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Copyright 2012 by Kyle Schuneman

Photographs copyright 2012 by Joe Schmelzer

All rights reserve!
Publishe in the "nite States by Clar#son Potter$Publishers% an imprint o& the Cro'n Publishing (roup% a ivision o& )anom *ouse%
+nc!% ,e' -or#!
C.A)KS/, P/002) is a traemar# an P/002) 'ith colophon is a registere traemar# o& )anom *ouse% +nc!
.ibrary o& Congress Cataloging3in3Publication 5ata
Schuneman% Kyle!
0he &irst apartment boo# $ Kyle Schuneman 'ith *eather Summerville! :1st e!
p! cm!
+nclues ine;!
1! Apartment houses! 2! +nterior ecoration! +! Summerville% *eather! ++! 0itle!
,K21<=!A>S?@ 2012
ABAD!@@?1B:c2? 20110B?2<0
e+SG,H <A@303?0A3<=2<132
Cover esign by )ae Ann Spitzenberger
Cover photography Joe Schmelzer
0*2 A)0 ./I2)
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+DI2 A.MA-S ./I25 0*2 SK-3+S30*23.+K+0 K2,0A.+0- 0*A0 C/K2S M+0* K/I+,( +, 0/ A ,2M
So 'hat i& you can measure the 'hole space in arm3lengths% an the &loor plan loo#s more li#e a hal&3&inishe
game o& ominoesO +tDs yours:an itDs home!
*ours are 'hile a'ay ayreaming o& the cool:occasionally o&&3the3'all:'ays youDre going to put your
stamp on this tiny space! PKinight3blac# 'allsO Kost e&initely!Q 0hen reality bursts your esign bubble! 0hose
ugly cabinets you 'ant to paint R turns out itDs not allo'e! 0he so&a youDve ha an eye on R itDs not even
close to being 'ithin your buget! 2very creative outlet ens in a &rustrating Sno!T An giving up to the humrum
vie' o& &our 'hite 'alls seems inevitable!
*ey% +Dve been there:an everyone involve in the ma#ing o& this boo# has too! +tDs a rite o& passage% +Dm a&rai!
Gut as + o&ten say% every SnoT is surroune by a sea o& Syeses!T 0here is al'ays a 'ay to ma#e your esign
vision come true:you Uust have to get a little more creative in ho' you go about it!
Consier this boo# your personal guie:itDs everything + 'ish + #ne' 'hen + 'as starting out! +tDs smart
ecorating! +tDs inspiration! +tDs ho'3tos! +tDs real stories about real people in real SstarterT apartments! +tDs the
boo# that gives you permission to stic# your hea in the clous an ream big! Gecause% a&ter all% thatDs 'hat
your &irst apartment is &or!
M*A0 -/"D.. J+,5 +,S+52
2ach o& the ten chapters in 0he Jirst Apartment Goo# tac#les a i&&erent style aesthetic an a i&&erent set o&
real3li&e esign obstaclesH 0he Art .over in ,e' -or# City 'ho neee to turn her one3room stuio into &our
&unctional spacesV 0he Collector in .os Angeles 'ho stoc#piles porcelain &igurines an neee an organize
means o& isplaying themV 0he )oommates in Goston 'ho coulnDt &igure out ho' to combine their stri#ingly
i&&erent tastes! 0hese are real apartment ma#eovers% real bugets% an real scenarios base on the Po&ten
&rustratingQ living situations my &riens an + have &oun ourselves in over the years:an insie these pages
are all the help&ul lessons + came a'ay 'ith! -ouDll &in &loor plans% cost brea#o'ns% an ho'3to proUects in
every chapter:an not Uust a chec#list o& 'hat + i% but also the S'hyT behin it! An the sources &or everything
you see:right o'n to the paint color on the 'alls:can be &oun in our )esources section!
0he Jirst Apartment Goo# is meant to be easy% use&ul% an% more than anything else% &un! -ou can relate to our
rentersD situations% an li#e them% you 'ill P+ hopeWQ &in humor in the small3space ecorating preicaments they
&in themselves in:because laughter is the one sure&ire ingreient that can ma#e a =003sXuare3&oot apartment
&eel li#e your o'n mini3mansion!
C./CKM+S2 J)/K 0/P .2J0H 2ge'ater in ClevelanV Kiracle Kile in .AV Co' *ollo' in San JranciscoV +nman Par# in AtlantaV
0he Space ,eele in SeattleV 2ast ,ashvilleV 0he S0T in GostonV Mest Iillage in ,e' -or# CityV Gurnham Par# Jountain in Chicago!
(200+,( S0A)025H
APA)0K2,0 *",0+,( 101
02, 0+PS -/" 5/,D0 K,/M:G"0 S*/".5
1J/)(20 -/") KA,,2)S! /pen every closet% every cabinet oor% an every #itchen ra'er! Storage comes at a
premium in small spacesV you nee to #no' 'hat youDre starting 'ith!
2J."S* 0*2 0/+.20:an 'hile youDre at it% turn on the sho'er! 0here is absolutely nothing you can o about ba plumbing
once youDve move in! .o' 'ater pressure is an automatic re &lag!
?S*/M "P 0/ A )2,0A. .+S0+,( P)2PA)25! (oo apartments onDt last long! +& you have a letter o&
recommenation an proo& o& goo creit hany% youDll be miles ahea o& your competition!
B5/ A 5)+I23G-! Kost apartment vie'ings happen uring the ay% 'hen everyone is at 'or#! 0o get a more accurate &eel &or
the bloc# an the par#ing situation% 'al# by a&ter ar#% or use (oogle Kaps Street Iie' to cyberstal# your potential ne' neighborhoo!
=G//KKA)K 0*+S S+02HGebug)egistry!com! Ge&ore you even chec# out an apartment% type the aress into this registry!
+t 'ill tell you i& there has been an encounter 'ith bebugs at this aress% an 'hen! P+tDs better to #no'% rightOQ
>0AK2 +, 0*2 I+2M:A,5 ,/0 J"S0 0*2 SK-.+,2! 5o you see construction happening aroun the builingO A
metal shopO 0rain trac#sO All o& these things ma#e noise% even i& you onDt hear a peep 'hen youDre in the apartment!
A*/M K"C* +S K+.K A0 0*2 ./CA. C/,I2,+2,C2 S0/)2O Jin the nearest grocery store% rugstore% an
.aunromat:an chec# out the pricing! Paying more &or the essentials 'ill ta#e a huge chun# out o& your monthly buget!
@,2I2) J"5(2 A, APA)0K2,0 G- +0S 2N02)+/):Uuge it by its hall'ays! Are they cleanO +s mail stre'n across
the &loorO 5o your neighbors Uun#3up the space 'ith personal itemsO ,eighbors 'ho onDt respect the common areas onDt ma#e
goo neighbors!
<KAP /"0 0*2 G+( S0"JJ! +tDs tric#y to envision spacing in an empty apartment% so chec# out the 'all situation! +& every
'all has a 'ino' or oor'ay% 'here is your so&a or be going to &itO
10CA.. S/K2/,2 M*/ CA)2S! Ka#e sure you have cell phone reception in every room! +& you 'ait until moving ay
to iscover your phone only 'or#s 'hile hanging out the beroom 'ino'% 'ell% itDs going to get lonely &ast!
(200+,( S0A)025H
0*2 M*+00.2535/M, 2SS2,0+A.S 2I2)- */"S2*/.5 S*/".5 *AI2
0*2 0//.S Pcloc#'ise &rom top le&tQ
1! Saning bloc#
2! 2;tra3strength &ishing line
?! )ubber3hanle hammer
B! 23 or ?3inch Pury paint brush
=! 0in snips
>! 23inch painterDs tape
A! Stitch Mitchery
@! 2lectric rill set 'ith bits P12 volts or higherQ
<! Gasic staple gun 'ith staples
10! Jlat nose pliers
11! "tility #ni&e 'ith retractable blae
12! Jlat hea scre'river
1?! Phillips hea scre'river
1B! +nustrial3strength Ielcro strips
1=! "tility scissors
1>! 1 pac#% Y10 scre's an anchors
1A! 123&oot tape measure Por longerQ
1@! *igh3temp glue gun 'ith glue stic#s
0*2 A)0 ./I2)
M*/H Janelle
J/GH 2ntry3level attorney
.+I2S +,H (reen'ich Iillage% ,-C
K2AS")2K2,0SH B2= sXuare &eet
.+K2 KA,- A ,2M -/)K 0)A,SP.A,0% JA,2..2 K/I25 0/ KA,*A00A, M+0* A, +KP)2SS+I2
52()22% A P+2C2K2A. ASS/)0K2,0 /J G2./,(+,(S% A,5 ,/ J/G /) APA)0K2,0!
A&ter si;teen months o& so&a3sur&ing% she lane an entry3level position 'ith a la' &irm an &oun 'hatDs #no'n
in the ,e' -or# rental mar#et as a Spretty s'eet ealTH a tiny% rent3controlle stuio in a &ourth3&loor 'al#3up in
(reen'ich Iillage! 0he one ra'bac#H living in a space that coul be measure in arm3lengths:t'o arm3
lengths 'ie by &ive arm3lengths long!
A big part o& &ining your &irst apartment is coming to terms 'ith 'hat you can an cannot live 'ithout! Janelle
&or&eite convenience:those &our &lights o& stairs are a oozy 'ith groceries:&or a treny neighborhoo that
appeale to her &irst loveH art! 0he si;3unit ro' house she lives in 'as built in 1<0= an once counte John
.ennon an -o#o /no as tenants! 2verything &rom the strip o& art galleries to the street artists on the corners
became inspiration &or JanelleDs apartment! Gut the maUor esign obstacle remaineH ho' to ma#e a one3room
apartment Pe;cluing the bathroomQ &unction as &our separate spaces:a place to sleep% a place to eat% a place
to 'or#% an a living room o& sorts! +t souns li#e a tall orer% but it 'as one + manage to pull together 'ith
some &lea mar#et scores% the &e' pieces o& &urniture she alreay o'ne% an art&ul &lourishes inspire by some
o& the greatsH Kichelangelo% 5amien *irst% an Jac#son Polloc#!
Sho'n aboveH -arn Jrames% ,o3Se' Pillo's% Polloc# Slipcover
A .+I+,( )//K /J S/)0S
0he loveseat 'as the biggest piece to ma#e the B>03mile tre# &rom JanelleDs hometo'n o& Clevelan
Pcompliments o& Kom an 5a% 'ho rove it out 'hen Janelle move inQ! +t converts into an e;tra be &or
guests% an as luc# 'oul have it% it sXueeze per&ectly bet'een the &ront oor an the #itchen noo#:an + o
mean sXueezeV there 'asnDt a Xuarter inch to spare! +n terms o& &unction% it 'as gol! Gut the loveseat originally
belonge to JanelleDs great aunt! +t ha been through a hal&3ozen moves alreay% an by the time it &oun its
'ay to ,e' -or#% it loo#e about a hunre years ol! 0his is 'here you have to remember the mantraH S5onDt
Uuge a boo# by its cover!T /r more appropriately in this caseH S5onDt Uuge a loveseat by its &ae &loral &abric!T
+& the shape is there% the cover is al'ays changeable!
0he easy &i;H buy a plain 'hite slipcover Pabout Z@<Q an call it a ay! Gut 'hen your 'hole apartment &its only
&ive pieces o& &urniture% you 'ant those &ive pieces to ma#e a statement! So + use Jac#son Polloc#% one o&
JanelleDs &avorite artists% as inspiration &or turning a basic slipcover into something &ar more &un! Gy straying &rom
the obvious:turning the so&a into art an leaving the yarn &rames Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing
theseQ empty on the 'alls above:+ got the cool% o'nto'n aesthetic + 'as a&ter% an Janelle got a giant piece
o& &unctional art!
0+PH 0hro' pillo's are an easy 'ay to a pops o& color an te;tureto a room! Gut cheap% cool
thro'pillo's are har to come by:'hich is 'hy itDs o&ten easier to ma#e your o'n! Jlip to the *o'3
0o &orinstructions on ma#ing the no3se' pillo's you see on the so&a!
+ startevery esign by mapping out a &urnitureplan% but this step is especially important&ora small space!
Janelle ha t'o built3inarchitecturalelements% a &ireplace an a #itchen noo#% that ha to be accounte &or% an
she alreay o'ne a &ull3size be an a loveseat! +t 'as a complicate Uigsa' puzzle that came o'n to
measuring in inches! Gut + place the biggest pieces &irstPa goo rule o& thumbQ an came to terms 'ith those
elements that 'ere Uust plain immobile% li#e the raiator! A&terthat% it'as simple to &igureout 'hat other
&urnitureJanelle neee an 'here it'oul &it!
*o'30oH Polloc# Slipcover
*/M30/H P/../CK S.+PC/I2)
[ Mhite canvas slipcover
[ 5rop cloth
[ Jabric paint in 13pint sXuirtbottles
[ \3inch3'ie paintbrush
[ 23inch3'ie paintbrush
[ Spare bath to'el or 03shirt
[ +ron
S02P 1
Place your slipcovere so&a in the center o& a rop cloth% an cover any 'alls 'ithin splashing istance! -ouDre
going to be slinging a lot o& paint here!
S02P 2
Gegin 'ith your bigger stro#es% 'hich you get by ma#ing circles 'ith your sXuirt bottle &rom a high istance:at
least B &eet &rom the slipcover! -ou can test your techniXue &irst on a spare besheet% or start on a sie o& the
so&a that borers the 'all!
S02P ?
(o over your original stro#es 'ith the \3inch3'ie paintbrush% ma#ing sure you &ollo' the natural lines o& the
splatter! .ightly retracing your stro#es is a mustV other'ise% you en up 'ith bumpy rie3paint splatters that can
S02P B
-ou can al'ays a more paint% but itDs impossible to erase 'hatDs alreay hit the canvas:so err on the sie o&
restraint! /nce youDre happy 'ith the basic outline% ta#e the 23inch3'ie paintbrush% 'et it 'ith 'ater% an ip
the tip o& the brush in your paint! 0hen &lic# paint spec#les over the remaining 'hite space by tapping the brush
hanle against your palm &rom a istance o& at least 2 &eet above the slipcover!
S02P =
.et the paint ry &or about 2B hours! 0hen place your to'el or 03shirt over a single section o& the so&a at a time%
an using meium heat% iron that section &or 2 minutes% #eeping the iron moving at all times! 0he heat sets your
colors so they 'onDt &ae% ma#ing your masterpiece a permanent 'or# o& art!
A ]"+CK ,/02 /, S.+PC/I2)S
Ka#e sure youDre buying the correct slipcover &oryour so&a:an that the &abrichas the rightamount o&
structurean stretch to ensure a proper &it!*ere are a &e' help&ul shopping tipsH
[ +&your so&a has attache bac# cushions% you nee the t'o3piece slipcover!
[ +&the cushions come o&&% you nee the three3piece style!
[ An in general% avoi the one3piece styles% 'hich en up loo#ing li#e your so&a is 'earing a sa muumuu!
S+,SP+)A0+/, +S /, 2I2)- S0)220 C/),2) +, 2I2)- C+0-! -/"DI2 J"S0 (/0 0/
(20 /"0 0*2)2% 2NP2)+2,C2 +0% A,5 0AK2 A .+00.2 P+2C2 GACK */K2 M+0*
-/":M*20*2) +0DS A PA+,0 C/./)% A PA002),% /) S+KP.- 0*2 )"S0- J+,+S*
Janelle 'ante her apartment to have a gallery3li#e &eel! Gut in a city that #ic#s up as much grime as
,e' -or#% 'hite 'alls onDt stay 'hite &orlong! So + pic#e a more moern neutral% a 'arm slate
gray% to use on the 'alls:'hich mae the space &eel pristine% but also live3in! 0hen + introuce a
palette o& primarycolors inspire by JanelleDs ne' neighborhooH ta;icab yello'% a blue to match a
stran o& rope &roma &lea mar#et% an copper accents prompte by the street signs on her bloc#!
Kost &lea mar#et &ins nee a little love an careH ne' #nobs% a goo scrubbing% some paint! +nvesting a &e' more ollars in the small
etails 'ill ma#e all the i&&erence!
A P.AC2 0/ M/)K
Janelle neee a small 'or#space! A&ter getting the so&a an be situate% the only area le&t &or one 'as
bet'een the &ireplace an the bathroom oor! 0he 'all 'as plenty 'ie &or a es#% but the problem 'as the
epth o& the space! + neee something that 'as e;actly as eep as the small noo# create by the &ireplaceV
other'ise% it 'oul bloc# the entrance to the bathroom% an no one 'ants to be bumping into &urniture on the
'ay to the loo a&ter a night out in the Iillage!
+ scoure every &lea mar#et an thri&t store on the lo'er hal& o& Kanhattan be&ore &ining the per&ect es# at a
Salvation Army Store &or Z20 Pan li#e a true ,e' -or#er% + tote it t'elve bloc#s bac# to the apartment in the
rainQ! + also &oun a rather e;pensive3loo#ing aluminum chair at the local *ellDs Kitchen Jlea Kar#et &or ZB0! 0he
lesson here is that patience oes pay o&&! + #no' it can be &rustrating igging through these sorts o& bargain3
basement spots! Gut trust me% you 'ill eventually &in 'hat you nee% an the e&&ort you put out no' 'ill ma#e
you love your space even more in the &uture!
0+PH Sprea your accent colors aroun your space% instea o& grouping them in one spot! +t #eeps
the eye moving% an itgives the 'hole room a cohesive &lo'!
All the oors 'ere in pretty ba shape% than#s to multiple layers o& botche paint Uobs! Covering them 'ith a coat o& semigloss blac#
mas#e the rough eges!
,/0 J"S0 G)+CKS A,5 K/)0A)
/riginal bric# &i;tures% li#e JanelleDs non'or#ing &ireplace% are common in many turn3o&3the3last3century
builings! Kost renters 'oul pay a premium price to have that sort o& classic etail! Gut the crumbling% bro'n3
bric# &ireplace in JanelleDs stuio &elt less charmingly ol 'orl an more out3o&3ate! +t 'as the natural &ocal
point o& the room% an + 'ante to #eep it that 'ay% but it neee to be streamline! So + ecie to paint it
'hite% the only color the lanlor 'oul allo'% an + covere the oa# mantel 'ith t'o coats o& blac# semigloss
paint! 0he en resultH a completely moern &ireplace more on a par 'ith the rest o& JanelleDs apartment!
0*2 5/DS /J PA+,0+,(G)+CK
5oH Start by removing as much soot as possible &rom the bric# 'ith a 'ire brush:so the soot oesnDt en up
mi;ing 'ith the paint!
5oH Guy masonry paint 'hether your &ireplace is 'or#ing or not! +tDs &ireproo& an costs the same per gallon as
normal paint!
5oH "se a lambDs 'ool rollerV it is thic#er an can get paint o'n into those pes#y bric# crevices!
A)0 +S +, 0*2 2-2 /J 0*2 G2*/.52)
/nce JanelleDs &ireplace uner'ent a t'enty3&irst3century ma#eover% + 'ante to go bac# an a those special
little touches that ma#e a space &eel personal! + &oun these busts &or Z20 on a 'ebsite calle Plaster Cra&t!
0hey 'ere a no to another o& JanelleDs art inspirations% Kichelangelo! .e&t 'hite% they &elt a ta too #itschy! Gut
spray3painte a semigloss ta;icab yello'% they 'ere the per&ect% tongue3in3chee# no to )enaissance art in
moern3ay ,e' -or#! 0hen + &rame a page &rom JanelleDs gran&atherDs yearboo#% 'hich + iscovere 'hile
going through a bo; sheD yet to unpac#% an + ae it to the mantel! )emember% art can come &rom any'hereV
the arro's on the 'all 'ere actually part o& the shipping materials in a bo; + receive! /ne coat o& semigloss
blac# paint% an they became a stri#ing 'all treatment that 'as light enough to hang on bric#! Some o& the best
ecorations come &rom things you alreay o'n! So be&ore you go out an spen a single ollar% ig through
those bo;es youDve been hoaring an see 'hat sorts o& gems you can uncover!
0+PH An empty &ireplace ma#es &orgreat isplays! Jill it'ith plants% coral% even logs the 'ay 'e i
here! Just be sure to use something big enough to ma#e a visual impact! Anything too small 'ill Uust
*o'30oH -arn Jrames
*/M30/H -A), J)AK2S
[ An assortment o& 'ooen picture &rames o& varying sizes
[ 1 s#ein o& meium3'eight yarn in your color o& choice ^
[ .ight3uty staple gun 'ith _3inch staples
S02P 1
Put a movie on% pour a glass o& 'ine% an get cozy! 0hese are supereasy:an supercute:but they ta#e a
'hile to &inish!
S02P 2
(rab a &rame an get starte! Staple the loose en o& your yarn to the top le&t corner on the bac#sie o& your
&rame:Uust to the right o& 'here the t'o sies meet at an angle!
S02P ?
.oop the yarn aroun the &rame t'ice% pulling it tight! -ou 'ant it to be &lush but not so straine that it coul
brea#! Staple the yarn against the bac#sie o& the &rame again! 0his ensures that your yarn is secure an 'onDt
start unraveling!
S02P B
Start 'rappingW Mor#ing in a cloc#'ise motion% loop the yarn a ozen or so times% an then scrunch it o'n
to'ar the alreay 'rappe en to ma#e the e&&ect more substantial! 5o an e;tra layer aroun the corners%
'here yarn tens to slip! 5onDt 'orry about things being per&ectly straight or the same thic#ness!
S02P =
/nce youDve mae it all the 'ay aroun% staple one en o& your yarn to the bac#sie o& the &rame! Mrap t'ice%
an staple again to #eep the en &rom unraveling! /nce &astene% cut the yarn% leaving about an inch e;tra a&ter
the staple to ensure against &uture slippage!
S02P >
Staple every ? inches along the bac#sie o& your &rame% ma#ing sure to o an e;tra SsecurityT staple at an angle
on each corner! 0his 'ill #eep your yarn 'rap in place no matter ho' many years it hangs on the 'all!
,oteH +t ta#es about ?0 minutes to complete an @3 by @3inch &rame!
^/ne s#ein is enough to cover = average3size &rames:aroun @ by @ inches!
A P.AC2 0/ 2A0
Janelle has never mae anything more complicate than scramble eggs an toast in her #itchen! .i#e most
,e' -or#ers% inner at home involves either ta#eout or elivery! Gut that inDt mean she 'as o#ay 'ith her
#itchen being an eyesore! As it 'as% the irty 'hite 'alls blene into the irty 'hite cabinetry an mae &or a
'holly uninspiring space!
Ky &irst tas# 'as to get ri o& the 'hite! + starte by covering the entire bac# 'all in chal#boar paint! +tDs a
guarantee blast 'hen &riens come over% an li#e so many other places in JanelleDs apartment% it became a
spot &or her to enUoy rotating art! 0hen + remove the &ront oors o& the 'all cabinets% bac#e the cabinets 'ith a
&oile 'allpaper% an painte the entire unit the same slate gray as the 'alls in the rest o& the space! ,o' the
metallic bac#ing really catches the light% so 'hen the glass'are 'as insie the cabinet% everything ha a
beauti&ul spar#le:ma#ing the 'hole unit loo# &ar &ancier than it actually 'as!
0+PH )emoving cabinet oors is simpleH Uust unscre' the hinges a&&i;eto the main unit% an they
come righto&&! Just onDt lose any o& the piecesV youDll nee to reattach them 'hen you move out:or
ris#losing a huge chun# o& your security eposit!
/+.C./0* P,/0 J"S0 J/) K2N+CA, )2S0A")A,0S A,-K/)2Q
Janelle pic#e up a tall bar table at Pier /neDs Glac# Jriay sale t'o 'ee#s a&ter moving in! 0he shape an
height 'ere per&ect% acting as a small islan separating the #itchen &rom her sleeping area% but the &au;3'oo
top an &orest green legs &elt too 'oosy &or JanelleDs gallery3li#e aesthetic! So + painte the legs o& the table the
same slate gray as the cabinets an the 'alls% an + covere the top 'ith Pin my opinionQ a highly
unerappreciate &abricH oilcloth!
/ilcloth 'ipes clean an is irt cheap! Sure% it comes in some crazy prints% but i& you stic# to the basics:li#e the
stripes + use here:you really canDt go 'rong! +tDs sol by the yar at almost any &abric store% an it even has a
&e' eicate e3sellers on 2tsy P/ilcloth Aict% &or instanceQ! /ne yar o& oilcloth 'as enough to cover the top
o& JanelleDs table! + simply line up the stripes &lush 'ith the eges% &ole the sies uner% an securely staple
the &abric to the unersie o& the table 'ith a staple gun!
0he bar table separates the #itchen &rom the rest o& the apartment% but + inDt 'ant it to &eel too close o&&! Gac#less stools help #eep
the space nice an open!
S22+,( S0)+P2S
.i#e so many o& the other touches + ae to JanelleDs apartment% the blac#3an3'hite stripe pattern o& the
oilcloth bar table 'as inspire by her ne' neighborhoo! 0he builings on her small street 'ere otte 'ith
classic blac#3an3'hite stripe a'nings! 0o bring a little more o& that ol3school vibe insie% + repeate the stripe
in myria 'ays aroun the rest o& the apartment!
+n the sleeping area% run3o&3the3mill 'hite 'ooen blins 'e orere &rom Payless5ecor!com 'ere
customize:at no e;tra charge:to inclue blac# baning Pinstea o& plain3ol 'hiteQ on the &ront! 0hen in the
bathroom% + 'ent &or a really bol e&&ect an painte bigger stripes all the 'ay aroun the room% giving the space
a moern% Jrench parlor &eel! )epeating a graphic pattern% li#e these stripes% is a great 'ay to visually brea# up
a small space! 5onDt be a&rai to use your imagination thoughV slight variations o& the same pattern ma#es &or a
more uniXue &inish!
*/M30/H PA+,0+,( S0)+P2S
[ PainterDs tape
[ 5rop cloth
[ Pencil
[ Keasuring tape
[ .evel
[ Semigloss paint
[ Paint roller
[ Ko Poge (loss All3in3/ne Clear Sealer PoptionalQ
S02P 1
Prep the area &or painting! 0ape o&& the ceiling% &loorboar% an any moling 'ith painterDs tape% an put o'n a
rop cloth!
S02P 2
Starting in a corner by the sho'er or behin a oor% mar# o&& >3inch^ segments all the 'ay aroun the room
'ith your measuring tape an pencil! -ouDll nee to eyeball 'here to put your last stripe% 'hich may not be a
per&ect > inches &rom 'here you began!
^+n general% + li#e to o >3inch stripes! 0hey are big enough to have an impact but not so big that they
ma#e a room &eel small!
S02P ?
/nce your spacing is 'or#e out% use your level an pencil to ma#e ots every &oot or so o'n the length o& the
'all at each o& your >3inch mar#s!
S02P B
.ine up the ege o& your tape 'ith the ots you Uust mae% ma#ing sure the bul# o& the tape is on top o& the
stripe that 'ill be le&t 'hite! /ther'ise% your measurements 'ill be o&& 'hen you paint!
S02P =
0o ensure a nice% clean stripe you can:but onDt have to:brush a single coat o& Ko Poge along the seams
o& your painterDs tape! +t 'ill #eep paint &rom bleeing unerneath your tape in places 'here the 'all might not
be per&ectly even! .et ry &or t'o hours!
S02P >
Paint the appropriate stripe sections 'ith t'o coats o& semigloss paint% allo'ing an hour o& rying time bet'een
coats! )emove your painterDs tape% an clean up any acciental rip mar#s!
0+PH Al'ays use semigloss paint% not &lat%in high3humiity rooms3it 'ipes o'n easily an 'onDt
leave 'ater resiue mar#s!
*o'30oH ,o3Se' Pillo's
*/M30/H ,/3S2M P+../MS
[ Jabric
[ Pillo' insert
[ Sharp scissors
[ 1 roll o& 13inch Stitch Mitchery regular tape
[ 5amp ishto'el or 'ashcloth
[ +ron
[ ?$ @3inch grommet #it
S02P 1
Cut t'o &abric sXuares ? inches larger than your pillo' insert! Jor e;ample% i& your insert is 1> inches sXuare%
you 'ant t'o 1<3inch sXuares o& &abric!
S02P 2
.ay one o& your &abric sXuares on a &lat sur&ace% pattern sie &acing up! Cut &our Stitch Mitchery strips to match
the length o& the &our sies o& your &abric sXuare!
S02P ?
.ine up three o& your Stitch Mitchery strips along three o& the outer eges o& your &abric sXuare! .ay your
secon &abric sXuare on top% pattern sie &acing o'n% ma#ing sure all your eges are even!
S02P B
Place your amp ishto'el or 'ashcloth on a single section o& the seam! "sing the cloth as a guar% set the iron
to meium heat% an press it o'n:onDt slie it:&or ten secons! )epeat this process% completely tracing the
borer o& the three sies that alreay have Stitch Mitchery in place!
S02P =
/nce the Stitch Mitchery is set an your seams are stuc# together% turn your almost &inishe pillo'case insie
out! 0he seams shoul be on the insie no'! -ouDre reay to insert your pillo'!
S02P >
0o close up the last sie% &ol in 13inch seams along the outer ege o& both pieces o& &abric:so you en up 'ith
'hat loo#s li#e a set o& lips! .ine up your last Stitch Mitchery strip bet'een the t'o &ole3o'n seams% right
along the egeV then iron it close!
S02P A
-ou can stop here! Gut i& you 'ant a little e;tra &lair:or plan on having some heavy3uty pillo' &ights:you can
insert grommets along the eges% 'hich loo# cool an help #eep the pillo' together! Jollo' the irections on
your grommet #it Pthey all 'or# a little i&&erentlyQ!
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 A)0 ./I2)
1S0A)0 M+0* A J"),+0")2 P.A,! -ou have to #no' your measurementsV other'ise% your Scheap &inT that oesnDt
actually &it your apartment becomes an e;pensive problem!
2./A5 "P /, +,SP+)A0+/,% but onDt stray into theme3par# territory! +tDs one thing to be inspire by the sights% souns%
an energy o& a city li#e ,e' -or#% but there are no Statue o& .iberty posters an S+ ,-CT pillo's in JanelleDs apartment!
?SP)2A5 -/") ACC2,0 C/./)S A)/",5! +tDs the best:an easiest:'ay to tie all the elements in a space
B0*+,K /"0S+52 0*2 G/N Pthe 'ay 'e i 'ith the Polloc# slipcoverQ! -our art oesnDt al'ays have to be on the 'alls!
=PA0+2,C2 +S A GA)(A+, *",02)DS I+)0"2! 5onDt rush into a purchase because youDre tire o& loo#ing! -ou 'ill
eventually &in the right piece:an all that e&&ort 'ill ma#e you love it even more!
0*2 J)22 SP+)+0
M*/H Kegan
J/GH 0ech strategist
.+I2S +,H Co' *ollo'% San Jrancisco
K2AS")2K2,0SH A=0 sXuare &eet
",0+. *2) K/I2 0/ SA, J)A,C+SC/% K2(A, J2.0 K/)2 A0 */K2 /, A P.A,2 0*A, +, A,- /J
0*2 APA)0K2,0S M*2)2 S*2 *A5 G)+2J.-)2S+525!
0he Chicago native live in &our places an &our cities a&ter leaving &or college! She has travele to thirty3&ive
countries% an i& she has her 'ay% she 'ill visit thirty3&ive more! Gut 'ith a ne' Uob in a ne' city% the restless
traveler 'as thin#ing o& staying put &or a 'hile:or at least establishing a home base!
Kegan arrive in the Gay Area &resh &rom a year in *ong Kong 'ith t'o ays to &in an apartment! 0han#&ully%
her search 'as limite to a very speci&ic areaH 0he ,o! 1 Kuni Gus line% 'hich stoppe near her o&&ice! She
&oun this groun3&loor &lat in SJDs Co' *ollo' neighborhoo Uust in the nic# o& time! 0he 1<?0s Iictorian
builing came 'ith lots o& built3in etails:'ainscoting an a non'or#ing &ireplace% &or instance:an even more
'ear3an3tearH the &loors 'erenDt e;actly level% an the bathroom 'as separate into t'o 'ashrooms! +t 'as
available immeiately though% so she snappe it up!
Kegan ha 'hittle o'n her belongings to an impressive assortment o& global #eepsa#es:an nothing in the
'ay o& &urniture! *er parents 'ere generous enough to ship out her ol beroom set! /ther'ise% + 'as starting
&rom scratch 'ith a Z1%000 buget to cover everything &rom bath to'els to a so&a! KaUor penny3pinching 'ent
into creating this bright% happy apartment% 'hich &inally convince Kegan to hang up her 'ell3'orn bac#pac# Pat
least &or the time beingQ!
P+2C2 G- P+2C2
Guying your &irst SrealT piece o& &urniture is a rite o& passage% sort o& li#e a step into aulthoo:one that Kegan
ha yet to e;perience until setting eyes on this vintage leather chair! Me 'erenDt planning to have e;tra seating
in the living room because% Xuite &ran#ly% it 'asnDt in the buget! Gut 'hile perusing thri&t stores an the
clearance aisles o& every boutiXue 'ithin 'al#ing istance% Kegan spotte this micentury moern chair &or
Z1=0:an% 'ell% it 'as love at &irst sight!
As important as it is to stic# to your buget% itDs eXually important to allo' these moments o& treating yoursel&!
/ther'ise% ecorating becomes a series o& enie 'ishes! P0al# about bursting the e;citement bubble!Q 0his
oesnDt mean you shoul blo' hal& your buget on one item% but ma#ing 'ise concessions along the 'ay 'ill
#eep the process &un!
0+PHSie table not in the bugetO 0ry a stac# o& boo#s instea! Just ma#e sure theyDre roughly the
same size 'ith plenty o& har covers thro'n in to increase stability!
KeganDs apartment is a series o& choppe3up rooms o&&one long hall'ay! As 'as typical o& builings &romthis
era% each room ha its o'n oor% an the #itchen actually ha t'o:one leaing in &romthe hall an one leaing
out to the livingroom! 0his 'as originallyone to control the temperature o& a room by closing ito&&! Gut since
thatDs no longer an issue% the oors 'ere Uust eating up a 'hole lot o& space! +n an attempt to visually open up
the apartment% + remove the livingroom oor an both #itchen oors% an + store them in the builingDs
basement! 0his create a natural &lo' through the public spaces% 'hile stillgiving the beroom an bathroom
the privacy they neee!
Playing opposite ens o& the color 'heel o&& each other% li#e 'e i 'ith the vibrant coral an cool blue notes here% is a great 'ay to
create harmony in a room:'hile still #eeping things interesting!
)+,( /J C/)A.
0he living room 'as &loor3to3ceiling 'hite 'hen + arrive:built3in 'oo'or#% moling% cove ceiling% an all!
Gut hereDs the o'n&all o& an all3'hite roomH it ta#es on 'hatever moo the natural light ictates! So in sunny
.A% it 'oul &eel inviting! +n San Jrancisco% ho'ever% 'here the &og rolls in li#e cloc#'or# everyay at B p!m!%
&our 'hite 'alls can get a bit gloomy! Kegan 'as use to the streamline esign aesthetic o& *ong Kong% 'here
strategic pops o& color are &reely mi;e 'ith streamline `cor an lots o& natural light! + 'ante to give her
some semblance o& that vibe here% so on our &irst shopping trip% + bought a bolt o& iscounte coral &abric in a
heavy cotton3linen blen:an use it as the Uumping o&& point &or the color palette o& the 'hole room!
Ky initial iea 'as to use it as bac#ing &or the built3in boo#shelves% since 'e coulnDt paint them! Gut it ene up
coming in hany &or so much more% li#e )oman blins an seat cushions! +t even inspire the paint color + use
along the top o& the 'all! Gy #eeping all the 'arm notes in this cheery hue% + coul introuce a &e' cool tones%
li#e the ice blue so&a an navy rug! ,othing 'as too matchy3matchy% 'hich gave the room epth:an mae all
the architectural elements much more pronounce!
,+C2 S02KS
*anging out% eating% an party hosting are all one in the con&ines o& the living room:'hich is a 'hole lot o&
action &or a 1B3 by 123&oot space! 0his also meant the biggest pieces o& &urniture:the so&a an the ining
table:ha to &it 'ithin the same &our 'alls! 0he tric# to #eeping the space &rom &eeling too crampeH long% lean
legs! 2verything 'e purchase:the so&a% the nesting tables% an the ining chairs an table:sat on thin%
elicate legs! 0his remove the 'eight &rom the &loor an isperse it at i&&erent vertical levels throughout the
room! So visually% it &elt open an spacious!
*o'30oH Jabric Gac#e Goo#case
*/M30/H JAG)+C GACK25 G//KCAS2
[ Keasuring tape
[ B% ?>3 by ?03inch pieces o& &oam core boar^
[ Pencil
[ .evel
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
[ Jabric
[ Scissors
[ 5uct tape
^Guy &oam core boar 'ier than the space you plan to cover! Putting t'o pieces together 'ill create a
visible brea# uner your &abric!
S02P 1
Keasure the 'ith an height o& the 'all bet'een each shel&! P-ouDll get the most precise imensions i& you
measure the height in the center o& the shel& an at both corners!Q
S02P 2
0race your measurements onto your &oam core boars 'ith a straightege% ouble3chec#ing that your top an
bottom lines are level! 0hen care&ully cut out each piece 'ith your N3AC0/ #ni&e!
S02P ?
5ry test the &it! Slie each o& your &oam core pieces into its esignate space! Mith ol apartments% shelves can
bo' over time% so you may nee to shave o'n certain areas &or a proper &it! Ka#e sure the &oam core is snug
enough to stay put 'ithout any help!
S02P B
Cut pieces o& &abric to &it each o& your &oam core bac#s% leaving an e;tra 23inch borer all the 'ay aroun! Mrap
each &oam core piece 'ith &abric the 'ay you 'oul a gi&t! 0hen secure the &abric eges to the bac# o& your
&oam core piece 'ith uct tape!
S02P =
Slie your &abric3covere &oam core pieces bac# into their esignate shel& spaces:this time &or goo!
5)AKA0+C 5)AP2)-
Mith its sie3by3sie% &loor3to3ceiling 'ino's% this corner o& the living room is uneniably romantic% li#e an ol
,e' /rleans hotel! "ntil% that is% you ta#e a glimpse out the 'ino' an realize youDre at street level! Mhile
youDre sitting at the table enUoying the morning sun an your brea#&ast% everyone 'ho strolls by on the 'ay to
the bus can envy your bo'l o& Cheerios an cup o& co&&ee! ,eeless to say% 'ino' treatments 'ere a
necessity% but &iguring out something that balance natural light 'ith privacy 'as tric#y!
+ use a set o& e;tra3long patch'or# print curtains + &oun in a clearance bin to &rame the 'ino'sV then +
ae a bit o& structure by turning KeganDs run3o&3the3mill plastic blins into e;pensive3loo#ing )oman shaes
'ith my bolt o& coral &abric Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing your o'n )oman shaesQ! 0he result
'as a shot o& color o&&set by a barrage o& pattern% 'hich gave the space an ol3'orl bohemian vibe:an still
let in plenty o& sunlight even 'ith the )oman shaes pulle o'n!
0+PH)e3covering &urniture'ith a thic#ermaterial:li#eour coral linencotton blen:means you can
get a'ay 'ith placing the ne' &abricirectlyover the ol% no seat cushion removal necessary! Simply
cut itto &it%an attach it'ith a staple gun!
A+) (A)52,
0he San Jrancisco &lo'er mar#ets are the best in the country:an Kegan has al'ays ha a green thumb! Gut
than#s to a grueling 'or# scheule an none;istent outoor space% having a garen 'as out o& the Xuestion!
2ven house plants 'ere too much o& a commitment! + 'ante her to have the option o& inulging in the cityDs
rampantly available &resh &lo'ers 'hen possible% though% so + constructe a pseuo3chanelier above the
ining room table 'ith glass bubble vases + got &rom CG2 an &ishing line! Mhen empty% they caught the sunlight
an almost loo#e li#e light bulbs! Mhen &ille 'ith &lo'ers% they 'ere simply stunning! +n either case% they
helpe groun the bistro ining table% so it ha a sense o& permanency! Plus% the chanelier save Kegan &rom
ever having to 'aste precious tabletop space on a centerpiece!
0hese vintage chairs are 5anish moern% but the ne' metal table &eels very inustrial! 0he mi; is e&initely une;pecte% but it 'or#s
because in both cases the shapes are streamline!
*o'30oH )oman Shaes
*/M30/H )/KA, S*A52S
[ Plastic blins^
[ Scissors
[ Jabric^^
[ Jabric glue
^Keep in min that i& you convert the blins provie by your lanlor to )oman shaes% youDll nee to
replace them'hen you move out!
^^Sturier &abrics 'or# best &or this! Avoi anything too sheer that 'ill allo' your glue ots to sho'
through:even though they ry clear!
S02P 1
"nclip your plastic blins% pull them out to their ma;imum length% an lay them on the groun!
S02P 2
,o' 'eDre going to create the s#eleton that 'ill hol your &abric in place! .eave every tenth blin intact% but cut
an remove the rest o& the blins &rom the &i;ture using your scissors! -ouDll nee to cut along both sies o& the
pulley system that controls the blins in orer to get each blin out:Uust be sure not to cut the actual string!
S02P ?
Sprea your &abric on the &loor% an place your blins on top! P0hey shoul still be pulle out to their ma;imum
length!Q Cut your &abric to &it your blins 'ith an e;tra 23inch borer all the 'ay aroun!
S02P B
0a#e your &abric glue% an ma#e pin#y3nail3size ots every inch or so across the entire length o& your top blin!
)otate the blin by han% an ahere the glue sie to the &abric! Mor# your 'ay o'n% repeating this step at
every blin!
S02P =
Mrap the e;tra 2 inches o& &abric over the t'o long sies o& your remaining blins! 0his shoul create a clean
ege o'n the entire length! /nce youDve ouble3chec#e the straightness% glue the &ole3over &abric to the
eges o& each blin% one at a time!
S02P >
-ou canDt 'rap the &abric aroun the top or bottom o& your blins:it 'ill #eep them &rom 'or#ing properly!
+nstea% &ol the &abric so that the &ol lines up 'ith the top ege on top% an the bottom ege o'n belo'! (lue
along the &ol an stic# it irectly to the &ront sie o& the blin% ma#ing sure you have a clean% e&ine ege!
S02P A
.et your blins ry completely% about one hour! 0hen clip the top portion bac# into place!
+, 0*2 K+0C*2,
Kore o&ten than not% youDll &in Kegan mi;ing up some elicious ne' treat in the #itchen! She pic#e up ba#ing
as a hobby a &e' years bac# Peven though her presence near an oven 'as once consiere a &ire hazarQ! Gut
her #itchen% li#e the living room% 'as a sterile% 'hite3on3'hite3on3more3'hite space:e;cept &or the butcher
bloc# islan her boy&rien ha mae &rom a natural light3colore 'oo! She really love all the charming ol3
timey etails in the room% li#e the built3in cabinets an moling Peven though they came 'ith a stove that
preate her e;istenceQ! 0here 'as even a cutting boar that sli out &rom above one o& the ra'ers!
+ 'ante to give her a bright% happy space that highlighte the little things that mae the room great:'hile
ra'ing your eye a'ay &rom the not3so3great etails! So + repeate the same )oman shae treatment &rom the
living room in the corner 'ino'! 0hen + use t'o i&&erent hues o& a retro lavener3gray paint:base on the
&abric:to outline speci&ic points in the room! 0he istinct% bo;e3out lines gave the 'hole #itchen a 'arm% crisp
atmosphere:one youD e;pect to smell li#e &reshly ba#e coo#ies!
0+PH /ler ra'er hanles 'ere o&ten mae in a length thatDs not sol anymore! Mhen itcomes
time to replace them% use t'o single #nobs in place o& one long hanle:they 'or# Uust as 'ell!
.eaving ishes an glass'are out in the open has a great lo'3#ey vibe! Gut to #eep things &eeling clean an crisp itDs best to isplay
them against a 'hite bac#groun!
I+2M J)/K 0*2 0/P
/ne o& KeganDs &avorite neighborhoo hangouts use strategically place mirrors to re&lect the top3shel&
o&&erings behin the bar! She really love the e&&ect% so 'e repeate it in her o'n #itchen! +nstea o& liXuor
bottles% ho'ever% + lai out her coaster collection% accumulate &rom her many travels! 0his type o& mirror
treatment is simple to rig upH
[ Guy a cheap mirror!
[ Angle it above your shel&!
[ Secure the mirror 'ith nails!
+tDs a cheap% easy 'ay to ma#e small3scale collections much more impact&ul!
2ven though 'e 'ere using a resser an heaboar to boo#en her be% it &eels li#e one complete unit because the heaboar%
com&orter% an resser are all 'hite!
0*2 K/52), )/KA,0+C
MhatDs no' KeganDs beroom 'as originally the living room:hence the e;istence o& a &ireplace an the
none;istence o& a closet! As this space 'as the smaller o& the t'o rooms% it mae sense to s'itch them! Gut the
lac# o& available uninterrupte 'all area meant the be coul &it in only one place:the 'all opposite the
oor:leaving no room &or KeganDs lo' resser! + ha to push the resser against the &oot o& the be in orer to
#eep it in the room! Gut putting something so large at the &oot o& the be meant that KeganDs lac# o& a
heaboar 'as even more pronounce! 0o ivert attention bac# 'here it belonge% something ramatic 'as
neee at the top o& the be!
0he rest o& KeganDs apartment ha a sophisticate subtleness to it! Since the beroom sat o&& by itsel&% 'e coul
get a'ay 'ith trying something boler! So + &oun this e;tra3high tu&te heaboar on Amazon!com &or about
Z200:my last maUor purchase:an planne to place it against a Koroccan3inspire temporary 'allpaper Psee
the *o'30o &or application instructionsQ! KeganDs timi response to the aventurous pairing 'as% S.etDs see
'hat it loo#s li#e!T Sometimes going a little outsie your com&ort zone is the only 'ay to ma#e the big statement
youDre a&ter! Kegan 'oul never have gone &or this 'allpaper on its o'n% but using it as a bac#groun &or lots o&
crisp% 'hite etails:the heaboar% the com&orter% the lamp shae% the resser:mae everything pop% 'hile
#eeping the &ocus o& the room o&& the resser an on this amazing ne' 'all treatment!
0+PH Mhenever possible% you shoul ma#e your be accessible &romboth sies:even i&only by a
&oot% the 'ay 'e i here! +t automatically &eels more gro'n up an sophisticate!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
0empaper by 0empaper 5esigns is brilliant!+t goes on an pulls o&&Uust li#e a 'all ecal! Plus% there is
an ever3gro'ing selection o& patterns to pic# &romat 0empaper5esigns!com !
SS/K20+K2S (/+,( A .+00.2 /"0S+52 -/") C/KJ/)0 b/,2 +S 0*2 /,.- MA-
0/ KAK2 0*2 G+( S0A02K2,0-/"D)2 AJ02)!T
*o'30oH 0empaper Mallpaper
*/M30/H 02KPAP2) MA..PAP2)
[ 0empaper
[ .evel
[ )uler
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
S02P 1
Peel the bac#ing o&& the &irst 12 inches o& your 0empaper! .ine up the stic#y portion in the top corner o& the 'all
you 'ant to cover:using the moling or ceiling as a guie!
S02P 2
Smooth the stic#y portion onto the 'all 'ith the palm o& your han! Start at the top an smooth o'n:not sie3
to3sie% 'hich creates air bubbles!
S02P ?
/nce this &irst portion is attache% chec# that it is actually level! Sometimes 'alls can bo'% especially in oler
apartments! 0o #eep your pattern straight% itDs more important that the 0empaper is level rather than line up
per&ectly 'ith the ceiling!
S02P B
A&ter ma#ing any necessary leveling aUustments% continue attaching your 0empaper to the 'all! Peel o&& 123
inch segments o& bac#ing at a time% an smooth your 'ay o'n! -ou can #eep using your palm% or you can use
a ruler% 'hich + &in spees things up an causes &e'er air bubbles!
S02P =
/nce you reach the bottom:an your 0empaper is &irmly an smoothly attache:trim any e;cess paper 'ith
an N3AC0/ #ni&e!
S02P >
"sing the pattern on your &irst sheet o& 0empaper as a guie% line up your ne;t piece:an start all over again!
PChec#ing that itDs level 'onDt be necessary because% as long as your pattern is matching up% the 0empaper
shoul remain level all the 'ay across the 'all!Q
S/"I2,+) S*/P
Kegan coine the phrase Sstruggling minimalistT to escribe her love o& simple% clean3line `cor contraste
'ith a habit o& accumulating lots o& little things PUe'elry% photographs% boo#s% an #eepsa#es &rom her travelsQ!
0he collection is al'ays gro'ing:an the items she li#es to isplay is al'ays changing! So + 'ante to give
her an in&ormal spot 'here she coul s'itch things out at 'ill!
Mhen + &irst arrive% she 'as using the &ireplace mantel as a pseuo3boo#shel&% but it 'as the per&ect place to
ma#e impromptu arrangements! So + gave the boo#s a ne' home by stac#ing them Ppaper sie &acing outQ in
the non'or#ing &ireplace! 0hen + ae her photos% stac#e Uournals% an even an un&rame glass mirror to the
mantel instea! She coul simply lean 'hatever she 'ante against the bac# 'all% 'ithout ever neeing a
hammer or nail:meaning absolutely nothing 'as permanent! 0he te;ture pages% combine 'ith the 'hite
bric# an geometric 'allpaper% mae the once unnoticeable area a &ocal point o& the room!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
0he +talian bran Konial .us has been ma#ing slee#% color&ul es# accessories since the 1<?0s!
0hey have an entire selection o& thumbtac#s that come in the coolest$oest colors% li#e co&&ee an
anelion! Iisit s'eetbellausa!com to see the selection!
0here 'as a small 'or# station in the corner o& KeganDs room! +t 'as use &or ta#ing care o& personal things
more than actual 'or#% 'hich is 'hy Kegan &oun a spot &or it:an promptly ignore it a&ter'ar! Gut the
sparse setting an col materials mae the 'hole area &eel un&inishe! All the space neee 'as something on
the 'all to groun it% so + &oun an oil painting &rom China that KeganDs brother ha given her! +t inDt have a
&rame% an there 'as no money le&t in the buget &or one! So 'e simply line its borer 'ith &lat
thumbtac#s:never actually inserting the tac# in the print but instea stic#ing the posts in the 'all an using
them as a sort o& guie! 0humbtac#s come in so many colors these ays that you can &in a shae that
isappears into 'hatever youDre hanging! ,ever let the lac# o& a &rame eter youV un&rame art'or#% though
much more rela;e in &eeling% is &ar better than a completely bare 'all!
0he best isplays are built &rom mementos% rather than e;pensive tchotch#es! Play aroun 'ith i&&erent heights an te;tures% an no
matter 'hat youDre sho'casing% it 'ill &eel special an thought&ul!
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 J)22 SP+)+0
10AK2 A5IA,0A(2 /J C/./)! "se it to highlight crisp 'hite etails% li#e &urniture or architectural elements!
2M*2, CA)I+,( /"0 A 5+,+,( A)2A in a larger room% hang something above the table to groun it:li#e a
homemae sculpture or chanelier!
?.A-2)25 M+,5/M 0)2A0K2,0S A.MA-S .//K )+C* an e;pensive:no matter ho' little you actually spen
on them!
BMA..PAP2) +S,D0 J"S0 J/) */K2/M,2)S A,-K/)2! 0han#s to the invention o& 0empaper% everyone can
enUoy the lu;ury o& a statement 'all in his or her apartment!
=5/,D0 J/)(20 AG/"0 I2)0+CA. SPAC2! Jurniture 'ith long% lean legs 'ill #eep a room &rom &eeling heavy an
0*2 P)2PP-
M*/H *olt
J/GH Gusiness manager &or a local organic restaurant
.+I2S +,H 2ge'ater% Clevelan
K2AS")2K2,0SH A01 sXuare &eet
A, /*+/A, A0 *2A)0% */.0 K/I25 GACK 0/ *+S */K2 S0A02 AJ02) J/") -2A)S A0 A, +I-
.2A("2 ",+I2)S+0- /, 0*2 2AS0 C/AS0!
*e le&t school 'ith a top3notch egree% 'hich helpe him lan a Uob as the business manager &or an a'ar3
'inning% &arm3to3table restaurant in Clevelan:an a mountain o& stuent loans! .i#e most gras% *olt ha
some harsh give3an3ta#e realities to &ace! *is ream Uob ha a less3than3reamy starting salary an a 'or#
scheule that inclue multiple evening shi&ts every 'ee#! Plus% the only apartments 'ithin his price range
'erenDt locate any'here near the restaurant!
*olt &inally &oun a one3beroom apartment in an 2nglish 0uorcstyle builing:'hich remine him o& his
university ormitory% climbing ivy an all:on the outs#irts o& the up3an3coming 2ge'ater neighborhoo! 0he
builing ate bac# to the 1<20s an &eature original 'oo'or#% s'irling ornamental molings% an roo&top
pillars mar#e 'ith classic stone gargoyles! *olt love the character o& the ramshac#le outsie etails% even i& it
meant the insie 'as a ta run3o'n!
Ky &ocus% than#&ully% 'as preciseH &igure out ho' to ma#e *oltDs penchant &or plai an argyle &eel &resh:not
li#e one o& his &ormer pro&essorsD stuies! Gy avoiing a traitional color scheme:res% blac#s% eep
greens:an 'ieling a palette o& sea blue% mossy green% slate gray% an bro'n instea% *oltDs &avorite prints
venture &ar outsie their classic roots! 0hro' in stripes% pops o& bright colors% an an eclectic range o&
inspirations% an *oltDs apartment:though preppy in theory:became a success&ul lesson in mi;ing bol `cor!
.ayering patterns is the easiest 'ay to a epth to a room! Gut itDs also a very scary unerta#ing! 0he truth is%
you can an shoul layer bol prints:an itDs &ar easier than you thin#! *ere% 'e ha a palette o& happy blues
an earthy bro'ns% but 'e 'ere missing the one thing that 'oul bring everything togetherH an area rug! ,o' i&
+D stuc# 'ith a soli rug% the entire room 'oul have &allen &lat! 0he reason this plai rug 'or#s so 'ell% apart
&rom blening 'ith the e;isting color scheme% is that its most ominant lines &lo' in the same irection as the
stripes on the so&a an )oman shaes Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing these ribbon3trimme
shaesQ! So in shortH layer on the patterns:Uust min the color scheme an irection o& your prints!
0+PH Mhen shopping &or&urniture%onDt avoi your &avoritestores out o& &ear o& stic#er shoc#! Almost
every boutiXue has a clearance section 'here you can score maUorly iscounte &loor
samples:'hich is ho' + came to buy *oltDs Z2%B00 esigner so&a &orZ>00!
*oltDs apartment 'as segmente into three istinctareasH the #itchen$ining room% the livingroom% an the
beroom$bathroom! Jurnitureplacement 'asnDt going to be the tric#ypart:since *olt o'ne very little!+nstea%
+ 'as more concerne 'ith iviing the various preppy accents among the rooms! *is collection range &rom
eXuestrian `cor to an dberbrightargyle print!5esignating certain spaces &orcertain vibes 'as the only 'ay to
#eep the apartment &romventuringtoo &arinto clo'nish country club territory!So + sta#e out the #itchen$ining
room as the SboysD nightTarena% the livingroom as the more traitionalsetting% an the beroom$bathroom as
the place to be a littlebol!
0*2*APP- G."2S
*olt 'ante to transportsome o& the ol3school collegiate charm he le&ton the 2ast Coast to his ne'
apartment in the Ki'est! Gut + inDt'ant that to translate into a series o& ar# an gloomy rooms%
so + &ocuse on using lightercolors inspire by items he alreay o'ne! 0he blue + chose &orthe living
room 'alls% &orinstance% matche the shae o& the ocean on one o& his globes% an the stripe ribbon
use on the blins coorinate 'ith a set o& vintage bocce balls!
(./GA. S"KK+0
+ consier most raiators to be space3eating monstrosities% but this one actually came in hany Pin aition to
its obvious purpose o& proviing heatQ! +t ha an intricate% art eco3loo#ing cover that only neee a &resh coat o&
semigloss 'hite paint to &eel ne' again! Mith the aition o& t'o &loating 'hite shelves &rom Amazon!com% +
'as able to ma#e something that &elt li#e a built3in 'all unit! + use the e;tra shelves to sho'case part o& *oltDs
impressive antiXue globe collection% a hobby he starte bac# in the eighth grae!
*o'30oH )ibbon30rimme Shaes
*/M30/H )+GG/,30)+KK25 S*A52S
[ )oman shaes ^
[ Cra&t3Xualityribbon P1 to 2 inches in 'ithQ^^
[ Keasuring tape
[ Cra&terDs hot3glue gun
[ (lue stic#s Pon average% about ? stic#s per blinQ
[ Jabric scissors
^0his proUect only 'or#s on )oman shaes! +t 'oul rener horizontal blins completely useless !
^^Mhen selecting your ribbon% avoi velvets% sil#s% an other &ragile &abrics that 'onDt stan up to hot
S02P 1
Jirst% 'eDll etermine ho' much ribbon you nee! .ay your )oman shae &lat on the groun% open it completely%
an measure the length! A B inches to that measurement% an multiply by 2 Psince youDll nee a strip o& ribbon
&or each sieQ! Cut your ribbon to this length!
S02P 2
5ecie ho' &ar &rom the ege o& the shae you 'ant your ribbon to be place:bet'een 2 an B inches 'or#s
best! Keasure that istance &rom the outsie o& your shae on both sies% ma#ing iscrete tic# mar#s o'n the
entire length! 0hen line up the outsie ege o& your ribbon 'ith these mar#s% leaving an e;tra 2 inches o& length
at the top an bottom o& your shae!
S02P ?
Start gluing on lo' heat! Place small ots:about the size o& a menDs ress shirt button:every 2 inches or so
along the center o& the bac# sie o& your ribbon! *ot glue ries Xuic#ly% so ma#e t'o or three ots an then
&latten that section to the shae by sliing the palm o& your han o'n the entire length! PGe care&ul% itDs hotWQ
S02P B
0a#e the e;tra 2 inches o& ribbon &rom the top an bottom o& your shae an &ol them over the bac#sie%
ma#ing sure to get a nice% tight ege! 0hen ahere the ens to the bac#sie 'ith a &e' ots o& glue:an youDre
oneW .et ry &or &i&teen minutes be&ore rehanging!
5)2SS+,( 0*2 5)2SS2)
*olt &oun this small chest o& ra'ers hien unerneath a pile o& usty bo;es in his parentsD basement!
Junctionally% it 'as Uust 'hat he neee &or his entry'ay! Aesthetically though% it 'as a ta too prim an proper!
So + ecie to use a little ecorative paper to tone o'n the sti&&ness o& this turn3o&3the3last3century% 2nglish
resser! + &ace all the ra'ers 'ith a subtle% gri3li#e plai paper that ae tons o& personality 'ithout totally
'or#ing against the pieceDs natural lines! -ou can o this on Uust about any sur&ace!
*o'30oH Plai 5resser
*/M30/HP.A+5 5)2SS2)
[ Keasuring tape
[ 5ecorative paper^
[ Scissors
[ ?23ounce bottle o& Ko Poge Katte
[ 23inch3'ie paintbrush
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
^-ou can &in ecorative paper sol in iniviual sheets:not rolls:at most cra&t stores! 0he #ey is
pic#ing one that is thic#er than tissue paper but not Xuite as heavy as car stoc#! 0hin# nice gi&t3
'rapping paper!
S02P 1
Pull the ra'ers out o& the resser% an remove all #nobs an har'areV then give the ra'er &ronts a goo
S02P 2
Keasure the &ace o& each ra'er! 0hen cut pieces o& ecorative paper to &it% leaving a 23inch borer o& e;tra
paper aroun the actual measurement o& the ra'er! +& your paper isnDt Xuite long enough to cover the entire
ra'er &ront% piece together t'o separate sheets! Just be sure to match up the prints care&ully!
S02P ?
Apply a liberal coat o& Ko Poge to the &ront o& your ra'er 'ith a 23inch brush! -ou 'ant the ra'er to be
thic#ly covere% but not gloppy or runny! + recommen oing short stro#es in the same irection to get the best
S02P B
Apply a slightly thinner coat o& Ko Poge to the bac# o& your ecorative paper% being e;tra care&ul not to tear
the paper once itDs 'et! Again% short stro#es in one irection 'or# best!
S02P =
Press the bac# sie o& your ecorative paper to the &ront sie o& your ra'er% basically stic#ing both Ko
Poge:covere sur&aces together! Center the paper as best you can% 'ith the 23inch borer o& e;tra paper
&raming the ra'er! 5onDt rushW -ou have a &e' minutes be&ore the Ko Poge becomes tac#y!
S02P >
/nce the paper is in the correct place% ma#e sure there are no bubbles or &ols! +& you see one% gently 'or# it
out 'ith your &ingers! 0hen &irmly smooth the paper over the &ront o& the ra'er 'ith the sie o& your han!
S02P A
Jol the 23inch borer o& e;cess paper over the lip o& the ra'er% ma#ing sure you have a nice% clean egeV
then &ol it again into the insie o& the ra'er! 0his three3sie e&&ect eters &raying cause by constant opening
an closing!
S02P @
Apply another coat o& Ko Poge over the top o& the paper% using the same brush techniXue! +t ries clear an
'ill 'or# as a sealant% so be sure to really go over the paperDs eges! Apply at least t'o coats% allo'ing t'enty3
&ive minutes o& rying time bet'een each!
S02P <
)eattach any har'are you remove be&ore the Ko Poge is &ully ry! Jor #nobs% simply &in the scre' holes
'ith your &inger% po#e through 'ith the tip o& an N3AC0/ #ni&e% an care&ully t'ist the scre's in! Any other
etails% li#e the #eyholes on this resser% 'ill have to be trace 'ith your N3AC0/ #ni&e! .et ry &or about an
hour be&ore sliing the ra'ers bac# into the resser!
S0/P% 5)/P% A,5 /)(A,+b2
+Dve never met a person 'ho inDt nee to come to terms 'ith some aspect o& ho' he or she lives! +Dve ealt
'ith 'et to'el roppers% clothes3in3the3corner culprits% irty ish hoarers:the list goes on an on! *olt is your
typical entry'ay stripper! P+tDs not nearly as scanalous as it souns!Q Mithin minutes o& 'al#ing in the oor% he
ta#es o&& his tie an belt% empties his poc#ets% an tosses everything into the built3in shelves ne;t to his &ront
oor! Mhen + got to his apartment% there 'ere ties an belts stac#e si;3eep on the oor#nobs! +tDs the small
things that ma#e a space &eel cluttere% though! *olt neee to accept the &act that it 'as o#ay to #eep these
things in the entry'ay:as long as he ha a place &or them! Ge honest 'ith ho' you live% an it becomes so
much easier to #eep your li&e organize!
0/ 0*2 KA)K20 + (/
*olt neee a &e' items to ma#e his entry'ay &unction as a rop zone! + spent Sunay trolling the local &lea
mar#et &or ieas an unearthe some small bo'ls &or change% a vintage tie rac#% a plai magnet boar &or bills%
an a set o& lamps &or the entry'ay table! + score the 'hole lot &or only Z=0!
0he tric# to ma#ing a shopping trip li#e this success&ul is setting out 'ith an iea o& the problem you nee to &i;
but not necessarily the e;act item you nee to &i; it! Jor instance% + coul have spent all ay si&ting through
tables &or the per&ect mail sorter an never &oun one:'hich 'oul have been a total 'aste o& time! Gecause +
'as 'illing to be a little creative% + &oun the plai magnet boar instea% 'hich 'or#e per&ectly as a place &or
*olt to #eep his bills!
5+,+,( +,
Mhen you host a social gathering itDs inevitable that everyone ens up in the #itchen! +nstea o& &ighting this &act%
*olt embrace it by moving his monthly po#er night 'ith the boys to his ining room table% instea o& the living
room! 0here 'as Uust one problemH the space &elt li#e a &rat house 'ith a beaten3up table surroune by
mismatche chairs an nothing on the 'alls! An 'hatDs more% this tattere hoge3poge sat right ne;t to his
pristinely renovate #itchen! +t turne out that the actual table 'asnDt in ba shape! A&ter nearly a ecae in his
parentsD cra'lspace% the Uoints 'ere per&ectly &ine! Gut there 'ere enough tiny scratches in the 'oo to give
someone a splinter% so + ecie it mae the most sense to paint it! 0'o coats o& semigloss 'hite later% the
table &elt much more moern an really &lo'e 'ith the rest o& the #itchen!
*oltDs ramshac#le seating selection still le&t much to be esire:in some cases a &ully &unctioning chair bottom!
+Dm not normally one to toss something out% but consiering the state o& these chairs% it 'as easier to call it Xuits
an start &rom scratch! So + &oun these very cheap% very basic blue chairs at 0arget% 'hich 'ere Z>= &or a set o&
t'o! + &elt they neee a little something though% so + ae racing stripes 'ith the le&tover semigloss paint &rom
the table! )emember% customizing isnDt Uust &or ol or e;pensive pieces o& &urniture! 0hereDs al'ays the
possibility o& ma#ing something bran ne' &eel special an uniXue!
0+PH Mhite 'alls can 'ar& art'or#! +&'hatever youDre hanging isnDt big enough to ma#e an impact%
paint a larger S&rameTbehin it% as + i here 'ith the shot o& blueberries! +t creates a much more
noticeable% gallery3li#e e&&ect!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
Canvas on 5eman Pcanvasoneman!com Q is my go3to source &or turningpersonal photos into
art! 0he Xualityis al'ays spot3on:plus% theyDre &ast an a&&orable! 0hey mae this triptycho&
blueberry images &orme in less than a 'ee#!
0hin# about ho' you use your electronics! *olt spens most o& his &ree time coo#ing% so 'e put the 0I in the #itchen! ,o' he can
'atch Joo ,et'or# 'hile ma#ing inner!
A)(-.2 +,SP+)A0+/,S A,5 PA002),255)2AKS
*oltDs tiny bathroom 'as your typical% &unctional% 'hite3tile 'ashroom:no &ussy &lourishes% Uust the basics!
0he truth is% the 'hite3tile 'alls an ol3&ashione &i;tures 'or#e Uust &ine! Consiering *oltDs buget% +
ecie to leave 'ell enough alone an spen 'hat 'as le&t o& the ma#eover allo'ance on something a little
more necessary! So + &oun this argyle sho'er curtain in a retro mossy green an gray color palette% stoc#e
up on some stripe green to'els% an consiere the bathroom &inishe!
.ittle i + #no' then that the sho'er curtain 'oul become the inspiration &or the beroom as 'ell! + pic#e
argyle because as &ar as prints go% it ma#es a complete statement all on its o'n! Plus% + too# one loo# in *oltDs
soc# ra'er an #ne' he 'as a &an! 0he t'o small rooms are bro#en o&& into their o'n section o& the
apartment% so giving them one cohesive palette mae the pair &eel more li#e a Uoint beroom$bathroom suite!
*olt love the ol3school% Cayshac# appeal o& the argyle so much that + ecie to mimic it in the beroom
in a maUor 'ay:so + painte an entire 'all in an argyle pattern Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on painting
your o'n argyle 'allQ! +n theory% it may seem a ta intimiating% but the segmente e&&ect o& the argyle actually
gave the tight% narro' beroom the illusion o& greater epth!
J.+P J/) +0
Mith *oltDs sleep scheule resembling that o& a nocturnal creature% his beroom neee to be a place 'here he
coul hole up an get some much neee o'ntime:'hether it happene to be 2 a!m! or 2 p!m! So + 'ante
to ma#e the space &eel li#e a cozy man en o& sorts! 0he main issue% ho'ever% 'as the roomDs long% a'#'arly
narro' space! 0he shape ictate that everything in the room 'or# on a length'ise plane% incluing the be!
0here 'as no spot to place it perpenicular to the 'all 'ithout almost touching the opposite sie o& the room! So
+ &lippe it% putting the long sie against the 'all! Gut + coulnDt Uust leave it &loating in the mile o& the 'all 'ith
nothing to groun it% so + bought t'o basic 'hite boo#shelves &rom 0arget an place them on either en o& the
mattress! 0hen + reaUuste the pillo's to create a aybe3li#e e&&ect! )emember% you al'ays 'ant your
&urniture placement to &eel li#e a purpose&ul move% not a last resort!
A set o& bohemian lamps 'as the per&ect une;pecte touch in this room! 0hey #ept an argyle 'all an stripe rug &rom &eeling too
buttone3up preppy!
*o'30oH Argyle Mall
*/M30/H A)(-.2 MA..
[ Keasuring tape
[ .evel
[ Pencil
[ 1 roll o& ?3inch3'ie blue painterDs tape
[ 1 roll o& ?3inch3'ie painterDs tape in an alternate color
[ 1 gallon o& &latgray paint
[ 1 gallon o& &latmoss green paint
S02P 1
Keasure your 'all horizontally an vertically! 5ivie it in hal& horizontally% ra'ing a straight line through the
center o& your 'all 'ith your level an pencil!
S02P 2
0hen ivie your 'all vertically into eight eXual sections% ra'ing a straight line &rom ceiling to &loorboar! Jor
the sa#e o& organization% + name my vertical lines I1 through IA moving le&t to right!
S02P ?
Pencils o'nW +tDs time to play a giant game o& Sconnect the otsT 'ith tape! Starting at the ceiling corner on the
&ar le&t3han 'all% ta#e your blue painterDs tape% an tape a iagonal line that begins there an ens at the point
'here your horizontal line crosses I1!
S02P B
Continue taping a zigzag &rom your horizontal line to the ceiling across the entire top hal& o& your 'all! So youDll
connect the horizontal mar# on I1 'ith the I2 ceiling point% the I2 ceiling point 'ith the horizontal mar# on I?%
an so &orth% until you en at the ceiling corner on the &ar right3han 'all!
S02P =
)epeat Step B% only this time on the bottom hal& o& your 'all! So starting at the &loorboar on the &ar le&t3han
'all% tape a iagonal line that begins there an ens at the point 'here your horizontal line crosses I1!
Continue across the 'all connecting the horizontal mar# on I1 'ith the I2 &loorboar point% the I2 &loorboar
point 'ith the horizontal mar# on I?% an so &orth% until you en at the &loorboar on the &ar right3han 'all!
S02P >
-ouDre hal&'ay thereW -ou Uust nee to o a bit more taping! *ereDs 'here you s'itch your tape color! P0his 'ill
help #eep things in perspective 'hen painting% though the choice o& s'itching is up to you!Q Starting in the
corner o& the &ar le&t3han 'all:'here your horizontal mar# stops:tape a iagonal line that begins there an
ens at the I1 ceiling point!
S02P A
Continue taping a zigzag across the top hal& o& your 'all! So youDll connect the I1 ceiling point 'ith the
horizontal mar# on I2% the horizontal mar# on I2 'ith the I? ceiling point% an so &orth% until you en on the &ar
right3han 'all% 'here your horizontal mar# stops!
S02P @
)epeat Step A on the bottom hal& o& your 'all! Starting in the corner on the &ar le&t3han 'all:'here your
horizontal mar# stops:tape a iagonal line that begins there an ens at the I1 &loorboar point! Continue
across the 'all connecting the I1 &loorboar point 'ith the horizontal mar# on I2% the horizontal mar# on I2
'ith the I? &loorboar point% an so &orth% until you en in the &ar right3han corner o& the 'all% 'here your
horizontal mar# stops!
S02P <
2;hale! 0he har part is overW -ou can brea# out the paint! Ge&ore you start% ma#e sure all your tape is &irmly
presse to the 'all to eter any paint &rom seeping through an messing up all your har 'or#!
S02P 10
-our main iamons:'hich 'ill be painte gray:are tape o&& 'ith your blue painterDs tape! Apply t'o coats o&
gray paint to the area insie these iamons% an t'o coats o& moss green to the area outsie!
S02P 11
.et your paint ry &or at least thirty to &orty3&ive minutes be&ore care&ully removing the tape! -ou 'ant the paint to
be ry enough that it 'onDt run but still a ta 'et so that you have time to 'ipe o&& any paint that may have
rippe into the 'hite space! .et the paint sit overnight to ry!
0*2A)(-.2 C/./)C/52
.ove the loo# but 'ant to ma#e ityour o'nO 0ry these moo3setting color combosH
JeminineH Plum% Cream% an )ose
)etroH Chocolate% Gurnt /range% an Camel
5o'nto'nH Charcoal% 0aupe% an Cany Apple )e
,eutralH 0an% Mhite% an Stone
Slee#H Jet Glac#% Slate% an 5ove (ray
S0*2 K2- 0/ PA+,0+,(+,0)+CA02 PA002),S+S K22P+,( 0*2 SCA.2 .A)(2!T
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 P)2PP-
1S0A)0 M+0* JAG)+C% ,/0 PA+,0% 'hen ecorating! -ou have the option o& every color uner the sun 'ith paint!
Jabric selection is much more limite:but also much more inspiring!
20*2 G/.52):A,5 K/)2 5+I2)S2:0*2 P)+,0S% the richer the space% so onDt be scare to layer multiple
patterns in the same room!
?G"-+,( A P+2C2 /J J"),+0")2% 'hether ol or ne'% is only the &irst step in ma#ing it your o'n! A a personal touch
'henever an 'herever you can!
B5/,D0 .20 A C*/PP253"P J.//) P.A, (20 -/" 5/M,! Create istinct zones% an use the opportunity to
embrace a &e' i&&erent aesthetics in your apartment!
=J/)K M+.. J/../M J",C0+/,% so ecorate aroun ho' you actually use a space! A &unctional room 'ill al'ays be
goo esign!
0*2 )//KKA02S
M*/H Anne e Julia
J/GH Corporate P) coorinator e &inancial services consultant
.+I2S +,H Gac# Gay% Goston
K2AS")2K2,0SH @00 sXuare &eet
+, 0*2 *+2)A)C*- /J )//KKA02 )2.A0+/,S*+PS% A,,2 A,5 J".+A A)2 M*A0 -/"D5 CA..
S./,( 02)K!T
0he t'o met in college an move in together a&ter grauation! 0hree years an three apartments later% they
&inally lane in a spot 'here they coul see themselves staying &or a 'hile! 0he small &lat is locate in one o&
the many nineteenth3century% &eeral3style bro'nstones3turne3apartment comple;es in GostonDs Gac# Gay
Anne an Julia love having cool shops an restaurants right on their street! Gut that lu;ury came at a sacri&iceH
space! 0heir apartment 'as one long room 'ith t'o small berooms! P+& someone sneeze in the #itchen% it 'as
hear in JuliaDs bac# beroom!Q Gut a&ter spening t'o years commuting &rom roomy apartments in not3so3
convenient neighborhoos% they ecie their ne;t move 'oul be about &ining the right location! Gecause the
truth isH space an location are al'ays going to be at opposite ens o& the priority seesa'! 0he &aster you
ecie 'hich hols more 'eight &or you% the happier youDll be 'ith your living situation!
Anne li#es bright colors an bol prints 'ith a bohemian spin! Julia pre&ers neutral hues% clean lines% an a
traitional coastal &eel! "p until this point% Anne an Julia ha never staye put long enough to care ho'
everything came together! Gut no' they 'ante their ne' apartment to re&lect each o& their personalities:an
ma#ing that happen in a visually cohesive 'ay became my Uob! Mith a color lover an a color3phobe uner the
same roo&% ecorating became a give3an3ta#e negotiation 'ith bright% surprisingly tranXuil results!
K"S+CA. C*A+)S
As i&&erent as Anne an JuliaDs tastes may be% there 'as one unli#ely source o& inspiration they coul both
agree onH their &avorite television sho'% Jriens! PCue the theme music!Q 0hey love the color&ul% mismatche
chairs aroun the #itchen table in KonicaDs apartment% so + 'ante to re3create that in a more moern 'ay here!
0he table 'as originally pushe against the living room 'all% an &elt more li#e an a&terthought! 0hey inDt even
have actual chairs &or it% only &oling ones that 'ere #ept store until neee!
+ hit the local thri&t stores an starte pic#ing up the cheapest chairs + coul &in! Since + 'as planning on
painting them% it inDt matter 'hat sort o& shape they 'ere in as long as the &rame 'as stury! + &oun t'o
chairs 'ith classic etails an t'o that 'ere a little more ornamental Pone o& 'hich 'as technically a benchQ%
then painte each a i&&erent colorH turXuoise% raspberry% tangerine% an ove gray! 0he result 'as a collection
o& seating that turne a slee# lacXuer table into something &ar more eclectic:'hich 'as a better re&lection o&
both girlsD style!
0+PH 0he mi;3an3match approach to buying ining room chairs can save you hunres o& ollars!
0hese 'ere all purchase &oraroun Z>0% 'hereas a matching set 'oul have cost up'ars o& Z200!
+&you 'ant something more cohesive% simply paint your collection the same color!
0he main livingarea in Anne an JuliaDs apartment 'as e;tralong an e;tranarro'% a less3than3ieal
combination 'hen tryingto place a large sectional so&a! Mith a space li#e this% tra&&ic&lo' has to ta#e
preceenceV other'ise you en up 'ith an obstacle course o& &urniture:'hichis 'hat e;iste 'hen + arrive!
0he so&a 'as &lush 'ith the bay 'ino'% an the #itchen table 'as positione against the 'all behin it!
2verything &eltcrampe% 'hich in turnmae the room &eel smaller!
Grea#ing up the &urnituregriloc#:placing the roun table in &ronto& the bay 'ino's an sliing the so&a o'n
the 'all:mae both the SlivingroomTan S#itchenTareas &eel bigger an gave the 'hole room a more natural
course! 5onDt get caught up in 'here you thin#something belongs! .et your space ictate &unction% an place
things 'here they 'or#!
A .+00.2 (+I2% A .+00.2 0AK2
+n an attempt to appease each otherDs esign aesthetic% the Sliving roomT area ha become a 'atere3o'n
version o& both roommatesD styles:'ith neither one really loving anything about the space! Gut hereDs the thingH
i& one roommate li#es blue an the other li#es re% purple is never the ans'er! Communal ecorating shoulnDt
&eel li#e a ebate% nor shoul it be a total abanonment o& personal style! +nstea% thin# o& it as a game o&
something &or everyone% 'ith a &e' veto clauses thro'n in &or goo measure! *ere% 'e create a chec#list o&
sortsH the streamline so&a 'as JuliaDs style% the chevron carpet tiles 'ere AnneDs% the colonial sie table 'as
JuliaDs% the inustrial reaing lamp 'as AnneDs% an so &orth! 5ecorating 'as a piece3by3piece aition o&
something each one really love% 'hich mae the 'hole room &eel so much more alive!
S/",5 /JJ
.i#e most ol apartments% this one ha a big problem 'ith echoes% especially in the main room% 'hich at times
&elt li#e a noise tunnel! 0he chevron carpet tiles 'e installe helpe a bit% but + 'ante to o something that
'oul absorb the reverb &rom the 'alls:so + turne it into an art proUect! 0he lanlor 'oulnDt let us paint! PShe
barely allo'e us to use nails!Q So + came up 'ith the iea o& creating &abric3covere% pae panels that
'oul Ielcro onto the 'all as a 'ay to a color an solve the soun issue Psee the *o'30o &or etails on
ma#ing your o'nQ! Anne chose a bright yello' &abric% an Julia opte &or a subtle stripe! + i a chec#erboar
e&&ect 'ith the panels across both 'alls% 'hich acte as the per&ect substitute &or art'or#:saving me money
an the aunting tas# o& &ining something Anne an Julia coul agree on! A&ter'ar% the soun 'asnDt
completely snu&&e out% but the mu&&le noise escaping &rom the living room 'as &ar more bearable!
0+PH 0hin# o& the &looras your &i&th'all% an use itto isplay bol printsor colors!
A ]"+CK ,/02 /,H +,S0A..+,( J./) CA)P20 0+.2S
S02P 1H .ine up your J./) 0iles 'here you 'ant them! S02P 2H Starting 'ith a corner tile% attach one3
Xuarter o& a J./) 5ot P'hich come 'ith your purchaseQ to an insie corner o& your tile! S02P ?H Keep your
stic#ere J./) 0ile straight% an attach each o& the ? tiles that borer it! )epeat this step 'hile 'or#ing your
'ay to the opposite en o& your J./) 0ile rug! S02P BH /nce the insie is completely connecte% ma#e your
'ay aroun the perimeter% connecting one tile to the ne;t% using hal& a J./) 5ot on each ege!
*o'30oH Pae Jabric Panels
*/M30/H PA5525 JAG)+C PA,2.S
[ Jabric
[ ?>3 by B@3inch &oam core boar
[ Scissors
[ 1 roll o& batting
[ 5uct tape
[ 1 roll o& inustrial3strengthIelcro Stic#y Gac# tape
[ PainterDs tape
S02P 1
Cut your &abric to &it your &oam core boar% leaving an e;tra 23inch borer aroun the eges!
S02P 2
Cut your batting to the size o& your &oam core boar% this time leaving an e;tra 13inch borer aroun the ege!
S02P ?
.ay your batting on a &lat sur&ace% an line up your &oam core boar on top% ma#ing sure the e;tra inch you cut is
even all the 'ay aroun! Jol the e;tra batting over the ege o& your boar% an uct tape it o'n! -ou 'ant it
to be as &lush 'ith the sur&ace o& your boar as possible!
S02P B
.ay your &abric on a &lat sur&ace an line up your batting3covere &oam core boar on top:batting sie
o'n:again ma#ing sure the e;tra 2 inches o& material you le&t is even all the 'ay aroun! Mrap your &abric
over the ege one sie at a time:top then bottom% right then le&t:an uct tape it to the bac# o& your &oam
core boar! 0reat the corners the 'ay you 'oul i& you 'ere 'rapping a gi&t! P-ou 'ant your &abric taut% but not
so tight it bunches or pulls!Q
S02P =
Cut &our% ?3inch sXuares &rom your roll o& Stic#y Gac# Ielcro tape! Place one sXuare in each o& the &our corners
on the bac# o& your &oam core boar!
S02P >
5ecie 'here you 'ant to hang your &abric3covere &oam core boar! +n pencil% mar# the &our spaces on the
'all that line up 'ith the Ielcro sXuares on your boar! Cover these areas in blue painterDs tape!
S02P A
Pull o&& the top piece o& the Ielcro sXuares attache to your &oam core boar! Stic# one sXuare to each o& the
areas covere in blue painterDs tape% ma#ing sure they line up 'ith the Ielcro sXuares on the bac# o& your
S02P @
Jirmly press your &abric3covere &oam core boar to the 'all an% voilf% your panel is hung 'ithout using a
single nail!
0*2 G2A"0- A+S.2
0'o girls an one small bathroom eXuals a 'hole lot o& beauty proucts scattere aroun! 0he tub 'as line
'ith bottles% the sin# &rame by ma#eup% there 'ere even a &e' rogue liXui soap containers on the &loor outsie
the sho'er! 0he goal here 'as to give each roommate her o'n personal area:&or the sa#e o& storage an
organization! 0here 'as an oversize lege in the sho'er% so + bought t'o inoor$outoor 'aterproo& 'ic#er
bas#ets% 'hich became a catchall &or Anne an JuliaDs sho'er proucts! 0hen 'e institute a ne' ruleH i& it
oesnDt &it in the bas#et% it oesnDt stay in the bathroom! 0his 'as the only 'ay to #eep the space some'hat
a S2C)20 S/")C2
.oo#ing &orsomething more interestingthan your basic 'hite sho'er curtainO Chec# out
5eny5esigns!com % 'hich has pages an pages o& moern art3inspirepatterns to scroll through!
,/0 S/ P)200- +, P+,K
0he pale pin# tile that line the bathroom 'all remine Julia o& her great3granmotherDs house Pnot in a goo
'ayQ:an Anne ha some serious aversions to it as 'ell! So + 'ante to introuce some ar#er colors to ma#e
it &eel a little less ate! + s'appe their plain 'hite sho'er curtain &or one that ha graphic silhouettes all over
it! 0hen + hung some art on the 'all that Anne ha painte 'hen she 'as still in college! +n the en% the pin# tile
became a bac#groun to all these bol ne' elements! 5onDt ever get trappe by a color you onDt loveV there is
al'ays a 'ay to temper it!
S5/,D0 (20 0)APP25 G- A C/./) -/" 5/,D0 ./I2V 0*2)2 +S A.MA-S A MA-
0/ 02KP2) +0!T
0o eliminate the ongoing game o& S'hich to'el is mineOT + gave each roommate a ne' set o& to'els in her very o'n colorH plum or
G/*2K+A, ,+(*0S
0he berooms 'ere the one place that Anne an Julia coul &reely ecorate accoring to their o'n vision:no
'atering o'n or sharing necessary! So + really 'ante each to be a personal retreat that mae all the give3
an3ta#e in the rest o& the apartment 'orth'hile!
+n AnneDs room% that meant playing up her love o& eclectic% bohemian prints an accents! *ers 'as the smaller
o& the t'o rooms% 'ith Uust enough sXuare &ootage to &it a &ull3size be% large resser% an sie table! +t 'as so
narro'% in &act% that both ens o& her mattress 'ere alreay &lush 'ith the 'all% leaving no space &or a proper
heaboar! 0o ma#e the be &eel more substantial% 'e &a#e a traitional colonial heaboar 'ith a ecorative
'all ecal that% come moving ay% coul be peele right o&& 'ithout amaging the paint:'hich &ell 'ithin the
constraints o& her lanlorDs rules!
0hen 'e otte the room 'ith small personal touchesH the blac# #nobs that came on her +#ea resser 'ere
s'itche &or &loral ones &rom Anthropologie PAnneDs &avorite storeQ% an lots o& earthy accents 'ere ae% li#e a
'oven bas#et &or boo#s% a sisal rug% an a reaing lamp covere in capture butter&lies! Sometimes the smallest
etails tell the most compelling story% so onDt get stuc# loo#ing &or that one% e;pensive statement piece:a lot o&
special little things 'or# Uust as 'ell!
0+PH Al'ays opt &ora reversible com&orterV you can &lipitover i&you ever get tireo& one sie! So
technically% youDre getting ouble the print&orthe price o& one!
*/M30/HK,/G KAK2/I2)
+Dve sai it be&ore% but itDs certainly 'orth repeatingH 'henever you can personalize a store3bought piece% you
shoul! -ou can probably &in this +#ea resser in over a million homes aroun the 'orl! +tDs one o& those Sit
oes the UobT pieces% but that oesnDt mean it has to be boring! S'itching out the manu&acturerDs #nobs &or
something 'ith more personality cost about Z=0 an too# less than &ive minutes! Simply unscre' the ol #nobs
an scre' on the ne'!
*o'30oH +nstalling a *eaboar 5ecal
*/M30/H +,S0A..+,( A *2A5G/A)5 52CA.
[ /livia *eaboar Gli# Mall 5ecal Pcomes in t'o partsQ
[ 1 'illingset o& e;trahans
[ 1 plastic car or sXueegee
S02P 1
"nroll the bottom hal& o& your ecal on the &loor% clear sie &acing o'n! Pull the 'hite bac#ing o&& one o& the
bottom corners o& your ecal!
S02P 2
Care&ully line up this corner o& your ecal 'ith the &loorboar! -ouDre staging the placement o& the heaboar
ecal% so be sure to ta#e your time an line it up e;actly 'here you 'ant it!
S02P ?
2nlist your buy to hol up the other en o& your ecal! Start pulling o&& more o& the 'hite bac#ing% 'hile
continuing to stic# the clear portion irectly to the 'all! Ge sure to #eep this as straight as possible% until all the
'hite bac#ing is remove an the bottom portion is &ully stuc# to the 'all!
S02P B
"se your plastic car or sXueegee to smooth out any 'rin#les or air bubbles that may be le&t bet'een your
ecal an the 'all% especially uner the part o& the ecal that is the heaboar!
S02P =
)epeat Steps 1 through B 'ith the top hal& o& your heaboar ecal% only this time% line up the top ecal 'ith the
bottom portion alreay on the 'all!
S02P >
/nce both pieces o& your ecal are on the 'all an air bubble &ree% slo'ly start peeling o&& the clear plastic &ilm
on top:leaving only the heaboar silhouette on the 'all! +& some o& the heaboar starts to peel o&& too% gently
use your plastic car% sXueegee% or &inger to stic# it bac# on the 'all!
,+(*0 G.//K2)S
JuliaDs room 'as slightly larger 'ith lots o& natural light than#s to t'o 'ino's overloo#ing a courtyar out bac#!
Space3'ise% it 'as plenty big &or the usual beroom necessities! 0he problem 'as% Julia inDt li#e any o& the
han3me3o'n pieces that &ille her beroom! ,othing &elt li#e SherT because technically it 'asnDt anything she
'oul have pic#e out &or hersel&! Me inDt have the buget to start over again &rom scratch% un&ortunately% but
'e coul revamp some o& the larger pieces an replace some o& the smaller ones% li#e her ate being!
Mhen you onDt have a lot to spen% itDs al'ays 'ise to eicate your money to ma#ing an impact in a speci&ic
+ &ocuse all o& my attention on JuliaDs be an the 'alls aroun it! Me &oun a ne' uvet on clearance that
sli right over her ol com&orter% 'hich 'as much cheaper than buying a 'hole ne' Xuilt! 0hen + mae a
canvas slipcover to hie the 'ining% blac#% 1<<0Ds 'rought iron be &rame that stoo out in JuliaDs all3neutral
room Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing your o'n heaboar slipcoverQ! 0hose t'o changes alone
'ere enough to create the calm% coastal vibe that Julia 'ante! Gut + &elt li#e she neee something truly uniXue
to &inish o&& her space% so 'e mae an art installation o& sorts using a single pac#et o& "mbra 'all &lo'ers &rom
Ge Gath e Geyon! 0hese are so greatV they come in i&&erent sizes an clip right onto a small thumbtac#3size
post% so youDre barely leaving a hole in the 'all! Me 'rappe them aroun the corner above her heaboar%
'hich gave the 'all this beauti&ul% three3imensional e&&ect:an the 'hole proUect cost about Z20!
SM*2, -/" 5/,D0 *AI2 A ./0 0/ SP2,5% 525+CA02 -/") K/,2- 0/ KAK+,( A
G+( +KPAC0 +, A SP2C+J+C A)2A!T
0he tric# to ma#ing neutral being interestingO Just a te;ture! 0he 'oven chec# on this thro' pillo' brea#s up the repeating larger
chec# o& the com&orter per&ectly!
*o'30oH *eaboar Slipcover
*/M30/H *2A5G/A)5 S.+PC/I2)
[ Keasuring tape
[ *eavy3uty canvas
[ Scissors
[ 1 roll% 13inch Stitch Mitchery regular tape
[ +ron
[ Stapler
[ Staples
S02P 1
Keasure an cut your heavy3uty canvas% so you have &ive pieces totalH one &ront% one bac#% t'o sies% an a
top! Gase your measurements on the istance &rom the top o& the heaboar to 'here your bo; spring ensV the
istance &rom post to postV an the epth o& your heaboar at its 'iest point:then a 2 e;tra inches to each
S02P 2
.ine up all &ive pieces on the &loor &or assembly! Place your top piece in the center% &lan#e by the &ront an bac#
on both o& its long sies% an your t'o sie pieces on either o& its short ens Psee illustration belo'Q!
S02P ?
Cut &our strips o& Stitch Mitchery to match the length o& each sie o& your top piece!
S02P B
Stac# your &ront piece on your top piece% an line up the corresponing outer eges so they are &lush! Place a
strip o& Stitch Mitchery along the ege bet'een the t'o% an press o'n 'ith your iron on the highest setting &or
&ive minutes!
S02P =
)epeat Step B &or your bac# an t'o sie pieces% allo'ing the tape to cool &or &ive minutes be&ore moving the
S02P >
"sing the same techniXue as above% connect the &our remaining sies o& your heaboar! PJust be e;tra care&ul
that all your &inishe seams stay on the same sie!Q
S02P A
At this point% you shoul have an insie3out heaboar 'ith your seams still visible! Gecause 'eDre using heavy3
uty &abric% you 'ant to rein&orce the Stitch Mitchery seams! 0a#e your stapler an staple along the outer ege
o& each seam!
S02P @
Jlip your slipcover insie out% an you shoul have a hea3boar thatDs reay to slie right over your e;isting
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 )//KKA02S
1C/352C/)A0+,( +S,D0 AG/"0 C/KP)/K+S+,( P2)S/,A. 0AS02V itDs about give3an3ta#e% so everyone
gets something to love!
2M*2, -/") MA..S A)2 /JJ .+K+0S% thin# o& your &loor as the &i&th 'all% an have &un 'ith rugs in bright colors an
?/)(A,+bA0+/, +S 0*2 K2- to an argument3&ree househol! +n rooms as easily cluttere as a bathroom% everything
shoul have a place!
BA C/..2C0+/, /J K+SKA0C*25 C*A+)S is in&initely more interesting than a store3bought set:an a &raction o& the
=0)- "P5A0+,( M*A0 -/" *AI2 be&ore splurging on something ne':itDs al'ays 'orth a shot% especially i& youDre at
the point o& tossing something out any'ay!
0*2 C/..2C0/)
M*/H Jacob
J/GH Photographer
.+I2S +,H .os Jeliz% .A
K2AS")2K2,0SH AA= sXuare &eet
JAC/G *AS A, 2-2 J/) C//.% /JJ30*23MA.. 520A+.S! +0DS PA)0 /J 0*2 )2AS/, *2 G2CAK2 A
An itDs also part o& 'hat piXue his interest in this classic% gothic3style apartment builing in .ADs .os Jeliz
neighborhoo! 0he one3beroom unit he lives in is small 'ith a choppy layout% but the architectural Xuir#s an
ol3timey &eatures Proune oor'ays% arche 'ino'sQ are 'hat really sol him on it:never min that up until
a ecae ago the builing 'as vacant an home to a community o& sXuatters! *e consiere the grungy history
to be part o& the charm! +t also inDt hurt that the lanlor% though really strict about 'hat he coul o in the 'ay
o& `cor% ha investe a lot into the &reshly renovate builing! *eD painte all the 'alls% &or instance% so
painting over them 'as absolutely &orbien!
Jacob move in 'ith a libraryDs 'orth o& art boo#s% all his photo eXuipment% an a massive assortment o&
collections% 'hich inclue everything &rom glass bottles to ceramic (erman shephers Pthat at last count
numbere in the hunresQ! A to that his loving Pbut rambunctiousQ )ott'eiler% Par#er% an you have a pretty
&ull house! -ou see% though Jacob pre&ers the term Scollector%T his ability to stoc#pile things% li#e vintage tennis
racXuets &rom the 1<B0s% &ell some'here bet'een being eccentric an borerline hoaring! An though
possession3'ise he o'ne a lot% it un&ortunately i not inclue any maUor pieces o& &urniture other than an
inherite so&a an his chilhoo be &rame:'hich meant there 'ere no sur&aces on 'hich to arrange all the
little bits an pieces that mattere most to Jacob! So my goal 'as clearH ivie% conXuer% an isplay!
5/( 5A-S /J 52C/)A0+,(
KanDs best &rien% saly% is &urnitureDs 'orst enemy! Mhat they onDt che'% they she on! PGut theyDre so arn
cute% itDs 'orth it% rightOQ JacobDs )ott'eiler% Par#er% coulnDt have been s'eeter% but at A0 pouns it 'as li#e
having a secon person living in an alreay tiny space! 0he tric# to not letting your og:or cat:estroy your
apartment is ecorating &or them too! 0he reality is thisH they 'ill Uump on your so&a% they 'ill che' on table legs%
an they 'ill have accients on the rug! Gut 'ith a little pet proo&ing% you can tip the scales in your &avor! *ere
are a &e' help&ul tipsH
[ Stic# 'ith &urniture in either leather or micro&iber% 'hich is easier to clean!
[ +nustrial &urniture:'ith metal legs:is the 'ay to go! +t 'onDt stop your og &rom che'ing% but the amage the og can
in&lict is minimal! PPlus% you 'ant these pieces to loo# a little beaten up:it as to the charm!Q
[ Guy rugs in natural 'oven materials li#e Uute% 'hich are not very absorbent an alreay have a lovingly 'orn3in loo#!
Jacob neee his apartment to &unctionas a live$'or# space% but he inDthave room &ora proper o&&ice! So he
'as insistent that the S'or#Tportionbe esignate to one speci&ic area! /ther'ise% he 'oul be tempte to
'or# straightthrough the night! Mhat 'as great about this layout is that itivie the apartment up &orhimH the
&ronthal& Plivingroom an ining roomQ 'as 'here he coul 'or# an have meetings% 'hile the bac# hal&
P#itchen% beroom% an bathroomQ 'as separate o&&as personal space! Ka#ing the esignation bet'een
SpublicTan SprivateTareas 'as essential &orJacobDs &ininga happy 'or#$li&e balance!
S0*+,K /J A I+(,2002 AS -/") /M, P2)S/,A. 0//. J/) C/,0)/..+,(
M*2)2 P2/P.2DS A002,0+/,(/2S +, A )//K:A,5 "S2 +0 M+S2.-!T
JacobDs collections 'ere over'helming him! +nstea o& &iningcreative 'ays to sho'case everything%
he gave up! *e groupe each set o& items together in a single place% 'hich resulte in an apartment
that loo#e as i&itbelonge to an eccentric ol lay! 0he tric#to chasing a'ay the granny elementO
/rganizing his collections into small vignettes% an then spreaing them across the entire apartment!
Since each vignette inclue a &e' pieces &romeach collection% every room &eltli#e itha a little
personal touch!
0*2 5+,+,( )//K /JJ+C2
Jacob spent most ays shooting on location% but he i all o& his pre3 an post3prouction 'or# &rom home! 0hat
meant he not only neee 'or#space &or himsel& but also &or t'o to three interns on a regular basis! Get'een
the hea count an the eXuipment% a ecent amount o& sXuare &ootage 'as neee:'hich is 'hy he #ne' the
secon he sa' this ining room that heD turn it into an o&&ice! 0hat sai% its central location:you ha to 'al#
through the ining room to get &rom one en o& the apartment to the other:pose a bit o& a problem!
Jacob inDt 'ant the room to be line 'ith es#s! So + i my best to give it an o&&ice3unercover vibeH it loo#e
li#e your basic ining room% but &unctionality3'ise it 'as built &or 'or#! 0he 'ooen table 'as a little 'ier than
normal% so up to &our people coul com&ortably 'or# on it% laptops an all! An since Jacob ha access to
heavy3uty inustrial pieces use at most photo stuios% + 'as able to get an ine;pensive metal loc#er that 'as
about the size o& your typical bu&&et sieboar! +nstea o& &illing the loc#er 'ith ishes though% + put scanners% a
printer% laptops% an all the other eXuipment Jacob an his team use insie! 0he #ey here 'as loo#ing &or
'or#3&rienly versions o& 'hat youD e;pect to &in in a ining room% so that 'hen you o 'ant to have a meal at
the table% you 'onDt &eel li#e youDre eating at your es#!
0+PH Jacob sa' a &rame image o& a vintage shooting target at a local antiXue store &orZ<00! +
&oun this one on eGay% 'hich is almost ientical% &orZ?0V then + ha it&rame &orabout Z1=0!
)emember% be&ore you &or#over a bunle on anything vintage% chec# eGay!
An empty table al'ays &eels a little sa to me! Gut most t'enty3somethings canDt splurge on &resh &lo'er
arrangements every 'ee#! 0he ne;t best thingH a grouping o& little items% li#e these bottles! Jacob ha over t'o
ozen clear bottles stashe uner his #itchen sin#! PAnother o& his collections!Q 0o ma#e them &eel more
cohesive% + pic#e eight bottles in varying shapes an sizes an painte them the same shae o& opaXue
eggshell Psee the *o'30o &or etails on ma#ing your o'n painte bottlesQ! 0hen + isplaye them on an
organic3&eeling 'ooen cutting boar! +n the en% the assortment o& bottles &elt moern an a little earthy too!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
See JacobDs plai laptop coverO +tDs &rom + Am*uman ,o' Piamhumanno'!com Q! 0hey have
ozens o& i&&erentprintsan patterns:&romgingham to 'oo grain to cor#:that ahere rightto the
top o& your Kac or PC!
Since Jacob neee e;tremely versatile chairs:sometimes all si; 'ere aroun the table% other times they 'ere pulle into the living
room:'e opte &or a style 'ithout arms% 'hich ta#e up less space visually an 'or# in a variety o& situations!
*o'30oH Painte Gottles
*/M30/HPA+,025 G/00.2S
[ Clear bottles PcleaneQ
[ 1% @3ounce sXueeze bottle o& acrylic paint
[ 1 roll o& paper to'els
[ Ma; paper
[ Coo#ie sheet
S02P 1
SXueeze 1 tablespoon o& paint into a bottle!
S02P 2
A t'o rops o& 'ater to your paint:you 'ant to loosen it up% not ma#e it 'atery!
S02P ?
Cover your thumb 'ith a paper to'el% an then cor# the bottle! Start sha#ingW 0he paint shoul coat the entire
S02P B
Play 'ith your techniXueH roll the bottle to get paint into tric#y spots% or a a rop o& 'ater i& itDs still too thic#!
PGut not too much or the paint 'ill strea#!Q
S02P =
0urn the bottle upsie o'n to ry on a 'a; paper3covere coo#ie sheet! .et sit &or three hours be&ore moving!
P,oteH 0hese bottles canDt be use as vases! Aing 'ater 'ill ilute the paint an cause it to peel!Q
G/00/K )+(*0H 0he bac# oor o&& this alcove leas to a little play area &or Par#er! + 'ante to ma#e it more &unctional% so + ae
t'o very small hoo#s to the 'all 'here Jacob coul hang his hooies!
2KG)AC2 0*2 /.5
JacobDs apartment ha a rustic3inustrial% slightly mens'earish aesthetic! *o'ever% the secon you steppe into
his #itchen% it &elt li#e youD been transporte to the 1<=0s! 0here 'as &ae yello' tile 'or#% a restore /DKee&e
e Kerritt stove% even a built3in Pnon&unctioningQ icebo; on the 'all! 0he #itchen clearly inDt go 'ith the rest o&
the apartment% but the truth o& the situation 'as thisH there 'as absolutely nothing 'e coul o about it! Painting
'as &orbien% an any other 'ie3scale overhauls 'oul have cost maUor buc#s!
+nstea o& &illing the #itchen 'ith moern touches to try an balance the ol3school vibe% + convince Jacob to
embrace it! Mhen &ace 'ith a room that is obviously one aesthetic:in this case% a #itchen that belongs on the
set o& 0he Moner -ears:&illing it 'ith things that are so &ar outsie that vibe 'ill o&ten ma#e the i&&erence
even more pronounce! So 'e loo#e &or retro3esigne appliances% li#e the yello' toaster &rom 0arget!com%
on his countertop% an the vintage 1<A0s ishes:s'ipe &rom his parentsD house! 0hen + turne that
non'or#ing icebo; into a &ully &unctioning bar &or 'hen Jacob ha parties! 0he 'hole space still &elt very
yesteryear% but than#s to all the little touches% it 'as ol in a very cool 'ay!
0+PH *anging art'or# above a stove is tric#y:youDreealing 'ith an open &lame an grease
nearby! So 'e set one o& JacobDs o'n photos bet'een t'o pieces o& ple;iglass! +t 'ipes clean
Pessential in an area 'here youDre coo#ingQ% an most important%the ple;iglass is less o& a &irehazar
than% say% a 'ooen &rame!
A .2SS/, +, 5+I+S+/,
Mithin JacobDs vast collection o& ceramic (erman shephers% there 'ere smaller subcollections% li#e this section
o& all3'hite &igurines! + 'ante to highlight the great etails in this group% so instea o& incluing them in the
vignettes + create earlier% + #ept them intact an isplaye them together:mi;ing in a &e' ar#er statuettes to
brea# it up Uust a bit! Since aesthetically they share so many similarities% + coul get a'ay 'ith arranging a
large group together 'ithout its &eeling too chaotic! .oo# &or chances to ma#e subcollections 'ithin your o'n
collectionsV itDs the per&ect 'ay to get people intereste in something youDve spent a lot o& time builing!
S.22P+,( ]"A)02)S
JacobDs beroom &elt more li#e a sleeping closet! .uc#ily% it 'as big enough to &it a &ull3size be an t'o sie
tables% but the space stoppe there! 0hatDs the tric#y thing about small berooms R the &urniture you nee to
&ill them 'ith is al'ays large% so your small room inevitably &eels smaller! Gut thereDs one thing to remember
'hen ealing 'ith tight spacesH lines are your best &rien! 0hey automatically create the illusion o& length! So in
JacobDs room% + inclue a tight pinstripe on the be% 'hich 'as echoe again in the thro' pillo's! 0hen + use
thirty carpet tiles to create a patch'or# e&&ect on the &loor! 0he stripes on the be mae the room &eel 'ier%
'hile the stripes o& the &loor mae it &eel longer!
0o give the illusion o& even more space% + playe aroun 'ith mirrors an the roomDs natural light! JacobDs be
&rame% the same one he ha slept in since he 'as thirteen years ol% sits a ta higher o&& the &loor than
most:'hich 'or#e out to our avantage! Jorgoing a ust ru&&le an #eeping the being nice an tiy Pchec#
out those sharp hospital cornersQ ecrease the amount o& space the be too# up visually!
Jor the same reason% 'e chose sie tables 'ith shelves instea o& ra'ers% 'hich let the sunlight seep into all
the ar# corners! 0hen + turne a set o& his vintage tennis racXuets into a really cool installation o& mirrors
above his be% since mirrors al'ays a epth to a room! Psee the *o'30o &or etails on ma#ing your o'n
tennis racXuet mirrors!Q Mith a little esign tric#ery% JacobDs small beroom actually &elt per&ectly
com&ortable:even slightly roomy!
0+PH /pt &orcarpet tiles uner large pieces o& &urniture%li#e a be% instea o& a rug! Since you nee
to trace only the perimeter o& your piece 'ith tiles:an you can leave the unerneath portionbare:it
ens up costing hal& as much as a large rug! Plus% carpet tiles are easy to replace i&your og has an
2very room eserves a little greenery% so + ae a succulent to this sie table! 0his plant is pet3&rienly Pan o'ner3proo&Q! -ou can
go t'o 'ee#s 'ithout 'atering it!
*o'30oH Kirrore 0ennis )acXuets
*/M30/H K+))/)25 02,,+S )AC]"20S
[ = tennis racXuets
[ = custom3cut mirrors
[ 23ounce bottle o& (orilla (lue
[ = 53ring metal picture hanger #its P'ithscre'sQ
S02P 1
0a#e your tennis racXuets to the local glass an mirror store% an have mirrors cut to &it each one! -ou can
either purchase the mirrors there% or i& you bring your o'n mirrors% it shoul cost about Z10 per cut!
S02P 2
5ecie 'hich sie o& your racXuet youD li#e to be on isplay% then place your mirror on top o& the racXuet
strings on that sie! /n the bac# sie% trace the strings o& the tennis racXuet 'ith your (orilla (lue% ma#ing sure
to hol the mirror &irmly against the strings!
S02P ?
Continue pressing your mirror &irmly to the strings until the glue is set:about &ive minutes! -ouDll #no' itDs set
'hen the glue turns &rom clear to mil#y 'hite!
S02P B
Scre' your 53ring metal picture hanger irectly into your racXuet! Placement 'ill epen on ho' you 'ant it to
hang! *ere% all the hoo#s are scre'e into the same place in the center o& the racXuet% but they are alternate
accoring to the sie o& the racXuet that 'ill point to'ar the ceiling or &loor!
*ereDs a list o& more vintage sporting eXuipment that happens to loo# great isplaye on a 'all!
[ Archery Arro's
[ Sno' S#is
[ )o'ing /ars
[ Cric#et Gats
[ Jly Jishing Poles
0*2 C")A025 C/),2)
Jor a rental% Jacob ha a surprisingly large bathroom% 'hich inclue the lu;ury o& a tub an sho'er:though
the tub 'as enUoye &ar more by Par#er! 0here 'as even a small 'ino' in the corner that let in a little natural
light! Gut li#e the #itchen% the bathroom 'as stuc# in a bygone ecae! 0he yello' tile 'as &rame in Kelly
green% an all the &i;tures &elt li#e they 'ere &rom the 1<>0s!
0he lanlor ha painte the 'all a pale gray% 'hich than#&ully &elt a little moern% but 'e neee to a a &e'
more touches to ma#e the space seem more masculine! So + introuce some 'oosy elements% li#e rattan
'ino' shaes% a set o& reclaime railroa tie shelves% an a postcar boar + mae &rom a selection o& cars
Jacob ha compile uring his years o& traveling! PSee the *o'30o &or etails on ma#ing your o'n postcar
boar!Q 0he rustic touches balance out the ate elements% 'hile aing a retro summer camp vibe!
Mhen you only have a peestal sin#% try aing a simple cabinet Pi& thereDs roomQ! ,ot only 'ill it give you storage% but itDs also a
secon countertop that you can use &or toiletries!
*o'30oH Postcar Goar
*/M30/H P/S0CA)5 G/A)5
[ 1 piece o& 'oo
[ *airryerPoptionalQ
[ ?23ounce bottle o& Ko Poge Katte
[ ?3inch3'ie paintbrush
[ Collection o& postcars
[ 1 'ire picture hanging #it
[ 1 scre'river
S02P 1
Clean your piece o& 'oo 'ith 'ater an soap% an let it ry completely! P-ou can use a hairryer to spee up
the process!Q
S02P 2
Apply a liberal coat o& Ko Poge to the top o& your piece o& 'oo 'ith a ?3inch brush! -ou 'ant the top to be
thic#ly covere% but not runny!
S02P ?
Arrange your postcars ho'ever you li#e! 5onDt rushV you have about &i&teen minutes to play aroun 'ith
placement be&ore your &irst coat o& Ko Poge gets too ry to pic# up the postcars!
S02P B
/nce everything is as you 'ant it% apply another coat o& Ko Poge over the top o& the postcars:youDre
basically sealing the postcars to the 'oo! -ouDll 'ant to apply at least t'o or three more coats o& Ko Poge%
allo'ing about t'enty3&ive minutes o& rying time bet'een coats!
S02P =
Scre' your 'ire picture hanging hoo#s into the bac# o& your piece o& 'oo! 0hen youDre reay to hang itW
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 C/..2C0/)
1"S2 +,5"S0)+A. P+2C2S 'hen ecorating &or pets! +tDs a great 'ay to turn the S'orn an 'eathere loo#T into a positive!
2+,S02A5 /J ()/"P+,( -/") C/..2C0+/,S all together% sprea them aroun your space! +t gives your eye a
place to rest Pan appreciateQ 'hatDs on isplay!
?"S2 S0)+P25 ACC2,0S going in various irections to ma#e tight spaces &eel bigger!
B0"), -/") C/..2C0+/,S +,0/ something &unctional:not Uust visual:as 'e i 'ith the mirrore tennis racXuets!
=0AK2 A S0)/.. 0*)/"(* -/") JAI/)+02: ine;pensive:vintage store &or inspiration! 0hen &in something
similar an cheaper on eGay!
0*2 SC*/.A)
M*/H Julie
J/GH 0eacher
.+I2S +,H Guc#to'n% Chicago
K2AS")2K2,0SH >00 sXuare &eet
ASK A,- /,2 /J J".+2DS .2(+/, /J J)+2,5S M*A0 *2) K/00/ S*/".5 G2% A,5 -/"D.. (20
S/K2 I2)S+/, /J SA.MA-S*APP- 0/ *2.PT AS -/") A,SM2)!
0he Chicago native has logge si; years 'ith the 0each &or America program! She Uust returne &rom a year3
long trip to Peru% 'here she volunteere at an elementary school! An sheDs the go3to person to call 'hen any
o& her &riens &in themselves in a bin! Gut as is the case 'ith most sel&less people% Julie ta#es no time &or
hersel&! She chose her one3beroom% Guc#to'n &lat strictly out o& convenience to the closest 2l train stop!
Get'een teaching Spanish at an inner3city school% stuying &or her masterDs% an Uuggling volunteer 'or#% sheDs
barely unpac#e! 5i she 'ant a per&ectly put together apartmentO Sure! Mas it at the top o& her priority listO
,ot even close!
*ereDs 'hat most superbusy &ol#s onDt realize thoughH ta#ing t'o ays to turn your bare3bones apartment into a
happily ecorate home is a huge time3saver in the long run! A&ter'ar% everything has its place% so you can
come home an Uust rela;:an i& anyone eserves that lu;ury% itDs Julie! A&ter rent% tuition% an bills 'ere pai%
her teacherDs salary inDt leave much spening cash! *er apartment consiste o& the purely &unctional &urniture
basics Pthe result o& a rai on her parentsD basementQ an none o& the personal Se;trasT:those little things that
ma#e a space &eel li#e home! So it 'as time &or this multitas#ing teacher to ta#e a lesson in the art o& the &inal
K2../M -2../M
JulieDs living room 'as 'hat + li#e to call Sbeige camou&lage!T 0here 'as a beige so&a against a beige bric# 'all
on a tan 'oo &loor! 0his room 'as in esperate nee o& e&inition an color! Gut the lanlor 'oulnDt let us
paint or put a single hole in the bric# 'all! +t neee to be bro#en up visually% though% so + create my o'n
e;pose 'oo beams using 13 by B3&oot 'oo plan#s% bright yello' paint% an some inustrial3strength Ielcro
&or attaching them to the bric# 'ithout causing permanent holes Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on attaching
items to the 'all 'ith IelcroQ!
Spreaing pops o& color across the 'all gave the eye a place to rest:an re' attention to JulieDs <3&oot
ceilings! P-ou can o this treatment on any 'all sur&ace!Q +t also gave the option o& hanging something:no'
that 'e ha a spot to hammer in a nail:so + place a papier3mgch` gazelle bust above the so&a! 0hen + 'or#e
bol% bro'n3an3ivory patterns into the room 'ith a rug an ecorative Peruvian bo'l! 0he roots o& this space
are still beige% but these small% impact&ul aitions turne a neutral room into something &ar more rich an
0+PH JulieDs han3me3o'n so&a is actually the t'o en pieces o& a larger sectional! 0he mile
piece mae the so&a too large &orthe room% so + got rio& it! A sectional opens up the possibilities o&
customizing seating to &ityour space% so i&you have one ma#e sure youDre ta#ing avantage!
JulieDs apartment 'as shape li#e an elongate "% 'ith the bathroom as the carve3out center:an the
beroom hanging o&&the bac# li#e an a&terthought!She ha a e&initelivingroom an a e&inite#itchen% but the
hall'ay that connecte the t'o 'as abnormally 'ie! JulieDs &irstinstinct'as to leave this area open% but by
oing so% she 'as 'ar&ing her t'o main livingareas:an brea#ing the carinal rule o& small apartment livingH
never 'aste spaceW So + rotate the entertainment center in her livingroom into the hall'ay:'hich opene up
the seating area! 0hen + move her ining table &romthe center o& the #itchen to the hall'ay 'all% giving her the
option o& &oling the tableDs leaves up &ormore sur&ace area! 0hese simple aUustments mae JulieDs apartment
&eel almost t'ice as large!
JulieDs boo#case 'as loae 'ith unattractive te;tboo#s an teacher manuals! +nstea o& leaving the tattere spines &acing the room% +
&lippe them aroun so the space got this really great te;ture that 'as also visually cohesive color3'ise!
SP/)0S C2,02)
Come baseball season% Mhite So; games at JulieDs apartment are a 'ee#ly a&&air! P2veryone brings a ish an
gathers roun the &lat screen!Q 0his playe a maUor &actor in ho' + lai out the &urniture in this room! /riginally%
Julie ha the entertainment center in &ront o& the 'ino'% the so&a on the &ar 'all% an the t'o chairs against the
bric#! 0his con&iguration meant the entertainment center 'as the &ocal point o& the 'hole room! Gut you never
'ant your living room to &eel li#e a 0I room because 'hen it oes% all you o in there is 'atch television! So
'hen + rotate the entertainment center into the hall'ay% instea o& placing everything in a semicircle &acing it% +
create an intimate% conversation3&rienly layout 'ith the area rug as my centering element! +t opene up the
space to so many more activities% 'hile still giving every seat an unobstructe vie' o& the television on game
C/./)+,( M+0*+, 0*2 .+,2S
0he lanlorDs opinion on 'all paint 'as pretty much the normH i& you paint it% you have to paint it bac#! Since
Julie 'asnDt sure ho' long she 'as going to be in this apartment% she inDt 'ant to commit to anything that
'oul be too much o& a hassle 'hen move3out time came! So + pic#e t'o accent 'alls to paint% one in the
living room an one in the beroom! 0o a more pattern an more color% + use a graphic stencil across the
entire living room 'all% echoing the same yello' &rom my 'oo beams! +t lightene up the moo o& the space
'ith one bol #ic#!
0+PH +&youDre 'orrie about painting over a 'all 'hen you move out% opt &orlightershaes that 'ill
only ta#e one coat o& paint to cover up again!
S0*2 CA)5+,A. )".2 /J SKA.. APA)0K2,0 .+I+,(H ,2I2) MAS02 SPAC2WT
*o'30oH Stencil Mall
*/M30/H S02,C+. MA..
[ ? stencil sheets ^
[ .evel
[ PainterDs tape
[ Acrylic paint
[ Kini:paint roller
^0echnically% you only nee 1 stencil sheet! Gut the more you have% the less time youDll spen taping
an chec#ing that everything is level!
S02P 1
0ape your &irst stencil sheet to the top corner o& the 'all! "se the 'all an ceiling as a guie% but ouble3chec#
that your pattern is level be&ore moving &or'ar! /nce youDre sure itDs straight% attach the stencil to the 'all 'ith
painterDs tape!
S02P 2
Kost stencils have guies along the corners that ma#e it easy to match up your ne;t stencil sheet:'hich
ensures that the repeat o& your pattern is consistent! Kine ha small triangles% so + 'or#e my 'ay o'n the
'all taping my other 2 stencil sheets in place once they 'ere accurately line up!
S02P ?
Paint the area covere by your &irst ? stencil sheets! +tDs easy &or paint to rip unerneath your stencil% so ma#e
sure your roller has very little paint on it! .et the area ry &or ten minutes% an apply a secon coat i& necessary!
S02P B
Care&ully remove the top 2 stencil sheets &rom your 'all% leaving the bottom one in place as a guie! "se your
remaining stencil to line up your 2 stencil sheets belo' itV then remove it &rom the 'all% an a it to the bottom
o& the stencil sheet chain:a paint as you i in the previous step! Continue 'or#ing your 'ay o'n the 'all
li#e so until you reach the &loorboar!
S02P =
Mor# your 'ay across the 'all% repeating Steps 1 through B! 5ouble3chec# that each top stencil is level be&ore
aing paint% an ma#e sure your pattern continues to match up along the 'ay!
0*2 ".0+KA02K".0+0ASK2)
Julie 'as using a counter3height table 'ith matching stools as an islan in the center o& her #itchen! She loves
to coo#% an it 'or#e per&ectly as a prep station! +t i not% ho'ever% 'or# so 'ell as a place to eat! Mith all its
&laps e;tene% the table 'as roun 'ith plenty o& space to seat &our! Gut in orer to sXueeze the table into the
center o& the #itchen% the &laps ha to be #ept o'n! So the spacious circle became an e;tremely narro'
rectangle% 'hich 'as impossible to sit at 'ithout bumping your #nees on the &ole3o'n sies!
As much as Julie enUoye having the e;tra space &or coo#ing% 'hat she really neee 'as a multipurpose place
to eat% stuy% an grae papers:something that 'as at the top o& her ma#eover 'ish list! Gy moving the
counter3height table against the hall'ay 'all outsie her beroom% it became much more versatile:an 'as
still close enough to the stove &or Julie to prep &oo on it! ,ever buy something ne' 'ithout reevaluating ho'
youDre using the pieces you alreay o'n! +& 'eD given Julie 'hat she initially 'ante:a secon table in the
#itchen:'e 'oul have ene up 'ith t'o even though one i the Uob o& both Uust &ine!
0+PH Me use JulieDs &avoritelocal pub% the Kap )oom:ecorate 'ith% you guesse it% lots o& ol
maps:as inspiration&orthe art 'e selecte to go on the 'all! Mhenever youDre in nee o& a large3
scale piece o& art'or#% vintage maps are a great% a&&orable option!
)"S0+C 5+,+,(
+Dm convince stools 'ere never meant &or long3term sitting:they can be so arn uncom&ortable! ,o' that Julie
'as constantly par#e at her table% she neee chairs she coul spen a &e' hours in 'ithout parts o& her boy
starting to spasm! So + trae in her stools &or a set o& proper counter chairs 'ith com&ortably high bac#s! 0here
'as% ho'ever% an ulterior motive to the s'itchH brea#ing up her matching ining set! +tDs one thing to inherit your
great3granmotherDs banXuet table an chairs% an Xuite another to simply clic# an buy a prematche set on
+#ea!com! Mhere oes your personality come throughO 0hese ne' chairs have a rustic% Jrench country
aesthetic that mae JulieDs big3bo;3store table &eel li#e it coul have been a great vintage &in! +Dm not saying
you shoulnDt buy &rom a store li#e 0arget or +#ea:you absolutely shoul! Gut loo# aroun% ta#e your time% mi;
an match% an ma#e your purchase your o'n!
S,2I2) G"- S/K20*+,( ,2M M+0*/"0 )22IA."A0+,(*/M -/"D)2 "S+,( 0*2
P+2C2S -/" A.)2A5- /M,!T
.2 P20+0 G+S0)/
.ocate not even a &ull bloc# &rom JulieDs &ront oor 'as a small sliver o& a restaurant that serve some o& the
cityDs best tapas an Spanish 'ine! +t has only 1> seats at a thin bar:an at least once a 'ee# you coul &in
Julie in one o& those covete spots! She love the &oo as much as the cozy% 2uropean bistro3style atmosphere%
'ith its sub'ay tile 'alls% hanging 'ineglass isplays% an &lic#ering canlelight! 0he space 'as simple an
romantic% so it inDt surprise me that 'hen + as#e 'hat her ieal #itchen 'oul loo# li#e JulieDs response
'as R this restaurant! Junny thing though% she alreay ha the &rame'or# in place to ma#e that happenH 'hite
tile 'alls% natural lighting% even a spot to attach a &i;ture an hang 'ineglasses! Julie Uust inDt see it! +tDs easy
to miss the potential o& a room 'hen itDs lost in a sea o& 'hite! Gut i& you &ocus on the etails% youDll &in the real
+ 'ante to ra' attention to those characteristics that &elt li#e the restaurant Julie alreay love% so + ae
strategic hits o& blac# aroun the roomH the inset &ronts o& the cabinets% the re&rigerator oors% an in the
graphic pattern o& the curtains! 0hen + hung a <<3cent metal &i;ture above her sin# &or 'ineglasses! +t too# three
Xuic#% easy upates an a total o& Z2=0 to turn JulieDs 'hite3'ashe #itchen into a oppelganger o& her &avorite
P.2AS2 )2P/)0 0/ 0*2 G/A)5
Kitchen cabinets are the eyesore o& most rentals% since more o&ten than not% theyDre simply the cheapest thing
the lanlor coul &in! 0he sa thing isH thereDs very little you can o to rastically change the loo# o& cheap
cabinets! -our options are limite to removing the oors completely Pas 'e i in the Art .overDs ApartmentQ%
leaving your ishes e;pose% or aing a temporary ecal% as 'e i here! +n either case% the goal is hiing the
shoy &inish o& the cabinet &ronts!
+n JulieDs #itchen% + applie chal#boar ecals to the inset center o& her ten cabinet oors:an repeate the
same treatment on the &ront o& the re&rigerator Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing your o'n chal#boar
&rigeQ! + also s'appe out her plastic 'hite oor hanles &or stainless steel #nobs! 0hese simple aitions
mae her run3o&3the3mill cabinet unit &eel much more streamline an e;pensive loo#ing! Plus% she no' has a
built3in s#etchpa &or Uotting o&& grocery lists% recipes% or goo olD procrastination ooles!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
Mhen itcomes to chal#boar ecals% Mallies!com has the best an largest variety o& size options
+Dve &oun:'hich is #ey i&you plan to cover something as big as a re&rigerator!
*/M30/HC*A.KG/A)5 J)+5(2
[ Scre'river
[ ?% 2=3 by ?@3inch big chal#boar ecals ^
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
^Keasurements are base on an average3size% t'o3oor re&rigerator!
S02P 1
)emove your re&rigerator an &reezer oor hanles! 0hey scre' right o&&! +n most cases there are only three
scre's &or each oor:t'o on the top% one on the bottom!
S02P 2
MeDll start 'ith your &reezer oor% 'hich 'ill nee one ecal! Peel the bac#ing o&& the &irst ? or B inches! .ine up
the stic#y sie 'ith the insie ege o& your &reezer oor:the corner closest to the rubber suction lining! /nce
straight% attach the ecal to your oor by smoothing o'n the sur&ace 'ith your palm!
S02P ?
Continue attaching your ecal to the &reezer oor by peeling o&& >3inch sections o& bac#ing at a time% an
smoothing your 'ay horizontally across the &ront! )un your palm sie to sie:not up an o'n% 'hich causes
more air bubbles!
S02P B
Mhen youDve roune the corner an reache the ege o& the opposite sie o& your &reezer oor% use an N3
AC0/ #ni&e to trim any e;cess ecal along the top% bottom% an sies!
S02P =
)epeat Steps 2 through B to attach your last t'o chal#boar ecals to the &ront o& your re&rigerator oor! -ouDll
nee to stac# t'o% since this oor is longer% so be sure to create a clean% straight line 'here the eges meet!
S02P >
)eattach your re&rigerator an &reezer oor hanles:a&ter giving them a Xuic# rinse in 'arm% soapy 'ater P'ho
#no's the last time they 'ere properly cleaneWQ!
(/ J/) G/.5
.ove the rama o& a big% graphic patternbut not Xuite reay to ma#e a commitmentO 0hese chal#boar ecals
are the per&ect place to test the 'aters! 5ra' a chevron stripe that repeats on all o& your cabinet &ronts% or try
pol#a ots that s#ip across the re&rigerator!-ou can even map out a chec#erboar e&&ect! 0his is an easy 'ay to
o something really graphic in a room! So 'hat i&itta#es you a littleoutsie your com&ort zoneO Simply 'ipe
o'n the ecals 'ith a 'et rag% an youDve got a clean slate to trysomething ne'!
5)2SS+,( )//K
MeDre all guilty o& the trial3an3error try3on sessions that result in hal& our 'arrobe being iscare in a pile on
the beroom &loor! 0his is 'hy absolutely everyone:guy or girl:nees a esignate place to get resse!
JulieDs resser 'as originally at the opposite en o& her beroom% 'hich regularly le to a trail o& clothing slung
&rom there to the closet! So + sli her resser o'n the 'all% closer to the closet oor! Mhen space allo's%
isolate everything you nee to get resse in one area o& your room! +& you can pull things out o& the closet an
resser &rom the same spot% youDre &ar more li#ely to put it bac# 'here it goes i& you ecie not to 'ear it! Julie
'as so surprise 'hen this one move save her a han&ul o& precious minutes in the morning!
SM*2,2I2) -/"D)2 /, 0*2 J2,C2 AG/"0 C/./)% S0A)0 M+0* APA.2002
+,SP+)25 G- S/K20*+,(-/" ./I2HA ./CA0+/,% A )2S0A")A,0% 2I2, 0*2
PA002),/J A 5)2SS!T
SK/K2 e K+))/)S
0he sliing closet oors in JulieDs beroom coul have been stolen &rom a Iegas hotel bac# in the 1<A0s! 0hey
'ere &rame in a thic#% supershiny brass that &elt completely out o& place ne;t to all the bright colors 'e 'ere
aing on the 'all an be! 0hey neee a moern upate! So 'ith the permission o& the lanlor% + spray3
painte them silver! 0hen + ae graphic ecals along the sies to brea# up the outate 'all3o&3mirrors loo#
Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing your o'n ecal mirrorQ! 0he ecals gave the room a much neee
hit o& pattern% 'hile ma#ing the Sressing roomT area a happier place to get reay!
A P2)"I+A, PA.2002
Color 'as not something Julie 'as com&ortable 'ith! Gut the only 'ay to bring her ol3timey be &rame into the
t'enty3&irst century 'as through the use o& bol% moern colors:an lots o& them! So + chose an inspiration +
#ne' Julie 'as alreay &on o&H the bright raspberries an minty greens o& a typical Peruvian blan#et! A&ter
spening a year in this South American country% Julie 'as enamore 'ith the culture! +ntegrating those shaes
into her beroom brought on a sense o& nostalgia:instea o& color shoc#! Mhenever youDre on the &ence about
color% start 'ith a palette inspire by something you loveH a location% a restaurant% even the pattern o& a ress!
*o'30oH 5ecal Kirror
*/M30/H52CA. K+))/)
[ 5rop cloth
[ Scrap ne'spaper
[ PainterDs tape
[ Katte gray spray paint
[ B% 2B3 by B@3inch ecal sheets
[ )uler
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
[ Keasuring tape
[ Pencil
[ Scissors
[ (lass cleaner
S02P 1
)emove your sliing oors &rom the trac#! Push up 'hile angling the oor to'ar you% an it shoul slip right
out! 0a#e your oors outsie% an lay them on top o& a rop cloth! P+& an outoor space isnDt an option% Uust be
sure you have a very large rop cloth to 'or# on!Q
S02P 2
Cover the mirror portion o& your oors 'ith scrap ne'spaperV then outline the trim 'ith painterDs tape! Ge sure
the mirror is securely covere because the spray paint 'ill cause permanent spec#les on the glass!
S02P ?
Spray paint the &rame o& your oors% #eeping the nozzle about 12 inches a'ay &rom the sur&ace! .et it ry &or
t'enty minutesV then apply a secon coat% ma#ing sure to even out any rips or splatters! .et it ry completely%
about one hour!
S02P B
Mhile your paint is rying% measure an cut your ecal strips! Jlip the ecal over% an mar# your measurements
in pencil on the bac#! Ky B ecals 'ere all 2 &eet 'ie% so + cut each in hal& length'ise 'ith an N3AC0/ #ni&e to
get eight% >3inch3'ie strips to &rame the &our sies o& my oors! P+t 'ill ta#e t'o strips to cover each sie% since
most oors are > &eet tall an these ecals are B &eet long!Q
S02P =
Chec# that your &rame is goo an ry% an remove all your painterDs tape an ne'spaper! "se glass cleaner
an 'ipe o'n your mirror to remove any le&tover irt an ebris be&ore applying the ecals!
S02P >
Peel the bac#ing o&& the &irst > inches o& a ecal strip! .ine it up 'ith the sie an top corner o& your oor! "se
your palm to press the stic#y sie to the glass% smoothing in a o'n'ar motion:'hich causes &e'er air
bubbles! Mor# your 'ay o'n the mirror in >3inch increments% repeating this process% until you reach the bottom
o& your ecal strip!
S02P A
.ine up the pattern o& your ne;t ecal strip 'ith the enpoint o& your previous one! "se scissors an a
straightege to cut the ecal at this point! Peel the bac#ing o&& the &irst > inches% an &ollo' the techniXue in Step
> until you reach the bottom o& your oor! 0rim the le&tover ecal 'ith an N3AC0/ #ni&e! P)epeat Steps > an A
on the remaining three sies o& your 2 oors!Q
S02P @
)eattach your oors to their trac#s by angling the castors bac# into the trac# an pulling o'n to loc# them in
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 SC*/.A)
1,/0 S")2 M*A0 -/") S0-.2 )2A..- +SO "se a &avorite restaurant% bar% or travel estination as a Uumping o&&
point &or inspiration!
2G)2AK "P 0*/S2 KA0C*+,( J"),+0")2 sets! 0hey a nothing to the personality o& a room!
?*+52 S*/55- CAG+,20)- 'ith removable ecals! 0hey ra' attention to the goo etails% 'hile covering the ba!
B(+I2 A G)+CK MA..:or even a plain one:even more character by ma#ing your o'n e;pose beams 'ith store3bought
'oo plan#s!
=5/,D0 SM2A0 0*2 G+( S0"JJ% but spen some time on the little things! A so&a 'onDt a nearly as much personality as
an armloa o& thro' pillo's or art'or# on the 'alls!
0*2 )2G2.
M*/H Joe
J/GH (raphic esigner
.+I2S +,H Capitol *ill% Seattle
K2AS")2K2,0SH ?00 sXuare &eet
J/2 )2./CA025 0/ S2A00.2 J)/K 52,I2) JAS02) 0*A, 0*2 +,K C/".5 5)- /, *+S C/..2(2
0he street culture% the s#ate community% an all the gra&&iti art proUects 'ere a huge inspiration &or his o'n
graphic esign 'or#! *is &irst lesson% ho'ever% 'as that sXuare &ootage in this port city comes at a premium! *e
coulnDt a&&or anything more than a stuio on his hourly 'age! Plus% he neee to live 'ithin 'al#ing istance
to his ne' Uob at a s#ate'ear bran in Capitol *ill! 0his meant his apartment hunting 'as restricte to a ten3
bloc# raius in a neighborhoo home to some o& the olest% most esirable builings in the city:an some o&
the shaiest!
A&ter t'o months o& subletting 'ith &our other Craigslisters% Joe &oun a ?003sXuare3&oot stuio locate &our
bloc#s &rom his o&&ice! 0he thir3&loor 'al#3up ha no bells an 'histles an barely enough space to &it JoeDs
necessities:a es#% so&a% an &ull3size be! Gut as it turns out% the small size suite JoeDs simpli&ie li&estyle%
'hich 'as centere on the philosophy that you shoul o'n 'hat you nee% nothing more! + support this in
theory% but 'hen + 'al#e into JoeDs apartment it loo#e li#e an +#ea isplay room! Joe is a graphic esigner% a
s#ater% an a collector o& typography% an his apartment 'as 'hite 'alls an a hogepoge o& pale &urniture! +t
'as missing li&e! So + 'as there to per&orm some esign CP):not by aing ne' things but by revamping a lot
o& 'hat he alreay o'ne!
,atural light spille into JoeDs main room &or the better part o& the ay than#s to the big ouble 'ino's! + love
ho' the 'hite 'alls an blins heightene that e&&ect% but + inDt 'ant to leave everything completely 'hite
because% 'ell% it &elt too boring! So + ecie to o this cool &ae3paint e&&ect along the base o& the 'all Psee
the *o'30o &or instructionsQ% an echoe it on the curtain panels Psee the *o'30o &or instructionsQ!
Joe spens a lot o& his post3'or# hours hanging out along SeattleDs 'ater&ront! /n a clear ay% you can ma#e
out a spec# o& blue horizon in the istance &rom his 'ino'! 0o bring a bit o& that inspiration closer to home% +
chose a 'atery blue paint shae% 'hich ene up loo#ing li#e 'aves receing on a beach once it 'as on the
'all! An as a bonus% iviing the 'all 'ith a ar# paint color on the bottom mae the ceilings &eel higher! Gy
#eeping all the &urniture belo' this hal&'ay mar#% the room instantly seeme more open an bright!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
0his stripe slipcover is &rom Gemz!com % a S'eish company that ma#es slipcovers specially cut &or
+#ea so&as an chairs! 0here are ozens o& colors an &abrics:incluing printsby big esign houses
li#e Karime##o an 5esigners (uil! +tDs a cost3e&&icient 'ay to breathe ne' li&einto an ol so&a
Pespecially one that survive college 'ith youQ!
Joe ha a small list o& SmustsT&orhis apartment% one o& 'hich 'as that the main room have a so&a% be% an
es#! 0he thought o& using the &ol3out #itchen table as a 'or#space an the be as a so&a mae him a little
nuts! Gut the problem 'as R ho' to &itthree large pieces o& &urniturein a 103 by 123&oot room 'ith only a single
unobstructe 'allO 0he solutionH &urnitureplacement that goes against the norm! 0ypically% you 'oulnDt put a
so&a in &ronto& a 'ino' because itbloc#s light% but JoeDs sli neatly uner the lege o& the 'ino'sill! An in
most instances youD place the long sie o& a es# an the short sie o& a be against the 'all% but 'e reverse
those! 5onDt be a&raito puzzle3piece things togetherH oing the opposite o& 'hatDs e;pecte might be the only
'ay to ma#e everything &it!
Sho'n aboveH Plumbing 'ith a vie'% 5ip35ye Curtains% an Jae Paint
*ereDs the thing about SeattleH itDs gritty%especially aroun JoeDs apartment! -ou canDt go a single
bloc# 'ithout passing a 'all plastere 'ith layers o& shree posters an &liers! Kore o&ten than not%
the sie'al# is being use as someoneDs blan# canvas:'ith or 'ithout permission &romthe la'! An
everything is uste 'ith Uust the thinnest layer o& rust! Pristine an per&ect onDt e;ist on the streets
o& JoeDs ne' city:an he inDt'ant them to e;ist in his apartment either!
*o'30oH 5ip35ye Curtains
*/M30/H 5+P35-2 C")0A+,S
[ 5rop cloth
[ @3ounce bottle o& liXui&abricye
[ B3gallon buc#et Por largerQ
[ 5ish 'ashing gloves
[ Curtains^
^/pt &or curtains in a stury &abric li#e cotton or linen! 0his ip3ye process is not recommene &or
polyester% acrylic% or &abrics 'ith a rubber bac#ing !
S02P 1
Cover your 'or# area 'ith a rop cloth! Ki; hal& the bottle o& liXui &abric ye 'ith ? gallons o& 'arm 'ater in
your buc#et an stir!
S02P 2
)un your curtains uner 'arm 'ater% an 'ring them out! -ou 'ant them amp% not ripping 'et 'hen you
S02P ?
Submerge hal& your curtain in the buc#et% an let it sit &or &ive minutes! P+ li#e to 'ear a ish 'ashing glove on
the han that 'ill be touching the ye en o& the curtain an leave my other han bare:so thereDs less chance
o& getting ye 'here it oesnDt belong!Q
S02P B
Pull one3thir o& the submerge curtain out o& the buc#et:so youDre le&t 'ith t'o3thirs still in the ye! 5onDt
'orry about your measurements being e;act!
S02P =
A hal& o& the ye le&t in your bottle to the 'ater% ma#ing sure not to pour it irectly onto the submerge &abric!
Ki; the ye 'ith the 'ater by care&ully s'irling it aroun 'ith your glove han! .et sit &or &ive minutes!
S02P >
Pull another thir o& the submerge curtain out o& the buc#et% so only one3thir is le&t in the ye!
S02P A
A the rest o& the ye le&t in your bottle to the 'ater:&ollo'ing the same irections &rom Step =:an let sit &or
&ive minutes!
S02P @
)emove the rest o& the curtain &rom your buc#et% an hang it straight to ry over your rop cloth!
0+PH +&youDre going to match this e&&ect on the 'all% the 'ay 'e i% ye your curtains &irst!+tDs &ar
easier to match the height o& the &ae paint on your 'alls to the height o& the ye on your curtains
than vice versa!
+D5 .+K2 0/ G"- A I/M2.% P.2AS2
Joe collects typography boo#s% something youD never #no' by loo#ing at his apartment:unless you too# the
time to si&t through the numerous piles on his &loor! 0here 'as no art'or#% let alone a pattern o& any #in% in the
entire space! +Dve met a lot o& people li#e Joe% 'ho have a har time committing to the small etails% li#e thro'
pillo's or 'hat to hang on the 'all! +t can &eel over'helming% since these are the items that are suppose to
re&lect SyouT the most! Gut remember% nothing is permanent! +& you hang something on the 'all you onDt li#e a
'ee# later% ta#e it o'n! 0rying something you en up not loving is &ar better than oing nothing at all!
+n JoeDs apartment% + bought three graphic thro' pillo's &rom a local thri&t store an mi;e them in 'ith the soli
blac# ones he alreay o'ne! *e can s'ap them bac# an &orth bet'een the so&a an be to change the
moo o& the 'hole room! 0hen% to sho'case his love o& typography% + spray3painte one o& his &avorite
mottos:T+ Am Mho + AmT:across three canvases using letter stencils &rom *ome 5epot! +t ha the street3art
&eel Joe loves an brought a uniXue% personal touch to the space!
0+PH A ar#3colore bes#irt 'ill al'ays anchor a be! +tDs the per&ect tric#i&you onDt have an
actual heaboar!
0AG.2 J/) 0M/
Among JoeDs haul &rom +#ea 'ere t'o really basic co&&ee tables in a &au;3natural 'oo &inish! 0hey 'ere small
an easy to move aroun% so Joe coul use them &or Uust about anything! 0o increase the mobility% + 'ante to
upate them 'ith cool inustrial 'heels! Gut be&ore starting% + covere the &au;3'oo &inish 'ith a slee#% glossy
blac# paint! Mhen buying &urniture &rom mass mar#et stores li#e +#ea or 0arget% al'ays opt &or a streamline
piece in soli blac#! +t 'ill loo# li#e it coul have come &rom any number o& e;pensive boutiXues!
S)2K2KG2)% ,/0*+,( +S P2)KA,2,0! +J -/" *A,( S/K20*+,( /, 0*2 MA..
-/" 5/,D0 .+K2 A M22K .A02)% 0AK2 +0 5/M,!T
= K+,"02 "P5A02H M*22.+2 C/JJ22 0AG.2
M*A0 -/" ,225H B s'ivel3base caster 'heels [ 1 Sharpie [ 1h1>3inch rill bit [ 2lectric rill [ Scre'river
S02P 1H 0urn your table over! .ine up your caster 'heels in the center o& each leg! Kar# the points 'here you
nee to rill 'ith a Sharpie! S02P 2H "sing a 1h1>3inch rill bit% rill a hole at each mar#! P5rill slo'ly so you onDt
split the 'oo!Q S02P ?H .ine up your caster holes 'ith the holes you Uust rille an attach your caster base
'ith the scre's provie! 0hen &lip your table bac# over% an youDre o&& an rolling!
MA.K30*)" C./S20
Kost &irst apartments have that one 'eir Xuir# that ma#es no sense! +n JoeDs apartment% that Xuir# 'as a
ecent3size 'al#3in closet 'ith t'o oor'ays:one o&& the entry'ay an one o&& the main room! 0he ouble
entries cut the &unctionality o& his only storage space in hal&! *is solution 'as to hang a sheet in each oor&rame
in the hopes o& hiing the stashe3a'ay chaos insie! Gut 'hat he really neee 'as a soli 'all an a single
oor'ay to ma;imize the usage% so + came up 'ith a 'ay to remey the problemH turn the oor'ay in the main
room into a boo#case!
0he proUect is simple Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on builing your o'n oor'ay boo#caseQ% an gave Joe
the lu;ury o& shelves big enough to store those boo#s heD been piling up! Plus% it create another uninterrupte
'all in the main room% 'hich change the tra&&ic &lo' an let us have a bit more space to play aroun 'ith
&urniture placement:li#e the be an es#! -ou can o this in most any oor'ay% an the best part is that
youDre actually able to personalize the shel& placement an height to &it your neesH boo#s% recors% art'or#% a
stereo% an so on!
0+PHStac# boo#s on theirsies an then shelve them! +t increases the sur&ace area you have to
create isplays% 'hile also giving you a range o& heights to 'or# 'ith! Plus% itDs the per&ect solution &or
boo#cases 'ithout sies!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
S#urniture!com is a Mest Coast bran that creates &urniturelegs in various &inishes to turns#ate
ec#s into cool tables! + i this 'ith one o& JoeDs ol s#ateboars% so he 'oul have a small catchall
table in the main room:an then + use the 'heels as boo#ens!
/)A,(2 G")S0
Get'een the 'hite 'alls an strategic hits o& blues% blac#s% an grays% JoeDs apartment &elt some'hat
e;pectely masculine! + 'ante to toss in a SsurpriseT element:to #eep him on his toes:so + selecte a color
that 'as completely opposite to the cool tones +D alreay introuce R orange! -ep% itDs a pretty tric#y color!
Gut the #ey is &ining a shae 'ith enough re unertones to #eep it &rom &eeling too young! + use it on the
boo#case% in the bathroom% an in the #itchen% so no matter 'here you 'ere staning in the apartment you got a
shot o& the bright% happy hue!
*o'30oH 5oor'ay Goo#case
*/M30/H 5//)MA-G//KCAS2
[ 1 gallon o& semigloss paint
[ 1% 23inch3'ie paint brush
[ 1 paint roller
[ 1 stanar sheet o& B3 by @3&oot ply'oo^
[ B pieces o& 103 by ?03inch lumber P&orshelvesQ
[ 2lectric rill
[ 10% 13inch 'oo scre's
[ @ shel& brac#ets
[ 1>% _3inch 'oo scre's
[ Scre'river
[ .evel
[ Sharpie
[ 1$ @3inch rillbit
[ 1>% 13inch bolts 'ith corresponing nuts an 'ashers
[ Pliers
^Gase on a stanar @03by ?>3inch oor &rame!
S02P 1
Paint the &our shelves:eges an all:an one sie o& your sheet o& ply'oo! +t may ta#e e;tra coats to evenly
cover your ply'oo because the 'oo is so porous! .et ry completely% about three hours &or each coat!
S02P 2
Attach your sheet o& ply'oo to the bac#sie o& your oor &rame:here% that 'as the closet sie:using your
electric rill an 13inch 'oo scre's! Scre' your ply'oo irectly into the oor &rame% starting 'ith each o& the
&our corners! 0hen place a scre' every &oot or so aroun the &rame!
S02P ?
Attach your brac#ets to your shelves using your scre'river an _3inch scre's! Scre' the brac#et irectly into
the 'oo% ma#ing sure that 'hatever type o& brac#et you choose% your placement is consistent &or each shel&!
S02P B
5etermine shel& placement on your sheet o& ply'oo by using your level an brac#ete shelves! /nce
everything is line up to your li#ing% use your Sharpie to mar# the places you 'ill nee to connect the brac#ets
to the ply'oo! 0hen rill a hole at each mar# 'ith your electric rill an 1$@3inch rill bit!
S02P =
Attach each shel& to your sheet o& ply'oo by lining up your brac#ets 'ith the holes you Uust rille! Slip one o&
your 13inch bolts through the hole:so the en is po#ing out the opposite sie o& the sheet o& ply'oo Pthat is%
the hien sieQ:an tighten a nut an 'asher to the en 'ith your pliers! /nce all the shelves are &irmly
attache% start loaing them up!
C/),2) /JJ+C2
Joe ha a chair &or his es#% a lamp &or his es#% even an ol3school gym cloc# to hang on the 'all by his es#!
*o'ever% 'hen + &irst arrive% he i not have an actual es#! ,othing he &oun 'as cheap enough:an he still
'asnDt even sure a es# 'oul &it in his apartment at that point!
5uring his hunt% Joe avoie the most obvious place% the no3name Sclearance &urniture closeoutT store on his
bloc#! 0hey e;ist in every city an can be intimiating &or sure% but they are some o& the best spots to &in a
eal:especially i& youDre loo#ing &or something really basic! 0hatDs 'here + &oun this es# &or ZA=! 0he shape
'as straight&or'arH soli sies an one small ra'er in the center! Gut once + painte the es# the same
glossy blac# as the sie tables an sli it against the be% it gave the 'hole unit a built3in e&&ect! So it no longer
&elt li#e the mattress 'as &loating aimlessly on the 'all:an the small corner 'as no' &irmly establishe as his
0+PH .oo# &or&un 'ays to eal 'ith storage problems! Joe neee more than the single ra'er his
es# o&&ere% so + ae a mailbo; in the corner! +tDs a conversation starterthatDs &ully&unctional too!
P."KG+,( M+0* A I+2M
0he 'ino's in JoeDs main room 'ere not a stanar size% 'hich mae it impossible to &in a curtain ro!
+nstea o& paying a small &ortune to have one custom3mae% + heae to the plumbing aisle at the local *ome
5epot! -ou can have a pipe cut to any measurement you li#e% an it 'ill 'or# Uust as 'ell as a normal curtain
ro Pi& not better% since itDs e;tra sturyQ! + bought a hal&3inch pipe:you onDt 'ant anything bigger because it
gets har to &it your curtain over it:at the e;act length neee% an all the 'all3mountable connectors Pthree
&loor &langes% t'o elbo' connectors% an one 0 connectorQ &or about Z=0! + hung the curtains higher than the
'ino' &rame:almost to the ceiling:'hich create the illusion o& height an gave Joe the lo&t3li#e inustrial
&eel he really 'ante but thought he coulnDt a&&or!
0he subtle stripe on the lampshae 'as introuce to balance the 'ilness o& the brushstro#es on the 'all! +t gave the es# an ever3
so3slightly more polishe &inish!
*o'30oH Jae Paint
*/M30/H JA525 PA+,0
[ 5rop cloth
[ 2% 23inch3'ie paint brushes
[ 1 gallon o& &latpaint
[ PainterDs tape PoptionalQ
[ 1 paint roller
[ 1 plastic container &ullo& 'ater
S02P 1
Cover your 'or#space 'ith a rop cloth! "sing one o& your 23inch paint brushes% outline the trim at the base o&
your 'all! 5epening on ho' steay you are 'ith a paint brush% you may 'ant to tape o&& the baseboar &irst!
S02P 2
Paint a ?03inch bloc# across the bottom o& the 'all 'ith your roller! -our measurements onDt nee to be
per&ectV you Uust 'ant a soli bottom portion to 'or# 'ith!
S02P ?
0a#e the same 23inch paint brush you use &or the trim% an ip the en in your plastic container &ille 'ith
'ater! -ou 'ant it to be amp% but not so 'et itDs ripping!
S02P B
)un the brush up the 'all% so youDre essentially stretching the paint thatDs alreay on the 'all to create &ae
mar#s! 0hereDs no right or 'rong hereV Uust play aroun until you &in the height an &reXuency you li#e!
S02P =
"sing your other 23inch paint brush% 'hich shoul be ry% go bac# over the &ae area to a e;tra 'isps o&
te;ture:an to clean up any rip mar#s! .et the paint ry &or t'o hours!
K+0C*2, A..2-
Apart &rom e&rosting the occasional &rozen pizza% Joe never coo#s! *eDs more o& a ta#eout #ina guy% 'hich
means his little alley'ay o& a #itchen 'as valuable sXuare &ootage being 'aste! 0here 'as no chance o& my
piXuing JoeDs interest in the culinary arts% but + i 'ant to ma#e this room a bit more habitable! +t ha great ol
etails% incluing a built3in% ca&`3style table that &ole o'n 'hen not in use! Joe 'as originally #eeping the
table o'n an storing his bi#e in that space! Gut once 'e remeie the situation 'ith his closet% there 'as
enough space &or him to #eep his bi#e there instea:&inally ma#ing his table accessible!
Mhen youDre living 'ith such minimal room% itDs important to &eel li#e you have a lot o& i&&erent areas at your
isposal:it #eeps the claustrophobia at bay! So + painte all the 'alls the same semigloss orange + use on
the oor'ay boo#case:an even trimme the sie o& the table in this color:to really 'a#e up the space an
highlight the oler architectural elements! 0hen + ae some vintage glass Uars &rom a local thri&t store to
introuce a typographic element to the #itchen! 0he en result 'as a bright% happy place &or Joe to sit an enUoy
his morning co&&ee:an perhaps a meal every no' an again!
SM*2, -/"D)2 .+I+,( M+0* S"C* K+,+KA. )//K% +0DS +KP/)0A,0 0/ J22. .+K2
-/" *AI2 A ./0 /J 5+JJ2)2,0 A)2AS A0 -/") 5+SP/SA.3+0 K22PS 0*2
C.A"S0)/P*/G+A A0 GA-!T
0he #itchen cabinets 'ere abnormally close to the counter% 'hich meant all appliances:even the co&&eema#er:ha to be put a'ay! +
le&t the plates an co&&ee mugs out in orer to ma#e room in the cabinets &or everything else!
A C*+P /JJ 0*2 /.D PA+,0 G./CK
+tDs easy to chal# up a bathroom as a purely &unctional space that oesnDt nee any `cor &an&are:'hich is
e;actly 'hat Joe ha one! Apart &rom a sho'er liner% a toothbrush% an a bar o& soap% youD never #no'
anyone even live here! Gut hereDs the problem 'ith thatH leaving a bathroom all 'hite 'ill sho' irt an grime
&aster! Joe 'as by no means a SmessyT guy% but by aing esign elements to the room% 'e gave the eye
something to &ocus on other than toothpaste resiue in the sin#! + use the last o& my semigloss orange paint in
here% then installe a little shel& &or os an ens% li#e 'ashcloths an a toothbrush holer! Gut by &ar my
&avorite aition 'as the paint chip art'or#! +t 'as a &un% ten3minute proUect that brought the 'hole room
PA+,0 C*+P A)0M/)K
S02P 1H 0a#e any size blan# canvas an line up an assortment o& paint chips across the sur&ace!
S02P 2H "se strips o& blac# electrical tape bet'een your paint chip sXuares to create a gri3li#e e&&ect% 'hile
ahering the chips to the canvas! P5onDt 'orry about lining up your paint chips per&ectlyV the electrical tape 'ill
ma#e everything loo# nice an straight!Q
*o'30oH 0ile 0attoos
*/M30/H 0+.2 0A00//S
0he 'hite bathroom tiles 'rappe aroun the room! + 'ante to brea# that up by aing one o& my &avorite ne'
inventions to the sho'erH 0ile 0attoos! 0hese are graphic sXuares that are easy to put on:an even easier to
removeH you simply peel &rom a corner% an the 'hole thing comes o&&! + chose a sunburst in a rusty orange an
place them across a single ro' o& tiles &or a retro% ben3li#e e&&ect!
[ 0ile 0attoos
[ Sponge
[ Creit car
S02P 1
Clean your tile 'ith 'ater an a sponge!
S02P 2
Met the bac# o& your 0ile 0attoo 'ith 'ater! 0here shoul be minimal rops!
S02P ?
Press the 'et sie o& the 0ile 0attoo to the tile! Since both sur&aces are amp% they shoul cling together but still
have a little slie to them!
S02P B
Jirmly press your 0ile 0attoo to the tile% an use the sie o& a creit car to sXueegee all the 'ater out &rom
bet'een the t'o% ma#ing sure the tile stays straight! /nce all the 'ater an air bubbles are gone% the 0ile 0attoo
is set!
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 )2G2.
1+, SKA.. )//KS% paint a ar#er color on the bottom hal& o& your 'all! +t anchors the space% 'hile ma#ing it &eel bright an
2+0DS 0*2 ","S"A. 0/"C*2S that a the most personality% so use your imagination:a s#ateboar table% a mailbo; es#
sorter% even plumbing pipes as curtain ros!
?0AK2 C/,0)/. /J -/") J.//) P.A,! +& something oesnDt ma#e sense &or you% li#e t'o oor'ays into a single
closet% thin# o& 'ays to ma#e the space &it your li&estyle:not vice versa!
BS0"5+/ .+I+,( K2A,S (200+,( C)2A0+I2 'ith your &urniture arrangements! 5onDt Uust line your 'all 'ith
&urniture! +nstea% try to angle pieces to create speci&ic areasH a place to sit% a place to 'or#% a place to sleep% an so on!
=A)0 +S 2I2)-M*2)2: cheap stencils% &ree paint chips:loo# aroun an ta#e avantage! 0here are plenty o& 'ays to
e;press yoursel& &or harly any money!
0*2 */K2G/5-
M*/H Kyle
J/GH +nterior esigner
.+I2S +,H Kiracle Kile% .A
K2AS")2K2,0SH A00 sXuare &eet
C/K2 /, +,W M2.C/K2 0/ K- */K2 A,5 /JJ+C2:0*2 P.AC2 -/" CA, J+,5 K2 << P2)C2,0 /J
0*2 0+K2!
+ sleep here% 'or# here% an entertain here Pan ShereT is only A00 sXuare &eetQ! +tDs small% but 'hen + move into
this Cra&tsman3style one3beroom t'o years ago% it 'as the most space +D been able to call my o'n% 'ell% ever!
+ ha big ieas &or an apartment 'ith tiny rooms an lots o& architectural Xuir#s to conten 'ithH roune oor
&rames% lo'3sitting 'ino's% a non'or#ing heating system that spanne the height o& one living room 'all! +
'ante to have inner parties &or eight% a 'aiting area &or clients% an a game table &or Scrabble marathons! Gut
Uust li#e everyone else% + ha to give my over3the3top vision a stern reality chec#! ,ot only 'as there no room to
o any o& this on the gran scale +D imagine but there 'as also no buget! Mhat little money + ha to spen
'as allotte to &unctional things% li#e a place to sit o'n an possibly silver'are!
0hat oesnDt mean + gave up on the things + 'ante though! + &ocuse on slo'ly collecting &urniture + really love
that coul o ouble3utyH ottomans that 'oul brea# o'n into transitional seating &or client visits an a meia
console that 'oul 'or# as an appetizer bu&&et 'hen + have parties! (etting my apartment to the point you see it
in this chapter has been a t'o3year labor o& love:an a tough lesson in patience!
S2A0+,( J/) ,+,2% P.2AS2
Seating 'as at the top o& my priority list! + love playing host% but my client meetings reXuire enough sur&ace area
to sprea out &abric s'atches% &loor plans% an such! So + neee seating that 'oul 'or# as an e;tra tabletop
'hen necessary! + line the 'all beneath my 'ino's 'ith t'o leather benches:score at a CrateeGarrel &loor
sample sale:that coul be pulle up to the co&&ee table! 0hen + ae a vinyl pou& ne;t to the so&a% since there
'as no room le&t &or a proper chair! Gy #eeping the pieces my guests coul sit on small% + 'as able to ouble
the number o& people that coul sit com&ortably in my 103 by 1=3&oot room! So my rule is thisH onDt get caught
up in the necessity o& having a chair or even a so&a in your living room! Genches% pou&s% crates covere in
pillo's% or even a slipcovere t'in mattress can 'or# Uust as 'ell!
Since my apartment has so many i&&erent&unctions% &iguringout a &loorplan meant &irstallocating certain areas
&orcertain tas#s! Ky livingroom is 'here + meet 'ith clients% host game nights% an% o& course% rela;in &ronto&
the television! 0he small ining room became my o&&ice! An my beroom is also a pseuo3library &ormy boo#s
an vast Architectural 5igest collection! PCon&essionH +Dve been a subscriber since + 'as thirteenyears ol!Q
0he lessonH #no'ing ho' a space 'ill be use ma#es &illingita much more &ocuse unerta#ing!
)//K M+0*/"0 A I+2M
0o play o&& the 'arm% taupey bro'n shae o& the 'alls% + chose blins in a ar# 'oo tone% 'hich cast a
beauti&ul% mooy light! 0he big blue s#ies an sun3&ille ays 'ere a huge part o& 'hat re' me to .A &rom my
hometo'n o& Chicago! 0he truth o& my situation is this% thoughH my apartment builing is a mere ? &eet &rom
another apartment builing! Mith the blins up% + enUoy a vie' o& my neighborDs #itchen 'ino' an a lot o&
eteriorate baby blue 'all! Gut + al'ays say% &a#e 'hat you onDt have! 0he alley'ay bet'een the t'o builings
gets plenty o& sun e;posure% so + out&itte each o& my 'ino's 'ith these blins that have slightly oversize
panels! 0he panels let in the per&ect amount o& so&t light an still allo' &or plenty o& privacy:'ithout ma#ing me
&eel close in!
A 02N0")A. K25.2-
0here are t'o 'ays to a epth to a roomH layer patterns Psee Pattern Play &or tipsQ or layer te;ture! Since
my goal 'as a calm% masculine% 'oosy aesthetic:an not something ramatic:+ i the latter! Ky 'hole
apartment is a palette o& earthy bro'ns 'ith the occasional pop o& re or orange! Mithout te;ture% it 'oul be
&lat% neutral% an boring! Gut 'hereas the color scheme is sa&e% the te;tural elements in the living room alone
have uppe the ante ten&ol! Juzzy pillo's sit on slee# leather benches! Ky co&&ee table an sie table are
mae &rom tree stumps! 0he penant &loor lamp is metal! 0he herringbone rug is Uute! 0he thro' pillo's are
cable#nit! 0he 'allpapere piece o& 'oo behin the so&a% 'hich is actually covering a hieous heater Psee the
*o'30o &or ma#ing your o'n 'allpapere heater coverQ% is meant to loo# li#e tree bar#! 2ven the 'alls are
te;ture! Gy stic#ing 'ith a simple palette% + coul go 'il 'ith i&&erent materials an &inishes an not 'orry
about it &eeling li#e too much! 0he resultH a 'arm% te;turally iverse room 'ith tons o& interesting etails!
A ]"+CK ,/02 /, C/JJ22 0AG.2S
0heyDre among the smallest pieces o& &urnitureyou o'n but the easiest to get 'rong! +t only ta#es a &e' inches
to thro'o&&the elicate balance bet'een your so&a an co&&ee table! *ere are a &e' rules to help you avoi
some common pit&allsH
[ 0he height o& your co&&ee table shoul be eXual to or less than the height o& the seat on your so&a!
[ +&you have a sectional li#e mine% the co&&ee table shoul nestle into the noo# create by the so&aDs . shape!
[ -ou shoul leave enough room bet'een the ege o& the co&&ee table an the ege o& the so&a &orsomeone to
'al# through% so no less than a &oot!
*o'30oH Mallpapere *eater Cover
*/M30/HMA..PAP2)25*2A02) C/I2)^
[ B3 by @3&oot sheet o& ply'oo
[ 10 .3shape corner brac#et #its P'ithscre'sQ
[ Scre'river
[ Paste3the3Mall 'allpaper PitDsremovableWQ
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
[ Sponge
[ 1 container 'allpaper paste
[ Paint tray
[ 0hic# paint roller
[ Plastic putty#ni&e
S02P 1
Keasure the epth o& your heater! A 1 inch% an then have your local har'are store cut that amount &rom
each o& the long sies o& your sheet o& ply'oo! Ge sure to ouble3chec# that the 'ith o& the center piece a&ter
you cut is 'ier than the 'ith o& your heater!
S02P 2
.ay your ply'oo pieces on the groun% as i& they 'ere still one sheet! Jlip the t'o sies up% so their 'ith is
perpenicular to the &loor! Stac# them on top o& the outer eges o& your mile piece:so the eges are &lush!
P-ou shoul have a sXuare3o&& " shape!Q
S02P ?
"sing your .3shape corner brac#et #its:&ive on each sie:connect the t'o sies to your mile piece! Ge
sure to use a brac#et at the top an bottom o& each sie% an then space out the remaining three brac#ets
evenly over the rest o& the length o& your ply'oo!
S02P B
Jlip over your ply'oo bo;! ,o'% youDre reay to precut your 'allpaper strips! Start at the ege o& one o& your
corner pieces% an roll out your 'allpaper to cover the entire length! .eave 1 to 2 inches to spare at the top an
bottom o& your ply'oo bo;V then cut your &irst 'allpaper strip using your N3AC0/ #ni&e! Keasure an cut the
rest o& your 'allpaper strips base on this length% ma#ing sure your pattern lines up along the 'ay!
S02P =
Mipe the ply'oo bo; 'ith a amp sponge to get ri o& any ebris! +& there are large #nots% you 'ill nee to &ill
them 'ith 'oo putty Psee the *o'30o &or instructionsQ! Pour your 'allpaper paste into the paint tray! 0hen%
using your paint roller% generously cover the entire sur&ace o& your ply'oo bo;! +t shoul loo# li#e the
consistency o& s#im mil#!
S02P >
.ay your &irst 'allpaper strip on the ply'oo bo;% ma#ing sure to create a clean &ol along the corner! "sing a
plastic putty #ni&e% gently smooth any lines or bubbles uner the paper! Continue papering across the entirety o&
your ply'oo bo;% again% ma#ing sure your patterns are lining up!
S02P A
"sing your N3AC0/ #ni&e% trim any e;cess 'allpaper &rom the top an bottom o& your ply'oo bo;!
S02P @
0a#e a amp sponge an 'ipe o&& any e;cess 'allpaper paste! .et the cover sit &or at least t'o hours be&ore
placing it over your heater! +t shoul stay put Uust &ine% but &or e;tra support% you can use t'o more .3shape
corner brac#ets an ahere the cover irectly to your 'all!
^0his proUect is meant &or covering heaters not currently in use! 5o not cover a unit you nee access to!
0+PH *ome 5epot gives you t'o &ree cuts 'hen you buy a &ullsheet o& lumber! So i&you have your
measurements% you can leave 'ith your pieces reay to assemble!
M*/DS AJ)A+5 /J A .+00.2 M*+02 G/NO
As an interior esigner% 'al#ing into an empty apartment o& nothing but 'hite 'alls an 'ooen &loors is pure
bliss! P/h% the possibilitiesWQ Gut to most everyone else% that same 'hite bo; is as intimiating as a mile
school bully:sitting there in all its pristine blan#ness 'aiting to moc# you a&ter one 'rong paint selection! Gut
hereDs the thingH ecorating shoul &eel more li#e a ate than a 'eing:nothing is actually long term! So 'hen
&ace 'ith &our 'hite 'alls% simply pic# an inspiring starting point an buil &rom there! Jor me% that 'as this
sunburst mirror! +t 'as my &irst SaultT ecorating splurge% an + #ne' + 'ante it to be a &ocal point in the
room:'hich is ho' + lane on painting my 'alls bro'n! P+t highlights the mirrorDs golen tones per&ectly!Q Gut +
must have trie close to a ozen shaes be&ore &inally laning on this taupey shae! 0he moral o& this storyH
onDt be a&rai to ma#e mista#es!
*/M30/H)2PA+)+,( C*+PP25 M//5 J"),+0")2
[ 1 container o& stainable 'oo putty
[ Putty #ni&e
[ 1 sheet o& &ine3gritsanpaper
[ 5amp rag
[ Moo stain mar#er
S02P 1
"sing your putty #ni&e% &ill the chippe area 'ith 'oo putty! 5onDt 'orry about smooth eges or over&illingV youDll
san everything to &it later! .et ry &or one hour!
S02P 2
/nce your 'oo putty is &irm% ta#e the &ine3grit sanpaper an san the puttie area until the sur&ace is &lush
'ith the rest o& your piece! ,oteH Mhen ealing 'ith corners% be sure to #eep the eges nice an sharp! San
both sies using an up3an3o'n motion until you have an even corner!
S02P ?
Mipe the puttie area 'ith a amp rag to clean o&& as much o& the sane particles as possible! 0hen% using the
stain mar#er% 'hich shoul match the stain on 'hatever youDre &illing in% color over the puttie area! +t only ta#es
one coat% but let it ry &or thirty minutes be&ore touching it!
0*2 MA+0+,( (AK2
2ven though a es# 'as at the top o& my &urniture 'ish list% it too# me nearly nine months to &in the right one! +
'as pretty insistent that my es# &ace out a 'ino'! Anyone 'ho 'or#s &rom home 'ill agree% itDs the only 'ay
to #eep &rom getting istracte by househol chores or 'orse yet% the television! Gut the 'ino's in my
apartment sit a ta lo'er than normal% so + neee to &in a es# that 'oul slie uner the 'ino'sill an not
Uut out &arther than the arch'ay oor that connecte the #itchen to the living room:'hich prove to be pretty
i&&icult! A&ter months o& hunching over my laptop at the co&&ee table% + &oun this small scale inustrial metal
tan#er es# on Craigslist! +t 'as e;actly the classic style + 'ante% only shrun#en o'n! 0he moral o& this storyH
you really can &in the neele in the haystac#:Uust #eep iggingW
)252J+,+,( )//KS
,ever ta#e a room at &ace value! )eassess your space an turn it into 'hat you really nee! + neee an o&&ice
more than a ining room% so thatDs 'hat this little noo# o&& my #itchen became!
S0/)A(2 IS! SPAC2:A C/,",5)"K
Mhen + 'as apartment hunting% + ha the option o& loo#ing at another rental in my builing that 'as a 'hole =0
sXuare &eet larger an liste at the e;act same price! 0he i&&erenceH storage! Ky apartment has a big closet o&&
the living room% 'hich is pac#e to capacity 'ith my bicycle% set props% an samples! +D choose less living
space in &avor o& more storage any ay! +t ma#es such a i&&erence 'hen you have a proper place to put things
Along those same lines% + iscovere the ra'ers o& my ne' es# 'erenDt nearly enough storage &or all the little
os an ens my Uob reXuires! Since + ha other plans &or my ishes Psee 0he Che& +s +n &or etailsQ% + ecie
to turn the counter3height% glass3&ront cabinets that separate the #itchen &rom my little o&&ice into e;tra storage!
+ bought a bunch o& ar# 'oo bo;es &rom the Container Store &or about Z@ each% printe out circular labels &or
them% an thre' everything &rom paintbrushes to moling samples insie be&ore stashing them a'ay in the
cabinets! Kost apartments have more storage than you thin#% so loo# &or unerutilize spaces an put them to
S+D5 C*//S2 .2SS .+I+,( SPAC2 +, JAI/)/J K/)2 S0/)A(2 A,- 5A-!T
A collection o& canisters help #eep my counter clutter3&ree! + use them to hol sugar% &lour% an all my &avorite spices!
0*2 C*2J +S +,
.i#e most oler .A apartments% mine ha a pretty runo'n #itchen! 0here 'as only one 'all cabinet% minimal
counters% an a 'hole lot o& ea space on the 'alls! ,othing 'as 'hat youD call particularly &unctional%
especially &or someone 'ho enUoys coo#ing! So + too# a &e' notes &rom the inustrial3style #itchens youD &in at
most restaurants an heae o'n to my local restaurant supply store! 0hese places are truly geniusH they cut
out the intermeiate ealers% so everything is a Xuarter the price youD normally pay! Plus% they have everything
you coul ever nee:an more!
0he single 'all cabinet unit in my #itchen ha to hol all my &oo% 'hich meant everything else:pots% pans%
plates% glasses% an such:'oul nee to be out in the open! + ecie to hang all my coo#'are &rom the 'all
behin my stove using a chic#en 'ire &i;ture + built mysel& Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing your o'n
chic#en 'ire pot rac#Q! 0hen + grabbe t'o inustrial3strength metal shelves to stac# my ishes an glasses
on! )emember% ishes can get pretty heavy% so you nee something rein&orce an stury! A simple &loating
shel& 'onDt 'or#! +n the en% + coulnDt have been happier 'ith my little alley'ay3o&3a3#itchen that le&t everything
out in the open!
0+PH +&your glass'are% li#e mine% tens to isappear as i&it'ere isposable% stoc# up on 'hite or
blac# ishes an clear glasses! Apart &rom&lo'ing color3'ise% these basics are so much easier to
replace 'hen they inevitably go missing!
*o'30oH Chic#en Mire Pot )ac#
*/M30/H C*+CK2, M+)2 P/0 )ACK
[ Keasuring tape
[ Pencil
[ 1 roll% \3inch chic#en 'ire
[ 0in snips
[ Po'er rill
[ =h 1>3inch rillbit
[ > heavy3uty anchors
[ 2B% _3inch 'ashers
[ > heavy3uty scre's Pat least 2 inchesQ
[ S hoo#s PeXual to the number o& pots you 'ant to hangQ
S02P 1
Mith your pencil% measure an mar# the space on your 'all that you 'ant to use &or your pot rac#! Cut your
chic#en 'ire to &it using tin snips!
S02P 2
Along your t'o sies% measure an mar# the hal&'ay point bet'een your top an bottom corners! 5rill a hole in
the 'all at these t'o mar#s an at each o& your &our corners:&or si; holes total:an insert your anchors!
S02P ?
-ou nee to create room bet'een the 'all an your chic#en 'ire so that you can hang things 'ithout scratching
the 'all paint! 0o start% stac# B 'ashers together% an place them uner one o& the corner sXuares in your
chic#en 'ire! 0hen place 2 more 'ashers on top! P-ouDre creating a san'ich e&&ect on either sie o& the
opening in your chic#en 'ire!Q Slie one scre' through the center o& your stac#% an scre' it into the 'all
anchor! PSo coming a'ay &rom the 'all% the lineup shoul beH 'all anchor i B 'ashers i chic#en 'ire i 2
'ashers i scre' hea!Q
S02P B
)epeat Step ? at each o& your remaining = mar#e anchors% ma#ing sure your chic#en 'ire is taut as you 'or#
your 'ay aroun the perimeter!
S02P =
Start hangingW String your S hoo#s through the holes in your pot hanles an onto a sXuare on your gri! Avoi
hanging anything as heavy as cast iron% but everything else:incluing pasta spoons% strainers% even your
co&&ee mugs:shoul 'or# Uust &ine!
0*2 5+(,+J+25 /"05//)SKA,
5onDt get me 'rongH + love a serene beroom as much as the ne;t person! Gut 'henever + esign a beroom &or
mysel&% + li#e it to be a little more play&ul:maybe itDs because + ha to share a room 'ith my sister gro'ing up! +
have to have an element o& boyhoo &un in my space! So instea o& #eeping the masculine% 'oosy aesthetic
streamline an sophisticate:as +D one throughout the rest o& my apartment:+ really gave the beroom a
tongue3in3chee# t'ist on the theme! + toppe my stripe being 'ith an ol3school 2nglish coat o& arms thro'
pillo' Pa gi&t &rom my momQ% an + mounte a carboar stag hea above my be:eXuippe 'ith a apper tie! +
li#e to thin# the room has a )obin *oo Xuality to it:i& )obin *oo live in moern3ay .A% that is!
*/M30/H PA+,0 A P2)J2C0 C+)C.2
Since earthXua#es are a real concern on the Mest Coast% + 'as scare to put anything heavier than this
carboar stag on the 'all above my heaboar! Gut on its o'n% it inDt ta#e up enough room to &eel
substantial! So + ecie to paint a circle aroun it in the hopes o& getting the e&&ect o& an actual mount!
[ Keasuring tape
[ 1 metal tac#
[ String
[ Pencil
[ 23inch3'ie paint brush
[ Paint
S02P 1
5etermine the iameter o& your circle% an push your metal tac# into the center point o& that measurement! Jor
instance% + 'ante my circle to be 2B inches in iameter% so + place my tac# at the 123inch mar#!
S02P 2
0ie one en o& your string to the tac#! Jrom there% measure hal& the istance o& your iameter on your piece o&
string:again% that 'as 12 inches here! A 1 inch to that measurement% an cut your string! "se the e;tra inch
to tie the other en o& your string to your pencil:ma#ing sure the length o& the string bet'een the pencil an
nail is still hal& the length o& your iameter!
S02P ?
0a#e your pencil an trace a circle aroun the tac#! Keep the string taut 'hile ra'ing!
S02P B
0a3aW -ou have your circle! ,o'% using your 23inch paint brush% trace the outer ege o& your circle 'ith paint%
creating a &rame!
S02P =
Paint the center o& your circle! P-ou 'ant to outline &irst because it 'ill lessen the chances o& paint rips later!Q
./I+,(.- C/..2C025
Ky beroom 'as piecemeale together 'ith a lot o& imagination an t'o years o& relentless thri&t store visits! +
&oun the be &rame in a Uun# store in .ADs 2cho Par# neighborhoo an the besie tables almost a year later
at the same place! 0he resser is &rom a thri&t store in nearby Silverla#e% an my ever3gro'ing collection o&
'hite vases has been culle &rom the many esign Uobs +Dve ha over the years! + have a serious aversion to
matching sets% especially 'hen it comes to &urniture:thereDs something so preictable about them:but you
still 'ant everything to &eel cohesive% even i& there are slightly i&&erent shaes o& 'oo stain or a centuryDs
'orth o& separate esign eras that nee to coe;ist! Ky South'estern3style be &rame% &or instance% 'as a rusty
shae o& 'hite 'hen + &oun it! 0he besie tables have an art eco &eel! An the resser is a micentury
moern piece that originally ha bronze hanles!
Clearly% there 'ere a lot o& i&&erent vibes happening here! Gut Uust as + i 'ith my mismatche assortment o&
vases% + use color:'ell technically% matching har'are:to create a threa o& similarity throughout all the
&urniture! +tDs a little #no'n &act% but most thri&t stores:an all &urniture restoration shops:onDt charge much to
spray paint something! + ha the be &rame an all o& the hanles &rom the resser an besie tables spray
painte the same metallic shae o& silver! 0his one small step mae a ramshac#le assortment &eel li#e a
cohesive:but not too matchy:mi;!
Mhenever + buy a rug &or a beroom% + have an inner battle 'ith mysel&! /n the one han% you 'ant something
so&t to step on &irst thing in the morning! Gut on the other% rugs large enough to &it uner a be are never cheap!
-ou en up paying a lot &or something you only use a little o&! 0his is 'hy co'hie rugs are so per&ect &or the
beroomH the shape is organic% so thereDs no right or 'rong in terms o& 'here it stops or begins! -ou can have it
uner the bottom hal& o& your be or Uust uner a single sie! +t 'ill al'ays &eel 'ell proportione!
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 */K2G/5-
1.A-2)+,(02N0")2S is a sophisticate 'ay to a epth to a room!
25/,D0 .20 0*A0 2KP0- MA.. SPAC2 in your tiny #itchen go to 'aste! Cabinets or not% you can turn it into storage!
?)252J+,2 0*2 )//KS +, -/") APA)0K2,0! +t shoul &it your li&estyle% not 'hat the bro#er claims it shoul be!
B2I2)- P)/G.2K% incluing built3in eyesores% has a creative solution!
=K+N A,5 KA0C* -/") J"),+0")2! 5onDt ever:ever:get trappe into a set!
0*2 G/*2K+A,
M*/H Arian
J/GH )eal estate agent
.+I2S +,H +nman Par#% Atlanta
K2AS")2K2,0SH =00 sXuare &eet
A0.A,0A +S /,2 /J 0*/S2 SP)AM.+,( C+0+2S KA52 "P /J 5+S0+,C0 .+00.2 ,2+(*G/)*//5S
)A0*2) 0*A, A 5/K+,A,0 G"S0.+,( 5/M,0/M,!
,o matter 'here you 'or#% a commute is a given! So 'hen Arian began her apartment search:her &irst sans
roommates:pic#ing the right neighborhoo toppe her list o& priorities! She 'ante a sa&e% renter3&rienly% artsy
community that 'asnDt a bunch o& ientical cement bloc# builings! A to that her buget cap o& ZA00 per
month% an it &elt li#e a rather tall orer:even &or a real estate agent! She ha her heart set on living in the
historic .ittle Jive Points area 'hen% through a &rien o& a &rien% she &oun this attic apartment in a restore
1<20s Iictorian home locate in +nman Par#:a neighboring community! +t too# all o& &ive minutes in the cozy
space to reignite ArianDs chilhoo in&atuation 'ith treehouses:an a mere &ive minutes more &or the rental
agreement to be signe!
Arian has an aventurous% &ly3by3the3seat3o&3her3pants approach to li&e! Mhen she has a 'him% she usually
&ollo's it:an thatDs e;actly ho' she ene up in this charming% brightly lit apartment that i not have a single
uninterrupte% &ull3size 'all an angle ceilings that allo'e her to &ully stan up in only one3thir o& the space!
Personality3'ise it coulnDt have been coolerV logistically% though% it 'as a bit o& a nightmare! Placing &urniture
larger than a sie table turne into an e;tene game o& trial an error% an storage space 'as pretty much
none;istent! So my Uob 'as simpleH help turn the treehouse apartment o& ArianDs chilhoo reams into a
&unctional% livable% gro'n3up home!
/P2,35//) P/.+C-
Arian is the social activities irector among her group o& &riens! *er apartment is 'here everyone meets
be&ore going out% an 'here they crash a&ter! "nli#e the other &our units in this converte home% the attic ha its
o'n staircase along the sie o& the house that le straight to ArianDs &ront oor:'ith a private porch to boot! P+t
'as one o& the reasons she chose this place:less chance o& isturbing her neighbors!Q 0he o'nsie%
ho'ever% 'as that the glass on these roune oors:an the &loor3level 'ino's ne;t to them:'as
completely clear 'hen she move in! So her Sstop by 'heneverT policy le to a &e' too many post3sho'er
surprise visitors!
Covering the 'ino's 'ith curtains 'as out o& the Xuestion because o& the 'ino'sD roune shape! Plus% the
lanlor 'as aamant that 'e not touch any o& the recently renovate 'alls or 'oo'or#! So 'e &oun this
ecorative 'ino' &ilm:'hich matche the e;isting architecture per&ectly:at *ome 5epot &or about Z20 per
sheet% an 'e cut the sheets to &it the 'ino's! 0he &ilm create a beauti&ul staine3glass e&&ect in the entry'ay%
'hile giving Arian all the privacy she neee!
+&ceiling height 'erenDt an issue% ArianDs stuio 'oul have &eltspacious! As an attic% ho'ever% everything 'as
scale o'n by hal&% 'ith the ceiling only at &ullheight in the entry'ay an #itchen! 0he place 'as &ullo& little
noo#s:an in some spots the ceiling literallyene at the &loorboar! Arian 'as rearranging her &urnitureon a
bi'ee#ly basis in an attempt to ma#e her space &eel less choppy! Gut 'ithout 'alls to use as mar#ers% itDs easy
&or&urnitureto &eel li#e itDs &loatingin the center o& a room! So + sectione o&&speci&ic areas &orsleeping%
entertaining% an lounging:an use everything &romrugs to boo#cases to sXuare3o&& &urniturearrangements
to e&ine each space!
ArianDs taste in `cor 'as all over the charts! 0o put itsimply% her philosophy 'asH S+#no' 'hat + li#e
'hen + see it!TShe ha a clean3line% micentury moern so&a in marigol velvet% brightbohemian
thro'pillo's% an a collection o& vintage crochet a&ghans! Me mi;e in a yello' Iictorian3style
loveseat% a &uzzy sheeps#in rug% graphic curtains% an a #notte &abricco&&ee table! +n theory% none o&
these things SgoTtogether! Gut thatDs 'hat gave the space such great epth:an mae it&eel li#e
P2)J2C0.- +KP2)J2C0 S2A0+,(
0here 'as only one spot that ha enough 'all space to &it ArianDs micentury moern so&a% an that 'as
locate right ne;t to the #itchen! 0he so&a sli per&ectly uner the slante ceiling% leaving Uust enough room &or
someone to sit com&ortably 'ithout bumping his or her hea! 0he problem became balanceH 'ithout chairs or a
co&&ee table to complete a &ully roune seating area% the so&a isappeare in the corner:ma#ing it a pretty
uncompelling place to hang out!
Me 'ent in search o& these missing pieces at the local antiXue 'arehouse% Paris on Ponce! Kost cities have
something similarH a giant strip o& small antiXue ealers all uner one roo&! 0hese places are great because
venors are &ar more li#ely to barter 'ith you% since theyDre surroune by competition! Me pic#e up this
Iictorian3style loveseat an #iney3shape vanity:'hich 'e turne into a es#:&or about Z>0! Gac# at
ArianDs 'e place the loveseat across &rom her so&a an &inishe o&& the space 'ith a 'oven co&&ee table &rom
"rban /ut&itters an a small sheeps#in rug pic#e up at +#ea! 0hen 'e otte the place 'ith plants Psee the
*o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing your o'n vintage boo# planterQ to ma#e it &eel even more li#e a true
0hereDs nothing 'rong 'ith blening a number o& styles in one space% but there shoul al'ays be one repetitive
element that ma#es everything seem a bit more cohesive! *ere% that 'as the color yello'! -ouDll see various
shaes o& it:&rommarigol to lemon:sprin#le aroun the livingroom!
0+PH +n a room &ullo& sharp angles% loo# &or'ays to introuce roune elements% as 'e i 'ith the
#iney3shape es# an circle3printcurtains! +t 'ill #eep your space &rom&eeling too rigi!
Sho'n aboveH Mall Stamps% Iintage Goo# Planter
+ scattere small sie tables aroun the apartment to ma#e up &or the &act that Arian inDt have room &or a proper ining table! Mhen
cleare o&&% they 'or# as an impromptu place to eat!
*o'30oH Iintage Goo# Planter
*/M30/H I+,0A(2 G//K P.A,02)
[ 1 leather boun boo#
[ 2lmerDs (lue
[ 1 small succulent
[ )uler
[ Pen
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
[ 1 Xuart3size biploc bag
[ Scissors
S02P 1
(lue the pages o& your boo# together by sXuiggling glue along the sies an gently pressing it into the pages
'ith your &ingers! Ka#e sure not to glue the pages to the cover! .et ry completely% about 20 minutes!
S02P 2
5etermine ho' 'ie o& a space to cut &or your succulentV you 'ant at least 2 inches aroun the circum&erence
o& the roots to promote gro'th! Keasure an trace the area you nee to cut on the top page o& your boo#!
S02P ?
"sing your N3AC0/ #ni&e% care&ully cut into the bo; you Uust re'! -ou 'ill only be able to cut about ?0 pages at
a time% so youDll nee to repeat this step until youDve create a hole eep enough &or your succulent!
S02P B
.ine the bo; you Uust cut 'ith your plastic biploc bag% ma#ing sure the bottom an sies are covere!
S02P =
Arrange your succulent on top o& the biploc bag! Ge sure to trans&er enough soil &rom the original planter% along
'ith the plant itsel&!
S02P >
"sing your scissors% trim the e;cess biploc bag aroun the ege o& your succulent% leaving Uust enough o& a
plastic liner to #eep 'ater &rom running into the pages o& the boo# 'hen you 'ater it!
0*2 S.22P+,( ,//K
Ge placement is about so much more than 'here it happens to &it in a room! A goo nightDs rest has to ta#e
priority over everything else! Mhen Arian &irst move in% she trie placing her Xueen3size mattress on the
groun in a small noo# o&& the living area! +t &elt more private than any'here else in the stuio! Gut a&ter a &e'
nights o& sleeping on the &loor uner lo' ceilings% things began to get a bit claustrophobic!
+ 'ante to give her a proper be% an the only place to o that 'as in the small corner ne;t to the &ront oor! +t
ha 'ie enough 'alls an high enough ceilings% but it meant covering t'o 'ino's an coming up 'ith a 'ay
to separate the mattress &rom the entry'ay! So + bought a tall boo#case &rom +#ea% painte it bro'n to match the
e;isting 'oo'or#% an sli the unit up against the be! Geing o&& the &loor an having a s#ylight in the ceiling
meant bouts o& claustrophobia 'ere no longer an issue! 0he be ene up having a built3in% almost ship3li#e
&eel:an most importantly% Arian &elt completely rela;e in the space!
S0*2 S.22P+,( ,//K G2CAK2 A P2)S/,A. *AI2, +, A, APA)0K2,0 .A+5 /"0
J/) C/KPA,-!T
C/",0 -/") ."CK- S0A)S
ArianDs sleeping noo# became her personal haven in an apartment lai out &or company! +t 'as 'here she
'atche movies on her computer% rea the paper% or simply hung out an too# avantage o& that s#ylight! +
'ante to ma#e it as lounge3&rienly as possible% so + line the 'alls 'ith e;tra3long pillo's an gave her an
ottoman at the &oot o& the be! 0his opene up the possibilities o& the space to so much more than Uust lying
o'n! She coul sit on the &ootstool an paint her nails% or prop hersel& up against the sie 'all 'ith a boo#!
Mhen sXuare &ootage is at a premium% the more &unctions you can use a particular area &or% the happier youDll
,ever hol bac# in small% segmente o&& areasH 'e selecte a besprea 'ith a big% beauti&ully bol pattern an use it to punctuate
the sleeping noo#!
G/N +0 "P
/nce ArianDs so&a an be 'ere place% all available 'all space in the apartment 'as spo#en &or:leaving no
room &or a proper resser Pnot that there 'as money le&t in the buget to buy oneQ! So 'e ecie to turn the
boo#case into a giant chest o& ra'ers% only instea o& actual ra'ers she ha t'enty3&ive e;tra3eep bo;es!
0his became a catchall &or everything &rom clothes to bags to picnic supplies% since it 'as the only e;tensive
storage in the entire apartment!
/riginally% 'eD iscusse using bas#ets &or this% but at ten ollars a piece that became an e;pensive proUect!
0hese bo;es &rom 0he Container Store cost a &raction o& that% an a&ter a couple coats o& paint an the aition
o& some super3hany #nobs they &elt Uust as polishe! +tDs easy &or money3saving proUects to turn into money3
suc#ing proUects instea:especially big ones:so ma#e sure you start out 'ith a buget an stic# to it! Jor the
amount o& money 'e 'oul have spent buying bas#ets% 'e coul have gone out an &oun a 'hole ne'
MA.. /J C/./)
Get'een the ar# 'oo'or# an the terracotta3colore 'alls% ArianDs apartment ha a very masculine slant!
An though her aesthetic 'as all over the place% SmasculineT'as the one thing it'as not! Mithout the abilityto
paint the 'alls to combat this% + ha to &inmore creative 'ays to a splashes o& color in the apartment! Gy
painting the visible sies o& these bo;es a brightpurple% itintrouce something istinctly&eminine the secon
you 'al# in the oor:e&&ectively changing the moo o& the 'hole apartment!
*/M30/HPA+,025 S0/)A(2 G/N2S
[ Storage bo;
[ Semigloss paint
[ Kini3paint roller
[ Keasuring tape
[ Pencil
[ Knob
[ ,o! 10 'asher Pto coorinate 'ith the #nob scre'sQ
S02P 1
Paint the visible sies o& your storage bo;% an let ry completely:about ?0 minutes!
S02P 2
Jin an mar# the center point on the &ront o& your storage bo;!
S02P ?
"sing the scre' that came 'ith your #nob% gently po#e it through your center mar#! Pull the scre' bac# out!
S02P B
Slip a 'asher onto the en o& your scre'V then slie it bac# through the hole! P0he 'asher is insie your bo;!Q
Scre' on the top o& your #nob!
A)0S e C)AJ0S C/),2)
See those retro &loral print pillo'sO Arian mae them% along 'ith a lot o& the other amazing thro' pillo's
aroun the apartment! PSheDs a 'hiz 'ith a set o& crochet neeles% too!Q + really 'ante to give her a place to
sprea out her cra&t proUects% an ma#e a huge mess i& she 'ante! So 'e turne the little noo# that originally
hel her be into an arts3an3cra&ts corner that ouble as a more lai3bac# place to hang out 'ith &riens! +
thre' o'n a plush shag rug% line the 'all 'ith pillo's% an gave her lots o& bas#ets to hol cra&ting os an
ens! 0his became her &avorite place to 'hile a'ay a lazy Sunay a&ternoon!
a S2C)20 S/")C2
.oo#ing &ora shaggy rugO 0ry a &lo#ati!+tDs &lu&&ieran so&ter than your average shag style!
PJlo#ati)ug!net has a huge:an a&&orable:selection!Q
C+)C.2 C+)C.2% 5/0 5/0
0he 'all may have been o&&3limits% but the lanlor compromise by letting us paint a portion o& the ceiling! 0his
'as our biggest opportunity to counteract all the sharp angles in the apartment% 'hile also giving Arian a
'allpaper3li#e e&&ect:'hich 'as something she really love!
,o'% i& 'e ha simply painte the ceiling a soli color% it 'oul have emphasize the angles even moreV but a
graphic% repeating pattern actually opene up the space visually! So + mae circle stamps out o& a car 'ash
sponge an invite a &e' o& ArianDs &riens over to help cover speci&ic sections o& her ceiling 'ith painte ots
Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on ma#ing your o'n 'all stampsQ!
Me &ocuse our repeating ots on &our portions o& the ceiling that hung particularly lo'! An 'ithin those
sections% 'e incorporate a larger iamon pattern by using circle stamps in t'o i&&erent colors:one ar#% one
light! 0his gave all those &lat% blan# 'alls tons o& epth an personality!
+& youDre buying a rug that you plan on spening a ecent amount o& time sitting on% o yoursel& a &avor an opt &or a shaggy
style:'hich tens to be so&ter because o& all the e;tra pile! 0rust me% your butt 'ill than# you!
*o'30oH Mall Stamps
*/M30/H MA.. S0AKPS
[ Sharpie
[ Car 'ash sponge Pone &oreach paint colorQ
[ N3AC0/ #ni&e
[ 5rop cloth
[ Paint Pincorporate a secon color &oran e;trapattern% i&esireQ
S02P 1
0race your shape onto the sponge! *ere% + use the top o& a Xuart paint can as my guie &or a circle:though
technically% you can ma#e almost any shape you 'ant!
S02P 2
"sing your N3AC0/ #ni&e care&ully cut out your shape! /nly the &irst inch o& epth nees to have a clean ege%
the rest can be a little ragge:since it 'onDt be touching the 'all!
S02P ?
Sprea the rop cloth over your 'or# area! 5ip the top o& the sponge into your paint% 'iping o&& any e;cess on
the sie o& your can! -ou onDt 'ant so much paint on your sponge that it causes rips on the 'all!
S02P B
Press:onDt smash:the top o& your sponge to the 'all! +& youDre using a circle% rotate it cloc#'ise! P0his 'ill get
ri o& any air poc#ets in your sponge!Q Pull your sponge irectly o&& the 'all! )epeat as many times as you 'antW
,oteH 0he goal here is not per&ectionV you 'ant each stamp to be a little uniXue! -ou o not% ho'ever%
'ant to en up 'ith the ol3school SspongingT e&&ect! So once you press o'n your sponge% onDt ab!
0his 'ill ensure you get a clean% semi3te;ture3&ree stamp!
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 G/*2K+A,
12,02)0A+,+,( +S ()2A0% but al'ays ma#e a private respite Uust &or yoursel&:youDll nee it!
2S0+CK 0/ -/") G"5(20 'hen it comes to proUects! +t 'ill o&ten lea to a more creative solution!
?G)+,( A G+0 /J 0*2 /"0S+52 +,H plants are the simplest 'ay to ma#e small spaces come alive!
BG)2AK "P S*A)P A)C*+02C0")A. A,(.2S 'ith a bol repeating pattern:as 'e i 'ith the ceiling! +t istracts
the eye 'hile visually overpo'ering all those harsh lines!
=KAK+,( A G/*2K+A, A2S0*20+C )2A..- M/)K reXuires a no3&ear approach to mi;ing an matching! Gut a
one recurring% uni&ying element Pa color or material% &or instanceQ to #eep things &rom getting too 'il!
0*2 C/"P.2
M*/H 0ish e Gen
J/GH Kusicians
.+I2 +,H 2ast ,ashville
K2AS")2K2,0SH 1%000 sXuare &eet
0+S* A,5 G2, 0*/"(*0 0*2 0/"(*2S0 PA)0 /J K/I+,( +, 0/(20*2) MAS 52C+5+,( 0/ 5/
+0:0*2, CAK2 K/I+,( 5A-!
0ish sho'e up to their ne' lo&t% locate in a re&urbishe turn3o&3the3last3century cotton &actory% 'ith ten guitars
an a set o& #eyboars! Gen brought his soun eXuipment an rum #its! 0he haul inclue all the ma#ings o& a
ban% but none o& the brea3an3butter pieces you nee &or an apartment to be &unctional! Separately% the t'o
ha bounce bet'een roommate3&ille apartments an teeny3tiny stuios% never investing in anything bigger
than a mattress an bo; spring! So 'hen they &oun this lo&t in 2ast ,ashvilleDs 'arehouse istrict% the e;tra
sXuare &ootage 'as a lu;ury:it ouble as a practice space &or their bans:but its emptiness 'as also
/ne month o& living in a sparse% echo3&ille apartment an the t'o panic#e! +n an attempt to &ill their lo&t% they
too# everything 0ishDs sister 'as giving up be&ore moving cross3country:right o'n to a set o& beat up bean
bag chairs! Iirtually overnight% their space 'ent &rom too bare to too cluttere! 0hatDs the tric#y thing about
lo&ts:youDve got to get the scale an the amount o& &urniture Uust rightV other'ise the e;tra space turns into a
curse! 0ish an Gen neee help &ining their o'n personalities in a space no' &ull o& han3me3o'ns:a tas#
mae oubly tric#y since this 'as the &irst merging o& their things! 5ecorating became as much about &iguring
out 'hat a marriage o& their t'o styles shoul be as it 'as about 'hat they 'ante out o& their apartment!
0raveling gnomes are a builing traition! Mhen any o& 0ish an GenDs neighbors have reason to celebrate% gnome statues SappearT in
multiples at their &ront oor!
+,S0)"K2,0A. .+I+,(
2very musician comes 'ith baggage PliterallyQH the blac# cases that house their instruments are one big
eyesore! Mhen + arrive% all o& 0ishDs guitars an all o& GenDs rums 'ere stashe at the bac# o& the apartment!
P+ thin# they 'ere hoping &or an out3o&3sight% out3o&3min scenario!Q Gut this meant the picture 'ino' 'ith its
vie' o& the Cumberlan )iver 'as being 'aste:as 'as the opportunity to inUect music% something they both
really love% into the `cor!
Gy storing the cases an integrating the instruments throughout the lo&t% 'e &ree up the corner by the 'ino'
to ma#e an intimate living room! Me bought t'o loveseats% stripe thro' pillo's% an a co'hie rug 'ith our
ma#eover money! + ae t'o 'ic#er chairs an a leather pou& they alreay o'ne &or e;tra seating! 0hen +
line the 'all 'ith 0ishDs guitars an stac#e GenDs rums in a corner% even turning one into a ma#eshi&t co&&ee
table by topping it 'ith a PremovableQ piece o& precut glass! 0he space ene up having this graphic% roc#3an3
roll vibe!
0+PH 0o create coziness in a room 'ith high ceilings% loo# &orlo'3sitting &urniturethat 'ill 'or# in a
close3#nit arrangement!
0his lo&tha 'oo plan# &loors% e;pose3beam ceilings an large metal3&rame 'ino's:all beauti&ul
architecturaletails% an all lost in the chaos o& too much &urniture!People thin#lo&tlivingmeans in&inite
amounts o& room% 'hen itcan be more limitingthan an apartment hal& its size! 0he reasonH lac# o& room3e&ining
'alls! Creating istinctareas can be tric#yto pull o&&! So the rule in cases li#e this shoul al'ays be that less is
more! Me sol everything 0ish an Gen inDtnee! 0hen + ivie the space:using the e;pose 'oo beams
as mar#ers:into a livingroom an ining room! Gy brea#ing o'n one intimiatinglyhuge room into t'o
manageably large areas% the lo&t&elt&ulleran more live in!
)2A5-! S20! AC0+/,!
/ne o& the best pieces 0ish an Gen inherite 'as this e;tra3long% traitional ining table that com&ortably sat
si;! 0he o'nsie% ho'ever% 'as that it inDt come 'ith chairs% 'hich pose a maUor blo' to our buget! 0ish
an Gen 'ante matching seating% 'hich can be pretty e;pensive 'hen youDre loo#ing &or a set o& si; chairs! So
'e got creative an &oun these lo'3sitting irectorDs chairs stac#e in a corner at the local thri&t store! Me 'ere
able to haggle the price o'n to Z2B0 &or the 'hole lot! "se your imagination 'ith seating% especially at a
ining room table! -our only criteria shoul be &ining something that &its uner the table com&ortably an is
'ithin your buget:a&ter that% the more abstract% the better!
*aving the space to host so many people is a lu;ury most t'enty3somethings onDt have% so + 'ante to ma#e
this a &un spot to hang out! 0he ining room ha t'o e;pose beams% 'hich acte as a borer &or the area!
0hese mar#ers gave me the option o& ma#ing a really graphic Pbut containeQ statement on the 'all% so + painte
big chevron stripes that race all the 'ay to the ceiling Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on painting your o'n
chevron 'allQ:playing up the height an ra'ing attention to all the great% built3in 'oo'or#! 0he &inishing
touchH an e;tra3large light &i;ture mae &rom one bo; spring% t'o strans o& globe lights% an some hanging
har'are:inspire by something 0ish ha seen 'hile on the roa 'ith her ban Psee the *o'30o &or
instructions on ma#ing your o'n bo; spring chanelierQ! All in all% this ramatic% e;pensive3loo#ing ining area
cost about Z>00!
0+PH Mhen buying a rug to go uner a ining room table% opt &or'ashable materials% li#e
cotton:since spills are a given:an pay e;traattentionto the 'ith! All the legs o& your chair shoul
&iton the rug% even 'hen pulle out &romthe table! PAn having a rug 'ith a thinpile is a goo thing
S"S2 -/") +KA(+,A0+/, M+0* S2A0+,(% 2SP2C+A..- A0 A 5+,+,( )//K 0AG.2!
-/") /,.- C)+02)+A S*/".5 G2 J+,5+,( S/K20*+,( 0*A0 J+0S ",52) 0*2
0AG.2 C/KJ/)0AG.-A,5 +S M+0*+, -/") G"5(20!T
Sho'n aboveH Go; Spring Chanelier% Chevron Mall% Chal# +t "p
C*A.K +0 "P
As previously iscusse% my obsession 'ith chal#boar paint #no's no bounaries! +Dve never met a sur&ace
that 'asnDt &ar cooler a&ter a couple o& coats:an that inclues &urniture! 0ish an GenDs table originally ha a
traitional cherry stain &inish! + 'ante to paint it blac# to match our irectorDs chairs% an + ecie at the last
minute to use chal#boar paint instea! 0hey no' have this great interactive sur&ace 'here they can s#etch out
a seating plan &or inner parties% play a game o& beer pong% 'or# on song lyrics% or simply let &riens leave their
parting 'ishes on the 'ay out the oor! 0he possibilities are as enless as the &un!
0+PH Jall in love 'ith a particularooleO Simply spray a coat o& lacXuer over the sur&ace o& your
chal#boar paint an 'hateverDs s#etche on there 'ill become a permanent &i;ture!
*/M30/HG/N SP)+,( C*A,52.+2)
[ 0'in3size bo; spring
[ *ammer
[ 2 strans o& globe lights
[ .aer Ptallenough to reach the ceilingQ
[ > eye hoo#s
[ > pieces o& lin#chain Pcut to the length your bo; spring shoul hang &romthe ceilingQ
[ 12 S hoo#s
[ A 'illingset o& helping hans
[ 2;tra3long e;tension cor
S02P 1
5ismantle your bo; spring% so youDre le&t 'ith only the metal coil &rame! All you nee is a hammer Pan some
pent3up stressQ to brea# the 'ooen borer into smaller pieces that are relatively easy to tear o&&!
S02P 2
String your globe lights through your bo; spring% using the attache clips to connect each bulb to the metal
&rame! PJor more light% you can al'ays a another stran!Q
S02P ?
.ine up your bo; spring on the &loor 'here you eventually 'ant it to hang! "sing your laer% &in the points on
the ceiling that correspon 'ith your bo; springDs &our corners an the t'o hal&'ay mar#s on both o& its long
sies! Scre' your si; eye hoo#s into the ceiling at these points!
S02P B
Connect the lin# chain pieces to your bo; spring using si; o& your S hoo#s at the points that correspon 'ith
your eye hoo#s in the ceiling!
S02P =
(rab a helper Por t'oQ% an hang your ne' bo; spring chanelierH connect the remaining S hoo#s to the
opposite ens o& your lin# chain piecesV then attach each one to an eye hoo# in the ceiling! P0he bo; spring isnDt
heavy% Uust large an 'obbly!Q
S02P >
Attach an e;tension cor to the en o& your light stran! As iscreetly as possible% run your cor up a chain% over
the ceiling% an o'n a corner o& the 'all nearest to an electrical outlet! Plug in an enUoyW
*o'30oH Chevron Mall
*/M30/H C*2I)/, MA..
[ Keasuring tape
[ 1 sheet o& scrap paper
[ Paint
[ Paint roller
[ PainterDs tape
[ Sharpie
[ Pen
S02P 1
Keasure the 'ith an height o& your 'all!
S02P 2
"sing scrap paper an these measurements% 'eDll &igure out ho' to ivie up the 'all! P+tDs easier to s#etch your
measurements on paper &irst% be&ore mar#ing the 'all!Q + 'ante ? big stripes% so + ivie the 'all into ?
horizontal sections an > vertical sections! 0he number o& vertical sections shoul be ouble the horizontal to
#eep the zigzag ratio even!
S02P ?
2ach o& the 1@ bo;es you create by iviing your 'all horizontally an vertically 'ill contain its o'n I:since a
chevron stripe is really Uust a series o& IDs! Ky stripe 'as 20 inches 'ie% so + centere that 203inch
measurement on both sies o& my bo;% ma#ing a mar# to esignate the top an bottom o& my stripe! 0hen +
mar#e the mile point o& the bottom line on my bo;% measure up 20 inches &rom there% an mae another
mar#! )epeat these measurements in each o& the 1@ bo;es!
S02P B
,o' that you have the measurements &or your chevron stripe on paper% trans&er those to the 'all! Ka#e a small
mar# at the appropriate points% an play Sconnect the otsT 'ith painterDs tape!
S02P =
0ape your IDs up the 'all &irst% an then move to the ne;t vertical section! Ge sure to tape sharp corners on the
sie o& the tape that 'ill be touching paint!
S02P >
Apply at least 2 coats o& paint to the appropriate sections! .et ry &or 20 minutes!
S02P A
)emove your tape an clean up any acciental rips! .et the paint ry &or at least 2 hours be&ore touching!
+S.A,5 0+K2
0ish an Gen 'erenDt the come3home3an3coo#3every3night #ina couple! Gut they entertaine o&ten% 'hich
meant that 'hen they put their culinary s#ills to use% it 'as &or eight3plus people! Any host 'orth his or her
'eight in &inger &oos 'ill tell you counter space is #ey to pulling o&& a meal this size:an there 'as little more
than ? &eet o& it in this lo&t! Come Jriay night% theyD be stuc# elbo'ing each other &or room by the stove even
though the alley'ay #itchen 'as plenty big &or the both o& them! 0here 'as alreay an inustrial hanging pot
rac# attache to a light &i;ture in the mile o& the room% so + 'ent out an &oun a restaurant supply table &or
about Z200 to place unerneath it! 0he table triple the amount o& counter space &or &oo preparation% ouble
as a rin#s station &or parties% an gave 0ish an Gen a cozier spot to eat 'hen it 'as Uust the t'o o& them! +&
thereDs room &or an islan in your #itchen% ta#e avantage:youDll love the e;tra sur&ace area no matter ho'
0+PH 0o #eep your stainless steel pieces nice an shiny% you have to invest in stainless steel
cleaning 'ipes! "sing multipurpose cleaners creates strea#s an iscolorations that become
permanent a&tera 'hile!
PA+,0+,(S G- ,"KG2)
.ots o& little pieces o& art'or# 'ere scattere among the lo&tDs 'alls 'hen + &irst arrive! 0here 'as a great
collection o& sentimental things that range &rom a portrait o& Kurt Cobain to photos o& Johnny Cash to pictures
o& 0ish an Gen on stage 'ith their o'n bans! 0he problem 'ith this type o& arrangement in large spaces is
that small pieces en up getting glosse over! P+ 'al#e right by 0ishDs s#etch o& her og 'ithout even noticing
it!Q 0he tric#H grouping everything together in a gallery 'all Psee the *o'30o &or instructions on organizing your
o'n gallery 'allQ! +t ra's &ocus to a single placeV then lets the vie'er ta#e in each piece one at a time! -ou en
up 'ith the e&&ect o& a large3scale installation% but itDs been puzzle3piece together 'ith the little things you
love:'hich can Pan shoulQ inclue more than Uust &rame photos an paintings!
0*2 PG)2AKAG.2Q )".2S /J MA.. A))A,(+,(
[ Place your biggest pieces &irst!
[ 5esignate a top an bottom borer% an stay 'ithin that area!
[ Ki; an match your sizesH i& you have one big item% &lan# it 'ith collections o& smaller ones!
0he #itchen lac#e enough ra'ers to hol all o& 0ish an GenDs utensils% so + bought the stra' bo;es on the bottom shel& o& the cart to
store some o& the larger items% li#e serving spoons an spatulas!
*o'30oH (allery Malls
*/M30/H (A..2)- MA..S
[ 1 roll o& B3&oot3'ie cra&tpaper
[ Scissors
[ Sharpie
[ PainterDs tape
[ Picture hanging nails
[ *ammer
S02P 1
Ka#e a moc# 'all using your cra&t paper by rolling out the paper an cutting pieces to match the size o& the
space you 'ant to &ill on the 'all:i& necessary% you can tape 2 or ? strips together!
S02P 2
Arrange the pieces you 'ant to hang on the 'all on your cra&t paper!
S02P ?
/nce you have everything 'here you 'ant it% ta#e your Sharpie an care&ully outline each piece on the cra&t
paper! 0hen move everything to the sie!
S02P B
0ape your cra&t paper to the 'all 'ith painterDs tape! Ge precise about lining it up 'ith the area you 'ant to be
your gallery 'all!
S02P =
At each outline% hammer a nail through the cra&t paper into the 'all! Ka#e sure to use the piece you plan to
hang as a guie &or 'here to place your nail% so it 'ill hang straight!
S02P >
0ear your cra&t paper o&& the 'all% leaving all the nails intact! PGe sure you remember 'here everything goes!Q
0hen hang all your pieces irectly on the 'all:they shoul line up per&ectly!
*+S e *2)S
0ish li#es vintage pieces 'ith a lovingly 'orn &inish% Gen li#es things to be moern an streamline! 0he
beroom is 'here these seemingly opposite aesthetics collie! 0his tens to be the harest space &or ne'
couples to ecorate because the beroom has al'ays been a personal retreat!
Get'een the t'o o& them% 0ish an Gen o'ne a set o& sie tables% a resser% an a mattress$bo; spring set!
0hey 'ante the room to have a cozy% intimate &eel% so 'e le&t the be on the &loor% 'here they coul have
unobstructe vie's o& the sunrise every morning &rom the big metal3&rame 'ino's! 0hen% in an attempt to mi;
a little bit o& GenDs style 'ith a little bit o& 0ishDs% + playe bol patterns o&& soli etails% li#e the traitional sie
tables an &uzzy thro' pillo's! 0here are elements o& the rest o& the apartment repeate in here% li#e the
chevron stripe an rustic 'oo'or#% but they ta#e on their o'n so&ter ientity that &eels li#e the ieal blen o&
0ish an Gen!
0+PH 0a#e baby steps into color% by tryingsmall:cheaply replace:items% li#e brightsheets in your
beroom! 2very room nees a pop o& color% but onDt &eel li#e you have to rush into something you
may not love in the long run!
.eaving the be 'ithout a heaboar &elt&artoo Scollege ays%T so + 'ante to a something to anchor the
space an balance the high ceilings! + 'as scraping the bottom o& the buget barrel% untilGen too# me to one o&
his &avoriterecor stores in ,ashville! /ut bac# + &oun KcKay "se Goo#s an C5s! 0hey 'ere selling vinyl in
bul# at supercheap prices% so + bought almost ninety recors &ora gran total o& Z12!=0:though youDll have a
har time &ininganything you actually recognize Por 'antQ in my haul! + came up 'ith the iea o& turningthem
into a ma#eshi&t heaboar on the spot Psee the *o'30o &orinstructions on ma#ing your o'n recor
heaboarQ! Mhat coul be more per&ect &ort'o musiciansO Anything can constitute a heaboar:an ol iron
gate% a vintage slab o& 'oo% even painte stripes on the 'all! .et your imagination run 'il!
Since the beroom 'as separate &rom the main living area% + 'ante to create a subtle sense o& cohesiveness bet'een the t'o
spaces by repeating the chevron stripe &rom the 'all on the besprea:but in a totally ne' an uniXue 'ay!
*o'30oH )ecor *eaboar
*/M30/H )2C/)5 *2A5G/A)5
[ 5rop cloth
[ Collection o& recors
[ Katte charcoal% plastic3&rienlyspray paint
[ 1!=3inch scre's Pas many as you have recorsQ
[ 2lectric rill
S02P 1
Sprea the recors out on top o& the rop cloth! +& you 'ant to leave the recors Sas isT 'ith the titles an vinyl
unpainte% s#ip the rest o& Steps 1 an 2! /ther'ise% start spray3painting the top o& your recors% #eeping the
nozzle o& the can 10 to 12 inches a'ay &rom the sur&ace! .et ry &or 20 minutes!
S02P 2
Apply a secon coat o& spray paint% ma#ing sure to even out any strea#s or rips! .et ry &or another 20
S02P ?
Starting along the &loorboar% attach each recor to the 'all by rilling a scre' through its center hole! Mor#
your 'ay across the bottom until you have the esire 'ith o& your Sheaboar!T
S02P B
"sing your bottom ro' as a guie% 'or# your 'ay up the 'all% stac#ing each ne' recor irectly on top o& the
one belo'% so that the eges Uust barely touch! Stop 'ith your last &ull recor% be&ore reaching the ceiling!
C*2A0 S*220H
0*2 C/"P.2
1./J0 SPAC2S CA, G2 +,0+K+5A0+,(V start by e&ining speci&ic areas% an then a &urniture!
25/,D0 0)- 0/ J+0 A C+)C.2 +,0/ A S]"A)2 P2(! +& something you o'n oesnDt 'or# in your ne' space% sell it
an use the money to buy something that oes!
?C)2A02 A (A..2)- MA.. M+0* A ()/"P /J A)0M/)KS! +tDs an interesting Pan easyQ 'ay &or lots o& little
pieces to ma#e one big impact!
BM*2, 52A.+,( M+0* *+(* C2+.+,(S an open &loor plans% rely on lo'3sitting &urniture to create a sense o& intimacy!
=()2A0 A)C*+02C0")A. 520A+.S A)2 li#e an interior esign &reebie:so ma#e sure youDre ta#ing avantage!
0*2 )2S/")C2 ("+52
)2S/")C2S G- C*AP02)
-ou sa' it in the boo#!
-ou have to have it!
Mell% hereDs 'here to &in it!
+, ,-C
GenUamin Koore
San Antonio (ray
[ Kain room 'alls
GenUamin Koore
0'ilight bone
[ Gathroom stripes% oors% &ireplace mantle
GenUamin Koore
Gright -ello'
[ Gusts% es#% #itchen &rame
GenUamin Koore
[ Kitchen 'all
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
*ellDs Kitchen
Jlea Kar#et
Mest ?<th St!% bet'een ,inth an 0enth Aves!
[ 5es# chair% &rames% #itchen Uars hells#itchen&leamar#et!com
BB Mest @th St!
[ 5es# goo'ill!org
Koo Jabrics
22= Mest ?Ath St!% ?r Jl!
[ Pillo' &abric% oilcloth moo&abrics!com
B=1 Groa'ay
[ 0hro' pillo' on be cb2!com
Mest 2lm
112 Mest 1@th St!
[ Sho'er curtain 'estelm!com
[ Carpet tiles &lor!com
[ 5ot 'all ecals 'hatisbli#!com
Plaster Cra&t
[ Gusts plastercra&t!com
[ Garstools overstoc#!com
[ 0hro' pillo's on so&a target!com
Pier 1 +mports
[ 5es# lamp pier1!com
0*2J)22 SP+)+0
+, SA, J)A,C+SC/
GenUamin Koore
Coral Spice
[ .iving room
GenUamin Koore
,ovember S#ies
[ Kitchen
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
.otus Gleu
?2= *ayes St!
[ 5ining room curtains lotusbleuesign!com
?B 2llis St!
[ Co&&ee table% rug% hanging vases% ining table cb2!com
Past Per&ect
222B "nion St!
[ )eaing chair pastper&ects&!com
Jun#y Jurniture
1100 Jolsom St!
[ So&a% thro' pillo'% es# chair &un#y&urnitures&!com
Koving Sale
<=2 *o'ar St!
[ 5ining chairs movingsale!biz
Pier 1 +mports
=== <th St!
[ Ge thro' pillo' pier1!com
Morl Kar#et
[ Pou& 'orlmar#et!com
.ive Mell 5esigns
[ .ampshae% #itchen magnet boar live'ellesigns!com
[ 0emporary 'allpaper tempaperesigns!com
[ *eaboar amazon!com
Konial .us
[ 0humbtac#s s'eetbellausa!com
+, C.2I2.A,5
GenUamin Koore
So&t Jazz
[ .iving room 'alls
GenUamin Koore
Sterling Silver
[ Geroom 'alls% #itchen &rame
GenUamin Koore
*untington (reen
[ Argyle 'all
GenUamin Koore
Amherst (ray
[ Argyle 'all
GenUamin Koore
/;&or Mhite
[ 5ining chair stripe
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
Ge Gath e Geyon
B0?1 )ichmon )!% Marrensville *eights
[ )oun glass table tops bebathanbeyon!com
Jo3Ann Jabric an Cra&t
220? Marrensville Center )!% "niversity *eights
[ )ibbon baning Uoann!com
Jlo'er Chil
11=0@ Cli&ton Glv!
[ .amps &lo'erchilvintage!com
1B0A0 Cear )!% "niversity *eights
[ 5ining chairs target!com
"niXue 0hri&t Store
???? .orain Ave!
[ Geroom pillo's% lamps uniXuethri&tstore!com
2>0== 2mery )!% "nit C% Marrensville *eights
[ 0run# ncU'clevelan!org
/,.+,2 )20A+.2)S
[ Acrylic easel cb2!com
5ash e Albert
[ .iving room an beroom area rugs ashanalbert!com
(ranin )oa
[ Co&&ee table cubes graninroa!com
Kortise e 0enon
[ So&a mortisetenon!com
Payless 5ecor
[ Moven shaes paylessecor!com
Canvas on 5eman
[ Glueberry print trans&er canvasoneman!com
0reasurbite Stuio
[ Geroom image Uoeschmelzer!com
+ Am *uman ,o'
[ .aptop cover iamhumanno'!com
+, G/S0/,
GenUamin Koore
2lephant (ray
[ .iving room sie table
GenUamin Koore KaUestic Glue
[ 5ining chair
GenUamin Koore /l Claret
[ 5ining chair
GenUamin Koore )aspberry Glush
[ 5ining bench
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
(reyDs Jabric e ,otions B=0 *arrison Ave!% Y>?
[ Curtain an panel
&abric greys&abric!com
Cambrige AntiXue Kar#et
201 Ksgr! /DGrien *igh'ay% Cambrige
[ 5ining chairs mar#etantiXue!com
Mest 2lm
1>0 Groo#line Ave!
[ AnneDs being 'estelm!com
Ge Gath e Geyon
B01 Par# 5r!
[ Sho'er curtain% pin# thro' pillo' bebathanbeyon!com
A<< Goylston St!
[ 5resser #nobs anthropologie!com
"rban /ut&itters
?>1 ,e'bury St!
[ Mall &lo'ers urbanout&itters!com
Minmil Jabrics
111 Chauncy St!
[ Canvas heaboar &abric >1A3=B231@1=
[ Carpet tiles &lor!com
[ *eaboar 'all ecals 'hatisbli#!com
+, .A
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
Clevelan Art
110 ,orth Santa Je Ave!
[ Co&&ee table clevelanart!com
Cro&t *ouse
?2> ,orth .a Grea Ave!
[ Goo#case cro&thouse!com
Kichael .evine
<20 Kaple Ave!
[ Camo pillo' ml&abric!com
Amsteram Koern
B011 Mest Sunset Glv!
[ /ttoman amsterammoern!com
0he Jraming
*ouse 5esign
<B2 ,orth Groa'ay
[ 0arget &rame 21?3>21302<=
"rban *ome
1=?01 Ientura Glv!% Sherman /a#s
[ 5ining table shopurbanhome!com
"rban /ut&itters
??0 ,orth San Jernano Glv!% Gurban#
[ .amps urbanout&itters!com
@000 Mest Sunset Glv!
[ Ge thro' pillo's cb2!com
Pottery Garn
[ 5oormat potterybarn!com
[ Geroom carpet tiles &lor!com
)oom e Goar
[ Glan#et roomanboar!com
+, C*+CA(/
GenUamin Koore
American Cheese
[ .iving room slats an stencil
GenUamin Koore
South&iel (reen
[ Geroom 'all
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
Crate an Garrel /utlet
1@>B ,orth Clybourn Ave!
[ .iving room thro' pillo's crateanbarrel!com
1@A? ,orth Clybourn
[ Carpet tiles &lor!com
Mest 2lm
1000 Mest ,orth Ave!
[ Papier mach` bust% being% #itchen curtain 'estelm!com
?@B< ,orth .incoln Ave!
[ Kap% nightstan AA?3=B<3122A
*ome 5epot
2=A0 ,orth 2lston Ave!
[ Kitchen #nobs homeepot!com
Stencil 1
[ .iving room stencils stencil1!com
Morl Kar#et
[ Geroom lamp% counter stools 'orlmar#et!com
[ Chal#boar ecals 'allies!com
[ Kirror &rame ecals 'hatisbli#!com
+, S2A00.2
GenUamin Koore
Sea )e&lections
[ Jae 'all treatment
GenUamin Koore
[ Kitchen an bathroom 'alls% oor'ay boo#case
S0/)2S A,5 J.2A KA)K20S
>01 SM B1st St!% )enton
[ Mhite curtains% co&&ee tables i#ea!com
*ome 5epot
2A01 "tah Ave! South
[ Pipe curtain ro homeepot!com
?02 ,2 ,orthgate May
[ .amp% &an target!com
1A>= >th Ave! South
[ 0hro' pillo'% mailbo;% lamp goo'ill!org
"rban /ut&itters
B01 Groa'ay 2ast
[ Mall cloc#% area rug urbanout&itters!com
Ialue Iillage
1=2= 11th Ave!
[ Kitchen Uars an bo'ls valuevillage!com
[ So&a slipcover bemz!com
.ive Mell 5esigns
[ .ampshae live'ellesigns!com
[ (ra&&iti lamp on boo#case re3sur&ace!net
[ S#ateboar table s#urniture!com
0reasurbite Stuio
[ Photograph Uoeschmelzer!com
[ 0ile tattoos 2Uane!com
+, .A
GenUamin Koore
Maynesboro 0aupe
[ .iving room% beroom% #itchen 'alls
GenUamin Koore
Korning Co&&ee
[ Geroom circle
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
"rban *ome
1=?01 Ientura Glv!% Sherman /a#s
[ Co&&ee table shopurbanhome!com
Amsteram Koern
B011 Mest Sunset Glv!
[ /ttoman amsterammoern!com
0he Container Store
102=0 Santa Konica Glv!
[ Moo bo;es containerstore!com
0a Jong )estaurantSupply
121 Mest 2lmyra St!
[ Kitchen shelves ta&ongusa!com
Pier 1 +mports
=A11 *olly'oo Glv!
[ Kitchen canisters pier1!com
PepeDs 0hri&t Shop
2=0B Mest Sunset Glv!
[ Ge 21?3B@?310B<
A100 Santa Konica Glv!
[ .amp target!com
Kichael .evine
<20 Kaple Ave!
[ Co'hie rug ml&abric!com
0he So&a Company
100 Mest (reen St!% Pasaena
[ So&a theso&aco!com
Gallar 5esigns
[ .iving room &loor lamp ballaresigns!com
,apa Style
[ Area rug napastyle!com
[ Gritish &lag pillo' etsy!com
(raham e Gro'n
[ Mallpaper grahambro'n!com
Payless 5ecor
[ Mino' blins paylessecor!com
0he Animal Print Shop
[ /'l print theanimalprintshop!com
[ 5es# losangeles!craigslist!org
Serena e .ily
[ Geing serenaanlily!com
Carboar Sa&ari
[ Carboar eer hea carboarsa&ari!com
+, A0.A,0A
GenUamin Koore
Plum Per&ect
[ Storage bo;es
GenUamin Koore
/a#'oo Kanor
[ Stamp 'all
GenUamin Koore
Abbey Gro'n
[ Stamp 'all% boo#case
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
Paris on Ponce
A1> Ponce e .eon
Place ,2
[ 5es#% chair parisonponce!com
*ome 5epot
>=0 Ponce e .eon
[ Mino' &ilm homeepot!com
"rban /ut&itters
10>1 Ponce e .eon
Ave! ,2
[ Co&&ee table% being urbanout&itters!com
BB1 1>th St! ,M
[ Curtain an purple rug i#ea!com
Pier 1 +mports
?B?= .eno; )! ,2
[ 0hro' pillo's pier1!com
0he Container Store
?2== Peachtree )! ,2
[ Storage bo;es containerstore!com
Mest 2lm
2>0 1@th St! ,M
[ 0hro' pillo's 'estelm!com
[ Shaggy rug &lo#atirug!net
+, ,AS*I+..2
GenUamin Koore
2meral +sle
[ Chevron stripe
GenUamin Koore
Pigeon (ray
[ Kitchen 'all
GenUamin Koore
[ 5ining room table
S0/)2S A,5J.2A KA)K20S
(aslamp AntiXues
100 Po'ell Place% Ste! 200
[ Co'hie% ining chairs gaslampantiXues!com
"niXue 0hri&t Store
B@02 Charlotte Pi#e
[ Go; spring uniXuethri&tstore!com
Mest 2lm
B01< *illsboro Pi#e
[ 5uvet% reaing lamp 'estelm!com
KcKay "se Goo#s e C5s
=A0@ Charlotte Pi#e
[ )ecors mc#ayboo#s!com
2> Mhite Grige )!
[ Sheets target!com
Avance Koern +nteriors
[ So&as avanceinterior esign!com
)ee&ine *ome
[ Stripe pillo's ree&inehome!com
5ash e Albert
[ Area rug ashanalbert!com
Mor#ing Class Stuio
[ 0hro' pillo' 'or#ingclassstuio!com
)2S/")C2S G- S"GJ2C0
Shop li#e a pro 'ith our little blac# boo# o& the best stores an 'ebsites aroun!
/, 0*2 MA..
MA..PAP2)% MA.. 52CA.S% A,5 S02,C+.S
[ Mall ecals an canvas art
2 Jane
[ 0ile tattoos
[ Mall ecals
Couture 5`co
[ 5ecals an temporary 'allpaper
Cutting 2ge Stencils
[ .arge 'all stencils
5esign -our Mall
[ Custom removable 'allpaper an ecals
Jerm .iving
[ +nnovative 'all ecals
(raham e Gro'n
[ Mallpaper% incluing removable options
Stencil 1
[ Mall stencils
[ .imite3eition art an photography prints
0he Animal Print Shop
[ .imite3eition animal photography prints
[ .argest online archive o& a&&orable art prints
Art Kuse
[ Contemporary art prints% searchable by price
Canvas /n 5eman
[ Custom canvas photo 'raps
0he Con` ,ast Store
[ Archival prints &rom all their publications
.a3.a .an Posters
[ )etro poster reprints
Penny .ane
[ A&&orable selection o& large canvas art prints
Pop Chart .ab
[ (raphic chart posters
[ .imite3eition prints &rom contemporary artists aroun the 'orl
0he Mor#ing Proo&
[ .imite3eition art prints 'ith a charitable t'ist
b (allerie
[ A&&orable selection o& large3scale art prints
[ /riginal art'or#% searchable by price
Carboar Sa&ari
[ 2co3&rienly carboar trophy heas
.( Custom Accessories
[ Custom bulletin boars
Avance +nterior 5esigns
[ A&&orable selection o& &urniture
American Jurnishings
[ )easonably price inustrial chairs an bar stools
Amsteram Koern
[ Iintage 5anish &urniture
Apt 2G
[ A&&orable selection o& moern &urniture
Gallar 5esigns
[ 0raitional &urnitureV goo perioic sales
[ Koern accessories
Grocae *ome
[ Jeminine &urniture an accessories
[ Koern &urniture% tabletop% an accessories 'ith a lo&t3li#e aesthetic
[ A&&orable selection o& contemporary &urniture an accessories
Cro&t *ouse
[ )easonably price reclaime inustrial 'oo &urniture
[ A&&orable selection o& contemporary &urniture
2vinco 5esign
[ (reat clearance section 'ith esigner moern &urniture
[ 2co3&rienly &urniture an accessories
(ranin )oa
[ A&&orable selection o& &urniture:an great holiay `cor
[ Ki3range &urniture% rugs% tabletop% an accessories
[ 0raitional &urniture
*ome 5ecorators
[ 0raitional &urniture
+nustry Mest
[ A&&orable selection o& inustrial &urniture
[ Guy$sell mar#etplace &or moern &urniture
,apa Style
[ )ustic &urniture 'ith a goo clearance section
)oom e Goar
[ (reat clearance section 'ith moern &urniture
Serena e .ily
[ 0raitional &urniture an accessories 'ith a great bazaar section an sales
"rban /ut&itters
[ /n3tren sie tables% heaboars% an 'all `cor
Iiva 0erra
[ 2co3&rienly &urniture an accessories
[ 2;cellent &urniture selection an pricesV great SXuic# shipT section &or last3minute nees
[ 0raitional &urniture 'ith a great clearance section
Morl Kar#et
[ (lobal3style a&&orable &urniture% accessories% an specialty &oo
/, 0*2 J.//)
5ash e Albert
[ A&&orable timeless rugs
[ /ne o& the best resources &or &loor coverings
Korris 2tc!
[ Iibrant &loor coverings
[ (reat resource &or lo'3price rugs
0he Per&ect )ug
[ Custom a&&orable rugs
A.. 0*2 2N0)AS
[ .oo# &or sales on their great Pbut priceyQ pillo's
Alice Supply Co!
[ 0reny house'ares an tools
Angela Aams
[ Koern tabletop accessories
[ Slipcovers &or +K2A so&as an chairs
Gur#e 5ecor
[ (reat assortment o& tabletop an accessories
Calico Corners
[ Jabrics sol by the yar an &ree s'atches
0he Company Store
[ A&&orable being an bath
0he Container Store
[ All your storage essentials
Crate e Garrel
[ (lass'are% thro' pillo's% an accessories
2mmo *ome
[ Koern tabletop an accessories
[ *anmae treasures
[ Curtains% &abric selection% accessories% rugs% an mi;3an3match tables
.amps Plus
[ All things lighting relate
Kirror Kate
[ A&&orable custom &rames &or your bathroom mirror
[ ]uir#y vintage accessories
,ettleton *ollo'
[ 5rie &lorals that 'ill last a li&etime
/le (oo 0hings
[ Architectural salvage
Payless 5ecor
[ A&&orable selection o& custom 'ino' blins an roman shaes
[ Americana blan#ets an pillo's
Pier 1 +mports
[ Iibrant pillo's% accent chairs% an accessories
Plaster Cra&t
[ Statues an busts
Pottery Garn
[ (reat prices on rugs an &reXuent sales
[ Jun#y &urniture an accessories% not Uust &or teens
[ ]uir#y tabletop an #itchen accessories
[ (ra&&iti3inspire lighting
Sa&&ron Karigol
[ +nian3inspire linens
Shaes o& .ight
[ .ighting an rugs
[ S#ateboar &urniture
Mest 2lm
[ (reat selection o& curtains an being
Mor#ing Class Stuio
[ Proucts esigne by the stuents o& SCA5
J.AS* SA.2 S+02S
0he Jounary
[ (reat eals on a 'ie array o& &urniture
(ilt *ome
[ "pscale venors at a &raction o& the normal cost
[ Curate% al'ays hip sales &eaturing an ever3changing inventory
/ne Kings .ane
[ )euce high3en &urniture% rugs% an accessories
P)+C2 C*2CK
[ (reat place to search &or better prices on items
[ Ge&ore buying anything S&au;T vintage! Chec# eGay &or the real thing! +tDs o&ten there an price better than the #noc#o&&
[ +nvaluable resource that compares i&&erent 'ebsites an prices &or &urniture searches you input
*2-% -/"! -/"D)2 AM2S/K2!
0his boo# 'oul not have been possible 'ithout the support o& my &amily an all the &amilies involve! 0o my
partner in crime% Joe Schmelzer% + 'ill be &orever grate&ul to you &or creating these spaces 'ith me an then
turning them into inspiring photographs to share! + truly coul not have one this boo# 'ithout you! *eather
Summerville morphe my scattere ieas into a beauti&ully 'ritten boo# &or you all to enUoy! *er tireless e&&orts
at per&ecting every 'or an sentence are 'hat ma#e this boo# special! + 'ant to than# Getsy Amster &or turning
our iea into a reality% )ae Ann Spitzenberger &or laying this boo# out so stylishly% an Aliza Jogelson &or
believing in this proUect &rom the beginning! A big shout3out is in orer to the team at GenUamin Koore &or letting
us sho'case their beauti&ul colors an Xuality prouctV + cannot sing their praises enough! .ast but not least%
than#s to all the people 'ho opene their homes to me &or this proUect! + love trans&orming your spaces% but
more important% + love sharing your stories!
AntiXue ealers
Apartment hunting tips
Appliances% retro
Argyle pattern% ?!1% ?!2
Art .over apartment
Arts3an3cra&ts corner
above stove
in bathrooms
creating gallery 'all 'ith% 10!1% 10!2
ecorating 'ith
paint chip art
turning photos into
vintage% buying
vintage maps
Gar% #itchen
Gar tables
Gathrooms% 1!1% ?!1% B!1% =!1% A!1
Geing% B!1% =!1% >!1% @!1
argyle pattern in
creating illusion o&
space in
creating 'or# area in
his an hers
long an narro'
moern romantic
neutral colors in
)obin *oo Xuality in
storage in
uni&ying% 'ith color
Ges! See also *eaboars
be &rames &or
com&orters &or% B!1% B!2
placement o&% 2!1% ?!1% <!1% 10!1
Glins% 1!1% 2!1% @!1
Gohemian apartment
&or beroom% <!1% <!2
creating chest o& ra'ers in
isplaying boo#s on
oor'ay% A!1% A!2
stac#ing% 2!1% >!1% A!1
use as sie table
vintage boo# planter
Gottles% painte% =!1% =!2
Go;es% painte storage
Go;es% stra'
Go; spring chanelier
Gric#% painting
Gric# 'alls
oors% ecals &or
oors% removing
#itchen% 1!1% >!1% A!1% @!1% @!2
&or o&&ice storage
Carpet tiles% B!1% =!1
Ceilings% <!1% <!2% 10!1
ining area% 2!1% ?!1% B!1% >!1% 10!1
living room% 2!1% @!1% 10!1
o&&ice% 1!1% =!1
painting% ?!1% B!1
Chal#boar ecals% >!1% >!2
Chal#boar paint% 1!1% 10!1
Chanelier% bo; spring
Chanelier vases
Chevron stripe 'alls% 10!1% 10!2
Chic#en 'ire pot rac#% @!1% @!2
Circles% painting
Closets% >!1% A!1
Co&&ee tables% A!1% @!1% <!1% 10!1
Collections% isplaying% 2!1% 2!2% =!1% =!2
Collector apartment
Com&orters% B!1% B!2
Couples apartment
Co'hie rugs% @!1% 10!1
Cra&ts supplies
graphic patterne
pipe curtain ro &or
sho'er% ?!1% B!1
5ecals% chal#boar% >!1% >!2
5ecals% mirror% >!1% >!2
5ecorative paper% ?!1% ?!2
5ecorative 'ino' &ilm
5es# accessories
5es#s% 1!1% A!1% @!1% <!1
5ining areas
chairs &or% 2!1% ?!1% B!1% >!1% 10!1
tables &or% ?!1% B!1% >!1% A!1% 10!1% 10!2% 10!?
5ip3ye curtains
5ishes% 2!1% =!1% A!1% @!1
cabinet% 1!1% >!1
painting blac#
re&rigerator% >!1% >!2
5oor'ay boo#case% A!1% A!2
5ra'er hanles% 2!1% B!1% >!1
ecorative paper &or% ?!1% ?!2
ressing in plai% ?!1% ?!2
#nobs &or
placement o&% 2!1% >!1
&rom thri&t store
turning boo#case into
2ntertainment center
Jabric3bac#e boo#case
Jabric pae panels% B!1% B!2
Jae3paint 'alls% A!1% A!2
Jireplace mantels% 1!1% 2!1
Jireplaces% 1!1% 2!1
Jlea mar#ets% 1!1% ?!1
Jloors% B!1% =!1! See also
Jrames% yarn
Jree Spirit apartment
Jurniture! See alsospeci&ic types
pets an
placement o&
Sreal%T buying
&or small rooms
'oo% repairing
(allery 'alls% 10!1% 10!2
(lass Uars% vintage
(lass'are% 2!1% >!1% @!1
mae &rom vinyl recors% 10!1% 10!2
slipcovere% B!1% B!2
'all ecals use as% B!1% B!2
*eater cover% 'allpapere% @!1% @!2
*omeboy apartment
*o'3to proUects
argyle 'all
bo; spring chanelier
chal#boar &rige
chevron 'all
chic#en 'ire pot rac#
ecal mirror
ip3ye curtains
oor'ay boo#case
&ae paint 'alls
gallery 'alls
heaboar slipcover
installing a heaboar ecal
#nob ma#eover
mirrore tennis racXuets
no3se' pillo's
pae &abric panels
painte bottles
painte storage bo;es
painting a circle
painting stripes
plai resser
Polloc# slipcover
postcar boar
recor heaboar
repairing chippe 'oo &urniture
ribbon3trimme shaes
)oman shaes
stencil 'all
0empaper 'allpaper
tile tattoos
vintage boo# planter
'allpapere heater cover
'all stamps
yarn &rames
alley'ay% A!1% 10!1
cabinets &or% 1!1% >!1% A!1% @!1% @!2
chal#boar 'alls &or
)oman shaes &or
stools &or% 1!1% >!1
tables &or% >!1% A!1% 10!1
televisions in
'hite tile 'alls in
Knobs% ra'er% 2!1% B!1% >!1
.aptop covers
.eather benches
.eather chairs
.ight &i;tures% ?!1% A!1% 10!1
.iving rooms
chairs% 2!1% @!1% 10!1
in corner o& lo&t
loveseats% 1!1% 1!2% <!1% 10!1
)oman shaes &or
uner slante ceiling
small% &urniture &or
so&as &or% >!1% @!1% <!1
televisions in
'hite 'alls in
.oc#er% metal
.oveseats% 1!1% 1!2% <!1% 10!1
Kagnet boars
Kantels% &ireplace% 1!1% 2!1
Kaps% vintage
ecal strips on% >!1% >!2
collectibles 'ith
mae &rom tennis
racXuets% =!1% =!2
Kusical instruments
/range paint% A!1% A!2% A!?
Pae &abric panels% B!1% B!2
chal#boar% 1!1% 10!1
&ae3paint 'alls% A!1% A!2
paint chip art'or#
painte bottles% =!1% =!2
painte storage
painting circles
painting stripes
semigloss% bene&its o&
Paintings% un&rame
Panels% &abric pae% B!1% B!2
Patterns% layering% ?!1% @!1
Pet proo&ing
Photos% turning into art
Pillo's% thro'
&or bes% 1!1% A!1% @!1% <!1% 10!1
ecorating 'ith% 1!1% 1!2% A!1% <!1
&or &loor
no3se'% 1!1% 1!2
&or so&as
Plai resser% ?!1% ?!2
Polloc# slipcover
Postcar boar% =!1% =!2
Pot rac#s% @!1% @!2% 10!1
Pou&s% @!1% 10!1
Preppy apartment
)ebel apartment
)ecor heaboar% 10!1% 10!2
)e&rigerator oors% >!1% >!2
)ibbon3trimme shae
)oman shaes
&or #itchen
&or living room
ma#ing your o'n
ribbon3trimme% creating
)oommate apartment
co'hie% @!1% 10!1
ining room
&or layering patterns
living room% ?!1% =!1% <!1% 10!1
pets an
Scholar apartment
Shaes% rattan
Shaes% )oman! See )oman shaes
Shaggy rugs
Sheeps#in rugs
Shelves% ?!1% =!1% A!1% A!2% @!1
Sho'er curtains% ?!1% B!1
Sin#s% peestal
S#ateboar table
Sleeping areas% 1!1% 2!1% <!1! See also Gerooms
Slipcovers% heaboar% B!1% B!2
Slipcovers% so&a% 1!1% A!1
alternatives to
uner slante ceiling
slipcovers &or% 1!1% A!1
Soun issues
Sports eXuipment
Stainless steel% cleaning
Stencils% graphic% >!1% >!2
Stools% #itchen% 1!1% >!1
Storage% A!1% @!1% <!1
Stripes% 1!1% 1!2% =!1% 10!1% 10!2
bar area
chal#boar painte
co&&ee tables% A!1% @!1% <!1% 10!1
ining room% ?!1% B!1% 10!1% 10!2
#itchen% >!1% A!1% 10!1
&or o&&ice
sie% 2!1% =!1% <!1% 10!1
0elevisions% ?!1% >!1
0empaper% 2!1% 2!2
0ennis racXuet mirrors% =!1% =!2
0e;tural elements
0ie rac#s
0ile tattoos
Iases% chanelier
Iintage boo# planter
Mallpaper% 0empaper% 2!1% 2!2
Mallpapere heater cover% @!1% @!2
argyle% ?!1% ?!2
arranging art on
art'or# gallery on% 10!1% 10!2
chal#boar paint &or
chevron stripes on
coral tone
&ae3paint e&&ect
graphic stencils on% >!1% >!2
heaboar ecals &or% B!1% B!2
hoo#s on
orange% A!1% A!2
pae panels &or
painting circle on
painting over
painting stripes on
pale gray
pin# tile
slate gray
sports eXuipment
isplays on
'all &lo'ers &or
'all stamps% <!1% <!2
'hite% 2!1% ?!1% >!1% @!1
Mheele co&&ee table
Mic#er bas#ets
Mino' &ilm
Mino's% tall
Mino' treatments
blins% 1!1% 2!1% @!1
curtains% 2!1% >!1% A!1% A!2
pipe curtain ro &or
&or privacy
rattan 'ino' shaes
ribbon3trimme shae
)oman shaes% 2!1% 2!2% 2!?% ?!1
Mor#spaces% 1!1% =!1% A!1% @!1
-arn &rames

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