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How many __________are/is there in_________?
There are/is______________________________.
Instructions: Each group must order in pairs these words in a logical manner.
The group that finished the game before the other group, they will be the
winners and then they have to ask questions and answers with the words
arranged properly.
Group 1
1 coach A team
3 colors Primary colors
6 strings A guitar
12 months A year

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

1 president A country
206 bones Human Skeleton
24 cities Peru
4 seasons A year
50 states The United States
24 hours A day
9 planets Solar system
One thousand
A kilometer
11 players Football team
1 capital A country
2 colors Peruvian flag
27 countries European Union

Time: 20 minutes
Preparation: Copy the handouts (A and B) one set for each
1. - Draw a 4x4 grid on the board. In the square in the top right-hand corner
draw a sun and a square in the opposite bottom corner. Draw a few obstacles
in the way. Ask class how to go from the square to the sun and follow their
instructions. Make sure they can all use go up/down/left/right. Now check
understanding of the key vocabulary by asking volunteers to come up to the
board and draw: a cup/ a moon/ a sun / a tree/ a star.
2. - Divide the class into pairs (A and B). Ask each pair to decide who will be
the artist and who will be the talker. Then distribute the appropriate
handouts (A to the artist and B to the talker). Stress that they must not show
each other their handout.
3. - Allow a minute or two for the B students to fill in the extra 6 squares as
detailed al the top of their sheets. While they are doing this, point out to the
A students that if they do not understand what their partner says or means,
they can say Im sorry, I dont understand, Could you say it again, please?
Now pairs work together with students B reading out as clearly as possible the
instructions. (1-16) and student A drawing and writing as instructed. Walk
round the room while they are working to help anyone in difficulties and also
to make sure that they are not looking at each others rectangles.
4. - After 10 minutes stop the activity and ask the students to look at their
partners rectangles. Congratulate those who are the most accurate.

STUDENT A: Here is a rectangle with sixteen squares. Listen to your
partner, who will give you instructions. Draw or write something in each square.

Look at your Answer sheet. Before you start, fill in these squares:
1. In square 1 write todays date.
2. In square 4 write your name.
3. 3In square 7 write the name of your English teacher.
4. In square 9 write the year it is.
5. In square 14 write your partners name.
6. In square 16 write the colour of your eyes.
Now work with your partner. Your partner has large rectangles with sixteen
squares too-but the squares are empty. Read the instructions below to your
partner but do not show him/her your Answer sheet.

Now look at your partners rectangle and show him/ her rectangle (Answer
sheet). Are they the same?
ANSWER SHEET: Dont show this to your partner!

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