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Unit: Literary Circles Novel Study

Unit Description
This novel study is structured in literature circles, a collaborative and student-centered reading strategy. Students are introduced to the theme and the
novels by a teacher presentation. They are then are introduced to the eight jobs in the Literature Circles: Summarizer, Discussion Director, Connector,
Illustrator, Travel Tracer, Vocabulary Enricher, Literary Luminary, Researcher. The teacher and student volunteers model the task for each of the four
roles, and then students practice the strategies. The process demonstrates the different roles and allows students to practice the techniques before they
are responsible for completing the tasks on their own. After this introduction, students are ready to use the strategy independently, rotating the roles
through four-person groups as they read the books they have chosen. Students may use journals, sticky notes, eportfolios instead of roles to record
information about important parts of the book, settings, characters, and plot. When the book is finished, students then choose a "sharing project"
through which they would share their book with the rest of the class, as a group or individual, with a variety of formats available.
Theme: Relationships or Survival
3 weeks

Lesson Overview
Title: Lesson 2: First Lit Circle Meeting
Author: Karen Jones
Subject: English 10
Grade Level: 8 10
Lesson Description
This lesson follows Day 1 where the teacher
has introduced the theme, the novels, and the
roles of the Lit Circle. Students have
prioritized the three novels and have been
assigned groups of 3 5.
They gather in their groups for their first
literature circle meeting where they
Decide how much of the text to read and
which role each of them will fill during the
next meeting.
Each student obtains a copy of the correct
role sheet.
Students read the text and prepare for the
next literature circle meeting.

Achievement Indicators
Students who have fully met the prescribed learning
outcome are able to:
Collaborate with members of a group to achieve
a common purpose.
Share and support group roles and
responsibilities to achieve purpose and goals.
Choose text of appropriate difficulty
Read independently every day
Track and/or describe independent reading
Consider and express initial response (e.g.,
journal entry, partner talk, whole-group

Corbett, 2008)
Learning Objectives
o A4 select, adapt, and apply a range of
strategies to interact and collaborate with
others in pairs and groups
o B1 read, both collaboratively and
IEP Objectives
Rebecca will:
o Read independently
o Use mindmapping strategies to enhance
reading comprehension
AT Competencies
To use software to access text-to-speech for e-texts.
To choose desktop or Web-based tools to complete
to novel study assignments.
To organize digital assignments into a final product.
independently, to comprehend a variety of
literary texts
o C4 create thoughtful representations that
communicate ideas and information

1. Students prioritize novel choice by
completing a ballot and are grouped by
choice (from Day 1)
Graphic novel

2. In groups of 3 5, students hold their
first Lit Circle meeting and decide how
much of the novel to read for the next

3. Students choose one role and obtain a
copy of the role sheet.

4. Students begin reading and using role
sheets to complete assignment on the
section of text.

o Complete written activities according to
role requirements

1. Students prioritize novel choice by
completing a ballot and are grouped
by choice (from Day 1)
Graphic novel
Teacher facilitates match of novel to
reading ability.

2. In groups of 3 5, students hold their
first Lit Circle meeting and decide
how much of the novel to read for the
next meeting.
SEA (in class or study block) may
monitor student progress and modify
length of text or assist by reading aloud.
Set aside in-class time or designate study
block as reading time.

3. Students choose one role and obtain a
copy of the role sheet.
Roles may be kept for a minimum of 2
days before rotation to decrease difficulty
with transition and task completion.
Use nametags with roles to remind
students of responsibilities.

4. Students begin reading and using role
sheets to complete assignment on the
section of text.
SEA helps students prepare for their roles


Rebecca may use Voice Dream Reader app to
scan and read novel with iPad.

3. Students choose one role and obtain a copy
of the role sheet.
Select activities from online role materials, if

4. Students begin reading and using role sheets
to complete assignment on the section of
o Ballot
o Three sets of novels
o Role descriptions
Discussion director
Travel Tracer
Vocabulary Enricher
Literary Luminary
in their circle during study block, pre-
reads and pulls vocabulary from text.
SEA prepares student by practicing
contributions or pre-teaching, if
Peers or teacher provide assistance in
identifying unfamiliar vocabulary, and
reading aloud.
Teacher provides the student with
additional time to read the materials.

o Vocabulary lists
o Laminated role nametags and descriptions

Scan role templates into Voice Dream Reader
for fill-in-the-blank by hand or speech-to-text on
resource computer.
Collect daily electronic entries in a desktop
folder, VoiceThread, or Wiki to make a journal.
Use Web 2.0 apps to augment or replace role
Online comic strips for summaries or
drawing in
Create Voki avatars for characters

o Use adapted versions, digital versions, screen
readers/text to speech software, MP3 players,
books on CD

Reflection on Taking Part in a
Daily completion of role templates
Paper journal or eportfolio where students
keep track of daily discussion and learning
Rubric -
Online Reflection
Daily completion of role templates
Word processor summary or hand-drawn
journal entries of daily discussion and
learning activities.
Use iPad or resource computer to complete
browser-based online reflection, print out and
hand in
Daily completion of role templates
Collect daily electronic entries in a desktop
folder or use VoiceThread to make daily journal
Use camera to take jpg of hand drawings or
paper-based activities and upload into
VoiceThread journal
Anderson, P. L., & Corbett, L. (2008). Literature Circles for Students With Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 44(1), 2533.
Hill, B.C., Schlick Noe, K.L., & Johnson, N.J. (2001). Literature circles resource guide. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Inc. Retrieved
IRA/NCTE. (2014). ReadWriteThink. Literature circles: Getting started. Retrieved from

Ministry of Education. (2006). English language arts grade 10: Integrated resource package 2006. Retrieved from


Persepolis (2003
This graphic novel provides a glimpse into what it was like
to live in Tehran as a young girl as the country undergoes
political upheaval.
Maus I (1991)
Spiegelman, Art
This graphic novel which portrays Jews as mice and Nazis
as cats.

The Hitch hiker's guide to the
galaxy (1980)
Adams, Douglas

180 p.
The hilarious journey of Arthur Dent and his friend Ford
Prefect, a space hitchhiker, who escape from earth
seconds before it is demolished. They travel to a variety of
galactic civilizations while gathering information for a
hitchhikers guidebook.

Weetzie bat (1989)
Block, Francesca Lia

88 p
Punk teens Weetzie and Dirk search for love in a modern
fairy tale that is funny, moving, and unlike any book youve
read before.


The House of the Scorpion (2002)
Farmer, Nancy

380 p
In a future where humans despise clones, Matt enjoys
special status as the young clone of El Patron, the 142-
year-old leader of a corrupt drug empire nestled between
Mexico and the United States.


Hole in my life (2002)
Gantos, Jack
199 P
The author relates how, as a young adult, he became a
drug user and smuggler, was arrested, did time in prison,
and eventually got out and went to college, all the while
hoping to become a writer.


Stoner and Spaz (2002)
169 p.
Koertge, Rong

A troubled youth with cerebral palsy struggles toward self-
acceptance with the help of a drug-addicted young woman


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