (which is much the same as becoming addicted).
Advertisement and commercials dont care about peoples health, all they care about and will is
their money, and how theyre going to keep earning it.
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Loaded Language
Loaded language is the language that is used in their products or ads. The language used
in the ad draws them in to buy their product. Like this makes you stronger their purpose is to
persuade you to buy.
Marlboro most said slogan is come to where the flavor is, which attracts the audience
to buy the product and choose the type of flavor they want. Marlboro cigarettes always use the
words like flavor and Come in their ads attracting men. The product is mostly targeting men
who smoke by adding a picture of the Marlboro man in the ad.
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Celebrity Spokesperson
A celebrity spokesperson is someone who is a well-known, a person that advertises a product so
people can go ahead and buy it. For example Leo Burnett was the guy who made the
advertisements for Marlboro. He created the main image that attracted people to smoke his
cigarettes. His ads became one of the most powerful and creative ads in the century.
Leo Burnett provided good looking models such as David Ogilvy, William Bern Bach and
Mary Wells to attract all the females to buy Marlboro products. These models are also chosen to
show the guys that smoking Marlboro cigarettes can get you that hot body to attract females.
They dress the models up as cow-boys with a hot body just to get peoples attention.

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Target Audience is who the audience is targeted to for the product. Who is the company
targeting the product to and why. Background is when you find the history of the company and
product. How it began, who started it, when it started, and etc.
Marlboro started in England 1847 and was initially targeted to female smokers. The
marketing was not a success, so in the 1920s Marlboro was re-targeted to female smokers in the
United States. The effort of the marketing continued into World War 2 when the brand was
eventually taken off the market.
Marlboro was once again introduced to marketing in the 1950s, but this time there
stories about the negative health aspects of smoking. The product was a filtered cigarette so this
was clearly an attempt to win over the health of the conscience crowd. Later on during the 50s
the company stopped targeting the product to female smokers and started targeting to men
The first icon for the Marlboros ad was the Tatooed Man. In the ads they started using
images of healthy looking, outdoor type. The images on the ads were evolving more and more.
In, 1954 the well-known Marlboro Man was introduced, and by the 1963 was the
representative of Marlboros ads. Around 1972 Marlboro cigarettes had become the most popular
brand. Although Marlboro isnt in the top rank anymore, it still retains a value in excess of $21.
In mid-August 2006, a federal district court ruled that they could not use the names
Light, Ultralight, Natural, or Mild. The judges said the words were misleading to smokers
because some had the sense that they conveyed some positive health effect. Uncertain, Philip
Morris decided to use a color in the replacement of Light, Ultralight, Natural, or Mild for
their product that previously used these banned words in their product. They have decided that
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Marlboro Lights would be called Malrboro Golds and Marlboro Ultralights would be named
Marlboro Silvers.
In the end, Marlboro cigarettes took a awhile to get to where it is today. The process of
renaming it, targeting it to a certain gender and age group, introducing the brand, and putting an
ad out for people to see.

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"Marlboro Cigarettes." Marlboro Cigarettes. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
"Marlboro (cigarette)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2014. Web. 29 Apr.
"11 Manliest Brand Icons of All Time." The Art of Manliness RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 01
May 2014.
h"Marlboro Product Placement." Marlboro Product Placement. N.p., n.d. Web. 01
May 2014.ttp://
"What Is Spokesperson? Definition and Meaning." N.p., n.d.
Web. 22 May 2014.

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