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Chapter 10

HT System Design and Criteria

1.0 Introduction
Accurate determination of the maximum demand (MD) is important for the long
term planning of incoming supply for a newly proposed buildings / area !he total
demand will indicate the supply "oltage whether it is on #$ or %! &owadays' the
( most common %! supplies pro"ided by !&) are 11 *$ and ++ *$
,t is clearly stated in -lectricity .upply Application %andboo* by !&) that
customers with MD approaching 1000*$A ha"e the option of ta*ing supply at 11
*$' if so desired %owe"er' for MD range between 1000*$A to /000*$A' the
supply "oltage must be at 11*$ that is directly fed through !&)0s 11*$ switching
Alternati"ely discuss with !&) for "arious number of !&) incoming
,n its simplest terms the design of %! system in"ol"es selection of transformers'
%! switchgears' cabling' protection system and ma*ing up the associated
circuiting of schematic wiring diagrams showing how they are connected to the
incoming supply and also how they are interconnected !he D- shall also decide
whether to ha"e a single feeder or double feeder and whether to ha"e a
connection as a ring circuit or radial circuit !he decision made depend on the
importance of the building function which cannot afford down time !he D- shall
also limit the transformer to a maximum of (000*$A only ,t is recommended to
used more than 1 transformer in this case Mechanical loads should be supplied
from a separate transformer than the other electrical loads !his is to sa"e guard
the ,C! load %owe"er this consideration should ta*e into account the constraints
on site' loads' operational costs and o"erall budget
1or load greater than /000 *$A !&) normally re2uires a ++ *$ 3encawang
3embahagian 4tama' 334 !his 334 is *nown as 3encawang Masu* 4tama'
3M4 to the consumer %owe"er the D- should approached ++ *$ 3M4 with
caution !he D- must discuss/2uery whether the ++ *$ 3M4 belongs to !&) or to
the client because there are many other operational maintenance aspects that
ha"e to be ta*en into account eg the a"ailability of the re2uired competent person
in the mar*et to operate the 3M4 ,n addition if it belongs to the !&) then
decision/condition should be made that the 334 shall cater only for that client and
not for !&) to supply to other clients !he consumer may be metered at 11*$
tariff or ++*$ tariff !his must be discussed and finali5ed with !&) and made clear
to the consumer
1or more details refer to 6&ota !ambahan 7epada 3anduan !e*ni*0 Chapter 10
3anduan !e*ni* -disi 7e89 (00: Cawangan 7e;uruteraan -le*tri* 3g 1 of 1

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