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Vidhatha Technologies Bangalore


Bluetooth chatting is an innovative approach to the mobile world. This application shows use of
Bluetooth in terms of chatting. Means persons can chat via Bluetooth. The main midlet has just a
list which has two values server and client. By selecting one of these two values, the
corresponding instance is created. Midlet is used to initialize the connection. It does following
thing at here. First, it starts the application and search the Bluetooth device. It sends the signal to
the server class. econd, it can run, pause and stop the application. Third, it shows alert using
set!lert function on every changing. erver class goes active when it go signal from the midlet
class. It sends the hello world string with the string to the other devices. "lient class wor#s to
respond the other Bluetooth device server.
Bluechat is a bluetooth messaging. Bluechat allows you to see other Bluechat users around, ping
anyone of them, and create either private chat sessions or public messaging rooms via Bluetooth.
This application allows two !ndroid devices to carry out two$way te%t chat over Bluetooth. tart
the application from the first screen& go to My 'rofile and set nic#name, age, gender and
hobbies. This is an optional step to provide additional information to other chat buddies. (e%t,
select )*oo# for Friends+ option which attempts to discover other users in the area. ,etected user$
profiles are listed as selectable bo%es. -hile a profile is selected, .ptions menu can be used to
view profile details, initiate a file transfer or to refresh list of detected friends.
Vidhatha Technologies, # 1363, 3rd Floor, Shravanthi Onyx, 100ft Ring Road, Jayanagar th
!loc", !angalore # $60 06% &1 '0 6($0 $$
Vidhatha Technologies Bangalore
Chatting has largely been a '"$based addiction. But when it comes to chatting over cell
phones, the alternatives are costly li#e /'0$based IMs or M chat. More than one user can1t
communicate at a time.
.ne$.ne chat.
2nable to chat with community
"ostly chat and one way chat
This is a bluetooth messaging app you can connect and send messages to other android devices
and see bluetooth compatible devices around you. (o /M or -ifi connection re3uired all you
need is a two bluetooth compatible android devices in range of each other and you can te%t away.
To chat with a user, select it from the list and press )'ing+ to send a welcome message. The other
user may do the same. !s the welcome message is displayed, use right or left soft #ey to accept
or reject the chat session. .nce the session is accepted, the chat starts with colourful te%t to
differentiate users. In addition to this person$to$person chat, chat rooms can be used to gather a
number of buddies.
!ll peers that want to communicate should have Bluechat running.
It is enough that one peer does the initial 4loo# for friends4 operation.
5verytime a new comer peer does its first 4*oo# for friends4 operation, the operation will
reorganize all initial communication and profile sharing stuff.
5very peer will have an updated list of profiles around automatically and the profile list
will be displayed to warn everyone about the new comer.
Be aware that if more than one peer do 4*oo# for friends4 simultaneously, they might not
be able to see each other 6because of Bluetooth running principles7
Vidhatha Technologies, # 1363, 3rd Floor, Shravanthi Onyx, 100ft Ring Road, Jayanagar th
!loc", !angalore # $60 06% &1 '0 6($0 $$
Vidhatha Technologies Bangalore
Be aware that the set up of the profile list might ta#e up to one minute. Therefore be
Vidhatha Technologies, # 1363, 3rd Floor, Shravanthi Onyx, 100ft Ring Road, Jayanagar th
!loc", !angalore # $60 06% &1 '0 6($0 $$
Vidhatha Technologies Bangalore
Scanning for o!"r B#$"oo! %"&ic"'
This application begins searching for devices as soon as it is opened. .ptions menu
appear only after a successful or unsuccessful search is complete. .ther options are new
message alert $ vibrate or sound, and refresh rate setting ranging from 89 seconds to three
minutes. 2sers can manually refresh the list of users as well. elect a user from the list
and use .ptions.
($"r)ing !" #oca# B#$"oo! a%a*"r for *air"% B#$"oo! %"&ic"'
The Bluetooth!dapter is the entry$point for all Bluetooth interaction. 2sing this, you can
discover other Bluetooth devices, 3uery a list of bonded 6paired7 devices, instantiate a
Bluetooth,evice using a #nown M!" address, and create a Bluetootherveroc#et to
listen for communications from other devices. 2se this to re3uest a connection with a
remote device through a Bluetoothoc#et or 3uery information about the device such as
its name, address, class, and bonding state. 0epresents the interface for a Bluetooth
soc#et 6similar to a T"' oc#et7. This is the connection point that allows an application
to e%change data with another Bluetooth device via Inputtream and .utputtream.
E'a+#i'!ing R,COMM c!ann"#'-'oc."'
In the soc#et programming model, a soc#et represents an endpoint of a communication
channel. oc#ets are not connected when they are first created, and are useless until a call
to either connect 6client application7 or accept 6server application7 completes
successfully. .nce a soc#et is connected, it can be used to send and receive data until the
connection fails due to lin# error or user termination.
!n 0F".MM BluetoothSocket used to accept incoming connections must be
attached to operating system resources with the bind method. bind ta#es in a tuple
specifying the address of the local Bluetooth adapter to use and a port number to listen
on. 2sually, there is only one local Bluetooth adapter or it doesn+t matter which one to
Vidhatha Technologies, # 1363, 3rd Floor, Shravanthi Onyx, 100ft Ring Road, Jayanagar th
!loc", !angalore # $60 06% &1 '0 6($0 $$
Vidhatha Technologies Bangalore
use, so the empty string indicates that any local Bluetooth adapter is acceptable. .nce a
soc#et is bound, a call to listen puts the soc#et into listening mode and it is then ready
to accept incoming connections.
Conn"cing o a r"/o" %"&ic"
:ou must re3uest the B*25T..T; permission in order to perform any Bluetooth
communication, such as re3uesting a connection, accepting a connection, and transferring
data. Before your application can communicate over Bluetooth, you need to verify that
Bluetooth is supported on the device, and if so, ensure that it is enabled. you need to ensure
that Bluetooth is enabled. ! dialog will appear re3uesting user permission to enable
Bluetooth. .nce a connection is made with a remote device for the first time, a pairing
re3uest is automatically presented to the user. -hen a device is paired, the basic information
about that device 6such as the device name, class, and M!" address7 is saved and can be
read using the Bluetooth !'Is. 2sing the #nown M!" address for a remote device, a
connection can be initiated with it at any time without performing discovery 6assuming the
device is within range7.
Tran'f"ring %aa o&"r B#$"oo!
"hec# the manual that came with your cellular phone and read the section on Bluetooth
capabilities to see if your phone has a Bluetooth password. (ote down the password. 'ower
on your cellular phone and access the 4ettings4 option in the main menu. "hoose the
4Bluetooth4 option if it is immediately available, or choose 4"onnections4 and then
4Bluetooth.4 'ress the option for 4!ctivate Bluetooth.4 5nter in the Bluetooth code that you
noted down before if your phone prompts you for one, or instead enter the standard code of
4<<<<4 if you don+t have your manual and aren+t sure what the password is. 0epeat the
process on the second phone. (avigate to the folder on your phone that holds the file you
want to transfer. "hoose the file and then choose the option to 4end.4 'ress the option to
4end to 'hone4 and then press the button to send to a connected Bluetooth phone. 5nter in
Vidhatha Technologies, # 1363, 3rd Floor, Shravanthi Onyx, 100ft Ring Road, Jayanagar th
!loc", !angalore # $60 06% &1 '0 6($0 $$
Vidhatha Technologies Bangalore
the phone number of the other phone if your cell does not prompt you to send to an activated
Bluetooth phone in range.
Vidhatha Technologies, # 1363, 3rd Floor, Shravanthi Onyx, 100ft Ring Road, Jayanagar th
!loc", !angalore # $60 06% &1 '0 6($0 $$
Vidhatha Technologies Bangalore
ystem = 'entium I> ?.@ /;z.
;ard ,is# = @9 /B.
Floppy ,rive = <.@@ Mb.
Monitor = <A >/! "olour.
Mouse = *ogitech.
0am = A<? Mb.
.perating system = -indows B'.
"oding *anguage = Cava <.D
Tool Eit = !ndroid 8.9
I,5 = 5clipse
Vidhatha Technologies, # 1363, 3rd Floor, Shravanthi Onyx, 100ft Ring Road, Jayanagar th
!loc", !angalore # $60 06% &1 '0 6($0 $$

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