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Attitude Quotations

Abraham Lincoln:
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any
other one thing.
Carl Rogers:
If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of
knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may
wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniueness, for self!direction,
and for self!initiated learning.
Colleen C. "arrett:
#ork is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.
$o put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order% to put the nation
in order, we must first put the family in order% to put the family in order, we must first
cultivate our personal life% we must first set our hearts right.
'mall opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
(othing is easier than self!deceit. )or what each man wishes, that he also believes
to be true.
)or everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die%
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted%
A time to kill, and a time to heal%
A time to break down, and a time to build up%
A time to weep, and a time to laugh%
A time to mourn, and a time to dance%
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together%
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing%
A time to seek, and a time to lose%
A time to keep, and a time to throw away%
A time to tear, and a time to sew%
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak%
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
*cclesiastes +:,!-
*dwin .. )riedman:
$he colossal misunderstanding of our time is the assumption that insight will work
with people who are unmotivated to change. Communication does not depend on
synta/, or elouence, or rhetoric, or articulation but on the emotional conte/t in which
the message is being heard. 0eople can only hear you when they are moving toward
you, and they are not likely to when your words are pursuing them. *ven the choices
words lose their power when they are used to overpower. Attitudes are the real
figures of speech.
*lla #illiams:
"ite off more than you can chew, then chew it.
*ric .offer:
$he remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbor as ourselves: we do unto
others as we do unto ourselves. #e hate others when we hate ourselves. #e are
tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves. #e forgive others when we
forgive ourselves. #e are prone to sacrifice others when we are ready to sacrifice
)rank Lloyd #right:
$he thing always happens that you really believe in% and the belief in a thing makes it
.elen 1eller:
#hen one door of happiness closes, another opens% but often we look so long at the
closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
.enry )ord:
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can2t, you2re right. also attributed
to Mary Kay Ash
3ames A. )roude:
4ou cannot dream yourself into a character% you must hammer and forge yourself
5. 'cott 0eck:
$he truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling
deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. )or it is only in such moments,
propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start
searching for different ways or truer answers.
5arcus Aurelius:
If you are distressed by anything e/ternal, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to
your estimate of it% and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
5arian #right *delman:
(o one, *leanor Roosevelt said, can make you feel inferior without your consent.
(ever give it.
5arian #right *delman:
4ou really can change the world if you care enough.
5arianne #illiamson:
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to
do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates
5artha #ashington:
$he greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our
5aya Lin:
$o fly, we have to have resistance.
5ichael 1orda:
$o succeed, we must first believe that we can.
Ralph #aldo *merson:
$here is no beautifier of comple/ion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter 6oy
and not pain around us. 2$is good to give a stranger a meal, or a night2s lodging. 2$is
better to be hospitable to his good meaning and thought, and give courage to a
companion. #e must be as courteous to a man as we are to a picture, which we are
willing to give the advantage of a good light.
Ralph #aldo *merson:
Life is a train of moods like a string of beads% and as we pass through them they
prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each
shows us only what lies in its own focus.
Ralph #aldo *merson:
'o is cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more remains.
Richard "ach:
'ooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.
0eace is not the absence of war% it is a virtue% a state of mind% a disposition for
benevolence% confidence% and 6ustice.
'usan 3. "issonette:
An optimist is the human personification of spring.
$homas Alva *dison:
8pportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
$homas 3efferson:
I2m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
9ictor )rankl:
*verything can be taken from a man but ... the last of the human freedoms ! to
choose one2s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one2s own way.
9iktor )rankl:
#e who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through
the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. $hey may have
been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from
a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms !! to choose one2s attitude in
any given set of circumstances, to choose one2s own way.
#illiam 3ames:
$he greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by
altering his attitude.
#illiam 3ames:
$he greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by
altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be.
The Top 200 Secrets of Success and the
Pillars of Self-Mastery
By Robin S. Sharma (Author of The Mon! "ho Sold #is $errari%
Sleep less. This is one of the best in&estments you can ma!e to ma!e your life more
producti&e and re'ardin(. Most people do not need more than ) hours to maintain an
e*cellent state of health. Try (ettin( up one hour earlier for 2+ days and it 'ill
de&elop into a po'erful habit. Remember, it is the -uality not the -uantity of sleep
that is important. And .ust ima(ine ha&in( an e*tra /0 hours a month to spend on the
thin(s that are important to you.
Set aside one hour e&ery mornin( for personal de&elopment matters. Meditate, &isuali0e
your day, read inspirational te*ts to set the tone of your day, listen to moti&ational
tapes or read (reat literature. Ta!e this -uiet period to &itali0e and ener(i0e your
spirit for the producti&e day ahead. "atch the sun rise once a 'ee! or be 'ith nature.
Startin( the day off 'ell is a po'erful strate(y for self-rene'al and personal
1o not allo' those thin(s that matter the most in your life be at the mercy of acti&ities
that matter the least. 2&ery day, ta!e the time to as! yourself the -uestion is this the
best use of my time and ener(y3 Time mana(ement is life mana(ement so (uard
your time 'ith (reat care.
4se the rubber band method to condition your mind to focus solely on the most positi&e
elements in your life. Place a rubber band around your 'rist. 2ach time a ne(ati&e,
ener(y sappin( thou(ht enters your mind, snap the rubber band. Throu(h the po'er
of conditionin(, your mind 'ill associate pain 'ith ne(ati&e thin!in( and you 'ill
soon possess a stron(ly positi&e mind set.
Al'ays ans'er the phone 'ith enthusiasm in your &oice and sho' your appreciation for
the caller. 5ood phone manners are essential. To con&ey authority on the line, stand
up. This 'ill instill further confidence in your &oice.
Throu(hout the day 'e all (et inspiration and e*cellent ideas. 6eep a set of cards (the
si0e of business cards7 a&ailable at most stationary stores% in your 'allet alon( 'ith a
pencil to .ot do'n these insi(hts. "hen you (et home, put the ideas in a central place
such as a coil notepad and re&ie' them from time to time. As noted by 8li&er "endell
#olmes9 Man:s mind, once stretched by a ne' idea, ne&er re(ains its ori(inal
Set aside e&ery Sunday e&enin( for yourself and be stron(ly disciplined 'ith this habit.
4se this period to plan your 'ee!, &isuali0e your encounters and 'hat you 'ant to
achie&e, to read ne' materials and inspirational boo!s, to listen to soft soothin( music
and to simply rela*. This habit 'ill ser&e as your anchor to !eep you focused,
moti&ated and effecti&e throu(hout the comin( 'ee!.
Al'ays remember the !ey principle that the -uality of your life is the -uality of your
communication. This means the 'ay you communicate 'ith others and, more
importantly, the 'ay you communicate 'ith yourself. "hat you focus on is 'hat you
(et. ;f you loo! for the positi&e this is 'hat you (et. This is a fundamental la' of
Stay on purpose, not on outcome. ;n other 'ords, do the tas! because it is 'hat you lo&e
to do or because it 'ill help someone or is a &aluable e*ercise. 1on:t do it for the
money or the reco(nition. Those 'ill come naturally. This is the 'ay of the 'orld.
=au(h for fi&e minutes in the mirror each mornin(. Ste&e Martin does. =au(hter
acti&ates many beneficial chemicals 'ithin the body that place us into a &ery .oyous
state. =au(hter also returns the body to a state of balance. =au(hter therapy has been
re(ularly used to heal persons 'ith &aried ailments and is a 'onderful tonic for life:s
ills. "hile the a&era(e > year old lau(hs ?00 times a day, the a&era(e adult is luc!y to
lau(h +? times a day. Re&itali0e the habit of lau(hter, it 'ill put far more li&in( into
your life.
=i(ht a candle beside you 'hen you are readin( in the e&enin(. ;t is most rela*in( and
creates a 'onderful, soothin( atmosphere. Ma!e your home an oasis from the
fren0ied 'orld outside. $ill it 'ith (reat music, (reat boo!s and (reat friends.
To enhance your concentration and po'ers of focus, count your steps 'hen you 'al!.
This is a particularly stron( techni-ue. Ta!e si* steps 'hile ta!in( a lon( inhale, hold
your breath for another si* steps, and then e*hale for si* steps. ;f si* steps is too lon(
for the breaths, do 'hate&er you feel comfortable 'ith. @ou 'ill feel &ery alert,
refreshed, internally -uiet and centered after this e*ercise. So many people allo' their
minds to be filled 'ith mental chatter. All pea! performers appreciate the po'er of a
-uiet, clear mind 'hich 'ill concentrate steadily on all important tas!s.
=earn to meditate effecti&ely. The mind is naturally a &ery noisy machine 'hich 'ants
to mo&e from one sub.ect to another li!e an unchained mon!ey. 8ne must learn to
restrain and discipline it if one is to achie&e anythin( of substance and to be peaceful.
Meditation for t'enty minutes in the mornin( and t'enty minutes in the e&enin( 'ill
certainly pro&ide you 'ith e*ceptional results if re(ularly practiced for si* months.
=earned sa(es of the 2ast ha&e been ad&ancin( the many benefits of meditation for
o&er ?000 years. =earn to be still.
The a&era(e person doesn:t spend e&en /0 minutes a month in total silence and
tran-uility. 1e&elop the s!ill of sittin( -uietly, en.oyin( the po'erful silence for at
least ten minutes a day. Simply thin! about 'hat is important to you in your life.
Reflect on your mission. Silence indeed is (olden. As the Aen master once said, it is the
space bet'een the bars that holds the ca(e.
2nhance your 'ill-po'er7 it is li!ely one of the best trainin( pro(rams you can in&est in.
#ere are some ideas to stren(then your 'ill and become a stron(er person9 1o not let
your mind float li!e a piece of paper in the 'ind. "or! hard to !eep it focused at all
times. "hen doin( a tas!, thin! of nothin( else. "hen 'al!in( to 'or!, count the
steps that it ta!es to (et all the 'ay to the office. This is not easy but your mind 'ill
soon understand that you hold its reins and not &ice &ersa. @our mind must
e&entually become as still as a candle flame in a corner 'here there is no draft. b.
@our 'ill is li!e a muscle. @ou must first e*ercise it and then push before it (ets
stron(er. This necessarily in&ol&es short term pain but be assured that the
impro&ements 'ill come and 'ill touch your character in a most positi&e 'ay.
"hen you are hun(ry, 'ait another hour before your meal. "hen you are labourin(
o&er a difficult tas! and your mind is promptin( you to pic! up the latest ma(a0ine
for a brea! or to (et up and (o tal! to a friend, curb the impulse. Soon you 'ill be
able to sit for hours in a precisely concentrated state.
Sir ;ssac <e'ton, one of the (reatest classical physicists the 'orld has produced, once
said9 if ; ha&e done the public any ser&ice, it is due to patient thou(ht. <e'ton had
a remar!able ability to sit -uietly and thin! 'ithout interruption for &ery lon(
periods of time. ;f he can de&elop this so can you. c. @ou can also build your 'ill-
po'er by restraint in your conduct 'ith others. Spea! less (use the )0B>0 Rule C listen
)0D of the time and spea! a mere >0D, if that%. This 'ill not only ma!e you more
popular but you 'ill learn much 'isdom as e&eryone 'e meet, e&ery day has
somethin( to teach us. Also restrain the ur(e to (ossip or to condemn someone 'ho
you feel has made a mista!e. Stop complainin( and de&elop a cheerful, &ital and
stron( personality. @ou 'ill (reatly influence others. "hen a ne(ati&e thou(ht comes
to your mind, immediately replace it 'ith one that is positi&e. Positi&e al'ays
dominates o&er the ne(ati&e and your mind has to be conditioned to thin! only the
best thou(hts. <e(ati&e thin!in( is a conditioned process 'hereby the ne(ati&e
patterns are established o&er and o&er. Rid yourself of any limitations and become a
po'erful positi&e thin!er.
Ma!e an effort to be humorous throu(hout the day. <ot only is it beneficial from a
physical &ie'point but it diffuses tension in difficult circumstances and creates an
e*cellent atmosphere 'here&er you are. ;t 'as recently reported that members of the
Tauripan tribe of South America ha&e a ritual 'here they a'a!e in the middle of the
ni(ht to tell each other .o!es. 2&en tribesmen in the deepest sleep 'a!e to en.oy the
lau(h and then return to their state of slumber in seconds.
Become a hi(hly disciplined time mana(er. There are rou(hly +)E hours in a 'ee!. This
surely allo's plenty of time for achie&ement of the many (oals 'e desire to
accomplish. Be ruthless 'ith your time. Set aside a fe' minutes each mornin( to plan
your day. Plan around your priorities and focus on not only those tas!s 'hich are
immediate but not important (i.e., many telephone calls% but especially on those 'hich
are important but not ur(ent, for these allo' for the (reatest personal and
professional de&elopment. ;mportant but not immediate acti&ities are those 'hich
produce lon(-term, sustainable benefits and include e*ercise, strate(ic plannin(, the
de&elopment of relationships and professional education. <e&er let the thin(s 'hich
matter most be placed in the bac!seat as compared to those that matter least.
Associate only 'ith positi&e, focused people 'ho you can learn from and 'ho 'ill not
drain your &aluable ener(y 'ith complainin( and uninspirin( attitudes. By
de&elopin( relationships 'ith those committed to constant impro&ement and the
pursuit of the best that life has to offer, you 'ill ha&e plenty of company on your path
to the top of 'hate&er mountain you see! to climb.
Stephen #a'!in(, one of the (reat modern physicists of the 'orld, is reported to ha&e
said that 'e are on a minor planet of a &ery a&era(e star located 'ithin the outer
limits of one of a hundred thousand million (ala*ies. Are your problems really
si(nificant in li(ht of this3 @ou 'al! this 2arth for but a short time. "hy not become
de&oted to ha&in( only a 'onderful e*perience. "hy not dedicate yourself to lea&in( a
po'erful le(acy to the 'orld3 Sit do'n no' and 'rite out a list of all that you ha&e in
your life. Start first 'ith your health or your family - the thin(s 'e often ta!e for
(ranted. Put do'n the country 'e li&e in and the food 'e eat. 1o not stop until you
ha&e 'ritten do'n fifty items. 8nce e&ery fe' days, (o throu(h this list - you 'ill be
uplifted and reco(ni0e the richness of your e*istence.
@ou must ha&e a mission statement in life. This is simply a set of (uidin( principles
'hich clearly state 'here you are (oin( and 'here you 'ant to be at the end of your
life. A mission statement embodies your &alues. ;t is your personal li(hthouse !eepin(
you steadily on the course of your dreams. 8&er a period of one month, set a fe'
hours aside to 'rite do'n fi&e or ten principles 'hich 'ill (o&ern your life and 'hich
'ill !eep you focused at all times. 2*amples mi(ht be to consistently ser&e others, to
be a considerate citi0en, to become hi(hly 'ealthy or to ser&e as a po'erful leader.
"hate&er the mission statement of your life, refine it and re&ie' it re(ularly. Then
'hen somethin( ad&erse happens or someone tries to pull you off course, you -uic!ly
and precisely return to your chosen path 'ith the full !no'led(e that you are mo&in(
in the direction that you ha&e selected.
<o one can insult or hurt you 'ithout your permission. 8ne of the (olden !eys to
happiness and (reat success is the 'ay you interpret e&ents 'hich unfold before you.
#i(hly successful people are master interpreters. People 'ho ha&e attained (reatness
ha&e an ability 'hich they ha&e de&eloped to interpret ne(ati&e or disempo'erin(
e&ents as positi&e challen(es 'hich 'ill assist them in (ro'in( and mo&in( e&en
farther up the ladder of success. There are no ne(ati&e e*periences only e*periences
'hich aid in your de&elopment and tou(hen your character so that you may soar to
ne' hei(hts. There are no failures, only lessons.
Ta!e a speed readin( course. Readin( is a po'erful 'ay to (ain many years of
e*perience from a fe' hours of study. $or e*ample, most bio(raphies reflect the
strate(ies and philosophies of (reat leaders or coura(eous indi&iduals. Read them and
model them. Speed readin( 'ill allo' you to di(est lar(e -uantities of material in
relati&ely small periods of time. Remember people:s names and treat e&eryone 'ell.
This habit, alon( 'ith enthusiasm, is one of the (reat success secrets. 2&eryone in this
'orld 'ears an ima(inary button that screams out ; "A<T T8 $22=
Be soft as a flo'er 'hen it comes to !indness but tou(h as thunder 'hen it comes to
principle. Be courteous and polite at all times but ne&er be pushed around. 2nsure
that you are al'ays treated 'ith respect.
<e&er discuss your health, 'ealth and other personal matters 'ith anyone outside of
your immediate family. Be &ery disciplined in this re(ard.
Be truthful, patient, perse&erin(, modest and (enerous.
Soa! in a 'arm bath at the end of a lon(, producti&e day. Re'ard yourself for e&en the
smallest of achie&ement. Ta!e time out for rene'al of your mind, body and spirit.
Soon all your more important (oals 'ill be met and you 'ill mo&e to the ne*t le&el of
pea! performance.
=earn the po'er of breathin( and its relationship 'ith your ener(y source. The mind is
intimately connected 'ith your breathin(. $or e*ample, 'hen the mind is a(itated,
your breathin( becomes -uic! and shallo'. "hen you are rela*ed and focused, your
breathin( is deep and calm. By practisin( deep, abdominal breathin(, you 'ill
de&elop a calm, serene demeanour that 'ill remain cool in the hottest of
circumstances. Remember the rule of the 2astern mountain men9 to breathe
properly is to li&e properly.
Reco(ni0e and culti&ate the po'er of autosu((estion. ;t 'or!s and is an essential tool in
maintainin( pea! performance. "e are all performers in one 'ay or another and it is
particularly &aluable to use such techni-ues of athletes and public fi(ures for our o'n
enhancement. ;f you 'ant to become more enthusiastic, repeat ; am more
enthusiastic today and am impro&in( this trait daily. Repeat it o&er and o&er.
Purchase a le(al notepad and 'rite out this mantra ?00 times. 1o it for three 'ee!s
'ith re(ular practice and feel that this -uality is de&elopin(. Hery soon it 'ill come.
This is a strate(y that ;ndian sa(es ha&e employed for thousands of years to aid their
spiritual and mental de&elopment. 1o not be discoura(ed if the results are not
immediate, they 'ill certainly de&elop. The spo!en 'ord is a po'erful influencer of
the mind.
Maintain a diary to measure your pro(ress and to e*press your thou(hts. "ritin( out
not only your successes but your troubles is one of the 'orld:s most effecti&e methods
of erasin( the 'orry habit, stayin( in optimum state and de&elopin( precision of
Stress is simply a response 'hich you create in the interpretation of an e&ent. T'o
people mi(ht find that a (i&en e&ent results in -uite different responses. $or e*ample,
an after dinner speech mi(ht stri!e fear into the heart of an ine*perienced spea!er
'hile a stron( orator &ie's it as a 'onderful opportunity to share his thou(hts.
4nderstandin( that the percei&ed ne(ati&e effects of an e&ent or tas! may be mentally
manipulated and conditioned to'ards the positi&e, 'ill allo' you to be a pea!
performer in all instances.
Read The Se&en #abits of #i(hly 2ffecti&e People by Stephen Fo&ey. ;t contains a
'ealth of 'isdom and po'erful insi(hts into further de&elopin( your character and
enhancin( your personal relationships.
Become a committed audio-tape user. Most personal-mastery pro(rams and boo!s are
no' offered in this format. =isten to these inspirational materials on your 'ay to
'or!, 'hilst 'aitin( in the line at a ban! or 'hile you 'ash dishes in the e&enin(.
Ma!e your car a colle(e on 'heels and use the dri&e time to ma!e !no'led(e your
best friend. All do'n time can be &ery effecti&ely used in this producti&e fashion. 4se
such opportunities to learn and continually e*pand your mind and its &ast potential.
Try fastin( one day e&ery t'o 'ee!s. 1urin( these fast days, drin! fruit .uice and eat
fresh fruits only. @ou 'ill feel more ener(etic, cleansed and alert. $astin( also has a
salutary effect on your 'ill-po'er as you are sub&ertin( the other'ise pressin(
impulses in your mind callin( on you to eat more.
6eep a radio-cassette player at your office and listen to soft, soothin( music throu(hout
the day. Place pleasant scents and inspirational pictures in your 'or!place. By the
ma(ic of association, your 'or! 'ill become somethin( you en.oy e&en more and
arouse a &ery pleasant feelin( 'ithin you. Bud(et your time on trips such that you can
spend half an hour in the airport boo!store. They al'ays contain the latest and best
self-mastery boo!s and tapes (i&en that those 'ho tra&el by air are of a (roup that
finds &alue in these materials.
Read As a Man Thin!eth by Iames Allen. And don:t .ust read this little boo! once,
read it o&er and o&er a(ain. ;t contains an abundance of timeless 'isdom on li&in( a
fuller and happier life.
Remember that for(i&eness is a &irtue that fe' de&elop, but one that is most important
to maintainin( peace of mind. Mar! T'ain 'rote that for(i&eness is the fra(rance the
&iolet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. Practice for(i&eness especially in those
situations 'here it is seemin(ly difficult. By usin( your emotional for(i&eness muscles
more re(ularly, petty 'ron(s, remar!s and sli(hts 'ill not touch you and nothin( 'ill
penetrate your concentrated, serene mindset.
2mpty your cup. A full cup cannot accept anythin( more. Similarly, a person 'ho
belie&es that he cannot learn anythin( else 'ill sta(nate -uic!ly and not mo&e to
hi(her le&els. A true si(n of a secure, mature indi&idual is someone 'ho sees e&ery
opportunity as a chance to learn. 2&en the teachers ha&e teachers.
The T'o Minute Mind is an e*cellent e*ercise for de&elopin( concentration. Simply
stare at the second hand on your 'rist'atch for t'o minutes and thin! about nothin(
else for that time. At first your mind 'ill 'ander but after 2+ days of practice, your
attention 'ill not 'a&er durin( the routine. 8ne of the (reatest -ualities a person can
de&elop to ensure his success is the ability to focus for e*tended periods of time. =earn
to build up your concentration muscles and no tas! 'ill be too difficult for you.
1rin! a cup of 'arm 'ater before a speech. Ronald Rea(an employed this strate(y to
ensure that he maintained his honey-smooth &oice. Mastery of the art of public
spea!in( is a noble (oal. So dedicate yourself to it. @ou 'ill be .ud(ed by the calibre
of your communication s!ills.
"hen you stand and meet someone, stand firm and steadfast. A tellin( si(n of an
unfocused, 'ea! mind is constant fid(etin(, shiftin( of the eyes and shallo'
breathin(. Act tou(h and you 'ill be tou(h. #a&e coura(e and inspire others 'ith
your actions. But al'ays be considerate.
As! not 'hat this 'orld can do for you but, rather, 'hat you can do for this 'orld.
Ma!e ser&ice an important (oal in your life. ;t is a most fulfillin( in&estment of time.
Remember, in the t'ili(ht of your life, 'hen all is said and done, the -uality of your life
boils do'n to the -uality of your contribution to others. =ea&e a rich le(acy for those
around you to sa&our.
8nce a 'ee!, arise at da'n. ;t is a ma(ical time of day. Be still, (o for a 'al! or simply
listen to an old 2lla $it0(erald recordin(. Ta!e a lon(, hot sho'er and do +00
pushups. Read one of the classics. @ou 'ill feel ali&e and in&i(orated.
Remain sli(htly aloof. 1o not let e&eryone !no' e&erythin( about you. Fulti&ate a
Master the art of public spea!in(. There are fe' natural spea!ers. 8ne (reat trial
la'yer stammered dreadfully but throu(h coura(e and stren(th of con&iction, he
de&eloped into a brilliant orator. Role model anyone you thin! is a hi(hly effecti&e,
influential communicator. Hisuali0e a picture of this person. Stand li!e him, smile li!e
him, and tal! li!e him. The results 'ill startle you.
See! out moti&ational spea!ers committed to character trainin( and lifelon( success.
Ma!e it a point to attend inspirational lectures each month to consistently rene' the
importance of personal (ro'th in your mind. ;n a t'o hour seminar, you can learn
po'erful techni-ues and strate(ies that others ha&e spent many years learnin( and
refinin(. <e&er feel that you ha&e no time for (atherin( ne' ideas, you are in&estin(
in yourself.
Read the 'onderful boo! 1isco&erin( #appiness by 1ennis "holey. ;t 'ill certainly
open up ne' hori0ons for you in your -uest for an optimal state of health and
To enhance your concentration, read a passa(e in a boo! you ha&e ne&er e*plored. Then
try to recite it &erbatim. Practice this for only ? minutes a day and en.oy the results
'hich follo' after a fe' months of effort.
Try enterin( a ? !m runnin( race and then a +0 !m e&ent. The adrenaline that flo's
from the e*perience of racin( 'ith se&eral hundred other fitness-minded people is
By constantly pushin( the en&elope of your capacity, your potential 'ill -uic!ly unfold.
Remember, the body 'ill (i&e you only 'hat you as! of it.
Aromas ha&e been pro&en to be an effecti&e means of enterin( a state of rela*ation.
Scents ha&e a &ery noticeable effect on your mindset and moods. Purchase the
essential oils of oran(e and clo&e bud from your local health food shop. Put a fe'
drops of either oil 'ithin a cup of boilin( 'ater and inhale the s'eet smellin( steam
for a fe' minutes. Then let the mi*ture sit in the room 'here you are restin(. @ou 'ill
(ain a sense of peace and serenity. A little apple spice in the air has recently been
sho'n to induce a far more restful sleep.
Fulti&ate the art of 'al!in( half an hour after you ha&e finished eatin( your e&enin(
meal. "al!s in natural settin(s are the &ery best. "al!in( is, perhaps, nature:s ideal
e*ercise. And 'hen you 'al!, do not thin! about 'or! or about the bills or about the
challen(es you mi(ht be facin( - this 'ill neutrali0e many of the benefits. Simply
en.oy the 'al!. <otice the richness of your surroundin(s. =et your senses drin! in the
beauty of nature and the crispness of the air for a chan(e. So many people 'ho ha&e
mastered the art of (ro'in( youn(er ha&e also mastered the habit of a daily 'al!.
Start a pro(ram of 'ei(ht liftin( at the (ym. Stron( people are mentally tou(h people.
As you a(e, you need not lose your physical nor your mental stren(th. J? year-old
men are runnin( marathons, E0 year-old 'omen ha&e scaled mountains and K0 year-
old (randparents are li&in( rich, producti&e li&es. "hether you are +K or K/, stay fit,
stay moti&ated and stay passionate about life.
<e&er ar(ue 'ith the person you 'or! for - you 'ill lose more than .ust the ar(ument.
;n terms of business attire, dar! suits (na&y blue and charcoal (rey% reflect po'er,
sophistication and authority. #a&e you e&er seen a prime minister or president in a
tan suit3
Re(ularly send hand'ritten notes to your business clients and your other relations to
stren(then the bond. 1e&elop a system 'hich reminds you to send somethin( &aluable
to this net'or! at least once e&ery four months. Send them postcards 'hen you are
a'ay on &acation. ;f you ha&e to buy a fe' hundred postcards and spend an hour
'ritin(, don:t 'orry. This is an e*ceptionally (ood in&estment of your time. Another
idea is to send a recent article of interest to your contacts 'ith a hand'ritten note
sayin( that you thou(ht this 'ould interest them and that you continue to &alue their
friendship. Relationship buildin( should al'ays be a central focus 'hether you are a
F28, a student, a salesperson or a parent.
T'o of the fundamentals for a happy, .oyful life are balance and moderation. 8ne must
maintain a balance of all acti&ities and do nothin( to e*tremes.
1rin! Iasmine tea 'hich can be obtained from any Fhinese herbal shop. ;t is e*cellent
for your (eneral health and is &ery rela*in(. Also try placin( a fe' slices of fresh
(in(er in a cup of hot 'ater for a superb tea that 'ill restore &itality and !eep you in
a pea! physical condition.
Remember that effecti&e time mana(ement ma!es you more rather than less fle*ible. ;t
allo's you to do the thin(s that you really 'ant to do rather than the thin(s you really
ha&e to do.
1o not ta!e personal de&elopment boo!s as (ospel. Read them and ta!e 'hate&er useful
ideas you need. Some people feel they must do e&erythin( su((ested and ta!e the
techni-ues to e*tremes. 2&ery boo! has at least one tool or strate(y of benefit. Ta!e
'hat you need and 'hat 'or!s for you and discard 'hat doesn:t suit you.
Become an ad&enturer. Re&itali0e your spirit and sense of playfulness. Become a !id
a(ain. 8nce e&ery fe' months, plan to en.oy a ne', thrillin( acti&ity such as 'hite
'ater raftin(, scuba di&in(, 'indsurfin(, roc!climbin(, .oinin( a martial arts club,
sailin(, deep sea fishin( or campin(. This 'ill !eep your life in perspecti&e, brin( you
closer to those you share the acti&ity 'ith and !eep you feelin( in&i(orated and youn(.
Spend time 'ith <ature. <atural settin(s ha&e a po'erful effect on your senses 'hich in
turn 'ill lead to a sense of rene'al, refreshment and peacefulness. Pea! performers
throu(h the a(es ha&e understood the importance of (ettin( bac! to <ature. Start
campin( or simply ta!in( -uiet 'al!s in the forest. Rest by a spar!lin( stream.
Fulti&ate your o'n little (arden 'hich 'ill ser&e as your personal oasis in the middle
of a cro'ded city. By culti&atin( a friendship 'ith <ature, you 'ill -uic!ly find more
serenity, contentment and richness in your life.
Recall the 'ise sayin( mens sana in corpore sano 'hich means in a sound body rests a
sound mind. <e&er ne(lect the body 'hich is intimately connected to the mind. This is
your temple. $eed it the finest fuels, e*ercise daily and care for it as you 'ould your
pri0ed possession - because it is.
Be so stron( that nothin( interferes 'ith your peace of mind. A 'ell-!no'n bo*er 'as
once unhappy. "hen as!ed 'hy, he said that he had allo'ed himself to thin! a
ne(ati&e thou(ht. Furb your desires and stay centered and focused - it (ets easier 'ith
practice. @ou truly cannot afford the lu*ury of e&en one ne(ati&e thou(ht. 1o not eat
three hours before sleep. This allo's for smoother di(estion and a more restful sleep.
$or deeper, more rene'in( sleep, remember that a daily dose of e*ercise promotes
(ood sleep as does a period of rela*ation an hour before bed. Also do not brin( 'or!
to bed 'ith you or thin! about anythin( 'hich mi(ht a(itate you. 2ase yourself into
sleep li!e a baby bein( sun( a soft, soothin( lullaby. And finally, as =eonardo da Hinci
said9 a 'ell-spent day brin(s happy sleep.
Be careful about your reputation. ;f it is (ood it 'ill ta!e you to the hi(hest of hei(hts.
But once tarnished, it 'ill be difficult to retrie&e. Al'ays reflect on your course of
action. <e&er do anythin( you 'ouldn:t be proud to tell your mother about. #a&e fun
al'ays but temper it 'ith common sense and prudence.
$ind mentors to model 'ho 'ill (uide you in your pro(ress. The mista!es of the 'orld
ha&e all been made once before - 'hy shouldn:t you ha&e the benefit of the e*perience
of others3 $ind someone 'ho has both coura(e and consideration for others, someone
'ho is therefore mature. @our mentor must ha&e only your best interests in mind and
should be sufficiently senior to offer you (ood (uidance on the sub.ects you see!
assistance 'ith. 2&eryone needs to feel appreciated and e&en the busiest of e*ecuti&es
'ill find time to assist a person 'ho respects them and &alues their ad&ice.
Ma!e a list of all your 'ea!nesses. A truly confident and enli(htened person 'ill note a
'ea!ness and see! to methodically impro&e. Bear in mind that e&en the (reatest and
most po'erful people ha&e 'ea!nesses. Some are better than others in hidin( them.
8n the other hand, (et to !no' your best -ualities and culti&ate them.
<e&er complain. Be !no'n as a positi&e, stron(, ener(etic and enthusiastic person.
Someone 'ho complains, is cynical and al'ays loo!s for the ne(ati&e in e&erythin(,
'ill scare people a'ay and rarely 'ill succeed at anythin(. $rom a purely
psycholo(ical &ie'point, thin(s are al'ays created t'ice9 once in the mind and then in
reality. $ocus on the positi&e. Be so mentally tou(h that nothin( ta!es you off your
planned course to success. Hisuali0e and firmly belie&e in 'hat you 'ant. ;t 'ill most
certainly come true.
8&erloo! the 'ea!nesses of your friends. ;f you loo! for fla's you 'ill most surely find
them. Be mature enou(h to i(nore the petty failin(s of others and see the (ood that
each one inherently possesses. "e can learn from e&eryone. 2&eryone has a story to
tell, a .o!e to share and a lesson to learn. 8pen your mind to this and you 'ill learn a
tremendous amount. $riends are so &ery important to a happy e*istence - especially
those 'ho ha&e shared many e*periences and lau(hs 'ith you. "or! hard to ma!e
friendships, and all your relationships for that matter, stron(er and richer. Fall your
friends, buy them small (ifts of boo!s or other items you belie&e they mi(ht en.oy.
The la' of the farm applies to relationships as 'ell as to the rest of life - you reap
'hat you so' and to ha&e (reat friends you must first be one.
Be !ind, considerate and courteous. But also be shre'd and !no' 'hen to be tou(h and
coura(eous. This is the mar! of a 'ell-defined character and you 'ill surely
command respect. ;t is most useful to read boo!s on friendliness and enhancin(
relationships by bein( a (ood listener, sho'in( others sincere appreciation and
refinin( other interpersonal s!ills. But, to truly succeed, one must also reco(ni0e that
'orldly 'isdom and shre'dness are essential s!ills to foster. Become an e*pert in
human psycholo(y and be able to read the essence of people. <e&er be ta!en
ad&anta(e of and be a'are of the politics around you. Stay abo&e petty (ossipin( and
office politics but appreciate that they indeed e*ist and !no' 'hat (oes on behind
your bac!. 2&ery (reat leader does.
Freate your ima(e as a hi(hly competent, stron(, disciplined, calm and decent
indi&idual. $ind that crucial balance bet'een 'or!in( on the ima(e that you pro.ect
to the rest of the 'orld and your inner character. Freate a sense of mystery about
yourself as the truly 'ise ne&er sho' their hand. 1o not tell e&eryone e&erythin(
about yourself, your strate(ies and your aspirations. The successful citi0ens of this
'orld thin! thrice before they spea! because a 'ord uttered can ne&er be retrie&ed.
Ma!e thin(s loo! easy and people 'ill say you are naturally (ifted. Spea! only (ood
thin(s and people 'ill floc! to you. <e&er spea! ill of others and all 'ill !no' you 'ill
not mali(n them behind their bac!s. Build your character and li&e a hi(hly principled
life. $amiliarity breeds contempt is a &ery (ood rule. The stars remain far abo&e the
@ou must !eep a distance from all but your closest of relations. 8nce people see
e&erythin( of a leader he loses his aura and 'ith it the authority and mysti-ue he may
ha&e created. $or e*ample, Ronald Rea(an 'as !no'n to many as an e*cellent leader.
#e carefully culti&ated his ima(e of a fol!sy, considerate politician 'ho !ept the
interests of the 4nited States first and foremost in his mind. At (atherin(s of 'orld
leaders, he commanded attention and respect in his dar! suits, surrounded by the
trappin(s of po'er such as political aides, security officers and a con&oy of
limousines. As soon as he appeared, thou(hts of authority and po'er came to our
minds. 1id you e&er see the President 'ith his shirt off s'immin( at his pool3 #o'
about in his dressin( (o'n after 'a!in( up after one of his lon( sleeps, hair tousled
and beard (ro'n3 Rea(an:s handlers ne&er allo'ed such (limpses because they
detract from the perception of authority. The American nation 'as not e*posed to
these si(hts. ;n the Flinton 2ra thin(s chan(ed and you sa' the President eatin( Bi(
Macs and 'earin( baseball caps 'ith a full business suit. "hilst these scenes may be
endearin( to the public, there is little doubt that President Flinton 'as more familiar
to us, merely another one of us and, unli!e the stars abo&e, much closer to the (round.
=earn to or(ani0e your time. ;t is incorrect to say that by becomin( a meticulous time
mana(er and li&in( by a carefully defined schedule you become ri(id and
nonspontaneous. Rather, proper or(ani0ation allo's one to accomplish those (oals
'hich are truly important as 'ell as en.oy leisure time. 5ood time mana(ement offers
more time for fun and rela*ation - not less. These important periods are scheduled
into the 'ee! .ust li!e other commitments 'hich may appear more pressin(.
<either are sacrificed. Also, discipline yourself and stop 'astin( time on all those
immediate and pressin( but unimportant tas!s (i.e., the rin(in( phones% and
concentrate on the acti&ities that are truly meanin(ful to your life:s mission. Such
acti&ities include time for self-rene'al and reflection, time for(in( relationships built
on trust and mutual respect, time for physical fitness, time to read and thin! deeply
and time ser&in( others in your community. 6eep 'ell-informed about current
e&ents, the latest boo!s and popular trends.
Many pea! performers read fi&e or si* papers a day. @ou don:t ha&e to read e&ery story
of e&ery paper. 6no' 'hat to focus on, 'hat to pass by and 'hat to clip out and read
at another time (many successful people scan scores of ma(a0ines and papers,
clippin( out articles of interest7 these articles (o into a file folder 'hich can be read in
your do'n time%. 6no'led(e is po'er. "hether you are an entrepreneur, a corporate
leader or someone leadin( a family, you can profoundly chan(e your life and the li&es
of those around you 'ith a sin(le idea. Iust as! 5ates, 2dison and Bell. "hen
choosin( your life partner, remember that this is the most important decision of your
lifetime. The marria(e relationship offers K0D of all your support, happiness and
fulfillment so choose it 'isely. Fonsider -ualities such as affection, sense of humor,
intelli(ence, inte(rity, maturity, temperament, compatibility and that indescribable
characteristic of chemistry. ;f these are present, your relationship stands an e*cellent
chance of (reat success. Mo&e slo'ly and let no one press you into an uncomfortable
<e&er discuss your personal de&elopment acti&ities 'ith anyone. @our strate(ies for
e*pandin( your mind and spirit are your o'n. 8thers mi(ht not understand the &alue
of personal-mastery and, further, 'ill ta!e a'ay your credit 'hen you meet 'ith
success by sayin( that you relied on techni-ues. 6eep these self-de&elopment acti&ities
to yourself. Schedule rela*ation time into your 'ee! and be ruthless in protectin( it.
@ou 'ould not schedule another acti&ity into the time planned for an important
meetin( 'ith the president of your company or your best client so 'hy 'ould you put
off a period to in&est in yourself3 "e must ha&e time for oursel&es to reflect, un'ind
and rechar(e our batteries. These are the rene'al acti&ities that allo' us to maintain
pea! performance and are e*ceptionally &aluable periods. E/D of our sensory input
comes from our eyes. To truly concentrate on somethin(, shut your eyes and you 'ill
remo&e much distraction.
Be the master of your 'ill but the ser&ant of your conscience.
1e&elop the 'onderful habit of a daily s'im. ;t 'ill promote e*cellent health, !eep you
rela*ed and concentrated, lean and trim. S'immin( is not stressful on the body,
pro&ides a (reat 'or!out for the lun(s and re-uires little time to do effecti&ely.
Remember that in a fit body resides a fit mind.
People 'ho are doin( (ood today are ensurin( their happiness for tomorro'.
The !ey to successful time mana(ement is doin( 'hat you planned to do 'hen you
planned to do it. 6eep your mind fully on the tas! at hand. 8nly then 'ill you achie&e
all your (oals and ha&e time for the thin(s that matter most. Althou(h it is imperati&e
to be fle*ible (a bo' too ti(htly strun( 'ill soon brea!%, follo'in( your planned
schedule re-uires no more than simple discipline.
An e*cellent &isuali0ation techni-ue9 if you are 'orryin( about somethin(, picture the
'ords of your 'orry on a piece of paper. <o' i(nite a match to the paper and 'atch
the 'orry dissipate into flames. Bruce =ee, the (reat martial arts master employed
this mental control de&ice re(ularly.
Fompartmentali0e your 'orry. Set aside a certain amount of time to ponder o&er a
problem and map out an effecti&e plan of attac! and your options. 8nce this is done,
ha&e the mental fortitude not to come bac! to the problem and (o o&er it a(ain and
The human mind is a stran(e creature - thin(s 'e 'ant to for(et !eep comin( bac! and
those thin(s 'e 'ant to remember are not there 'hen 'e 'ant them. But the mind is
similar to a muscle and the more you fle* it the stron(er it 'ill become. Ma!e it your
ser&ant. $eed it only the best nutrition and information. ;t 'ill ser&e you 'ell and
perform ma(ic if you belie&e in it.
Pea! performers are physically rela*ed and mentally en(a(ed.
To be at your performance pea! mentally, your body must be loose physically and
rela*ed. ;t is no' beyond dispute that there is a mind-body connection and 'hen the
body is supple, free from tension, the mind is clear, calm and focused as 'ell. This is
'hy yo(a is such a beneficial acti&ity. ;t !eeps the body rela*ed so that the mind can
follo'. Basic stretchin( for +? minutes a day is also an e*cellent 'ay to release tension
that builds up as a result of our life in this hi(hly comple* and fast mo&in(, but
'onderful 'orld. Try ha&in( a massa(e or po'er loun(in( in a Iacu00i. Rela* the
body and you rela* the mind.
Prepare a detailed financial plan for the ne*t fe' years and follo' it. See! out financial
ad&ice if you need it. A po'erful strate(y for financial mastery is also a simple one9
sa&e +0D of all you ma!e for lon(-term (ro'th (ta!e this off the pay che-ue before
you ha&e a chance to spend it%. ;f you can in&est L200 a month for the ne*t /0 years at
an annual return rate of +?D, you 'ill end up 'ith L+.> million dollars. Bein( 'ise
'ith your money is one of the &ery best in&estments to ma!e. $inancial security leads
to personal freedom.
Readers are leaders. 4.S. President Bill Flinton read more than /00 boo!s durin( his
short time at 8*ford 4ni&ersity. Some top performers read a boo! a day. See! out
!no'led(e and information. "e ha&e truly entered the a(e of massi&e information
and those 'ho are proacti&e can use this to their ad&anta(e. The more you !no', the
less you fear.
5et into the e*cellent habit of readin( somethin( positi&e and inspirational before you
(o to bed and as soon as you a'a!e in the mornin(. @ou 'ill soon note the benefits as
these thou(hts 'ill be supportin( you throu(hout the day.
Ma!e it one of your (oals to de&elop a dynamic, charismatic personality. Such a -uality
is somethin( each one of us has the potential to de&elop but fe' do. President
6ennedy 'as a sic!ly youth but rose abo&e his physical problems to be the most
charismatic and e*citin( political fi(ure in the history of the 4nited States. Start off
small. Ta!e a 1ale Farne(ie course on public spea!in(. 5o to the library 'here you
'ill find boo!s on the fine art of con&ersation and personal (roomin(. =earn three
clean and 'itty .o!es and (et in the habit of sociali0in(. @ou 'ill ha&e fun and build a
lastin( net'or! of friends and associates.
8n the sub.ect of con&ersation, a Fhinese pro&erb states as follo's9 a sin(le
con&ersation across the table 'ith a 'ise man is 'orth a month:s study of boo!s.
See! out the 'ise and learn from them. They are .ust 'aitin( for that small spar! of
interest to tell you all that you need to !no'.
=ao-T0u pri0ed three essential -ualities for a person of (reatness9 the first is
(entleness7 the second is fru(ality7 the third is humility, 'hich !eeps me from puttin(
myself before others. Be (entle and you can be bold7 be fru(al and you can be liberal7
a&oid puttin( yourself before others and you can become a leader amon( men.
"hen you cannot ma!e up your mind 'hich of t'o e&enly balanced courses of action
you should ta!e - choose the bolder, said ". I. Slim. There is no substitute for
coura(e and thou(h the chance of stubbin( your toe increases the more you 'al!, it is
al'ays better than (oin( no'here by standin( still. Ta!e chances, ta!e smart ris!s
and you 'ill meet 'ith success beyond your dreams.
Become your spouse:s number one supporter, the one 'ho is al'ays there supportin(
and fuelin( hopes and dreams. 1e&elop to(ether and march confidently throu(h the
'orld as an army of t'o.
Thin! of three people 'ho can pro&ide you 'ith inspiration, moti&ation and support for
your (oals and aspirations. Plan to meet 'ith each one of them o&er the ne*t fe'
'ee!s. =isten enthusiastically to them and brainstorm 'ith them. Map out a strate(y
and ta!e their 'ise counsel.
Ma!e e&ery one of your days a true masterpiece. Remember the old sayin(9 it:s not
'ho you thin! you are that holds you bac! but 'hat you thin! you:re not.
Iust as &aluable ener(y is 'asted by spendin( time on acti&ities that are of no &alue,
ener(y can be 'asted on loose thin!in(. ;ma(ine that your mind has an ener(y
measure of +000 'atts at its disposal. 2ach time your mind 'anders off the pro.ect at
hand, to a na((in( 'orry, to all the thin(s to do by the end of the day, +00 'atts is
lost. Muite soon the entire ener(y supply is (one.
This is the nature of the mind. $ail to discipline it and your ener(y le&els 'ill be
depleted and your accomplishments 'ill be minimal. Fontrol it and you 'ill see (reat
thin(s happenin(. @ou 'ill feel more po'erful and achie&e difficult tas!s 'ith ease.
The +Kth century philosopher #enri $rederic Amiel summed it up nicely9 for
purposes of action, nothin( is more useful than narro'ness of thou(ht combined 'ith
ener(y of 'ill.
;t has been ri(htly said that you so' an action, you reap a habit. @ou so' a habit, you
reap a character. @ou so' a character, you reap a destiny. The essence of a person is
his character - ma!e yours uni-ue, unblemished and stron(. 1o not say you 'ill do
anythin( unless you 'ill indeed do it. Spea! the truth and measure your 'ords 'isely.
Be humble, strai(htfor'ard and peaceful.
Remember the o&erridin( la' of nature9 positi&e o&ercomes the ne(ati&e.
A contented mind is a continual feast. 5reed and material desires must be curbed to
achie&e lastin( happiness and serenity. Be happy 'ith 'hat you ha&e. 1o you really
need all of those material possessions3 8ne can de&elop contentment .ust as one
de&elops patience, coura(e and concentration - 'ith daily practice and sincere desire.
Ma!e a ne' friend or ac-uaintance e&ery day. 6eep an updated list of all contacts close
at hand. Rich relationships are the 1<A of a rich, re'ardin( life.
Remember this ancient ;ndian pro&erb9 if you con-uer your mind, you con-uer the
'orld. Place (reater importance on stayin( happy than amassin( material
possessions. A 0est for life is de&eloped and carefully nurtured throu(h thou(htful
acti&ities and pursuits.
Fontrary to popular opinion, stress is not a bad thin(. ;t allo's us to perform at pea!
le&els and can assist us throu(h the flood of chemicals it releases 'ithin our bodies.
"hat is harmful is too much stress, or more particularly, a lac! of relief
Extract of Mr. Narayana Murthy's Speech during Mentor Session :
I know people who work ,: hours a day, si/ days a week, or more. 'ome
people do so because of a work emergency where the long hours are only
temporary. 8ther people I know have put in these hours for years. I don2t
know if they are working all these hours, but I do know they are in the
office this long. 8thers put in long office hours because they are
addicted to the workplace.
#hatever the reason for putting in overtime, working long hours over the
long term is harmful to the person and to the organi7ation. $here are
things managers can do to change this for everyone2s benefit. "eing in the
office long hours, over long periods of time, makes way for potential
errors. 5y colleagues who are in the office long hours freuently make
mistakes caused by fatigue. Correcting these mistakes reuires their time
as well as the time and energy of others. I have seen people work $uesday
through )riday to correct mistakes made after ; 05 on 5onday. Another
problem is that people who are in the office long hours are not pleasant as
company. $hey often complain about other people <who aren2t working as
hard=% they are irritable, or cranky, or even angry. 8ther people avoid
them. 'uch behaviour poses problems, where work goes much better when
people work together instead of avoiding one another.
As 5anagers, there are things we can do to help people leave the office.
)irst and foremost is to set the e/ample and go home ourselves. I work with
a manager who chides people for working long hours. .is words uickly lose
their meaning when he sends these chiding group e!mails with a time!stamp
of : A5, 'unday. 'econd is to encourage people to put some balance in their
lives. )or instance, here is a guideline I find helpful:
1) Wake up eat a good !reakfast and go to "ork.
#) Work hard and s$art for eight or nine hours.
%) &o ho$e.
') (ead the !ooks)co$ics "atch a funny $o*ie dig in the dirt p+ay
"ith your kids etc.
,) Eat "e++ and s+eep "e++.
$his is called recreating. &oing steps ,, +, >, and ; enable step :.
#orking regular hours and recreating daily are simple concepts. $hey are
hard for some of us because that reuires 2personal change2. $hey are
possible since we all have the power to choose to do them.
In considering the issue of overtime, I am reminded of my oldest son. #hen
he was a toddler, if people were visiting the apartment, he would not fall
asleep no matter how long the visit, and no matter what time of day it
was. .e would fight off sleep until the visitors left. It was as if he
was afraid that he would miss something. 8nce our
visitors2 left, he would go to sleep. "y this time, however, he was over
tired and would scream through half the night with nightmares. .e, my
wife, and I, all paid the price for his fear of missing out.
0erhaps some people put in such long hours because they don2t want to miss
anything when they leave the office. $he trouble with this is that events
will never stop happening. $hat is life ?? $hings happen :> hours a day.
Allowing for little rest is not ultimately practical. 'o, take a nap.
$hings will happen while you are asleep, but you will have the energy to
catch up when you wake. .ence...
@L89* 48AR 38", "A$ (*9*R )ALL I( L89* #I$. 48AR C850A(4 "*CAA'* 48A (*9*R
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!! (arayana 5urthy
Honest Answers to Interview Questions
1.Why did you apply for this job?
I have applied for many jobs along with this and you called me now.
2. Why do you want to wor for this company?
I have to wor for some company who ever gives me a job! I don"t have any specific
company in mind.
3. Why should I hire you?
#ou have to hire some one! you may give me a try.
4.What would you do if this happened?
Well! it depends my mindset and mood at that situation...
5.What is your biggest strength?
$asically! daring to join any company who pays me well! without thining of the fate of
6.What is your biggest weaness?
7.What was your worst mistae! and how did you learn from it?
&oining my earlier company and learnt that I need to jump to get more money! so I am
here today
8.What accomplishments in your last position are you most proud of?
Had I accomplished any in my last position! why do I need to change my job? I could
demand more and stay there.
9.'escribe a challenge you faced and how you overcame it?
$iggest challenge is answering the (uestion )why are you looing for a change) and I
started blabbering irrelevantly to overcome that.
10.Why did you leave* are you leaving your last job?
+or the same reason why you left your earlier job
11.What do you want from this job?
If no wor is given but eep giving good hies
12.What are your career goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
,ae more money and for that eep jumping companies for every - yrs
13.'id you hear of our company and what do you now of us?
#eah! I now that you will as this! I"ve gone through your website
14.What is the salary e.pected and how do justify that?
Well! no one will change job for the same salary! hence! give me -/0 e.tra than what I
am getting and that is unpublished industry standard
1I now you will bargain on what ever I as! hence! I have already hied my current
salary by 2/03
-anyak untung ka+au kena+ +e+aki o+eh .(. /M 01A/

Jika suami anda menyendiri dan menjauhkan diri, ketahuilah dia dalam keadaan tertekan. Boleh
jadi ada tekanan di tempat kerjanya, boleh jadi oleh kereta yang dimilikinya, atau boleh jadi
beberapa kerenah anda yang menjadi menyebabnya.
Apabila lelaki menyendiri, kita boleh simpulkan dia sedang tertekan, berbeza dengan anda, dalam
keadaan tertekanlah segala rahsia akan diceritakan. Anda melakukan begitu untuk meraih simpati.
Meskipun begitu, usahlah risau, ia sekejap saja. Emosi pada orang lelaki umpama getah, sekejap
saja telah kembali ke bentuk asal walaupun tadinya terhenyak pipih. Berbeza dengan anda bukan?
atkala anda tertekan, emosi anda umpama ombak. !mbak memang tidak pernah reda, kalau reda
pun mengambil masa yang lama.
Apabila lelaki suka menyendiri dan berdiam diri, biasanya disebabkan imejnya yang tergugat.
Biarkan sahaja untuk tempoh"tempoh tertentu. #sah $gatal"gatal$ sangat memujuk. %adang"kadang
lelaki hanya perlukan $tempoh bertenang$ sebelum mengambil langkah seterusnya. Anda kelam"
kabut, maka itu anda mudah marah, cemburu dan merajuk apabila berdepan dalam situasi begini.
!hhh, itu silap.
&elaki selalunya dapat menyesuaikan diri apabila menghadapi kesukaran, berbeza wanita biasanya
cukup risau dalam keadaan demikian. 'an usah risau sangat kalau lelaki anda cuba berjauhan dari
anda dalam keadaan"keadaan demikian sebab semula jadinya lelaki terasa selesa berjauhan dengan
keluarga. (ni tentu berbeza sekali dengan anda, yang suka dan berasa tenang bersama keluarga?
Mengapa lelaki begitu? (tulah bukti kekuasaan A&&A). '(A menjadikan perbezaan yang ketara
antara lelaki dengan wanita, agar apabila disatukan, terjalinlah satu bentuk kekuatan lantaran
saling sempurna menyempurnakan " lengkap melengkapi. *emua kekurangan isteri akan dipenuhi
oleh suami dan semua kekurangan suami akan dipenuhi pula oleh isteri.
&ihat perbezaan sebagai sebab untuk sempurna menyempurnakan bukan jurang kedegilan untuk
tidak mahu memahami.
&elaki itu cara +ikirnya makro, iaitu dia melihat secara keseluruhan, sedangkan anda para wanita
mempunyai penilaian bersi+at mikro iaitu melihat sesuatu secara terperinci. Maka itu, usah hairan,
terkadang suami selamba dengan masalah yang anda rasakan cukup berat. Anda telah kering air
mata sedangkan dia masih belum menitis walau sebutir pun air mata.
Jika berlaku pertengkaran selalunya dia akan melawan habis"habisan dan anda pula mengalah dan
pura"pura setuju demi perhubungan. #sah terasa teruk sangat dengan keadaan ini, lelaki memang
begitu, sentiasa mahu menang dan mahu sentiasa dilihat menang walaupun hatinya mengakui
kesilapannya dan mahu berubah mengikut apa yang anda perkatakan.
,alaupun anda tahu anda benar dan anda tidak pernah berbuat salah, akhirilah semua
pertengkaran dan perselisihan dengan anda yang meminta maa+. Anda mahukan dia yang meminta
maa+? #sah harap. &elaki memang berat untuk meminta maa+ terutama daripada pasangannya. (kut
kajian, wanita lebih mudah meminta maa+ dalam keadaan apa jua dan atas hal apa jua, maka
gunakan kelebihan ini untuk lebih mudah meminta maa+ walaupun tidak bersalah.
*atu lagi yang anda patut tahu tentang lelaki ialah mereka memang suka memberi arahan bagaikan
ketua yang mempunyai kuasa. #sah dilawan, tapi layanlah hati sendiri dengan berleter hingga anda
sendiri berasa puas. api awas, jangan sampai berleter di hadapannya, itu boleh memburukkan
%ata orang, wanita sinonim dengan leteran. %alau tak pandai berleter bukan wanita namanya. -a,
teruskan saja berleter, hamburkan semua yang menekan kepala. .uma mohon berleter di dalam
bilik yang tertutup, sebab kucing pun pening dengan leteran anda.
&elaki memang rimas dengan leteran dan cepat naik darah apabila asyik dileteri. &ihatlah betapa
berbezanya anda dengan suami. idakkah anda setuju jika saya katakan, adalah amat beruntung
jika anda tahu lebih banyak tentang lelaki?
Kecantikan Lelaki
%ecantikan seorang lelaki bukan kepada rupa +izikal tetapi pada murni rohani. &elaki yang
01 &elaki yang mampu mengalirkan airmata untuk ingatan
21 &elaki yang sedia menerima segala teguran
31 &elaki yang memberi madu, setelah menerima racun
41 &elaki yang tenang dan lapang dada
51 &elaki yang baik sangka
61 &elaki yang tak pernah putus asa
%ecantikan lelaki berdiri di atas kemuliaan hati. *eluruh kecantikan yang ada pada 7abi Muhammad
adalah kecantikan yang sempurna seorang lelaki.
Kegagahan Wanita
%egagahan seorang wanita bukan kepada pejal otot badan, tetapi pada %ekuatan perasaan.
8erempuan yang gagah,adalah/"
01 8erempuan yang tahan menerima sebuah kehilangan
21 8erempuan yang tidak takut pada kemiskinan
31 8erempuan yang tabah menanggung kerinduan setelah ditinggalkan
41 8erempuan yang tidak meminta"minta agar dipenuhi segala keinginan.
%egagahan perempuan berdiri di atas teguh iman. *eluruh kegagahan yang ada pada %hadijah
adalah kegagahan sempurna bagi seorang perempuan.
4/ Hadiah 5tama!yang sering dilupai ut org tersayang.....

Ini ialah senarai 4/ hadiah yang paling senang dan sesuai diberian epada
sesiapa sahaja yang ita asihi 6 ibu! bapa! suami! isteri! saudara7mara! ana
dan sebagainya. 8ontoh di bawah ini lebih menjurus epada hubungan lelai7
wanita! sila ubahsuai jia ditujuan epada orang lain. 9ilihlah satu atau pun
4. Hadiah Mendengar: $erian hadiah ini epada yang memerluan! dan amu
hendalah benar7benar mendengar apa yang diataan. &angan mencelah!
jangan berangan7angan dan jangan merancang bagaimana amu henda
-. Hadiah Tanda Kasih: &angan edeut memberian peluan! ciuman dan
ramasan tangan. $iaran tanda7tanda ecil ini tunjuan asih dan sayang yang
ada di dalam diri amu.
2. Hadiah Sehelai Nota: Ia mungin ringas seperti );ayang Awa) atau
sesuatu yang reatif seperti sebuah puisi. <etaan nota7nota ini di tempat yang
tida disanga oleh orang yang diasihi.
=. Hadiah Ketawa: $erian sesuatu yang melucuan seperti gambar artun
atau artiel. ,esejnya ialah! );aya sua etawa bersama awa.)
>. Hadiah !"i#!"ian: ;esuatu yang simple seperti )Warna biru memang
ngam dengan awa) atau );edap masaan awa) mempunyai nilai yang tinggi
epada orang yang dipuji
?. Hadiah $ant!an: @olong basuh pinggan mangu! buang sampah! jaga
ana! dll.
A. Hadiah $ersendirian: Ada etia ita hanya mahu bersendiri. 9ea epada
saat7saat itu dan berilah masa dan ruang untu dia bersendiri.
B. Hadiah Ke%eriaan: 8uba sedaya upaya supaya ita sentiasa ceria apabila
bersama orang7orang yang diasihi.
C. Hadiah &iadah: ;ertai sesuatu suan*ativiti yang disuai oleh orang yang
diasihi. Dalah pun ta apa! amu masih menang.
4/. Hadiah 'oa: ;elalu berdoa untu esejahteraan orang7orang yang diasihi
dan beritahu merea yang merea setiasa berada di dalam doa ita.
Body =an(ua(e
Tips 1urin( Iob ;nter&ie's
ost!res and body movements are unconscious forms of e.pressions and
therefore they have a language of their own. We are unware of our
gestures and body movements most of the time! but other people can
notice our gestures and movements if they pay attention to and now
what they mean.
An important thing to be noted here is that body language applies not
only to the interviewer but also to the interviewee. Also! note that these
gestures may happen throughout the conversation or a discussion and
they change as the conversation progresses.
@he objective of paying attention to nonverbal communication is to help
you change the direction of the conversation. If the person is showing
negative gestures! then you need to change the topic by asing a new
(uestion or taling about something else. In this issue of the 8areer
Headlines! we provide you a comprehensive list of probable body
gestures! which you can watch out for during a course of a job interview.
01. 8rossed arms 7 means that the person is in a defensive and reserved
02. 8rossed arms and legs 7 means that the person feels very reserved
and suspicious.
03. Epen arms and hands 7 means that the person is open and
04. ;tanding before you with hands inside the pocets 7 means he is not
sure or feels suspicious.
05. ;tanding before you with hands on hips 7 means he is receptive and
ready to help you out.
06. ;itting in a chair shaing one of the legs 7 means he feels nervous
07. If the eyes are downcast and face turned away 7 means he is not
interested in what you are saying.
08. With the palm of the hand holding or supporting chin 7 means he is
in an evaluating position and being critical.
09. <eaning bac in chair with both hands clasped behind head 7 means
he is in an analytical mood! but it is also a gesture of superiority.
10. Fubbing or touching nose when asing a (uestion 7 means he is not
telling the complete truth.
11. Fubbing or touching nose when answering a (uestion 7 means he is
not telling the complete truth.
12. Fubbing the bac of head or rubbing or touching the bac of
nec 7 means the conversation is not really interesting.
13. If he moves his body and sits with his feet and body pointing towards
a door 7 means he wants to end the conservation and leave the room.
(ast but not the least do not underestimate the importance of your
posture and subtle movements. Gven if you are nervous try not to show
it. 'on"t play with your jewellery! watch! clothes! bag! twirl your hair or
cross your arms! and try to maintain an eye contact with the interviewer.
If staring straight into recruiter"s eye maes you feel uncomfortable or
uneasy! try to loo at the portion between the eyes instead7 it loos lie
you"re still maing an eye contact! but might be less distracting. All the
BOY : May I hold your hand?
GIRL : No han!"# $ $"n% h&a'y(
GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me!
BOY : You love me...
GIRL : I) *& +&,o-& &n.a.&d *$ll you .$'& -& a
BOY : Sur&# *ha%" your /hon& nu-+&r??
GIRL : I h$n! h& /oor&" /&o/l& ar& h& ha//$&"(
BOY : Th&n -arry -& and *&%ll +& h& ha//$&"
GIRL : Darl$n.# I *an o dan,& l$!& h$" )or&'&r(
BOY : Don% you &'&r *an o $-/ro'&??
BOY : I lo'& you and I ,ould d$& )or you0
GIRL : Ho* "oon??
BOY : I would go to the end of the world for you!
GIRL : Y&"# +u *ould you "ay h&r&??
SHARON : Ha'& you &'&r h ad a ho /a""$ona&#
+urn$n. !$""??
TRA1Y : I d$d on,&( H&%d )or.o&n o a!& h&
,$.ar&& ou o) h$" -ouh(
MAN : You r&-$nd -& o) h& "&a(
WOMAN : B&,au"& I%- *$ld# ro-an$, and &2,$$n.?
MAN : NO# +&,au"& you -a!& -& "$,!(
WI3E : You &ll a -an "o-&h$n.# $ .o&" $n on& &ar
and ,o-&" ou o) h& oh&r(
HUSBAND : You &ll a *o-an "o-&h$n.: I .o&" $n
+oh &ar" and ,o-&" ou o) h& -ouh(
MARY : 4ohn "ay" I%- /r&y( Andy "ay" I%- do u h$n!#
PETER : A +$ o) +oh( I h$n! you%r& /r&y
56 G$rl)r$&nd : 7(((And ar& you "ur& you lo'& -& and no
on& &l"& ?7
Boy)r$&nd : 7D&ad Sur&0 I ,h&,!&d h& *hol& l$"
a.a$n y&"&rday7(
86 T&a,h&r : 7Wh$,h $" -or& $-/oran o u"# h& "un
or h& -oon?7
Pu/$l : 7Th& -oon7(
T&a,h&r : 7Why?7
Pu/$l : 7Th& -oon .$'&" u" l$.h a n$.h *h&n *& n&&d
$ +u h& "un .$'&" u" l$.h only $n h& day $-&
*h&n *& don% n&&d $7(
96 T&a,h&r : 7Wha do you ,all a /&r"on *ho !&&/" on
al!$n. *h&n /&o/l& ar& no lon.&r $n&r&"&d?7
Pu/$l : 7A &a,h&r7(
:6 Wa$&r : 7Would you l$!& your ,o))&& +la,!?7
1u"o-&r : 7Wha oh&r ,olor" do you ha'&?7
;6 My )ah&r $" "o old ha *h&n h& *a" $n ",hool#
h$"ory *a" ,all&d ,urr&n a))a$r"(
<6 T&a,h&r : 7Sa-# you al! a lo 07
Sa- : 7I%" a )a-$ly rad$$on7(
T&a,h&r : 7Wha do you -&an?7
Sa- : 7S$r# -y .rand/a *a" a "r&& ha*!&r# -y
)ah&r $" a &a,h&r7(
T&a,h&r : 7Wha a+ou your -oh&r?7
Sa- : 7Sh&%" a *o-an7(
=6 To- : 7Ho* "hould I ,on'&y h& n&*" o -y )ah&r
ha I%'& )a$l&d?7
Da'$d: 7You >u" "&nd a &l&.ra-: R&"ul d&,lar&d#
/a" y&ar%" /&r)or-an,& r&/& a&d7(
?6 T&a,h&r : 7No*# ,h$ldr&n# $) I "a* a -an +&a$n. a
don!&y and "o//&d h$-# *ha '$ru& *ould I +&
Sud&n : 7Broh&rly lo'&7(
@6 T&a,h&r : 7No*# Sa-# &ll -& )ran!ly do you "ay
/ray&r" +&)or& &a$n.?7
Sa- : 7No "$r# I don% ha'& o# -y -o- $" a .ood
5A6 Pa$&n : 7Wha ar& h& ,han,&" o) -y r&,o'&r$n.
Do,or : 7On& hundr&d /&r,&n( M&d$,al r&,ord"
"ho* ha n$n& ou o) &n /&o/l& d$& o) h& d$"&a"&
you ha'&( Your" $" h& &nh ,a"& I%'& r&a&d( Th&
oh&r" all d$&d7(
556 T&a,h&r : 7 1an any+ody .$'& an &2a-/l& o)
On& Sud&n : 7S$r# -y Moh&r and 3ah&r .o
-arr$&d on h& "a-& day and a h& "a-& $-&(7
586 T&a,h&r : 7 G&or.& Wa"h$n.on no only ,ho//&d
do*n h$" )ah&r%" 1h&rry r&&# +u al"o ad-$&d
do$n. $(
No* do you !no* *hy h$" )ah&r d$dn% /un$"h h$- ?7
On& Sud&n: 7 B&,au"& G&or.& "$ll had h& a2& $n $"
Tiga tanda orang berhasad dengki
LUQMAN Al-Hakim ada memberi nasihat panjang Luqman anaknya yang
diriwayatkan oleh Al-Muharbi daripada !u"yan Ats-Thaury# Antara
kata-kata hikmahnya adalah $-
%Hai anakku& 'anganlah engkau letakkan kebaikanmu itu ke(uali di
sisi penjaganya# Hal ini seperti tidak ada persahabatan antara
kambing biri-biri dan serigala# )egitu jugalah tidak ada
persahabatan antara orang yang baik dan yang jahat#
%Hai anakku& 'adilah engkau hamba kepada orang yang baik dan
janganlah engkau jadi sahabat kepada orang yang jahat#
%Hai anakku& 'adilah engkau orang kaya nes(aya engkau menjadi
yang diper(ayai#
%Hai anakku& 'anganlah engkau meminta sesuatu perkara itu dari
belakang dan janganlah engkau menolaknya dari depan# Hal ini kerana
yang demikian itu akan memperlekehkan pandangan dan men(ela akal
%Hai anakku& !ekiranya engkau beradab walaupun sedikit engkau
peroleh "aedah yang banyak#
%Hai anakku& Lakukanlah kebaikan itu untuk ahlinya dan janganlah
engkau meletakkannya pada yang bukan ahlinya nes(aya engkau akan
rugi di dunia ini dan mengharamkan pahalanya di akhirat kelak#
%'adilah engkau orang yang bersederhana dan janganlah boros# 'uga
janganlah engkau memegang harta dengan kedekut dan janganlah
memberinya dengan boros#
%Hai anakku& La*imilah dirimu dengan hikmah nes(aya engkau akan
memuliakan dengannya kerana tuan bagi akhlak hikmah adalah agama
Luqman berkata lagi$ %Hai anakku& Ada tiga tanda bagi orang yang
berhasad dengki itu# +ia akan mengumpat sahabatnya apabila dia
tiada akan memujuk apabila dia melihat dan akan bergembira dengan
musibah yang menimpa sahabatnya#%
)eliau juga berpesan$ %Hai anakku& )arang siapa yang memikul
yang dia tidak terdaya akan menjadi lemah dan barang siapa yang
berasa kagum dengan dirinya sendiri akan binasa# +an barang siapa
yang bersikap takbur serta menyombong diri terhadap manusia akan
menjadi hina#%
!eterusnya katanya$ %Hai anakku& 'anganlah engkau bergaul dengan
orang yang bodoh# ,alaupun dia memiliki rupa yang indah namun dia
seperti pedang baik pemandangannya tetapi amat buruk kesannya#
%Hai anakku& )erwaspadalah engkau dari sahabat yang jahat kerana
sesungguhnya dia umpama pedang yang dihunuskan -dari sarungnya.#
/emandangannya mengagumanmu sedangkan kesannya amatlah buruk#%
+alam kitab )ahjatul Majalis Luqman berkata kepada anaknya$
%Hai anakku& Merendah dirilah engkau dengan kebenaran nes(aya
engkau menjadi manusia yang paling berakal#
%Hai anakku& )arang siapa yang terlalai dalam permusuhan dia
dimusuhi dan barang siapa yang melampau dalamnya dia telah berdosa#
Maka berkatalah dengan yang hak walaupun ia terkena dirimu dan
janganlah engkau peduli orang yang marah#
%Hai anakku& 'anganlah engkau bertengkar dengan orang yang
serta janganlah engkau bermujadalah dengan orang yang gagap# 'uga
janganlah engkau bergaul dengan orang yang *alim serta janganlah
engkau bersahabat dengan orang yang tertuduh#
LUQMAN Al-Hakim ialah seorang 0slam yang *uhud dan warak# )eliau hidup
ketika *aman Nabi +aud#
,asiat dan nasihatnya yang mengandungi "alsa"ah tersirat dan tersurat
banyak dijadikan pedoman dan panduan berguna kepada umat manusia#
Luqman pernah berkata kepada anaknya$ %Apabila perutmu penuh dengan
makanan akan matilah "ikiran dan hikmah kebijaksanaanmu#
%!emua anggota badan akan menjadi malas untuk beribadah dan akan hilang
kebersihan hati#%
1atanya lagi $ %0kutlah mereka yang membawa jena*ah dan kurangkan
mengikuti jamuan perkahwinan kerana jena*ah itu dapat mengingatkan kamu
akan kesudahan daripada hidupmu di dunia ini#
%Majlis perkahwinan pula akan membangkitkan na"su berahi dan menjadikan
kamu senang dengan kehidupan dunia#%
Luqman berkata $ %Aku sudah memikul batu yang besar dan aku juga sudah
mengangkat besi yang berat tetapi aku tidak pernah merasakan sesuatu
lebih berat daripada tangan yang buruk perangainya#
%Aku sudah rasa kepahitan tetapi aku belum pernah rasa sesuatu yang
pahit daripada kemiskinan dan kehinaan#
%Aku sudah pernah mengalami penderitaan dan pelbagai kesusahan dan
kepayahan tetapi aku belum pernah mengalami penderitaan yang lebih
dan lebih payah daripada menanggung hutang#%
Nasihat lain Luqman yang berguna untuk pedoman dan hidup kita termasuk
l 1amu hendaklah sentiasa berada dalam majlis ulama dan dengarlah
kata-kata hukama -orang yang bijaksana.# Hal ini kerana Allah
jiwa yang mati dengan hikmat seperti +ia menghidupkan bumi yang mati
dengan hujan yang lebat#
l )erkawan dan hampirilah ulama serta duduk dan *iarahilah rumah mereka
agar kamu akan menjadi seumpama mereka#
!entiasalah bersama-sama mereka dan tumpanglah kebaikan mereka#
1emungkinan besar apabila Allah menurunkan kebaikan kepada mereka kamu
turut merasakan nikmat itu#
l !ekiranya engkau seorang yang soleh jauhilah dirimu daripada orang
buruk budi pekerti dan keras kepala kerana ditakuti apabila diturunkan
bala Allah engkau turut menjadi mangsanya#
l 'anganlah engkau menjadi lemah daripada seekor ayam jantan ia telah
berkokok pada waktu pagi hari sedangkan engkau pada ketika itu masih
terbaring di atas katilmu#
l 'angan sekali-kali engkau menangguhkan taubat kepada Allah kerana
itu akan datang bila-bila masa saja#
l +unia ini bagaikan lautan dalam yang mana sudah ramai
2leh itu jadikanlah takwa sebagai kapalnya dan iman pula sebagai air
menyirami tanaman#
l /ukulan bapa ke atas anaknya bagaikan air yang menyirami tanaman#
l Tiga orang yang tidak dapat dikenali melainkan pada tiga keadaan
3 2rang yang lemah lembut melainkan ketika marah#
3 2rang yang berani melainkan ketika berperang#
3 !audara maramu melainkan ketika engkau berhajat dan memerlukan
pertolongan daripada mereka#
l !esungguhnya dunia ini sedikit saja sedangkan keseluruhan umurmu
sedikit daripada itu# !ementara umurmu yang masih lagi berbaki amat
sedikit daripada yang lebih sedikit tadi#
l Tanda-tanda seorang pendengki itu ada tiga iaitu$
3 Mengumpat kawannya apabila ketiadaan kawan mereka#
3 Memuji-muji kawannya apabila berada bersama mereka#
3 4embira jika kawannya ditimpa bala#
!ubje(t$ 5,$ !yed Mokhtar Al-)ukhary
/etikan kata-kata 6# )hg Tan !ri !yed Mokhtar Al-)ukhary
L7belakang !yed Mokhtar
8 Umur - 9: tahun
8 /endidikan - !/M
8 Mula berniaga - ;< tahun -jual
beli lembu
dan kerbau.
8 1ekayaan -=M;>?9 juta
8 1e @ terkaya di Malaysia
8 1e :? terkaya di Asia Tenggara
8 Antara syarikat miliknya - MMA
Tg# /elepas )B=NA! 4ardenia +=)-H0A2M dan )ank Muammalat
8 1ereta - /roton /erdana
8 !umbangan sosial -6ayasan Al-
institusi pengajian untuk :CCC pelajar Mu*ium 1esenian 0slam
Al-)ukhary menaja kelas tuisyen untuk pelajar Melayu pengindahan
Negara sumbangan =M; juta untuk Tabung Tsunami dan menaja setiap
penghantaran rakyat Malaysia yang tak mampu untuk tunaikan haji#
8 )agaimana sumbangan sosialnya
bermula -
)ila mana ibunya menyuruh memberikan sebahagian elaun -=M@9C#CC.
sebagai pengarah syarikat beras kepada jiran yang susah# !ebahagian
-=M@9C#CC. ibunya simpan# !elain itu ibunya juga menyuruh beliau
menghantar lampu kerosen ke surau-surau untuk menerangi kegiatan
malam bulan =amadhan# +ari situ bermulalah pembentukan peribadi dan
pemikiran !yed Mokhtar yang kita kenali hari ini#
;# Ada sebab kenapa saya bekerja seperti tiada hari esok# Agenda
sosial dan
kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan itulah antara sebabnya# !aya mahu
warisan untuk anak bangsa yang kekal berpanjangan
?# -berkenaan know who. )angsa lain tak mengapa tapi orang Melayu
berdamping dengan orang politik sedikit-sedikit# Tapi masalahnya
kita tidak
mahu melalui kesusahanD banyak yang mahu senang dengan mendampingi
politik semata-mata#
:# Tiada apa-apa rahsia# !aya ini hamba Allah biasa budak dangau
saudara semua juga# Tuhan jadikan manusia ini sama sahaja# /roses
kematangan saya yang membe*akannya# !aya per(aya sesiapa pun boleh
apa sahaja asalkan mereka berusaha dengan tekun# Tetapi tentulah ia
masa# Tiada jalan singkat#
># !aya mengenali kekuatan dan kelemahan saya# Apa yang tidak mampu
saya akan minta orang lain tengok-tengokkan# !aya melalui jalan yang
tapi itulah jalan yang kekal#
9# 1ita perlu menggunakan kepakaran mereka -bangsa Aina. kerana
mereka jauh
lebih maju dan mahir daripada kita# Apa yang kita kurang "aham kita
berkongsi dengan tujuan untuk belajar dengan mereka# Apabila sudah
baru kita boleh menjaga kepentingan kita#
E# !aya sedih melihat sistem sekolah pondok di 1edah# !aya ada (ita-
mahu memodenkan sekolah pondok# 1ita kena maju#
@# !aya terlibat dalam perniagaan ini kerana saya tiada pilihan
F# Untuk memajukan perniagaan memang kena banyak sabar dan kuat
<# Tidak ada jalan singkat# !aya belajar tentang perniagaan ini
sejak ke(il
lagi dan saya juga biasa kena tipu#
;C# !aya pun suka kemewahan# !aya pun suka tengok dunia ke Tokyo
New 6ork
dan London# !aya pun suka pakai baju elok# Tapi kita hendak bermewah
setakat mana hendak pakai baju banyak mana hendak tidur dalam
rumah satu malam hendak makan pun sampai larat mana 3
;;# +alam hidup ini kita sebenarnya tidak ada statusD ada masa di
atas ada
masa di bawah#
;?# 1etika Allah memberika kemewahan kita kena turun ke bawah
mana-mana yang boleh dibantu# Allah beri re*eki melalui kita untuk
tolong orang lain# =e*eki itu bila-bila masa dia boleh ambil balik#
ada orang korporat Melayu yang tidak mahu turun ke bawah mungkin
bayangan duit itu lebih kuat daripada yang lain#
;:# 1orporat Aina turun ke bawah membantu# 2rang Aina ada pelbagai
persatuan# 1ita tidak adaD kalau ada pun berpe(ah# 2rang Melayu kita
mahu bekerjasama kerana perasaan dengki menguasai diri# !udahlah tak
berusaha apabila orang lain berusaha mereka marah
;># =e*eki yang ada itu sebenarnya untuk orang lain# Memang dari
segi hukum
pun begitu# 1ita kena keluar *akat dan "itrah# Tetapi *akat "itrah
mana sangat# 0slam agama yang adilD ia minta sedikit saja# 2leh itu
ada duit yang lebih ia seharusnya dibelanjakan dengan baik#
;9# !aya tak kisah kalau saya tak buat semua ini# !aya boleh tak
apa-apa dan balik ke Alor !tar# Tetapi saya rasa hidup ini sia-sia#
1edah kata kalau mati nanti mata tidak tutup rapat kerana
depan mata kita tidak buat# 2rang lain ambil kekayaan kita ambil
hak kita
dan pergunakan kita kita masih tidak buat apa-apa &
;E# !aya ada emotional atta(hment kepada agama bangsa dan ummah#
bukan indiGidualistik# +iri saya tidak penting# /angkat dan gelaran
kepada saya tidak mustahak#
;@# !aya sedih media tonjolkan saya begini# !aya malu kerana orang
kaya beratus-ratus kali ganda daripada saya# Tapi saya tahu orang
kalau hendak berjaya kena kerja kuat tidak kira siang malam# 1ita
kekuatan yang tuhan beri melebihi daripada bangsa lain# Tetapi untuk
kita perlu berusaha#
;F# !aya asal daripada tidak ada apa-apa# Apa yang saya tidak tahu
belajar minta tolong daripada orang# !aya tidak malu# !aya bukannya
men(uri# !aya usaha sendiri# !ikap pemalas dan pemalu ini yang orang
kena atasi# 1ita kena berani kerana benar# Apabila kita dapat
dan re*eki lebih bolehlah kita menolong orang#
;<# 1aya itu bukanlah kepada diri sendiri# 1aya itu adalah kepada
perniagaan ini kepada bangsa dan kepada orang ramai# !aya hanya
memegangnya untuk sementara sahaja#
?C# !aya tiada keinginan untuk menyimpan kekayaan ini untuk anak dan
isteri# +uit ini tidak akan kekal# !aya per(aya hanya perkara yang
yang kita lakukakan akan kekal# )ukan duit yang akan melindungi saya
tapi apa yang saya lakukan sekarang#
?;# !aya perlu terus men(ari peluang dan perniagaan lain supaya kita
dapat bantu orang lain mengembangkan diri masing-masing# !aya bukan
semua ini untuk diri saya semata-mata#
??# Ada juga yang saya usaha tapi tak dapat dan orang tak tahu# Apa
saya dapat itu yang jadi masalah kononnya !yed Mokhtar sapu semua#
lain memegang pelbagai kepentingan dalam ekonomi siapa pun tak kata
0ni masalah orang Melayu# +i kampung orang Melayu berpe(ah kerana
di bandar berpe(ah kerana ini -wang.#
?:# !aya per(aya kalau re*eki itu Allah beri kepada saya ia bukan
saya tetapi untuk orang ramai juga# 2rang tidak tahu banyak syarikat
saya ada ini gagal dan tidak maju kepada saya tetapi orang tidak
?># )anyak orang per(aya bahawa dia mesti ada =M;C juta atau =M?C
dalam tangan baru hidup boleh selamat# 0ni yang menyebabkan mereka
daripada menolong orang lain# Mereka lebih takutkan diri sendiri#
lupa bahawa kekayaan tidak boleh membantu selama-lamanya#
?9# 2rang kata saya takda duit tapi banyak hutang# 2rang berniaga
mana yang
tak berhutang# Tapi mesti tahu bagaimana hendak meminjam dan
semula# Ada (ara boleh kita buat#
Tapi sebelum berhutang =M;CC juta mesti sudah "ikir bagaimana hendak
membayarnya balik# Mesti ada tanggungjawab# )anyak orang mahu senang
tidak ramai yang mahu bertanggungjawab#
?E# -perasaan setiap kali mendapat re*eki.# !aya ini kata orang
lebai kodok bukan lebai pondok# Tapi saya tahu hal-hal asas# 1alau
saya minta terus dari tuhan# Tuhan beri manusia akal dan "ikiran#
hendak pakai baju dan seluar biarlah padan dengan badan#
?@# 1esenangan yang saya perolehi ini datang dengan tanggungjawab
pinjam bayar balik dan buat amal jariah.# 1alau hendak dibandingkan
bangsa lain perniagaan saya ini tidak ada apa# Tetapi walaupun
tetapi yang sedikit itu ada berkatnya#
?F# !aya suka kalau nikmat sedikit yang saya dapat itu orang lain
berkongsi sama#
?<# !aya kadang-kadang ke(ewa dan sedih melihat anak orang alim yang
sesetengahnya lupa diri setelah mendapat kekayaan# !aya pun sama
orang lain suka hendak ke luar negara tetapi kita tidak boleh lupa
kita dan asal usul kita# +i kampung kita mungkin ada jiran-jiran
perlukan bantuan#
:C# ######kalau tidak mungkin saya sudah ke Haatyai dan jadi nakal#
manusia yang banyak buat kesilapan# Tetapi saya insa" beristigh"ar
jalan lagi# !ejak awal saya ada kesedaran mahu mengekalkan hak kita
orang Melayu#
:;# !aya kata kepada diri sendiri kalau kerana itu saya terpaksa
sedikit pun tidak mengapa#
:?# 1ekayaan ini tuhan beri kepada saya untuk saya menolong orang
pula# !aya per(aya kepada keberkatan re*eki# Hari ini kita tolong
esok lusa orang akan tolong kita pula dengan (ara yang lain#
::# 1alaupun tidak sanggup tunggu :> tahun seperti saya berilah
masa untuk "aham selok belok perniagaan 0nsya Allah boleh maju#
:># 1ita jangan (epat putus asa# /utus asa boleh tapi kena (epat-
kuatkan semula semangat untuk bangkit balik# 'angan jadikan agama
satu tempat untuk kita bergantung apabila kita susah# Tanggungjawab
adalah tugas seharian#
:9# Li"estyle 3 !aya tidak ada li"estyle yang kena masuk kelab sana
sini# Tapi tak semestinya saya tidak boleh turun ke kelab# 2rang
kalau hendak ke depan mesti ada (ara hidup yang "leksibel boleh
naik dan
:E# Li"estyle ini sebenarnya satu penyakit# !aya biasa pakai
Mer(edes tapi
sekarang saya pakai /roton /erdana untuk sokong kereta nasional#
1ereta itu
pun (ukup untuk bawa saya ke mana-mana#
:@# Tiada sebab orang kenapa Melayu tidak boleh maju# 0ni saya
perang dengan sesiapa pun# 2rang Melayu boleh maju# 1alau saudara
wartawan saudara kena tanam semangat suatu hari nanti mahu ambil
akhbar ini# Tidak ada sebab kenapa ia tidak boleh berlaku#
:F# 1ejayaan dan kelemahan orang Melayu bukan disebabkan oleh bangsa
dan agama kita# 0a berkait dengan sikap dan (ara kita ber"ikir#
tekun dan tidak mudah putus asa merupakan kun(i kejayaan kita# Tapi
ini kurang wujud dalam (ara orang Melayu ber"ikir#
:<# Tuhan memberi peluang kepada siapa saja yang bekerja kuat# Apa
yang ada
pada saya ini hanya usaha# 1alau anak dangau ma(am saya boleh tidak
sebab orang lain terutama mereka yang dari pekan tidak boleh#
>C# 1ita tidak usahlah selalu mengulang-ulang perkara yang boleh
kesan psikologi negati" kepada orang Melayu -kereta dan rumah
besar.# 1ita
kena kurangkan ber(akap tentang kereta besar dan rumah besar#
!esiapa pun
mahu pakai kereta mewah tapi bukan itu matlamatnya#
>;# 2rang Melayu sebenarnya kena membantu diri sendiri kena bekerja
dan "okus#
>?# !ikap merendah diri perlu sentiasa ada dalam diri seseorang
setinggi mana pun kejayaan di(apai#
>:# Apa yang saya buat ini -kerja-kerja sosial. semuanya bermula
didikan orang tua saya sendiri#
>># !aya sendiri berhutang sambil berniaga dan buat sumbangan amal
!aya tak mahu tunggu hutang habis baru hendak buat semua ini# !aya
kalau hutang habis saya pun mati dan apa pun tak sempat saya buat#
>9# !aya biasa saja# Hidup saya tidak berubah dari dulu beginilah#
terima apa saja nikmat yang diberikan oleh Allah# Tidak ada segelas
ada setengah gelas pun saya bersyukur#
>E# 1alau kerana sedikit bantuan itu mereka lulus peperiksaan dan
mereka menjadi lebih baik saya sudah gembira# !aya tidak boleh buat
banyak# Alhamdulillah lebih baik buat sedikit daripada tidak buat
>@# !aya tiada minat untuk beli kapal layar atau kapal terbang#
"ikir kalau saya beli sesuatu biarlah orang ramai boleh pakai#
!aya suka
kalau saya beli sesuatu yang mahal biarlah orang ramai boleh
>F# !aya gembira dapat membantu# !aya mahu orang lain merasai
-kesenangan. apa yang saya pernah rasa# !aya tahu bagaimana
!aya kata kepada diri saya apa yang saya dapat saya mesti beri
lain merasainya sama# 'angan beri kurang lebih tak mengapa# 0tu
membuat hati saya seronok#
><# !aya rasa saya ingin menyumbang lebih daripada ini# !aya
kepada kawan-kawan ini baru warm-up sajaD kita belum berjalan
lagi# !aya
rasa kita terlalu banyak ketinggalan#
Nasihat Imam Syafiee dalam mencari sahabat...
PERSAHABATAN tulen memang sukar dicari. Hanya mereka yang
benar-benar bersahabat dengan hati tulus dan ikhlas daat mencari erti
ersahabatan tulen.
!alam hal ini" Imam Syafie ada memberikan nasihat dalam s#al ersahabatan.
Aku mencintai sahabatku dengan segena $i%a ragaku" seakan-akan aku
mencintai sanak saudaraku.
Sahabat yang baik adalah yang sering se$alan denganku dan yang men$aga
nama baikku ketika aku hidu atau seleas aku mati.
Aku selalu berhara mendaatkan sahabat se$ati yang tidak luntur baik dalam
keadaan suka atau duka. &ika itu aku daatkan" aku ber$an$i akan selalu setia
'uhulurkan tangan keada sahabatku untuk be( rkenalan kerana aku akan
berasa senang. Semakin ramai aku er#leh sahabat" aku semakin ercaya diri.
)encari sahabat ada %aktu susah
Belum ernah kutemukan di dunia ini se#rang sahabat yang setia dalam
duka. Pada hal hiduku sentiasa berutar-utar antara suka dan duka. &ika
suka melanda" aku sering bertanya* +Siaakah yang sudi men$adi sahabatku,+
Pada %aktu aku senang" sudah biasa ramai yang akan iri hati" namun bila
giliran aku susah mereka un berteuk tangan.
Pasang surut ersahabatan
Aku daat bergaul secara bebas dengan #rang lain ketika nasibku sedang baik.
Namun" ketika musibah menimaku" kudaatkan mereka tidak ubahnya r#da
-aman yang tidak mahu bersahabat dengan keadaan.
&ika aku men$auhkan diri dariada mereka" mereka mencemuh dan $ika aku
sakit" tidak se#rang un yang men$engukku.
&ika hiduku berlumur kebahagiaan" banyak #rang iri hati" $ika hiduku
berselimut derita mereka bers#rak s#rai.
)engasingkan diri lebih baik dariada bergaul dengan #rang $ahat.
Aabila tidak ke temu sahabat yang tak%a" lebih baik aku hidu menyendiri
dariada aku harus bergaul dengan #rang $ahat.
Sukarnya mencari sahabat se$ati
Tenanglah engkau dalam menghadai er$alanan -aman ini. Bersika seerti
se#rang aderi dalam menghadai manusia.
.ucilah kedua-dua tanganmu dari -aman itu dan dariada manusianya.
Peliharalah cintamu terhada mereka. )aka" kelak kamu akan memer#leh
Sean$ang usiaku yang semakin tua" belum ernah aku temukan di dunia ini
sahabat yang se$ati.
'utinggalkan #rang b#d#h kerana banyak ke$elekannya dan ku$an$i #rang
mulia kerana kebaikannya sedikit.
Sahabat se$ati ada %aktu susah
'a%an yang tidak daat dimanfaatkan ketika susah lebih mendekati musuh
dariada sebagai ka%an.
Tidak ada yang abadi dan tidak ada ka%an yang se$ati kecuali yang men#l#ng
ketika susah.
Sean$ang hidu aku ber$uang bersungguh-sungguh mencari sahabat se$ati
hingga encarianku melenakanku. 'ukun$ungi seribu negara" namun tidak
satu negara un yang enduduknya berhati manusia.
R#saknya keeribadian sese#rang
!alam diri manusia itu ada dua macam #tensi eniuan dan rayuan.
!ua hal itu seerti duri $ika diegang dan ibarat bunga $ika diandang.
Aabila engkau memerlukan ert#l#ngan mereka" bersikalah bagai ai yang
daat membakar duri itu.
)engh#rmati #rang lain
Barang siaa mengh#rmati #rang lain" tentulah dia akan dih#rmati. Begitu
$uga barang siaa menghina #rang lain" tentulah dia akan dihinakan.
Barang siaa berbuat baik keada #rang lain" baginya satu ahala. Begitu
$uga barang siaa berbuat $ahat keada #rang lain" baginya seksa yang
)enghadai musuh
'etika aku men$adi emaaf dan tidak memunyai rasa dengki" hatiku lega"
$i%aku bebas dariada bara ermusuhan.
'etika musuhku berada di hadaanku" aku sentiasa mengh#rmatinya.
Semua itu kulakukan agar aku daat men$aga diriku dariada ke$ahatan.
Aku namakkan keramahan" kes#anan dan rasa ersahabatanku keada
#rang yang kubenci" seerti aku namakkan hal itu keada #rang yang
Tiu daya manusia
)udah-mudahan an$ing itu daat bersahabat denganku kerana bagiku dunia
ini sudah hama dariada manusia.
Sehina-hinanya an$ing" ia masih daat menun$ukkan $alan untuk tuannya yang
tersesat" tidak seerti manusia $ahat yang selamanya tidak akan memberi
Selamatkanlah dirimu" $aga lidahmu baik-baik" tentu kamu akan bahagia
%alauun kamu teraksa hidu sendiri.
Temat menggantungkan haraan
Aabila engkau menginginkan kemuliaan #rang yang mulia" maka dekatilah
#rang yang sedang membangun rumah untuk Allah.
Hanya #rang yang ber$i%a mulia yang daat men$aga nama baik dirinya dan
selalu mengh#rmati tamunya" baik ketika hidu mahu un setelah mati.
)en$aga nama baik
&ika sese#rang tidak daat men$aga nama baiknya kecuali dalam keadaan
teraksa" maka tinggalkanlah dia dan $angan bersika belas kasihan
Banyak #rang lain yang daat men$adi enggantinya. Berisah dengannya
bererti istirahat.
!alam hati masih ada kesabaran buat kekasih" meskiun memerlukan daya
usaha yang keras.
Tidak semua #rang yang engkau cintai" mencintaimu dan sika ramahmu
kadang kala dibalas dengan sika tidak s#an.
&ika cinta suci tidak datang dariada tabiatnya" maka tidak ada gunanya cinta
yang dibuat-buat.
Tidak baik bersahabat dengan engkhianat kerana dia akan mencamakkan
cinta setelah dicintai.
!ia akan memungkiri $alinan cinta yang telah terbentuk dan akan menamakkan
hal yang dulunya men$adi rahsia.
Sesungguhnya $ika Allah berkehendak kebaikan terhada hambaNya maka
di$adikaan d#sa/ terbayang di ruang mata..
Sebuah Bingkisan DariKu Untuk Mu
Assalamu'alaikum waramatuhllahi wabarakahtuh. ...

Kini akhir15 Ramadhan tiba ...
Tingkatkan cinta, agar lahir energi besar ...
energi untuk beramal demi menggapai Rahmat dan
Ampunan-Nya .....

a Allah sampaikanlah kami pada Ramadhan dengan
Kerinduan, !inta dan "man kepada-#u ....

$assalamu'alaikum waeamatuhllahi wabarakahtuh


%&ila Aku 'atuh !inta%

a Allah, (ika aku (atuh cinta,
cintakanlah aku pada sese)rang yang
melabuhkan cintanya pada-#u,
agar bertambah kekuatan ku untuk mencintai-#u.

a #uhaimin, (ika aku (atuh cinta,
(agalah cintaku padanya agar tidak
melebihi cintaku pada-#u

a Allah, (ika aku (atuh hati,
i*inkanlah aku menyentuh hati sese)rang
yang hatinya tertaut pada-#u,
agar tidak ter(atuh aku dalam (urang cinta dunia.

a Rabbana, (ika aku (atuh hati,
(agalah hatiku padanya agar tidak
berpaling pada hati-#u.

a Rabbul "**ati, (ika aku rindu,
rindukanlah aku pada sese)rang yang
merindui syahid di (alan-#u.

a Allah, (ika aku rindu,
(agalah rinduku padanya agar tidak lalai aku
merindukan syurga-#u.

a Allah, (ika aku menikmati cinta kekasih-#u,
(anganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan indahnya
bermuna(at di sepertiga malam terakhirmu.

a Allah, (ika aku (atuh hati pada kekasih-#u,
(angan biarkan aku tertatih dan ter(atuh dalam
per(alanan pan(ang menyeru manusia kepada-#u.

a Allah, (ika Kau halalkan aku merindui kekasih-#u,
(angan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga melupakan
aku pada cinta hakiki dan rindu abadi hanya kepada-#u.

a Allah +ngaku mengetahui bahawa hati-hati ini telah
berhimpun dalam cinta pada-#u,
telah ber(umpa pada taat pada-#u,
telah bersatu dalam dakwah pada-#,,
telah berpadu dalam membela syariat-#u.
Kukuhkanlah a Allah ikatannya.
Kekalkanlah cintanya.
Tun(ukilah (alan-(alannya.
-enuhilah hati-hati ini dengan Nur-#u yang tiada
pernah pudar.
.apangkanlah dada-dada kami dengan limpahan keimanan
kepada-#u dan keindahan bertawakal di (alan-#u.

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