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Gabby's wild weekend

I had planned this weekend for weeks, I would meet Gabby at her house, load up her bags
and take the long drive down from Wilmslow to London. She didn't know it, but I was
planning various activities both in the hotel and out. We had discussed se for a while and
both thought that we'd take it easy and slow to begin with. !he thing you must remember
about Gabby, is her legs, she has gorgeous, long tattooed legs that simply begged to be
touched. She never helped by wearing shorts and skirts that would show them off, today
was no eception, she wore a denim mini skirt and a black goth baggy t"shirt. #ur $ourney
started early and we were both very ecited about the trip. #nce we'd gotten onto the main
motorway southbound, the miles started to fall away, because it is a straight %ish& $ourney,
the driving re'uired once you're at speed is minimal, which leaves your hands free to
(s I mentioned, Gabby had insatiable legs, which she already knew I couldn't keep off. It
was inevitable that my hands should find them, after all, it was a long $ourney, and I had a
hand spare now we were traveling. I gently gra)ed her right knee as she sat with my left
hand, *adio kicking out some tunes that seemed to fade into the back ground. (fter a few
minutes I noticed that my hand was now caressing further up her thigh, we had fooled
around before, but as I caressed and traced my fingertips further upwards towards her
skirt. !he song had by now finished and in the 'uietness between tracks I heard her small
voice and breathing, it was heavy, almost carnal, her moans were closely resembling that
of a purring cat. !aking this as a good thing, I pursued and gra)ed my fingertips further up,
feeling the fabric of her skirt on my knuckles raise as I pushed upwards where felt her
s'uirm and then gasp loudly as my fingertips found her panties. I paused my hand and
continued to drive. Seeing what she would do or how she would react.
+Stroke me, is all Gabby could muster, hissing it at me as if in a lustful hunger to be
touched there for the first time. I cupped her hot mound with my hand, my middle fingers
nestling neatly into her covered labia. -y fingertips gently massaged her hot virgin se as
her favorite tune rocked on the radio. She s'uirmed and threw her head back in pleasure
as my older, more eperienced hands caressed her clit and lips more vigorously.
( smirk now painted across my face as I pleasured Gabby, the passing cars looking in, but
only seeing a young girl looking like she is singing along to a very good rock track. (s her
orgasm grew, I said nothing and continued with my fingers, sliding her panties aside to get
a finger inside of her tight virgin pussy. !his sent her over the edge and she gasped loudly
+stop.. stop there... you need to pull over, somewhere..., I sheepishly slid my damp fingers
from under her skirt and grabbed the steering wheel. (nswering +I" I'm sorry I er.., .ulling
over across the lanes when I eventually saw a layby that looked almost abandoned. It
wasn't a service station, but she did want to stop, so I pulled in and parked up. !he car sat
almost out of complete view of the rest of the road / not by design but more from hesitated
need. Gabby waited 'uietly whilst I parked and as soon as the handbrake was on, her
seatbelt was undone and she was undoing mine.
I had little time to feel guilty as she straddled herself over me in the driving seat
accidentally pressing the horn, making us both laugh. I now reali)ed that she was not in
fact as pissed off at me as first thought, but more horny. In fact, the horniest I had ever
seen her. (s she straddled me, my hands once again found her gorgeous legs and
caressed them, moving upwards towards her ass which I cupped firmly. +w..will you.., as
she spoke her hands lifted her skirt to give me an unbroken view of her panties, then her
small hands reached down and unbuttoned my $eans and un)ipped them, I had not worn
any boers deliberately as it was easier for me when driving, as soon as she un)ipped, I
sprang free, already hard from her moans and mini orgasm earlier. Seeing this made her
gasp and moan once again +#h my God... take me here, now, I want it and I can't wait for
it., I smiled up at her and nodded, giving her the control she needed to take her own
virginity on my hard cock.
She pulled her panties aside again, eposing her hot wet se to my precum soaked
cockhead. I moaned gently and raised her up by her hips until I knew she was clear, I felt
her small hand reach down between us and grab my length, guiding it to her hot tight
entrance. +you want to loose it to a bare cock Gabby0, she maintained her grip, bulged her
eyes wide at me and nodded, then sank down onto my head with a s'ueal. (t first nothing
seemed to happen, she looked shocked, not knowing what to epect. She then felt a
burning sensation and s'uealed again +ooww1, then a flash of heat passed and I felt a
small hot gush run down my length, I knew she was now no longer a virgin and she
suddenly felt herself give way to my hot bulbous head that now sank slowly deeper into
her. !he mied feel of pain and please looked like it was taking its toll on her as she
couldn't 'uite make her mind up. She stopped after only 2, and held herself there, semi
impaled on her first ever cock. 3er hand reached down between us once again and she
felt that she had actually got a cock inside her, she giggled the cutest, seiest giggle i've
ever heard from a girl as she gently started to grind herself on the stiff length that was
making its way inside her. .ausing only to let the pain subside and then continuing again,
slowly. !hen she made her way upwards, when she felt too full. !his stirred her with
different feeling that were clearly something she hadn't anticipated. +oh my God this feels
good on the way put as well as on the way in, and with that she lowered herself down onto
me again, this time not struggling like she had before, and gaining more and more
confidence as she did, her hand still firmly gripping my cock as she started to ride the head
and a little of the shaft. She felt a familiar sensation once again, the same as before in the
car, her orgasm was building up again, this time she knew that it would be more intense
and started to grind and moan, panting heavily as she got caught up in her eperience.
+you close baby0, I whispered gently as my hands began to caress her find breasts, as I
landed on them she moan again louder, the very touch of her sensitive breasts seemed to
only draw her closer and closer. She nodded frantically at me +yes, i'm close.. yes, yess...,
I caressed her and cupped her luscious titties as started to cum on her first cock. I
whispered up to her +you want to cum harder baby and feel something different0, she
opened her eyes and panted out of breath +uhuh.., staring directly into my eyes. I smiled
and drew her hand from between us and guided it to her breasts so it was $oining mine. (t
the same time I pushed her body down onto my full length making her scream almost
uncontrollably in both pain and delight. +ooohhhhh shit... + was all she could say, the feel of
a bare big cock filling her every insides was too much and she burst out into a fit of
trembling and panting orgasms, every grind on the stiff shaft now buried deep within her
seemed to send shivers around her body. I embraced her closely as she moaned, hissing
into her ear +you ready to become a woman Gabby0, she whimpered and nodded into my
shoulder as she trembled hopelessly on top of me. I responded and twitched my thick stiff
cock deep inside her, brushing the walls of her womb with the flesh, this seemed to make
her shivers bigger until I finally could hold it no longer and burst my hot load deep into her
tight virgin womb. Load after hot load I emptied deep in to Gabby as she whimpered,
s'uirmed and came on top of me. I eventually subsided and we embraced together in the
drivers seat, totally spent from our erotic eperience. Gabby finally drew her head up and
made eye contact +you.. are a bad boy1, she hissed at me. !hen giggled as she realised
that she was in a bit of a position. I $ust nodded and replied +you're stuck now aren't you0,
she nodded and shrugged, then raised herself up off my still semi stiff member. -y cum
oo)ed from her with traces of her blood, splashing on my $eans and floor, she pulled her
panties back and blushed bright red saying +er... sorry... we need to go to a service station
for me to change,
I smiled, nodded and replied +there's one 4 miles up, we'll nip in there.
We continued our $ourney the 4 miles and stopped at the welcome braek, Gabby went to
freshen herself up and I went to get a wipe down, smirking as I did, happy with the way our
weekend was turning out.
!o be continued.......
Chapter 2
We continued our $ourney, this time somewhat subdued, Gabby had worn herself out and
had truth be told, she was still a little sore after her first eperience. (s she relaed in her
seat, we both listened to our favorite songs and kept ourselves very much up"beat. *olling
down the miles until we finally reached our 3otel. We checked in and moved our bags
from the car into the lobby, the receptionist gave us our key cards +here you go guys5
'room 464' down the hall to the lift, 4 floor then on your right., Gabby could hardly contain
her ecitement, this was her first time in a London hotel 7 I'd booked a very nice looking
one on the edge of the city. Gabby vanished, key card in hand towards the room, leaving
me with the receptionist and bags. I shrugged, laughed and smiled to the receptionist. I
turned to the receptionist and asked +did the flowers, champagne and chocolates get set
out as I ordered0, the receptionist grinned and bit her bottom lip nodding in agreement,
+mmhhhmm.. I wish it was my romantic getaway, she looked me up and down and winked
at me. I sheepishly winked back, blushing a little as we both knew what was going to
happen behind the closed doors. I picked up the bags and carried them to the room,
knocking on the door with my full hands. Gabby swung the door open with a grin on her
face8 a very seductive grin that said only one thing. !hen followed it by her sultry voice
asking +hello, do you have an appointment0, I smiled and nodded, loving her grin / almost
intoicated by it. She allowed me in, watching me struggle with the bags before closing the
door slowly after me. She then $umped into me, hugging me hard, turning me and kissing
me deeply, with the most passion we'd ever kissed. !hen whispering the words +thank you
for this / it's perfect, eventually broke, grabbing her bag and fleeing into the en suite. +$ust
getting changed1, a voice cried from behind the closed door. I laughed and stretched, tired
from the driving, I sat on the bed, allowing my eyes to eplore the room. !he champagne,
chocolates and flowers remained undisturbed on the dresser. It occurred that she'd not
seen them yet and grinned secretly pleased that I got to see her reaction. I laid back on
the bed, relaing and thinking. !his weekend was truly going to have no worries in it. I
heard the shower going and thought to myself that she was going to take a while, so I
closed my eyes for a brief nap. (fter a few minutes I heard the shower stop, and some
giggling coming from the door, I opened my eyes, and rolled over towards the champagne,
grabbing the glasses and bottle, I poised in the bed, holding the bottle ready to open for
when she re"entered the room.
!he bathroom door clicked and swung open, Gabby emerged, refreshed, wearing nothing
but a black laced thong and matching bra. !his was the first time I had seen her freely in
this way, her skin toned in stark comparison to the black lace, she looked the seiest thing
I'd ever seen. -y mind immediately flitted back to the bitten bottom lip of the receptionist
and thought to myself +oh yeah, whatever she thought would, my mind turned
back to the stunning young Gabby before me, $ust in time for her to notice the bottle in my
hand +#h my god1 9ou thought of everything0, I then popped the cork and made her $ump,
she gave a little s'ueal and $ust stood at the foot of the bed, bitting her own bottom lip,
staring at me. 3er look was deep and sensual, lust filled and desperate. I poured out the
glasses and lent forwards handing one to her. She took it and sipped it slowly, letting the
bubbles tingle her cute nose before raising an eyebrow at me. +strip0, she commanded
taking another sensual sip of her champagne.
I placed my own glass down and tugged my short over my head tossing it aside, she
continued to look, sipping seductively at her drink. I undid my $eans and raised my hips
tugging them down, once again revealing my bare semi hard cock as it sprang upwards
onto my navel. Gabby gave a little grin and giggle, satisfied that she was getting what
she'd always wanted tonight. I tossed the $eans aside with my shirt, then 'uickly removed
my socks. I laid there naked on the large king si)ed bed looking down at Gabby as she
stood there sipping her champagne seductively. I was hers, she had me in a trance and I
would do whatever she wanted me to do.
Gabby took the glass and carefully crawled onto the bed, I instinctively reached out to hold
her glass which she duly handed to me +hold1 :ut be careful, I'll need that again soon, I
smirked and held her glass as she crawled up me like a hunting panther. 3er eyes were
wide, pupils fied open as she sought after her prey. 3er pert breasts barely moved in the
constraints of her black lace bra, she eventually stopped and straddled my legs, her eyes
instinctively looking down at my now very hard throbbing member. She bit her lip once
again and whispered seductively +mmmm... that looks good, her hand then took the glass
from my hand and she sipped from it, then locking her eyes upon my ga)e she tipped the
champagne out, dri))ling it on the length of my cock. I twitched and gaped at its coolness
but allowed her full control, Gabby broke her ga)e only to look at my champagne adorned
length and smiled +oh dear1 Look what's happened0, then bent herself down slowly and
etended her tongue, dragging it up the length of my soaked length. I moaned in pleasure
as her tongue connected with my shaft.
3er licks turned 'uickly to kisses, applying $ust the right amount of pressure to be felt. I
resisted every urge to touch her platinum white hair and allowed her the freedom and
control I know she craved. She continued until she had devoured all the champagne that
had 'spilled' looking up into my eyes only to give me sight of their cuteness. I was as hard
as I'd ever been and the veins began to bulge on my shaft, Gabby nu))led at my length
before kissing my head hard, using her suction to pull it from its position against my navel.
She then caught it in her hot mouth and sank down in one single movement, filling her
small teenage mouth with my cock. I moan out appreciatively at her as she continued to
sink down. ;ventually she stopped having gotten almost every inch of my length into her
throat. She paused, holding it on me and moaned, the vibrations stimulating my every
nerve ending making me groan out on pleasure once again. She eased her head back up
and popped off the end loudly and shook her hair aside before catching my ga)e once
again, her hand having not spilt a drop of champagne during this time. 3er arm reached up
with the glass again, this time above my chest and tipped it, gently spilling what was left in
the glass onto me. She handed the glass to me and said in her most seductive tone +here.
I won't be needing this for a while, I placed the glass net to mine on the bedside table as
she lowered herself to once again take in the li'uid she had $ust tipped. <issing and
licking, with a little more vigor and urgency, her hands split, one caressing my hard cock,
the other my chest as she rubbed and licked at the wet area on my chest.
I could resist no longer, I had to do something with my hands and reached over her
slumped back and unclipped her lace bra, gently easing it apart, dragging my fingertips
over her shoulders and easing her straps down. She ad$usted herself as she s'uirmed on
top of me, one hand $erking and stroking my hard length, the other caressing my chest.
!hen in an almost carnal eplosion she dragged herself up, her bra falling from her onto
me before grabbing it and tossing it aside. 3er eyes went form almost closed to bright and
wide, hungry for lust. I reached my hands down and ran my fingers through the fabric of
her black laced thong +these should come off now0, I hissed at her, tugging them down,
she moved and helped, stepping out of them as she knelt above me, bringing them up her
body and brushing them over my face, I moaned and smelt their essence. She tossed
them aside and grabbed my shaft, again positioning it to her hot entrance, smearing the
head up and down her now wet and ready pussy. +oh god yes, this should feel so much
better, then, $ust as she was about to penetrate herself she stopped and looked down at
me, +d"do you think we should wear, I $ust grinned at her and shook my head, having been
teased like this and be told this, was not the idea. She paused and found herself gently
humping the bare head of my cock, uncontrollably she slid herself down again breaking
out with a s'ueal of $oy +oh fuck, who am I kidding, you filled me already, I have to feel that
again, I grinned back and moaned in pleasure as she sank down, this time much easier /
yet still almost virgin tight. She let out a bigger groan, more so than last time as this had no
pain attached,she could finally feel what was on offer without the constraints of the gear
stick, steering wheel and seat. (nd this time her pain was only in accepting my thick, hard
She moaned and pinned me down onto the bed as she slid down my shaft. -y hands
caressed her pert breasts, with every touch and pinch she groaned even more, the feel of
my hands eploring her more freely sent her close to the edge. She was still getting used
to having a cock crammed in such a tight little space, the feel to her was undoubtedly
better than she could have imagined. She was 'uick to hint of this fact when she started to
orgasm again +oh god =ave, yes, I"I'm gonna... already... oh yes.. oooooohhhh, she
started to tremble again and bowed her head down onto my chest as I felt her clench
around me I throbbed inside her and let my hands find her hips, I started raising her up
and down 'uickening her pace on my shaft, this seemed to tip her over once again as she
grunted over and over. 3er eyes rolled back into her head as she lost control of her limbs
collapsing onto me. I groaned at her almost lifeless body and hissed at her +you want me
to cum inside you again baby0, Gabby grunted and nodded her head, her eyes now
closed and head swaying side to side as she felt it. I burst a much larger load into her
than before. =eep inside her as she collapsed and impaled herself fully on the long shaft. I
spurted another few loads out deep into her as she trembled, her body accepting my seed.
We embraced each other, Gabby still tightly clenched around my hard cock buried deep
inside her, panting heavily as our orgasms subsided. We snuggled on the bed for what
seemed a lifetime en$oying our first real copulation. Gabby nodded off on top of me, so I
closed my eyes and in our close, warm embrace fell asleep too.
Chapter 3
(fter a few hours sleeping, we decided that we were getting cold and got under the covers,
as Gabby moved, she felt her pussy leaking my semen out, she instinctively reached her
fingers between her slender legs and smeared it up and down her slit, catching her clit as
she did. She gave out a yelp as her super sensitive clit still bu))ed and got into the covers.
I laughed and $oined her under the 'uilt, our naked bodies entwined as the darkness of the
room gave us a very sensual coupling, we laid spooning for a few more minutes, Gabby
was sore, but still very happy to be away from it all with only one thing seemingly on the
!he net morning we woke, almost at the same time, Gabby lent over and kissed me
passionately on the lips / this was by far the best way to wake up.
I pulled the sheets across and rolled over, grabbing Gabby's hand, smiling as I dragged
her up, and made our way over towards the shower +we need a good clean up I think
baby1, Gabby giggled and nodded agreeably, I turned on the shower and let it run hot for a
while. !he steam filled the room as Gabby and I kissed as we stood, waiting for it to heat
through. #ur hands caressed each others bodies with passion and eager attention. I
eventually reached for the shower door and swung it open, then dragged Gabby in with
me, letting the hot spray catch our bodies. 3er hair dampened instantly as the water rolled
down her gorgeous teen form, I watched as the water flowed down her collar and wrapped
around her bust, my eyes followed the trail down across her navel and over her neat little
labia that looked $ust superb in the glistening light. I grabbed the shammy and the shower
gel and created a lather, spreading it across her hot body, Gabby giggled and moaned as
she felt my eploring hands rubbing in the soap. !he water ha)ed and rolled down my own
body as Gabby's hands caressed every available inch of my body / her play thing. We
kissed and embraced, slipping and sliding against one another. Gabby realised that I was
already growing hard again, she reached out and grabbed my length once again, giggling
with her cute teenage voice as she stroked.
+oh =ave... hard again already0, I smirked and nodded answering +well, it's never gonna
go soft when I have access to this hot little thing all weekend, is it0,
Gabby gave a big smile back +I hope not, you've started something in me now... I don't
think we'll get to see much of London, then started to stroke on my length a little harder,
making me moan as she did, slipping and sliding her body up and down mine, teasing me
as she did. I moaned and gasped, grappling and caressing her body in return as she
worked on my length.
Gabby giggled and continued, knowing what effect she had on me, rubbing her body up
and down, gripping hard on my length then loosening her grip. I grunted and whispered at
her +mmmm I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that0, Gabby giggled louder and tugged
'uicker, the water and steam now flowing hotter. !he soap now almost completely washed
away, I lent against the wall as Gabby rubbed me hard and 'uick, I could feel that I would
burst at any time and grunted, Gabby responded by moaning a reply +yes baby, let me see
you cum, then got on her knees and continued looking up at me as the water hit her face, I
reached and twisted the shower head out of her face and on to my body, she grinned in
appreciation and continued to rub, taking an opportunity to take my length once again in
her mouth sucking hard on my length. I moaned even louder nearly being tipped over the
edge. Gabby saw this and grinned pulling my cock from her mouth and resting it on her
face near her nose saying +cum on my face =ave, let me feel your hot seed on my face,
hearing and seeing this was too much and I did as I was told, heaving a hot load out onto
her face. It splashed into her hair and on her eye, then oo)ed onto her cheeks and nose,
she giggled and groaned eyes staring up at me. It was amongst the seiest sights ever /
seeing your girlfriends face covered in your cum.
Gabby stood slowly and kissed me passionately on the lips, her face still covered in my
cum, we kissed and embraced as the passion subsided. Smearing my $uices across my
face as we kissed, she giggled and pulled our faces into the shower spray, +that was hot
=ave, I nodded, unable to speak.
(fter another few minutes under the spray, she turned it off and opened the door, we
stumbled out into the bathroom, the look of her wet hair and soaked body still greatly
turned me on, even though I had $ust unloaded my cum onto that cute face of hers. -y
semi hard cock swung as I started to chase her out of the bathroom slapping her ass,
Gabby giggled and s'uealed +hey1, I had now become overcome with lust for Gabby, as
we got into the main room, Gabby got the bed and stopped, I moved in closely behind her
and pinned her between the bed and my hips. Gabby protested half heartedly +oh =ave,
w"what's going on0, I had become a little more primal in my carnal instincts and grunted at
her +you can't do something as sey as that and not epect repercussions Gabby, I
slapped her ass hard leaving a red mark and bent her over the bed, eposing her cute
back end to my now hardening length. Gabby gasped and s'uealed at the slap, then
giggled looking back at me over her shoulder giving me those sey wide eyes +are you
hard again already0, I nodded and slid my cockhead up and down her hot wet slit. +you
can't make me cum like that and not epect that pussy of yours to get some attention0,
Gabby $ust grinned as she felt my hands pin her to the bed, I pushed in my hot wet
cockhead making her yelp unepectedly. She felt wonderful from this position and I slid in
easily, all the way down into her making her wince and scream as she felt my entire length
fill her. She arched her back and flayed her wet hair looking at me straight in the eye, I
started to slide out of her and then slammed back in hard making her s'ueal again. -y full
length slid in and out, slapping my hips against her ass as I did. ;very thrust into her made
her bounce and moan, I was very turned on by her show in the shower and wanted
nothing more than to continue to fuck her in this way.
Gabby's moans grew as she felt my hips slapping against her ass, I reached forwards and
grabbed her hair, pulling her head back slightly as I continued to slam into her. With my
other hand I reached and grabbed her left breast and s'uee)ed it making her moan louder.
(s I slammed I whispered to her +you like that huh baby0, Gabby gasped and moaned,
shocked but on the brink of orgasm. (s I slid in and out, a knock came to door followed by
a womans voice +-aid service0,
Gabby stiffled her moans and gasped in shock and embarrassment. I laughed and
continued slamming into her hard, knowing that she couldn't possibly stave off her orgasm.
!he knock came again followed by +3ello0 -aid Service0, Gabby giggled and moaned
'uietly moving her head as I let go of her hair to look at me, I winked at her and whispered
+you'd better say something or she'll catch you getting fucked hard1, Gabby's smile fell and
eyes grew, her heart pounded at the sheer thought of being caught by a stranger bent over
a bed being fucked hard from behind. I continued to slap in and out of her as she lost
control and started to orgasm again, she did so louder than she had ever before and
shouted to the maid +3e's fucking me, no thank youuuuu..., the maid gasped and we
heard a very sey +oh my1, escape her. !his was enough to tip Gabby over the edge as
she started to cum +ooooohhh >f?uck1, I grunted and as she clenched around my cock I
breathed out +nnggg.. fuck yeah +and started to splash my hot seed into her. (fter a few
more grunts Gabby started whining loudly encouraging me on +yeah, yeah... oooooohhh,
milking it for all she was worth. We heard the maids voice again +oh shit1 !hat's so fucking
hot1, as we subsided, then both giggled 'uietly as we collapsed on the bed. I whispered to
Gabby +'uick, lets go get breakfast, I slid out of her and grabbed her black laced thong
that was discarded form the previous night. Gabby 'uickly put it on and got into a miniskirt,
followed by a white blouse but decided not to wear the bra. I pulled my $eans on and short
/ again no boers, the $eans were tight and a clear well defined outline of my hard cock
was visible.
Gabby's hair was still wet and we both looked a state but it was worth it as we left the
room, $ust to see the cute blond girls face as she saw Gabby leave the room followed by a
man twice her age. I winked at her and Gabby blew her a kiss and giggled playfully.
Whispering to the poor girl as she passed +I can feel his cum dripping from me1, !he -aid
gasped and let out a moan of appreciation as we both disappeared into the lift.
Chapter 4
(fter breakfast Gabby insisted we return to the room to actually dress accordingly to do
some sight seeing. We returned to the room finding it had been turned over by the maid.
Gabby giggled knowing that the maid had heard us fucking and then started to feel a little
guilty that she had to clean up our room after a night of unbridled passion. +oh that poor
maid, having to clean up our se ridden bed, she smiled and started to undress grabbing
her bag un)ipping it and pulling out a choice of clothes for the day. I did likewise standing
there naked as I searched +hmm I hope you're gonna wear boers today =ave, I don't
want you attracting too much other attention from girls, Gabby smiled and winked at me as
she dressed herself, I was tempted to take her again, but decided that the sightseeing was
the plan so we should stick to that. (fter a few minutes thinking about it I broke my pause
and answered pulling out my tight white lycra trunk shorts out of my bag and smiled at
Gabby +of course, these should do the trick, I grinned at Gabby, she loved to see me in
those trunk shorts, she bought them for me a few weeks back purely for her own viewing
pleasure, the fact that I was wearing them today drove her a little wild to say the least.
Gabby danced in ecitement +oh goody, you know I looove to see you in those1, I smiled
and winked at her, Gabby responded by mooching over towards me and ran her fingers
across the form in my tight trunk shorts giggling +now that's nice and tempting1you're
gonna drive me cra)y today knowing you have them on.,
I laughed and pulled up a pair of trousers covering up my growing bulge before desire got
the better of us, I changed shirts and watched as Gabby put on a black summer type
dress, reveling in the sight as she covered her tattooed body up. We headed out and went
towards covent garden to do a little shopping. Gabby was keen to do a little clothes
shopping whilst we were out so we nipped in to various alternative shops that sold
Gabby's kind of stuff. (fter a few hours walking around hand in hand, Gabby lent in and
whispered +you know, we should nip in to a private shop whilst we're here. See what it's
like, I've never been in one before, I stopped and laughed at her, kissing her on the cheek
+you innocent little min1 I love you, but you know they're not the same as going into @et,
I grinned and winked. Gabby $umped a little in ecitement clapping her hands together. We
walked a little way until we found a private shop down a small discreet back street, Gabby
paused and looked at it and gasped +oh my god I can't believe I'm gonna go in a se
shop1, I hugged her and replied gently +well, you are going in with your boyfriend and after
all, you're $ust looking, I opened the door and let her in. Gabby giggled and whispered as if
she was a naughty school girl +we shouldn't be in here.. hehehehehe,
We walked in deeper into the shop where we were greeted by a very good looking
brunette woman who greeted us warmly with a husky sultry voice +hello and welcome,
please feel free to browse around and if you need any help, $ust let me know0, I nodded
an acknowledgment to her, my eyes spending perhaps a little too long on her than was
absolutely necessary, Gabby noticed and 'uickly tugged me away a little $ealous as we
walked around the shop. Gabby eagerly went off as soon as she saw the se toys giggling
+hmmmm.. what do you think =ave0, picking up a pink vibrator and holding it near her bust
+suits me0, I smiled and nodded +look better in you, $ust like me, Gabby gave out a shriek
of lust and put the Aibrator back, then fumbled her way through the novelty items giggling.
3er confidence was now growing and was now treating this shop like any other in Bovent
Garden, She then b"lined across the shop to the large selection of lingerie and underwear
giving a big gasp as she did, a true haven for a girl who appreciated fine lace and sey
underwear. I continued to look around the shop, looking for a toy that I could perhaps use
on Gabby later on in the weekend.
+3i there, can I help you miss0, the brunette asked Gabby as she neared her at the other
side of the store. Gabby gasped in shock as she reali)ed the lady was talking to her.
Gabby looked around and noticed we were the only people in the shop and regained her
composure +h"hi, she replied rather sheepishly. !he brunette was wearing a red corset that
emphasi)ed her bust and black pencil skirt that was both smart and sey when coupled
with the corset. she smiled warmly and replied +I'm (pril, can I help you decide miss0,
Gabby smiled a little and answered +oh er, sure why not, 7 please call me Gabby, (pril
smiled and nodded +ok then Gabby, so tell me, what brings you here today0, Gabby
thought and smiled giving a very coy grin whispering +dirty weekend, her eyes scoured the
racks at the multitude of sey lace, spande, .AB and late clothes. (pril broke her a
second later and whispered to her +so.. you're looking to make this an even dirtier
weekend then Gabby0, a little too close to Gabby's ear than was comfortable at that time.
Gabby shivered and nodded not 'uite freaked out by (pril's closeness but more confused
by the goosebumps and shivers her voice had caused.
Gabby broke her trance from the underwear and looked at (pril giving her a cute little
smile and nod, +y"yes, it's a special weekend, (pril admired Gabby's body looking her up
and down and thought +hmmm... I'd say a.... 4Cb0 Si)e CDE6, Gabby blushed and giggled
+oh er... y"yes, how did you..., (pril laughed back +dear, it's my $ob to know these things.
Let me guess... you're new to this aren't you0, Gabby nodded in embarrassment blushing
again. (pril gave her a warm smile and held her arm +it's ok hun, lets sort you out with
something your stud will en$oy almost as much as you1, she made her way off through to
the back room with Gabby giggling between them. I watched them vanish and looked
around, the shop was empty and my eyes scrolled to the entrance where the 'closed' sign
had been put up. It didn't take long for me to understand that we were getting some private
Gabby nervously entered the back room with (pril, giving me a wink as she vanished,
(pril broke the silence first asking +so Gabby my dear, tell me what you like0, Gabby
blushed and shook her head +I"I don't know, embarrassed at the 'uestion. (pril replied
+hmmm... it's ok hunny, $ust think of it as bikini shopping, only this is for the bedroom.,
Gabby grinned and giggled +yeah. I can do that1, (pril smiled back and giggled with her,
pulling out her first item for Gabby to try on8 a deep red lace thing backed bodysuit. She
handed it to Gabby and smiled wickedly. Gabby eamined it and gave a cheeky giggle,
looking at (pril smirking then looking around for somewhere to change. (pril smiled back
and whispered +it's ok hun, change here, I don't mind. !he shop is closed now. Fust you,
me and your boyfriend., Gabby looked at (pril panicking, her eyes widened and senses
tingling with a miture of ecitement and embarrassment. 3er mind thought back to the
maid that morning and the fact that she had already put on a se show for a stranger, so
stripping whilst underwear shopping wasn't even the net level.
She let her guard down and decided to strip, pulling her dress down over her hips
revealing her black bra and thong. (pril gave an approving smile and nod, encouraging her
to continue,
holding the bodysuit up for Gabby to take when she was ready. Gabby grabbed it and
started to put it on, still wearing her own underwear. (pril gave a tut and smiled warmly
telling her +oh hun, it's not like the high street. 9ou can try things on properly here. Bome
on, lets have you really stripping, Gabby's $aw dropped as she lowered the bodysuit, then
tucking her fingers into the hem of her thong looked at (pril then down at her thong. (pril
reassured her +it's $ust us hun, no one else. 7 you have to see what it's like, how sey you
feel in it,
Gabby smiled and tugged them down over her hips sliding them down, eposing her neatly
trimmed se to (pril. She stepped out of them and moved her hands behind her to unclip
her bra letting it fall down completely eposing her nudity to (pril. 3er nipples stood hard
on her pert breasts and (pril couldn't help but give a smile and nodded her head in
appreciation of this fine young teen naked before her. Gabby proceeded to grab the red
laced bodysuit and pulled it up, hooking the straps over her shoulders cupping her pert
breasts. !he si)e was perfect, (pril sure did know her stuff.
Gabby gave a twirl and posed for (pril who applauded and grinned commenting +oooh
very sey little miss... 3e'd love that one1, Gabby scrunched her nose up and shook her
head, then proceeded to strip the lace bodysuit down over her shoulders, semi
provocatively at (pril simulating a tease for me. (s it fell from her they giggled together
and (pril passed over another choice / a black late hot pants and bra set. Gabby grinned
at it and purred like a kitten, pulling the hotpants up her slender tattooed legs, she fit
snuggly into them creating an almost perfect camel toe to (prils delight. She fitted the bra
and went on a catwalk style parade for (pril posing again. (pril again gave a laugh and a
giggle and applauded her as she opened up and took more control of the situation. +I like
this1 !his is a maybe1, as she passed (pril, (pril reached out her hand and caressed
Gabby's ass, inspecting the fit, then around to her front and ran her fingers down into the
cleft of her labia lips. Gabby gasped and paused staring at (pril who $ust stared up at her
from her seat and smiled whispering +very good fit, Gabby was more shocked that she
allowed (pril that level of access, she hesitated before moving but this time stayed closer
to (pril and started to strip the late from her teenage body. (pril noticed how close whe
was this time and moaned at Gabby in a pleased tone, watching her.
(pril then handed a black .AB onepiece with a )ip down the front and a collared neck.
Gabby's eyes gleamed as she noticed the )ip went the complete length of the suit. !hen
gave (pril a massive grin and giggled loudly. I heard the louder giggles and moved a little
closer towards the back room and waited, not wanting to disturb the ladies. Gabby slipped
her frame into the .AB and couldn't help but moan as she did +ooooohhh my it's so
sey,then as she pulled the .AB over her shoulders she looked down as it took it's shape
around her form and gasped as she came to reali)e the )ip started at the back. She turned
and looked at (pril with a very sultry grin knowing that she would probably need
assistance first time. (pril epertly moved and reached her hand out to grab the )ip and
firmly gripped Gabby's ass making her moan and yelp giving a brief whisper +oh that feels
good and sey,. (pril started to )ip from her backside and down under her legs, Gabby
gave a loud moan of appreciation as (prils gentle warm fingers rubbed past her labia and
glanced off her clit. Gabby hissed at that point and panted trying to keep her cool. (pril
continued to )ip from the front, moving upwards and enclosing Gabby's pert breasts into
the tight fitting .AB finishing at her neckline becoming almost face to face to Gabby. (fter
a long intense moment, Gabby broke away from what she was sure would have ended up
in her first girl on girl kiss / a place she definitely wasn't ready to go yet.
(pril respected this and gave a delighted sigh as she stood back and looked at the sey
picture that was Gabby wearing a dominant looking .AB outfit. +you could command an
army of studs with that, she commented, Gabby Grinned wickedly and replied +you think
+I know so, retorted (pril, +in fact, you could probably put it to the test0 I bet... that your
boyfriend would do anything you asked him to if he saw you in it now0,
Gabby thought and smiled, +you think =ave would0 =o anything0, (pril grinned and said
+anything you wanted / I guarantee1,
I grinned after knowing that Gabby was probably trying things on with the shop assistant
so went to have more of a browse at the dildos and vibrators. I hadn't planned on using
things like this on this weekend, but some of these things will be definitely used when we
get home. I mulled over the possibilities and smiled, already planning in my mind what I
would be doing to Gabby later on in the day. -eanwhile, Gabby and (pril were chatting
and giggling from the back room, I moved a little closer to see what was going on.
I then heard Gabby shout from the back room +=ave... we need you1, I responded and
walked closer +yes baby, what do you need0, as I entered the room I stood as saw (pril
sitting in her corset and Gabby standing in the .AB onepiece looking at me with her wide
eyes full of lust already. I gulped and felt my heart and cock $ump. She really could pull off
this sey =om look and I grinned like a schoolboy. (pril looked at her and nodded giving
Gabby her cue, Gabby proceeded to walk towards me and hissed at me +you like what you
see huh =ave0 Well, (pril here has a point to prove., I stood looking and nodded unable to
move through intoication. (pril sat and watched intently, smiling at us both as we stood
entranced by each other. I couldn't help be feel helpless, I was actually prepared to accept
and do whatever Gabby asked me to do.
Gabby saw that look in my eye and and grinned, thinking about what she could do to test
(pril's theory. +I want you to do whatever I ask you too0 =o you understand0, Gabby
looked at me, then (pril, winking at her before her eyes returned to my ga)e. I nodded and
agreed +anything you want, Gabby then smiled at (pril and turned back at me, wondering
$ust how much she could press this power issue +=ave, I want you show (pril your hot
trunk shorts that I like so much., she stood there, semi convinced at her words but clearly
drawing courage from her current stance and appearance, (pril groaned and cheered in
appreciation +oh yes, that's my girl, I stood an gasped in shock, then after a little hesitation
I started to pull my shirt over my head and tossed it over to Gabby, smiling at her as my
torso became eposed the pair of them. I looked down at my trousers and smiled at
Gabby, looking to her for the permission. She smiled and nodded +Go on then, Show us1,
walking forwards towards me and grabbing at my trouser button undoing it for me as way
of permission then stepping to (prils side and finishing with +carry on1, I watched as she
moved and ad$usted my body to give them both a good view as I un)ipped them and
tugged them down, eposing my now very tight fitting white Lycra $ockeys. !he trousers fell
the rest of the way and I stepped out of them kicking off my shoes at the same time.
Gabby and (pril looked on, (pril gave a little cheer and looked at Gabby knowingly smiling
at her and whispered to her in a congratulatory manner +you see, anything you want,
Gabby Grinned insatiably at (pril and found herself daring to further her actions, reaching
out and grabbing my bulge giving it a massage and looking at (pril as she did, hungry
eyed and loving the control the .AB gave her over the situation. (pril sat back in her chair
and watched eager to see where Gabby would take this. Seeing (pril rela and watch her
boyfriend filled Gabby with mied emotions, first she was $ealous, then seeing how passive
(pril was and knowing how much I loved her made her 'uickly reali)e that this would only
go as far as she would let it.
(s her mind grappled with the emotions her eyes closed and her hand continued to
massage the growing length under the lycra, she soon reali)ed that she was caressing my
erection in full view of (pril. She moved her head to gain eye contact with (pril as she
continued to massage my bulge. !hen broke herself away from me turned with her back to
me and faced (pril before grinning at her.
I noticed the )ipper on the .AB finished at the top of her cute rounded ass and smiled, still
standing where she held me. @ot wanting to break the spell she had on me. Gabby then
parted her legs $ust a little wider and breathed to (pril +show =ave how the )ip works0,
then turned around so she could face me.
(prils hands reached around Gabby's body and grabbed the )ip at her neck and slowly
pulled it down, un)ipping and revealing more o Gabby's flesh to me. Gabby knew what this
must have been doing to me and knew there could be only one result. She had already
decided that (pril was going to be the first person to watch her fuck her boyfriend. :y now
(prils hands were nearing Gabby's hot pussy and her hands moved to accommodate her
opened legs, reaching this time under between them and continuing the )ip up over her
ass. (pril then grabbed Gabby's hips and cradled her back onto her knee, Gabby obliged
and moaned as she did, now open legged and eposed to her hard boyfriend before her
she seductively moaned +pull your cock out and show (pril, as (pril held her body firmly
on top of hers.
I nodded obediently and pulled out my thick, hard soaked cock from the tight confines of
the $ockeys. (pril gave out an audible groan of appreciation as Gabby hissed +you're
gonna fuck me for (pril, right here, right now, (pril's moans grew as her fingers moved to
cradle Gabby's thighs supporting them as she lifted them slightly and parted them
invitingly. I nodded, confident that Gabby knew what she was doing, and conscious that
nothing would happen without her say so.
I stepped forwards gripping my hard shaft in my right hand into the girls bodies on the
chair, (pril caught a better view of my length and moaned to Gabby gently +that's a
handsome cock you lucky girl, Gabby could only muster a slight half hearted reply +and
he's gonna fuck me with it, Gabby had successfully seduced me into fucking her infront of
a stranger in the backroom of a se shop, I was so horny that my carnal urges were
building up to a point of no return. Gabby's eyes looked at me differently, as if she was the
'ueen and I was her little fuck toy. Greedily wanting all that was on offer to her. (pril had
become her hand maiden and was there for the sole purpose of showing off too.
I leaned in and slid my wet sticky cockhead up against her slit making her moan 'uietly.
(pril moaned too and I continued to slide up her slit until my head found her hard eposed
clit. She gave out a yelp and grinned already gripped by the adrenaline surging through
her body. I sank into her slowly making her moan loudly and lengthily as I slid all C, in at
once, parting her tight little pussy. (pril panted heavily and moved her hands under
Gabby's knees leaning her body forwards peering over hoping to catch a glance of my
cock sinking into this tight teenage beauty. I grunted as I did, loving the feeling of Gabby's
pussy around my length, the look of pure lust in her eyes with (pril looking on hungrily in
the back ground. ;ventually I bottomed out into Gabby pressing my heavy balls between
us and grinding into her briefly. I lent in my body over the two girls and started pulling out
my length staring right into Gabby's eyes as I did, She responded open mouthed, dry from
her lust and huskily breathed at me +look at her, look into her eyes whilst you fuck me, I
shifted my ga)e upward to meet (prils, as our eyes connected (pril gave out a long loud
moan of pleasure as I started to pick up the pace, driving in and out of Gabby as I looked
into this complete strangers sey eyes. Gabby drew close to orgasm and grunted at me as
she did +=on't you dare cum until I've told you to, I nodded my agreement and continued to
fuck her rhythmically pushing her body into (prils, both girls were now moaning in time
with each other. (fter a minute of what seemed the hottest se you could imagine Gabby
groaned +oh i'm gonna cum, yes, make me cum.. but not like this..., I slowed and stopped
pulling out of her my slipping wet cock and stood back, Gabby got off of (pril and winked
at me, then turned around to face (pril in the chair and presented her un)ipped ass to me
wiggling it continuing +take me from behind, let her see my cumming face, then if you're a
good boy, i'll let you cum too, I stepped into her again as she leant over the chair dangling
her teen breasts into (pril lap and buried her had into her bust as she felt me re"enter her
from behind. She gave off a muffle moan and started groaning. !hen as I started my
fucking motion once again she lifted her head so it was eye level with (pril and started to
moan. (pril could resist no longer and instinctively licked Gabby's lips as they wobbled in
front of hers, Gabby was lost in a trance of orgasm and didn't realise at first what had
happened. I grabbed her hips and thrusted myself in and out of her hard, pushing her face
into (prils, she groaned and moaned as she felt her orgasm totally take over whispering
into (prils mouth +ohhhh i'm cumming (pril, I'm cumming, (pril again licked at Gabby's
open mouth and tongue as she watched the young teen orgasm hard. I grunted and
groaned almost begging for release. Gabby's orgasm started to subside and she opened
her eyes to find her mouth pressed against (prils, Gabby 'uickly pulled back and looked
over her shoulder at me nodding +ok big boy you can cum now... but it's up to (pril where,
(pril gasped and thought as I continued slowly sliding in and out of Gabby, then 'uietly
answered + B"cum on her ass hun, let me see your stud loads cream up that cute ass of
hers, Gabby gave out a giggle and moan as she stood allowing (pril to move off her chair.
She moved to her knees beside us as I continued to slide idly in and out of Gabby,
Gabby returned to the chair leaning over it and arching her back making her ass more
pronounced, I felt (prils hands tug at the leather and epose more of her cute flesh to me.
I sped up my fucking once again eager fro my release, Gabby started to moan loudly again
as she felt this strangers hands on her ass as her boyfriend ploughed her from behind.
(pril stared and moaned watching my shaft sink in and out. I grunted and moaned +oh yes
here it comes baby, on her ass you say0, (pril nodded hungrily and grabbed my cock
pulling out of Gabby, with her other hand she stretched her cheeks apart as Gabby
orgasmed again. She epertly tugged on my cock and guided it to Gabbys split ass and
hissed +cum on her ass, let her feel your hot seed on that hole, this was enough for both
me and Gabby as we both let out a moan of pleasure and I started to spurt out my load,
pumping it out onto her ass and anus. Load after load as usual belowed from me onto her,
much to (prils surprise who by now was having her own little orgasm. (s I subsided I
grunted and Gabby looked over her shoulder at (prils grip on my still hard cock that was
dripping lines from her rounded teen ass and giggled +good boy1,
We all got up and cleaned ourselves down, getting changed whilst (pril got together a few
things for us. #nce we'd gotten ourselves to a stage where we could go, we went and paid
for a few things we'd chosen out and said our goodbyes to (pril who gave us a pink bag
on departure +a little gift from me / have fun you sey love birds1,.
Chapter 5
We left the se shop and continued our $ourney through London, heading off for some
dinner and dropping in at other shops on route. We then made our way to the hotel for late
afternoon. (ll Gabby could talk about was the fact that we $ust fucked in front of a complete
stranger, our conversation over lunch consisted of 'uiet talk and eye to eye conversations
of the mornings activities. Gabby whispered +I can't believe what we did, I'm so horny I
could have stayed and let you take me some more., I grinned and nodded +I know what
you mean, I think we were both very consumed by all that intensity. :ut I don't think (pril
would have been happy $ust to sit there all day whilst we fucked in her shop do you0, I
laughed and winked at Gabby as she thought and bit her bottom lip, +pitty1, she replied
taking a drink of her coffee, then continued her thought her face then dropped a little as
she reali)ed +hey1 9ou don't think if we'd have stayed she'd have wanted to... you know0, I
looked at her and smiled +well, would you be able to $ust sit and watch us at"it without
wanting at least a little attention yourself0, Gabby paused for thought and nodded
agreeing, confident that if she was in (pril's shoes, she'd probably have done more with
me too. +yeah, ok... I get that1 :ut you wouldn't though, would you babe0, she asked with a
lower tone in her voice, I looked at her and smiled +I would only share myself if that's
something you wanted baby, !hat's why I let you have complete control earlier / it would
have gone as far as you wanted it to,
Gabby grinned and nodded still clambering her thoughts from earlier, mulling over the what
could've beens. We finished our light lunch and made our way through London taking
photo's as we did. We the headed back to the 3otel for our evening meal that was
included. (s soon as we entered our room Gabby heaved onto the bad tired from our day
and wiggled giggling as she did +Ban you believe what we did today0, she spoke in her
normal louder voice sure of our privacy now. I smiled and nodded in agreement,
+mmmhmmm, Gabby knew that I had been in circumstances like that before and accepted
that it probably wasn't as bigger deal for me as it was her, but still she writhed on the bed,
new clothes tossed aside in their bags as she thought about the eperience.
+=ave10, Gabby eclaimed. +what did her face look like when you came on my ass0, I
looked at her as she laid on the bed propped up by an elbow staring at me for an answer. I
smiled and looked at her as I $oined her on the bed sitting beside her +well, you know when
you go all wide"eyed through lust and desire because of your heightened senses0, Gabby
nodded +well she looked like that only an insatiably cute look of hunger in them as well, I
think had you let her, she'd have licked my cum off your ass and cleaned you herself,
Gabby grinned and closed her eyes to try and imagine such a thing. I was pleased that we
could have open talks like this about both our seuality and our relationship.
Gabby tended to be $ealous of other girls around me and although wanted to show off to
her friends that she was dating a man twice her age, she wanted to keep me to herself.
She was very much aware that her female friends had looked on with admiring eyes,
something Gabby teased me about regularly. It was a standing tease and $oke but this
weekend made Gabby reali)e that the stories she'd told to her friends could now have
truth to them and blushed as she thought about them on the bed. I $oined her on the bed,
we kissed and embraced as we rested and chatted. Gabby broke the silent pause by
thinking aloud +hmmm... you know now I have some real stories to tell the girls when I get
home, then giggled as we kissed again. I smiled and broke the kiss +*eal stories0 Why,
having you been fantasi)ing to your friends about us0, Gabby gave me a smile and shook
her head +@nnno.... a little more like fantasies, I told them that we were already fucking, I
raised my eyebrow at her and laughed a little, Gabby immediately added +it was the only
way I could get them to stop bragging about their stupid boyfriends, I had to tell them
about you, and one thing led to another and before I knew it I had to tell them that we were
fucking1, Gabby paused to get a reaction from me which never came, I laid beside her
stroking her arms as she spoke listening. +y"you're not angry0, I shook my head +of course
not1, gabby sighed with relief and giggled... +huh. It shut them all up though, when I told
them how you fuck me they all grew silent. 3ehehe it was obvious they were all pretending
to have the most active se lives when actually, they know I'm the only one with a
boyfriend who is eperienced enough, we both giggled as we laid on the bed, gently
stroking one another's covered bodies on the bed.
(fter a an hour resting on the bed side by side Gabby leapt to her feet remembering the
bag that (pril had given to us and went in search of it, I looked and laughed semi intrigued
myself as Gabby gave a loud +aha1, pulling up the pink bag from the others pri)ing it open
and peering in. she gave a laugh out loud and screamed in $oy as she pulled a pair of
handcuffs from the bag and with a pair of big bulging eyes reached in a pulled out a big
rubber dildo blushing bright red as she did. I giggled at her as she inspected it, clearly
wondering why (pril had packed it for her. (s Gabby put the things away I pulled myself
from the bed and grabbed her hand +come on it's dinner time I'm starving1,
Gabby reluctantly settled the bag down and agreed turning to me and smiling,ohhh does
this mean it's time to get dressed ready for our meal0, I smiled and nodded Gabby $umped
and giggled grabbing her bag and running to the bathroom +I have a surprise I'll be right
back, you get dressed up out here ok0,
I shook my head and laughed agreeing to her as she slammed the door behind her. I
stripped down back to my tight white lycra $ockeys and put on my smartly pressed shirt
and trousers, putting a red tie on to finish off the look. I took out my aftershave and applied
it liberally and went to inspect the goodies I'd bought from the se shop. I pulled out a pink
metallic vibrator, another pair of handcuffs and some lubricant with a smirk and placed
them into the top drawer of the bedside table, I then took out the handcuffs and grinned
placing them on top of the table ready for when we got back nesting both pairs together in
anticipation. I heard the bathroom door unlock, Gabby opened it and stuck out her red
stocking covered leg out and kicked before stepping out. She swayed out into the room
wearing a mini empire strapless, ruby red cocktail dress she'd bought earlier to match my
tie. I wolf whistled at her as she appeared and grinned. Gabby looked at me in my suit and
gave an e'ually large grin as she opened her arms to embrace me. We hugged and made
our way out the room and down towards the restaurant. (s we arrived at the restaurant
entrance Gabby gasped and giggled hiding her head into my shoulder as the pretty blond
maid from this morning stood there with a couple of menu's in her hand smirking at us.
+Good evening Sir, -adam, I'm Lindy, I'll be your service for tonight. !able for two is it sir0,
I grinned and nodded at her, she turned and guided us to a small table in a secluded part
of the restaurant. Lindy was wearing the same as all the other girls in the restaurant8 a
white blouse and black pencil skirt with her hair tied up high. Gabby's nipples went hard
and poked through the fabric of her dress as she remembered this morning and then this
afternoons antics. Lindy looked at us and grinned as she remembered this mornings
antics. Gabby's colour returned and took her seat staring at Lindy as she did, biting her
bottom lip before building the courage to speak +So, I hope you don't think I was too rude
to you this morning Lindy0 I was rather, er... preoccupied1, I laughed 'uietly and smiled at
the two girls as they engaged in their pleasantries. Lindy replying warmly +@o, not at all,
I'm er.. sorry to have disturbed you both, I smiled and added before Gabby could speak
+oh you did no such thing, one of us had to say something otherwise you'd have $ust
walked in on us, and we can't be that cruel can we now0, Lindy blushed a deep red as
Gabby inter$ected +oh well let's not be too hasty, I mean.. not to be cruel as such... but, We
shouldn't mind if she lets herself in whilst... er... I mean, umm..., Lindy raised her eyebrows
and looked at me, I grinned at Gabby's awkwardness and corrected her +she means, we're
not that cruel as to allow it to get that far, Gabby frowned and corrected me +I'm sorry, I
meant net time I won't be as rude and $ust allow you to come in and watch / I know you
liked what you heard, Lindy smirked knowingly and nodded as she handed the -enu to
Gabby, Gabby leaned in to Lindy close and whispered +we put on 'uite a show, following it
by a wink. Lindy giggled to herself and whispered softly back +hmmmm careful what you
wish for, he looks 'uite a stud, and you're not so bad yourself, then turned to me and
handed me the other menu smiling and giving a little curtsy +i'll be back in a moment for
your orders, then turned and walked off,
Gabby stared at me and grinned wickedly at me, her nipples poking prominently through
her dress as she did, biting her bottom lip. She'd gotten that mischievous look in her eyes
again, one that said she had a fancy for something and it wasn't on this menu.
I 'uietly chatted to her as we looked through the menu, +I know that look, you had it earlier
/ with (pril. you know, I'm up for anything and I'm sure that your body wants many things
at the moment, but $ust don't rush into things you don't want to do ok0, Gabby continued to
bite her bottom lip and nodded understandingly, then raising her eyes from the menu into
mine answered +I love you =ave 7 I want you to understand that I love everything about
this weekend, everything... and I want to eplore everything my body wants me to, I want
to be a better lover., her tone 'uietened down towards the last part of her sentence so as
to keep it private. I smiled at her and nodded +strike whilst the iron's hot then0, making
Gabby grin and laugh as Lindy returned with a notepad.
We ordered our meals with Lindy, who shortly after served our food along with a nice bottle
of red wine. (fter an hour or so of eating and small talk Lindy came to clear our table and
arrived shortly after with more drinks. Lindy did a very good $ob of serving us and it wasn't
long before the ma$ority of the others in the restaurant had left leaving $ust us and a side
bar that was empty. Gabby had asked Lindy earlier how long she was working in the small
talk and discovered that she was in fact working the :ar until G, she looked around and
saw $ust us and suggested we migrate to the empty bar to keep Lindy company. I smiled
and agreed, not needing to worry about driving I was happy to migrate to the bar for a few
more drinks, Gabby had already set her sights on having guests again but had no idea that
I had my own plans that weren't going to go on hold $ust because Gabby had invited
others. We moved to the bar which was empty and ordered drinks, Gabby insisted that
Lindy have one for herself and we sat at the bar chatting.
I turned to Lindy and smiled again apologi)ing for this morning5 +We shouldn't have done
that to you this morning Lindy, a simple 'no thanks' would've done, we reali)e this., Lindy
gave a wide grin and shrugged as she took a drink of her own wine, +I liked it, from what I
heard... which was slightly more than you may have reali)ed at the time., I raised an
eyebrow and smiled +oh really0, Gabby giggled and insisted +oh do tell how much you
heard0, Lindy stood and grinned as she remembered looking at Gabby in the eyes and
breathed in a husky voice +I heard you both first groaning in the shower as I cleaned net
door, then I heard you tell him to cum on your face., I smirked and Gabby giggled as Lindy
continued +then I stayed close to your door as I heard him wanting more and hearing him
take you again, Ban I be honest0, Gabby replied instantly +i encourage it, Lindy gave a
giggle and nodded +ok, I was surprised he could cum again so soon after cumming on your
face, Gabby gave another little giggle and nodded, Lindy continued +but you know what,
more than anything0.... what turned me on most0, Gabby shook her head eager to know
Lindy paused and moved in closer to Gabby and whispered +when I saw his cum dripping
down your leg and the drops you left behind... he must have left a large load, Gabby let
out a frantic fit of giggles and laughter before nodding and s'uirming on the seat. I sat and
drank watching as the two girls flirted with one another and before long, Lindy had decided
to $oin us on our side of the bar.
Lindy had blond hair and was about H'G had a thin frame and a c cup bust that was held
firmly in place by a white lace bra, she had a great looking ass that looked firm and well
proportioned in the pencil skirt. Gabby and her got on very well which led Gabby to be
much more flirtive towards her than she would otherwise be, the alcohol certainly helped
but as I had discovered earlier, Gabby had already made her mind up about Lindy. Gabby
turned and declared +we should play a game0 !ruth or =are1, Lindy cheered in agreement
and I $ust laughed and shrugged, the bar was now empty apart from us and Lindy told us
that she was to lock up so we had as much time as we wanted. Gabby Grinned and said,
+ok.. Lindy, !ruth or =are0, Lindy thought and answered 'uickly +truth, of course1,
Gabby thought going straight in with the seual and asked an easy one +hmm. (re you a
virgin0, Lindy grinned and shook her head +oh my no1, Gabby giggled as Lindy stopped to
think, +=ave, !ruth or =are0, I laughed and thought Looking at Gabby then Lindy and said
+!ruth as well please0, Lindy giggled and asked +what's the most amount of seual
partners you've ever had at once0, Gabby grinned knowing the answer already and
watched as I answered +H1, Lindy's $aw dropped and she craved a follow up but Gabby
wouldn't allow it +=ave, your turn., I looked and said +#<, Lindy, !ruth or =are0, Gabby
pouted but I knew she'd go straight for a dare. Lindy replied again +!ruth, I smiled and
thought, +here's one, what kind of underwear are you wearing0, Lindy smiled and looked
around the bar 'uickly checking for other patrons finding none and grinned before
unbuttoning her blouse a little more giving us a better view of her cleavage that was being
pressed together by a white lace wonderbra before whispering +and matching thong,
giving me a winning smile and a wink. Gabby gave a little gasp and grin as she saw Lindy
flirting with me, it could have been the wine, but Gabby was more open to her advances on
me than she thought she would be.
Lindy say and thought then looked at Gabby and asked +!ruth or =are0, I waited
epectantly for the 'dare' but instead was greeted by a +I'll go with !ruth for a first one1, I
was shocked and looked at her as she grinned devilishly at me, Lindy smiled and said
+Same 'uestion, what kind of underwear are you wearing0, Gabby giggled and shook her
head +none1, I let out a little groan of appreciation as Lindy laughed and commented
+mmmmm... daring, Gabby then looked at us both and said said +ok, Lindy, !ruth or =are0,
Lindy smiled and said +=are0, Gabby's eyes widened as she thought and looked around,
then decided +I =are you to follow us to our room and see where this takes us0, Lindy
smiled and nodded standing up as she did. Gabby stood too and helped her tidy up the
bar, se all set off to our room, the girls slightly behind as I lead the way. #pening the door
the girls piled in, Gabby looked at Lindy and smiled +hmmm... ok =are done, your turn,
Lindy looked as we pushed our shoes off and sat on the bed, pushing hers off too and
smiling $oining us on the bed. Lindy looked at us both and thought, looking at the way we
sat with each other, her eyes scouring the room as she got comfortable. Smirking and
smiling when she saw the handcuffs on the bedside before returning her ga)e to Gabby
who was waiting patiently +=ave, !ruth or =are0, I look at her and smiled, +!ruth1, Lindy
frowned in slight disappointment and thought, looking at Gabby before replying +huh ok,
um...did you have plans for tonight0, Gabby looked and grinned knowing there would be
some sort of smutty answer. I grinned back and nodded +oh yes, leaning over to the two
pairs of handcuffs on the table and rattling them at Gabby, who in turn let out a loud moan
+ooohhh =ave1, I gave them both a cheeky grin and continued +and I'm still doing it,
visitors or not1, Gabby's face dropped as she looked at Lindy and reali)ed that the evening
had taken a somewhat different direction. (s her mind wrestled with the thoughts her face
grew wide again with a smile and she s'uirmed on the bed, wiggling and writhing as she
thought about her eperience that morning.
Gabby semi protested and seily asked as she leaned in to kiss me +so what did you have
planned big boy0, I broke the kiss and muttered to her +truth or dare0, Gabby and Lindy
giggled as the brief moment of passion eploded like a popping balloon. Gabby replied
instantly +=are1, I grinned knowing she would and took the opportunity +I know you've been
flirting with Lindy all night after this morning, but how far are you willing to go0 Inbutton
her blouse so we can have a better view of those tits0, Gabby smiled and didn't protest /
not as much as Lindy did anyway1 Lindy was rather hoping she would get to be stripped by
me. Gabby lent over and undid Lindy's tight fitting blouse and pushed it over her shoulders
and on to the bed. Lindy sat and allowed her hands to eplore her bust briefly before
giving Gabby a smile and little peck on her cheek. Gabby then turned and thought before
looking at me and asking +=ave, ! or = 0, I smirked and said +=are1, Gabby burst with
giggles and ecitement as she moved on the bed looking at Lindy and whispering
something to her. She then turned to me and said +strip1, I looked and smiled undoing my
tie and top button, I undid each one where they could both see and slowly pulled it off my
back, the girls cheered and giggled as they watched, I sat down back on the bed when
Gabby stopped me +@o, all the way1, I rolled my eyes as Lindy watched me obey Gabby,
Indoing my trousers as I stood at the foot of the bed and pulled them down over my tight
whites, stepping out of them as the girls simply looked on hungrily, Gabby had moved and
was embracing Lindy as they watched. I placed my fingers into the hem and looked at
Gabby +all the way0, raising an in'uisitive eyebrow, Gabby looked at Lindy and smirked as
she saw Lindy biting her bottom lip.
+9es, not that it matters because she can see your length through the fabric anyway1, she
replied seily, I responded and tugged them down slowly, giving her time to stop me if she
wanted, both girls gasped and held their breath as they watched my semi hard cock bunch
under the fabric and eventually spring free from its confines. Lindy gave out first and
panted +oh my that's nice, followed by Gabby who agreed +mmmhhmm, I stepped out of
the trunks and moved to the bed looking at the ladies, Gabby giggled and thought about
the se shop again, blushing as she desperately wanted to relive the moment once again.
I looked at the girls on the bed and smiled as I stood there naked and semi"hard swaying
my cock from side to side. I looked at Lindy and said +truth or dare0, Lindy looked shocked
that we would still play the game and hesitated answering +oh my1 er... !ruth, I grinned and
looked at Gabby who smiled with a hand up her dress massaging her pussy as she stared
at me talking to Lindy +ok, have you ever had ass play0, Gabby gave a gasp and stared at
Lindy desperate for answers, Lindy sat and thought about it then replied looking at me,
then Gabby who was wide eyed and still fingering herself +@"no / I've never found a man
that would, Gabby sighed as she heard Lindy confess, but Lindy continued +but... I've put
se toys up my ass before1, and with that comment she gave a coy little smile and turned
to look at Gabby who was giving mini groans of ecitement as she listened. Lindy then
asked Gabby +!ruth or =are0, Gabby panted and pulled her hands back from under her
dress and smiled +er... =are..., then gave a wicked grin, Lindy smiled and said +you like
making =ave do things0 3uh0, Gabby grinned and nodded, +we're gonna change that a
minute, help me out of these clothes and lets give him a strip tease0, Gabby's heart raced
as she smiled and moved, her hands instantly reached for the back of Lindy's bra
whispering to her +I fucked him earlier in a se shop as the owner watched, it was the
seiest, hottest thing I've ever done " but this is coming close, Lindy giggled and
whispered back as her breasts bounced free +and that was after he'd fucked you here this
morning as well0 " you little horny bitch, Gabby reveled in the comments as she inspected
Lindy's breasts before pushing Lindy onto all fours on the bed, I stood and watched, my
cock now hard and twitching at the sight of my girlfriend stripping another woman for the
first time.
Gabby reached her hand up under Lindy's skirt, hitching it up and hooked her fingers into
her thong and pulled it down, Lindy gave a little howl of delight as she felt Gabby pulling
her thong down, eposing her back end to us. I groaned and looked at Gabby's ass ash
she did the move, seeing her bare ass $ust peeking from under her own dress, Lindy
crawled out of her thong and Gabby tossed it to me +here, a gift1, I smiled and caught them
giving them a crafty smell, catching their scent as Gabby massaged her ass and hitched
up her skirt even more then waved me over +here =ave, come and look at this sey thing0,
I smirked and moved closer, kneeling on the bed as I did, my hands reaching out to caress
Lindy's ass. +it's very nice, isn't it0, Gabby nodded and lent into me kissing me
passionately on the lips then broke to whisper +you like this0, I smiled and nodded a hand
on Lindy's ass gently dragging my fingertips up and down her ass crack and pussy as the
other hand embraces Gabby in our passionate kisses. Lindy's moans grow as my fingers
brush over her clit. Gabby started to nibble and bite me on the ear and neck. Lindy turned
a little as I massaged her clit and wet pussy, reaching up to Gabby's dress )ip and pulled
at it, dragging it down making the dress loose and fall a little. I move my hand and tug it
down letting it fall leaving Gabby kneeling on the bed with the dress around her knees, I
broke away from them both and stood back staring at them. Gabby moved and kicked the
dress aside eposing her neat 'uim to me as she did her tattooed legs still adorned with
the red fishnets. Lindy then moved and un)ipped her skirt sliding it down and off and lent
back on the bed beside Gabby looking at me. I stood and grinned, then looked at Gabby.
:oth girls laid back on their hands, crossing a leg over each others as they sat parted and
waiting for me. I looked at Gabby for approval and got a smile in return. +=are done I
think0, I said, making them both laugh. Gabby grinned and hissed +so we're still playing or
would you rather do what you'd planned earlier =ave0, I gave out a devilishly low growl
and winked at her, then looked at Lindy who nodded in agreement. I moved and grabbed
the handcuffs and handed a pair to Lindy then moved and grabbed Gabby's right hand and
guided it to my thick hard shaft letting her stroke it, Lindy moved and watched as both of
Gabby's hands started to frantically work on my shaft +that's it baby, have your play,
because you won't get to do that In a while, Gabby gave out a giggle and slid her hands
up and down. I moaned and nodded to Lindy who knew what to do, reaching over and
grabbing Gabby's left hand and clipping a handcuff around it, I did likewise with her right
hand making Gabby whimper and pout having not spent enough time where she wanted to
be. I clipped the handcuff to her and Lindy and I moved her back towards the iron
headboard of the bed and stretched her out clipping her hands up, leaving her naked
splayed body on the center of the bed.
Lindy then move to my side as Gabby looked on with hungry eyes. I watched her looking
at the naked form of Lindy and whispered to her you like what you see Gabby0, she
nodded and whined +oh yes, please =ave, use me... and use her..., I smiled and nodded,
looking at Lindy who had let a hand reach down and had started to stroke my shaft
uncontrollably. Lindy looked at Gabby as she did +oh thank you Gabby, I'm gonna en$oy
this1, Gabby grinned and watched as another woman held her boyfriends cock, the
anticipated feelings of $ealousy soon faded away as she watched my eyes looking deeply
at her. Gabby responded to her bodies need to eplore, being this close to another naked
women seually was driving her body cra)y making her mind very fu))y, lust was starting
to take over her as she held my ga)e in hers. Lindy gasped and panted as she fingered
her clit as she rubbed my cock. Giving Gabby a little show, we stood and watched as
Gabby writhed her legs and body making her pert breasts wobble from side to side.
I smiled as Gabby s'uirmed her face as she studied Lindy on my length was very hot. I
lent into Lindy and whispered something to her, Lindy gave a giggle and moved to the
drawer beside Gabby. Gabby watched her as she moved smiling at her, trusting that I had
everything under control. I lent on the bed and parted Gabby's legs, and almost without
detection kissed her pussy and licked on her moist clit sending shivers up her body making
her moan loudly. 3er eyes never moved from Lindy though, captivated by what she was
I tasted Gabby's pussy for the first time and moaned into her as I did, licking and lapping
my tongue up and down her slit. Gabby reacted with every movement of my tongue but
wouldn't break her eyes from Lindy, gasping and moaning as I started to really lick and
taste her $uices. Lindy finally pulled the pink vibrator and lube from the draw making
Gabby's eyes bulge as she gave out a loud moan of $oy +oh fuck yes =ave, as she
watched Lindy return to my side, Lindy turned on and handed me the vibrator giving a hiss
+mmmmmm... go on =ave, show me how you fuck your girlfriend using a vibe., Gabby let
out small pants and whines, as she felt the vibrating hard ob$ect slide onto her clit. I licked
and moaned as I showed Lindy my epert tongue working on both the vibe and clit at the
same time. I then sank the vibe into Gabby's pussy making her moan in orgasmic
pleasure, Lindy sat on the bed and watched as Gabby was on the brink of her orgasm, I
continued to plunge in and out the vibrating dildo until Gabby pleaded +oh.. oh J ooohhh.
God... s"stop, stop"s"top.. it's too m"much oh..., I smirked and lapped at the $uices that
were now freely flowing from her, Lindy watched as I did, her own hands busy with herself
as she watched Gabby's hard orgasm.
I pulled the vibe away and moved myself, Lindy instinctively reached for the vibe, taking ot
off me so I could move my cock to Gabby's soaked pussy. Gabby's eyes opened and
watched as Lindy buried the bu))ing vibe straight into her own pussy beside her on the
bed and let out a groan, shaking her hands in the cuffs wanting to be more involved. (s
she looked at Lindy who had already started to moan in early orgasm I sank my shaft deep
into Gabby making her orgasm again and moan loudly +#hh >uck this is hot1 #oohhhh
yesss..., I pulled her knees up and held them as I started long stroking motions in and out
of her tight $uiced up pussy, every thrust made her breasts bounce and cuffs $angle as I
pushed in deeper and deeper, Lindy watched as we fucked hard and fast as she
masturbated with the used vibe. I grabbed Gabby's ass and lifted her up off the bed, her
hands grabbing on the cuffs and screaming as I do +oh ="=ave, I continue to slam hard
into Gabby not giving her boy a chance to recover. +c..c...cum inside me like this =ave
pleeeaasseee, I grunted and moaned as I slapped against her, my balls swaying under us
as I slid in and out again and again. Lindy begged as well +yes =ave, let me see you fill her
with cum, Gabby screamed as she herd Lindy and felt my length pulsing inside her +yes
yes yes yes,
I groaned and grunted as my balls tightened and started to twitch my cockhead inside her,
Lindy moved and started moaning as she used the vibe on her clit, panting and moaning
as she looked at my length sinking into Gabby +oh I'm gonna cum as well, the chorus of
our collective moans and groans only spurred each other on until I could hold out no
longer and pulled out of Gabby, making her pine +oh no baby cum inside me, cum inside
me, as I pulled out Lindy opened her eyes and watched as Gabby begged, then started to
spurt my hot seed out onto Gabby's labia and pussy, a large load spilled further up onto
her mound as another pushed out and dripped onto her prominent clit. I then grinned and
hissed +you'll get some inside you later, as Lindy watched the e$aculate escape me she
broke out into her own fits of orgasms, moaning to Gabby +oh fuck yes, i'm cumming, i'm
cumming, I'm cumming, Gabby stared at her as she did, her own orgasm finally letting off.
Lindy bu))ed and fucked herself with the vibe as she came hard net to Gabby, I looked
on with a smile and adoring eyes at Gabby who was completely in her element.
Lindy handed me the vibe and pushed me aside, grabbing Gabby's legs and forcing them
down and apart, Gabby looked shocked and ecited at the same time, not knowing if this
was going to be good or not. I stood back and watched, turning off the vibe and placing it
down, my cock went slack but not completely soft as Lindy hooked a leg under Gabby's
right knee and the other over Gabby's body near her left breast creating a scissor tribbing
position. I moaned in delight of the spectacle whilst Gabby / helpless to stop it, groaned in
half hearted protest. Lindy then started to grind her pussy into my cum that had landed on
Gabby, smearing it into both of their pussies, causing them to both moan. Lindy was still
close to orgasm having $ust had one and was soon uptight and ready again as she rubbed
her clit against Gabby's causing them both to yelp. Gabby rattled helplessly against the
cuffs and moaned looking at Lindy's moaning face as she did. I moved beside Gabby on
the bed and kissed her passionately on the lips whispering +is this what you had in mind
when you wanted her to $oin us0, Gabby panted and shook her head +this is much better, I
leaned down and sucked on her breasts sending shivers through her, Gabby moaned
deeply as she tingled under the attention of two lovers and the feel of her mans cum.
I continued to kiss and suck her breasts and neck making my way to her for a kiss again,
we engorged our tongues and passionately licked at each other when she broke and
whispered through her sighs +="dave...please.. oh please..., we kissed again as I caressed
her breasts with my hands whilst Lindy started to writhe and cum again pussy to pussy on
Gabby. +."please Lindy.. +
I broke away and kissed her neck leaving my ear close to her mouth as I did then heard a
faint breathy whisper as she continued +you need to please her, in anyway she wants, I
moved and looked up at her, she gave a nod as her eyes closed again +fuck her brains out
=ave, Lindy groaned in appreciation and looked over at us both as we kissed answering
+oh fuck yes, thank you Gabby, I started growing harder at the thought of my girlfriend
giving permission to fuck another girl in front of her. I looked at Gabby's cuffs and smiled,
contemplating on whether I should release her on not. Gabby's hands looked tired so I
reached up and undid the cuffs, releasing her hands, she bought them forwards
immediately to pull Lindy into her and <issed her passionately on the lips as the couple
embraced leaving the cuffs still hanging, attached to the bed. 3er arms ached from being
hung for so long and she was grateful of both the release and the arrival of Lindy in her
Lindy broke the kiss and whispered to Gabby +you're sure I can have him fuck me0,
Gabby smiled and nodded +I wanna see what he looks like when he's fucking, then we'll
have our own fun with the handcuffs0, Lindy giggled as they kissed again. Gabby then
reached out her hand and took a hold of mine pulling me in to them. -y hardening cock
slapped each of them as I landed making them both giggle playfully, both taking a grip of
my length. Gabby and Lindy both started to stroke my length and playfully kissing each
other as they did. Gabby had lost her apprehensions about $ealousy and how she would
be seually around other women / after all her first eperience with a woman was to have
her cum covered pussy touch another woman's pussy / kissing was nothing compared to
(s they played and toyed with my growing cock, Gabby moved and stood beside the bed
and watched, grinning to herself as she looked at Lindy playing feverishly with my length. I
laid there allowing her as Gabby watched, entranced by the look of her boyfriend being
played with. She turned to the armchair in the corner of the bedside, moving the gift bag
from (pril and slumped into it, watching as she did. Lindy grew more confident as she
played, laying wide legged and cum smeared across her bald pussy, slapping my length
noisily against her pussy hard begging +fuck me senseless =ave, Gabby drew open the
bag and finally found a use for the big rubber dildo (pril had given her earlier and
discarding the bag, started to penetrate herself with it with a groan.
(fter a few seconds Lindy guided my cock head to her entrance and I pushed in easily
feeling the miture of her hot $uices, Gabby's and my cum. Lindy gave out a long loud
groan as she accepted me. Gabby giggled as she watched her boyfriend sink into Lindy
whilst sliding the big dildo into her at the same time, Gabby was ama)ed at $ust how hot
she found it, watching her boyfriend fucking another girl as she watched.
I started to pushing in and out of Lindy, giving her full strokes of my length. ;very time I
entered her she gave a cute sey whine, sprawling out onto the bed as I start to slam
heavily into her, every bang into her causes her breasts to bounce $ust as Gabby's had. I
grunted with every thrust and Gabby started moaning as she used the dildo and watched
occasionally encouraging Kyes =ave, fuck that pussy, by now Lindy's orgasm had started
to heat up more and she started giving longer whines of ecstasy, I pulled out and turned
Lindy over onto all fours raising her hips up and sank my thick cock back into her. Gabby
slumped a leg over the chair arm and crammed the dildo up into her and groaned as she
watched me slam into Lindy from behind. 3er eyes scoured across the two naked bodies
on the bed as she neared an orgasm, then noticed the tub of lube on the bedside table. (
wicked grin developed on her lips, she pulled the dildo from her and moved over to the
bedside grabbing the lube and moving to my side, Lindy's eyes were closed as she
orgasmed hard not noticing Gabby arrive.
Gabby leaned in and whispered to me as Lindy buried her head in the bedding +don't cum
yet sweety, I have the lube1, then kissed me deeply on the lips as I continued to screw
Lindy. I pulled out my cock and immediately lowered myself down and started to lick her
pussy making her orgasm tingle and last a little longer. I then started to work my tongue
upwards to her anus and lapped at it, Lindy raised her head instantly looking over her
shoulder to see my licking her ass as Gabby stood closely watching. She let her orgasm
take her again and gave out a long groan +ooooooooohhhhhh 9essss...., I parted her ass
cheeks and licked into her hole, poking my tongue into it as she moaned. Gabby $oined in
as she watched closely. Gabby then looked at Lindy as she s'uirmed winking at her as
they gained eye contact. She then s'uee)ed some lube out onto my finger, I pushed the
finger gently into Lindy's ass making her 'uiet as she felt the intrusion. I slowly worked it in
as the room grew silent in anticipation, then finally when knuckle deep I left it inside her hot
velvet passage. (fter a moment Lindy let out such a carnal noise it even made Gabby
close to orgasm. I started to finger fuck her as she grew accustomed to this new sensation
before withdrawing it. She pined and moaned as I did, meanwhile Gabby had oo)ed some
lube out onto my already slick used cock and was rubbing it, noticing straight away that it
was somehow bigger and thicker that she'd ever seen it.
I was ready and Lindy knew she was about to feel her first cock inside her ass. I pulled out
my finger and moved, Gabby guided my cock up to her ass and pushed it inside her +oh
baby, it's not gonna fit in there1, Gabby hissed. +yess it will, commanded Lindy relaing her
anus enough to swallow my big purple head. I moaned and grunted as I felt her accept
me, remembering she'd been training her ass for this moment. She fell silent again and
relaed making her swallow even more of my length. She felt ama)ing around me and I
nearly came but held back only by the eagerness to fulfill her desires in every way. We
were at a point where I was half way in and Lindy had her head down into the sheets
moaning again, Gabby embraced my body as I pushed into her and kept whispering in my
ear +fuck that ass, yeah baby.... I love that you're doing this, fill that ass with your cock,
overcome by desire I started to move my cock deeper into her until I felt her give way and
sank all the way in, Lindy screamed and moaned as I paused, then started to pull out
again, growing a fucking motion in Lindy's tight ass. In and out as a Gabby now reached
under and rubbed Lindy's clit.
!he whole eperience was erotic and Gabby become consumed by it, pushing my hips
into Lindy, forcing my cock to penetrate her deeper. :y now I was giving long thrusts in
and out of her pulsing ass and never wanted it to stop. Gabby kissed my neck and
whispered +don't cum in her ass to soon, the sound of her sultry voice was too much and
she knew it. I started to grunt and as Lindy heard the words she came hard clamping
around me begging me +please flood me... please00, Gabby broke the moans of pleasure
by pulling me out of Lindy and grinning ,I think it's your turn =ave, Lindy turned to see and
saw Gabby pulling me down onto my back, Lindy 'uickly understood what was happening
and grabbed my right hand cuffing it as Gabby did the left. Lindy giggled as her and Gabby
secured me, then turned to Gabby and smiled. Gabby returned the smile and nodded
+finish yourself off now Lindy, Ise him., then bit her lip, reaching to pick up the rubber dildo
and winked at her. Lindy moved back over me and turned to face Gabby, then raised
herself up grabbing my hard slick shaft and slid her ass down onto me again, giving out a
loud yelp as she slid down my entire shaft, she then opened her legs and lent her arms
back either side of me and balanced her feet onto my legs.
Lindy started to raise and lower herself on my thick cock, moaning as she did, her wide
opened legs eposing her pussy to Gabby who sat on the bed in front of her 7 slid the
=ildo back into herself as Lindy watched. !he girls grinned and teased one another as
each of them worked on themselves. Lindy started to moan again close to orgasm as she
felt herself be filled with cock and watched Gabby using the =ildo. She clenched around
me again as she did before giving a deep carnal groan as she ground down onto me.
Gabby watched and as Lindy closed her eyes in ecstasy Gabby pulled the =ildo from her
pussy, looked at Lindy's which glistening in the light with a miture of cum, lube and sweat.
!hen with no prior warning pushed the rubber =ildo into it.
Lindy screamed in pain and snapped her head forwards opening her eyes wide to see
what was happening, only to be greeted by a smiling Gabby who continued to push the
=ildo up into her despite her protests. Gabby started whispering +oh baby, lets fill this bitch
up, I felt the dildo enter Lindy through the thin wall as I sank deep into her ass. Lindy
started to tremble as she stopped bouncing on me and $ust held herself there on top of
cock and feeling the full sensation of having both holes filled tightly. Gabby pushed in the
dildo until Lindy gave a cry begging for her to stop. 3olding it there as Lindy eventually
started to buck giving in to the deepest, hardest orgasm she'd ever eperienced. 3er body
clamped and every muscle in her body tightened at once. It was hard and the pressure
around my length was almost unbearable. Lindy cried no words but whined and moaned,
unable to control her body as it gave in to what was happening. I moved my cuffed hands
desperate to touch and feel her trembling, bucking body but couldn't move. Gabby giggled
at my need and bent down then simply suckled on Lindy's eposed clit as she trmbled
sending her completely uncontrollable, bucking and trembling her arms giving way and
landing on my propped up body as she did. Gabby slid the dildo in and out of her as she
I was now beyond controlling myself and started to grunt, then I relaed myself and started
pulsing and pumping, splashing her bowels and insides with load after load of my hot cum.
Lindy gasped and panted as she felt her first hot load inside her ass. I continued for what
seemed forever pumping and unloading into her. Gabby gave a fren)ied laugh " almost
maniacal as she pulled out her dildo from Lindy's relaing, tired body. She looked at Lindy
who gave a grin back to her and lifted herself from my hard shaft.
3er anus closed tight shut as she continued to writhe in orgasmic pleasure, before rolling
onto all fours beside me, giving Gabby an ama)ing view of her ass epelling the creampie
of my cum out and down her pussy. Gabby gasped and uttered +good boy..., then
straddled me and grabbed my spent hard cock and guided it back into her pussy adding +I
wanna cum again =ave, make me cum..., and then started to bounce up and down my
shaft making it harder in a few slides. She then reached the =ildo that she was still
gripping and sank it into Lindy's inviting creampie soaked pussy and started fucking her
fast with it. Lindy gave yet another moan and s'ueal as Gabby began fucking her.
I moaned as I watched unable to anything but provide a hard cock for Gabby to ride. Lindy
let her moans 'uieten as Gabby slammed the dildo in and out of her, only giving heavy
pants and grunts with every movement. Gabby however started to get a little louder with
her moans as she rode my stiff, used cock. Gabby started to slide up and down faster,
bouncing harder as she continued to work on Lindy. 3er spare hand pinching her nipples
as she did, using me. Gabby was so worked up by seeing Lindy's ass spilling out with my
hot cum she didn't take long before she'd worked herself up into a fren)y, eventually
discarding the dildo leaving it pushed all the way inside Lindy as she started to cum
+oh...ooooohh.... f"fuck yes =ave1, she clenched and massaged my shaft inside her as she
came, open eyed staring at me as she did.
Gabby eventually slowed and stopped, still with e inside her, Lindy had taken the =ildo
from her pussy and was lying beside me watching Gabby and she stroked my chest. -y
arms still cuffed out, Gabby slid off me and snuggled on the other side, forgetting I was still
bound to the bed. (fter H minuets of stroking the girls stopped having nodded off either
side of me, leaving me cuffed to the bed ehausted and relaing as my arms hung. I
awoke to the feel of Lindy moving, Gabby remained snuggled to me asleep, her naked
body wrapped around my bound body. Lindy looked at me an smiled bending briefly to
take my cock in her mouth, sucking on it a few times and kissing the head gently before
getting up and dressing herself. I could see daylight shining through the room blinds
reali)ing it was near morning. Lindy placed her inde finger upon her lips indicating
silence. I smiled at her and winked, looking down at my semi then back to her.. She smiled
and bit her lip, tempted by the offer but knew she needed to go to work. She moved back
over to me and kissed me passionately on the lips whispering +I'll always remember last
night, and slipped her number into Gabby's abandoned dress on the floor and left 'uietly.
It was a good few minutes until Gabby stirred, moaning as she did turned an stumbled to
the bathroom, she re"entered the room opening her eyes to see me still outstretched
cuffed to the bed, Lindy gone and the sweet memories of the night before. I grinned up at
her and smiled +good morning sleepy head, Gabby bit her lip as she saw me and scoured
her eyes looking for Lindy. +she left early for work, she says thank you, I looked into
Gabby's eyes and grinned. Gabby made her way over and crawled up the bed over me
and smiled back... +now I know it's our last day, but I think Lindy will give us etra time...,
she clasped a hold of my semi hard cock and teased it back hard. +it seems a shame to
waste this opportunity, I gasped as she then took my length into her mouth and started to
suck on me. !hen sliding her mouth down my shaft. I smiled and loved the attention as
she started to move faster. I'd had lots of time to recover and my balls were heavy and full,
Gabby noticed and caressed them eager to release the impending torrent of $uice and
seed that would inevitably be coming her way. Gabby couldn't decide on what she wanted
to happen, she'd been depraved of being filled last night but felt hungry to feel this large
load $et down her throat. She continued to work on my shaft, I stared down helpless to do
anything but en$oy what was happening, eager to know what her desires were. I groaned
and moaned as she sucked and kissed my cock head, lapping at the erogenous )ones
upon it. Gabby new I was liking this and continued, still torn as to what she wanted to do.
She then broke away and crawled up my body smiling at me, kissing my lips passionately
+good boy.... stay there, don't move0, not that I could, she then got up, turned and
straddled my face, burying her pussy onto my mouth, instinctively I started lapping at her
$uicy teen pussy hungrily making her gasp and moan as I did. She then lent forwards and
sank her mouth down on my cock again, deep throating me as she did. We stayed in this
position for what seemed an eternity, both of us getting louder and louder as we pleased
one another. Gabby played with my heavy balls and gave my shaft the best sucking it had
ever had. Gabby was hungry and knew now what she wanted. +cum in my mouth you hot
fucker you1, I moaned loudly at her commands, lapping away at her pussy as she whined.
!witching my cock inside her mouth teasingly as she spoke. 3er hands worked on me as
well, she sucked and stroked and sucked some more until I could hold out no longer. +oh
yes, here it comes Gabby, she moaned and purred like a kitten as I spoke. !hen as
warned I started shooting load after hot load deep down Gabby's throat. She sucked hard
and swallowed all my seed, timing each suck with a pulse of hot load as I pushed it out.
She moaned and vibrated at the base of my shaft and hungrily ate down all what I had...
she continued to suck and lap as I eased, drinking down all I had given her. She popped
off noisily and pulled her dripping pussy away from my mouth spinning herself around to
face me, smiling as she finished swallowing all I had given her.
She made no hesitation and sank her wet $uiced up pussy down onto my slackening shaft
and started riding it begging +don't stop, fuck me and fill me, I'm not done yet1, she then
started raising herself up and down on me, encouraging my cock to regain some stiffness,
my wrists were red and marked by now as she used me, grinding up and down me, using
every bit of the length available to her. .anting as she did. +you can go free when you've
filled my pussy like you filled my mouth, I grinned at her and nodded... +you liked the big
load then0, Gaby nodded adding +well now I know when to get your big loads, I'll have to
do it more often, she started panting as she bounced nearing her own orgasm. +I'm gonna
keep that one to myself1, she winked and grinned as she let her orgasm finally take a hold
of her letting herself whine and moan loudly, -y ball reacted to the sound of her orgasm
and started to tingle, I knew they were readying and felt my shaft pulsing again, I moaned
and grinned at Gabby as I hissed gently +mmmmmm yess Gabby, ride that cock, ohhhh...
Gabbbyy, fuck it..., this spurred her on even more making her bounce faster on me, her
smaller tits moved seily as she came harder and harder hearing my words. I then started
spurting out again inside her as I moaned +3ave my cum Gabby, have it all..., shooting
another few loads out into her hungry pussy and womb, +have your fill, have a belly full of
seed, Gabby went into a trance as her body heard and all she could now think about was
her belly shattering over and over +oh... a belly full, give me a belly full... oh god a belly full
of seed for me, then collapsed on my torso, shaking and twitching as she rested.
(fter a few minutes resting with a good belly full of my seed, she lent up and undid the
cuffs, my arms fell down tired and sore from the abuse, I then embraced her as we shared
our love. .etting and caressing each other. (fter an hour we decided to pack up and head
down for breakfast. (fter breakfast we returned to our room to find it spotlessly clean, our
hand cuffs, lube and se toys were all neatly packed away discreetly and some new
flowers had been placed along with a card that simply read5
+-y dearest =ave 7 Gabby, Last night was the best night of my life,
!hank you so much Gabby for letting me be apart of your intimacy.
!hank you =ave for giving me something I will never forget.
9ou will both have a very special place in my heart, I will always keep you both a room
available in my home for whenever you want to visit again.
(ll my Love,
Gabby grinned and bit her bottom lip as she smelled the flowers, then kissed me
passionately whispering +well, we certainly left an impression on London1,

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