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Complete the phone conversation between Pia (P) and Jenny (J) with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
P: Hello? Jenny?
J: Pia? I thought you were in Greece.
P: We are. We (1) _______ (get) here five days ago.
S: Yes, you left on Saturday, didn't you? Are you enjoying the sailing?
P: Oh, yes. Absolutely amazing! We (2) __________(visit) three islands in the last three days. And last
night we (3) ________ (have) dinner on the beach.
It was so romantic.
J: Lovely! And how's the weather?
P: It (4) _______ (be) very hot: It (5) _______(be) so hot last night that we slept outside on the deck of
the boat I (6) __________________(never/ see) so manystars.
J: Oh, that sounds beautiful.
P: Yes, very. Anyway, could you do me a favour. Jenny?
J: Sure. If I can.
P: I think I (7) ________ (leave) the back door open when we left the house.
J: Oh, dear. I've got your keys. I'll pop over and check.
P: Oh, thank you. I [8) ________ (be) so worried.
J: Well, stop worrying now. Just have a lovely time.
P: We will. Thanks again.

II. Choose the correct time expression to complete the sentences.
1 They flew to Tokyo last week / over the last week.
2 We've met some nice people two weeks ago / during the last two weeks.
3 I haven't been to Australia last year / up till now.
4 My sister has visited eight different countries over the last two months / last month.
5 They haven't been abroad in 1990 / since 1990.
6 Have you read any good travel books recently / last summer ?

III. Complete the travel guide with phrases from the box.
settle down best-known monuments cultural and historical popular-destination
landmark so many things to see and do

Krakow is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and it has become a very (1) ___________ with
tourists over the last few years. Whether you are looking for history or for an amazing night on the
town, there are(2) ___________ here.
The city has a long (3)_________tradition and was the capital of Poland for six centuries. Its a small city
and easy to get around. Follow the 'Route of the Saints', a trip which will take you to sixteen of the 72
churches for which Krakow is so famous. Take a horse and cart up Wawel Hill to see two of Krakow's (4)
___________: the cathedral and the Royal Castle. You should also visit the Jagiellonian University, which
is one of the oldest in Europe. Don't miss out on the other things this wonderful city has to offer; the
shopping is good and the nightlife is excellent. Finally, whatever you do, visit the Rynek Glowny, that
other famous Krakowian (5) ___________. It is the largest medieval square in Europe and the focus of
much of Krakow's social life. So pull up a chair in one of the restaurants, bars or cafes, (6) ___________
and watch the world go by.

IV. Write the conversation that you hear (p. 11).

V. 1 Rearrange the words to make sentences.
1 airport / , please / to the / A single
2 tell me / , please / the time of the next train / Could you / to Bristol
3 a five-pound note / Have you / change for / got / , please

4 we get to / , please / tell me when / York Road / Could you
5 a cab for / Dorset Road / I'd like /, please / in Ealing
6 get a taxi / around here / anywhere / Can I

VI. Complete the story with verbs from the box.
get off missed arrived take drop walk catch took
I flew to Paris once for an important business meeting and when I landed, I decided to (1) _______ the
bus into town. I thought I had lots of time. Unfortunately I (2) _______ the bus and had to wait twenty
minutes for the next one. When it came, I got on, but the traffic was terrible. So I decided to (3)
________ and I (4) _______ a taxi instead. I asked the driver to take me straight to the meeting. After 40
minutes in the taxi, it was clear I was going to be late. I asked the driver to (5) _______ me by the Pont
Neuf, a bridge by the river Seine. I wanted to [6) ________ to the meeting because of the terrible traffic.
I thought it would (7)_______ about twenty minutes, but I was wrong. The streets were full of people
and I was carrying two heavy bags. I finally (8) _______ at the building an hour later and it was shut.
Then I realized it was 1st May and a public holiday in France! The meeting wasn't until the next day!
What an idiot!!

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