3-Year Elementary Math Achievement Data (Schmitz Park) : RD TH

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Seattle Public Schools Research, Evaluation & Assessment

3-Year Elementary Math Achievement Data (Schmitz Park)

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) analyzes student achievement data from the MSP state assessment, which is administered annually to all students in 3
to 8
grade. Two types of
measures based on MSP results are considered. The first measure is a Proficiency Index, which is a summary average of student performance levels (1 to 4) achieved by
students at the school. (Level 1 = well below standard; Level 2 = below standard; Level 3 = meets standard; Level 4 = exceeds standard) A proficiency index is an average that
ranges from a minimum of 1.00 to a maximum of 4.00. The second measure is a Median Student Growth Percentile (SGP), which is the median growth achieved by students
at the school. (Each SGP is a percentile ranking [1-99] indicating how well the student performed compared to his/her academic peers across the state i.e., students with the
same achievement in previous years. An SGP is considered a growth metric because it measures a students achievement in comparison to how they performed in the past.)

To measure whether aggregate achievement is typical (average) or atypical (significantly above or below average) for a given school, SPS compares the schools achievement
to the achievement of other schools across Washington State with similar demographics for enrolled students. To identify similar schools for comparison, SPS uses statewide
data to employ a statistical model that generates a School Characteristics Index (SCI) for each school derived from demographics factors which include enrollment size, % of
students by ethnicity, % students eligible for free or reduced-priced meals, % English language learners, % special education students, and % gifted/highly capable students.

The table below provides Proficiency Index and Median SGP results for Schmitz Park Elementary School for the past three years. Results are provided for all enrolled students
(grades 3
to 5
) and for the subset of students eligible for free or reduced-priced meals at Schmitz Park. The table includes the average for similar schools statewide for each
metric and student group. SPS employs a statistical test (T-Test) to measure if the observed difference between the school result and the similar school average is statistically
significant, and at what confidence level (see note below table). A significant result indicates the difference was unlikely to have occurred based solely on random factors.

In addition, Schmitz Park results are compared to a subset of similar SPS schools who are in the same statewide similar schools cluster as Schmitz Park and also are known to
have implemented the District adopted elementary mathematics textbook (EDM). SPS comparison schools for the Schmitz Park analysis include: Bryant Elementary, John Hay
Elementary, Laurelhurst Elementary, Loyal Heights Elementary, West Woodland Elementary, and Catharine Blaine K-8, McGilvra Elementary*
*McGilvra began using enVisions in January of 2013. The 2.5 years prior they were implementing EDM.

Measure Group # Students
(WA State) Difference
(SPS Only) Difference
Al l Students 554 3.07 3.09 -0.01 not si gni f. 3.34 -0.27 **
FRL Students Onl y 70 2.46 2.59 -0.13 not si gni f. 2.68 -0.22 *
Al l Students 347 49.86 51.44 -1.57 not si gni f. 53.58 -3.72 *
FRL Students Onl y 40 37.93 46.85 -8.92 * 49.16 -11.24 **
Medi an SGP
Profi ci ency Index

* Significant at p <.1 level (90% confidence)
** Significant at p < .01 level (99% confidence)

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