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Senior Awards

Michael Douglas Antonellis

Milford High School Student Service Award
Giovanna Marie Arcudi
Milford High School Administrators Leadership Award
The Scarlet Hawk Achievement Award
Tony Correia Memorial Coaches Award
Peter Soomin Bae
Foreign Language Award: Spanish
National Merit Commended Student Award
Outstanding Achievement in Mathematics
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Principals Award: Valedictorian
The Inez L. Gay Foreign Language Award
The Mary E. Devine Chemistry Award
The National School Orchestra Award
Worcester Country Superintendents Certificate of Academic Excellence
Dr. John V. Gallagher Medal
Advanced Placement Scholar
Jared Michael Balzarini
The Scarlet Hawk Athletic Award
Peter David Bertonazzi
The Scarlet Hawk Spirit Award
Loren Rae Blanchard
Commonwealth Award for Exemplary Community Service
Megan Brianne Boisclair
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Serafina Laura Bon Tempo
Foreign Language Award: Italian
Samantha Jean Bonvino
Certificate of Merit: Yearbook
Shannon Elizabeth Breen
Milford High School 'Outstanding Leadership in Peer Mentoring
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Collin Paul Brennan
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Milford High School Administrators' Leadership Award
Gianna Lynn Brucato
Milford High School Certificate of Merit : Visual Art
Sean Gregory Callahan
Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery Award
Zoe Anne Cassinelli
Milford High School Certificate of Merit -Web Design
Milford High School Certificate of Merit -Advanced Photography
Alyssa Anne Cellucci
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Milford High School Student Service Award
Emily Anne Chaisson
Foreign Language Award: Spanish
George Nicholas Chakalos
The Scarlet Hawk Achievement Award
Milford High School Administrators' Leadership Award
Carlos Javier Chong
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Christina Carneiro Cosquete
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Milford High School Achievement Award
Jeffrey Daniel Costa
Foreign Language Award: Portuguese
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Robert Thomas Cote
Foreign Language Award: French
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
The National School Choral Award
Brett Miller Crosby
The Scarlet Hawk Athletic Award
The Scarlet Hawk School Spirit Award
Katie Kitsian Dam
Principals Award: Salutatorian
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Academic Decathlon Award
The Mary E. Devine English Award
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Scott Pacifico DeCapua
Milford High School Citizenship Award
Tony Longo Memorial Trophy
Talitha Brenda deFaria
Foreign Language Award: Italian
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Nikole Lee Devereaux
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Grady William DiAntonio
Assistant Principals Good Will Ambassador Award
Tony Correia Memorial Coaches Award
Charles Paul Dias
Milford High School Certificate of Merit Video Technology
Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery Award
Luis Enrique Diaz
The Scarlet Hawk Spirit Award
Brian Robert Dignazio
Milford High School Achievement Award
John Deamer Donahue
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
The David I. Davoren Social Studies Award
The P. Marie Colavita English Award
Worcester Country Superintendents Honors Scholar
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Advanced Placement Scholar
Cullen Matthew Ferreira
Daughters of the American Revolution Award
Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association Leadership Award
Milford High School Outstanding Leadership in Peer Mentoring
The Worcester Telegram and Gazette Student Achiever Award
Andre Alves Filadelfo
Milford High School Service Award
Kyle Robert Fitzpatrick
Milford High School Administrators Leadership Award
Sean Francis Fitzpatrick
Milford High School Administrators Leadership Award
Emily Joy Frieband
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery Award check file
David Anthony Frongillo
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Milford High School Achievement Award
Isabelle Anne Galstian
Milford High School Certificate of Merit : Visual Art
Maddison Logan Garber
Milford High School Certificate of Merit Graphic Design Technology Award
Matthew Douglas Grose
Appointment to the United States Coast Guard Academy
Garrett Handley
Certificate of Merit: Business
Bryan Christopher Hildebrand
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
Lauren Nicole Keisling
Milford High School Administrators Leadership Award
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Advanced Placement Scholar
Michelle Catherine Kenney
Foreign Language Award: French
National Merit Commended Student Award
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Cory Louis Knopp
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery Award
Devin Joseph Luce
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Milford High School Achievement Award
Ivy Lynn Luke
National Spanish Honor Society Award
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
John D. DeSalvia Plaque
Advanced Placement Scholar
Daniel Francis Madden
Milford High School Administrators Achievement Award
Milford High School Administrators Leadership Award
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
The John Philip Souza Band Award
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Michael Jeffrey Mason
Milford High School Certificate of Merit Data Cad
Kim Miller Award
Mileena Ramey McCarthy
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Drake Michael Meurant
Milford High School Administrators Leadership Award
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Ian Patrick Michelson
National Merit Commended Student Award
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Milford High School Achievement Award
Advanced Placement Scholar
Alexa Carneiro Miguel
Foreign Language Award: Portuguese
The Scarlet Hawk Spirit Award
Emike Oluwadamilola Momodu
Assistant Principals Good Will Ambassador Award
Leah Jane Murray
Milford High School Student Service Award
Keilan Brichelle Nova
The District C Athletic Director's Award
Eric James Nunez
The Annual Past Commander's Memorial Trophy of the Italian American War Veterans Post 40
Jessica Lee Pelletier
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Advanced Placement Scholar
Marco Alexander Pillarella
Milford High School Certificate of Merit - Engineering
Sabrina Marie Pinto
Certificate of Merit: Graphic Design
Edward Randolph Price, IV
Presidents Award for Educational Achievement
Brian Joseph Reardon
Milford High School Student Service Award
Katherine Elizabeth Richard
2014 Directors Recognition Award: Wind Ensemble
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Worcester Country Superintendents Honors Scholar
Emily Deborah Schrottman
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Advanced Placement Scholar
Michelle Anne Snyderman
Milford High School Certificate of Merit Family and Consumer Science
Joiya Augustine Sousa
National Merit Commended Student Award
Outstanding Achievement in Mathematics
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Worcester Country Superintendents Certificates of Academic Excellence
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Advanced Placement Scholar
Allyson Paige Tomaso
Milford High School Student Service Award
Gabrielle Grace Vasile
The District C Athletic Director's Award
Rodrigo Aragoso Vieira
Milford High School Certificate of Merit - Robotics and Automation
Bradley Michael White
The District C Athletic Director's Award
Taylor Daphne White
2014 Directors Recognition Award: Orchestra
NASSP/Principal's Leadership Award
Presidents Award for Educational Excellence
Milford High School Academic Excellence Award
Advanced Placement Scholar
Kayla Ann Williamson
Milford High School Student Service Award
Iara Yang
Paul Raftery Award
Tatyianna Ariel Zicherman
Jewish War Veterans Classmates Today-Neighbors Tomorrow Award
Junior Book Awards
Lauren Asher
Mount Holyoke College Book Award
Anna Bassett
The Rensselaer Medal Award
Eric Brogioli
University of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award
Emily Carey
Wheeling Jesuit University Book Award
Jing Jing Chen
Boston College Book Award
Ryan Dahlgren
Yale University Book Award
Taylor Gilliatt
Dartmouth College Book Award
Meghan Halpin
Smith College Book Award
Kimberly Hays
Wellesley College Book Award
Nolan Hobart
Russell Sage College Book Award
Injae Jung
University of Rochester Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award
Grace Landry
St. Michaels College Book Award
Emily Lavergne
University of Rochester Frederick Douglas Award
Anthony Mazzini
St. Michaels College Book Award
Nicholas Monica
Bryant University Book Award
Rachel Nolan
Harvard University Book Award
Nikita Patel
Brandeis University Book Award
Matthew Rose
Russell Sage College Book Award
Alexa Sanchioni
St. Anselm College Book Award
Jake Tamagni
University of Rochester Xerox Award for Innovation Technology
Aislinn Varney
Clarkson University Book Award

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