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Music Therapy

Sorry for the inaccuracy of the translation - has been used Google
translator from Russian into English. Will appear more professional

Music Therapy in the Age of Aquarius

Since ancient times, known beneficial effects of music on human
health. Sounds truly heard by miracles, heal and uplift the spirit,
excite, delight, sorrow.
Music heard in the current streams, Spouting sources, the noise of
rain, thunder mountain streams unceasing flow of the oceans and
seas. Music heard in the breath of wind, rustling leaves, chirping of
birds ... It is through music people continually transmits the feelings
and sensations, it is through music, he expressed his religious
feeling and it was with her help, he sends his sorrows, their joys,
their love and all of their deepest feelings.
Indian philosophers have said that at the beginning of human history
there was no language, was, as the song goes, "eternal music."
People expressed their thoughts and feelings sounds: low or high,
long or short. The depth of tone indicative of the strength and
power, and the pitch of expressing love and wisdom. Our ancestors
were Slavs chant - the echoes of their everyday speech can be heard
today in the church, when reading the Gospel, the Apostles and the
Psalter. Novgorod veche was a pure opera, with arias, duets and
choruses. In castles and palaces, the singing and the music sounded
almost around the clock, creating a favorable psychological
background of the life of the rulers.
Music can heal our grief and melancholy. She makes relive and
revive the memory of our cherished memories. Music changes the
perception of time and space. Music affects respiration, pulse and
blood pressure. Music reduces stress and increases immunity. Music
raises fortitude. Music helps plant growth, lulls children, makes the
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shelves march to war. Music can inspire creativity. Many writers and
poets have told us that conceived their works or when listening to
music, or immediately thereafter. His music is capable of beating of
drums scare off evil spirits, sing the praises of the Virgin Mary, to
appeal to the Buddha for the sake of universal salvation, captivate
and soothe, revive and transform.
Music - a breath of the soul and consciousness. Through the music of
the soul manifests itself on earth. When a higher consciousness
wakes up in a man when he will develop the capabilities of more
subtle perceptions, he will hear that a grand symphony that sounds
in space from one edge of the universe, and then he would
understand the deep meaning of life. From the first cry to the last
dying breath, we reached the sea sounds and vibrations every
second of our lives. This is the sound of the original creator, speech
of angels and atoms, is the essence of which is so ok tailored reality
and dreams, the substance and reality.

Excursion into history
The culture of whatever country we may take, anywhere can find
information about using music in the normalization of state of mind
of people, ie, in the psychotherapeutic purposes. In the cradle of
human civilization - China and India, Egypt and Ancient Greece,
doctors and priests, philosophers and musicians have used music for
Already in the works of the first recognized theorist of music -
ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, we find a description of how
music can affect the emotional state. One of the most important
concepts in the ethics of Pythagoras was "eurythmy" - a person's
ability to find the right rhythm in all aspects of life - singing, playing,
dancing, speech, gestures, thoughts, actions, in the birth and death.
After finding the correct rhythm of the man regarded as a kind of
microcosm could harmoniously enter first into the rhythm of the
polis harmony, and then connect to the cosmic rhythm of the whole
One of psychotherapeutic success of Pythagoras, the disclosure of
which has reached our days, is taming them using the music of
Greek youths, angry betrayal of his lover and who wanted to burn
down her house, Pythagoras ordered the musician flutist, who was
at the same time, to change the musical mood of the music of the
Phrygian on spodeistsky and thus reassured the young man.
Another philosopher Plato (427-347 BC. Er.) Believed that the state
is no worse way to destroy morals than a departure from the
harmonious music. Through the loose frets "in the soul listeners can
enter a shameful and appalling - through frets too harsh. Rhythms
and harmonies, thought Plato, working on the idea, do it according
to themselves. Therefore the best protection of the state - the music
of "power and harmonious, modest and simple. Plato and his
followers believed that permitted only those pieces of music and
instruments by which an individual can rise to the level of public
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The ideas of Plato and Pythagoras were the greatest development in
the writings of Aristotle, developed the doctrine of mimesis - the
representation of the inner world of man and how to influence it
through art. In the theory of mimesis introduced the concept of
catharsis - purification of the soul (the listener, the viewer) in the
process of perception of works of art, reflecting the world of human
characters and passions, and his amazing truth and beauty.
Following Plato, which the world was presented as a sounding unity,
built on a comprehensive three-tier music and then talked about
musica mundana - music universe, musica humana - music
that sounds in a person, and, finally, the musica instrumentalis -
acoustically perceived vocal or instrumental music. Later this
concept that the soul and the human body have the same harmonic,
and digital proportion as in the motion of stars in the sounds of
music was perceived and Betiusom (480-524), chancellor of
Theodoric. Even before the rationalism of this theory was further
developed by Johannes Kepler, appointed in 1612 chief
mathematician at the imperial court in Upper Austria. Following
scholars of antiquity, Kepler suggested the harmony of the worlds of
music. In his book "World Harmony", which became widely known
among only in recent years, it is a symphony of peace, unification of
all the planets in a harmonious whole. More eyes turned to the
muses than through the eyes of a naturalist, he calculated using the
harmonic transposition of the different trajectories of planets, basic
sounds, scales and melodies, which led him later to describe the
polyphonic harmony of the other planets as they might sound on the
first day of creation.
Staggering, and at the same time fascinated by the fact that these
ancient and almost fantastic ideas with Einstein's relativity theory
have been recently transferred to the conditions of our century.
Upon submission Garburgera, namely music is based on the
geometric principles of the multidimensional nature, and a variety of
time and sound are the basis of music, which is directly adjacent to
the general plan of the geometry of the universe. With difficulty we
can see that between the lofty mathematical facts and music, direct
appeal to the heart, there is a close relationship, and how once put
Ansermet, sounds that make music, have always combined so that
they form a logarithmic system.
The spirit of Pythagoras, and imbued with a modern "harmonic
picture of the world," Hans Kayser, who on the whole construction of
the worlds saw an ancient phenomenon of sound. His "Harmony" is
not the same harmony in music theory, but represents a more
universal notion, certain information from the ancient doctrine of
"Sound of Peace". He finds a characteristic trehzvuchie musical
cadences in the geological structure of our earth and was based on
the observations on which the earthquake waves in the different
zones are manifested in the earth in different ways, and the radii of
these zones resemble long strings dur-chord series of overtones,
that is exactly the same similar to any person natural phenomenon,
and has a surprising resemblance to him. This "trehzvuchnaya
structure" bowels of the earth reduced to a representation of our
earth as a huge chord and fully consistent with the ancient
understanding of musica mundana.
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Music, sounding in a man, musica humana, in the ancient world to
find their match early on as a representation of the music in the
pulse. This notion came from a doctor Gerofilosa, who lived 300
years BC. er. in Alexandria. Later it was seen medieval music theory,
as well as medicine.
Already Roger Bacon (1215-1295) in his book Opus tertium,
published in 1267, pointed out that the pulse at regular intervals like
the music, so the doctrine of the pulse, he tried to subdue the music.
According to him, the doctor must know the musical proportions.
Already Avicenna (980-1037) in his "Book of Healing" an entire
section devoted to the relationship between pulse and music. And
when this book translated from Arabic into Latin in the XII century.,
Has become a major medical textbook of the medieval West, the
musical doctrine of measuring pulse Gerofila firmly established in
medical science.
Therefore not surprising that already in the tenth century, a
prerequisite for the study of medicine was considered mastery of the
art. This requirement is in the XIII century, it became obligatory for
a university curriculum. For example, a medical student in Paris in
1426 was necessarily requires that the medical students, receiving a
doctorate, must be certified by different kinds of art. But as for
candidates for the title of Master of Arts was necessary to give
lectures on music, one can assume that at the end of the XIV
century. every future doctor during his training was to take a course
of music theory.
Once in the early XVII century music has ceased to be science-based
discipline in medical universities and have not been before
compulsory subject for the doctor - the music, in the XVIII century,
gradually disappeared a long tradition of musica humana, but
nowadays it is again experiencing a revival.
Start the involvement of music in medical theory and practice is lost
in the mists of time when music and art of healing have been
inextricably linked with each other. Initially, the main role was
played by the so-called healing singing. Already in Homer's Odyssey,
wounded in hunting wild boar, cured by singing sons of Autolycus. In
the "Iliad," says a special form of healing song, which is used as a
means to protect against plague. This magical view of the healing
power of music is described in a treatise by 665 BC. er. Taletas from
Crete arrived at the behest of an oracle in Sparta and her singing has
delivered the inhabitants of Lacedaemon the plague.
In the ancient world as a basis for healing music served as a doctrine
of Ethos music when singing along with the central role playing
and tools: Aulos, similar to the oboe, and Kitaro, similar to the lyre.
Depending on the use of tools and the nature of its sound, the pace
and, above all, a certain rhythm of the music each time was given
special significance. At the same time the listener excited by various
passions. Stimulating effect Aulos used already and Asclepius (124-
60 BC) in order to liberate people from the depressed melancholic
mood. Lira its gentle sound, and deeply penetrating into the soul of
music was supposed to purify the human soul from excessive
sensitivity and passion. Therefore, talking about cleaning music.
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Already in the XIII century music was considered the most
important where medical means by which it was possible to slow the
aging process rights. At this "delay symptoms of aging," with music
first pointed out by Roger Bacon (1215 - 1295). In Gerontocomia
Gabriele Zerby - the first published paper on gerontology - an
influence, extending the life of man, because the music, thanks to
their numerical order, akin to the harmony inherent in man. This
view was also expressed Franchinus Ranchinus (1561-1641) in his
work Gerocomia, published in 1627
In addition, the geriatric indication, the music as a healing agent has
acquired special significance in the treatment of mental illness,
especially depression, as he wrote in his Raimund Minderer
Threnodia medica in 1619, Dane Olaus Borrihius (1626-1690) in
connection with this pointed out that music was invented, not in
order "... to expel the disease, and most of all to influence the
mental state of man. " This comment seemed necessary, since the
effect of music around the medieval towns existed speculative in
many respects, even children's views. It suffices to read only
Musurgia universalis Jesuit Athanasius Kircher, published in
1684, which states that the music opens vents on the human body,
through which the evil, harmful spirits.
In 1807, in Vienna, published a book by Dr. Lichtental titled "The
doctor - a musician or a treatise on the influence of music on body
and its use in certain diseases," which precisely describes how music
can affect the psyche, and thus, indirectly, on itself body.
In difficult situations, which sometimes seem intractable analytically
hardly explainable through the use of music therapy is often
possible to achieve amazing results. History holds many examples of
ancient and modern times: to play the harp of David, who healed the
King Saul's depression, ten-Frederic Chopin his playing the piano
managed to free the Grand Duke of Poland from the terrible attacks
of rage. The most convincing example is the depression of Spanish
King Philip V, of which only the sounds of music could be made to
get out of bed and take over the affairs of state.
In 1941, John Altschuler izoprintsipa developed a method whereby
patients offers music appropriate to their mental state at the
moment. For depressed patients, it was music creates a tranquil
pace, for excitable - a fast. After the phrase used otreagirovaniya
affect major and optimistic work.
In the first 50 years in the UK, at a school for children with mental
retardation, met an American pianist and composer Paul Nordof and
the British psychologist Professor Clive Robbins. Catching up with
the children, both came to the same conclusion: it turns out, the
music affects the expression of these guys. The first experiments
have given great results, and this prompted scientists to develop a
special technique - creative music therapy, which soon began to be
used as a mandatory part of the rehabilitation.
But much more than simply listening to music, influences people
actively making music. Physician Henry Ganzelman best described
therapeutic effect of active music making. But these considerations
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are, of course, more to the creative musician for whom music means
samoterapiyu. Artists are often on the verge of neurosis. Their
creative work often serves as their emergency exit in order to
overcome the neurosis and get peace of mind. Their own music
relieves them of stress, which is trying to escape. Therefore, it is to
some extent marked by conflict and spiritual experiences of a
musician. On the other hand, the musician can their creativity to
overcome suffering, and even fear of death, so the music in a
metaphysical term approaches to theology.
All musical works bear the imprint of the energy of the inner world of
the author - his emotions, feelings, mind. Over the past 40 years in
music appeared very much new - rock, disco, jazz, electronic, space
music, etc. From all variety of musical styles and especially the
music should be made in the style of New Age. This line of music
contributes to the harmonization of personality, spiritual growth,
brings beauty and goodness. Listening to new age music relieves
stress, refines and heals. This music is written by people who are in
a spiritual quest, seeking to improve themselves, to become more
pure and harmonious. Expressing music through its internal state,
spiritually advanced people pick up listeners to the level of its
inspirations, which are indispensable companions of light, joy, a
sense of mission and reflections of the enlightened mind.
Nature Sound
What is sound? Science tells us that this is a definite vibration
(vibration) of air, ie the external environment. But the external
sound is audible only because there is sound in the inner
consciousness, and when the sound inside stops, then the body can
not create a foreign sound. We also know that people not only
formed of vibrations, but also lives and moves in them: they
surround him like a fish surrounded by water. You can imagine the
human body as a live sound generator and receiver-resonator sound.
Therefore, the physical effect of sound has a great influence on the
human body. Mood, preferences, business, success, failure - all of
life depends on the type and activity of vibrations, be they thoughts,
emotions or feelings. The fact that he felt the soul, there is vibration
senses. Mastering the mind - the vibration of thought. What the ears
hear and eyes see, - vibration dense, crystallized from the field of
state and manifested in the atoms that make up the physical world
and of which consist of its elements: air, fire, water, metal, earth.
Students in the classroom physics experiments are often carried out
with the generation of pure tones by observing their effects on
various materials such as sand, oil, and water. In these experiments,
we can see how the sand formed into precise geometric shapes,
where the violin bow across the edge hold of a metal plate on which
the sand. Some tones make the oil floating on the surface of water to
thicken, or vice versa to share like an amoeba, if the tone frequency
povyshetsya. Tiny particles of salt, there is one on the other, make
dance like human figures, as they react to the vibrating surface
under them.
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Physics, trying to determine the nature of physical substance,
plunging into their studies deeper and deeper into the realm of
atomic and subatomic particles, finding that there was nothing
there, at least, there is no substance. They describe the tiniest
subatomic particles as "interference zones" of different sound
frequencies. Vibration is in the root of each phenomenon, but,
perceiving the sounds of the world, we do not always respond to
Vibrations are endless in its structure. The finest of them are not
even perceptible soul. The soul itself is a vibration. Many mystics
claim that the spirit is also a vibration. Vibration incredibly fast and
powerful. Not for nothing, probably, the Bible says that in the
beginning was the Word. If we understand this word as a
combination of vibration and voleizyavleniya Creator.
At the level of sound vibrations cause a variety of tones, and in the
physical space of light - a variety of colors. And the color and sound
have an impact on the human soul in accordance with the law of
harmony. To thin the soul becomes light, and an even more subtle -
the sound. He may have a desirable or undesirable effect on the
human mind and body, and healing effect without drugs, whose
action is also associated with the vibrations, namely, is their
Sound permeates all human beings and in accordance with certain of
their influence will slow down or speed up the rhythm of blood
circulation, stimulates the nervous system, or calms her, awakens in
a person stronger passion or appeasing it, brings peace. Very often
people are cured of the disease through repeated repetition of
certain words and mantras, because their sound gave the
corresponding energy center of the body vibration necessary for its
recovery. In shamanic ritual drum sounds, rhythmic chants and
spells, penetrate into the depth of people's minds, forcing them to
vibrate every cell, is introduced into a state of ecstasy. And then
they can jump into the fire and not burn, cut himself with a sword,
and instantly heal, swallowing fire and burned. These altered states
of consciousness similar to those which occur when reading prayers,
mantras, and no matter what language they are satisfied, the whole
thing in a vibratory structure of the rhythm.
The main components of music
Rhythm. This is the original and fundamental element of music.
Music primitive community consists solely of a rhythm. That it is
called the "heart music". Rhythm has the most powerful and direct
impact on people - and on his body, and emotions. Life of the body
based on different rhythms: respiratory, heart, different movements,
activity and rest, not to mention the more subtle rhythms at the level
of cells and molecules. Psychological condition of the person, too,
has its complicated rhythms: winged and depression, grief and joy,
zeal and apathy, strengths and weaknesses and so on. All these
states are very sensitive to the musical rhythms. Is it because they
have the magic to excite and soothe, heal and destroy ... There are
certain actions in which the rhythm of the body, emotions and music
interpenetrate and merge into a single unit. This happens in the
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dance, which can be called live music coming from the soul of man.
Recently, doctors found that shamans rhythmic drum beats in the
act on the psyche of the patient, stimulating the underlying structure
of his brain. American ethnographer Michael Garner, first mastered
shamanic "techniques", even managed to use them to cure his friend
of alcoholism. It is known that at constant drunkenness endogenous
ethanol - the natural alcohol produced in small quantities in the
body, gradually disappears, and to make up for his loss, alcoholics
need to take daily dose at the nearest stall. Garner found that the
rhythms of drum raise the level of natural ethanol, and the mental
state comes back to normal.
Melody. The combination of rhythms, tones and accents give birth
each time a unique melody. It affects the listener is particularly
intense and diverse. Melody evokes not only emotion but also
feelings, images and beliefs that strongly affects virtually all bodily
functions, especially in the nervous system, breathing and
Harmony. Melody is formed by a sequence of sounds. Harmony is
also a simultaneous sounding of several sounds, harmonizing with
each other, which form chords. Due to various vibrations radiate
these chords in the soul of listeners there is a feeling of harmony or
dissonance, that in any case have some physiological and
psychological effects. The predominance of dissonance in modern
music is an expression of disorder, conflict, crises, which bring
suffering to modern man.
Timbre. Everyone who has a musical ear, a different feel the charm
of a violin or flute, harp and soprano. The composer skillfully
combining various instruments in an orchestra can bring a huge
audience to a frenzy, the whole stadium ...
Music & Esoteric
The word "esoteric" derives from the Greek esoterikos, "internal".
The term originated in the Hellenistic period (IV-III century. BC).
Historically it meant Occult Science, "an internal doctrine of"
religious, philosophical or other exercises that are available only
passed the rites of the higher initiations.
Esoterica today - it generalizes the name of the modern doctrine or,
more accurately, perceptions of the world and man as the unity of
macrocosm and microcosm, not restrict ourselves to one only by
their material characteristics, the method of learning the "inner
essence" of all things, a measure which is known to man.
At the heart of contemporary esotericism is a comparative study of
the teachings of East and West whose purpose - to help people get
to know first of all myself, so if the measure of all things - himself,
for without this he can not know everything. A Self-knowledge, as is
known, not only the oldest but also the most difficult of the tasks
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that ever puts the person without reason at the temple of Apollo at
Delphi was written: Gnwri se auton - "Know thyself."
Music from ancient times attracted the attention of the secret
influence on a person coming from her by an unknown force, capable
of influencing human behavior. In ancient Greek music, a certain
frets were attributed to the exact properties of the formation of any
moral human qualities. Ancient Greece had the frets:
Ionian - lyrical, erotic.
Dorian - courageous, nravoukreplyayuschy that protects against
misfortune, the historically central way.
Phrygian - an exciting, aggressive.
Lydian - relaxing, inhibitory.
Music has always included constant part of any ritual, festival.
Musicians believed possessed otherworldly forces, and other
instruments through which the gods speak to people.
Modern skeptics of science dispelled myths about the most unusual
properties of melodies. However, one of the most striking of its
qualities - the levitation force of music - to this day remains a
mystery even to them. Unfortunately, the countless testimonies of
how to use it to the air lift objects of varying severity, science has
not helped.
In the Indian village Shivapur stands a small mosque built in honor
of Sufi saint Ali Camara Dervis. In its courtyard is a stone weighing
about 63 kg. And to this day during the daily prayer 11 ministers
gathered around the stone, repeating the name of a saint. When
their voices reach a certain height, the monks are able to raise the
huge stone, keeping it only one finger each. Once the singing stops,
they quickly bounce back, and the stone falls to the ground. The
secret lies precisely in the hymns and eleven votes - the formula
needed to lift the stone into the air. Reaching a certain height, the
voices of the servants of changing vibration characteristics of the
stone and make it lighter.
Another manifestation of the levitation properties of music observed
in Tibet, a Swedish engineer and aircraft builder Henry Kellson. He
described how the monks dragged the stones in an area of 1.5
square meters with the help of oxen on the plateau, and placed them
in a special cupped hole. It was located near the 400-meter cliff,
where it was necessary to build the temple. Beside her stood 19
musicians, and behind them the columns, radiating, lining 200
All musical instruments (13 reels in three sizes and 6 large pipes)
have been sent to the pit. On command they all begin to sound, and
the priests sing in unison.
4 minutes Kellson noticed that the stones in the pit started to shake
and sway from side to side. As the sound the stones were raised in
the air for 400 feet, while flying on a parabolic trajectory just before
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the precipice, where he was to build the temple. According to an
engineer, so the monks could lift and carry five to six stone slabs per
Several years later, Swedish physician Earl, also watched these
amazing phenomena. Then he worked in Oxford Scientific Society in
Egypt and was invited to treat the Supreme Lama of Tibet. Yarlu
allowed to shoot the film the whole ritual with levitation stones. But
then Oxford Science Society confiscated film, saying that because
Earl was then working on them, movies are the property of the
society. Hid them in the archives under the heading "Top Secret",
and the location of the films is unknown so far.
But on this "Case of Tibetan monks," is not over. In his music album
"Genesis Grail Kings" Adrian Wagner reproduced the first four
minutes of levitation ritual of Tibetan monks, using the scheme
described earlier Kellsonom. After the laser disc Wagner received
some feedback from listeners, who observed during disc play strange
phenomena. One said that the music continued to sound even after
the player was disconnected. Others wrote that during the playing of
this music in the room took off various objects.
As the depletion of energy resources of the earth man would have to
seek other sources of energy. Who knows, maybe one of them will
be the levitation force of music. However, for this would first have to
unravel the nature of the surprising phenomenon ...
St. Augustine even thought the music and mathematics at the true
language of God. Art in general and music in particular the most
closely associated with the esoteric experience of man, largely
based on specific, higher states of the human psyche, in the super-
consciousness, the unknown, hidden areas of receiving and
processing information. There are many secrets, secrets excellence,
going deep into the spiritual world of man, the source of his creative
powers. Not accidentally art has always been associated with
magical and religious experience, which his relatives state of
inspiration, inspiration, inspiration, ecstasy, feeling that the artist is
only a translator, a voice of some higher power. In art, people truly
free, because the flight of his imagination creates a different reality.
Search for the hidden, esoteric meaning of peace and human destiny
lies precisely in the immersion into all the deeper layers of
consciousness, where there is a source of inspiration and
enlightenment. Avoiding the real dimensions of being, a sense of the
passage of time and the deployment of spatiality, the ability to
operate with ideal entities that do not have enough details of the
draft - all this is the essence of art, especially music.
Along with the interaction of personality with the outside world (the
sphere of public knowledge and activities), there is a spiritual
immersion, leading to the knowledge of the inner space of
personality, the origins of creativity, wealth of esoteric (private
knowledge). It's like I'm two special rights, existing and operating
under different laws in the same space-time coordinates, although,
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naturally, intersecting with each other.
First, everyday I am acting in the usual time scale, has deployed the
structure of thinking logically and causally linked, fairly smooth
transitions, it feeds externally derived information and processes
and evaluates her life according to the program, ideals, interests,
traditions, work here volitional processes. Second, creative I do not
repelled by the life goals and standards (though indirectly connected
with them), but from certain internal, embedded in the depths of the
subconscious, the structures of the subjective, spiritual ideal of the
sacred and artistic expression of human nature and the world. There
appear peculiar, variable time and space, acts a certain logic of
interaction, dominated by intuition and not volitional processes.
Arising in these circumstances, a spiritual entity (including art)
breaks into reality, but does not merge with it, and coexists in
parallel to obtain the status of eternal truth, beauty and perfection.
Here are the hidden mechanisms of intuition, inspiration, insight,
imagination genetic memory and other structures of the second I
come from some inner, germ, overcompression fact, some initial
ideas, first impulse.
Many composers have noted the effect of influx in the works. Not by
chance the word inspiration (someone has breathed in the artist's
work) indicates that this initial sense. Brahms claimed in one letter:
"I do not take any responsibility for his music: it is given me a
special power. I am responsible only for the way I designed it. "
Beethoven exclaimed: "Do you think I am thinking about some damn
fiddle when the spirit speaks to me?" .. "Tchaikovsky has repeatedly
stressed that the immediate inspiration, not subject the will of man,
that here there is a special state of obedience to the inner voice, a
certain supernatural power that moves the creator. "Music just
rushing out of me" - he wrote P. Jurgenson. In this state, it does not
work, and pleasure, the work comes with absolutely inconceivable
ease. Forget everything, my soul trembles from some totally
incomprehensible and ineffable sweet emotion, absolutely no time to
follow her impulse somewhere, time goes virtually unnoticed.
It can be assumed that the germ, the original essence of the second,
I am a creative artist is identified with the innermost core of
personality, which, according to the Indian philosopher
Vivekananda, represented the core of the cosmos, where in deep
meditation, felt the vibration and music of the Vedas, sounding like a
chord in the color blue, cold fire.
Scholars of ancient India believed the science and art derive a
creative principle. All knowledge of ancient India are concentrated in
the Vedas (sacred Hindu scriptures) and one of the 4 main Vedas
Sama-Veda is entirely devoted to music. In accordance with the
Vedas creation of the world began with the primordial sound Om
became apparent at the time of the separation of the Almighty God
(Sadasiva) and their creative energy (Adi Shakti). This became the
foundation of Om entire universe and was the first musical sound.
(It is estimated that the entire Indian music evolved from this
sound.) Om is the personification of the god Ganesha - the
embodiment of innocence and purity - the principle of the first
chakra, muladary, located at the base of the whole subtle system of
Music Therapy[3/23/2013 8:18:43 PM]
Music Therapy

rights, which consists of 7 main chakras and 3 channels, which
control the mental , emotional and physical human life.
Chakras are located along the central axis of the body, from the
tailbone to the crown. Chakras are not anatomy, is not composed of
molecules and cells, but represent an oscillating circuit, the complex
frequency range, resonating with external sources of vibration.
relaxation new age music



Above is an excerpt from the book Anjey Satori "Music
Therapy in the Age of Aquarius."
Download the text of the book here

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