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SULIT 014/1

50 minit
1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan. Jawab semua soalan.
2. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan pada kertas jawapan.
3. Bagi satu soalan,hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja.
4 Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan,padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.
Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.
Kertas soalan ini mengandngi 11 halaman !er"eta#
014/1 $ 2010
SULIT 014/1
Question 1 4
Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.
1. Aznils pet rabbit sleeps in a ________
A den
B coop
C hutch
D kennel
2. __________ is one of the famous Chinese food.
A Naan
B Capati
C Nasi lemak
D Wonton noodles
3. he farmers use ________ to le!el and plou"h the land.
A lar"e combined har!esters
B transplanter machine
C har!estin" machine
D tractors

#. he cows are eatin" _______ in the field.
A "rass
B al"ae
C lea!es
D flowers
SULIT 014/1
Question 5 7
$ead the te%t and choose the best phrase based on the pictures "i!en.
Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang
Pak kassim is working as a Farmer. He is working in his _____(5).
&is eldest son' (arid is at the field' lookin" at _________ )*+ .
&is ,oun"est son' Arif is har!estin" _______ )-+ in
their orchard.
. A rubber plantation estate
B hu"e padd, field
C beautiful farmsta,
D bi" fish pond
* A a swarm of sheep
B a pack of sheep
C a flock of sheep
D a nest of sheep
- A trees of bananas
B fli"hts of bananas
C combs of bananas
D bunches of bananas
SULIT 014/1
Question 8 10
/ased on the picture "i!en' choose the best answer.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang diberi pilih !awapan yang terbaik.
A he kitten is chasin" a mouse.
B he little "irl is pla,in" with her kitten.
C he little "irl is feedin" her pupp,.
D he kitten is l,in" in front of the little "irl.
A he, are ha!in" a picnic in the park.
B he old woman is helpin" the man to "et up.
C he, are plantin" the !e"etables in the "arden.
D he "irls are helpin" the old woman to collect the
12 A he ti"er kept inside the hu"e ca"e.
B he bo, is ridin" on the elephants back.
C he man is takin" his famil, to the theater.
D he "iraffe is eatin" the lea!es on the tall tree.
A he man is pluckin" the banana.
B A man is cuttin" a bunch of oil palm fruits.
C he ,oun" man is climbin" the coconut tree.
D he, are plantin" the !e"etables in the "arden.
SULIT 014/1
Question 11 15
3ook at the pictures below carefull,. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation
shown in the pictures'
"ihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih ayat terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

A Can 4 ha!e ,our phone
B 6, mobile phone can
take pictures.
C 4ts m, new mobile phone.
D he mobile phone is rin"in"

A r, the Ace 1 brand.
B 7a,ment is b, cash.
C Were out of laptops.
D heres a warrant, for 1
A 3ets take a picture of the
B 8omeones callin" for
C What a beautiful island9
D I think we ask for help.
A Comel likes to eat fish.
B :h. What a cuddl, cat9
C 4t ;ust had its bath.
D 6, cat is sick.
SULIT 014/1

Question 16 1
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
Pilih !awapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.
1* he rooster ________ loudl, e!er, mornin".
A crow
B crows
C crowed
D is crowin"
1- here is ______ coffee in the pot.
A no
B an,
C plent,
D se!eral
10 <Where _______ ,ou ;ust now5= 6r. 3okman asked 8amuel.
A were
B was
C are
D is
A I will' dad.
B he roads >uite safe'dad.
C ?ou worr, too much'dad.
D @ont worr, too much'dad.
11 :ne of the fisherman soon si"hted a ______ of fish.
A shoal
B brood
C troop
D herd
22 6, sister brushes _____ teeth twice a da,.
A hers
B her
C she
D m,
Question 1
Choose the word that has the o!!osite "e#nin$ as the word underlined.
P#ilih perkataan yang berlawanan erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris.
21 he, arri!ed at the school earl,.
A late B often C safel, D slowl,
Questions %
/ased on the pictures' choose the answer with the correct s!e&&in$'
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang

22 &e is plantin" ____________.
A !e"etables
B !e"itables
C !e;etabels
D !e"itabels

Question 4 (5
Choose the sentence with the )o**e)t !un)tu#tion.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
2# A puan nora bu,s her plants from the shop he Aarden World.
/ 7uan Nora bu,s her plants from the shop the "arden' World.
C 7uan Nora bu,s her plants from the shop' he Aarden World.
@ 7uan Nora' bu,s her plants from the shop' he Aarden World.

2. A he elephants' zebras' deers and monke,s are b, the lake.
/ he Blephants' Cebras' @eers and 6onke,s are b, the lake.
C he elephants' zebras' deers and monke,s' are b, the lake.
@ he elephants' zebras' deers and monke,s' are b, the lake.
23 he old woman is "i!in" them the
A amberella
B umberella
C umbrella
D ambrella
SULIT 014/1
Questions 6 %0
3ook at the picture and read the passa"e carefull,. /ased on the picture and the
passa"e' choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
"ihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih !awapan yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar dan teks
yang diberi.
Bncik Ah 8en" and his wife )2*+________ a !e"etable farm. he, planted
)2-+_________ t,pes of !e"etables. &is wife and his son help him at the farm. &is
wife is )20+_________ the lon" beans and his son is loosin" the soil b, usin" a
)21+_________ while Bncik Ah 8en" is pullin" )32+___________ the weeds so that
the !e"etables "row well.
2* A has 21 A scoop
/ had / spade
C ha!e C rake
@ ha!in" @ hoe
2- A an, 32 A in
/ man, / on
C some C out
@ a lot of @ awa,
20 A pullin"
/ shakin"
C plantin"
@ pluckin"
SULIT 014/1
he lion is called the D kin" of the beast and is well known
s,mbol b, of beaut,. 6en are fri"htened b, the lions thunderin"
roar' and impressed b, its stren"th and appearance.
3ions can li!e in places where the climate is cool or in hot
places in semiEdesert areas. &owe!er' the, prefer "rass, plains
and woodlands. his is because the, can find a suppl, of food in
the deer' zebras' antelopes and other hoofed animals that roam the
3on" a"o' lions were found in Burope' 4ndia' the 6iddle Bast
and much of Northern Africa. As the population of man "rew'
thousands of lions were killed. oda,' most of the lions in the
6iddle Bast and Northern Africa are found either in national zoos or
parks. &ere' the, are protected from hunters.
3ions often hunt at ni"ht because the, can see well in the
dark. he, also ha!e e%cellent senses of hearin" and smell.
6an is afraid of the lions
A appearance.
/ stren"th.
C beaut,.
@ roar.
he phrase impressed by in the passa"e means
A hated.
/ admired.
C disliked.
@ en!ied.
Questions %1 %5
$ead the ad!ertisement below and answer the >uestions.
Baca iklan di bawah dan !awab soalan-soalan berikut.
%% 6ost lions prefer to li!e
A ;un"les.
/ deserts.
C Arass, plains.
@ ropical forests.
%4 3on" a"o' lions li!ed in "reat numbers in all the followin" places e$cept
A 4ndia.
/ Burope.
C 6ala,sia.
@ 6iddle Bast.
%5 (rom the passa"e' we know that lions are
A carni!orous.
/ omni!orous.
C herbi!orous.
@ !e"etarians.
Questions %6 ( 40
$ead the passa"e below and answer the >uestions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan !awab soalan-soalan yang berikut.
A$BBN (4NAB$8 NF$8B$?
3ot 2.' Galan /intan"' 100.2. 3imban"' 8arawak
Choose (rom :!er .22
Sat& ' Sn
2 (ee#ends onl)
10 * 11 ' 1+ * 1,

HB$A8 8:A3AN A6A.

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