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USA Hire Alternative Assessment Tool

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These FAQs were produced by Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) to help meet the needs of
our applicants.

1) What is USA Hire?
2) Is USA Hire going to be used for all DFAS job opportunity announcements?
3) What is the basic application process for a vacancy using USA Hire?
4) How is my application rated when a vacancy uses USA Hire?
5) I dont think I received an email invitation to the additional online assessments. Why not?
What do I do?
6) How long do applicants have to complete the USA Hire assessments?
7) What happens if an applicant does not complete the USA Hire assessment?
8) Do applicants have to login at USA Hire?
9) If the applicant stops mid-stream when completing USA Hire assessments, how should he/she
get back?
10) How long are USA Hire scores used for future job opportunity announcements using USA Hire?
11) How does USA Hire block an individual from retaking the assessment until one year expires?
12) Will USA Hire automatically prompt an applicant to re-take the assessments after one year?
13) What if I already took the USA Hire online assessments when I applied to a different vacancy?
14) What kind of notification and guidance does the applicant receive throughout the process?
15) How will OPM assist applicants needing special accommodations to complete the
USA Hire assessments?
16) Does use of USA Hire change any veterans preference rules?
17) What happens if the applicant forwards the USA Hire invite email to someone else to take the
18) Who do I contact with technical USA Hire system issues/questions while accessing or
completing the assessments?

1) What is USA Hire?
Developed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), USA Hire is an additional assessment
option that DFAS may use in combination with current USA Staffing Questionnaires. USA Hire
includes an online assessment platform used to deliver assessments for use in Federal
hiring. Current USA Hire online assessments are designed to measure critical general
competencies required for the job. They combine several multiple choice and simulation-based
test types that can be delivered in an online, unproctored setting. The specific assessments a
given applicant will be asked to take will differ depending on the job to which he/she is applying.
Sample items, along with instructions, can be found at:

2) Is USA Hire going to be used for all DFAS job opportunity announcements?
No, USA Hire is an assessment alternative that selecting officials have the option to use. They
are not required for all DFAS job opportunity announcements. Selecting officials conduct a job

analysis together with Human Resources and will determine if USA Hire will be used to evaluate

3) What is the basic application process for a vacancy using USA Hire?
1. Locate a vacancy on USAJOBS, and click Apply Online to start the application
2. Follow the prompts to log into USAJOBS account.
3. Select resume and any other documents from USAJOBS account.
4. Follow the prompts to proceed into USA Staffing Application Manager.
5. Complete the assessment questionnaire, upload any additional documentation and
click Submit My Answers in Application Manager.
6. Applicants who meet minimum qualifications and eligibility based on questionnaire
responses will receive an email from to complete
the online assessments in USA Hire.

4) How is my application rated when a vacancy uses USA Hire?
Applicants receive points by answering questionnaire items relating to technical competencies
in USA Staffing Application Manager and completing online assessments related to general
competencies in USA Hire. The critical competencies for a position are identified through job
analysis and validated by selecting officials and/or Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). All
competencies assessed are listed in the vacancy announcement. Applicants receive a combined
final score between 70 and 100 based on their responses to the assessment questionnaire and
USA Hire online assessments. Final scores are used to rank applicants in score order to
determine which competitive applicants will be referred to the selecting official for further

When USA Hire is used with Delegated Examining Unit job opportunity announcements open to
all U.S. citizens, final scores are used to refer applicants according to category rating procedures.

5) I don't think I received an email invitation to the additional online assessments. Why not?
What do I do?
USA Hire sends the email invitation from the email address
to each applicant who indicates he/she meets the minimum qualification and screen-out factors
in the initial assessment questionnaire. If you have completed all of the required online
assessments previously (within the last year), you will not receive a link and will not have to log
into the USA Hire. Instead, you will receive an email stating you have already completed the
required assessments.

If you indicated you were minimally qualified and did not receive an email invitation, check the
The email is sent to the email address in your USA Staffing Application Manager
account. Be sure you are checking the appropriate email address.
Please ensure your email account settings will allow an email from a .gov email
address. If not, the email may appear in a Spam or Junk folder.
Applicants should contact the USA Hire helpdesk at
with additional questions about the USA Hire invitation email.

6) How long do applicants have to complete the USA Hire assessments?
Applicants have until 48 hours after the close of the job opportunity announcement to complete
the assessments. If an applicant requests a reasonable accommodation that is adjudicated after
the assessments would normally close, he/she will be given 48 hours to complete the
assessments once their request is adjudicated.

7) What happens if an applicant does not complete the USA Hire assessment?
If USA Hire online assessments are required for a job opportunity announcement, applicants
must complete them to be eligible for consideration. Applicants who do not complete the
assessments within 48 hours of the closing date of the vacancy (or a different testing period
specified in the job announcement) will be rated ineligible for that job opportunity

8) Do applicants have to login at USA Hire?
All eligible applicants will receive an invitation email from
containing a unique link that automatically logs the applicant in at USA Hire. If the applicant has
previously completed all required assessment batteries (within the last year), he/she will receive
a courtesy email notifying him/her that no further action is required.

9) If the applicant stops mid-stream when completing USA Hire assessments, how should he/she
get back? How does USA Hire know who he/she is?
The applicant should follow the instructions provided in the invitation email. USA Hire
recognizes the applicant by the URL link. Applicants should complete the assessment section
he/she is currently working on in USA Hire. Between assessment sections, applicants may leave
USA Hire and return using the URL link in his/her invitation email.

10) How long are USA Hire scores used for future job opportunity announcements using USA Hire?
An applicants score for an assessment will be used for future job opportunity announcements
using USA Hire for one year. How results will be re-used is specifically referenced in each job
announcement that uses USA Hire.

11) How does USA Hire block an individual from retaking the assessment until one year expires?
All eligible applicants receive an assigned unique identifier based on information gathered
during the application process. The unique identifier is used to check to determine if an
applicant has already completed an assessment. If the applicant has previously completed all
required assessments, he/she will receive a courtesy email notifying him/her that no further
action is required.

12) Will USA Hire automatically prompt an applicant to re-take the assessments after one year?
Yes, applicants are required to re-take the assessments after one year.

13) What if I already took the USA Hire online assessments when I applied to a different vacancy?
You will receive a link to log into USA Hire assessments if there are any required assessments for
the position which you have not completed previously, or if your previous results may no longer
be re-used.

If you have completed all of the required assessments previously and these results may be re-
used, you will not receive a link and will not have to log into the USA Hire. Instead, you will
receive an email stating you have already completed the required assessments.

14) What kind of notification and guidance does the applicant receive throughout the process?
Applicants receive all status updates and notifications typically sent through USA Staffing and
USAJOBS during the application process. In addition, the job opportunity announcement, the
onscreen instructions in Application Manager, and the USA Hire invitation email all provide
specific instructions on what applicants can expect and how applicants should complete the
next steps in the process.

15) How will OPM assist applicants needing reasonable accommodations to complete the
USA Hire assessments?
The job opportunity announcement will provide applicants with information required to request
a reasonable accommodation for the assessments. An OPM reasonable accommodation
coordinator will work with applicants who request a reasonable accommodation to adjudicate
the request. Applicants are given 48 hours to complete the assessments once their request is

16) Does use of USA Hire change any veterans preference rules?
No. When USA Hire is used with Delegated Examining Unit job opportunity announcements
open to all U.S. citizens, the current veterans preference rules under category rating must be
followed. For more information about veterans preference, visit

17) What happens if the applicant forwards the USA Hire invite email to someone else to take the
The USA Hire URL is unique to the applicant to whom it was emailed. USA Hire online
assessments should only be completed by the applicant receiving the email from Other individuals wishing to apply must follow the complete
application process.

An applicant who cheats or makes unauthorized use of the platform may face serious penalties
for such behavior. As stated in the honesty statements preceding each assessment, cheating or
other dishonest conduct when completing the online assessments may lead to your
disqualification from the application process and from seeking Federal employment in the
future (5 C.F.R. part 731). If you are a current Federal employee, you may be removed or
debarred from Federal Service.
18) Who do I contact with technical USA Hire system issues/questions while accessing or
completing the assessments?
Applicants may contact the USA Hire Help Desk at

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