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A pump is a physical contrivance that is used to deliver fluids (liquids) from one location to
another through conduits. The basic requirement to define the application is suction and delivery
pressures, pressure loss in transmission, and flow rate.

Centrifugal Peripheral pecial

ingle tage !et
"ulti tage #as lift
$adial flow A%ial flow &ydraulic $am
"i%ed flow 'lectromagnetic
elf Priming
ingle suction ingle suction (on)Priming
*ouble suction
ingle stage ingle stage
"ulti stage *ouble stage
+pen impeller
emi open impeller
Closed impeller
Positive displacement pumps

$eciprocating ,low Cover $otary

Piston Plunger *iaphragm ingle $otor "ultiple $otor

*ouble acting imple% -ane #ear
ingle acting *uple% Piston .obe
*ouble Acting Triple% /le%ible member crew

Working Mechanism: - It converts energy of prime mover (an electric motor or turbine) first
into velocity or kinetic energy then into pressure energy of a fluid being pumped.
0 The energy changes occur by the impeller and the volute or diffuser. The volute or
diffuser is the stationary part that converts the kinetic energy into pressure energy
When impeller rotates, it spins the liquid sitting in the cavities between the vanes outward
and provides centrifugal acceleration. s liquid leaves the eye of the impeller, a low pressure
area is created! causing more liquid to flow towards the inlet.
"ecause the impeller blades are curved, the fluid is pushed in a tangential # radial direction
by the centrifugal force.
0 mount of energy is proportional to velocity at vane tip of impeller.
0 $.% is converted to &.% by creating resistance.
0 'irst resistance is created by (olute.
0 )econd resistance is provided by discharge no**le.
0 $.% to &.% conversion takes place according to "ernoulli+s principle.
o ,ravity
o -isplacement
o .entrifugal force
o %lectromagnetic 'orce
o Transfer of momentum
o /echanical impulse
o /easurement of &erformance
o!a" S#c!ion $ea%
hs & hgs ' a!m ' h(s
hvs 0 (elocity 1ead
hgs 0 2eading at gauge at the suction flange
hs & hss ) h*s
hss 0 )tatic suction 1ead
hfs 0 )tatic friction 1ead
S!a!ic S#c!ion $ea%
It is the vertical distance measured from the free surface of liquid source to the
pump centerline plus the absolute pressure at the liquid surface
o!a" Discharge $ea%
$% & hg% ' a!m ' h(%
o!a" D+namic $ea%
It is the difference between total discharge head hd and total suction head hs.
$ & h%-hs
,!mos-heric Press#re
The drop in atmospheric pressure above an altitude of more than 344 m above sea
level, is at a rate of one meter pressure drop with every 5444 m increase in the
Temperature effects specific gravity and the performance curve.
(iscosity increases the power requirement due to discharge friction losses involved
and consequently lowers the efficiency.
NPS$/ Ne! Posi!i(e S#c!ion $ea%0
It is the total energy (head) at inlet no**le of pump head of liquid at pumping
temperature, corresponding to vapour pressure of liquid.
,(ai"a1"e NPS$ /NPS$,0 sho#"% a"2a+s 1e more !han re3#ire% NPS$ /NPS$R0 *or
sa!is*ac!or+ -#m- -er*ormances4
NPS$ & hs 6 hvps
1s 0 total suction head in m absolute
1vps 0 atmospheric pressure
0 n acceptable margin of 7&)1 8 7&)12 must be maintained over the entire operating
range to prevent .(ITTI97
0 7et positive suction head is the absolute suction head at the suction no**le corrected
to datum less the vapor pressure of liquid at the operating temp.
0 7&)1 varies with : # always ;ve
0 7&)1 0<* (s) ; =(p (s) ; p (atm))>rho?g@8 hA (s) B 6 hvp (abs)
0 0<=(&s ; p (atm))>rho?g@ 8 hvp (abs)B
0 hvp (abs) 0 head in m corresponding to ")9ACT% vapor pressure of liquid at the
temperature being pumped . This is determined from tables of vapor pressure (usually
given in bar)
0 h (d) 0 p (d) >rho?g ;* (d) ;(dD>Dg ; hA (d)
0 ; h (e)
0 * (d) 0 static discharge head
0 hA (d) 0 total friction loss in discharge line
0 h (d) 0 total discharge head
0 p (d) 0 average pr other than atmosphere in discharge tank
0 h (e) 0 eEit loss
0 The 7&)12 is characteristic of pump design # represent the minimum margin required
between suction head and vapor pressure. 7&)12 varies with capacity. It is
determined by manufacturer # verified by 7&)1 pump test. 7&)12 depends on
impeller design, flow rate, rpm liquid # other factors.
0 s a rule of thumb 7&)1 6 7&)1205m
G#i%e"ines *or (e"oci!ies
0 )uction piping (water) 05.D8D.5m>s , -ischarge piping (water) 05.D 8F m>s
0 )lurry 0 5.3 8D.3 m>s but there are special consideration to settling velocities .
0 -ischarge piping (hydrocarbons) 0 58G m>s
P#m- se"ec!ion
0 -evelop &ump )pecification )heet.
0 )hortlist suitable pump from different manufacturers.
0 /atch &ump # system curve.
0 -etermine efficiency and margin.
0 .ompare efficiency , 7&)1 margin # off design performance of various pumps.
0 -etermine material to be used .
0 .onsider vendor technical support # spare parts issues.
0 .onsider preferred vendor supply contract.
Genera" Com-onen!s
0 )tationary components
0 .asings H (olute # .ircular
0 The impeller is fitted inside the casing.
0 (olute casing builds higher head .
0 .ircular casing are used for low head # high capacity.
0 volute is a curved funnel increasing in the area to the discharge port.
0 (elocity reduces # pressure of liquid increases.
0 .ircular .asing have stationary diffuser vanes surrounding the impeller periphery that
converts velocity energy to pressure energy . .onventionally diffusers are applied to
multistage pumps .
0 )olid .asings or )plit .asings.
0 -ischarge no**le is contained in )olid .asing.
0 1ori*ontal )plit # (ertical )plit .asing.
0 )uction # -ischarge 7o**le.
0 %nd )uction > Top -ischarge .
0 Top )uction > Top -ischarge .
0 )ide )uction > )ide -ischarge .
0 )eal .hamber # )tuffing "oE .
0 chamber that forms the region between the shaft # casing where sealing media are
installed .
0 When sealing is achieved by means of mechanical seals , the chamber is commonly
referred as )eal .hamber.
0 When the sealing is achieved by means of packing , the chamber is referred to as
)tuffing boE.
0 &rimary purpose of chamber is to prevent leakage of liquid in high pressure area of
pump # air ingress in low pr area of pump
0 ,A7- H It gives the packing or mechanical seal the desired fit on the sleeve. It can be
easily adIusted in aEial direction.
0 T129T "C)1I7, H The bottom or inside of the chamber is provided with a stationary
device called throat bushing that forms restrictive close clearance around the sleeve
(or shaft) between the seal and the impeller.
0 I7T%27A "C)1I7, H It refers to a device that forms a restrictive close clearance
around the sleeve (or shaft) at the out board end of mechanical seal gland.
0 I7T%27A .I2.CATI7, -%(I.% H refers to a device located in the seal chamber to
circulate seal chamber fluid through a barrier>buffer fluid reservior.
0 /%.17I.A )%A)
0 "%2I7, 19C)I7, HThe bearing housing encloses the bearing mounted on the shaft .
The bearing keep the shaft or rotor in correct alignment with stationary part under the
action of radial and transverse loads .The bearing house also includes an oil reservoir
for lubrication , constant level oiler , Iacket for cooling.
0 29TTI7, .9/&97%7T) 6 impellers depending upon type.
0 )1'T )A%%(% H &ump shafts are usually protected from erosion , corrosion ,wear at
the seal chambers , leakage Ioints , internal bearings and in the waterways by
renewable sleeves .
0 .9C&AI7,) H .ouplings can compensate for aEial growth of the shaft and transmit
torque to the impeller.
0 2igid # 'leEible
0 2igid H no possibility for misalignment.
0 'leEible H accommodate some errors
0 %lastomeric # 7on %lastomeric.
0 %lastomeric H rubber or polymer elements to achieve fleEibility .
0 7on %lastomeric H /etallic elements to obtain fleEibility
0 7on %lastomeric HAubricated # 7on Aubricated
0 CJIA2K .9/&97%7T
0 )eal flushing , cooling , quenching system
0 )eal drains # vents.
0 "earing Aubrication # cooling systems
0 Tubing , piping , isolation valves , non return valves ,relief valves, temperature gauges
, pressure gauges ,sight flow indicators , orifices ,thermocouples ,strainers , buffer
reservoirs ,switches etc
0 2apid formation # collapse of cavities in a flowing fluid in regions of very low
0 In .entrifugal &umps cavities means bubbles.
0 (aporous .avitation H When local static pressure is less than vapor pressure of liquid .
0 It occur due to insufficiency of the available 7&)1 or internal recirculation
phenomenon .
0 It results into reduced performance , eEcessive noise and vibrations and wear of pump
parts .
0 -amages can range from minor pitting after years to catastrophic failure in a relatively
short period of time .
0 ,aseous .avitation H ,enerally air enters a centrifugal pump along the liquid.
0 centrifugal pump can handle L M air by volume if this amount increases by NM the
pump starts cavitating.
0 lso known as air binding .
0 /ain effect is loss of capacities.
0 Forma!ion o* 1#11"es occurs due to reduction in static pressure to a value below that
of liquid vapor pressure.
0 Gro2!h o* 5#11"es :
0 Cnless there is no change in the operating conditions, new bubble continue to form
and old bubbles grow in si*e .
0 "ubbles goes with the impeller , # due to rotating action of impeller bubbles attain a
very high velocity # eventually reach the region of high pr within the impeller where
the start collapsing
0 Aife cycle of bubble is 4.44F sec.
0 Co""a-se H The pressure around the bubbles begins to increase until a point is reached
where the pressure on the outside of bubble is greater than pressure inside bubble #
the bubble collapses.
0 &rocess is known as implosion ( inward bursting )
0 1undreds of bubbles collapses at approEimately the same point on the impeller vane .
"ubbles collapse non symmetrically such that the surrounding liquid rushes to fill the
void forming a liquid micro Iet The micro Iet subsequently ruptures the bubble with
such a force that a hammering action occurs .
0 "ubbles collapse at pr O 5,&a .
0 .auses pitting .
0 )hock wave emanates from collapse is what we called cavitation.
S-eci*ic S-ee%
0 The )pecific speed (7) ) is a non dimensional design indeE that identifies the
geometric similarity of pumps.
0 7) 0 7P: >1F>Q
0 : 0 .apacity at "%& at maE impeller diameter, ,&/ .
0 1 01ead per stage at "%& at maE impeller diameter.
0 7 0 pump speed 2&/
,**ini!+ La2s
0 : R 7 : 0 flow rate , 7 0 )peed
0 1 R 7D 1 0 1ead
0 & R 7F & 0 &ower absorbed
0 %fficiency is essentially independent of speed
0 lso , : R - , - 0 impeller diameter
0 1 R -D , & R -F ( R proportional to )
P#m- E**icienc+
0 Ws 0 rho?g?:?1p
0 Sp 0 (Ws) > (Wm)
0 Ws 0 1ydraulic &ower
0 Wm 0 &ower input to pump shaft from the motor
0 Sp depends on energy loss due to
0 Aeakage , hydraulic loss , mechanical losses .

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