Davis Howard Kathryn 1956 Japan

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27 34iliaiMUdr 1956
tOliO[(o^/ (oZo
^ ABoi K)R DiiVis Family??^
ON January 13, 1956, Kenneth Howard Davis was born to Howa]|
in Japan Baptist Hospital in Kyoto, Japan. He is the fifths hil^^<^irst son.
Bob and Mrs. Hazel Chambers came d0'.'m from Nagoya to spend a week helping out. In
the meantime, Brother Davi.s continues a concentrated study of Japanese in preparation
fcr returning"1) the work in Nagoya .in June.
The Davises have recently (.gi.mjit/Lnot"41 B^arri.ved hack in Japan f or their
second tern of service, and report that most pressing needs include freight and
shipping costs, girl's tuition at American school, and general fund deficittotal
of more than ^lUOO.OO. For.'rardi.ng address is Clyde Birney, Sublette, Kansas. On
the field their address is Box 19 Chikusa, Nagoya, Japanmail vAll be forwarded to
them in Kyoto,
/ .
ryn Dazig
182 18 May 1956
THE Howard Davis family was forced to discontinue language study in Kyoto and return to Nagoya
because of the unfaithfulness of the minister in charge of the churches during their absence. The
members of the churches asked for his resignatioiythen complet^stopped attending services until he
resigned. Throu^ mucla prayer and many extensive meetii^s with the preacher and the church peopl^
the situation is being brought to a successful end. The preacher has shown true repentancejaccording
to Brother Davis, and is back in Bible college. The church attendance is going up again, while the
Christians are seemingly taking a renewed interest in the work of Christ here in Nagoya.
Brother Davis also wDote of their financial crisis: "It was certainly wonderful to have so many
friends In Christ come to our rescue when we found ourselves in such a dire financial situation. We
are now able to meet the current expenses and hope to immediately begin making payments on the $1, 050 ii
loans we took out to pay toward expenses to Japan and the girls' military school tuition. Such over
whelming debts were a new experience in the history of our work here in Japan. Through we could not
see how it could work out, we knew Christ would see us through the trials, through you in the
churches at home. No words will express our thanks for the wonderful way in which you came to our aid
in this time of our need. All we can say is 'thank you from the bottom of our hearts and pray God has
richly blessed you even as He has blessed us through you..* X' ^^
CrKt koSciy ^ JBh
Nagoya Christian Mission
Dear Christian Friends:
Ainerican Address
Sublette, Kansas
Japanese Abbress
Box 19, Chikusa
Nagoya, Japan
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, from the mission workers and Christians
in Nagoya.
The meetings at Nagashima are going very well, and in spite of some minor opposition,
they are making prepress. Since we were not able to rent the building, we had been promised,
it has been necessary to take the tent and all the equipment out for each Sunday service. How
ever, we hope to have only two or three more such tent meetings. Arrangements are now being
completed, to lease a piece of land for a five year period, upon which we can errect a temporary
building. Immediatly, we will put up one of the Christian Service Camp buildings and then begin
constructing a suitable prefab, sectional church building that can be used until land can be pur
chased, and a permanent block building errected. At such time the prefab building can be taken
down and used to supply the need in another place.
November 13th marks the opening classes of the Nagoya Christian Leaders Institute. The
foundation for this training program was worked out with the Chambers prior to their furlough.
The primary purpose of the school is to train Christian leaders and preachers from the group of
young people in our churches who cannot give their full time to the ministry, but who can earn
their living by other means while ministering to the church. The school will be set up as a night
school to accomodate those who attend the university or work during the day. Courses will consist
of an intensified basic training in Bible Study, and practical application to the Japanese Church.
Also the students will receive leadership training in such phases of the work as D. V. B. S., Christian
Service Camp, and establishment and management of churches. Classes will be taught by Mr.
Maruki, Mr. Kubota, Howard and Kathryn Davis. Please remember this project in your prayers,
for the undertaking will be great, and the results can be victory for Christ here in Nagoya.
Two meetings are scheduled in October, one at the Mukojima Church (established by the
Chambers), and the other starting October 28th, to establish another rural church near Nagashima
in a much larger town. Establishing a church represents many days and weeks of labor by the
mission staff, and the expense many times goes beyond the amount of contributions. Your prayers
are needed for these meetings, that God will help us accomplish the task successfully, and supply
the material needs.
We wish to thank all our faithful friends in Christ who have shared in this work with us
in such a generous way, both by prayers and by material support.
Yours in Christ,
Howard & Kathryn Davis


ON Ncfvemher 23, Nagoya Christian Lgaders^ Instltate opened in Nagoya, J^an
8 November 19^6
H- lOz^
according to Howard and Nrs. Kathryn Davis, missionaries there. They wrote:
"The fonndatior^or this training program was worked out "vri-th the Bob Chambers
prior to their furlough. The primary purpose of the school is to train Christian
leaders anc^reachers from the group of yo\mg people in our churches who cannot
give their full time to the ministry, but who can earnjifheir living by other means
has been I
while ministering to the church. The school iiigikVrk*- set up as a night school
to accomodate those who attend the university or work during the day# Courses
consist of an intensifde d basic training in Bible stU(y , and practic al application
to the Japanese church. Also the stui ents will receive leadership training in such
phases of the work as VBS, Christian Service can^, and the establishment and
management of churches. Besides the missionaries. Brothers Maruki and iiubota_ are
' teaching# Please remember this project in your prayers, for the undertaking is
great, and the results can be victory for Christ here in Nagoya. American address
for the Davis family is Clyde and Virginia Birney, Sublette, Kansas. Address on
the field is Box 19, Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan#

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