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English macroscopy
1. Concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle
Entire heart is increased in size and weight on based of the left ventricle
Cross section through heart:
The thickening of the left ventricle wall (in round about)
The left ventricular cavity is reduced in size
The cause is hypertension
2. Benign nephroangiosclerosis
The kidney is decreased in size (atrophic) and pale
Decapsulation is difficult: the external surface presents a fine granularity
On the cut surface is evident the atrophy of the cortex and medulla and
hyperplasia of the adipose tissue from the renal hilus
3. Hepatic steatosis = fatty change liver
On the external surface - liver increased in size on the external surface with
round margins and yellow color
On the cross section
In total steatosis the liver has an homogenous, yellow, fat
In partial steatosis the liver presents red areas of normal
parenchyma alternating with yellow fatty change hepatic areas
4. Cerebral hemorrhages
Intracerebral hematoma with ventricular flood
A large collection of coagulated blood, located into cerebral
It causes, through volume, compression on vital nervous centres
and erosions of the lateral ventricular wall resulting ventricular
flood and death
Subarachnoid hemorrhages
One or both cerebral hemispheres show the congestion of the
meningeal vessels
It is a diffuse hemorrhage in a thin layer located into
subarachnoidian space (it does not interest nervous tissue) resulting
a thicker leptomeninge, brown-black in color on a large area,
interesting frontal and parietal lobules.
5. Aortic thrombosis
It is a complication of the aortic atherosclerosis
The aortic thrombus is a solid gray, dry, shrinked mass adherent of arterial wall
6. Venous thrombosis
It is a complication of the vascular stasis
The venous thrombus is a solid gray, dry, shrinked mass adherent of arterial wall
7. Ischemic myocardial fibrosis
It is the consequence of the chronic ischemia of the heart
The heart has a tiger appearance due to alternation of the
White fibrous tissue (diffuse or focal)
Red-brown normal myocardial fibers
8. Pulmonary hemorrhagic infarct
It is caused by embolic occlusion of a pulmonary artery in conditions of
pulmonary stasis resulting a red infarcted area due to entrance of blood cells in the
territory of pulmonary necrosis
It is a polygonal darker area, with a subpleural base and an apex orientated toward
the occlusive vessel
9. Pericarditis
The presence of an adherent, gray-fibrinous deposit, varying in
thickness which covers the entire heart. When the fibrinous layer is
thicker, it results a gray membrane with irregular surface and
villous appearance, like fur cat. When the fibrinous layer is thinner
it results a bread and butter appearance.
It appears when the fibrinous pericardial inflammation is associated
with a large serous exudation which fills the pericardial cavity.
10. Hepatic abscesses
it is a purulent collection which is localized within hepatic parenchyma
types: Phylephlebitic and cholangitic
It results due to dissemination of the infectious agents on the portal vein
way resulting an irregular large central cavity (limited by a wall formed by
an inner part of fibrinous layer infiltrated with neutrophils and an outer part
of congested parenchyma) without purulent content because the pus was
eliminated by cutting the abscesses
It results through dissemination of the infectious agents on the biliary
ductal way, resulting multiple, small, irregular cavities with green, purulent
content (due to biliary pigment); they are also limited by hyperemic areas.
11. Renal pyoemic abscesses
On the external renal surface after decapsulation are evident multiple, small,
white-yellow purulent proieminent areas surrounded by congested zones.
On the cut surface are identiphied small abscesses (microabscesses), located into
the renal cortex
12. Purulent leptomeningitis
The brain is covered by a thick, white-opaque leptomeninge due to purulent
exudates content.
The cerebral vessels are congested and are difficult for evidentiating.
13. Circumscribed tuberculous lesions
Milliary tubercles they are lesions in milliary tuberculosis
Small nodules, about of 2-3 mm in diameter, well defined; they are
multiple, yellow-white in color, without tendency at confluence
They result through hematogenous disseminatrion of the
tuberculous agents
Policycle tubercles they are lesions in tuberculous bronchopneumonia
Bigger nodules, with irregular margins, centered by bronchioli; they
are multiple and yellow-white in color;
They result through bronchogenous dissemination of the
tuberculous agents
Simple tuberculous nodule Ghon nodule
It is a unic nodule, by 1-2 cm in diameter, centered by caseous
necrosis and limited by a capsule. It presents a subpleural location.
The nodule may be calcified.
It is an unic lesion, a large nodule over 3-4 cm in diameter,
presenting a central concentric caseous necrosis limited by a
14. (Tuberculous) bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia)
It is characterized by the presence of multiple nodular lesions, with irregular
margins, centered by bronchi and separated by normal lung parenchyma
They result through dissemination of the infectious agent on the air way
15. Tuberculous primary lung complex (Rancke complex or Ghon focus)
it is a primary tuberculous lesion producing at children
the Rancke complex, it is composed by 3 elements:
subpleural tuberculous simple nodule (Ghon focus)
tuberculous lymphangitis (tuberculous lymphatic dissemination)
tuberculous lymphadenitis (tuberculous involvement of hilar lymph
16. Apical cazeous fibro-cavitary tuberculosis
It is an evolutive lesion of the adult pulmonary tuberculosis
It is characterized by the presence of ulcerative tuberculous lesions (tuberculous
cavernae) at the lung apex, which are recent or old ones
Recent cavernae loss of substance within pulmonary parenchyma presenting
elastic thin walls covered by deposits of caseous necrosis.
Old cavernae large loss of substance, of about 1-3 cm in diameter, presenting
thick, smooth, clean walls (composed by fibrous tissue). The cavity is traversed by
connective-vascular bridges.
17. Advanced caseous fibro-cavitary tuberculosis
It is an evolutive lesion of the adult pulmonary tuberculosis
It is characterized by the presence of ulcerative tuberculous lesions (tuberculous
cavernae) located everywhere in the lung parenchyma, which are recent or old
Recent cavernae loss of substance within pulmonary parenchyma presenting
elastic thin walls covered by deposits of caseous necrosis.
Old cavernae large loss of substance, of about 1-3 cm in diameter, presenting
thick, smooth, clean walls (composed by fibrous tissue). The cavity is traversed by
connective-vascular bridges.
18. Cutaneous papilloma
Vegetative tumors with exophitic growing; it varies in size of 1-2 cm
The basis of implantation is short and thick (large)
The surface is irregular
Accuminatum condyloma
It is a viral papilloma caused by Papilloma virus
The tumor has a cauliflower appearance being formed by multiple vegetative
19. Colic adenomatous polyposis
It is a familial disease characterized by the presence of multiple polyps (over 100);
they vary in size and structure; they may undergo malignant change
20. Uterine leiomyoma
Benign connective tumor arising from smooth muscle tissue from myometrium
Unic or multiple tumor, nodular, well demarcated, without capsule, composed
from smooth muscle fibers orientated in different directions
21. Chondroma
Benign connective tumor arising from cartilage tissue
It is located at the level of the extremity small bones
It is a nodular tumor, solitary or multiple
On the cut surface the tumor is well-defined (encapsulated), solid, with lobular
appearance and presents a bluish, translucent color resembling with cartilage tissue
Benign connective tumor arising from adipose tissue
It is located at the level of the subcutaneous layer
It is a nodular tumor, solitary or multiple
On the cut surface the tumor is well-defined (encapsulated), solid, with lobular
appearance and presents a yellow color resembling with adipose tissue
22. Hepatic cavernous hemangioma
Benign connective tumor arising from large vascular spaces - cavernae
It is located at the level of the liver parenchyma beneath the capsule
The tumor is composed from tumoral lobules giving the impression of infiltrative
On the cut surface the tumor appears as a spongious, darker area
23. Primary nodular pulmonary cancer periferic
It is a malignant epithelial tumor arising from peripheral bronchiolar epithelium
It appears as a large nodular solid mass, with infiltrative margins, gray-white in
color with hemorrhagic and necrotic foci
It is located frequently at the lung apex (peripheric lesion), giving the compressive
Pancoast-Tobias syndrome
24. Primary nodular hepatic cancer
It is a malignant epithelial tumor arising from hepatic epithelial tissues
(hepatocytes or biliary duct epithelium)
The liver is increased in size, presenting on the cross section a large nodular solid
mass, with infiltrative margins, gray-white in color with hemorrhagic and necrotic
25. Primary infiltrative pulmonary cancer hilar
It is a malignant epithelial tumor arising from hilar bronchial epithelium
It is located frequently at the lung hilum (central lesion), growing and projecting
into bronchial lumen and later disseminating along lymphatic vessels, involving
lung parenchyma and reaching the pleura
It appears as a hilar infiltrative tumoral mass, gray-white in color with irregular,
infiltrative margins
26. Hepatic metastases
The liver is increased in size (hepatomegaly)
On the cross section are evident multiple nodules of various size (1 to 10 cm in
diameter) with distinct limits and necrotic centers
27. Pulmonary metastases
It is the result of blood dissemination of the tumoral cells, resulting the bilateral
lung involvement
On the cross section are evident multiple disseminated nodules of various size,
very well demarcated, and white-gray in color
28. Femoral Osteosarcoma
it is a malignant connective tissue tumor arising from periostium and endostium
the tumor is large, gray-white in color, with hemorrhagic and necrotic foci,
surrounding cortical femoral bone and is covered by periostium
in time, the tumor infiltrates peripheral soft tissues and later is penetrated the
cortical bone, too, for reaching bone marrow
29. Mature cystic teratoma of ovary
It is a benign tumor, arising from multipotent germinal cells and containing 2 or
more mature tissues with chaotic arrangement
It is a cystic tumor varying in size and presenting
A wall composed inside from an epidermis and outside by a dermis
A cavity containing lipid material (sebum) and hair
30. Testicular solid teratoma
It is a benign tumor, arising from multipotent germinal cells and containing 2 or
more mature tissues with chaotic arrangement
It is a solid nodular mass containing 2 or more mature tissues derived from
embryonic layers: sheets of cartilage tissue, fibrous tissue, muscular fibers and
microcysts lined by a respiratory epithelium
31. Verrucous endocarditis (Rheumatic endocarditis)
There is evident the presence of multiple, gray-opaque, small nodules located on
the free valvular margins
The nodular lesions are thrombi of fibrin and platelets disposed on the effected
32. Septal defects
Atrial septal defects
Congenital, Permanent, abnormal communication between left and right atrium,
resulting the passing the blood from the left toward the right atrium
Ventricular septal defects
Congenital, Permanent, abnormal communication between left and right atrium,
resulting the passing the blood from the left toward the right atrium
33. Fallot trilogy
It is composed by 3 malformations:
Interatrial defect
Pulmonary arterial stenosis
Ventricular hypertrophy
34. Mitral stenosis simple and complicated with atrial thrombosis
It is a rheumatic sequel interesting mitral valves
The affected valves are thickened and fibrous with the fusion of commissures
The mitral orifice is narrowed (stenosis)
35. Mitral disease
It is a rheumatic sequel interesting mitral valves associating mitral stenosis with mitral
mitral stenosis thickened and fused valves resulting a narrowed orifice
mitral insufficiency - thickened and retracted valves resulting an enlarged
Aortic insufficiency
the aortic sigmoid valves are thickened, hard, and sometimes calcified.
Aortic orifice is enlarged and permanent opened
36. Subacute infectious endocarditis (Vegetative endocarditis)
It is an infectious endocarditis caused by less virulent agents Str. Viridans, fungi
There is a pre-existent valvular lesions (mitral stenosis, aortic insufficiency)
It is evident, on the atrial valvular surface, the presence of a gray vegetative masses,
which are irregular, friable, adherent on damaged endocardium and composed from
fibrin, platelets, bacterial colony and neutrophils;
they are a source of septic emboli in the systemic circulation producing systemic
37. Acute infectious endocarditis (ulcero-vegetative endocarditis)
It is an infectious endocarditis caused by high virulent agents Staf. aureus
There is no pre-existent valvular lesions (normal valves)
It is evident, on the atrial valvular surface, the presence of a gray vegetative masses,
friable, adherent on damaged endocardium and composed from fibrin, platelets,
bacterial colony and rich in neutrophils, resulting the ulceration of the underling
they are a source of septic emboli in the systemic circulation producing systemic
38. Cardiac failure
Entire heart is increased in size
The wall is hypertrophied and the consistency is decreased
The cavity is increased in size and the surface of the ventricular
cavity is presenting flat column projections
Dilated atrio-ventricular orifice
The cardiac wall is normal or reduced in size
The cardiac cavity is enlarged and the ventricular surface is smooth
Dilated atrio-ventricular orifice
39. Aortic atherosclerosis
On the aortic endothelial surface, it is observed the presence of multiple
uncomplicated atherosclerotic plaques, represented by lipid striations, lipid
plaques, fifro-lipid plaques, fibrous plaques and complicated atherosclerotic
plaques, represented by ulcerated plaques, calcified plaques and thrombotic
The fibro-lipid plaque, it appears as white-yellow, prominent, round to oval or
irregular intimal lesion, located frequently at the level of the aortic bifurcation or
collateral branch orifice.
The ulcerated plaque, it appears as a loss of substance by various size, with
irregular margins, presenting the basis covered by atheromatous material, resulting
systemic embolism and secondary thrombosis
The calcified plaque, it appears as white, hard, smooth area with egg shell
consistency; they are friable and may ulcerate.
40. Cerebral arterial atherosclerosis
The Willis circle arteries with atherosclerotic lesions are presenting:
The thickened walls (fibrous or fibro-lipid plaques)
The permanent opened lumen, on the cross section, (macaroni
41. Atherosclerotic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta
It is a large fusiform dilatation of the arterial wall caused by atherosclerotic lesions
Usually, it is located at the level of the abdominal aortic segment presenting
advanced atherosclerotic lesions
It may complicate with rupture and lethal hemorrhage, thrombosis and embolism
42. Syphilitic aneurysm of the ascendant aorta
It is a large sacciform dilatation of the arterial wall caused by syphilitic lesions
Usually, it is located at the level of the ascending aorta presenting advanced
mezoaortitis lesions
It may complicate with rupture and lethal hemorrhage, thrombosis and embolism
43. Transmural myocardial infarct complicated with wall rupture or ventricular
endocardial thrombosis
It is a recent infarct
The infarcted area is red in color due to entrance of the erythrocytes into necrotic
The infarcted area it is an extensive area interesting the anterior ventricular wall,
two-third of the anterior ventricular septum and ventricular apex.
The infarcted area is complicated with rupture of the ventricular wall
44. Lobar pneumonia gray hepatization
The gray hepatization, it is the third stage in lobar pneumonia
The lung affected lobe is increased in size, with gray color (purulent alveolar
exudate) and hepatic consistency
On the cross section, the cut surface is wet due to alveolar purulent exudate
45. Chronic peptic ulcer
It is a penetrant loss of substance interesting gastric mucosa, submucosa, and
muscular layer
May be located anywhere into gastro-intestinal tract: gastric lesser curvature,
duodenum, sthomal region, Meckel diverticulum
It is a round or oval loss of substance with sharp margins limited by radiating
mucosal folds; the ulcer base is granular and clean
Complications: hemorrhage, perforation, penetration
46. Penetrated chronic peptic ulcer in pancreas and liver
Penetration is a covered perforation by an adjacent organ, forming the base of the
ulcer (liver, pancreas)
47. Chronic peptic ulcer complicated with HDS
Superior digestive hemorrhage is an acute complication of the peptic ulcer
resulting through vascular erosion of a vessel from ulcer base
48. Calos ulcer
It is an old ulcer, with large and deep crater
The base of the ulcer is represented by a thick fibrous tissue; it may give stenosis
49. Sthomal peptic ulcer
It is the peptic ulcer produced at the level of the gastro-intestinal anastomosiss
50. Vegetative gastric carcinoma
Malignant epithelial tumor arising from gastric glandular epithelium
Vegetative tumor, with cauliflower appearance, projecting in gastric cavity
The tumor has a large base of attachment, an irregular surface,
The tumor is a gray-white mass with areas of necrosis and hemorrhages
51. Ulcerative gastric carcinoma
Malignant epithelial tumor arising from gastric glandular epithelium
The tumor appears as a large loss of substance (large and deep crater)
The tumor margins are prominent and are formed from tumoral tissue
The tumor basis is irregular presenting hemorrhagic and necrotic foci
52. Infiltrative gastric carcinoma (linitis plastica)
Malignant epithelial tumor arising from gastric glandular epithelium
The tumor is infiltrative resulting the thickening of the gastric walls (rigid walls)
and the narrowing of the gastric lumen (gastric stenosis)
The tumor is a gray-white mass infiltrating diffusely submucosa and finally entire
53. Hemorrhagic-ulcerative rectocolitis active stage
ulcerative colitis is a chronic colic inflammation of unknown cause involving
mucosa and submucosa
in active phase of the ulcerative colitis, the colic mucosa is congested, with areas
of hemorrhages and ulcerations; between mucosal ulcers the colic mucosa presents
an inflammatory edema and projects into the lumen forming pseudopolypoid
54. Hemorrhagic-ulcerative rectocolitis remission stage
ulcerative colitis is a chronic colic inflammation of unknown cause involving
mucosa and submucosa
in remission phase of the ulcerative colitis is producing the regeneration of the
colic mucosa resulting an atrophic flat colic mucosa; the pseudopolypoid lesions
are persisting
55. Pseudomembranous colitis
It is a colic inflammation caused by Clostridium difficile at patients after surgery
or long antibiotherapy administration
The surface of the colic mucosa is covered by a thick membranous film composed
of fibrinous exudates, neutrophils, and necrotic mucosal areas.
The detachment of this membrane is difficult (pseudomembrane) resulting large
hemorrhagic ulcerations.
56. Vegetative cecal carcinoma
Malignant epithelial tumor arising from cecal glandular epithelium
Vegetative tumor, with cauliflower appearance, projecting in cecal cavity
The tumor has a large base of attachment and an irregular surface
The tumor is a gray-white mass with areas of necrosis and hemorrhages
57. Ulcerative cecal carcinoma
Malignant epithelial tumor arising from cecal glandular epithelium
The tumor appears as a large loss of substance (large and deep crater)
The tumor margins are prominent and are formed from tumoral tissue
The tumor basis is irregular presenting hemorrhagic and necrotic foci

58. Infiltrative cecal or rectal carcinoma
Malignant epithelial tumor arising from colic glandular epithelium
The tumor is infiltrative resulting the thickening of the colic walls (rigid walls) and
the narrowing of the colic lumen (colic stenosis)
The tumor is a gray-white mass infiltrating diffusely submucosa and finally entire
59. Micronodular atrophic cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is the end stage of hepatic disease, characterized by destruction of the
normal hepatic structure and replacing with regenerative nodules surrounded by
fibrous bands
The frequent cause is the alcoholism
The liver is atrophied, with sharp margins
The external surface presents a micronodular appearance
On the cross section is evidentiated the presence of multiple micronodule, of 0.5
cm in diameter, yellow in color, limited by thin connective bands, involving entire
hepatic parenchyma
60. Infiltrative pancreatic carcinoma
It is a malignant epithelial tumor arising from duct epithelium
It is a solid, hard mass, white-gray in color, with an homogenous appearance and
an infiltrative character
The tumor destroys the normal structure of the pancreas
61. Suppurative acute pielonephritis
It is an acute inflammation of the kidney involving the renal pelvis and
parenchyma caused by a bacterial infection secondary of an ascendent urinary
way dissemination
On the external surface, it can be observed fused, isolated, large, irregular purulent
foci, which are yellowish areas surrounded by congested renal parenchyma
On the cross section, it is observed mucosal congestion of the renal pelvis covered
by a purulent exudate, yellow purulent medullar striations radiating toward renal
cortex and cortical purulent foci
62. Hydronephrosis chronic pielonephritis
It is a consequence of the urinary tract obstruction (stones, strictures, tumors)
resulting urinary stasis and pielocaliceal dilatation and renal parenchyma
compression (renal parenchyma atrophy)
On the external surface the kidney is increased in size (pseudohypertrophy)
presenting cicatriceal scars (chronic pielonephritis)
On the cross section, the renal pelvis is very large (dilated due to urinary stasis)
and the renal parenchyma is very thin and pale due to urinary compression (renal
atrophy); the lumen pelvis is or not occupied with a branching stone
63. Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate with vesicle muscular hypertrophy
The prostate is increased in size and volume due to glandular and muscular
hyperplasia with secondary compression of the prostatic urethra
Compensatory phase muscular hypertrophy of the urinary bladder;
urinary bladder wall is thick and the cavity is small.
64. Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate with vesicle globe
End stag e= urinary bladder dilatation
On the external surface the entire urinary bladder is increase in size and
volume = pseudohypertrophy.
On the cross section the urinary bladder wall is very thin (compressed
due to urinary stasis); the urinary cavity is very large, dilated through
urinary stasis.
65. Grawitz tumor (clear cell renal carcinoma)
The most frequent adulthood renal tumor arising from tubular epithelium, which is
usually located at the renal poles and medial lateral renal margin
The tumor grows and compresses the renal parenchyma resulting a phalse
The tumor is yellow-gray in color with necrotic and hemorrhagic foci
66. Wilms tumor
The most frequent childhood renal tumor arising from renal blastema which is
resting in renal pelvis
It appears as a large, sarcomatous-like mass, which compresses the renal
parenchyma (capsule-like appearance); the tumoral mass contains areas of necrosis
and hemorrhages
67. Polycystic kidney infantile and adult type
It is a renal malformations presenting 2 subtypes
Infantile type
The kidney has a normal size and a smooth external surface
On the cross sections, it is evident the presence of multiple tubular
cysts radiating in the medulla
Adult type
The kidney is increased in size and weight (over 1 kilo)
The external surface is boselated due to the presence of evident
On the cross section are present multiple cysts, by various size,
filled with clear, hematuric, or purulent urine, separated by
functional bands of renal parenchyma
68. Chronic myeloid leukemia spleen
The spleen involvement represents the tissular stage in leukemia
The most important splenomegaly (3 to 5 kilos)
On the external surface, it is observed the preservation of the splenic shape and
anterior margins
On the cross section the spleen has an homogenous gray color due to replacing of
the normal splenic structure by tumoral tissue
It is complicated with splenic infarcts
69. NHL. Abdominal and mediastinal lymphoadenopathy
Mediastinal tumoral block resulting from the fusion of the tumoral lymph nodes
which lost their individuality
The tumoral mass has a hard consistency, is homogenous, gray in color and
presents irregular margins
70. Hodgkin disease spleen
The spleen is slight increased in size
On the cross section, the spleen presents multiple tumoral nodules, of various size,
gray-white in color, separated by red-brown normal splenic parenchyma (salami
71. Hodgkin disease lymph nodes
The involved lymph nodes are increased in size
On the cross section, the normal lymph node structure suffers a tumoral
replacement, appearing as gray homogenous tumoral masses, preserving their
72. Uterine cervical carcinoma ulcerative and infiltrative
It is a malignant epithelial tumor arising at the level of the transition zone between
external cervix and cervical channel
Loss of substance at the level of uterine cervix, surrounding
cervical orifice, presenting prominent margins (tumoral tissue) and
a hemorrhagic base
The cervix is increased in size; the normal structure is replaced by
tumoral tissue infiltrating the entire cervix; The tumor is white-
gray, homogenous in color
73. Endometrial carcinoma
It is a malignant epithelial tumor arising from endometrial glands; it is associated
with hyperestrogenism
The tumor destroys the normal structure of the endometrium; it remains a long
time at the level of the endometrial mucosa, resulting a polipoyd tumor projecting
into endometrial cavity; later, the tumor invades the myometrium reaching the
74. Breast carcinoma
It is a malignant epithelial tumor arising from breast duct epithelium or lobular
On the cross section, the breast presents a large tumoral mass, white-gray in color,
with irregular margins; the tumor is infiltrative, with involvement of the glands,
adipose tissue, pectoral muscles and the skin, resulting the fixation to the muscle
layer and giving nipple retraction; the epidermis has an orange-skin appearance.
75. Uterine leiomyoma
Benign connective tumor arising from smooth muscle tissue from myometrium
Unic or multiple tumor, nodular, well demarcated, without capsule, composed from
smooth muscle fibers orientated in different directions
76. Serous ovarian cystadenoma
It is a benign epithelial tumor
It is a cystic tumor with walls and multiple smooth cavities
The cystic content is a serous translucent fluid
77. Mucous ovarian cystadenoma
It is a benign epithelial tumor
It is a large unique cystic tumor lined by a smooth mucous epithelium
The cavity contains a mucous fluid
78. Hydatiforme mole
It is caused by the absence of the capillaries into chorionic villi, resulting the
hydropic change of the chorionic villi
The entire uterus is increased in size
The uterine cavity contains the placenta with molar change: cysts of varying size
(grape-like appearance)
The seric level of the human chorionic gonadotrophin is elevated

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