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A. Day and Night model:
1. Draw diagram of day and night time model.
2. Explain local energy budget for these two model.

B. Humidity:
1. What are relative and absolute humidity?
2. Why do we need to find out the relative humidity of the atmosphere?

C. Global energy budget:
1. Why is the temperature at the equator warmer or hotter than the temperature at the
pole (much colder)?
2. How to achieve heat energy balance between equator and poles?

D. Distribution of worlds wind belts.
1. Label this diagram ITCZ, Subtropical high, Polar front, Equatorial low, NP, SP,
westerlies (N & S), N.E & S.E Trade winds, easterlies, Polar high. Label Hadley,
ferrel and Polar cells.

2. Describe atmospheric circulation (3 cell models)

E. Surface temperature and pressure.
Complete the table below:
Surface temperature
January July



Surface pressure
January July


F. Factors affecting insolation:

G. Local wind:
1. Draw and describe land and sea breeze.

H. Air stability:
1. How do we determine air stability?
2. Define terms; ELR, SALR, DALR.
3. Describe stability, instability and conditionally instability & describe the
weather condition of each types of air stability. (draw graphs)
I. Precipitation:
1. What is precipitation?
2. Describe each types and how formed
3. How are rainfall/cloud formed describe using theory
4. Describe different types of rainfall and draw diagram.

J. Fog.
1. What is a fog?
Describe how radiation and advection fog is formed? Draw diagrams.

K. Urban heat.
1. What is urban heat?
2. Explain why it occur. (why urban warmer than rural area)
3. Describe climatic effects in rural and urban area.
L. Global warming
1. What is greenhouse gases?
2. What is greenhouse effect?
3. What is global warming? How it occur?
4. How can global warming effect climate?

1. Natural increase:
1. Define terms; population, natural increase, replacement level, birth rate, death rate,
infant mortality rate, life expectancy, overpopulation, underpopulation and optimum
2. Population change is due to natural increase and migration. Define what is natural
3. Describe factors that effect birth rate and death rate give examples.

1. Able to read and interpret population pyramid.
2. What are the important of population pyramid ( terms of planning and
government planning?)
3. What are the government implication on ageing population and youth
4. Define the term dependency and dependency ratio.
5. Define population pyramid.
6. What is ageing population?
7. Is ageing population a bless or problem?
8. To what extend ageing population are of limited value to predict population
change,i.e. extinction in future.

1. What is a demographic transition model?
2. Describe each stages, countries fall in each stages and causes of birth rate and
death rate changes.
3. What are limitation or weaknesses of DTM?
4. Can this model be apply to LED and MED

1. Define Carrying capacity & population ceiling.
2. Describe Malthus theory.
3. What are the negative and positive check of population growth?
4. Draw and describe the S and J curve.
5. Describe Boserup theory.
6. Green Revolution.
7. Why do some countries want to achieve optimum population and why is it
difficult to achieve optimum population?

1. How do government managed population growth?
2. Describe with case study how population is controlled through pro and anti
natalist policy.

1. Push and pull factors:
1. Why do people migrate (push and pull factors) ? base on examples internal
and international migration.
2. Case study internal and international migration (detail; what, who, why,
when, impact origin and destination countries)
3. What are the barrier to migration (internal and international migration)
use examples to explain.
4. Who are refugees? Using case study describe force migration.
5. Describe lee model and raveinstein theory of migration.


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