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Mindy Medrana

March 13, 2014

Power Essay
Power can be seen in different lights by each individual. It can be perceived as something
assimilated to dictatorship to some, and the ability to improve humanity to others. Luminaries
Kevin Durant, Kim Gordon, George R.R. Martin, Sarah Robb OHagan, Ryan Seacrest, and Judy
Smith gave their own opinions on power in The Wall Street Journal.
Power depends on control. Without control over something, one would become the
follower and subject to someone elses power. As Kevin Durant points out, purely cognitive
willpower is fundamental to total power because without control over ones own mind, how
could one have power over anything else? Similarly, Sarah Robb OHagan claims that corporeal
self-control is important because to be willing to break yourself to make yourself is to be
determined for conduciveness and organization in the process to meeting a goal.
Power depends on people. George R.R. Martin contemplatively put that "power depends
on the obedience of the less powerful" because it only exists where people think it exists. A piece
of paper with a picture of a dead president and some numbers on it has value because Americans
believe it does. This can go two ways as apparent in Judy Smith opining, when it comes to
power, there are people who prefer to be feared and there are people who prefer to be loved," but
Kim Gordon reveals that the person preferring fear feels very alone."
Contradictory to these common views on power, Kim Gordon also reveals that "it can be
powerful to make yourself vulnerable," in a sense that in going defenseless against a torrent of
insults, one can discipline oneself to ignore and move past the negativity, thus overpowering the
insults and their senders. Complementing this notion is Sarah Robb OHagans idea that
acknowledging (ones) limitations will lead to acceptance and auxiliaries because once people
acknowledge a limitation, they tend to try and fill the holes of discontentment the limitations
present. And as a result of this support group, the limited person becomes powerful.
Over time, power has switched between roles of the protagonist and antagonist in certain
situations. In truth, everyone has their own point of view on it. I understand all of those views,
but confide more in the state of mind of humility symbolizing power. Arrogance boasts of its
own abilities, strengths, and independence to the world, when in secret it has no significance
whatsoever. Humility, on the other hand, boasts of nothing to the world, when in secret it is the
anonymous philanthropist, rapt with a hunger for helping and improving the community. It is
like Superman or Captain America; who would think an ordinary or even scrawny guy would be
the reason for the survival of the human race in the midst of a global catastrophe? Secret power
is the ultimate power because no one expects it of you.

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