Chapter 1 Revisado

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There is a relationship between students English proficiency, and the

teaching techniques applied by teachers in the classroom during the first stage
of a class; beginning methodological stage. Note that, this connection is an
influential factor in students learning process since it is clear that, students
produce better when they are motivated at the beginning of the class. They will
get interested in acquiring any type of knowledge, in this case the English
language. tudents performance depends upon some aspects such parents
support, teachers methodology and students interest. Therefore, there has
been recently, the need to strength the applicability of teaching techniques
based on competences during the stages of a class, the validation of attitudinal
factors and the achievement of the indicators. The first of these three aspects is
analy!ed and evaluated in this research pro"ect.
#hile students are at scholar period in elementary school, teachers focus
their classes on the use of verbs and their con"ugation, especially the verb $to
be$ which should be part of the past. %ma!ingly, year after year, students are
taught through e&ercises, which emphasi!e grammar usage, but it is easy to
see their deficiencies and little control in acquiring this language. Truly, this data
shows the weak progress shown by students during their '(year period at
elementary school. The applicability of appropriate teaching techniques is a key
factor in acquiring this language. Therefore, the teacher needs to use
techniques and activities according to their students needs. )urthermore,
teachers must be able to maintain the interest of students in the three stages of
the class, and make them fluent and productive by applying this language using
techniques according to the level of knowledge and taking into account the
student*s educational needs. +t has to be clear that techniques are didactic tools
that teachers use to reinforce and comply with the settled learning ob"ectives.
,onsequently, the selection of techniques varies according to the ob"ectives,
characteristics from participants, characteristics from the course itself, and the
group development rhythm.
The technique refers to the procedures and resources that are applied to
achieve a specific result. +n addition, techniques have the target to satisfy
needs, and they require competencies from who applies them. %ny activity that
is developed within the daily life follows a method or procedure, which means, a
This research focuses on the understanding of the relevance of the
applicability of teaching techniques in the first stage of an English class as a
second language. +t is worth to notice that this study is focused on fourth grade
students at %ntonio -ios aavedra Elementary chool, where interviews and
surveys are implemented during a period of one month, in order to collect
information related to the application of techniques and English students
1.1 Identification and statement of the !o"#em
tudents face several obstacles in the elementary school level which can
block their progress and domain in the acquisition of a new language, and this
happens also with English language. +t is known that English became the
second official language of .anama only like a decade ago, it means that, like
all processes, it will take further beyond to be suitable the fluent and smooth
communication within its inhabitants. /ore than being a problem knowing and
mastering English, it becomes a need or even a duty as a second language by
law in our country. +n addition to this point of view, it is seen that our country,
which is based on services, commercial activities and almost all kind of legal
business, has been demanded for the domain of English to professionals and
individuals, and also to private and public institutions. Therefore, the way
teachers and professors apply and direct their ways to teach, and how they aim
ob"ectives will be presented and causable in the students learning and
performance, so e&trinsic actions are important in intrinsic processes.
/any years ago, teaching strategies and methods have been promoted
due to many changes. +t is very known that each teacher counts with its own
way to conduct classes and this way does not have to be corrupted or
trespassed by any other. ,onsequently, changes in the methodology have
caused several contradictions and approvals by e&perts, concerning that
teaching, more than being an art, it is a science that looks forward to lead future
or recent professionals to a better way of communication by using this language
as a media to the accomplishment of different tasks.
Taking a look back, techniques have been always there, but with the little
difference that terminology has changed a little bit. Teachers, who used the
previous planning format, handled a vocabulary related to ordinal numbers 0first,
second, third12 to establish a planning in a session, and now it has changed to
the use of three words that establish the organi!ation of the class3 beginning,
development, and closing. These three words showed the sequence of steps in
a class related to activities.
Nowadays, due to changes in education, the system in how teachers
plan and settle their activities had to change. +n the past decade, teachers were
used to plan by using the words first, second, thirdor initiating, continuing,
finalizing1and this were used to have and count with a sequence and scope in
order to have an order during the class development. This terminology was
useful and workable, but it was included within the activities frame,
consequently, this was not so specific at the time to locate and place an
ob"ective or aim. %s e&plained before, teachers were in the ability to develop
classes in a way it was functional and easy(going, but it lacked from accuracy
and professionalism, in a way to establish a scope, competences, strategies,
and techniques in an accurate way. This does not mean that; it was not
appropriate to the levels and board of education programs, but as specific as it
was needed.
+n other hand, this system of planning has changed in order to establish
an order and sequence, in a better way. This is a manner that promises to be
more functional and accurate. This system is called the three stages of a class.
/ore than being "ust three words to establish an order, is a format that allows
teachers to place and locate skills, strategies, techniques, methods and
instruments in a precise way. Teachers and students must know what the
purposes and ob"ectives of a class are; to know the way to follow. Therefore,
taking hand(by(hand this perspective, it is fundamental to point that, throughout
the application of this new format in our educational design, both, teachers and
students, will notice with a better look the aims, techniques and methodology
used within the developing of an English class. %s all teachers and E4
professionals should know, the English language learning is characteri!ed for
having skills to be performed, strengthen and assessed. ,onsequently, this
comple& process has to deal with the appropriate and suitable structure, the
one that will agree to the international standards of education.
The three stages of the class count with a compendium of activities,
resources, sources, instruments, and evaluation rubrics. These tools are
indispensable to count with, if teachers would desire to have a successful
learning period. +n the past, all these tools were included as a 5mass6 in the
daily, weekly or even monthly planning format; aspects that could not permit
teachers, supervisors, and school authorities to determine if a method or
technique was appropriate to the skill and competence. +n our recent era,
competences are more than looked(for due to the demands from enterprises,
which e&posed the need to count with future professionals, who were able to
perform in a designed area of the "ob market. 7ue to this, in the past, it was not
as e&act as it is now. tudents, with the application of this format, would be able
to define which area, competence, or skill is the one is the best or the worst. +t
does not mean that this point of view will take them to the success immediately,
but it will provide a better sight to them in order to follow a line in the coming
professional life, the one that requires the best of everyone.
/oreover, it is imperative to mention that all these aspects are
concerning to the changes of our new system of education, due to it;
.anamanian people are living in a country in via of development. The
.anamanian board of education has invested millions in the education platform
in order to be updated with the needs and demands from overseas. These
investments go from the application of oftware to the inserting of grades using
the web, computers, and also it gives students the possibility to manage
technology. /ultimedia classrooms provisions make teachers and students able
to pro"ect their knowledge and topics with the visual, audio aids, and so on. 8ut,
one of the ma"or investment has been the change of the teaching itself, topic
that has been controversial and even re"ected by some groups of educators
who support the traditional and workable old(fashioned system. )rom their part,
they say that it is not as required to change the used terminology and formats
due to its functionality, and it has always given great results in education. This
perspective is held by those who agree that, if a system has been there for
many decades, should not be changed by the reason of it can cause a
5damage6 in the current education system. +n other hand, there are some others
who go for the new changes and methodology; attributable to the thinking that it
would be better if changes are done.
Taking into account the aims of this investigation, it leads to the
application of better techniques in teaching and also strategies which must
improve the development of the first stage of a class. +nvolving this issue, it is
important to mention which techniques are applied with the purpose of getting
better ways to teach, and do not have to be taken as a sub"ective purpose by
any system. tarting this perspective, it is fundamental to initiate with the
definition of what a technique is.
Techniques are tools that teachers use to manage activities and class
development. They are also important because they help teachers to follow the
sequence of the class, and do not allow the waste of time and idle situations.
9owever, applying techniques is not easy because you should choose the
correct techniques, the ones teachers consider are good for students, and then
apply them in order to see if they work, or not. #hen teachers use techniques,
some of them do not care if students are learning, or not, they "ust use it
because they 5must6 of making his or her classes. Therefore, a good teacher
must apply all kinds of techniques, test them, analy!e them, and ask the
students if they like to work in that way because they are the ones who will work
and learn with those techniques. /oreover, it is important to take into
consideration students: needs, opinions, and recommendations.
%s a matter of fact, some teachers who have been working during several
years, probably, will not apply techniques as much as those who are starting
because new generations* teachers are been prepared and trained to teach in a
new way by using different kinds of technologies, methodologies, and
techniques which facilitate the input of the students, while some traditional
teachers are not interested in new things or ways to teach. They "ust came to
the classroom, use the board, and then get sat behind the desk. ,onsequently,
students are no able to make a simple sentence in English due to the lack of
good techniques and also teachers who might turn students in the active way
but they do not accomplish this aspect.
$Panama acts as one of the %o!st co&nt!ies e'a#&ated e'e! in the &se of the
En(#ish #an(&a(e) acco!din( to an &nde!ta*en st&d+ "+ the EF Ed&cation Fi!st) an
inte!nationa# ente!!ise secia#i,ed in the teachin( of this #an(&a(e since
1-./.01EF) 23114
The Enterprise E) Education )irst points that the main reason about this
problem is the low quality in public schools focused in the learning process of
this language. +t aims to the second survey that is done and results were
similar. The first one was done in ;<==.
%s the cited te&t points, this range in the .anamanian teaching related to
the English language, is one of the worst all over the world. This situation is
very sad, due to that the future of our students is under risk. Therefore, we must
look for new ways of teaching this second language. #e must conduct classes
in a more dynamic way, more fun and cheers in order to students do not
perceive English as a very difficult sub"ect but as one of the most important and
workable concerning to the labor area.
Taking this point in a deeper way, it is fundamental to know that
techniques are more than tools and steps to take. There are, in fact,
advantages that must be taken in order to promote and have a better education
process, the one that will lead to the success and right acquisition of this
The main problematic situation is the lack of techniques for the beginning stage
because it should covers motivation, introduction, and discussion but teacher
always apply the same in all the classes. The idea is to provide a diversity of
techniques for all these steps in the first methodological stage because this is
the main problem of English classes.
Today, all of us know that English has a great importance and students
are conscious about it, but they see it impossible of getting it, therefore, they are
afraid of apply without the attempt, although, it is obvious that many of them
dream about being able to produce in this second language. +f we suppose that
from the total amount of .anamanian, we could say that only the >? manages
English in a proper way. +t is important to highlight that this is a problem of
everybodys concern, not only the students but families and these ones must
"oin forces to look for solutions to contribute to the development of this country.
/oreover, this pro"ect of investigation is focused in the right use of techniques
at the beginning and during the class. #hen we talk about techniques at the
beginning, we refer to those that are going to cheer up students in order to
5break the ice6 at this stage, the ones that will place students in the 5play6
button, so this will facilitate the learning process of this language. %t the same
time, this stage contains the introduction, diagnostic and discussion of the new
class. This is the reason why the investigators have thought in the question;
how teaching techniques for the first stage of an E4 class must be applied@
1.2 5&stification
+t is important to know that students proficiency in elementary level is
being affected by the style of applicability of teaching techniques in the English
language usage. +n addition, arguments from parents point of view have
provided that, their children, do not count with the enough knowledge and
correct management of semantic, communication skills and pronunciation due
to the type of techniques and tools that teachers are using. They spend a '(year
period in elementary level, but once they finish, they are not able to
The reason why the researchers chose this topic is the following one; to
analy!e the types of teaching techniques at the beginning of an English class
and the type of methodology teachers apply in order to motivate students
%s matter of validation of this investigation pro"ect, it is workable to
establish that techniques, and the way contents should be directed to the
educating population takes a high relevance, due to the comple&ity it concerns.
%s it is known, the learning process is changeable, progressive and,
sometimes, interchangeable.
,onsequently, as e&posed in the statement of the problem, there are
some reasons why it is important to change the way teachers plan and pro"ect
their classes with the use of motivating techniques and accurate strategies. +n
past decades, teachers used the %ctivity ection to mention their procedures
and steps in doing workshops, assessments or any type of activity. This was
useful in a way they could establish what they were doing. +n spite of, this way
of doing is not as proper itself. 7ue to all the activities were included inside the
same apart, it was quite difficult to understand the purposes and ob"ectives of
the activities to direct, not telling they were no successful or workable, but were
missing direction and purposes. /oreover, even though they followed an order,
it was not e&plained if 5&6 activity was intended to be developed at the
beginning, during or at the end, depending on the ob"ective. /ore about this is
the fact that, not all teachers but some, did not count with the vast knowledge
and e&pertise to write down the words 5first6, 5second6 or 5tudents begin16,
5They will continue16 and it was almost challenging to understand the purposes
and ob"ectives from the teacher. To overcome this, new trends and ways of
planning, have proposed the Three tages of a ,lass )ormat, which counts
with sections to place, in a very detailed way, purposes, activities, resources,
ob"ectives, strategies, techniques, and evaluation instruments in order to count
with a structured format, that will promote and get better the way teachers
pro"ect their classes.
$The %a+ teache!s #an no%ada+s is "ased on the const!&cti'ist a!oach) %hich
intends to ta*e into conside!ation st&dents6 *no%#ed(e and im!o'e %hat the+ a#!ead+
*no%. This %a+ of teachin( he#s to !einfo!ce st&dents6 !io! *no%#ed(e and int!od&ce
the ne% info!mation in o!de! the+ can !o'ide ideas and (&ide them to ha'e a decision7
ma*in( in !e(a!ds to #ea!nin( sit&ations the+ face in thei! e'e!+da+ #ife.0 18e# Cid) 23194
1.2.1 Imo!tance
This pro"ect is of a very importance because the lack of techniques for the
first methodological stage is a problem that currently affects our elementary
students, who are mastering English as a second language. The domain of
English language is kind of deficient in elementary school students, and hence
it; has a direct impact on the high school level. #hile English sub"ect does not
have a large number of academic failures, it is necessary to understand why it
is so difficult for students to understand, analy!e and communicate in English.
%t the same time, this investigation concerns to the applicability of teaching
techniques e&posed by teachers in the first didactic stage of a class, and the
effect these ones cause in the students for the English language learning.
+t is a requirement by the board of education that, the time allocated to the
teaching of English in public schools, counts with > hours a week. #hile it is not
enough time to practice, it does not e&plain why students do not produce or
manage this language. )or this reason, it is believed that the selection of
teaching techniques and their use in the classroom are responsible for this lack
of control. The techniques chosen by the teacher are likely not the most
appropriate at the time they are presented and developed in the classroom.
Therefore, the teacher, when applies a technique, has to consider individual
student characteristics such as the level of learning, types of students, and
preference of students, among other factors that make possible the correct
acquisition of this language.
This pro"ect attempts to seek and to handle the reasons, why there is not an
adequate domain of the English language by elementary school students in
public schools. %lso, within this framework, the main elements that affect
student learning are analy!ed. The ne&t chapter tries to e&plain, in a more
detailed way, the applicability of teaching techniques in the beginning stage of
an E4 class in regards to teaching techniques and their effectiveness.
,onsequently, the levels of knowledge, especially as these are related to the
four skills that English language contains, which are listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. The first title of this chapter is the applicability of teaching
/oreover, it is important to mention that techniques are ways how teachers
use in order to satisfy the main target; students appropriate learning proficiency.
Therefore, these ones must be selected in an accurate manner to get results
because in this way, it could be productive and substantial. )urthermore, not
because a technique is new and updated will lead to a successful session, but it
requires from the e&pertise and management of the instructor in order to
achieve his or her goals.
1.2.2 Cont!i"&tions
,ertainly, through the results of this research, it can be established about
what are the benefits of the applicability of appropriate teaching techniques and
how this facilitated the mastery of English as a second language. +n the first
instance, the main purpose of this study is to contribute with teachers, who
teach English, and to students who study English as a second language. 8oth
can get a good quantity of advantages in order to perform better sessions. This
will represent a very significant help to overcome issues at the time to acquire,
from students side and also from teachers side.
The investigators decided to provide this tool, due to, as it is well known,
teachers, sometimes, are running out from resources and materials to develop
their classes in a very innovative and motivating manner. 9ence, it has been
chosen this compendium in order to facilitate a great resource for teachers.
Thus, it is positive to mention that all these worksheets and templates were
chosen accordingly to the .anamanian 8oard of Education curriculum, which
will be in accordance with the planning and ob"ectives from both, authorities and
1.9 O":ecti'es
1.9.1 ;ene!a# O":ecti'e
To analy!e and evaluate through the application of instruments for collecting
data from the students and teachers perception, in accordance to the
applicability of teaching techniques at the beginning stage of an English class.
1.9.2 Secific O":ecti'es
To collect techniques for developing the first methodological stage of
an English class.
To identify the degree of effectiveness of each technique for the first
didactic stage of an English class.
To evaluate the factors that influence the developing of an English
class such space, time, discipline and resources availability.
Elaborate a compendium of techniques for the development of the
English class in the three stages.
1.< Scoe and Limitations
1.<.< Scoes:
The concept scopes means the activity, operation, treatment and
influence applied in order to produce a desired product, service or result; so, it
refers to what someone has to do to accomplish a goal.
To improve the level of students English proficiency
To provide better tools such printed activity to make classes
more interesting
/otivate teachers to use motivational techniques at the
beginning stage of an English class in order to engage students
into the learning process
1./ Limitations
% limitation can be defined as something that does not allow someone to
work freely through an open space of time or place. )or a researcher the
limitations are problems that can be face in order to access the necessary
information which is necessary to fulfill the investigation, the time management,
the access to e&perts for editing the work. .roofreading and leading, and one of
the most difficult problems that a researcher can face is the lack of support and
participation from the organi!ations in which the wok is applied and the lack of
participations from the chosen participants
4ack of printed material related to the beginning stage of an
English class due to this topic has not been researched before
by any other participant at this level
4ack of teachers cooperation due to lack of communication
about methodological opinions and e&periences
#eak background from researchers due to the level of
professionalism and e&perience in teaching methodologies
/oreover, it is fundamental to mention that in our educational system, this
trend of planning and applying a format that counts with all of these aspects
already mentioned, is a kind of difficult to e&pand, due to lack of information
about this topic, and most of the professionals recently works are not so
involved with the beginnings and some of the other reasons why this new
format of planning was intended. Therefore, it was quiet tough for the
investigators to count with a vast field and sources to collect the information at
the beginning of this research, but during and at the end it was successfully
achieve the notion that this format allows teachers to promote and organi!e in a
better way.
1...2 8e#imitations
7elimitations are elements in a research pro"ect that aim to direct the
investigation in an appropriate, accurate and designated area of research. +n
this research pro"ect, the investigators took into account the following
delimitation elements3
Temo!a# Conte=t
This research was undertaken from /ay =<
to Auly >

;eo(!ahica# Conte=t
This research took place in the -epublic of .anama, province of ,hiriquB,
in the 7istrict of 8oquerCn.
Instit&tiona# Conte=t
This research was undertaken at the 7ario -io aavedra Elementary
chool located in the district of 8oquerCn, in the province of ,hiriquB, -epublic
of .anama.
Po&#ation Conte=t
This research completes the participation of the following groups of people3
English teachers and students who run the D
elementary level.
Thematic Conte=t
This research directs to the %pplicability of Teaching Techniques for the
)irst .edagogical tage in an E4 class, aimed to students of fourth level at
%ntonio -ios aavedra Elementary chool
Methodo#o(ica# Conte=t:
Euantitative and qualitative method were applied in this research to
investigate if the current techniques and strategies applied by the English
teachers at %ntonio -ios aavedra Elementary chool are the most
appropriate, aiming to the first pedagogical stage of an E4 class by the use of
structured survey and interview, which were applied using a =<(question format
implying the four variables of this pro"ect. ,onsequently, a statistical analysis
was used in order to e&plain, in details and percentages, the dropped results to
support arguments.
Inst!&menta# Conte=t
This research used as resources surveys focused on D
elementary level
students and English teachers, and bibliographical support from /E7F,%
0/inisterio de EducaciCn de .anama2 in order to clarify details in teaching
methodology, strategies and techniques.
Theo!etica# Conte=t:
Newspaper articles, publications, monographs, pamphlets, brochures, and
e&perts in elementary teaching levels were consulted. +t is important to mention
that some of these ones were3 Serie hacia un Currculo por Competencias,
Mdulos 0, 1 y 2 dicin 201!, M"#C$, %anam&', statistical data from, theories about the constructivist approach and the
cooperative method in teaching, and the professional consulting from professor
Edith /arBa del ,id, who is in charge of the Education )aculty at the
Fniversidad %utCnoma de ,hiriquB.

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