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0 Feature Description
Issue V1.0
Date 09/25/2010
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Cop!ri"#t $ Hua%ei Tec#no&o"ies Co. Lt'. 20(0. A&& ri"#ts reser)e'.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tra'e*ar+s an' ,er*issions
and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their
respective holders.
The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between
Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this
document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. nless otherwise
specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document
are provided !A" #"! without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either
e$press or implied.
The information in this document is sub%ect to change without notice. &very effort has been
made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all
statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Address' Huawei #ndustrial (ase
(antian, Longgang
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Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Mapping between uplink logical channels and uplink transport
Mapping between downlink logical channels and downlink
transport channels.................................................................9
Mapping between uplink transport channels and uplink physical
Mapping between downlink transport channels and downlink
physical channels.................................................................11
DRX cycle............................................................................9
!"10M #R.........................................................................!8
$trea% Control #rans%ission &rotocol...................................!9
$tar topology.......................................................................''
Chain topology.....................................................................'(
#ree topology.......................................................................')
connection topology between MM- &ool and e.ode/s............90
$R1CC 2ro% -+3#R4. to 3#R4............................................10)
$R1CC 2ro% -+3#R4. to 5-R4............................................108
C$ 2allback in -&$ architecture...........................................11'
C$ 2allback in -&$ architecture...........................................11(
C$ 2allback in -&$ architecture...........................................110
4uto%atic neighbor relation 2unction..................................1)
6nter+R4# 4.R 2unction.......................................................19
general network topology...................................................1!1
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
5,!5 and *#- co+trans%ission............................................1'1
the one+hop and %ulti+hop /FD application scenarios...........1''
the -thernet link aggregation.............................................1'0
6&$ec ................................................................................1'8
eR4. certi2icate application scenario..................................1(0
eR4. 80.17 application scenario.......................................1(1
/asic principle o2 the $ynchroni8ation with -thernet ...........1(9
basic principle de2ined by the 6---1(88 protocol.................1)0
synchroni8ation principle o2 the 6---1(88 protocol..............1)1
Fra%ework o2 9uawei proprietary protocol..........................1)!
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL iii
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
&rea%ble 2or%ats and cell access radius...............................
Relationship between :C6 and D$C&......................................'8
&rea%ble 2or%ats and cell access radius...............................81
R;9C pro2ile identi2ier and header co%pression protocol.......90
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Change 9istory
Date 1ersion Description 4uthor
05/1'/2010 1.0 %D#% re(ease LTE Tea)
05/1*/2010 L+FD,00-0050' ./nc0roni1ation wit0 +"T. re,
03/20/2010 re)o4e L$FD,00201- RF %ara)eter Auto)atic
$pti)i1ation. #0an&e L$FD,002012 fro) #e((
$uta&e Detection an2 #o)pensation to #e((
$uta&e Detection. A22 L$FD,0010'* TT"
09/03/2010 2 LTE 5u(ti,)o2e optiona( feaures a22e2
09/03/2010 5 features6 2escription up2ate2 7/ perfor)ance
tea) for Au&. 2010.
09/25/2010 p2ate2 accor2in& to re4iew co))ents of 2010
Au&. FL/FD re4iew
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1 /asic Features Description
1.1 */FD+001001 !5&& R8
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Huawei LTE eNo2e+ is co)p(iant wit0 -8%% Re(ease 3 specifications 20099-.
Huawei LTE eNo2e+ is co)p(iant wit0 -8%% Re(ease 3 specifications 20099-.
Huawei is an acti4e participant an2 &reat contri7utor to -8%% specification
2e4e(op)ent. T0is 0i&0,(e4e( in4o(4e)ent ena7(es Huawei to acti4e(/ contri7ute:
an2 c(ose(/ fo((ow -8%% stan2ar2 2e4e(op)ent 2urin& Huawei pro2uct
2e4e(op)ent. LTE eNo2e+ supports -8%% Re(ease 3 20099-.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1. */FD+001000 !5&& R9
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.1.
Huawei LTE eNo2e+ is co)p(iant wit0 -8%% Re(ease 9 specifications 201091.
Huawei LTE eNo2e+ is co)p(iant wit0 -8%% Re(ease 9 specifications 201091.
Huawei is an acti4e participant an2 &reat contri7utor to -8%% specification
2e4e(op)ent. T0is 0i&0,(e4e( in4o(4e)ent ena7(es Huawei to acti4e(/ contri7ute:
an2 c(ose(/ fo((ow -8%% stan2ar2 2e4e(op)ent 2urin& Huawei pro2uct
2e4e(op)ent. LTE eNo2e+ supports -8%% Re(ease 201091: w0ic0 is t0e (atest
4ersion of LTE stan2ar2.
1.! */FD+00100 FDD %ode
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports t0e Fre;uenc/ Di4ision Dup(e< =FDD> )o2e .
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e -8%% specifications support t0e FDD )o2e. "n FDD )o2e: separate fre;uenc/
7an2s are use2 for t0e up(in? an2 t0e 2own(in?.
T0e re(ate2 networ? e(e)ents =NEs> s0ou(2 support FDD )o2e.
1.' */FD+00100! $calable /andwidth
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Huawei LTE eRAN1.0 supports t0e 7an2wi2t0s of 5 5H1: 10 5H1: 15 5H1: an2
20 5H1.
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports two new 7an2wi2t0s of 1.' 5H1 an2 - 5H1 to
e<ten2 t0e ran&e of 7an2wi2t0 support for t0e LTE tec0no(o&/.
Lar&er 7an2wi2t0 pro2uces 0i&0er t0rou&0put an2 7etter user e<perience.
F(e<i7(e 7an2wi2t0 confi&uration 0e(ps operators use fre;uenc/ 7an2s.
+esi2es t0e e<istin& 7an2wi2t0s supporte2 7/ eRAN1.0: t0e intro2uction of
1.' 5H1 an2 - 5H1 7an2wi2t0s ena7(es t0e f(e<i7i(it/ for operators to
a((ocate s)a((er 7an2wi2t0 (ess t0an 5 5H1: t0us sa4in& ra2io resources.
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports t0e c0anne( 7an2wi2t0s fro) 1.' 5H1 to 20 5H1:
inc(u2in& 1.' 5H1: - 5H1: 5 5H1: 10 5H1: 15 5H1: an2 20 5H1. T0e
7an2wi2t0 can 7e confi&ure2 7/ t0e software.
Huawei LTE eRAN1.0 supports t0e 7an2wi2t0s of 5 5H1: 10 5H1: 15 5H1: an2
20 5H1.
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports two new 7an2wi2t0s of 1.' 5H1 an2 - 5H1.
Es s0ou(2 support t0e sa)e 7an2wi2t0 as t0e eNo2e+.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e - of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.( */FD+00100' C& length
1.(.1 */FD+00100'01 .or%al C&
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
"n an $FD5 s/)7o(: t0e #/c(ic %refi< =#%> is a ti)e,2o)ain rep(ication of t0e
en2 of t0e s/)7o( an2 is appen2e2 to t0e 7e&innin& of t0e s/)7o(. "t pro4i2es t0e
&uar2 inter4a( in t0e $FD5 to 2ecrease t0e inter,s/)7o( interference 2ue to t0e
)u(tipat0 2e(a/.
T0e #% is use2 to 2ecrease t0e inter,s/)7o( interference 2ue to t0e )u(tipat0 2e(a/.
T0e #% is t0e &uar2 inter4a( use2 in t0e $FD5 to 2ecrease t0e interference 2ue to
t0e )u(tipat0 2e(a/.
T0ere are two #% (en&t0s 2efine2 in -8%% specifications@ nor)a( #% an2 e<ten2e2
"n t0e case of 15 ?H1 su7carrier spacin&: t0e nor)a( #% correspon2s to se4en
$FD5 s/)7o(s per s(ot in t0e 2own(in? an2 se4en .#,FD5A s/)7o(s per s(ot in
t0e up(in?. T0e nor)a( #% (en&t0 =ti)e> is ca(cu(ate2 as fo((ows@

"n t0e 2own(in?

Nor)a( #%@ T
A 1B0 < Ts =$FD5 s/)7o( C0>: T
A 1'' < Ts =$FD5 s/)7o( C1
to CB>

"n t0e up(in?

Nor)a(#%@ T
A 1B0 < Ts =.#,FD5A s/)7o( C0>: T
A 1'' < Ts =.#,FD5A
s/)7o( C1 to CB>
!0ere: Ts A 1 / =20'3 < f>: f A 15 ?H1
Es s0ou(2 support t0e sa)e #% (en&t0 as t0e eNo2e+.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e ' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.) */FD+00100( Modulation= D*,3*
:&$>? D*,3* 1):4M? D* )':4M
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature s0ows t0e 2ifferent )o2u(ation sc0e)es supporte2 7/ t0e E an2
T0is feature pro4i2es a wi2e ran&e of )o2u(ation sc0e)es to 7e c0osen 7ase2 on
t0e c0anne( con2ition. Hi&0er,or2er )o2u(ation sc0e)es: suc0 as DL B'9A5: can
7e use2 un2er e<ce((ent c0anne( con2itions to ac0ie4e 0i&0er 2ata rates: w0ic0
i)pro4es t0e s/ste) t0rou&0put an2 spectru) efficienc/.
T0is feature pro4i2es a wi2e ran&e of )o2u(ation sc0e)es t0at can 7e use2 7/ 7ot0
t0e eNo2e+ an2 t0e E in up(in? an2 2own(in?.
T0e fo((owin& )o2u(ation sc0e)es are supporte2@

p(in?/2own(in? 9ua2rature %0ase .0ift De/in& =9%.D>

p(in?/2own(in? 1B 9ua2rature A)p(itu2e 5o2u(ation =1B9A5>

Down(in? B'9A5
T0e c0aracteristics are as fo((ows@

9%.D a((ows up to two infor)ation 7its )o2u(ate2 per s/)7o( 2ue to four
2ifferent nei&07orin& a(ternati4es.

1B9A5 a((ows up to four infor)ation 7its )o2u(ate2 per s/)7o( 2ue to 1B

2ifferent nei&07orin& a(ternati4es.

B'9A5 a((ows up to si< infor)ation 7its )o2u(ate2 per s/)7o( 2ue to B'
2ifferent nei&07orin& a(ternati4es.
T0is feature a((ows t0e eNo2e+ an2 E to c0oose an opti)a( )o2u(ation sc0e)e
7ase2 on t0e current c0anne( con2ition to ac0ie4e t0e 7est tra2eoff 7etween t0e
user 2ata rate an2 t0e fra)e error rate =FER> 2urin& trans)ission.
A )ore fa4ora7(e c0anne( con2ition is re;uire2 to support a 0i&0er,or2er
)o2u(ation sc0e)e.
For e<a)p(e: w0en a E is in a poor ra2io en4iron)ent: it )a/ use a (ow,or2er
9%.D )o2u(ation sc0e)e for up(in? trans)ission to )eet t0e re;uire)ent of t0e
ca(( ;ua(it/. !0en a E is in an e<ce((ent ra2io en4iron)ent: it can use a 0i&0,
or2er 9A5 )o2u(ation =suc0 as 1B9A5> sc0e)e for up(in? trans)ission to
ac0ie4e 0i&0 7it rates.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature re(ies on t0e support fro) 7ot0 t0e eNo2e+ an2 Es. For e<a)p(e: if
an eNo2e+ supports B'9A5 in t0e 2own(in? 7ut a E 2oes not support t0e
sc0e)e: t0en t0e eNo2e+ cannot use B'9A5 for 2own(in? trans)ission to t0e E.
1.0 */FD+00100) 4MC
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e A2apti4e 5o2u(ation an2 #o2in& =A5#> function a((ows an eNo2e+ to
a2apti4e(/ se(ect t0e opti)a( 5o2u(ation an2 #o2in& .c0e)e =5#.> accor2in& to
t0e c0anne( con2ition. T0is i)pro4es t0e spectru) efficienc/ after t0e s/ste)
resource an2 trans)it power are fi<e2. T0erefore: t0e t0rou&0put can 7e )a<i)i1e2
an2 t0e 9ua(it/ of .er4ice =9o.> re;uire)ents can 7e )et.
T0e A5# pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@

5a<i)i1es t0e s/ste) t0rou&0put 7/ se(ectin& t0e opti)a( 5#..

5eets t0e 9o. re;uire)ent =suc0 as t0e pac?et (oss rate> 7/ se(ectin& t0e
opti)a( 5#. to ac0ie4e t0e 7est tra2eoff 7etween 2ata rate an2 7(oc? error
T0e A5# function a((ows an eNo2e+ to a2apti4e(/ se(ect t0e opti)a( 5#.
accor2in& to t0e c0anne( infor)ation. T0is i)pro4es t0e spectru) efficienc/ after
t0e s/ste) resource an2 trans)ittin& power are fi<e2. T0erefore: t0e t0rou&0put
can 7e )a<i)i1e2 an2 t0e 9o. re;uire)ents can 7e )et.
"n t0e up(in?: t0e initia( 5#. can 7e se(ecte2 on t0e 7asis of t0e .i&na( to
"nterference p(us Noise Ratio =."NR> of t0e up(in? Reference .i&na( =R.>
)easure2 7/ t0e eNo2e+. T0en: t0e 5#. )a/ 7e a2Euste2 accor2in& to t0e
recei4e2 up(in? .oun2in& Reference .i&na( =.R.> or De)o2u(ation Reference
.i&na( =D5R.>. "t can a(so 7e a2Euste2 on t0e 7asis of w0et0er t0e up(in?
trans)ission in4o(4es contro( si&na(s. Note t0at contro( si&na(s )i&0t re;uire a
(ower,or2er 5#. for ensurin& a re(ia7(e trans)ission.
"n t0e 2own(in?: t0e eNo2e+ first se(ects t0e 5#. for eac0 E 7ase2 on t0e #9"
reporte2 fro) t0e E an2 assi&ne2 power for t0e E. T0en: t0e eNo2e+ can a2Eust
t0e #9" to i)pact 5#. 7ase2 on t0e +LER: in or2er to )a<i)i1e t0e usa&e of t0e
ra2io resources.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.8 */FD+00001 *ogical Channel
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e (o&ica( c0anne(s are pro4i2e2 7etween t0e 5e2iu) Access #ontro( =5A#>
(a/er an2 t0e Ra2io Lin? #ontro( =RL#> (a/er. Eac0 (o&ica( c0anne( t/pe is 2efine2
accor2in& to t0e t/pe of t0e trans)itte2 2ata. T0e/ are &enera((/ c(assifie2 into two
t/pes@ contro( c0anne(s an2 traffic c0anne(s.
"n Huawei LTE eRAN2.0: a(( (o&ica( c0anne(s are supporte2 e<cept t0ose re(ate2 to
t0e e4o(4e2 5u(ti)e2ia +roa2cast 5u(ticast .er4ice =e5+5.> functiona(it/.
T0e (o&ica( c0anne(s are responsi7(e for w0at t/pe of infor)ation is transferre2.
T0e (o&ica( c0anne(s are pro4i2e2 7etween t0e 5A# (a/er an2 t0e RL# (a/er. T0e/
are responsi7(e for Fw0at is transporte2.G T0e/ are &enera((/ c(assifie2 into two

#ontro( c0anne(s@ for trans)ittin& t0e contro( p(ane infor)ation

Traffic c0anne(s@ for trans)ittin& t0e user p(ane infor)ation

#ontro( c0anne(s inc(u2e@

+roa2cast #ontro( #0anne( =+##H>

%a&in& #ontro( #0anne( =%##H>

#o))on #ontro( #0anne( =###H>

5u(ticast #ontro( #0anne( =5##H>

De2icate2 #ontro( #0anne( =D##H>

Traffic c0anne(s inc(u2e@

De2icate2 Traffic #0anne( =DT#H>

5u(ticast Traffic #0anne( =5T#H>

HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e * of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e )appin& 7etween (o&ica( c0anne(s an2 transport c0anne(s is as fo((ows@
". "n t0e up(in?:

###H can 7e )appe2 to L,.#H.

D##H can 7e )appe2 to L,.#H.

DT#H can 7e )appe2 to L,.#H.

1.3 2epicts t0e )appin& 7etween up(in? (o&ica( c0anne(s an2 up(in? transport
Figure 1.1 5appin& 7etween up(in? (o&ica( c0anne(s an2 up(in? transport c0anne(s
Logical channels
Transport channels
"". "n t0e 2own(in?

+##H can 7e )appe2 to +#H.

+##H can 7e )appe2 to DL,.#H.

%##H can 7e )appe2 to %#H.

###H can 7e )appe2 to DL,.#H.

D##H can 7e )appe2 to DL,.#H.

DT#H can 7e )appe2 to DL,.#H.

5T#H can 7e )appe2 to DL,.#H.

5T#H can 7e )appe2 to 5#H.

5##H can 7e )appe2 to DL,.#H.

5##H can 7e )appe2 to 5#H.

1.3 2epicts t0e )appin& 7etween 2own(in? (o&ica( c0anne(s an2 2own(in? transport
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.2 5appin& 7etween 2own(in? (o&ica( c0anne(s an2 2own(in? transport
(CH /CH 5L6"CH 7CH
Logical channels
Transport channels
"n Huawei LTE eRAN2.0: a(( (o&ica( c0anne(s are supporte2 e<cept t0ose re(ate2 to
t0e e5+5. functiona(it/: suc0 as 5##H an2 5T#H.
1.9 */FD+0000 #ransport Channel
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Transport c0anne(s t0at are pro4i2e2 7etween t0e 5A# (a/er an2 t0e p0/sica(
(a/er: are 2efine2 accor2in& to t0e t/pe of trans)itte2 2ata an2 t0e )et0o2 of 2ata
trans)ission o4er t0e ra2io interface. T0e/ are use2 to offer t0e infor)ation a7out
trans)ission ser4ices for t0e 5A# an2 0i&0er (a/ers. "n Huawei LTE eRAN2.0: a((
transport c0anne(s e<cept t0ose re(ate2 to t0e e5+5. functiona(it/ are supporte2.
T0e transport c0anne(s are responsi7(e for w0at t/pe of 2ata is trans)itte2 an2 0ow
t0e 2ata is trans)itte2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e transport c0anne(s are pro4i2e2 7etween t0e 5A# (a/er an2 t0e p0/sica( (a/er.
T0e/ are responsi7(e for w0at t/pe of 2ata is trans)itte2 an2 0ow t0e 2ata is
trans)itte2 o4er t0e ra2io interface.
Down(in? transport c0anne(s are c(assifie2 into t0e fo((owin& t/pes@
+roa2cast #0anne( =+#H>
Down(in? .0are2 #0anne( =DL,.#H>
%a&in& #0anne( =%#H>
5u(ticast #0anne( =5#H>
p(in? transport c0anne(s are c(assifie2 into t0e fo((owin& t/pes@
p(in? .0are2 #0anne( =L,.#H>
Ran2o) Access #0anne( =RA#H>
T0e )appin& 7etween transport c0anne(s an2 p0/sica( c0anne(s is as fo((ows@
"n t0e up(in?:
L,.#H can 7e )appe2 to %.#H.
RA#H can 7e )appe2 to %RA#H.
1.9 2epicts t0e )appin& 7etween up(in? transport an2 up(in? p0/sica( c0anne(s@
Figure 1.1 5appin& 7etween up(in? transport c0anne(s an2 up(in? p0/sica( c0anne(s
Physical channels
Transport channels
"n t0e 2own(in?:

DL,.#H can 7e )appe2 to %D.#H.

+#H can 7e )appe2 to %+#H.

%#H can 7e )appe2 to %D.#H.

5#H can 7e )appe2 to %5#H.

1.9 2epicts t0e )appin& 7etween 2own(in? transport an2 2own(in? p0/sica(
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 10 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.2 5appin& 7etween 2own(in? transport c0anne(s an2 2own(in? p0/sica(
(CH /CH 5L6"CH 7CH
Physical channels
Transport channels
/(CH /5"CH /7CH /5CCH
"n Huawei LTE eRAN2.0: a(( transport c0anne(s are supporte2 e<cept t0ose re(ate2
to t0e e5+5. functiona(it/: suc0 as 5#H.
1.10 */FD+0000! &hysical Channel
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e p0/sica( (a/er is responsi7(e for co2in&: p0/sica(,(a/er 0/7ri2,AR9
processin&: )o2u(ation: )u(ti,antenna processin&: an2 )appin& fro) t0e si&na( to
t0e appropriate p0/sica( ti)e,fre;uenc/ resources. +ase2 on t0e )appin&: a
transport c0anne( at t0e 0i&0er (a/er can ser4e one or se4era( p0/sica( c0anne(s at
t0e p0/sica( (a/er.
"n Huawei LTE eRAN2.0: a(( p0/sica( c0anne(s are supporte2 e<cept t0ose re(ate2
to t0e e5+5. functiona(it/: suc0 as %5#H.
Eac0 p0/sica( c0anne( pro4i2es a set of resource 7(oc?s for infor)ation
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 11 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Eac0 p0/sica( c0anne( correspon2s to a set of resource e(e)ents carr/in& t0e
infor)ation fro) 0i&0er (a/ers.
Down(in? p0/sica( c0anne(s are c(assifie2 into t0e fo((owin& t/pes@
%0/sica( +roa2cast #0anne( =%+#H>
%0/sica( #ontro( For)at "n2icator #0anne( =%#F"#H>
%0/sica( Down(in? #ontro( #0anne( =%D##H>
%0/sica( H/7ri2 AR9 "n2icator #0anne( =%H"#H>
%0/sica( Down(in? .0are2 #0anne( =%D.#H>
%0/sica( 5u(ticast #0anne( =%5#H>
p(in? p0/sica( c0anne(s are c(assifie2 into t0e fo((owin& t/pes@
%0/sica( p(in? #ontro( #0anne( =%##H>
%0/sica( p(in? .0are2 #0anne( =%.#H>
%0/sica( Ran2o) Access #0anne( =%RA#H>
"n Huawei LTE eRAN2.0: a(( p0/sica( c0anne(s are supporte2 e<cept t0ose re(ate2
to t0e e5+5. functiona(it/: suc0 as %5#H.
1.11 */FD+0000' 6ntegrity &rotection
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e feature offers t0e inte&rit/ protection for si&na(in& 2ata. "t ena7(es t0e
recei4in& entit/ =eit0er E or eNo2e+> to c0ec? w0et0er t0e si&na(in& 2ata 0as
7een i((e&a((/ )o2ifie2. "t encr/pts or 2ecr/pts t0e si&na(in& 2ata 7/ usin& a certain
inte&rit/ a(&orit0) t0rou&0 an RR# )essa&e.
T0e inte&rit/ protection proce2ure pre4ents t0e si&na(in& 2ata fro) i((e&a(
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 12 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e inte&rit/ protection function pre4ents t0e si&na(in& 2ata fro) i((e&a(
LTE offers t0e inte&rit/ protection for RR# si&na(in& )essa&es at t0e %D#% (a/er.
T0e sen2er ca(cu(ates a )essa&e aut0entication co2e 5A#," 7ase2 on t0e RR#
)essa&e an2 so)e para)eters =suc0 as t0e ?e/: 7earer "D: 2irection: an2 count> 7/
usin& an inte&rit/ a(&orit0): an2 t0en sen2s t0e co2e to t0e recei4er to&et0er wit0
t0e )essa&e. T0e recei4er reca(cu(ates t0e co2e an2 co)pares it wit0 t0e co2e in
t0e )essa&e. "f t0e two co2es are inconsistent: t0e recei4er ?nows t0at t0e )essa&e
0as 7een )o2ifie2 i((e&a((/.
T0e eNo2e+ 2eci2es w0ic0 inte&rit/ a(&orit0) to use an2 infor)s eac0 E of it
t0rou&0 an RR# )essa&e.
"n a22ition to t0e AE.: Huawei eRAN2.0 a(so supports inte&rit/ a(&orit0)
T0e E s0ou(2 support t0e sa)e inte&rit/ a(&orit0) as t0e eNo2e+.
1.1 */FD+0000( D* 4synchronous
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e H/7ri2 Auto)atic Repeat Re;uest =HAR9> pro4i2es ro7ustness a&ainst
trans)ission errors. "t is a(so a )ec0anis) for capacit/ en0ance)ent. As HAR9
retrans)issions are fast: )an/ ser4ices a((ow one or )u(tip(e ti)es of
retrans)issions: t0ere7/ for)in& an i)p(icit =c(ose2 (oop> rate,contro( )ec0anis).
An as/nc0ronous protoco( is t0e 7asis for 2own(in? HAR9 operation. Hence:
2own(in? retrans)issions )a/ occur at an/ ti)e after t0e initia( trans)ission: an2
an e<p(icit HAR9 process nu)7er is use2 to in2icate t0e HAR9 process.
DL HAR9 functiona(it/ is a fast retrans)ission protoco( to ensure successfu( 2ata
trans)ission fro) t0e eNo2e+ to a E at t0e p0/sica( (a/er an2 5A# (a/er. A E
can re;uest for retrans)issions of 2ata t0at was incorrect(/ 2eco2e2 t0rou&0 an
NA#D )essa&e an2 soft,co)7ine t0e retrans)itte2 2ata wit0 t0e pre4ious(/
recei4e2 2ata to i)pro4e t0e 2eco2in& perfor)ance.
T0is feature 0e(ps i)pro4e user t0rou&0put an2 re2uce trans)ission (atenc/ in t0e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e HAR9 is a (in? en0ance)ent tec0ni;ue co)7inin& Forwar2 Error #orrection
=FE#> an2 AR9 tec0no(o&ies. #o)pare2 wit0 t0e AR9: t0e HAR9 can pro4i2e
faster an2 )ore efficient retrans)issions wit0 (ower trans)ission (atenc/. "n t0e
2own(in?: if t0e 2ata recei4e2 7/ t0e E is 2eco2e2 correct(/ 7/ t0e FE# an2
passes t0e #/c(ic Re2un2anc/ #0ec? =#R#>: t0e E wi(( sen2 an A#D )essa&e to
infor) t0e eNo2e+ t0at t0e 2ata was recei4e2 correct(/. $t0erwise: t0e E wi((
sen2 a NA#D )essa&e to t0e eNo2e+ to re;uest for 2ata retrans)ission.
Down(in? HAR9 is an as/nc0ronous a2apti4e trans)ission process: w0ic0 )eans
t0at t0e sc0e2u(er of t0e HAR9 trans)ission is not pre2eter)ine2 to t0e E. "n
a22ition: t0e DL HAR9 infor)ation: suc0 as t0e (ocation of t0e a((ocate2 resource
7(oc?s an2 5#.s: )a/ 7e 2ifferent fro) t0at of t0e pre4ious trans)issions.
"n LTE specifications: t0e DL HAR9 sc0e)e is 7ase2 on an "ncre)enta(
Re2un2anc/ ="R> a(&orit0). !0en a retrans)ission occurs: t0e DL HAR9
infor)ation wi(( in2icate w0et0er t0e 2ata 7e(on&s to t0e retrans)itte2 2ata an2 its
correspon2in& Re2un2anc/ Version =RV>. After t0e retrans)itte2 2ata is recei4e2:
accor2in& to its RV: t0e HAR9 process in t0e E wi(( soft,co)7ine t0e
retrans)itte2 2ata wit0 t0e pre4ious(/ 7uffere2 content an2 t0en forwar2 t0e
co)7ine2 2ata to t0e FE# for 2eco2in&. T0e soft,co)7ine2 2ata wi(( 0e(p increase
t0e pro7a7i(it/ of successfu( FE# 2eco2in&: t0us increasin& t0e 2ata reception
success rate.
"n LTE specifications: )u(tip(e 2own(in? HAR9 processes are a2opte2 to fu((/
uti(i1e s/ste) resources. "t &reat(/ i)pro4es t0e s/ste) t0rou&0put an2 re2uces t0e
(atenc/: 7ut it re;uires )ore 7uffer space an2 si&na(in& o4er0ea2.
1.1! */FD+0000) 3* $ynchronous
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
#o)pare2 wit0 t0e 2own(in? HAR9: up(in? retrans)ission is 7ase2 on a
s/nc0roni1ation protoco(. "t occurs at a pre2efine2 ti)e after t0e initia(
trans)ission an2 t0e nu)7er of retrans)issions can 7e i)p(icit(/ 2eri4e2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e L HAR9 functiona(it/ is a fast retrans)ission protoco( to ensure successfu(
2ata trans)ission fro) t0e E to t0e eNo2e+ at t0e p0/sica( (a/er an2 5A# (a/er.
An eNo2e+ can re;uest for retrans)issions of 2ata t0at was incorrect(/ 2eco2e2
an2 soft,co)7ine t0e retrans)itte2 2ata wit0 t0e pre4ious(/ recei4e2 2ata to
i)pro4e t0e 2eco2in& perfor)ance.
T0is feature 0e(ps i)pro4e t0e user t0rou&0put an2 re2uce trans)ission (atenc/ in
t0e up(in?.
T0e HAR9 is a (in? en0ance)ent tec0ni;ue co)7inin& FE# an2 AR9
tec0no(o&ies. #o)pare2 wit0 t0e AR9: t0e HAR9 can pro4i2e faster an2 )ore
efficient retrans)issions wit0 (ower trans)ission (atenc/. "n t0e up(in?: if t0e 2ata
recei4e2 7/ t0e eNo2e+ is 2eco2e2 correct(/ 7/ t0e FE# an2 passes t0e #R#
c0ec?: t0e eNo2e+ wi(( sen2 an A#D )essa&e o4er t0e %H"#H to infor) t0e E
t0at t0e 2ata was recei4e2 correct(/. $t0erwise: t0e eNo2e+ wi(( sen2 an NA#D
)essa&e to t0e E to re;uest for 2ata retrans)ission.
"n eRAN1.0: p(in? HAR9 is a s/nc0roni1ation non,a2apti4e trans)ission
process: w0ic0 )eans t0at HAR9 trans)ission 7(oc?s are pre2eter)ine2 for
trans)ission an2 retrans)ission. "n a22ition: t0e L HAR9 infor)ation: suc0 as
t0e (ocation of t0e a((ocate2 resource 7(oc?s an2 5#.s: is pre2eter)ine2 7/ t0e
"n eRAN2.0: Huawei supports a s/nc0ronous a2apti4e L HAR9 trans)ission.
!0i(e retrans)ittin&: t0e a((ocate2 resource 7(oc?: co2in& an2 )o2u(ation sc0e)e
)a/ 7e c0an&e2 accor2in& to t0e c0anne( ;ua(it/. +ut t0e retrans)ission transport
7(oc? si1e re)ains t0e sa)e as t0e first trans)ission.
"n LTE specifications: L HAR9 sc0e)e is 7ase2 on an "R a(&orit0). !0en a
retrans)ission occurs: L HAR9 infor)ation wi(( in2icate w0et0er t0e 2ata
7e(on&s to t0e retrans)itte2 2ata an2 its correspon2in& RV. After t0e retrans)itte2
2ata is recei4e2: accor2in& to its RV: HAR9 process in t0e eNo2e+ wi(( soft,
co)7ine t0e retrans)itte2 2ata wit0 t0e pre4ious(/ 7uffere2 content an2 forwar2
t0e co)7ine2 2ata to t0e FE# for 2eco2in&. T0e soft,co)7ine2 2ata wi(( 0e(p
increase t0e pro7a7i(it/ of successfu( FE# 2eco2in&: t0us increasin& t0e 2ata
reception success rate.
"n LTE specifications: )u(tip(e up(in? HAR9 processes are a2opte2 to fu((/ uti(i1e
s/ste) resources. "t &reat(/ i)pro4es t0e s/ste) t0rou&0put an2 re2uces t0e
(atenc/: 7ut it re;uires )ore 7uffer space an2 si&na(in& o4er0ea2.
"n eRAN2.0: Huawei supports a s/nc0ronous a2apti4e L HAR9 trans)ission.
!0i(e in eRAN1.0: p(in? HAR9 is a s/nc0roni1ation non,a2apti4e trans)ission
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 15 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.1' */FD+00000 RRC Connection
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
RR# connection is t0e (a/er - connection 7etween t0e E an2 eNo2e+. T0e RR#
connection )ana&e)ent ai)s to )ana&e t0e (a/er - connection: inc(u2in&
esta7(is0)ent: )aintenance: an2 re(ease of t0e connection.
T0e RR# connection )ana&e)ent is essentia( fro) t0e E to E,TRAN: an2
ser4es a(( ser4ice proce2ures an2 NA. proce2ures.
RR# connection )ana&e)ent in4o(4es RR# connection esta7(is0)ent: RR#
connection reconfi&uration: RR# connection re,esta7(is0)ent: an2 RR#
connection re(ease.

RR# connection esta7(is0)ent@ T0is proce2ure is perfor)e2 to esta7(is0 an

RR# connection. RR# connection esta7(is0)ent in4o(4es .i&na(in& Ra2io
+earer 1 =.R+1> esta7(is0)ent. T0e proce2ure is a(so use2 to trans)it t0e
initia( NA. 2e2icate2 infor)ation or )essa&es fro) t0e E to t0e E,TRAN.

RR# connection reconfi&uration@ T0is proce2ure is perfor)e2 to )o2if/ an

RR# connection: for e<a)p(e: to esta7(is0: )o2if/: or re(ease ra2io 7earers: to
perfor) 0an2o4ers: an2 to confi&ure or )o2if/ )easure)ents. As a part of t0e
proce2ure: NA. 2e2icate2 infor)ation )a/ 7e trans)itte2 fro) t0e E,
TRAN to t0e E.

RR# connection re,esta7(is0)ent@ T0is proce2ure is perfor)e2 to re,esta7(is0

an RR# connection after a 0an2o4er fai(ure or ra2io (in? fai(ure. RR#
connection re,esta7(is0)ent in4o(4es t0e restoration of .R+1 operation an2
t0e re,acti4ation of securit/. A E in RR#H#$NNE#TED )o2e: for w0ic0
securit/ 0as 7een acti4ate2: )a/ initiate t0e proce2ure in or2er to continue t0e
RR# connection. T0e connection re,esta7(is0)ent wi(( succee2 on(/ if t0e ce((
0as a 4a(i2 E conte<t.

RR# connection re(ease@ T0is proce2ure is perfor)e2 to re(ease an RR#

connection. RR# connection re(ease in4o(4es t0e re(ease of t0e esta7(is0e2
ra2io 7earers an2 t0e re(ease of a(( ra2io resources.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.1( */FD+00008 Radio /earer
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Ra2io 7earer )ana&e)ent ai)s to )ana&e .R+2 an2 Data Ra2io +earer =DR+>.
T0e ra2io 7earer )ana&e)ent inc(u2es t0e esta7(is0)ent: )aintenance: an2 re(ease
of ra2io 7earers.
T0is feature pro4i2es confi&uration function of ra2io resources.
Ra2io 7earer )ana&e)ent in4o(4es t0e esta7(is0)ent: )aintenance: an2 re(ease of
ra2io 7earers: as we(( as t0e confi&uration of associate2 ra2io resources: for
e<a)p(e %D#%: RL#: (o&ica( c0anne(: DRI:#9": power 0ea2roo) report =%HR>:
an2 p0/sica( (a/er confi&uration. T0e ra2io 7earer )ana&e)ent is i)p(e)ente2
2urin& t0e RR# connection reconfi&uration proce2ure.
1.1) */FD+00009 /roadcast o2
$yste% 6n2or%ation
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
./ste) infor)ation =."> inc(u2es@

+asic infor)ation for a E to access t0e E,TRAN: suc0 as 7asic ra2io an2
c0anne( para)eters

"nfor)ation a7out ce(( se(ection an2 rese(ection para)eters use2 7/ t0e E in

RR#H"DLE )o2e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

"nfor)ation a7out nei&07orin& ce((s

")portant )essa&es t0at s0ou(2 7e sen2 to eac0 E: suc0 as eart0;ua?e

warnin& infor)ation
T0e ." 7roa2caste2 o4er t0e +##H can 7e rea2 wit0out settin& an RR#
connection: an2 it can 7e rea2 7/ t0e E in RR#H"DLE )o2e an2
RR#H#$NNE#TED )o2e. ." )a/ a(so 7e pro4i2e2 to t0e E 7/ )eans of
2e2icate2 si&na(in&: for e<a)p(e: in t0e case of 0an2o4er.
T0is feature is t0e 7asis for t0e E to access t0e E,TRAN.
." is c(assifie2 into t0e 5aster"nfor)ation+(oc? =5"+> an2 a nu)7er of
./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?s =."+s>@

5aster"nfor)ation+(oc? 2efines t0e infor)ation a7out t0e )ost essentia(

p0/sica( (a/ers of t0e ce(( re;uire2 for recei4in& furt0er s/ste) infor)ationJ

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe1 contains t0e infor)ation for c0ec?in& w0et0er

a E is a((owe2 to access a ce(( an2 for 2efinin& t0e sc0e2u(in& of ot0er
s/ste) infor)ation 7(oc?sJ

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe2 contains t0e infor)ation a7out co))on an2

s0are2 c0anne(sJ

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe- contains ce(( re,se(ection infor)ation: )ain(/

re(ate2 to t0e ser4in& ce((J

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe' contains t0e infor)ation a7out t0e ser4in&

fre;uenc/ an2 intra,fre;uenc/ nei&07orin& ce((s re(ate2 to ce(( re,se(ection
=inc(u2in& co))on ce(( re,se(ection para)eters for a fre;uenc/ an2 ce((,
specific re,se(ection para)eters>J

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe5 contains t0e infor)ation a7out ot0er E,TRA

fre;uencies an2 inter,fre;uenc/ nei&07orin& ce((s re(ate2 to ce(( re,se(ection
=inc(u2in& co))on ce(( re,se(ection para)eters for a fre;uenc/ an2 ce((,
specific re,se(ection para)eters>J

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/peB contains t0e infor)ation a7out TRA

fre;uencies an2 TRA nei&07orin& ce((s re(ate2 to ce(( re,se(ection =inc(u2in&
co))on ce(( re,se(ection para)eters for a fre;uenc/ an2 ce((,specific re,
se(ection para)eters>J

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe* contains t0e infor)ation a7out 8ERAN

fre;uencies re(ate2 to ce(( re,se(ection =inc(u2in& ce(( re,se(ection para)eters
for eac0 fre;uenc/>J

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe3 contains t0e infor)ation a7out #D5A2000

fre;uencies an2 #D5A2000 nei&07orin& ce((s re(ate2 to ce(( re,se(ection
=inc(u2in& co))on ce(( re,se(ection para)eters for a fre;uenc/ an2 ce((,
specific re,se(ection para)eters>J

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe9 contains a 0o)e eNo2e+ i2entifier =HN+"D>J

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe10 contains an ET!. pri)ar/ notificationJ

./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe11 contains an ET!. secon2ar/ notification.

T0e 5"+ is )appe2 on t0e +##H an2 carrie2 on t0e +#H w0i(e a(( ot0er ."
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 13 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
)essa&es are )appe2 on t0e +##H an2 2/na)ica((/ carrie2 on DL,.#H w0ere
t0e/ can 7e i2entifie2 t0rou&0 t0e ./ste) "nfor)ation RNT" =.",RNT">. +ot0 t0e
5"+ an2 ./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe1 use a fi<e2 sc0e2u(e wit0in a perio2 of '0
an2 30 )s respecti4e(/ w0i(e t0e sc0e2u(in& of ot0er ." )essa&es is f(e<i7(e an2
in2icate2 7/ ./ste)"nfor)ation+(oc?T/pe1.
T0e eNo2e+ )a/ sc0e2u(e DL,.#H trans)issions concernin& (o&ica( c0anne(s
ot0er t0an +##H in t0e sa)e su7fra)e as use2 for +##H. T0e )ini)u) E
capa7i(it/ restricts t0e +##H )appe2 to DL,.#H: for e<a)p(e: re&ar2in& t0e
)a<i)u) rate.
T0e pa&in& )essa&e is use2 to infor) t0e Es in RR#H"DLE an2 t0e Es in
RR#H#$NNE#TED of t0e c0an&e of t0e s/ste) infor)ation.
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports 5"+: ."+1: ."+2: ."+-: ."+': ."+5: ."+B: ."+*:
an2 ."+3.
1.10 */FD+00010 Rando% 4ccess
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Ran2o) access is t0e essentia( function of LTE s/ste): w0ic0 a((ows a E to
ac0ie4e t0e up(in? s/nc0roni1ation an2 to re;uest for a connection setup. "t is
perfor)e2 for t0e fo((owin& fi4e e4ents@

"nitia( access fro) RR#H"DLE

RR# #onnection Re,esta7(is0)ent proce2ure


DL 2ata arri4a( 2urin& RR#H#$NNE#TED re;uirin& ran2o) access


L 2ata arri4a( 2urin& RR#H#$NNE#TED re;uirin& ran2o) access

T0is feature is t0e 7asis for t0e E to access t0e E,TRAN.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 19 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e ran2o) access proce2ure ena7(es t0e E to esta7(is0 up(in? ti)in&
s/nc0roni1ation an2 to re;uest for setup of a connection to an eNo2e+.
T0e proce2ure can 7e eit0er contention,7ase2 =app(ica7(e to a(( t0e prece2in& fi4e
e4ents> or non,contention,7ase2 =app(ica7(e to on(/ 0an2o4er an2 DL 2ata arri4a(>.
Nor)a( DL/L trans)ission )a/ occur after t0e ran2o) access proce2ure.
T0ere are four steps for t0e contention,7ase2 ran2o) access proce2ure@
T0e E se(ects a Ran2o) Access %rea)7(e ran2o)(/ an2 trans)its it o4er t0e
a4ai(a7(e %RA#H: w0ic0 is set accor2in& to t0e %RA#H confi&uration of t0e
T0e eNo2e+ trans)its a Ran2o) Access Response after recei4in& t0e
Ran2o) Access %rea)7(e.
After recei4in& t0e Ran2o) Access Response: t0e E perfor)s t0e first
sc0e2u(e2 L trans)ission o4er t0e L,.#H.
T0e eNo2e+ trans)its t0e contention reso(ution o4er t0e DL,.#H 7ase2 on
t0e first sc0e2u(e2 L trans)ission fro) t0e E: to c0ec? w0et0er t0e E 0as
successfu((/ accesse2 t0e networ?.
T0ere are t0ree steps for t0e non,contention,7ase2 ran2o) access proce2ure@
T0e eNo2e+ assi&ns t0e Ran2o) Access %rea)7(e an2 %RA#H resource
t0rou&0 2e2icate2 si&na(in& to re;uest t0e E to initiate t0e ran2o) access
T0e E trans)its t0e assi&ne2 Ran2o) Access %rea)7(e o4er t0e assi&ne2
T0e eNo2e+ trans)its a Ran2o) Access Response after recei4in& t0e
Ran2o) Access %rea)7(e. T0en: t0e E successfu((/ accesses t0e networ?
w0en it recei4es t0e Ran2o) Access Response.
Huawei eNo2e+ supports t0e two t/pes of ran2o) access proce2ures. "n a22ition:
Huawei eNo2e+ supports ran2o) access prea)7(e for)ats 0K- an2 %RA#H
confi&urations 0KB- =T. -B.211>.
1.18 */FD+00011 &aging
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 20 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e purpose of pa&in& is to trans)it pa&in& infor)ation to a E in RR#H"DLE
)o2e: an2/or to infor) Es in RR#H"DLE an2 Es in RR#H#$NNE#TED )o2e
of a s/ste) infor)ation c0an&e.
T0is feature is use2 to pa&e a E or infor) Es of s/ste) infor)ation c0an&e.
E,TRAN initiates t0e pa&in& proce2ure 7/ trans)ittin& t0e pa&in& )essa&e:
w0ic0 can 7e sent 7/ t0e 55E or eNo2e+.
!0en an eNo2e+ recei4es a pa&in& )essa&e fro) an 55E o4er t0e .1 interface:
t0e eNo2e+ s0a(( perfor) pa&in& of t0e E in ce((s w0ic0 7e(on& to trac?in& areas
in2icate2 in t0e LList of TA"sL "nfor)ation E(e)ent ="E> in t0e pa&in& )essa&e.
!0en t0e s/ste) infor)ation c0an&es: t0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 infor) a(( Es in t0e
ce(( t0rou&0 pa&in&: an2 s0ou(2 &uarantee t0at e4er/ E can recei4e t0e pa&in&
)essa&e: t0at is: t0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 sen2 t0e pa&in& )essa&e on eac0 possi7(e
pa&in& occasion t0rou&0out a DRI c/c(e. .upport for E 2iscontinuous reception
)ust 7e 7roa2caste2 to t0e entire ce(( co4era&e area an2 )appe2 to p0/sica(
1.19 */FD+0001 Cell 4ccess Radius
up to 1(k%
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
To i)pro4e wire(ess networ? co4era&e: -8%% T. -B.211 0as 2efine2 four t/pes of
prea)7(e for)ats =0: 1: 2: an2 ->: a)on& w0ic0 t0e 7asic for)at 0 correspon2s to
15 ?) of ce(( access ra2ius.
T0is feature is use2 in s)a(( ce(( scenarios.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 21 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature pro4i2es operator wit0 support of 15?) ce(( ra2ius. Accor2in& to
-8%% T. -B.211: four t/pes of prea)7(e for)at =0: 1: 2: an2 -> for %RA#H are
2efine2 to support 2ifferent 4a(ues of ce(( access ra2ius: as s0own in 1.1.
Table 1.1 %rea)7(e for)ats an2 ce(( access ra2ius
T Cell 4ccess
-1B3 T
2'5*B T A7out 15 ?)
2102' T
2'5*B T A7out *0 ?)
B2'0 T
2'5*B 2 T A7out -0 ?)
2102' T
2'5*B 2 T A7out 100 ?)
For for)at 0: t0e supporte2 ce(( access ra2ius is a7out 15 ?): w0ic0 is use2 in
s)a(( ce(( scenarios: an2 consi2ere2 as 7asic ce(( ra2ius. For for)at -: t0e
supporte2 ce(( access ra2ius is a7out 100 ?): w0ic0 is use2 in (ar&e ce(( scenarios
to en0ance t0e s/ste) co4era&e.
1.0 */FD+000! 4d%ission Control
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
A2)ission contro( function ensures t0e s/ste) sta7i(it/ an2 &uarantees t0e 9o.
perfor)ance 7/ contro((in& t0e esta7(is0)ent of t0e connections wit0in t0e
)a<i)u) resource uti(i1ation w0i(e satisf/in& t0e 9o. re;uire)ents.
A2)ission contro( function pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
Re2ucin& t0e ris? of ce(( insta7i(it/ 7/ contro((in& t0e nu)7er of a2)itte2
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 22 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

Ac0ie4in& an opti)a( tra2eoff 7etween )a<i)i1in& resource uti(i1ation an2

ensurin& 9o.: 7/ a4oi2in& con&estion an2 c0ec?in& 9o. satisfaction
A2)ission contro( is a ce((,7ase2 operation app(ie2 to 7ot0 up(in? an2 2own(in?. "t
is one of t0e ?e/ Ra2io Resource 5ana&e)ent =RR5> functions. A2)ission
contro( is perfor)e2 w0en t0ere are new inco)in& ca((s or inco)in& 0an2o4er
atte)pts. "n Huawei a2)ission contro( so(ution: s/ste) resource (i)itation an2
9o. satisfaction ratio are t0e )ain consi2erations for a2)ission contro(.
!0en a new inco)in& ca(( or inco)in& 0an2o4er re;uest arri4es: a2)ission
contro( is first to c0ec? t0e s/ste) resource (i)itation =inc(u2in& a4ai(a7(e
trans)ission 7an2wi2t0: 0ar2ware resource usa&e: an2 s/ste) o4er(oa2 in2ication>.
"f an/ of t0e resources is foun2 to 7e (i)ite2: t0e new ser4ice re;uest wi(( 7e
"f t0e resource (i)itation c0ec? passes: t0e 9o. satisfaction ratio is t0e secon2
criterion for 2ecision of w0et0er to a2)it t0e ca((. "n or2er to a4oi2 )ista?en(/
reEectin& a ser4ice re;uest 2ue to (ow 9o. satisfaction ratio w0en t0ere are a (ot of
i2(e R+s: t0e R+ occupanc/ an2 power,(i)it s0ou(2 7e c0ec?e2 first. "f t0e R+
occupanc/ is (ow an2 t0e power is not (i)ite2: t0e ser4ice re;uest s0ou(2 7e
accepte2 wit0out 9o. satisfaction ratio c0ec?.
!0en t0e R+ occupanc/ is a7o4e t0e t0res0o(2 or t0e trans)it power 0ea2roo) is
(i)ite2: t0e 9o. satisfaction ratio is consi2ere2 for a2)ission 2ecision. T0e 9o.
satisfaction ratio is e4a(uate2 7ase2 on t0e 9o. #(ass "2entifier =9#">. 9#" is
)appe2 to one of t0e fi4e 9o. c(asses 2efine2 at ce(( (e4e(@ #on4ersationa( Voice:
+uffere2 .trea)in&: "5. si&na(in&: 8uarantee2 +it Rate =8+R>: an2 Non,8+R. "f
t0e 9o. satisfaction ratio for t0e e4a(uate2 9o. c(ass is 7etter t0an a pre2efine2
a2)ission t0res0o(2: t0e ca(( re;uest wou(2 7e accepte2J ot0erwise: it wi(( 7e
Note t0at an inco)in& 0an2o4er re;uest 0as a 0i&0er priorit/ t0an a new inco)in&
ca(( re;uest: 7ecause a2)ission contro( &i4es a preference to an e<istin& ca((
=0an2o4er re;uest> o4er a new ca((.
T0e A((ocation/Retention %riorit/ =AR%> can 7e use2 to c(assif/ 8o(2: .i(4er: an2
+ron1e cate&ories wit0 2ifferent a2)ission contro( t0res0o(2s. AR% is an attri7ute
of ser4ices an2 is in0erite2 fro) E4o(4e2 %ac?et #ore =E%#>.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 2- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.1 */FD+000' Congestion Control
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e con&estion contro( feature is use2 to a2Eust t0e s/ste) (oa2in& w0en t0e
s/ste) is in con&estion or t0e 9o. cannot 7e )et.
T0e )ain &oa( of con&estion contro( feature is to &uarantee t0e 9o. for t0e
a2)itte2 ser4ices w0i(e ac0ie4in& t0e )a<i)u) ra2io resource uti(i1ation.
T0e con&estion contro( feature pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
%re4ent s/ste) fro) 7ein& unsta7(e 2ue to o4er(oa2J
8uarantee 9o. satisfaction rate of ser4ices in t0e s/ste) 7/ effecti4e(/ re2uce t0e
s/ste) (oa2in&J
T0is feature is critica( to )aintain t0e s/ste) sta7i(it/ an2 2e(i4er accepta7(e
9ua(it/ of .er4ice =9o.> w0en t0e s/ste) is in con&estion.
T0e (oa2 )easures inc(u2e t0e power: t0e a4ai(a7(e p0/sica( resource 7(oc? at t0e
air interface: an2 t0e trans)ission resource usa&e at .1,u interface.
"n eRAN1.0: con&estion contro( is pro4i2e2 in w0ic0 two )et0o2s are intro2uce2@
T0e first )et0o2 is to re(ease (ow,priorit/ ser4ices to a((e4iate t0e o4er(oa2e2
s/ste): w0ere t0e priorit/ is 2eter)ine2 7ase2 on t0e 9o. #(ass "2entifier =9#">
assi&ne2 to t0e ser4ice.
T0e secon2 )et0o2 is 8+R 2ownsi1in&. T0e 7asic i2ea 7e0in2 t0e 8+R
2ownsi1in& is to s(i&0t(/ re2uce t0e &uarantee2 2ata rate for a(( 8uarantee2 +it
Rate =8+R> ser4ices 7ut sti(( a7o4e t0e )ini)u) 7it rate. +/ sacrificin& t0e
;ua(it/ of 8+R ser4ices s(i&0t(/ 7ut sti(( )aintainin& accepta7(e ;ua(it/: it )i&0t
i)pro4e t0e o4era(( 9o. satisfaction ratio. T0e 8+R ser4ices cou(2 7e 2i4i2e2 into
- &roups@ 8o(2: .i(4er: an2 +ron1e wit0 2ifferent t0res0o(2s. 8+R 2ownsi1in& wi((
start first(/ wit0 +ron1e &roup w0en con&estion 0appens.
For Vo"% ser4ices usin& t0e se)i,persistent sc0e2u(in&: on(/ t0e first )et0o2 is
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 2' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1. */FD+000( /asic $cheduling
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e 7asic sc0e2u(in& feature pro4i2es t0ree co))on sc0e2u(in& a(&orit0)s =5AI
#/" an2 RR an2 %F>. T0e operator can se(ect eit0er a(&orit0).
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e f(e<i7i(it/ for t0e operator to se(ect t0e sc0e2u(in&
a(&orit0): consi2erin& t0e s/ste) capacit/ an2 fairness a)on& t0e users.
.c0e2u(in& a(&orit0) ena7(es t0e s/ste) to 2eci2e t0e resource a((ocation for eac0
E 2urin& eac0 TT". T0is feature pro4i2es 2ifferent sc0e2u(in& a(&orit0)s:
consi2erin& t0e tra2eoff 7etween s/ste) capacit/ an2 fairness a)on& t0e users.
T0ere are t0ree sc0e2u(in& a(&orit0)s pro4i2e2 an2 t0e operator can 2eci2e w0ic0
a(&orit0) to ta?e.
5AI #/"
Roun2 Ro7in
%F =proportiona( fair>
!it0 5AI #/": users are sc0e2u(e2 7ase2 on t0eir ra2io c0anne( ;ua(it/. T0e ra2io
c0anne( ;ua(it/ is t0e on(/ factor to 7e consi2ere2 in t0is a(&orit0) an2 t0erefore:
t0e fairness a)on& users cannot 7e &uarantee2.
!it0 Roun2 Ro7in: users are sc0e2u(e2 on turn an2 ne&(ects of t0eir ra2io ;ua(it/.
.o a(( t0e users 0a4e t0e sa)e c0ance to &et t0e resource an2 t0e fairness a)on&
uses is &uarantee2. +ut t0e s/ste) capacit/ is (owest a)on& t0ree sc0e2u(in&
!it0 %F: users are sc0e2u(e2 accor2in& to t0e 4a(ue of R/r: w0ere R is t0e
)a<i)u) 2ata rate correspon2in& to t0e c0anne( ;ua(it/: an2 r is t0e a4era&e 2ata
rate of t0e user. T0e %F sc0e2u(er: 7ase2 on t0e ra2io c0anne( ;ua(it/ of an
in2i4i2ua( user: pro4i2es t0e user wit0 an a4era&e t0rou&0put proportiona( to its
a4era&e c0anne( ;ua(it/. T0is a(&orit0) is t/pica((/ use2 7/ a wire(ess s/ste) to
ac0ie4e a )o2erate ce(( capacit/ w0i(e to ensure fairness a)on& users.
Roun2 Ro7in is a22e2 in t0is feature fro) eRAN 2.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 25 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.! */FD+000) 3plink &ower
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
p(in? power contro( in LTE s/ste) is essentia( to t0e contro( of t0e eNo2e+ o4er
t0e up(in? trans)it power of Es. "t a(so contro(s t0e interference to t0e
nei&07orin& ce((s: to i)pro4e t0e s/ste) t0rou&0put. p(in? contro( power app(ies
to %0/sica( p(in? .0are2 #0anne( =%.#H>: %0/sica( p(in? #ontro( #0anne(
=%##H>: .oun2in& Reference .i&na( =.R.>: an2 %0/sica( Ran2o) Access
#0anne( =%RA#H>.
T0e up(in? power contro( can re2uce t0e interference 7etween nei&07orin& ce((s 7/
carefu((/ contro((in& t0e trans)it power of Es 7/ t0e eNo2e+ an2 t0erefore:
increase t0e o4era(( t0rou&0put in an LTE s/ste). T0e up(in? power contro( can
a(so ensure t0e ;ua(it/: suc0 as t0e 7(oc? error rate =+LER>: of ser4ice app(ications.
"n a22ition: up(in? power contro( can re2uce t0e power consu)ption of E
p(in? power contro( is one of t0e )ost i)portant features for an LTE s/ste). "t
inc(u2es t0e )ec0anis)s of %.#H power contro(: %##H power contro(: .R.
power contro(: an2 %RA#H power contro(.
T0e %.#H power contro( inc(u2es power a2Eust)ent for 7ot0 D/na)ic
.c0e2u(in& an2 .e)i,persistent sc0e2u(in&.
For D/na)ic .c0e2u(in&@
+ase2 on t0e 2ifference 7etween t0e )easure2 ."NR an2 ."NR
: t0e
trans)it power of t0e %.#H is perio2ica((/ a2Euste2 accor2in& to t0e
c0anne( en4iron)ent c0an&e. "f t0e )easure2 ."NR is &reater t0an
: t0e eNo2e+ sen2s a T%# co))an2: or2erin& a 2ecrease of t0e
trans)it power. "f t0e )easure2 ."NR is s)a((er t0an ."NR
: t0e
eNo2e+ sen2s a T%# co))an2: or2erin& an increase of t0e trans)it
+ase2 on t0e $" infor)ation fro) t0e nei&07orin& ce((: t0e power
0ea2roo) =%H> infor)ation of t0e current E: its nu)7er of sc0e2u(e2
R+s: an2 so)e ot0er )easure2 4a(ues: (i?e ."NR
are perio2ica((/
Fro) eRAN2.0: a new c(ose (oop power contro( sc0e)e is a2opte2.
+ase2 on t0e $" infor)ation fro) t0e nei&07orin& ce((: t0e power
0ea2roo) =%H> infor)ation of t0e current E: its nu)7er of sc0e2u(e2
R+s: t0is sc0e)e contro(s E trans)ission power spectru) 2ensit/ to
)a?e E t0rou&0put )ore sta7(e an2 o7tain 7etter s/ste) t0rou&0puts.
For .e)i,persitent .c0e2u(in&@
"n .e)i,persistent .c0e2u(in&: 7ase2 on t0e 2ifference 7etween t0e
)easure2 "+LER an2 "+LER
: t0e trans)it power of t0e %.#H is
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 2B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
perio2ica((/ a2Euste2 accor2in& to t0e c0anne( en4iron)ent c0an&e. "f
t0e )easure2 "+LER is &reater t0an "+LER
: t0e eNo2e+ sen2s a T%#
co))an2 to t0e E: or2erin& an increase of t0e trans)it power. "f t0e
)easure2 "+LER is s)a((er t0an "+LER
: t0e eNo2e+ sen2s a T%#
co))an2 to t0e E: or2erin& a 2ecrease of t0e trans)it power.
T0e %.#H T%#s of )u(tip(e Vo"% users are sent to t0e Es t0rou&0
D#" For)at -/-A. +/ 2oin& so: si&na(in& o4er0ea2s o4er %D##H are
T0e %##H power contro( e)p(o/s t0e sa)e power contro((in& )ec0anis) as t0e
%.#H power contro( wit0 2ifferent para)eter settin&s =e.&. 2ifferent ."NR tar&ets
for t0e outer (oop power contro(>.
T0e up(in? .R. power contro( a(so e)p(o/s t0e sa)e power contro( )ec0anis) as
t0e %.#H power contro( wit0 i2entica( para)eter settin&s. Note t0at t0e initia(
power is ca(cu(ate2 in t0e sa)e wa/ as %.#H: e<cept t0at a power offset
confi&ure2 7/ RR# is a22e2.
For t0e %RA#H power contro(: t0e E wi(( ca(cu(ate t0e trans)it power for t0e
initia( Ran2o) Access =RA> prea)7(e 7/ esti)atin& t0e 2own(in? pat0 (oss an2
7ase2 on t0e afore)entione2 Fe<pecte2 recei4e2 power fro) E at eNo2e+G
o7taine2 7/ )onitorin& t0e 7roa2cast c0anne(. "f t0e RA prea)7(e atte)pt fai(s
=e.&. no RA prea)7(e response for t0e eNo2e+>: t0e E can increase t0e trans)it
power for t0e ne<t RA prea)7(e atte)pt accor2in& to t0e settin&s confi&ure2 7/ t0e
RR# (a/er.
1.' */FD+0001) Dyna%ic Downlink
&ower 4llocation
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
D/na)ic Down(in? %ower A((ocation a((ows an eNo2e+ to 2/na)ica((/ set t0e
trans)it power at 2own(in? c0anne(s to re2uce power consu)ption w0i(e
)aintainin& t0e ;ua(it/ of ra2io (in?s. "t pro4i2es f(e<i7(e power a((ocation for
2own(in? c0anne(s 7ase2 on t0e user6s c0anne( ;ua(it/ an2 )aintains accepta7(e
;ua(it/ of t0e 2own(in? connections.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 2* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature a((ows f(e<i7(e power a((ocation for 2own(in? c0anne(s 7ase2 on t0e
user6s c0anne( ;ua(it/ an2 )aintains accepta7(e ;ua(it/ of t0e 2own(in?
connections. T0erefore: it can i)pro4e t0e e2&e user t0rou&0put an2 trans)ission
power usa&e.
T0e LTE 2own(in? power a((ocation consists of se4era( parts correspon2in& to
2ifferent t/pes of 2own(in? c0anne(s: suc0 as %0/sica( Down(in? .0are2 #0anne(
=%D.#H>: %0/sica( Down(in? #ontro( #0anne( =%D##H>: %0/sica( HAR9
"n2icator #0anne( =%H"#H>: %0/sica( +roa2cast #0anne( =%+#H>: an2 %0/sica(
#ontro( For)at "n2icator #0anne( =%#F"#H>.

A Fi<e2 power settin& is perfor)e2 for t0e ce((,specific reference si&na(:

s/nc0roni1ation si&na(: %+#H: %#F"#H: an2 c0anne(s carr/in& co))on
infor)ation of t0e ce(( suc0 as %D##H an2 %D.#HJ since t0e trans)it power
of t0ose si&na(s an2 c0anne(s are nee2e2 to ensure t0e 2own(in? co4era&e of
t0e ce((.

esti)ation is 7ase2 on t0e #9" report. +ase2 on t0e 2ifference
7etween t0e esti)ate2 ."NR
an2 ."NR
: t0e trans)it power of t0e
%H"#H is perio2ica((/ a2Euste2 accor2in& to t0e pat0 (oss an2 s0a2in&. "f
is s)a((er t0an ."NR
: t0e trans)it power is increase2. $t0erwise:
t0e trans)it power is 2ecrease2.
"n 2/na)ic sc0e2u(in&: t0e power of t0e %D.#H is 2eter)ine2 7/ %
: an2 t0e
power is a2Euste2 7/ up2atin& %
. !0en t0e eNo2e+ recei4es a reporte2 #9"
fro) t0e E: it co)pares it wit0 t0at reporte2 in t0e pre4ious ti)e. "f t0ere
e<ist a &reat 2ifference 7etween t0e two #9" 4a(ues: t0e power a2Eust)ent is
perfor)e2: an2 a process of re,ca(cu(atin& t0e %
for t0e E is starte2.
"n se)i,static sc0e2u(in&: 7ase2 on t0e 2ifference 7etween t0e )easure2
"+LER of Vo"% pac?ets an2 "+LER
: t0e trans)it power of t0e %D.#H is
perio2ica((/ a2Euste2 to )eet "+LER
re;uire)ents. "f t0e )easure2 "+LER
is s)a((er t0an "+LER
: t0e trans)it power is 2ecrease2. $t0erwise: t0e
trans)it power is increase2.
"n eRAN1.0: %D.#H an2 %D##H support 2/na)ic power contro(.
"n eRAN2.0: %D.#H an2 %D##H 2/na)ic power contro( 0a4e 7een opti)i1e2.
1.( */FD+00010 DRX
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 23 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
DRI=Discontinuous Reception> is a wor?in& )o2e in RR#H#$NNE#TED: in
w0ic0 E switc0in& t0e recei4er on an2 off a(ternate(/ accor2in& to t0e
confi&uration of eNo2e+ to continue or suspen2 t0e recei4in& of 2ata an2 si&na(s
fro) networ?.
T0is feature re2uces t0e power consu)ption of Es an2 en0ances t0e usa&e of
s/ste) contro( c0anne(.
To support t0e feature: E s0ou(2 7e confi&ure2 7/ RR# wit0 DRI functiona(it/
t0at a((ows it to 2iscontinuous(/ )onitor %D##H on specific su7,fra)es.
T0ere are two states in DRI )o2e: w0ic0 are acti4e state an2 s(eep state na)e(/
DRI state. Durin& t0e acti4e ti)e: E )onitor %D##H for t0e possi7(e 2own(in?
trans)ission fro) networ?.
.witc0in& 7etween two of t0e DRI states is not on(/ re(ate2 wit0 se4era( ti)ers:
w0ic0 are $n Duration ti)er: DRI "nacti4it/ ti)er: DRI Retrans)ission ti)er
an2 #ontention Reso(ution Ti)er 7ut a(so re(ate2 wit0 ot0er so)e specia( situation
suc0 as t0at HAR9 7uffer is not e)pt/: an2 E is in RA response process.
T0e DRI c/c(e@ specifies t0e perio2ic repetition of t0e $n Duration fo((owe2
7/ a possi7(e perio2 of inacti4it/ =p(ease refer to t0e fi&ure 7e(ow>.
T0e $n Duration ti)er@ specifies t0e nu)7er of consecuti4e %D##H,su7,
fra)e=s> 2urin& w0ic0 t0e E s0a(( )onitor t0e %D##H for possi7(e
a((ocations. T0e $n Duration ti)er is a part of a DRI #/c(e.
Figure 1.1 DRI c/c(e
UE shall monitor
On Duration
DRX Cycle
Opportunity for DRX

T0e DRI "nacti4it/ ti)er@ specifies t0e nu)7er of consecuti4e %D##H,su7,

fra)e =s>: t0e ti)er is starte2 or re,starte2 w0en t0e E s0a(( )onitor t0e
%D##H after successfu((/ 2eco2in& a %D##H in2icatin& an initia( L or DL
user 2ata trans)ission for t0is E.

T0e DRI Retrans)ission ti)er@ specifies t0e )a<i)u) nu)7er of

consecuti4e %D##H,su7,fra)e =s> 2urin& w0ic0 t0e E s0a(( )onitor t0e
%D##H for as soon as a DL retrans)ission is e<pecte2 7/ t0e E.

T0e #ontention Reso(ution Ti)er@ .pecifies t0e nu)7er of consecuti4e

%D##H,su7,fra)e =s> 2urin& w0ic0 t0e E s0a(( )onitor t0e %D##H after
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 29 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
t0e up(in? )essa&e containin& t0e #,RNT" 5A# contro( e(e)ent or t0e
up(in? )essa&e associate2 wit0 E #ontention Reso(ution "2entit/ su7)itte2
fro) upper (a/er is trans)itte2.
1.) */FD+00018 Mobility
1.).1 */FD+0001801 Co<erage /ased 6ntra+
2re@uency 9ando<er
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Han2o4er functiona(it/ is i)portant in an/ ce((u(ar te(eco))unications networ?. "t
is perfor)e2 to ensure no 2isruption to ser4ices. Han2o4er p(a/s a si&nificant ro(e
in LTE s/ste) perfor)ance since its )ain purpose is to 2ecrease t0e
co))unication 2e(a/: en(ar&e t0e co4era&e an2 t0en en0ance t0e s/ste)
"ntra,Fre;uenc/ Han2o4er ena7(es a E in connecte2 )o2e to 7e ser4e2
continuous(/ w0en it )o4es across 2ifferent ce((s t0at are operatin& at t0e sa)e
T0e co4era&e,7ase2 intra,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er feature pro4i2es supp(e)entar/
co4era&e in intra,fre;uenc/ LTE s/ste)s to pre4ent ca(( 2rop: ena7(e sea)(ess
co4era&e an2 t0erefore i)pro4e t0e networ? perfor)ance an2 en2 user e<perience.
T0is feature is one of t0e fun2a)enta( functions of an LTE s/ste). T0e purpose of
0an2o4er is to ensure t0at a E in RR#,#$NNE#TED )o2e is ser4e2
continuous(/ w0en it )o4es. Han2o4er in LTE is c0aracteri1e2 7/ t0e 0an2o4er
proce2ure in w0ic0 t0e ori&ina( connection is re(ease2 7efore a new connection is
set up.
"ntra,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er refers to t0e 0an2o4er 7etween ce((s operatin& at t0e
sa)e fre;uenc/ 7an2. "t can 7e tri&&ere2 7/ co4era&e or (oa2. "n eRAN1.0: t0e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -0 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
co4era&e,7ase2 intra,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er is supporte2.
T0e intra,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er proce2ure can 7e 2i4i2e2 into t0ree p0ases@
0an2o4er )easure)ent: 0an2o4er 2ecision: an2 0an2o4er e<ecution.
E,TRAN confi&ures t0e 0an2o4er,re(ate2 )easure)ent t0rou&0 t0e RRC
Connection Reconfiguration )essa&e. T0e E cou(2 )easure eit0er Reference
.i&na( Recei4e2 %ower =R.R%> or Reference .i&na( Recei4e2 9ua(it/ =R.R9> for
intra,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er.
pon recei4in& a )easure)ent report fro) t0e E: t0e eNo2e+ )a?es a 0an2o4er
2ecision accor2in& to certain tri&&erin& criteria. "f a 0an2o4er is re;uire2: t0e
0an2o4er e<ecution proce2ure wi(( 7e in4o?e2 an2 t0e E wi(( 7e 0an2e2 o4er
fro) t0e source eNo2e+ to t0e tar&et eNo2e+. Huawei eRAN1.0 fo((ows t0e intra,
fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er proce2ures specifie2 in -8%% T. -B.-00.
T0e fo((owin& scenarios are consi2ere2 in t0e intra,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er@

Han2o4er 7etween two ce((s confi&ure2 in t0e sa)e eNo2e+. No e<terna(

nei&07or is nee2e2.

Han2o4er 7etween two ce((s confi&ure2 in 2ifferent eNo2e+s wit0 an I2

interface a4ai(a7(e. "n t0is case: t0e source eNo2e+ sen2s a HAND$VER
RE9E.T )essa&e o4er t0e I2 interface.

Han2o4er 7etween two ce((s confi&ure2 in 2ifferent eNo2e+s wit0 no I2

interface a4ai(a7(e. "n t0is case: t0e source eNo2e+ sen2s a HAND$VER
RE9"RED )essa&e o4er t0e .1 interface.
1.). */FD+000180 Co<erage /ased 6nter+
2re@uency 9ando<er
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
"nter,Fre;uenc/ Han2o4er ena7(es a E in connecte2 )o2e to 7e ser4e2
continuous(/ w0en it )o4es across 2ifferent ce((s t0at are operatin& at 2ifferent
T0e co4era&e,7ase2 inter,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er pro4i2es supp(e)entar/ co4era&e in
inter,fre;uenc/ LTE s/ste)s to pre4ent ca(( 2rop: ena7(e sea)(ess co4era&e: an2
t0erefore i)pro4e t0e networ? perfor)ance an2 en2 user e<perience.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature is one of t0e fun2a)enta( functions for an LTE s/ste). T0e purpose of
inter,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er is to ensure t0at a E in RR#,#$NNE#TED )o2e is
ser4e2 continuous(/ w0en it )o4es across 2ifferent ce((s operatin& at 2ifferent
T0e inter,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er proce2ure can 7e 2i4i2e2 into four p0ases@
)easure)ent tri&&erin&: 0an2o4er )easure)ent: 0an2o4er 2ecision: an2 0an2o4er
"n inter,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er: nei&07orin& ce(( )easure)ents are inter,fre;uenc/
)easure)ents. T0e )easure)ent is &ap assiste2 for Es wit0 one RF recei4er. T0e
)easure)ent is tri&&ere2 7/ an e4ent A2 an2 stoppe2 7/ an e4ent A1: 7ase2 on t0e
)onitorin& on t0e 4a(ue of R.R% or R.R9.
"n inter,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er: t0e E sen2s )easure)ent reports to t0e eNo2e+
w0en t0e R.R% or R.R9 )eets t0e criteria set in t0e )easure)ent confi&uration.
pon recei4in& a )easure)ent report fro) t0e E: t0e eNo2e+ )a?es a 0an2o4er
2ecision. "f t0e )easure)ent )eets t0e 0an2o4er criteria: t0e eNo2e+ wi(( perfor)
t0e correspon2in& inter,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er as specifie2 in T. -B.-00.
T0e fo((owin& inter,fre;uenc/ 0an2o4er scenarios are app(ica7(e@
Han2o4er 7etween two ce((s confi&ure2 in t0e sa)e eNo2e+. "n t0is case: t0e
E perfor)s t0e 0an2o4er 7etween two ce((s confi&ure2 in t0e sa)e eNo2e+
an2 no e<terna( interface is re;uire2.
Han2o4er 7etween two ce((s confi&ure2 in 2ifferent eNo2e+s wit0 an I2
interface a4ai(a7(e. "n t0is case: t0e source eNo2e+ sen2s a HAND$VER
RE9E.T )essa&e o4er t0e I2 interface.
Han2o4er 7etween two ce((s confi&ure2 in 2ifferent eNo2e+s wit0 no I2
interface a4ai(a7(e. "n t0is case: t0e source eNo2e+ sen2s a HAND$VER
RE9"RED )essa&e o4er t0e .1 interface.
1.).! */FD+000180! Cell $election and
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
#e(( se(ection/rese(ection is a )ec0anis) for E in i2(e )o2e to se(ect a ce(( to
se(ect/rese(ect a ce(( to ca)p on an2 to recei4e t0e )ost appropriate ser4ice support
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
upon session acti4ation in LTE s/ste)s.
T0is feature pro4i2es a )ec0anis) for E in i2(e )o2e to se(ect/rese(ect a ce(( to
ca)p 7/ supp(e)entar/ co4era&e in LTE s/ste)s.
T0is feature faci(itates t0e auto)atic se(ection of t0e networ? for E in i2(e )o2e
an2 a4oi2s t0e co)p(e<it/ of )anua( operations.
T0e E is a(wa/s 7oun2 to a re(ati4e(/ &oo2 ce(( to o7tain 7etter ser4ice ;ua(it/.
!0en E se(ects a %L5N or transition fro) RR#,#$NNE#TED to RR#,"DLE:
ce(( se(ection is re;uire2. T0e Non,Access .tratu) =NA.> can 2eter)ine t0e
RAT=s> in w0ic0 t0e ce(( se(ection s0ou(2 7e perfor)e2: for instance: 7/ in2icatin&
t0e RAT=s> associate2 wit0 t0e se(ecte2 %L5N an2 7/ )aintainin& a (ist of
for7i22en re&istration areas an2 a (ist of e;ui4a(ent %L5N. T0e E s0a(( se(ect a
suita7(e ce(( 7ase2 on i2(e )o2e )easure)ents an2 ce(( se(ection criteria.
E in RR#H"DLE can perfor) ce(( rese(ection if E fin2 a ce(( wit0 a 7etter ra2io
en4iron)ent. !0en ca)pin& on a ce((: E s0a(( re&u(ar(/ searc0 for a 7etter ce((
accor2in& to t0e ce(( rese(ection criteria. "f a 7etter ce(( is foun2: t0at ce(( is
A7so(ute priorities of 2ifferent E,TRAN fre;uencies can 7e pro4i2e2 to t0e E
in t0e s/ste) infor)ation an2 optiona((/ in t0e RR# )essa&e re(easin& t0e RR#
1.0 */FD+000 $tatic 6nter+Cell
6nter2erence Coordination
1.0.1 */FD+00001 Downlink $tatic 6nter+
Cell 6nter2erence Coordination
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e 2own(in? static inter,ce(( interference coor2ination function is use2 to re2uce
t0e 2own(in? inter,ce(( interference. T0e 7asic princip(e is t0at t0e ce(( e2&e users
of 2ifferent nei&07orin& ce((s are a((ocate2 wit0 non,o4er(appin& fre;uenc/ 7an2s
7/ static confi&uration so as to )iti&ate fre;uenc/ interference.
T0e 2own(in? "#"# feature re2uces t0e 2own(in? inter,ce(( interference: t0erefore
i)pro4es ce(( e2&e user6s t0rou&0put.
"n a LTE s/ste): a ce(( can use t0e entire s/ste) fre;uenc/ 7an2 an2 t0erefore it is
ine4ita7(e to cause inter,ce(( interference for a )u(ti,ce(( 2ep(o/)ent: particu(ar(/
at t0e ce(( e2&e area. "t is i)portant to 2e4e(op an efficient so(ution to )iti&ate t0e
inter,ce(( interference in t0e )u(ti,ce(( en4iron)ent in or2er to ac0ie4e t0e
perfor)ance tar&et. A co))on so(ution is to coor2inate t0e trans)ission
fre;uenc/ 7an2s a)on& nei&07orin& ce((s to re2uce t0e inter,ce(( interference.
"n Huawei 2own(in? static "#"# so(ution: for eac0 ce((: a fi<e2 portion of t0e
s/ste) fre;uenc/ 7an2 is a((ocate2 to t0e ce(( e2&e users =#Es>. +etween
nei&07orin& ce((s: t0e a((ocation of t0e static #E fre;uenc/ 7an2 is carefu((/
p(anne2 to a4oi2 o4er(appin&. T0e trans)it power for ce(( center users are (i)ite2
7e(ow a certain t0res0o(2: 7ut no suc0 (i)it for ce(( e2&es users. +/ 2oin& so: t0e
interference a)on& t0e ce(( e2&e users wit0in nei&07orin& ce((s can 7e re2uce2:
w0ic0 is t0e )aEor source of t0e inter,ce(( interference. A si)p(e e<a)p(e of t0e
static "#"# so(ution is t0e so,ca(( fre;uenc/ reuse -. A)on& t0ree nei&07orin&
ce((s: eac0 ce(( wi(( use 2ifferent 1/- of t0e fre;uenc/ 7an2 for t0e #Es.
"#"# consi2er ce(( center (oa2 an2 ce(( e2&e (oa2 in 4ersion eRAN2.0. E4er/ ce((
can 2/na)ica((/ a2Eust t0e nu)7ers of ## an2 #E accor2in& to t0e ce(( (oa2. "t
can 7a(ance sc0e2u(in& of 8+R ser4ice an2 non,8+R ser4ice.
"n eRAN2.0: static "#"# is opti)i1e2 to consi2er ce(( center (oa2 an2 ce(( e2&e
(oa2. E4er/ ce(( can 2/na)ica((/ a2Eust t0e nu)7ers of ## an2 #E accor2in&
to t0e ce(( (oa2: especia((/ w0en t0e ce(( e2&e user6s 8+R can6t 7e satisfie2: ce((
center user is not con&este2 an2 8+R ser4ice is satisfie2. "t can 7a(ance sc0e2u(in&
of 8+R ser4ice an2 non,8+R ser4ice.
1.0. */FD+0000 3plink $tatic 6nter+Cell
6nter2erence Coordination
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e up(in? static inter,ce(( interference coor2ination function is use2 to re2uce t0e
up(in? inter,ce(( interference. T0e 7asic princip(e is t0at t0e ce(( e2&e users of
2ifferent nei&07orin& ce((s are a((ocate2 wit0 non,o4er(appin& fre;uenc/ 7an2s 7/
static confi&uration so as to )iti&ate fre;uenc/ interference 7etween ce(( e2&e
users in nei&07orin& ce((s.
p(in? "#"# re2uces inter,ce(( interferenceJ t0erefore i)pro4e ce(( e2&e users an2
o4era(( t0rou&0put as we(( as t0e ce(( co4era&e.
T0e up(in? "nter,ce(( interference coor2ination ="#"#> is a tec0ni;ue to co)7at t0e
inter,ce(( interference for a LTE s/ste) 7/ coor2inatin& trans)it power contro( an2
resource a((ocation in 7ot0 fre;uenc/ an2 ti)e 2o)ains 7etween nei&07orin& ce((s.
"t can i)pro4e t0e t0rou&0put of ce(( e2&e users an2 re2uce i)pact of interference
on s/ste) perfor)ance. "#"# in 7ot0 fre;uenc/ an2 ti)e 2o)ains are supporte2.
"n Huawei up(in? static "#"# so(ution: 2ifferent strate&ies are app(ie2 to t0e "ntra,
eNo2e+ an2 "nter,eNo2e+ scenarios respecti4e(/. For t0e "ntra,eNo2e+ L "#"#:
t0e coor2ination is ac0ie4e2 at eit0er fre;uenc/ 2o)ain or ti)e 2o)ain 2ue to t0e
natura( s/nc0roni1ation a)on& t0e ce((s. For t0e "nter,eNo2e+ L "#"#: t0e
coor2ination is ac0ie4e2 at t0e fre;uenc/ 2o)ain: w0ere t0e ce(( e2&e users of
"nter,eNo2e+s are &i4en non,o4er(appin& fre;uenc/ 7an2s. T0at is: t0e fre;uenc/
7an2 a((ocation for static L "#"# is per ce(( 7asis.
+etween t0e nei&07orin& ce((s: t0e a((ocation of t0e static #E fre;uenc/ 7an2 of
nei&07or ce((s is carefu((/ p(anne2 to a4oi2 o4er(appin&. +/ 2oin& so: t0e
interference a)on& t0e ce(( e2&e users in nei&07orin& ce((s can 7e re2uce2: w0ic0
is t0e )aEor source of t0e inter,ce(( interference. A22itiona((/: t0e o4er(oa2
in2ication )essa&e fro) I2 interface is a(so use2 for power contro( purpose to
a4oi2 t0e interference 2ue to o4er(oa2e2 fre;uenc/ 7an2.
"n eRAN2.0: t0e coor2ination at fre;uenc/ 2o)ain is t0e )ain(/ )et0o2o(o&/. An2
t0e coor2ination at ti)e 2o)ain is ac0ie4e2: too.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.8 */FD+0000 4ntenna
1.8.1 */FD+000001 3* +4ntenna Recei<e
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Recei4e 2i4ersit/ is a co))on t/pe of )u(tip(e antennas tec0no(o&/ to i)pro4e
si&na( reception an2 to co)7at si&na( fa2in& an2 interference. "t i)pro4es networ?
capacit/ an2 2ata rates. Huawei eNo2e+ supports 7ot0 RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e an2 no
RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e.
T0is feature can i)pro4e t0e recei4er sensiti4it/ an2 up(in? co4era&e.
Recei4e 2i4ersit/ is a tec0ni;ue to )onitor si&na(s at )u(tip(e fre;uencies fro) t0e
sa)e si&na( source: or to )onitor ti)e 2i4ision si&na(s at t0e sa)e fre;uenc/ fro)
t0e sa)e si&na( source: in or2er to co)7at si&na( fa2in& an2 interference.
Recei4e 2i4ersit/ is one wa/ to en0ance t0e reception o4er up(in? c0anne(s:
inc(u2in& %.#H: %##H: %RA#H: an2 .R..
Huawei eNo2e+ supports 7ot0 RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e an2 no RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e. "n
RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e: t0e eNo2e+ can 7e confi&ure2 wit0 2 antennas =2,wa/>
t0rou&0 t0e Antenna 5a&nitu2e para)eter.
"n RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e: t0e eNo2e+ 2oes not re;uire a22itiona( 2e4ices an2 wor?s
wit0 t0e 5a<i)u),Ratio #o)7inin& =5R#> or "nterference ReEection #o)7inin&
="R#> a(&orit0)s. #o)pare2 wit0 1,wa/ reception wit0out RI 2i4ersit/: 2,wa/
RI 2i4ersit/ re;uires twice t0e nu)7er of RI c0anne(s. T0e nu)7er of RI
c0anne(s 2epen2s on t0e settin&s of t0e antenna connectors. T0e antennas to 7e
use2 can 7e space,inter(ace antennas or cross po(ari1ation antennas.
RI 2i4ersit/ re;uires t0e eNo2e+ to pro4i2e enou&0 RF c0anne(s an2
2e)o2u(ation resources t0at can )atc0 t0e nu)7er of 2i4ersit/ antennas. T0is
feature 0as no specia( re;uire)ents on Es.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.9 */FD+0001 Reliability
1.9.1 */FD+000101 Main &rocessing and
#ransport 3nit Cold /ackup
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e feature pro4i2es co(2 7ac?up capa7i(it/ to t0e L5%T =LTE 5ain %rocessin&
an2 Transport nit> 7oar2 of Huawei eNo2e+.
"f t0ere is on(/ one L5%T 7oar2 confi&ure2 in t0e s/ste): t0e fai(ure of t0is 7oar2
wi(( cause (on&,ti)e ser4ice outa&e of t0e 7ase station. Howe4er: ser4ice can 7e
auto)atica((/ reco4ere2 wit0in - )inutes wit0 L5%T re2un2anc/. L5%T
re2un2anc/ 2esi&n is 0e(pfu( for eNo2e+ to reac0 0i&0er a4ai(a7i(it/: &reater t0an
Two L5%T 7oar2s are confi&ure2 in t0e s/ste). !0en t0e s/ste) starts: t0e
ar7itrator )o2u(e (ocate2 on eac0 L5%T 7oar2 2eci2es w0ic0 7oar2 7eco)es
acti4e or stan27/. T0e acti4e 7oar2 0an2(es se4era( contro( an2 operation functions
an2 pro4i2es for t0e )ost co))on transport networ? connecti4it/ re;uire)ents.
!0en it 2etects 0ar2ware or software fau(ts on t0e 7oar2: it wi(( switc0 to t0e
stan27/ state. 5eanw0i(e: t0e stan27/ 7oar2 switc0es to t0e acti4e state. T0e
ser4ice can 7e auto)atica((/ reco4ere2 wit0in - )inutes. T0e operator can a(so
)anua((/ tri&&er L5%T switc0o4er 7/ E5. =E(e)ent 5ana&e)ent ./ste)>.
To support t0is feature: t0e eNo2e+ )ust 7e confi&ure2 wit0 two L5%T 7oar2s.
1.9. */FD+00010 Cell Rebuild between
/aseband &rocessing 3nits
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
"n Huawei eNo2e+: )u(tip(e LTE +ase7an2 %rocessin& =L++%> 7oar2s can 7e
confi&ure2 to ser4e )u(tip(e ce((s. !0en an L++% fai(s: t0e ce((/ce((s ser4e2 7/ t0e
fai(e2 L++% can 7e re7ui(t on anot0er operatin& L++% wit0 spare resources or on a
7ac?up L++% if a4ai(a7(e.
T0is feature ensures t0e ce(( co4era&e 7/ ce(( re,esta7(is0)ent an2 i)pro4es t0e
s/ste) re(ia7i(it/ in case of an L++% fai(ure.
8enera((/ an eNo2e+ is e;uippe2 wit0 )u(tip(e L++% 7oar2s t0at ser4e )u(tip(e
ce((s. T0e fo((owin& fi&ures s0ow t0e e<a)p(e of confi&urations of -M105 2T2R
wit0 #%R" interface 7ac?up respecti4e(/.
Figure 1.1 -M105 2T2R
!0en an L++% 7oar2 fai(s 2ue to a 0ar2ware fau(t: co))unication interface
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
fai(ure: etc.: t0e eNo2e+ is a7(e to 2etect an2 (ocate t0e fai(ure an2 tries to c0oose a
tar&et L++% 7oar2 on w0ic0 t0e ce((/ce((s are to 7e re7ui(t. T0e tar&et L++% s0ou(2
0a4e a #%R" connection wit0 t0e RR ser4in& t0e ce((/ce((s in4o(4e2: as s0own in
t0e prece2in& fi&ures. T0e se(ection of a tar&et L++% 7oar2 )ain(/ 2epen2s on t0e
spare resources at t0e potentia( tar&et L++% 7oar2. "n case of ina2e;uate spare
resources at t0e tar&et L++%: t0e 7an2wi2t0 of t0e re7ui(t ce((/ce((s: or e4en t0at of
t0e e<istin& ce((s: can 7e 2ecrease2.
T0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 7e e;uippe2 wit0 at (east two L++% 7oar2s.
1.9.! */FD+00010! $C#& Multi+ho%ing
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
.trea) #ontro( Trans)ission %rotoco( =.#T%> is t0e si&na(in& 7earer protoco( of
t0e .1/I2 interface. "t pro4i2es t0e si)i(ar ser4ice features of T#% an2 D%: 7ut
ensures re(ia7i(it/: in,se;uence transport of )essa&es wit0 con&estion contro(: an2
offers )u(ti,0o)in& support for fau(t reco4er/ 7/ fai(o4er 7etween re2un2ant
networ? pat0s.
T0is feature pro4i2es re(ia7i(it/ of si&na(in& 7earers.
Figure 1.1 .trea) #ontro( Trans)ission %rotoco(
.#T% is t0e si&na(in& 7earer protoco( of t0e .1/I2 interface. !it0 t0is function:
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e -9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
one .#T% association 0as two pat0s ="%,coup(e>. An .#T% association is t0e
(o&ica( c0anne( 7etween two .#T% en2s. T0e two pat0s in one .#T% association
are a )aster pat0 an2 a s(a4e pat0. 8enera((/: t0e )aster pat0 is acti4e. !0en t0e
)aster pat0 fai(s: t0e s(a4e pat0 is acti4ate2.
1.9.' */FD+00010' 6ntra+baseband Card
Resource &oolAuser le<el,cell le<elB
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
"n t0is feature: t0e processin& resources in a 7ase7an2 processin& 7oar2 of Huawei
eNo2e+ are a&&re&ate2 into a 7ase7an2 resource poo( in w0ic0 a(( t0e/ are s0are2
for t0e (oa2 processin&.
T0is feature ensures t0e sta7i(it/ an2 ro7ustness of eNo2e+: in w0ic0 t0e
processin& resources are a&&re&ate2 into a poo( to s0are a(( (oa2 an2 t0us to pre4ent
in2i4i2ua( resource fro) outa&e 2ue to o4er(oa2. T0e feature a(so i)pro4es t0e
a4era&e ce(( capacit/ of eNo2e+.
T0e 7ase7an2 processin& 7oar2 of Huawei eNo2e+ consists of se4era( processin&
resources inc(u2in& D.%: F%8A: etc. A 7ase7an2 processin& 7oar2 is capa7(e of
supportin& )u(tip(e ce((s 2epen2in& on t0e 7an2wi2t0s. "n t0is feature: t0e
processin& resources are a&&re&ate2 into a resource poo( to 7e s0are2 for user 2ata
processin& 7/ )u(tip(e ce((s. A new user wi(( 7e assi&ne2 to a resource w0ic0 0as
t0e (east (oa2. "n an occasiona( situation: if a resource s0ou(2 7e o4er(oa2e2 or in
outa&e: t0e eNo2e+ can re2uce t0e (oa2 of t0e in2i4i2ua( resource or )o4e its
e<istin& users to ot0er resources.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '0 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.!0 */FD+0000 $upport o2 3-
Category 1
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
E,TRAN nee2s to respect t0e si&na(e2 E ra2io access capa7i(it/ para)eters
w0en confi&urin& t0e E an2 w0en sc0e2u(in& t0e E. T0ere are fi4e cate&ories
2efine2 in t0e protoco(. T0is feature can ena7(e 7ase station to support E cate&or/
T0is feature can ena7(e 7ase station to support E cate&or/ 1.
E,TRAN nee2s to respect t0e si&na(e2 E ra2io access capa7i(it/ para)eters
w0en confi&urin& t0e E an2 w0en sc0e2u(in& t0e E. T0ere are fi4e cate&ories
2efine2 in t0e protoco(. T0is feature can ena7(e 7ase station to support E cate&or/
Down(in? p0/sica( (a/er para)eter 4a(ues set 7/ t0e fie(2 UECategory!
o2 D*+
within a
o2 bits o2
a D*+$C9
within a
o2 so2t
nu%ber o2
layers 2or
ng in D*
#ate&or/ 1 1029B 1029B 250-B3 1
#ate&or/ 2 5102' 5102' 12-*2'3 2
#ate&or/ - 1020'3 *5-*B 12-*2'3 2
#ate&or/ ' 150*52 *5-*B 132*0*2 2
#ate&or/ 5 299552 1'9**B -BB*200 '
p(in? p0/sica( (a/er para)eter 4a(ues set 7/ t0e fie(2 UECategory!
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
3- Category Ma7i%u%
nu%ber o2 bits o2
an 3*+$C9
transport block
within a ##6
$upport 2or
)':4M in 3*
#ate&or/ 1 51B0 No
#ate&or/ 2 25'5B No
#ate&or/ - 5102' No
#ate&or/ ' 5102' No
#ate&or/ 5 *5-*B Nes
Tota( (a/er 2 7uffer si1es set 7/ t0e fie(2 UECategory!
3- Category #otal layer bu22er si8e
#ate&or/ 1 150
#ate&or/ 2 *00
#ate&or/ - 1'00
#ate&or/ ' 1900
#ate&or/ 5 -500
E s0ou(2 support t0e sa)e cate&or/ as eNo2e+.
1.!1 */FD+0008 -%ergency Call
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.1
T0e e)er&enc/ ca(( ser4ice is an operator,assiste2 ser4ice t0at connects a ca((er in
a (ife,t0reatenin& or ti)e,critica( situation to an e)er&enc/ ser4ice or&ani1ation.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature pro4i2es a(( users: e4en t0ose wit0out ."5: a prioriti1e2 connection to
an e)er&enc/ ser4ice or&ani1ation.
T0e e)er&enc/ #a(( ser4ice is an operator,assiste2 ser4ice t0at connects a ca((er in
a (ife t0reatenin& or ti)e,critica( situation to an e)er&enc/ ser4ice or&ani1ation
suc0 as po(ice: 0ospita( an2 fire)an.
New features in E,TRAN to support e)er&enc/ ca(( are as fo((ows@

.upport of i2entif/in& e)er&enc/ ca(( users

.upport of specia( processin& suc0 as access c(ass 7arrin& an2 priorit/

0an2(in& for t0e networ? access an2 )o7i(it/ )ana&e)ent

.upport of (ocation ser4ice for e)er&enc/ ca(( users

A2)ission of an e)er&enc/ ca(( is prioriti1e2 o4er ot0er on&oin& sessions in t0e
eNo2e+ to ena7(e ca(( co)p(etion. Re&ar2(ess of networ? features/ser4ices
acti4ate2 in t0e networ? =e.&.: uncon2itiona( ca((,forwar2in&: inco)in& ca((
7arrin&: etc.>: t0e %u7(ic .afet/ Answerin& %oint =%.A%: use2 in .>/ E)er&enc/
#entre =E#: use2 in Europe> is a7(e to &et e)er&enc/ ca((er6s (ocation 7/ )eans of
L#. an2 ca(( 7ac? t0e ca((er once an e)er&enc/ ca(( 0as 7een p(ace2. T0e
e)er&enc/ ca((: ser4e2 on LTE wit0 )u(ti,)o2e ter)ina(: fa((7ac?s to 5T. or
8.5 2epen2in& upon LTE Vo"% support.
Four t/pes of users are per)itte2 to initiate an e)er&enc/ ca((@

#o))on user@ nor)a( su7scri7er

#o))on restricte2 user@ nor)a( su7scri7er: w0ose ca((s are restricte2 for
so)e reasons =for e<a)p(e: out of co4era&e of own %L5N: etc>

Restricte2 user wit0 ."5 car2@ ser: w0ose ."5 car2 fai(s to aut0enticate:
uses "5E" ="nternationa( 5o7i(e E;uip)ent "2entit/> to initiate an e)er&enc/

Restricte2 user wit0out ."5 car2@ ser: wit0out ."5 car2: uses "5E" to
initiate an e)er&enc/ ca((
T0is feature supports 911 E)er&enc/ #a((s =Nort0 A)erica> / 112 E)er&enc/ #a((s
=Europe> in its .AE/LTE so(ution as 2efine2 7/ -8%% specification.

E s0ou(2 support "5. 7ase2 4oice ser4ice on LTE or 4oice ser4ice on


T0e (ocation ser4ice for e)er&enc/ ca(( users function is 2epen2ant of t0e
optiona( feature L#..

T0e e)er&enc/ ca(( s0ou(2 7e supporte2 in t0e core networ?.

"f "5. is not 2ep(o/e2: t0e support of t0e optiona( feature #. Fa((7ac? to
8ERAN/TRAN/#D5A2000 wi(( 7e nee2e2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.! */FD+00!001 #ransport
1.!.1 */FD+00!00101 $tar #opology
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
.tar topo(o&/ is eas/ to i)p(e)ent an2 )ana&e wit0 0i&0 re(ia7i(it/. "t pro4i2es
si)p(e topo(o&/ 7etween eNo2e+ interfaces.

T0e si)p(est topo(o&/

.i)p(e )ana&e)ent an2 0i&0 re(ia7i(it/

Figure 1.1 .tar topo(o&/

T0e eNo2e+ supports star topo(o&/. eNo2e+s connect to t0e core networ? 7/
(a/er2 or (a/er- 2ata networ?. T0e interface 7etween t0e eNo2e+ an2 core networ?
e(e)ent is t0e .1 interface.
T0ere are a(so connections 7etween eNo2e+s 7/ t0e I2 interface: w0ic0 ena7(e
infor)ation e<c0an&e 7etween t0e eNo2e+s.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.!. */FD+00!0010 Chain #opology
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
eNo2e+s can 7e connecte2 in c0ain topo(o&/ app(ie2 to t0e strip,s0ape areas of
sparse popu(ation.
#0ain networ?in& can re2uce costs of trans)ission e;uip)ent: en&ineerin&:
construction: an2 trans)ission (in? (ease.
eNo2e+s can 7e connecte2 in c0ain topo(o&/. T0is networ? topo(o&/ is app(ica7(e
to t0e strip,s0ape areas of sparse popu(ation: suc0 as e<presswa/s an2 rai(wa/s. "n
t0ese areas: t0e c0ain topo(o&/ can )eet t0e re;uire)ent wit0 )uc0 (ess
trans)ission e;uip)ent. Howe4er: c0ain networ?in& re2uces re(ia7i(it/ 7ecause
si&na(s are transferre2 across )an/ inter)e2iate s/ste)s.
T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e c0ain topo(o&/.
Figure 1.1 #0ain topo(o&/
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.!.! */FD+00!0010! #ree #opology
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
eNo2e+s can 7e connecte2 in tree topo(o&/ app(ie2 to )icrowa4e trans)ission
Tree networ?in& is suita7(e for )icrowa4e trans)ission networ?s. Tree topo(o&/
re;uires fewer trans)ission (in?s t0an star networ?in&.
T0e eNo2e+ can 7e connecte2 in tree topo(o&/. "n )ost scenarios: t0e 5!
=5icrowa4e> networ? is t/pica((/ in tree topo(o&/. "t is suita7(e for t0e 5!
T0e use of transport (ines is (ess t0an t0at for star networ?in&. Howe4er: tree
connections re2uce re(ia7i(it/ 7ecause si&na(s are transferre2 across )an/
inter)e2iate s/ste)s. A fau(t occurrin& in t0e upper,(e4e( eNo2e+ )a/ affect t0e
operation of t0e (ower,(e4e( eNo2e+s. T0e networ?in& topo(o&/ is app(ica7(e to a
(ar&e: sparse(/ popu(ate2 area. #apacit/ e<pansion )a/ resu(t in reconstruction of
t0e networ?.
T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e tree topo(o&/.
Figure 1.1 Tree topo(o&/
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 'B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature re;uires E1/T1.
1.!! */FD+00!00 /asic :o$
1.!!.1 */FD+00!0001 Di22$er< :o$ $upport
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Huawei supports Diff.er4 =Differentiate2 .er4ices> to pro4i2e 9o. &uarantee 7/
c(assif/in& an2 )ana&in& 2ifferent traffic in t0e networ?.
T0is feature pro4i2es a ?in2 of 9o. &uarantee )ec0anis). "t is a stan2ar2
)ec0anis) use2 7/ 5ainstrea) 4en2ors.
Diff.er4 can pro4i2e 9o. in t0e networ?. "t is a ?in2 of 9o. &uarantee )ec0anis)
t0at c(assifies an2 )ana&es 2ifferent traffic wit0 para)eters of "% pac?ets: suc0 as
D.#% =Diff.er4 #o2e %oint> or T$. =T/pe of .er4ice>.
T0ere are t0ree i)portant concepts in t0e Diff.er4 )ec0anis): inc(u2in&
#(assification: 5ar?in&: an2 %H+ =%er,Hop +e0a4ior>. T0e re(ations0ip 7etween
t0e) is t0at 5ar?in& )ar?s 2ifferent traffic wit0 2ifferent %H+s 7/ #(assification.
T0e 2efinition of %H+ is as fo((ows@
Defau(t %H+ is t/pica((/ for 7est,effort traffic.
E<pe2ite2 Forwar2in& =EF> %H+ is for (ow,(oss an2 (ow,(atenc/ traffic.
Assure2 Forwar2in& =AF> is a 7e0a4ior &roup.
#(ass .e(ector %H+ is 2efine2 to )aintain 7ac?war2 co)pati7i(it/ wit0 t0e "%
%rece2ence fie(2.
T0e c(assification of LTE traffic is 7ase2 on 9o. #(ass "n2icators =9#"s>. !it0
Huawei confi&uration too(: users can confi&ure t0e re(ations0ip 7etween 9#" an2
D.#%: i.e. t0e 5ar?in& wa/. T0e D.#% is use2 to 2escri7e t0e priorit/ of %H+.
T0e ta7(e 7e(ow is an e<a)p(e of re(ations0ip 7etween 9#" an2 D.#%.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Table 1.1 Re(ations0ip 7etween 9#" an2 D.#%
Data #ype :C6 Resource
ser p(ane 1 8+R 0<2E
2 0<1A
- 0<1A
' 0<22
5 Non,8+R 0<2E
B 0<12
* 0<12
3 0<0A
9 0
#ontro( p(ane .#T% 0<2E
$5 55L 0<2E
FT% 0
1.!' */FD+00!00! 1*4. $upport A6---
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
T0is feature ena7(es Virtua( Loca( Area Networ? =VLAN> functiona(it/ to pro4i2e
traffic 2ifferentiation: )ana&e 2ata priorit/ an2 securit/ sc0e2u(in& at t0e 5A#
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Traffic iso(ation at t0e 5A# (a/er
%riorit/ at t0e 5A# (a/er
.ecurit/ at t0e 5A# (a/er
T0e eNo2e+ supports t0e Virtua( Loca( Area Networ? =VLAN> functiona(it/:
co)p(/in& wit0 t0e "EEE 302.1p/; protoco(. "t pro4i2es traffic iso(ation: suc0 as
)ar?in& 2ifferent VLANs for $A5 2ata an2 traffic 2ata: an2 priorit/ an2 securit/
at t0e 5A# (a/er.
T0e fo((owin& two VLAN 5ar?in& wa/s are app(ica7(e@

5ar?in& VLAN ta& accor2in& to D.#%

5ar?in& VLAN ta& accor2in& to t0e ne<t,0op "% a22ress

1.!( */FD+00!00' Co%pression and
Multiple7ing o<er -1,#1
1.!(.1 */FD+00!00'01 6& 9eader Co%pression
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
"% 0ea2er co)pression pro4i2es a )et0o2 to co)press "% 0ea2er infor)ation in
or2er to increase t0e efficienc/ of E1/T1 interfaces.
"% 0ea2er co)pression can sa4e .1/I2 "% transport resource to pro4i2e 0i&0er
transport efficienc/ of .1/I2 "% trans)ission.
T0is feature focuses on t0e co)pression tec0no(o&/ in D%/"% (a/er.
!0en D%/"%/5L%%%/E1/T1 is use2 for transport: t0e D%/"% encapsu(ation is
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e '9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
too (ar&e for pac?ets of s)a(( pa/(oa2s an2 resu(ts in (ow transport efficienc/.
"% 0ea2er co)pression is a2opte2 to en0ance t0e transport efficienc/. T0e 23 7/tes
of D%/"% 0ea2er can 7e co)presse2 into ',* 7/tes.

$ptiona( TR%=ni4ersa( Trans)ission %rocessin& unit> car2

"% o4er E1/T1 is use2 for transport

T0e peer e;uip)ent supporte2 t0e "% 0ea2er co)pression functiona(it/.

1.!(. */FD+00!00'0 &&& M3X
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
%%% 5I =%oint,to,%oint )u(tip(e<> pro4i2es a )et0o2 to )u(tip(e< t0e "% 0ea2er
in or2er to increase t0e efficienc/ of E1/T1 interfaces.
%%% 5I can sa4e .1/I2 "% transport resource to pro4i2e 0i&0 transport
efficienc/ for .1/I2 "% trans)ission.
T0is feature focuses on t0e )u(tip(e< tec0no(o&/ in %%%/5L,%%% (a/er.
!0en D%/"%/5L,%%%/E1 is use2 for transport: t0e D%/"%/5L,%%%
encapsu(ation is too (ar&e for pac?ets of s)a(( pa/(oa2s an2 resu(ts in (ow transport
%%% 5I tec0no(o&/ is a2opte2 to en0ance t0e transport efficienc/. !it0 %%%
5I )ec0anis): se4era( "% pac?ets can 7e )u(tip(e<e2 into one %%% fra)e to
re2uce t0e transport consu)ption of %%%.
$ptiona( TR%=ni4ersa( Trans)ission %rocessin& unit> car2
"% o4er E1/T1 is use2 for transport
%%% or 5L,%%% is use2 for transport
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 50 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

T0e peer e;uip)ent supports %%% 5I function.

1.!(.! */FD+00!00'0! M*+&&&,MC+&&&
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
5L,%%%/5#,%%% =5u(ti(in? an2 5u(tic(ass %oint,to,%oint %rotoco(> is t0e e<ten2
protoco(s of %%%. 5L,%%% is a protoco( for 7in2in& se4era( %%% (in?s to one (o&ic
%%% (in?. T0e priorit/ is pro4i2e2 for %%% (in? traffic 4ia 5#,%%% protoco(.

"ncrease t0e 7an2wi2t0 of t0e %%% (in?.

Loa2 7a(ancin& in )u(ti,%%% (in?s

En0ance t0e re(ia7i(it/ of t0e %%% (in?

%ro4i2e priorities for traffic on %%% (in?.

Transport efficienc/ is en0ance2 w0en %%% 0ea2er co)pression is use2.

%%% is a point,to,point transport protoco(. T0e %%% 0ea2er co)pression can 7e
pro4i2e2 to en0ance t0e transport efficienc/.
5L,%%% is an e<ten2 protoco( of %%%. !0en 5L,%%% is use2: se4era( %%% (in?s are
7oun2 to one (o&ic %%% (in? &roup. T0e 5L,%%% increases t0e 7an2wi2t0 of t0e
%%% (in? an2 en0ances t0e re(ia7i(it/ of t0e %%% (in? 7etween t0e eNo2e+ an2 t0e
2irect(/ connecte2 e;uip)ents. "f one (in? of %%% (in? &roup is 7ro?en: t0e 5L,
%%% wi(( not 7rea?. $n(/ t0in& 0appen is t0e 7an2wi2t0 2ecreases correspon2in&(/.
5#,%%% is an e<ten2 protoco( of %%%. !0en 5#,%%% is use2: t0e traffic on t0e
%%% (in?s can 7e )ar?e2 wit0 2ifferent priorities accor2in& to D.#% w0ic0 is
)appe2 to 9#" in eNo2e+.
T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e 5L/5#,%%%
Figure 1.1 5L,%%%/5#,%%%
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 51 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

$ptiona( TR%=ni4ersa( Trans)ission %rocessin& unit> car2

T0e peer transport e;uip)ent s0a(( support 5L,%%%/5#,%%% w0en 5L,

%%%/5#,%%% is use2 to transport.

E1/T1 interfaces are use2.

1.!) */FD+00!00( $ynchroni8ation
1.!).1 */FD+00!00(01 Clock $ource $witching
Manually or 4uto%atically
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature ena7(es )anua( or auto)atic switc0in& 7etween c(oc? sources.
"f une<pecte2 e4ents occur in t0e current c(oc? sources: t0e s/ste) wi(( not 7e
T0e eNo2e+ can wor? in )u(tip(e c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation )o2es. T0e s/ste) c(oc?
source can 7e c0osen in a con4enient an2 f(e<i7(e )anner. !0en one c(oc? source
fai(s: t0e s/ste) c(oc? can 7e )anua((/ or auto)atica((/ switc0e2 to anot0er
a4ai(a7(e one.
T0e eNo2e+ c(oc? sources t0at can 7e se(ecte2 are as fo((ows@
./nc0roni1ation wit0 Et0ernet="T,T 8.32B1>
./nc0roni1ation wit0 t0e c(oc? o4er "% ="EEE1533V2>
./nc0roni1ation wit0 t0e c(oc? o4er "% =Huawei proprietar/ so(ution>
./nc0roni1ation wit0 8%.
./nc0roni1ation wit0 t0e +"T.
./nc0roni1ation wit0 E1/T1 interface
./nc0roni1ation wit0 1%%.
"n a22ition to t0e pre4ious c(oc? sources: t0e eNo2e+ can wor? wit0 t0e (oca(
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 52 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.!). */FD+00!00(0 Free+running Mode
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e free,runnin& )o2e is an a(ternati4e )o2e to t0e c(oc? sources if a(( c(oc?s fai(.
!0en a(( c(oc? sources are (ost: t0is feature can ?eep t0e eNo2e+ in nor)a( ser4ice
for up to 90 2a/s.
!0en a(( c(oc? sources are (ost: t0e eNo2e+ interna( c(oc? can wor? in t0e free,
runnin& )o2e to ?eep t0e eNo2e+ runnin&.
T0e en0ance2 stratu) - $4en #ontro((e2 #r/sta( $sci((ator =$#I$> wit0 a 0i&0
accurac/ wor?s as t0e )aster c(oc? of t0e eNo2e+. T0e $#I$ can ?eep t0e
eNo2e+ in nor)a( ser4ice for up to 90 2a/s.
1.!).! */FD+00!00(0! $ynchroni8ation with
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e eNo2e+ can wor? in )u(tip(e c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation )o2es to suit 2ifferent
c(oc? topo(o&ies. 8(o7a( %ositionin& ./ste) =8%.> can 7e one of t0e
s/nc0roni1ation sources.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 5- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature pro4i2es 8%. as one of t0e s/nc0roni1ation sources. T0e eNo2e+
interna( c(oc? can 7e s/nc0roni1e2 wit0 t0e transport networ? an2 no au<i(iar/
c(oc? e;uip)ent is nee2e2: in or2er to re2uce t0e cost. T0e s/nc0roni1e2 c(oc? is
of t0e re;uire2 accurac/ to )eet 7ot0 ra2io fre;uenc/ an2 trans)ission networ?
"n co)p(iance wit0 -8%%: t0e eNo2e+ c(oc? )ust 0a4e a 0i&0er c(oc? precision.
T0e fre;uenc/ sta7i(it/ of t0e 10,5H1 )aster c(oc? of t0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 7e
(ower t0an O0.05 pp).
"t is re;uire2 if a 8%. c(oc? s0ou(2 7e use2 as t0e c(oc? source.
T0e c(oc? si&na(s are processe2 an2 s/nc0roni1e2 as fo((ows@
T0e 8%. antenna an2 fee2er s/ste) recei4es 8%. si&na(s at 15*5.'2 5H1: an2
trans)its t0e si&na(s to t0e 8%. car2. T0e s/ste) can si)u(taneous(/ trace up to
ei&0t =nor)a((/ t0ree or four> sate((ites. T0e 8%. car2 processes t0e si&na(s an2
trans)its t0e) to t0e )ain c(oc? )o2u(e.

8%. antenna an2 fee2er s/ste)

$ptiona( .# =ni4ersa( sate((ite #ar2 an2 #(oc? nit> car2.

1.!).' */FD+00!00(0' $ynchroni8ation with
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e eNo2e+ can wor? in )u(tip(e c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation )o2es to suit 2ifferent
c(oc? topo(o&ies. +ui(2in& "nte&rate2 Ti)in& .upp(/ ./ste) =+"T.> can 7e one of
t0e s/nc0roni1ation sources.
T0is feature pro4i2es +"T. as one of t0e s/nc0roni1ation sources. T0e eNo2e+
interna( c(oc? can 7e s/nc0roni1e2 wit0 t0e transport networ? an2 no au<i(iar/
c(oc? e;uip)ent is nee2e2: in or2er to re2uce t0e cost. T0e s/nc0roni1e2 c(oc? is
of t0e re;uire2 accurac/ to )eet 7ot0 ra2io fre;uenc/ an2 trans)ission networ?
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 5' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
"n co)p(iance wit0 -8%%: t0e eNo2e+ c(oc? )ust 0a4e a 0i&0er c(oc? precision.
T0e fre;uenc/ sta7i(it/ of t0e 10,5H1 )aster c(oc? of t0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 7e
(ower t0an O0.05 pp).
T0e eNo2e+ can s/nc0roni1e its c(oc?s wit0 t0e 2,5H1 c(oc? si&na( fro) an
e<terna( reference c(oc?. T0e reference c(oc? can 7e a +"T. or a 2,5H1 c(oc?
fro) t0e trans)ission e;uip)ent. T0rou&0 p0ase (oc?in& an2 fre;uenc/ 2i4i2in&:
t0e )ain c(oc? )o2u(e con4erts t0e c(oc? si&na(s into 4arious c(oc? si&na(s
re;uire2 7/ t0e eNo2e+.
$ptiona( .# =ni4ersa( sate((ite #ar2 an2 #(oc? nit> car2.
1.!).( */FD+00!00(0( $ynchroni8ation with
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e eNo2e+ can wor? in )u(tip(e c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation )o2es to suit 2ifferent
c(oc? topo(o&ies. 1%%. can 7e one of t0e s/nc0roni1ation sources.
T0is feature pro4i2es 1%%. as one of t0e s/nc0roni1ation sources. T0e eNo2e+
interna( c(oc? can 7e s/nc0roni1e2 wit0 t0e transport networ? an2 no au<i(iar/
c(oc? e;uip)ent is nee2e2: in or2er to re2uce t0e cost. T0e s/nc0roni1e2 c(oc? is
of t0e re;uire2 accurac/ to )eet 7ot0 ra2io fre;uenc/ an2 trans)ission networ?
"n co)p(iance wit0 -8%%: t0e eNo2e+ c(oc? )ust 0a4e a 0i&0er c(oc? precision.
T0e fre;uenc/ sta7i(it/ of t0e 10,5H1 )aster c(oc? of t0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 7e
(ower t0an O0.05 pp).
T0is feature pro4i2es 1%%. as one of t0e s/nc0roni1ation sources.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 55 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
$ptiona( .# =ni4ersa( sate((ite #ar2 an2 #(oc? nit> car2
1.!).) */FD+00!00(0) $ynchroni8ation with
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e eNo2e+ can wor? in )u(tip(e c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation )o2es to suit 2ifferent
c(oc? topo(o&ies. ./nc0roni1ation wit0 E1/T1 is one option.
T0is feature pro4i2es s/nc0roni1ation wit0 E1/T1 option. T0e eNo2e+ interna(
c(oc? can 7e s/nc0roni1e2 wit0 t0e transport networ? an2 no au<i(iar/ c(oc?
e;uip)ent is nee2e2: in or2er to re2uce t0e cost. T0e s/nc0roni1e2 c(oc? is of t0e
re;uire2 accurac/ to )eet 7ot0 ra2io fre;uenc/ an2 trans)ission networ?
"n co)p(iance wit0 -8%%: t0e eNo2e+ c(oc? )ust 0a4e a 0i&0er c(oc? precision.
T0e fre;uenc/ sta7i(it/ of t0e 10,5H1 )aster c(oc? of t0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 7e
(ower t0an O0.05 pp).
T0e c(oc? source of t0e eNo2e+ can 7e s/nc0roni1e2 wit0 t0e E1/T1 (ine c(oc?
sources. !0en t0e .1 interface is o4er E1/T1: t0e eNo2e+ can 7e s/nc0roni1e2
wit0 t0e E1/T1 (ine c(oc?.
$ptiona( TR%=ni4ersa( Trans)ission %rocessin& unit> car2
1.!0 */FD+00'001 *ocal Maintenance
on the *M#
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 5B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature is use2 in (oca( )aintenance of eNo2e+.
Loca( )aintenance of eNo2e+ is a4ai(a7(e w0en centra(i1e2 52000 )ana&e)ent is
not a4ai(a7(e: w0en t0e trans)ission 7etween 52000 an2 eNo2e+ is not a4ai(a7(e
or w0en fau(ts occur an2 fie(2 operation is re;uire2.
T0e Loca( 5aintenance Ter)ina( =L5T> pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& functions an2
E<ecution of 55L co))an2s
9uer/in& of eNo2e+ a(ar)s
Loca( eNo2e+ co))issionin& functions =app(ica7(e: for e<a)p(e: w0en t0e
trans)ission 7etween t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 an2 eNo2e+ is not
a4ai(a7(e>: suc0 as 2own(oa2 an2 acti4ation of software
Loca( eNo2e+ e<pert fau(t 2ia&nosis functions
Rea(,ti)e perfor)ance )onitorin& functions: suc0 as RF output power
)onitorin&: RF interference 2etection: an2 trans)ission ;ua(it/ )onitorin&
for transport (in?s
Fro) eRAN2.0: T0e L5T functions can 7e ac0ie4e2 t0rou&0 a we7 7rowser.
A we7 7rowser is re;uire2 to ac0ie4e t0e function.
1.!8 */FD+00'00 Centrali8ed M000
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 pro4i2es F#%.. )ana&e)ent functions for
operators at t0e )ana&e)ent center.
A(( LTE networ? e(e)ents can 7e )ana&e2 at t0e )ana&e)ent center: w0ic0
effecti4e(/ re2uces $%EI.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 5* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 pro4i2es a(( necessar/ fau(t )ana&e)ent:
confi&uration )ana&e)ent: perfor)ance )ana&e)ent: securit/ )ana&e)ent an2
software )ana&e)ent =F#%.. 2efine2 7/ -8%%> )ana&e)ent functions to 0e(p
operators to )ana&e t0eir networ? e(e)ents on a su7,networ?.
F#%.. in4o(4es t0e fo((owin& contents@
#entra(i1e2 fau(t )ana&e)ent
#entra(i1e2 confi&uration )ana&e)ent
#entra(i1e2 perfor)ance )ana&e)ent
#entra(i1e2 securit/ )ana&e)ent
#entra(i1e2 software )ana&e)ent
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 is re;uire2.
1.!9 */FD+00'00! $ecurity $ocket
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
.ecurit/ .oc?et La/er =..L> is a (a/er 7etween t0e T#% (a/er an2 t0e $P5
app(ication (a/er. ..L pro4i2es t0e secure2 2ata transfer function 7etween t0e
eNo2e+ an2 t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000.
A(( re)ote operation an2 )aintenance tas?s are perfor)e2 t0rou&0 encr/pte2
.ecurit/ .oc?et La/er =..L> is a (a/er 7etween t0e T#% (a/er an2 t0e $P5
app(ication (a/er. ..L pro4i2es t0e secure2 2ata transfer function 7etween t0e
eNo2e+ an2 t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000. A(( $P5 app(ication 2ata transferre2
t0rou&0 ..L is encr/pte2. FT% o4er ..L is a(so supporte2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 53 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Re(ate2 certifications are re;uire2.
1.'0 */FD+00'00' $o2tware 1ersion
3pgrade Manage%ent
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es efficient an2 correct insta((ation an2 up&ra2e of t0e software
an2 4ersion )ana&e)ent functions.
T0e eNo2e+ software )ana&e)ent ena7(es efficient an2 correct software
insta((ation: up&ra2e: an2 4ersion )ana&e)ent.
T0e eNo2e+ software )ana&e)ent co4ers t0e fo((owin& functions@

Efficient an2 correct insta((ation an2 up&ra2e of t0e software

Q Auto)atic co)pati7i(it/ c0ec? on t0e software an2 0ar2ware 4ersions to
4erif/ a successfu( software insta((ation an2 up&ra2e.
Q Auto)atic 2ata con4ersion for t0e software up&ra2e: w0ic0 re;uires no
)anua( confi&uration up2ates.
Q .oftware 2own(oa2 7/ confi&uration can re2uce -0R of t0e software
pac?a&e si1e an2 s0orten t0e 2own(oa2 ti)e. For a22in& a 7oar2: t0e
s/ste) supports auto)atic 2own(oa2 of software fi(es for t0e 7oar2 fro)
t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 if t0e fi(es are not 2own(oa2e2 pre4ious(/.
Q "f t0e networ? reco4ers in 2' 0ours after 7rea?2own: t0e s/ste) supports
resu)ption of t0e software 2own(oa2 wit0 no nee2 to 2own(oa2 t0e
software fro) scratc0.
Q A )a<i)u) of 500 eNo2e+s can 7e se(ecte2 to 2own(oa2 an2 acti4ate t0e
software in 7atc0es auto)atica((/.
Q Hot patc0 can 7e up&ra2e2 to&et0er wit0 software in Huawei i5ana&er
52000 software )ana&e)ent wi1ar2.

Version )ana&e)ent: for e<a)p(e: t0e 0ar2ware an2 software 4ersion ;uer/
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 59 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e process for up&ra2in& software at a networ? e(e)ent in4o(4es t0e fo((owin&
two acti4ities@

Down(oa2in& t0e software pac?a&e fro) t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 to t0e
eNo2e+. T0is )a/ ta?e so)e ti)e 7ecause of t0e (i)ite2 7an2wi2t0 of t0e
$5 (in? 7ut 2oes not 0a4e i)pacts on ser4ices.

Runnin& t0e software acti4ation co))an2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000

c(ient. T0e s/ste) wi(( auto)atica((/ (oa2 t0e software to t0e tar&et 7oar2s
an2 acti4ate t0e software. To acti4ate t0e software: t0e tar&et 7oar2s wi(( 7e
reset an2 t0e ser4ice on t0e 7oar2s wi(( 7e 2isrupte2.
T0e a7o4e,)entione2 two acti4ities can 7e 2one seperate(/. E.&. 2own(oa2in&
software pac?a&e to eNo2e+s at 2a/ti)e an2 acti4atin& t0e software at )i2ni&0t.
T0e seperate software up&ra2e proce2ure 0e(ps to re2uce t0e ris? of software
up&ra2e fai(ures an2 ser4ice 2isruption of t0e su7,networ?.
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 is re;uire2.
1.'1 */FD+00'00( 9ot &atch
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es 0ot patc0 )ana&e)ent functions: suc0 as insta((ation:
uninsta(( an2 ro((7ac?.
T0e eNo2e+ supports t0e 0ot patc0es so t0at t0e software 7u&s can 7e fi<e2
wit0out interruptin& t0e on&oin& ser4ices.
A 0ot patc0 is a pat0 t0at is use2 to fi< 7u&s an2 2oes not interrupt t0e on&oin&
ser4ices. Huawei LTE 0ot patc0 )ana&e)ent in4o(4es t0e fo((owin& functions@

Hot patc0 insta((ation.

T0ere are two wa/s to insta(( a re(ease2 0ot patc0 pac?a&e on t0e eNo2e+@
Q Runnin& on(/ a sin&(e insta((ation co))an2@ "n t0is wa/: t0e patc0 is
2own(oa2e2: (oa2e2: acti4ate2 an2 confir)e2 auto)atica((/.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B0 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Q Runnin& 2ifferent co))an2s at 2ifferent steps of t0e patc0 insta((ation@ "n
t0is wa/: users 0a4e fu(( contro( o4er t0e insta((ation proce2ure@ 2own(oa2:
(oa2: acti4at an2 confir).

Ro((7ac? of t0e (ast insta((e2 0ot patc0

ninsta(( of t0e 0ot patc0

Hot patc0 )ana&e)ent can 7e i)p(e)ente2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 or t0e
eNo2e+ L5T.
1.' */FD+00'00) Fault Manage%ent
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es auto)atic fau(t super4ision an2 0an2(in& of eNo2e+.
T0is feature ena7(es t0e auto)atic fau(t super4ision of t0e e;uip)ent in t0e
networ? e(e)ents. !it0 rea(,ti)e a(ar) (ists an2 a(ar) (o&s: operators can 0a4e a
co)pre0ensi4e 4iew of t0e actua( status of t0e networ? at an/ ti)e.
Fau(t )ana&e)ent in4o(4es fau(t 2etection: fau(t 0an2(in&: fau(t corre(ation: an2
fau(t reportin&. !it0 t0ese features: operators can 7e infor)e2 as soon as t0e fau(t
occurs in t0e networ? an2 ta?e proper actions to )ini)i1e or pre4ent ser4ice
Fau(t 2etection
Fau(t 2etection inc(u2es p0/sica( (a/er an2 (in? (a/er en4iron)ent )onitorin& an2
D%" a(ar) )onitorin& an2 ot0er fau(t 2etection. A s)a(( portion of fau(ts )a/ 0a4e
a ne&ati4e i)pact on t0e traffic if se(f,testin&: suc0 as RA5 se(f,testin& an2
transport (in? (oop7ac? testin&: is perfor)e2. A)on& t0ose fau(ts: so)e are
2etecte2 auto)atica((/ in t0e 7oar2 startup p0ase: an2 so)e can 7e )anua((/
tri&&ere2 7/ e<ecutin& fau(t testin& co))an2s.
Fau(t 2etection )et0o2s are carefu((/ 2esi&ne2 to a4oi2 fa(se a(ar)s an2
inter)ittent a(ar)s.
Fau(t 0an2(in&
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e eNo2e+ wi(( perfor) fau(t iso(ation an2 fau(t auto)atic reco4er/ to )ini)i1e
t0e i)pacts on ser4ice.

Fau(t corre(ation
Fau(t )ana&e)ent supports a run,ti)e fau(t corre(ation 0an2(in& )ec0anis) an2
)a?es it possi7(e to notif/ operators of t0e )ost i)portant a(ar)s =t0e root cause
an2 i)pacts on t0e traffic> instea2 of a(( t0e re(ate2 ones w0en a fau(t occurs. T0e
nu)7er of a(ar)s can 7e &reat(/ re2uce2 in t0is wa/: w0ic0 )a?es it easier to
(ocate an2 so(4e t0e networ? pro7(e)s. T0is )ec0anis) is pre2efine2 an2
e)7e22e2 in t0e networ? e(e)ents: an2 operators can custo)i1e )ore a(ar)
corre(ation 0an2(in& ru(es on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000.

Fau(t reportin&
Fau(ts are reporte2 to users in t0e for) of a(ar)s. +ecause of t0e fau(t corre(ation
function: t0e infor)ation of t0e corre(ation 7etween a(ar)s is containe2 in a(ar)s.
"f an/ ser4ice,affectin& fau(ts occur: operators can &et t0e root fau(t 7/ si)p(/
ri&0t,c(ic?in& t0e ser4ice,affectin& fau(ts.
T0e operators can 7rowse rea(,ti)e a(ar) infor)ation: ;uer/ 0istor/ a(ar)
infor)ation: an2 store a(ar) infor)ation. T0e on(ine 0e(p pro4i2es 2etai(e2
trou7(es0ootin& )et0o2s for eac0 t/pe of a(ar).
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports D%" a(ar) 2etection..
Fau(t )ana&e)ent can 7e i)p(e)ente2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 or t0e
eNo2e+ L5T.
1.'! */FD+00'000 Con2iguration
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es on(ine an2 off(ine confi&uration functions w0ic0 support
;uic? insta((ation: e<pansion an2 confi&uration of t0e networ?.
T0is feature pro4i2es a &oo2 o4er4iew of t0e current status of t0e networ? an2
supports fast insta((ation: e<pansion an2 confi&uration of t0e networ?.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
#onfi&uration )ana&e)ent pro4i2es operators wit0 a )eans to co((ect an2 )ana&e
t0e 2ata of t0e networ? e(e)ent. T0e )ana&ea7(e e(e)ent 2ata co4ers t0e p0/sica(
aspect =e;uip)ent> an2 (o&ica(/functiona( aspect =suc0 as ce((s an2 (in?s>. T0e
&rap0ic user interface )a?es it eas/ to i)p(e)ent t0e )ana&e)ent.
To )ini)i1e t0e i)pact of reconfi&uration on t0e s/ste): Huawei confi&uration
)ana&e)ent function 0as t0e fo((owin& i)portant features@
%0/sica( )o2ifications are in2epen2ent of t0e re(ate2 (o&ica( )o2ifications.
A(( t0e re;uire2 )o2ifications to satisf/ a 2efine2 tas? are co)p(ete(/
c0ec?e2 to ensure t0eir 4a(i2it/ 7efore t0e )o2ifications can 7e app(ie2 to t0e
#onfi&uration 2ata consistenc/ 7etween t0e NE an2 t0e Huawei i5ana&er
52000 are a(wa/s ensure2.
+ot0 off(ine confi&uration an2 on(ine confi&uration are supporte2.
$ff(ine confi&uration
#5E =#onfi&uration 5ana&e)ent E<press> is a &rap0ic off(ine confi&uration too(.
"n a22ition to &enera( confi&uration functions: it pro4i2es so)e confi&uration
te)p(ates to ease site 2ep(o/)ent Eo7s. "t a(so pro4i2es so)e 8" wi1ar2s to 0e(p
user to finis0 capacit/ e<pansion an2 )i&ration Eo7s.
$n(ine confi&uration
A(( confi&uration 2ata can 7e )o2ifie2 an2 ;uerie2 on(ine t0rou&0 55L
8" wi1ar2s are a22e2 to 0e(p users wit0 capacit/ e<pansion an2 )i&ration Eo7s.
#onfi&uration )ana&e)ent can 7e i)p(e)ente2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000
or t0e L5T.
1.'' */FD+00'008 &er2or%ance
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es 4arious perfor)ance )easure)ent =%5> counters to )onitor
t0e perfor)ance of t0e eNo2e+. T0e rea(,ti)e D%" )onitorin& is an en0ance2
feature to 0e(p user (ocate perfor)ance pro7(e)s ;uic?(/.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e perfor)ance )ana&e)ent function pro4i2es an efficient wa/ to )onitor t0e
networ? perfor)ance so t0at networ? trou7(es0ootin& an2 opti)i1ation can 7e
i)p(e)ente2: an2 t0e rea(,ti)e D%" )onitorin& is a )ore efficient feature.
%erfor)ance )easure)ent &i4es t0e 2etai(e2 infor)ation of t0e networ?. .uc0
infor)ation faci(itates trou7(es0ootin& an2 networ? opti)i1ation.

%5 a2)inistration
T0e perfor)ance )easure)ent a2)inistration pro4i2es operators wit0 a )eans to
)ana&e t0e a4ai(a7(e )easure)ents.
For t0e new co))issionin& networ? e(e)ents =eNo2e+>: t0e pre2efine2
perfor)ance )easure)ents wi(( start after initia( startup p0ase. T0e perfor)ance
)easure)ents can 7e suspen2e2 an2 resu)e2 )anua((/.
T0e networ? e(e)ents =eNo2e+> pro4i2e )ac0ine,)ac0ine interfaces: a((owin& t0e
Huawei i5ana&er 52000 to co((ect t0e necessar/ statistics an2 to set t0e re(ate2
para)eters inc(u2in& statistica( counters an2 t0e )easure)ent perio2.
T0e statistics are o7taine2 7/ t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 in 7inar/ for)at in
e4er/ )easure)ent perio2. T0e resu(t fi(es are a(so store2 in t0e networ? e(e)ent
=eNo2e+> for up to -<2' 0ours as 7ac?ups t0at are usefu( w0en 2ata transfer fai(s:
w0ic0 )a?es it possi7(e for t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 to reco((ect t0e (ost 2ata

%5 counters
T0e %5 counters inc(u2e ?e/ counters an2 ot0er counters. T0e ?e/ counters are
use2 to &enerate t0e ?e/ perfor)ance in2icators =D%"s> of t0e networ?: w0ic0 are
2efine2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000: an2 t0ese counters are pre2efine2 an2
initia(i1e2 as soon as t0e eNo2e+ starts. T0e D%"s: re(ate2 ori&ina( counters an2
for)u(as can 7e a22e2: )o2ifie2 an2 2e(ete2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000.
$t0er counters ref(ectin& t0e ot0er aspects of networ? perfor)ance can 7e starte2
w0en nee2e2.
T0e counters re(ate2 to t0e fo((owin& t/pes of )easure)ent are supporte2@
Q #e(( )easure)ent
Q Nei&07orin& ce(( )easure)ent
Q "nter,RAT nei&07orin& ce(( )easure)ent
Q eNo2e+ o4era(( )easure)ent
Q "% transport )easure)ent
Q .tan2ar2 interface )easure)ent
Q Networ? e(e)ent 0ar2ware )easure)ent

Rea(,ti)e D%" )onitorin&

T0is feature pro4i2es t0e )onitorin& of D%"s an2 &rap0ica( representation of
networ? perfor)ance. T0erefore: it is con4enient for trou7(es0ootin&: 2ri4e tests
an2 networ? opti)i1ation. T0e s)a((est sa)p(e fre;uenc/ is 10 secon2s.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
5an/ of %5 counters are a22e2.
%erfor)ance )ana&e)ent is i)p(e)ente2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000.
1.'( */FD+00'009 Real+ti%e
Monitoring o2 $yste% Running
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e function of )onitorin& t0e runnin& infor)ation of t0e
e;uip)ent: RF s/ste): ce((s: su7scri7ers an2 transport (in?s.
T0is feature is con4enient for trou7(es0ootin&: 2ri4e tests an2 networ?
T0is feature pro4i2es rea(,ti)e )onitorin& an2 &rap0ica( representation of s/ste)
operation infor)ation an2 ;ua(it/. "t is a test faci(it/ w0ic0 0e(ps operators to
2ia&nose fau(ts t0rou&0 precise infor)ation a7out ce((s: su7scri7ers an2 (in?s. T0e
resu(ts are i((ustrate2 7/ &rap0ica( representation: an2 )onitorin& tas?s are
)ana&e2 7/ t0e eNo2e+ Loca( 5aintenance Ter)ina( =L5T>.
T0e )onitorin& tas?s are )ana&e2 7/ t0e L5T. T0e 2ata )onitore2 is not on(/
s0own in &rap0ics 7ut a(so store2 in fi(es auto)atica((/ for (ater re4iews.
T0e fo((owin& )onitorin& ite)s are supporte2@
E;uip)ent runnin& infor)ation )onitorin&@ in4o(4in& c(oc? source ;ua(it/
.u7scri7er,(e4e( runnin& infor)ation )onitorin&@ in4o(4in& ."R )easure)ent
an2 E TI power
#e((,(e4e( runnin& infor)ation )onitorin&@ in4o(4in& eNo2e+ TI power: t0e
nu)7er of ce(( users: t0rou&0put: an2 resource 7(oc? usa&e
Transport (in? runnin& infor)ation )onitorin&@ in4o(4in& .#T% (in?s an2 "%
RF )onitorin&@ in4o(4in& RF perfor)ance an2 RF interference 2etection
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Rea(,ti)e )onitorin& of s/ste) runnin& infor)ation can 7e i)p(e)ente2 on t0e
1.') */FD+00'010 $ecurity
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e user aut0ori1ation: s/ste) 2ata 7ac?up an2 restore:
securit/ (o& au2itin& an2 securit/,re(ate2 a(ar)s functions.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e user aut0ori1ation an2 )ana&e)ent )ec0anis) to
en0ance networ? securit/.
.ecurit/ )ana&e)ent co4ers t0e fo((owin& functions to en0ance s/ste) securit/@

ser )ana&e)ent@ T0is )ec0anis) a((ows settin& of user accounts an2

per)issions: so t0at t0e re(ate2 aut0ori1e2 &roups an2 operators can 7e

./ste) 2ata 7ac?up an2 restoration

#o((ection of operation (o&s an2 au2itin& of securit/ (o&s

Tri&&erin& of a(ar)s w0en: for e<a)p(e: networ? attac?s are 2etecte2 or t0e
nu)7er of unaut0ori1e2 sessions e<cee2s t0e preset t0res0o(2
.ecurit/ a(ar)s are a22e2.
.ecurit/ )ana&e)ent is i)p(e)ente2 on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e BB of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
1.'0 */FD+00'011 ;pti%i8ed e.ode/
Co%%issioning $olution
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e opti)i1e2 eNo2e+ co))issionin& so(ution supports .+ co))issionin& an2
auto)atic o7tainin& of software an2 confi&uration 2ata fro) t0e Huawei i5ana&er
T0is feature si)p(ifies t0e eNo2e+ co))issionin& proce2ure.
T0is feature si)p(ifies t0e on,site co))issionin& proce2ure fro) t0e fo((owin&

"f eNo2e+ 2ata is rea2/ on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 an2 trans)ission of
t0is eNo2e+ is rea2/: Huawei on,site )anua( co))issionin& tas? is 4er/
Q "nsta((in& t0e 0ar2ware an2 powerin& on t0e eNo2e+
Q !aitin& for t0e eNo2e+ startup an2 c0ec?in& w0et0er an/ a(ar) is
Q "f t0e eNo2e+ 0as a 8%.: fie(2 en&ineer nee2 2o not0in& 7ecause eNo2e+
wi(( report t0e (ocation to i5ana&er 52000 an2 i5ana&er 52000 wi((
auto)atica((/ se(ect t0e correct confi&uration 2ata for it.
Q $r: if fie(2 en&ineer 0as a (aptop: t0e en&ineer can use (aptop to input 4er/
si)p(/ infor)ation =eNo2e+"D>. i5ana&er 52000 can use t0is
infor)ation to auto)atica((/ se(ect a correct confi&uration 2ata.
Q $r : fi(e2 en&ineer can ca(( t0e a2)inistration center an2 report t0e
p0/sica( i2entit/ of t0e eNo2e+

"n t0e proce2ure: t0e new(/ insta((e2 e;uip)ent wi(( auto)atica((/ set up t0e
connection wit0 t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 7/ usin& DH#%: 2own(oa2
software an2 2ata fro) t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000: an2 insta(( t0e software.

.+ co))issionin& is supporte2. T0e associate2 software an2 2ata of t0e

eNo2e+ can 7e copie2 to a .+ 2is? at t0e a2)inistration center. A (oca(
co))issionin& en&ineer on(/ nee2s to o7tain t0e .+ 2is?: insta(( t0e
0ar2ware: an2 connect t0e .+ 2is? to t0e .+ port on t0e eNo2e+. After
t0at: t0e eNo2e+ can auto)atica((/ insta(( t0e software an2 (oa2 2ata: start up:
an2 set up t0e connection to t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000. No )ore (oca(
confi&uration is re;uire2.
T0is feature si)p(ifies eNo2e+ co))issionin&.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e opti)i1e2 eNo2e+ co))issionin& so(ution 2epen2s on t0e Huawei i5ana&er
52000. .+ co))issionin& re;uires .+ 2is?s.
1.'8 */FD+00'01 -n<iron%ent
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es en4iron)ent fau(t a(ar)in& an2 custo)i1e2 en4iron)ent
a(ar)s functions.
T0is feature ena7(es centra(i1e2 en4iron)ent )onitorin& of Huawei eNo2e+
T0is feature ena7(es centra(i1e2 en4iron)ent )onitorin& of Huawei eNo2e+
e;uip)ent in ter)s of: for e<a)p(e: t0e te)perature: 0u)i2it/: s)o?e: water
i))ersion: access contro(: an2 power supp(/. +esi2es: Huawei e;uip)ent can 7e
connecte2 to t0ir2,part/ ana(o& an2 2i&ita( sensors: w0ic0 ena7(e operators to
custo)i1e en4iron)ent a(ar)s.
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 or L5T is re;uire2.
1.'9 */FD+00'01! 6n<entory
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 retrie4es in4entor/ infor)ation auto)atica((/ fro)
t0e eNo2e+ after co))issionin& an2 s/nc0roni1e t0e infor)ation on t0e eNo2e+
e4er/ 2a/.
!it0 t0is function: operators can o7tain t0e ti)e(/ an2 accurate in4entor/ 2ata of
t0e e<istin& networ? for 2ecision )a?in&.
"n4entor/ )ana&e)ent 0e(ps operators to )ana&e t0e asset infor)ation of t0e
networ?. !it0 t0is function: t0e assets can 7e ;uerie2 an2 )ana&e2 on t0e Huawei
i5ana&er 52000.
T0e o7Eects w0ic0 are )ana&e2 7/ t0is function inc(u2e p0/sica( o7Eects =suc0 as
rac?s: fra)es: s(ots: 7oar2s: ports: an2 fans> an2 (o&ica( o7Eects =suc0 as software
an2 patc0es>.
!0en re;ueste2 fro) t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000: an asset infor)ation fi(e in
.<)( for)at is &enerate2 an2 is sent to t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000. T0e Huawei
i5ana&er 52000 stores t0e up(oa2e2 infor)ation in t0e networ? in4entor/
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 retrie4es in4entor/ infor)ation auto)atica((/ fro)
t0e eNo2e+ after co))issionin& an2 s/nc0roni1e t0e infor)ation on t0e eNo2e+
e4er/ 2a/.
T0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000 retrie4es in4entor/ infor)ation auto)atica((/ fro)
t0e eNo2e+ after co))issionin&.
"n4entor/ c0an&e notification function 0as 7een a22e2 to eNo2e+. !0en in4entor/
c0an&es in eNo7e+: a notification wi(( 7e sent fro) eNo7e+ to 52000. .o t0at t0e
in4entor/ infor)ation cou(2 7e s/nc0roni1e2 ;uic?(/ 7etween 52000 an2
T0e in4entor/ infor)ation can 7e 4iewe2 on(/ on t0e Huawei i5ana&er 52000.
1.(0 */FD+00'01' *icense
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e B9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature in4o(4es t0e eNo2e+ (icense contro(.
!it0 t0is feature: t0e operators can purc0ase t0e (icense 7ase2 on t0e networ?
2e4e(op)ent: t0us re2ucin& t0e initia( cost of t0e networ? 2ep(o/)ent.
T0e (icense fi(e is use2 to 2eter)ine w0et0er t0e optiona( features are a4ai(a7(e an2
0ow )an/ optiona( features are a4ai(a7(e.
T0e (icense fi(e can 7e 2own(oa2e2 re)ote(/ to t0e eNo2e+. T0e operators can
)ana&e an2 ;uer/ t0e contents in t0e (icense fi(e t0rou&0 t0e L5T or t0e 52000
T0e (icense fi(e is store2 in t0e eNo2e+.
New or up&ra2e2 (icense fi(es can 7e or2ere2 fro) Huawei.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *0 of 190
eNo2e+ 1
eNo2e+ 2
eNo2e+ n

Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

;ptional Features Description
.1 *;FD+001001 D* 7 M6M;
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
Huawei eRAN1.0 supports DL 2<2 5"5$: 2,antenna trans)it 2i4ersit/ an2 a2apti4e
5"5$ sc0e)es 7etween t0e E an2 t0e eNo2e+: i)pro4in& s/ste) 2own(in?
T0is feature can si&nificant(/ i)pro4e 2own(in? s/ste) t0rou&0put an2 co4era&e
perfor)ance an2 a(so pro4i2e &oo2 user e<perience 7/ offerin& 0i&0er 2ata rates.
T0e 2own(in? 2<2 5"5$ is a critica( feature to a((ow an LTE s/ste) to 2e(i4er 7etter
perfor)ance: suc0 as 0i&0er 2ata rates: t0an t0e (e&ac/ s/ste). Down(in? 2<2 5"5$
is supporte2 in Huawei LTE eRAN1.0. +ot0 space 2i4ersit/ an2 spatia( )u(tip(e<in&
are supporte2 as 2efine2 in LTE specifications: so Huawei eNo2e+ supports four DL
2<2 5"5$ )o2es@
trans)it 2i4ersit/
open,(oop spatia( )u(tip(e<in&
c(ose2,(oop spatia( )u(tip(e<in&
c(ose2,(oop ran?,1 preco2in&
"f two trans)it antennas are confi&ure2 in t0e eNo2e+: t0e eNo2e+ a2apti4e(/ se(ects
one of t0e four )o2es 7ase2 on E rate an2 c0anne( ;ua(it/ on t0e 2own(in?.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Trans)it 2i4ersit/ an2 c(ose2,(oop ran?,1 preco2in& are so(utions to co)7at si&na(
fa2in& an2 interference. +/ pro4i2in& se4era( si&na( 7ranc0es t0at present in2epen2ent
4ar/in& si&na( (e4e(s: space 2i4ersit/ increases t0e ro7ustness of t0e ra2io (in? 7ecause
t0e pro7a7i(it/ t0at a(( si&na( copies are si)u(taneous(/ in 2eep fa2in& is (ow.
.patia( )u(tip(e<in& inc(u2in& open,(oop spatia( )u(tip(e<in& an2 c(ose2,(oop spatia(
)u(tip(e<in& is a tec0ni;ue to trans)it in2epen2ent an2 separate(/ enco2e2 2ata
si&na(s: ?nown as strea)s: fro) eac0 of t0e trans)it antennas. T0erefore: t0e space
2i)ension is reuse2: or )u(tip(e<e2. "f t0e trans)itter is e;uippe2 wit0 N
an2 t0e recei4er 0as N
antennas: t0e )a<i)u) spatia( )u(tip(e<in& or2er is N
A )in
: N
>. "f t0e spatia( c0anne(s are in2epen2ent of eac0 ot0er: w0ic0 )ean t0at N
2ifferent 2ata strea)s are trans)itte2 o4er se4era( in2epen2ent =spatia(> c0anne(s: it
(ea2s to an N
increase of t0e spectru) efficienc/ or capacit/.
DL 2<2 5"5$ re;uires t0e eNo2e+ to pro4i2e 2 TI c0anne(s an2 2 antennas per
sector an2 t0e E to pro4i2e at (east 2 RI recei4e antennas.
. *;FD+00100 3* 7 M3+M6M;
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
Huawei eRAN1.0 supports L 2<2 5,5"5$ 7etween E an2 eNo2e+ i)pro4in&
s/ste) up(in? perfor)ance.
T0is feature can i)pro4e t0e o4era(( ce(( up(in? t0rou&0put: 7ecause it a((ows )u(tip(e
users to trans)it 2ata usin& t0e sa)e ti)e,fre;uenc/ resources.
T0e up(in? 4irtua( 5"5$ is one of t0e i)portant features to 2e(i4er t0e superior
perfor)ance for LTE s/ste)s. "t refers to a tec0ni;ue of )u(tip(e<in& se4era( users
usin& t0e sa)e ti)e an2 fre;uenc/ resources on t0e up(in?.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
p(in? 4irtua( 5"5$ is a wa/ to i)pro4e t0e t0rou&0put of t0e LTE s/ste). !it0 "
recei4e antennas for an LTE eNo2e+: no )ore t0an " 4irtua( 5"5$ users can 7e
2e)o2u(ate2. T0e up(in? 4irtua( 5"5$ 2oes not in4o(4e Es an2 it is transparent to
Es. Huawei eRAN1.0 eNo2e+ supports two recei4e antennas an2 t0us supports two
4irtua( 5"5$ users.
!it0 up(in? 4irtua( 5"5$: t0e eNo2e+ re;uires t0e )atc0in& 2e)o2u(ation a(&orit0)
an2 c0anne( esti)ation a(&orit0) in or2er to successfu((/ 2e)o2u(ate t0e si&na(s fro)
2ifferent 4irtua( 5"5$ users t0at use t0e sa)e fre;uenc/,ti)e resources.
"f two recei4e antennas are confi&ure2 in eNo2e+: t0e eNo2e+ )easures t0e E6s
up(in? c0anne( ."NR an2 c0anne( ort0o&ona(it/ wit0 anot0er E. "f t0e E 0a4e &oo2
#9" an2 &oo2 c0anne( ort0o&ona(it/ wit0 t0e ot0er E: 2<2 5,5"5$ is use2.
$t0erwise: 2,Antenna Recei4e Di4ersit/ is use2.
L 2<2 5,5"5$ is on(/ use2 for t0e p0/sica( up(in? s0are2 c0anne( =%.#H>.
"f two recei4e antennas are confi&ure2 in t0e eNo2e+: t0e eNo2e+ a2apti4e(/ se(ects
7etween L 2<2 5,5"5$ an2 L 2,Antenna Recei4e Di4ersit/.
L 2<2 5,5"5$ re;uires t0e eNo2e+ to pro4i2e 2 RI c0anne(s an2 2 antennas per
.! *;FD+00100! D* '7 M6M;
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
DL '<2 5"5$: in accor2 wit0 t0e -8%% T.-B.211 specification: in4o(4es ',antenna
trans)it 2i4ersit/: '<2 5"5$ an2 a2apti4e 5"5$ sc0e)es 7etween t0e E an2 t0e
eNo2e+. "n eRAN2.0: ',antenna trans)it 2i4ersit/: '<2 5"5$ an2 a2apti4e 5"5$
sc0e)es 7etween t0e E an2 t0e eNo2e+ are supporte2.
T0is feature can si&nificant(/ i)pro4e 2own(in? s/ste) t0rou&0put an2 co4era&e
perfor)ance an2 a(so pro4i2e &oo2 user e<perience 7/ offerin& 0i&0er 2ata rates.
+esi2es DL 2<2 5"5$: DL '<2 5"5$ is supporte2 7/ Huawei eNo2e+. Huawei
eNo2e+ a(so supports four DL '<2 5"5$ )o2es@ trans)it 2i4ersit/: open,(oop
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
spatia( )u(tip(e<in&: c(ose2,(oop spatia( )u(tip(e<in&: an2 c(ose2,(oop ran?,1
preco2in&. "f four trans)it antennas are confi&ure2 in eNo2e+: t0e eNo2e+ a2apti4e(/
se(ects one of t0e four )o2es: t0e sc0e)e is si)i(ar to DL 2<2 5"5$.
#o)parin& wit0 DL 2<2 5"5$: DL '<2 5"5$ can &et )ore 2i4ersit/ &ain: t0e
s/ste) capacit/ an2 co4era&e wi(( &reat(/ i)pro4e2: especia((/ for ce(( e2&e use6s
"n eRAN1.0: on(/ 2,antenna trans)it 2i4ersit/ an2 2<2 5"5$ are supporte2.
"n eRAN2.0: ',antenna trans)it 2i4ersit/ : '<2 5"5$ an2 a2apti4e 5"5$ sc0e)es
7etween t0e E an2 t0e eNo2e+ are supporte2.
DL '<2 5"5$ re;uires t0e eNo2e+ to pro4i2e ' TI c0anne(s an2 ' antennas per
sector an2 t0e E pro4i2e at (east two 2 RI recei4e antennas.
.' *;FD+00100( 3* '+4ntenna Recei<e
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
Recei4e 2i4ersit/ is t0e co))on t/pe of )u(tip(e,antenna tec0no(o&/ to i)pro4e
si&na( reception an2 to co)7at si&na( fa2in& an2 interference. "t i)pro4es networ?
capacit/ an2 2ata rates. +esi2es L 2,Antenna Recei4e Di4ersit/: Huawei eNo2e+
a(so supports ' RI 2i4ersit/.
T0is feature can i)pro4e t0e recei4er sensiti4it/ an2 up(in? co4era&e.
Recei4in& 2i4ersit/ is a tec0ni;ue to )onitor )u(tip(e fre;uencies fro) t0e sa)e
si&na( source or )u(tip(e ra2ios an2 antennas )onitorin& t0e sa)e fre;uenc/: in or2er
to co)7at si&na( fa2in& an2 interference.
Recei4e 2i4ersit/ is a wa/ to en0ance t0e reception of up(in? c0anne(s: inc(u2in& t0e
%.#H: p0/sica( up(in? contro( c0anne( =%##H>: p0/sica( ran2o) access c0anne(
=%RA#H>: an2 soun2in& reference si&na( =.R.>.
Huawei eNo2e+ supports 7ot0 wit0 RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e an2 wit0out RI 2i4ersit/
)o2e. "n RI 2i4ersit/ )o2e: Huawei eNo2e+ in eRAN2.0 can 7e confi&ure2 wit0 '
antennas =',wa/> t0rou&0 t0e antenna )a&nitu2e para)eter in a22ition to L 2,
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
antenna recei4e 2i4ersit/.
RI 2i4ersit/ re;uires t0e eNo2e+ to pro4i2e enou&0 RF c0anne(s an2 2e)o2u(ation
resources t0at can )atc0 t0e nu)7er of 2i4ersit/ antennas. T0is feature 0as no specia(
re;uire)ents on Es.
.( *;FD+00100) 3* )':4M
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
L B'9A5 en0ances t0e up(in? )o2u(ation sc0e)e an2 a((ows E in &oo2 ra2io
en4iron)ents to trans)it 2ata to t0e eNo2e+ at a 0i&0er 2ata rate. T0e feature
increases up(in? 2ata t0rou&0put an2 pro4i2es fast 2ata trans)ission.
T0is feature pro4i2es a 0i&0er ser4ice 7it rate to increase ce(( t0rou&0put an2 i)pro4e
user e<perience.
T0e up(in? B'9A5 is a co)p(e)entar/ )o2u(ation sc0e)e to 9ua2rature %0ase .0ift
De/in& =9%.D> an2 1B9A5. T0e up(in? B'9A5 is inten2e2 to increase t0e 7it rate
for Es in e<ce((ent c0anne( con2ition. #o)pare2 wit0 two infor)ation 7its carrie2 at
eac0 s/)7o( usin& 9%.D an2 four infor)ation 7its usin& 1B9A5: si< infor)ation
7its can 7e )o2u(ate2 wit0 eac0 s/)7o( usin& B'9A5. T0erefore: B'9A5 can
si&nificant(/ i)pro4e t0e s/ste) capacit/ in up(in?.
Depen2in& upon t0e ;ua(it/ of ra2io en4iron)ent: t0e eNo2e+ can se(ect 9A5
)o2u(ation sc0e)es of 2ifferent or2ers. "f a E in a &oo2 ra2io en4iron)ent: t0e
eNo2e+ cou(2 se(ect t0e 0i&0est or2er 9A5 )o2u(ation =B'9A5 )o2e> an2 (ar&e
transport 7(oc?s for up(in? trans)ission to ac0ie4e a 0i&0er 2ata rate.
T0is )o2u(ation sc0e)e can 7e use2 on(/ for Es in e<ce((ent c0anne( con2ition. T0e
E s0ou(2 support B'9A5 )o2u(ation an2 t0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 support B'9A5
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.) *;FD+00101 3* 6nter2erence
ReEection Co%bining
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
+esi2e DL an2 L inter,ce(( interference coor2ination ="#"#>: Huawei eRAN1.0
pro4i2es interference reEection co)7inin& to effecti4e(/ o4erco)e t0e inter,ce((
interference. T0e )et0o2 can 7e use2 wit0 recei4in& 2i4ersit/ an2 can 7e use2 for
5"5$ 2eco2in& in an/ scenario.
T0is feature can i)pro4e t0e s/ste) perfor)ance in t0e presence of interference.
T0erefore: en0ance2 networ? co4era&e an2 7etter ser4ice ;ua(it/ are pro4i2e2 for ce((
e2&e users =#Es>.
"nterference ReEection #o)7inin& ="R#> is a recei4e,antenna co)7inin& tec0ni;ue to
effecti4e(/ co)7at t0e inter,ce(( interference. "R# is often use2 to&et0er wit0 recei4e
2i4ersit/. "n t0eor/: "R# can 7e use2 for 5u(tip(e "nput 5u(tip(e $utput =5"5$>
2eco2in& in an/ scenario: an2 it is particu(ar(/ effecti4e for co(ore2 interference.
T0e )ain a24anta&e of "R# (ies in t0at it can outperfor) 5a<i)u) Ratio #o)7inin&
=5R#> in ter)s of 2e)o2u(ation of a si&na( in t0e presence of interference or
Ea))in&. T0e essence of "R# is to )o2e( t0e interference as a ran2o) process: an2
use opti)a( fi(terin& tec0ni;ues to pre,w0iten t0e recei4e2 2ataSt0ere7/ )a?e t0e
interference (i?e t0e w0ite noise so t0at a con4entiona( 2etector can 7e app(ie2.
#onse;uent(/: t0is )et0o2 re;uires t0e ?now(e2&e of so)e para)eters associate2 wit0
t0e interference =for instance: its co4ariance )atri<>.
T0e eNo2e+ )ust 7e e;uippe2 wit0 )u(tip(e recei4e antennas =e;ua( to or )ore t0an
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.0 *;FD+00101' Dyna%ic 6nter+Cell
6nter2erence Coordination
.0.1 *;FD+00101'01 Downlink Dyna%ic 6nter+
Cell 6nter2erence Coordination
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
T0e DL 2/na)ic "#"# feature 2/na)ica((/ a2Eusts t0e s/ste) fre;uenc/ 7an2 for
#E accor2in& to DL "#"# )essa&e.
T0e DL "#"# feature can re2uce t0e DL inter,ce(( interference an2 i)pro4e t0e #E6s
t0rou&0put. "t is particu(ar(/ effecti4e w0en t0e (oa2in& in nei&07orin& ce((s is
Huawei DL "#"# so(ution uses e)p(o/ power contro( an2 #E sc0e2u(in& to a2Eust
t0e resource a((ocation for t0e #Es in fre;uenc/ 2o)ain to re2uce t0e DL inter,ce((
interference. +/ ?eepin& t0e non,o4er(appin& 2own(in? fre;uenc/ 7an2s for #Es in
nei&07orin& ce((s: t0e DL inter,ce(( interference can 7e contro((e2 un2er certain (e4e(.
T0erefore: t0e #E6s .i&na(,to,Noise Ratio =.NR> an2 t0rou&0put can 7e i)pro4e2.
Down(in? D/na)ic "nter,#e(( "nterference #oor2ination is an en0ance)ent co)pare2
to t0e Down(in? .tatic "nter,#e(( "nterference #oor2ination feature. "t wi((
2/na)ica((/ a2Eust t0e fre;uenc/ 7an2wi2t0 accor2in& to t0e ce(( (oa2.
T0e eNo2e+ a2Eusts t0e e2&e 7an2 of t0e ser4in& ce(( an2 infor)s t0e sc0e2u(er a7out
it. T0e a2Eust)ent is 7ase2 on t0e fo((owin& infor)ation@

+an2 2i4ision sc0e)es 2eter)ine2 2urin& networ? p(annin&

DL "#"# )essa&es fro) nei&07orin& ce((

Tar&et nei&07orin& ce((s for "#"#

T0ese ce((s are se(ecte2 7ase2 on nei&07orin& ce(( infor)ation an2 inter,ce((
interference. T0e nei&07orin& ce(( (ist is )ana&e2 7ase2 on t0e DL "#"#
)essa&es fro) nei&07orin& ce((s an2 t0e R.R% )easure)ent reports fro) Es.

Loa2 2eter)ination resu(ts

T0e eNo2e+ c0ec?s t0e ce(( (oa2 an2 2eci2es w0et0er to 7(oc? so)e R+s on t0e
center 7an2 7ase2 on t0e (oa2 2eter)ination resu(ts.
T0e eNo2e+ a2Eusts t0e E t/pes 7ase2 on t0e R.R% )easure)ent reports fro) Es
an2 t0e (oa2 2eter)ination resu(ts.
T0e scenario t0at 7enefits t0e )ost fro) DL "#"# is w0en t0e (oa2in& a)on& t0e
nei&07orin& ce((s is un7a(ance2. T0e (i&0t(/,(oa2e2 ce(( can sc0e2u(e t0e #Es at t0e
#E fre;uenc/ 7an2 wit0 (ess 7an2wi2t0 to a((ow t0e 0ea4i(/,(oa2e2 ce(( to e<pan2
its #E fre;uenc/ 7an2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e ** of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.0. *;FD+00101'0 3plink Dyna%ic 6nter+Cell
6nter2erence Coordination
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e up(in? 2/na)ic "#"# feature 2/na)ica((/ a2Eusts t0e s/ste) fre;uenc/ 7an2 for
t0e #E accor2in& to t0e ce(( (oa2.
L "#"# can re2uce inter,ce(( interference an2 i)pro4e t0e t0rou&0put of e2&e users:
as we(( as t0e ce(( co4era&e.
T0e L "#"# is a tec0ni;ue to co)7at t0e inter,ce(( interference for a LTE s/ste) 7/
coor2inatin& trans)it power contro( an2 resource a((ocation in 7ot0 fre;uenc/ an2
ti)e 2o)ain a)on& nei&07orin& ce((s. "t can i)pro4e t0e t0rou&0put of #Es an2
re2uce i)pact of interference on s/ste) perfor)ance. Different fro) static "#"#: t0e
fre;uenc/ 7an2s of "nter,eNo2e+ or "ntra eNo7e+ ce((s can 7e a2Euste2 2/na)ica((/
for ce(( e2&e users 7ase2 on t0e ce(( (oa2 infor)ation e<c0an&e2 4ia I2 "nterface =for
2/na)ic "nter,eNo2e+ L "#"#> or interna((/ =for 2/na)ic "ntra,eNo2e+ L "#"#>
w0en L 2/na)ic "#"# is ena7(e2. Huawei eRAN1.0 supports "#"# in 7ot0 fre;uenc/
2o)ain an2 ti)e 2o)ain.
"n Huawei eRAN1.0: 2ifferent strate&ies are e)p(o/e2 for t0e intra,eNo2e+ scenario
an2 t0e inter,eNo2e+ scenario. For t0e nei&07orin& ce((s in t0e sa)e eNo2e+ =intra,
eNo2e+>: t0e coor2ination is ac0ie4e2 at ti)e 2o)ain t0an?s to t0e natura(
s/nc0roni1ation a)on& t0e ce((s: for e<a)p(e: t0e interference coor2ination ensures
t0e #E (ocate2 at t0ree nei&07or intra,eNo2e+ ce((s are sc0e2u(e2 at 2ifferent TT"s.
For t0e inter,eNo2e+ nei&07orin& ce((s: t0e coor2ination is ac0ie4e2 at t0e fre;uenc/
2o)ain: w0ere t0e #Es in nei&07orin& ce((s use non,o4er(appin& #E fre;uenc/
T0e up(in? 2/na)ic inter,ce(( coor2ination is ac0ie4e2 7/ e<c0an&in& Hi&0
"nterference "n2ication =H""> an2 $4er(oa2 "n2ication =$"> )essa&es t0rou&0 I2
interface =for 2/na)ic "nter,eNo2e+ L "#"#> or interna((/ =for 2/na)ic "ntra,
eNo2e+ L "#"#>. H"" is pri)ari(/ use2 for fre;uenc/ resource a((ocation to a4oi2
interference. "t is a(so use2 for 2/na)ica((/ a2Eust)ent of t0e fre;uenc/ 7an2 use2 for
#Es. After t0e interference is &enerate2: t0e interfere2 ce(( )i&0t 7roa2cast $" to
nei&07orin& ce((s to re2uce interference.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
"n eRAN2.0: L "#"# a(&orit0) c0an&es t0e 2i4ision of 7asic ce(( e2&e fre;uenc/
7ase2 on eNo2e+ to t0e 2i4ision of 7asic ce(( e2&e fre;uenc/ 7ase on ce((. "t a(so
c0an&es t0e coor2ination wa/s t0at it is coor2inate 7etween two ce((s in t0e o(2
4ersion to coor2inate a)on& a(( t0e necessar/ nei&07or ce((s.
.8 *;FD+001000 9igh $peed Mobility
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
Huawei eRAN1.0 supports t0e )o7i(it/ up to 120 ?)/0 wit0 &oo2 perfor)ance.
Hi&0 spee2 access is one of t0e ?e/ 2ifferentiators for Huawei LTE so(utions to
pro4i2e 0i&0 spee2 co4era&e. T0is feature 7rin&s t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@

A((ows Huawei LTE s/ste) to support 0i&0,spee2 Es at up to 120 ?)/0 wit0

&oo2 perfor)ance.

%ro4i2es a sea)(ess user e<perience in a 0i&0,spee2 scenario.

T0is feature a((ows a Huawei LTE s/ste) to operate in a 0i&0,spee2 scenario an2
2e(i4er &oo2 perfor)ance.
T0e 0i&0er t0e 4e(ocit/ t0at t0e E e<periences: t0e se4erer t0e effect of fast fa2in&
t0at t0e s/ste) suffers. T0erefore: it is )ore 2ifficu(t to ac0ie4e t0e sa)e perfor)ance
in 0i&0,spee2 scenario as in t0e nor)a( spee2.
Huawei eRAN1.0 supports t0e E 4e(ocit/ up to 120 ?)/0: w0ic0 a()ost co4ers a((
)o7i(it/ scenarios in an uran en4iron)ent. T0e eNo2e+ s0ou(2 )easure t0e E
)o7i(it/ spee2 an2 refine t0e c0anne( esti)ation sc0e)e accor2in&(/. "n a22ition: t0e
5"5$ sc0e)e an2 resource a((ocation )ec0anis) is a2apti4e(/ a2Euste2 7/ t0e ra2io
resource )ana&e)ent =RR5> function to )eet t0e 0i&0,spee2 perfor)ance
re;uire)ent. For e<a)p(e: it is suita7(e to use fre;uenc/ 2i4ersit/ )o2e rat0er t0an
fre;uenc/,se(ecti4e sc0e2u(in&: or trans)it 2i4ersit/ rat0er t0an spatia( )u(tip(e<in&
for a E at a 0i&0 spee2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e *9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.9 *;FD+001008 3ltra 9igh $peed
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
Huawei eRAN2.0 can support t0e )o7i(it/ up to -50 ?)/0 wit0 &oo2 perfor)ance.
Hi&0 spee2 access is one of t0e ?e/ 2ifferentiators for Huawei LTE so(utions to
pro4i2e 0i&0 spee2 co4era&e. T0is feature 7rin&s t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@

A((ows Huawei LTE s/ste) to 7e 2ep(o/e2 in an/ 0i&0 spee2 scenario an2
supports Es at a spee2 of up to -50 ?)/0 an2 '50?)/0.

%ro4i2es a sea)(ess user e<perience in a 0i&0 spee2 scenario.

"n a22ition to t0e a4ai(a7i(it/ of spee2 at 120 ?)/0: t0is feature a((ows Huawei LTE
s/ste) to support Es wit0 a()ost an/ )o7i(it/ profi(e at up to -50 ?)/0 in an/
scenario an2 2e(i4er &oo2 perfor)ance. For e<a)p(e: a E on a 0i&0,spee2 train cou(2
reac0 up to -50 ?)/0.
T0e 0i&0er t0e 4e(ocit/ t0at t0e E e<periences: t0e se4erer t0e effect of Dopp(er s0ift
an2 fast fa2in& t0at t0e s/ste) suffers. "n Huawei RR5 so(ution: t0e 5"5$ sc0e)e
an2 resource a((ocation )ec0anis) is a2apti4e(/ a2Euste2 to )eet t0e 0i&0,spee2
perfor)ance re;uire)ent. "n a22ition: a function ca((e2 Auto)atic Fre;uenc/ #ontro(
=AF#> is i)p(e)ente2 at t0e eNo2e+ to so(4e t0e Dopp(er s0ift pro7(e) an2 to
support access 7/ suc0 0i&0,spee2 Es.
"n eRAN1.0: -50?)/0 is supporte2.
"n eRAN2.0: '50?)/0 is supporte2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 30 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.10 *;FD+001009 -7tended Cell 4ccess
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
To i)pro4e wire(ess networ? co4era&e: -8%% T.-B.211 0as 2efine2 four t/pes of
prea)7(e for)ats =0: 1: 2: ->. For for)at 0: it correspon2s to s)a(( ce(( access ra2ius:
for for)at 1: 2 an2 -: t0e/ correspon2 to e<ten2e2 ce(( access ra2ius.
T0is feature is use2 in (ar&e ce(( scenario to e<ten2 t0e ce(( access ra2ius.
T0is feature pro4i2es operator wit0 support of e<ten2e2 ce(( ra2ius. Accor2in& to t0e
-8%% T.-B.211: t0ere are four t/pes of prea)7(e for)at =0,-> for %RA#H are 2efine2
to support 2ifferent ce(( access ra2ius: s0own in 1.1.
Table 1.1 %rea)7(e for)ats an2 ce(( access ra2ius
T Cell 4ccess
-1B3 T
2'5*B T A7out 15 ?)
2102' T
2'5*B T A7out *0 ?)
B2'0 T
2'5*B 2 T A7out -0 ?)
2102' T
2'5*B 2 T A7out 100 ?)
For for)at 0: t0e supporte2 ce(( access ra2ius is a7out 15 ?): it is use2 in s)a(( ce((
scenario: an2 consi2ere2 as 7asic ce(( ra2ius. T0e e<ten2e2 ce(( ra2ius consit of for)at
1: 2 an2 -. For for)at -: t0e supporte2 ce(( access ra2ius is a7out 100 ?): w0ic0 is
use2 in t0e (ar&e ce(( scenario to en0ance t0e s/ste) co4era&e.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 31 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.11 *;FD+0010!0 $upport o2 3-
Category ,!,'
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
E,TRAN nee2s to respect t0e si&na(e2 E ra2io access capa7i(it/ para)eters w0en
confi&urin& t0e E an2 w0en sc0e2u(in& t0e E. .o t0ere are fi4e cate&ories 2efine2
in t0e protoco(. T0is feature can ena7(e +. to support E cate&or/ 2/-/'.
T0is feature can ena7(e +. to support E cate&or/ 2/-/'.
E,TRAN nee2s to respect t0e si&na(e2 E ra2io access capa7i(it/ para)eters w0en
confi&urin& t0e E an2 w0en sc0e2u(in& t0e E. .o t0ere are fi4e cate&ories 2efine2
in t0e protoco(. T0is feature can ena7(e 7ase station to support E cate&or/ 2/-/'.
Downlink physical layer para%eter <alues set by the 2ield UE-Category:
nu%ber o2
within a
nu%ber o2
bits o2 a
within a
nu%ber o2
nu%ber o2
layers 2or
ng in D*
Category + +8-.9 +8-.9 -*8:9, +
Category - *+8-; *+8-; +-:<-;, -
Category : +8-8;, <*:<9 +-:<-;, -
Category ; +*8<*- <*:<9 +,-<8<- -
Category * -..**- +;.<<9 :99<-88 ;
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 32 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
3plink physical layer para%eter <alues set by the 2ield UE-Category:
3- Category Ma7i%u% nu%ber
o2 bits o2 an 3*+
$C9 transport
block trans%itted
within a ##6
$upport 2or
)':4M in 3*
#ate&or/ 1 51B0 No
#ate&or/ 2 25'5B No
#ate&or/ - 5102' No
#ate&or/ ' 5102' No
#ate&or/ 5 *5-*B Nes
#otal layer bu22er si8es set by the 2ield UE-Category:
3- Category #otal layer bu22er si8e
#ate&or/ 1 150
#ate&or/ 2 *00
#ate&or/ - 1'00
#ate&or/ ' 1900
#ate&or/ 5 -500
E s0ou(2 support t0e sa)e cate&or/ as eNo2e+.
.1 *;FD+0010!1 -7tended C&
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e #/c(ic %refi< =#%> is t0e &uar2 inter4a( use2 in t0e $FD5 to 2ecrease t0e
interference cause2 7/ t0e )u(ti,pat0 2e(a/. T0e -8%% T.-B.211 supports two t/pes of
#% (en&t0: na)e(/ nor)a( #% an2 e<ten2e2 #%.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 3- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e nor)a( #% an2 t0e e<ten2e2 #% are use2 in 2ifferent ce(( scenarios. "n case of
s)a(( )u(ti,pat0 2e(a/ scenario: nor)a( #% can ac0ie4e 7etter s/ste) perfor)ance. "n
case of (ar&e )u(ti,pat0 2e(a/ scenario: e<ten2e2 #% can ac0ie4e 7etter s/ste)
For 7ot0 2own(in? an2 up(in?: t0e e<ten2e2 #% is ca(cu(ate2 as fo((ows@
E<ten2e2 c/c(ic prefi<@ T#% A 512MTs
!0ere Ts A 1 / =20'3Mf>: f A 15 ?H1
For nor)a( #% t0ere are * s/)7o(s a4ai(a7(e in one s(ot. !0i(e for e<ten2e2 #% t0ere
are B s/)7o(s a4ai(a7(e in one s(ot. T0e e<ten2e2 #% increases o4er0ea2 in e<c0an&e
for (ar&er )u(ti,pat0 capa7i(it/.
T0e #% (en&t0 is set in t0e networ? p(annin& p0ase accor2in& to t0e s/ste) app(ication
Es s0ou(2 support t0e e<ten2e2 #% (en&t0 as t0e eNo2e+.
.1! *;FD+0010'8 ##6 /undling
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.1
#o)pare2 to !#D5A: t0e LTE ra2io access 0as a si&nificant(/ s0orter Trans)ission
Ti)e "nter4a( =TT"> in or2er to re2uce en2,to,en2 2e(a/s. Howe4er: if a E at t0e ce((
e2&e is (i)ite2 7/ its a4ai(a7(e trans)ission power: it )a/ not 7e a7(e to trans)it an
entire pac?et 2urin& one TT" if t0e instantaneous source 2ata rate is too 0i&0 =e.&.
V$"%>. TT" 7un2(in& can 0e(p to i)pro4e t0e up(in? co4era&e. "n TT" 7un2(in&: a
pac?et is trans)itte2 as a sin&(e %D 2urin& a 7un2(e of su7se;uent TT"s wit0out
waitin& for t0e HAR9 fee27ac?. HAR9 fee27ac? is on(/ e<pecte2 for t0e (ast
trans)ission of t0e 7un2(e.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 3' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
TT" 7un2(in& cou(2 0e(p to i)pro4e up(in? co4era&e an2 in,0ouse reception for 4oice.
TT" 7un2(in& trans)ission is intro2uce2 to i)pro4e LTE up(in? co4era&e wit0out t0e
issues of o4er0ea2 associate2 wit0 L2 se&)entation an2 A#D =Ac?now(e2&e)ent>/
NA#D =Ne&ati4e Ac?now(e2&e)ent> errors. T0e Es in ce(( 7oun2ar/ can re2uce
trans)ission 2e(a/ 7/ )eans of TT" 7un2(in& trans)ission. T0e acti4ation an2
2eacti4ation of TT" 7un2(in& trans)ission is contro((e2 7/ RR# si&na(in& )essa&e.
"f TT" 7un2(in& is confi&ure2 7/ t0e RR# (a/er: a para)eter TT"H+NDLEH."TE
pro4i2es t0e nu)7er of TT"s of a TT" 7un2(e. !it0in a TT" 7un2(e: HAR9
retrans)issions are non,a2apti4e an2 s0a(( 7e perfor)e2 wit0out waitin& for
fee27ac?s =e.&. NA#D or A#D > re(ate2 to pre4ious trans)issions accor2in& to t0e
para)eter TT"H+NDLEH."TE. A fee27ac? for a TT" 7un2(e is on(/ recei4e2 for a
specific TT" correspon2in& to TT"H+NDLEH."TE. A retrans)ission of a TT" 7un2(e
is a(so a TT" 7un2(e.
T0e E s0ou(2 support TT" +un2(in&.
.1' *;FD+00101( -nhanced $cheduling
.1'.1 *;FD+00101(01 C:6 4dEust%ent
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
T0is function reinforces t0e tra2itiona( A5# feature 7/ intro2ucin& 2own(in? #0anne(
9ua(it/ "n2icator =#9"> a2Eust)ent.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 35 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature 7rin&s t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
Effecti4e(/ co)pensates for t0e inaccurate #9" )easure)ent an2 )a?es t0e
5#. se(ection )ore accurate 7/ usin& a c(ose2,(oop )ec0anis).
")pro4es t0e s/ste) capacit/ 7/ se(ectin& )ore accurate 5#..
A((ows an a2apti4e #9" )easure)ent for 2ifferent scenarios an2 t0erefore
i)pro4es t0e s/ste) capacit/.
T0e #9" a2Eust)ent sc0e)e en0ances t0e con4entiona( A5# sc0e)e 7/ intro2ucin&
2own(in? #9" a2Eust)ent. "t cou(2 pro4i2e a22itiona( perfor)ance &ains.
n2er t0e con4entiona( A5# sc0e)e: t0e eNo2e+ c0ooses a 5o2u(ation an2 #o2in&
.c0e)e =5#.> for a E 7ase2 on t0e reporte2 #9". As a resu(t: 5#. wi(( )ain(/
c0an&e accor2in& to t0e reporte2 #9". .ince t0e E )easure)ent error an2 c0anne(
fa2in& cou(2 )a?e t0e reporte2 #9" so)ew0at inaccurate: t0e 5#. se(ection 7ase2 on
t0e inaccurate #9" cou(2 cause t0e DL trans)ission fai(s to reac0 t0e +(oc? Error Rate
=+LER> tar&et. T0e con4entiona( A5# sc0e)e 2oes not 0a4e a c(ose2,(oop fee27ac?
)ec0anis) to &uarantee t0at t0e actua( +LER reac0es t0e +LER tar&et.
T0e #9" a2Eust)ent sc0e)e intro2uces a c(ose2,(oop )ec0anis) to co)pensate for
t0e #9" )easure)ent errors. !0en an eNo2e+ se(ects t0e 5#. for t0e DL
trans)ission: 7esi2es t0e #9" an2 trans)its power: t0e eNo2e+ a(so consi2ers t0e
2ifference 7etween t0e tar&et +LER an2 t0e actua((/ )easure2 +LER. Note t0at t0e
actua((/ )easure2 +LER is ca(cu(ate2 on t0e 7asis of t0e c(ose2,(oop A#D/NA#D
t0at t0e eNo2e+ recei4e2 fro) t0e DL trans)ission. "n a22ition: t0e c(ose2,(oop
so(ution use2 7/ t0e #9" a2Eust)ent sc0e)e a((ows t0e eNo2e+ to instruct a E to
c0an&e t0e +LER tar&et for #9" reportin&: w0ic0 cou(2 )a<i)i1e t0e s/ste)
.1'. *;FD+00101(0 Dyna%ic $cheduling
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e 2/na)ic sc0e2u(in& feature pro4i2es t0e function t0at &uarantees t0e user 9o.
an2 ac0ie4es efficient resource uti(i1ation. T0e fairness 7etween 2ifferent Es is a(so
consi2ere2 in t0e function. T0e 2/na)ic sc0e2u(in& a(&orit0) )ain(/ focuses on t0e
8+R an2 non,8+R ser4ices.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 3B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e sc0e2u(in& feature is t0e core function to pro4i2e 9o. in a LTE s/ste). Huawei
sc0e2u(in& so(ution cou(2 pro4i2e t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
8uarantees t0e 9o. for 8+R: an2 non,8+R ser4ices.
Ac0ie4es an opti)a( tra2eoff a)on& t0rou&0put: fairness: an2 t0e 9o..
T0e sc0e2u(in& function faci(itates to t0e ac0ie4e)ent of efficient resource uti(i1ation
on a s0are2 c0anne(. "n a LTE s/ste): t0e sc0e2u(er a((ocates resources to t0e Es
e4er/ 1 )s or e4er/ one TT". T0e sc0e2u(in& a(&orit0) nee2s to )eet t0e 9o.
re;uire)ents for 2ifferent ser4ices an2 to ac0ie4e a &oo2 tra2eoff 7etween priorit/
2ifferentiation a)on& 2ifferent ser4ices an2 t0e fairness a)on& users.
T0e 9o. specification is 7ase2 on t0e nine 9o. 9#" 2efine2 in LTE stan2ar2s. T0e
nine 2ifferent 9#" c(asses can 7e 2i4i2e2 into 8+R an2 Non,8+R ser4ice. T0e
sc0e2u(in& so(ution is re;uire2 to &uarantee t0e 7it rate re;uire)ent for 8+R ser4ices:
an2 enforce t0e A5+R for Non,8+R ser4ices. 5ini)u) +it Rate =5in,+R> is set for
Non,8+R ser4ices to a4oi2 star4ation.
T0e L sc0e2u(er uses to?en 7uc?et a(&orit0) to ac0ie4e rate contro( function for
8+R an2 Non,8+R ser4ices. %roportiona( Fair =%F> a(&orit0) is t0e 7asic strate&/ to
ensure sc0e2u(in& priorities =7ase2 on 9#"> a)on& 2ifferent ser4ices. Hi&0er priorit/
is assi&ne2 to "5. si&na(in& an2 8+R ser4ices. .e)i,persistent sc0e2u(in& is
e)p(o/e2 for Vo"% ser4ice to ensure t0e 4oice ;ua(it/. !0en t0e con&estion in2icator
fro) (oa2 contro( a(&orit0) is recei4e2: t0e sc0e2u(er )i&0t re2uce t0e &uarantee2
2ata rate for 8+R ser4ice. T0e sc0e2u(er )i&0t a(so consi2er t0e input fro) L "#"#
to re2uce interference.
"n eRAN2.1: up(in? sc0e2u(e wi(( 2i4i2e t0e L#8 accor2in& to $perator confi&ure.
V$"% wi(( 7e assi&ne2 wit0 si&na(in& in t0e sa)e L#8 an2 non,8+R wi(( 0a4e two
L#8. T0ese can &uarantee t0e 0i&0 priorit/ non,8+R in up(in? sc0e2u(e. %+R wi((
not 7e t0e sa)e as )in,8+R an2 %+R wi(( 7e confi&ura7(e for operator.
T0e DL sc0e2u(er e)p(o/s an en0ance2 sc0e2u(in& strate&/. Durin& a &i4en ti)e
win2ow: t0e sc0e2u(er is re;uire2 to &uarantee 8+R an2 A5+R for a(( ser4ices. For
8+R ser4ices: t0e user c0anne( ;ua(it/ an2 t0e ser4ice pac?et 2e(a/ are ta?en into
account w0en ca(cu(atin& t0e priorit/. For Non,8+R ser4ices: in a22ition to t0e user
c0anne( ;ua(it/: t0e sc0e2u(e2 ser4ice t0rou&0put is a(so consi2ere2 w0en ca(cu(atin&
t0e priorit/. Note t0at se)i,persistent sc0e2u(in& is use2 for Vo"% ser4ice a&ain an2 t0e
7an2wi2t0 a((ocate2 for Vo"% traffic is not sc0e2u(e2 7/ t0e sc0e2u(er. T0e en0ance2
DL sc0e2u(er can ac0ie4e an opti)a( tra2eoff a)on& t0rou&0put: fairness: an2 9o.
&uarantee. T0e sa)e as t0e L sc0e2u(er: t0e DL sc0e2u(er a(so consi2ers t0e input
fro) DL "#"# to re2uce t0e inter,ce(( interference.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 3* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.1( *;FD+00101) 1o6& $e%i+persistent
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
.e)i,persistent .c0e2u(in& is a tec0ni;ue for efficient(/ assi&nin& resources for spurts
of traffic in a wire(ess co))unication s/ste). A se)i,persistent resource assi&n)ent
is 4a(i2 as (on& as )ore 2ata is sent wit0in a pre2eter)ine2 ti)e perio2 fro) (ast sent
2ata: an2 e<pires if no 2ata is sent wit0in t0e pre2eter)ine2 ti)e perio2. For Vo"%: a
se)i,persistent resource assi&n)ent )a/ 7e &rante2 for a 4oice fra)e in anticipation
of a spurt of 4oice acti4it/.
T0e se)i,persistent sc0e2u(in& is critica( for Vo"% ser4ices an2 pro4i2es t0e fo((owin&
8uarantees t0e 9o. for Vo"% ser4ices.
Re2uces t0e contro( si&na(in& o4er0ea2 for Vo"% trans)ission.
5a<i)i1es t0e resource uti(i1ation 7/ 2/na)ica((/ acti4atin&/2eacti4atin&
resource a((ocation accor2in& to t0e transition 7etween si(ent perio2 an2 ta(?
T0is feature is critica( to 2e(i4er t0e 4oice ser4ice wit0 accepta7(e ;ua(it/. LTE is
opti)i1e2 in ter)s of pac?et 2ata transfer: an2 t0e core networ? is pure(/ "% pac?et,
7ase2. T0e 4oice is trans)itte2 7/ )eans of Vo"% instea2 of usin& t0e tra2itiona(
circuit,7ase2 )et0o2. To ensure t0e 4oice ;ua(it/: a se)i,persistent sc0e2u(in&
so(ution is use2 for Vo"% ser4ices.
Vo"% is a rea(,ti)e ser4ice wit0 s)a(( an2 fi<e2,(en&t0 2ata pac?ets an2 constant ti)e
of arri4a(. Vo"% traffic consists of ta(? spurts an2 si(ent perio2s. T0e A2apti4e 5u(ti,
Rate =A5R> co2ec cou(2 /ie(2 ;uiet 7urst 4oice traffic. Durin& t0e ta(? spurt: Vo"%
pac?ets nor)a((/ arri4e at inter4a(s of 20 )sJ 2urin& t0e si(ent perio2: .i(ence
"n2icator =."D> pac?ets arri4e at an inter4a( of 1B0)s.
T0e se)i,persistent sc0e2u(in& a((ocates a certain a)ount of resources =suc0 as
resource 7(oc?s> for t0e 4oice ca(( 2urin& t0e ca(( setup perio2 t0rou&0 RR# si&na(in&.
T0e a((ocation is se)i,persistent an2 2oes not nee2 to 7e re;ueste2 a&ain t0rou&0
L/DL contro( si&na(in& unti( t0e ca(( en2s an2 t0e resources are re(ease2. To a((ow
t0e )a<i)u) resource uti(i1ation 2urin& t0e si(ent perio2: t0e resource a((ocation wi((
7e 2eacti4ate2 7/ )eans of e<p(icit si&na(in& e<c0an&e2 o4er t0e %0/sica( Down(in?
#ontro( #0anne( =%D##H>. !0en t0e Vo"% ca(( transits fro) t0e si(ent perio2 to t0e
ta(? spurt: si)i(ar %D##H si&na(in& is use2 to acti4ate t0e se)i,persistent resource
a((ocation. T0e se)i,persistent sc0e2u(in& si&nificant(/ re2uces t0e %D##H o4er0ea2
an2 ensures t0e 9o. for Vo"% ser4ices 7/ reser4in& t0e resources in a se)i,persistent
fas0ion. "t a(so i)pro4es t0e resource uti(i1ation 7/ 2/na)ica((/ acti4atin& or
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 33 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
2eacti4atin& resource a((ocation acti4ities 7etween ta(? spurt an2 si(ent perio2.
"f 7ot0 V$"% an2 2ata traffic are present for an E: 2/na)ic sc0e2u(in& is use2 in
stea2 of se)i,persistent sc0e2u(in&.
.tartin& fro) eRAN2.1: w0en it is 1.'5H1 s/ste) 7an2wi2t0: it wi(( not use se)i,
persistent sc0e2u(e an2 w0en it is ot0er s/ste) 7an2wi2t0: it wi(( preser4e so)e
percent of tota( R+ resource. T0e reason is t0at if V$"% occupies a (ot of resource: it
wi(( i)pact t0e sc0e2u(e of si&na(: w0ic0 is sc0e2u(e2 after V$"%.
.1) *;FD+001010 R;bust 9eader
Co%pression AR;9CB
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
R$H# pro4i2es an efficient an2 f(e<i7(e 0ea2er co)pression )ec0anis) w0ic0 is
particu(ar(/ i)portant to i)pro4e t0e 7an2wi2t0 uti(i1ation for Vo"% ser4ice wit0 s)a((
pa/(oa2 si1e.
R$H# can re2uce t0e si1e of "% pac?et 0ea2 an2 si&nificant(/ i)pro4e t0e
pa/(oa2/0ea2er ratio for Vo"% ser4ice wit0 s)a(( pa/(oa2. "t a(so s0ortens t0e response
ti)e in or2er to &uarantee t0e 0i&0 ratio of (in? usa&e 7etween t0e eNo2e+ an2 t0e
As )ore an2 )ore wire(ess tec0no(o&ies are 7ein& 2ep(o/e2 to carr/ "% traffic: it is a
4ita( si&nificance to re2uce t0e tota( si1e of 0ea2er of trans)ission: 7ecause t0e
o4er0ea2 of t0e pac?et is (ar&e. T0is can i)pro4e t0e usa&e of t0e 7an2wi2t0
resources: particu(ar(/ for ser4ice wit0 s)a(( pa/(oa2 =for e<a)p(e: Vo"% ser4ice>.
$n an en2,to,en2 trans)ission pat0: t0e entire 0ea2er infor)ation is necessar/ for a((
pac?ets in t0e f(ow. Howe4er: o4er a wire(ess (in? =a portion of t0e en2,to,en2 pat0>:
so)e of t0e infor)ation 7eco)e re2un2ant an2 can 7e re2uce2 o4er t0e (in?: since
t0e/ can 7e transparent(/ reco4ere2 at t0e recei4in& si2e.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 39 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
R$H# protoco( pro4i2es an efficient: f(e<i7(e: an2 future,proof 0ea2er co)pression
concept 7ase2 on co)pression/2eco)pression of "%/D%/RT%/E.% pac?ets 0ea2er. "t
is 2esi&ne2 to operate efficient(/ an2 ro7ust(/ o4er 4arious (in? tec0no(o&ies wit0
2ifferent c0aracteristics: especia((/ for wire(ess trans)ission.
"n LTE s/ste): t0e R$H# function is (ocate2 in %ac?et Data #on4er&ence %rotoco(
=%D#%> entities associate2 wit0 user p(ane pac?ets. For t0e L: t0e pac?ets are
co)presse2 7/ t0e E an2 2eco)presse2 7/ t0e eNo2e+J for t0e DL: t0e pac?ets are
co)presse2 7/ t0e eNo2e+ an2 2eco)presse2 7/ t0e E.
T0e re(ati4e &ain for specific f(ows or app(ications 2epen2s on t0e si1e of t0e pa/(oa2
use2 in eac0 pac?et. Hea2er co)pression is e<pecte2 to si&nificant(/ i)pro4e t0e
7an2wi2t0 uti(i1ation for Vo"% ser4ice wit0 s)a(( pa/(oa2 si1e.
Huawei LTE eNo2e+ supports profi(es 0<0000K0<000' 7ase2 on 7ot0 "%4' an2 "%4B.
1.1 s0ows t0e profi(e i2entifiers an2 t0eir associate2 0ea2er co)pression protoco(s.
Table 1.1 R$H# profi(e i2entifier an2 0ea2er co)pression protoco(
0<0000 No co)pression
0<0001 RT%/D%/"%
0<0002 D%/"%
0<000- E.%/"%
0<000' "%
.10 *;FD+0010) #C& &ro7y -nhancer
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
A series of en0ance2 T#% functions a2apti4e to t0e (in? c0aracteristics on t0e RAN
si2e are i)p(e)ente2 in t0e eNo2e+. T0is feature ena7(es t0e perfor)ance of t0e T#%
protoco( 2eri4e2 fro) t0e wire2 networ? to 7e &reat(/ i)pro4e2 in t0e wire(ess
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 90 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
networ?: t0us i)pro4in& user e<perience an2 s/ste) efficienc/.
T0is feature )iti&ates t0e i)pact of so)e factors suc0 as pac?et (oss in t0e RAN si2e
to i)pro4e t0e perfor)ance of T#% 2ata trans)ission: acce(erates t0e s(ow startup an2
fast retrans)ission of t0e ser4er 2urin& t0e 2ata trans)ission: increases t0e L/DL
2ata trans)ission efficienc/: an2 re2uces t0e L/DL trans)ission 2e(a/: t0us &reat(/
i)pro4in& t0e %. 2ata trans)ission perfor)ance.
T0e T#%/"% protoco( is e<tensi4e(/ use2 a(( o4er t0e wor(2. "t was initia((/ 2e4e(ope2
for wire2 trans)ission an2 (ater a(so use2 in wire(ess networ?s. Howe4er wire(ess
networ?s e<0i7it so)e c0aracteristics ;uite 2ifferent fro) t0e wire2 networ?. A t/pica(
e<a)p(e is t0at of pac?et (osses w0ic0: in a wire2 networ?: is co))on(/ 2ue to
con&estion in so)e networ? e(e)ents: w0ereas in a wire(ess networ? suc0 (osses can
7e 2ue to trans)ission errors o4er t0e air interface. T0is 0as a si&nificant i)pact on t0e
o4era(( perfor)ance of t0e 2ata trans)ission: 2ue to t0e wa/ t0e T#%/"% protoco(s
reacts to suc0 pac?et (osses. To )iti&ate t0is effect: a nu)7er of en0ance)ents 0a4e
7een i)p(e)ente2 in t0e eNo2e+.
A T%E =T#% %ro</ Entit/> functiona(it/ is i)p(e)ente2 in t0e eNo2e+: w0ic0
i)pro4es t0e 2ata trans)ission perfor)ance in t0e wire(ess networ?. T0e T%E
processes t0e T#%/"% pac?ets 7/ a2optin& T#% perfor)ance opti)i1ation tec0no(o&ies
suc0 as 7ufferin& an2 sortin& of DL 2ata: A#D sp(ittin&: DupA#D 2up(ication: (oca(
retrans)ission: 7ui(2in& !in2ow .ca(in& =!.> in2ication an2 en0ance2 si)u(taneous
DL/L 2ata trans)ission. T0is feature acce(erates t0e s(ow startup an2 con&estion
a4oi2ance of t0e ser4er an2 i)pro4es t0e DL t0rou&0put in t0e case of si)u(taneous
up(oa2in& an2 2own(oa2in&. T0erefore: t0is feature &reat(/ i)pro4es t0e %. 2ata
trans)ission perfor)ance.

A#D sp(ittin&
"n T#%: t0e con&estion win2ow is up2ate2 accor2in& to t0e nu)7er of recei4e2
A#D )essa&es an2 is e<pan2e2 7/ increasin& t0e nu)7er of A#D )essa&es.
!0en a s(ow startup occurs at t0e trans)ittin& en2: A#D sp(ittin& can ;uic?(/
reco4er t0e con&estion win2owJ w0en t0e trans)ittin& en2 wor?s in con&estion
a4oi2ance )o2e: A#D sp(ittin& can acce(erate t0e e<pansion of t0e con&estion

DupA#D 2up(ication
"n T#%: a (ost T#% pac?et is retrans)itte2 after t0ree DupA#D are recei4e2. !it0
t0is feature: after t0e T%E recei4es t0e A#D )essa&e fro) t0e E: t0e T%E
i))e2iate(/ 2up(icates t0ree DupA#D )essa&es an2 sen2s t0e) to t0e ser4er if
it 2etects t0at t0e pac?ets re;ueste2 7/ t0e A#D are not in t0e 7uffer. T0is
s0ortens t0e ti)e for pac?et retrans)ission.

Loca( retrans)ission
!0en pac?et (oss occurs on t0e air interface: t0e T%E: rat0er t0an t0e trans)ittin&
en2: retrans)its t0e pac?et to t0e recei4in& en2: t0us re2ucin& t0e ti)e for

%ac?et sortin&
T0e T%E sorts an2 trans)its t0e 2isor2ere2 DL pac?ets to a4oi2 unnecessar/
trans)ission of DupA#Ds in t0e up(in? an2 to pre4ent T%E (oca( retrans)ission
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 91 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
cause2 7/ 2isor2ere2 pac?ets. "n t0is wa/: trans)ission resources are sa4e2.

+ui(2in& !. in2ication
!0en T#% win2ow si1e in ser4er si2e is B'D+: t0e s/nc0roni1ation pac?et wi((
not inc(u2e !. in2ication. "f t0e recei4in& si2e 2etects t0at t0ere is no !.
in2ication: t0e s/nc0roni1ation A#D pac?et returne2 7/ recei4in& si2e wi(( not
inc(u2e !. in2ication. "n t0is case: e4en if t0e capa7i(it/ of t0e recei4in& en2 is
&reater t0an B'D+: t0e win2ow si1e is (i)ite2 to B'D+. T0erefore: t0e
t0rou&0put is 2ecrease2 if t0e actua( recei4in& capa7i(it/ e<cee2s B'D+.

En0ance2 si)u(taneous 2own(in? an2 up(in? trans)ission

"f 2ata are trans)itte2 in t0e up(in? an2 2own(in? si)u(taneous(/: E nee2s to
sen2 2ata an2 T#% A#D/NA#D infor)ation correspon2in& to 2own(in? 2ata.
Howe4er: T#% A#D/NA#D infor)ation )a/ 7e 7(oc?e2 on t0e E si2e 7/
up(in? 2ata pac?et. T0erefore: t0e T#% A#D infor)ation of 2own(in? 2ata is
2e(a/e2: w0ic0 )a/ affect t0e 2own(in? t0rou&0put. T0is feature can )onitor t0e
T#% pac?et reception in E. "f a T#% pac?et is recei4e2 7/ E correct(/: T%E
7ui(2s A#D infor)ation an2 sen2s it to t0e ser4er. T0en: t0e ser4er T#% t<
win2ow can s(i2e )ore ;uic?(/ an2 t0e 2own(in? t0rou&0put wi(( 7e increase2.
.18 *;FD+00100 4cit<e :ueue
Manage%ent A4:MB
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es an approac0 for 7uffer opti)i1ation to interact wit0 t0e T#%
protoco( in a fa4ora7(e )anner an2 s0orten t0e 7ufferin& 2e(a/.
T0e Acti4e 9ueue 5ana&e)ent feature i)pro4es t0e en2 user ser4ice in 2ifferent
wa/s. !it0 A95: w0ere t0e 7uffer fi(( (e4e( is 7a(ance2 to t0e E 2ata rate: t0e 2e(a/
is si&nificant(/ re2uce2.
"n an interacti4e pac?et,2ata connection: t0e pac?et 2ata to 7e transferre2 is t/pica((/
c0aracteri1e2 7/ (ar&e 4ariations: so t0e 7uffer is intro2uce2 to e4en out t0e 4ariations.
Howe4er: if t0e 7uffer is fi((e2 up or an o4erf(ow situation ta?es p(ace: it wi(( resu(t in
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 92 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
(oss of 2ata pac?ets.
#urrent(/: T#% as t0e )ain transport (a/er protoco( is use2 on "nternet. %ac?et (oss is
re&ar2e2 as (in? con&estion 7/ T#%: an2 T#% wi(( correspon2in&(/ re2uce t0e 2ata
trans)ission rate. T#% protoco( is a(so sensiti4e to roun2 trip 2e(a/ an2 it wi(( ta?e
actions 2ifferent(/ in case Eust one pac?et is (ost or if a 7urst of pac?ets is (ost. "n case
of uncontro((e2 pac?et (osses: it )a/ ta?e a consi2era7(e ti)e for t0e 2ata rate to
increase a&ain: (ea2in& to poor ra2io (in? uti(i1ation an2 causin& (on& 2e(a/s for t0e
en2 user.
"n a22ition: in case a user is perfor)in& para((e( acti4ities: e.&. FT% 2own(oa2in& an2
we7 7rowsin&: if t0e fi(e 2own(oa2in& as a 2o)inant strea) wou(2 fi(( t0e 7uffers an2
t0ere7/ cause a (on& 2e(a/ for we7 7rowsin&: 7efore an/t0in& wou(2 0appen w0en
c(ic?in& on a (in?.
T0e functiona(it/ of A95 is pro4i2e2 as an opti)i1e2 7uffer 0an2(in& )et0o2: in
or2er to interact wit0 t0e T#% protoco( in a fa4ora7(e )anner an2 re2uce t0e 7ufferin&
2e(a/ w0i(e &uaranteein& t0e 0i&0 t0rou&0put. Huawei A95 so(ution is i)p(e)ente2
7ase2 on t0e 7asic t0eor/ of RED =Ran2o) Ear(/ Detection>. "t intro2uces two
con&estion 2etection t0res0o(2s: inc(u2in& con&estion t0res0o(2 an2 )a<i)u)
con&estion t0res0o(2 to 2etect %D#% 7uffer occupanc/. $nce t0e 7uffer is fi((e2 up to
one of t0e t0res0o(2s: pac?et 2roppin& )ec0anis) wi(( 7e app(ie2 correspon2in&(/:
a4oi2in& 7uffer con&estion or su7se;uent pac?ets fro) 7ein& 2iscar2e2.
T0e Huawei A95 so(ution is c(ose(/ coup(e2 wit0 t0e T%E function. !0i(e T%E is
wor?in&: pac?et 2roppin& )ec0anis) in A95 wou(2 not 7e tri&&ere2 if t0e 7uffer
occupanc/ is 0i&0er t0an t0e t0res0o(2s. "nstea2: T%E perfor)s to constrain t0e
2own(in? 7it rate.
$perators can switc0 on/off t0e Acti4e 9ueue 5ana&e)ent function.
.19 *;FD+00109 -nhanced 4d%ission
.19.1 *;FD+0010901 Radio,transport Resource
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 9- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature ena7(es ser4ice 2ifferentiation w0en t0e networ? is con&este2 to pro4i2e
7etter ser4ices for 0i&0,priorit/ users.
T0is feature pro4i2es operators wit0 a )et0o2 to 2ifferentiate users accor2in& to t0eir
priorit/. Hi&0 priorit/ users can o7tain t0e s/ste) resources in case of resource
(i)itation. "n t0is wa/: operators can pro4i2e 7etter ser4ice to t0ose 0i&0 priorit/ users.
%re,e)ption is t0e function re(ate2 to a2)ission contro( an2 is t0e )et0o2 for
2ifferentiatin& ser4ices. "t ena7(es operators to pro4i2e 2ifferent ser4ices 7/ settin&
2ifferent priorities: w0ic0 wi(( affect t0e user ca(( setup success rate 2urin& t0e ca((
setup proce2ure. "f t0ere are not enou&0 resources an2 a new ca(( is not a2)itte2 to
access to t0e networ?: 0i&0 priorit/ user wi(( 0a4e )ore c0ances to access to t0e
networ? t0an (ow priorit/ users 7/ pre,e)ptin& ot0er (ow priorit/ users.
T0e priorit/ infor)ation is o7taine2 fro) t0e E,RA+ Le4e( 9o. %ara)eters inc(u2in&
AR% =A((ocation / Retention %riorit/>: in t0e )essa&e of ERA+ .ET% RE9E.T.
T0e eNo2e+ wi(( assi&n t0e user priorit/ 7ase2 on AR%.
%re,e)ption wi(( ta?e action if a2)ittin& a ca(( fai(s 2ue to (ac? of resource: inc(u2in&
.1 trans)ission resource an2 ra2io resource =for e<a)p(e: 9o. satisfaction ratio 7ase2
a2)ission c0ec? is fai(ure>. T0e ser4ice wit0 t0e attri7ution of %re,e)ption #apa7i(it/
an2 %re,e)ption Vu(nera7i(it/ in2icates t0e ser4ice a7i(it/ of pre,e)pt an2 pre,
e)ption 4u(nera7i(it/. T0e pre,e)ption capa7i(it/ in2icates t0e pre,e)ption capa7i(it/
of t0e re;uest on ot0er E,RA+s: an2 pre,e)ption 4u(nera7i(it/ in2icates t0e
4u(nera7i(it/ of t0e E,RA+ to pree)ption of ot0er E,RA+s.
"n case of .i&na(in& Ra2io +earer =.R+>: t0e pre,e)ption wi(( not 7e tri&&ere2 if
resource a((ocation for .R+ fai(s. For t0e e)er&enc/ ca(( =e.&.: E911> ser4ice: on
account of t0eir 4er/ 0i&0 priorit/: it a(wa/s 0as t0e pree)ption capa7i(it/. For t0e
.R+: e)er&enc/ ca(( an2 "5. si&na(in&: t0e/ cannot 7e pree)pte2.
Depen2enc/ on ot0er NEs
T0is feature nee2s t0e core networ? to 7rin& t0e AR% "E to eNo2e+ 2urin& E,RA+
assi&n)ent proce2ure so t0at eNo2e+ can &et t0e ser4ice priorit/ wit0 t0ose E,RA+
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 9' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.0 *;FD+0010!8 RR3 Channel Cross
Connection 3nder M6M;
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
!0en 2ep(o/e2 in t0e fie(2: per0aps t0e RR is insta((e2 on top of t0e tower or t0e
7ase station is insta((e2 in inaccessi7(e area. T0e e;uip)ent cannot 7e easi(/
)aintaine2. "n t0is case: if one RR or RF fai(s: t0e sector wi(( 7e out of ser4ice for
a (on& ti)e. Howe4er: wit0 t0is new sc0e)e: one RR or RF fai(ure wi(( not cause
t0e outa&e of t0e w0o(e sector so t0at t0e ser4ice co4era&e can 7e ensure2.
+/ re(ia7i(it/ pre2iction: t0e a4ai(a7i(it/ of RR wi(( increase fro) 0.999993'' to
0.999999-2. "n a22ition: t0is sc0e)e 2oes N$T increase an/ 0ar2ware costU
T0is sc0e)e can &reat(/ increase e;uip)ent re(ia7i(it/ wit0out increasin& 0ar2ware
cost. +/ uti(i1in& t0e in2epen2enc/ of t0e 5"5$ c0anne(s: t0e sector ser4ice can 7e
processe2 t0rou&0 2ifferent RR. !0en one RR fai(s: t0e ot0er RR can sti((
process t0e ser4ice 2ata of t0at sector so t0e tota( outa&e of t0at sector wi(( not occur.
5eanw0i(e: t0e perfor)ance of t0at fau(t/ sector wi(( 7e 2ecrease2. T0is sc0e)e can
7e app(ie2 in I sector confi&uration an2 )TnR 5"5$ arc0itecture.
Ta?in& 2T2R RR for e<a)p(e: t0ere are t0ree RRs =fro) (eft to ri&0t is RR1:
RR2 an2 RR-> T0e (eft c0art is for t0e (e&ac/ sc0e)e an2 t0e ri&0t one is for t0e
(oa2 s0arin& sc0e)e. Antenna 1 is connecte2 to RR1 an2 RR2. Antenna 2 is
connecte2 to RR2 an2 RR-. Antenna - is connecte2 to RR- an2 RR1. "n t0e
(e&ac/ sc0e)e: w0en one RR fai(s: t0e sector connecte2 is tota((/ out of ser4ice.
!0i(e app(/in& 5"5$ (oa2 s0arin& sc0e)e: w0en one RR: for e<a)p(e RR1 fai(s:
t0e ot0er antenna of t0at sector is connecte2 to RR2: ser4ice in t0at fau(t/ sector can
sti(( 7e processe2. "n t0e )eanw0i(e: t0at operation )o2e is c0an&e2 fro) 2T2R to
1T1R an2 t0e perfor)ance 2ecreases =suc0 as co4era&e area: t0rou&0put: etc>. $n t0e
ot0er 0an2: as sector - uses one trans)it/recei4e c0anne( of RR1: t0e perfor)ance
2ecreases as we((. 5oreo4er: 7ecause t0e antenna )o2e 0as c0an&e for 7ot0 sector1
an2 sector-: it is necessar/ to reconfi&ure t0e ce(( 2ata: w0ic0 wi(( cause 20s outa&e of
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 95 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature is )ore suita7(e for RRs insta((e2 on top of t0e tower.
.1 *;FD+001018 $1+2le7
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
T0is feature is part of t0e 55E %oo( so(ution w0ic0 nee2s t0e support fro) 7ot0 t0e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 9B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
eNo2e+ an2 t0e 55E. "t a((ows an eNo2e+ to 7e connecte2 to )u(tip(e 55Es
"n eRAN2.0: Huawei eNo2e+ supports a )a<i)u) of 1B .1 interfaces. T0ere is one
55E on eac0 .1 interface w0ic0 can 7e a(so connecte2 to se4era( 55Es.
T0is feature increases t0e f(e<i7i(it/ of .1 interface an2 pro4i2es t0e fo((owin&
"ncreases t0e o4era(( usa&e of capacit/ of 55E poo(.
")pro4es t0e (oa2 s0arin& across 55Es in poo(.
A4oi2s unnecessar/ si&na(in& in t0e core networ? w0en t0e E )o4es in t0e
55E %oo( Area 7ecause t0e ser4e2 55E of t0e E wi(( not c0an&e.
A connection topo(o&/ 7etween 55E %oo( an2 eNo2e+s is s0own as 2.21@
Figure 1.1 connection topo(o&/ 7etween 55E %oo( an2 eNo2e+s
"f an eNo2e+ connects to a 55E %oo(: it in2icates t0at t0e eNo2e+ )ust 7e a7(e to
2eter)ine w0ic0 55E in t0e poo( s0ou(2 recei4e t0e si&na(in& sent fro) a E@
"f t0e E &i4es t0e re&istere2 55E in t0e RR# si&na( )essa&e: t0e eNo2e+ wi((
se(ect t0e 55E accor2in& wit0 t0is infor)ation.
"f t0e E 2oes not &i4e t0e re&istere2 55E or t0e re&istere2 55E is not connecte2 to
t0e eNo2e+: t0e eNo2e+ wi(( se(ect a 55E as fo((ow@

Topo(o&/,7ase2 55E %oo( se(ection

HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 9* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e 55E is se(ecte2 7ase2 t0e networ? topo(o&/ to re2uces t0e possi7i(it/ of
switc0in& 55E 2urin& )o7i(it/.

Loa2,7ase2 55E se(ection

T0e 55E is se(ecte2 7ase2 on its capacit/ an2 (oa2. T0e capacit/ of t0e 55E can 7e
infor)e2 to t0e eNo2e+ 2urin& t0e .1 setup 7/ t0e 55E. !0en an 55E is
o4er(oa2e2: t0e eNo2e+ wi(( not assi&n new Es to t0e 55E.
55E )ust support 55E %oo( function si)u(taneous(/
. *;FD+0010'0 *oCation $er<ices
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.1.
L#. =Lo#ation .er4ices> pro4i2es a )et0o2 to i2entif/ E6s &eo&rap0ica( (ocation
t0rou&0 ra2io si&na( )easure)ent.
T0e feature L#. =Lo#ation .er4ices> can 7e use2 to i2entif/ E6s &eo&rap0ica(
(ocation infor)ation suc0 as (on&itu2e: (atitu2e: 4e(ocit/ an2 so on. T0e &eo&rap0ica(
(ocation infor)ation can 7e use2 to offer a ran&e of (ocation 7ase2 4a(ue a22e2
ser4ices. For instance: it can 7e use2 7/ na4i&ation app(ications: or for (ocation
re;uire)ents in e)er&enc/ ca((/(awfu( interception situations. For e<a)p(e: for E911
ser4ice: t0e a(ar) center can (ocate t0e e)er&enc/ ca(( ori&inator t0en con2uct t0e
appropriate rescue. T0e accurac/ of L#. is a7out 50,-00 )eters: 2epen2in& on
)et0o2 use2 an2 ra2io en4iron)ent.
T0e feature L#. pro4i2es a )et0o2 to i2entif/ E6s &eo&rap0ica( (ocation 7/ ra2io
si&na( )easure)ent. A networ? e(e)ent: E,.5L# =En0ance2 .er4in& 5o7i(e
Location #entre>: is nee2e2 to support t0is feature. "t can 7e an in2epen2ent networ?
e(e)ent in LTE core networ? or inte&rate2 in t0e 55E.
T0e 2ifferent positionin& )et0o2s supporte2 are@

#e(( "D 7ase2 K +asic accurac/ =2epen2in& on ra2io networ? 2ensit/>

$TD$A =$7ser4e2 Ti)e Difference $f Arri4a(> K 5e2iu) accurac/

HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 93 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

A,8%. K Hi&0 accurac/

L#. feature is i)p(e)ente2 )ain(/ in E,.5L# an2 E w0i(e t0e eNo2e+ acts as a
transparent entit/ for )essa&es an2 infor)ation )easure)ent forwar2in&. A t/pica(
L#. proce2ure is@

55E recei4es L#. re;uire)ent for a tar&et E (ocation: or 55E starts L#.
ser4ice 7/ itse(f.

55E sen2s L#. re;uire)ent to E,.5L#.

E,.5L# sen2s au<i(iar/ 2ata to E: c0ec? re(ate2 )easure)ent infor)ation

fro) E/eNo2e+. E,.5L# ca(cu(ates out (ocation infor)ation of tar&et E an2
forwar2 it to 55E.

"f 55E 2oes not 0ost t0e L#.: 55E wi(( forwar2 t0e (ocation infor)ation to
t0e networ? e(e)ent w0ic0 0osts t0e L#..

E s0ou(2 support L#. for A,8%. an2 $TD$A.

$TD$A re;uires Ti)e s/nc0roni1ation for E,TRAN.

55E s0ou(2 support L%%a protoco(.

E,.5L# is re;uire2.
.! *;FD+001019 &$ 6nter+R4# Mobility
between -+3#R4. and 3#R4.
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
%. inter,RAT 5o7i(it/ 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN pro4i2es t0e function of
inter,RAT ce(( se(ection an2 rese(ection 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN: an2 t0e
function t0at t0e Es can 7e 0an2e2 o4er to an inter,RAT TRAN ce(( for t0e reason
of (i)ite2 ce(( co4era&e. "f t0e %. 0an2o4er is not supporte2 7/ t0e current networ?s:
t0e %. re2irection 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN is pro4i2e2 to rea(i1e t0e inter,
RAT )o7i(it/. 5oreo4er: t0e 7(in2 0an2o4er is pro4i2e2 if inter,RAT )easure)ents
)a/ 7e o)itte2 =to sa4e ti)e an2 resources> or can 7e una4ai(a7(e.
%. 0an2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN a(so supports t0e function t0at t0e Es
can 7e 0an2e2 o4er to an inter,RAT TRAN ce(( w0en t0ere is up(in? co4era&e
restriction on E,TRAN.
%. 0an2o4er 7ase2 on up(in? power is supporte2. !0en E6s ser4ice 9o. is (i)ite2 in
up(in?: eNo2e+ can tri&&er an inter,RAT 0an2o4er to TRAN to &uarantee t0e ser4ice
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 99 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e feature pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
Ena7(es t0e sea)(ess co,e<istence 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN
8uarantees s)oot0 e4o(ution fro) (e&ac/ wire(ess s/ste)s to LTE s/ste)s.
%ro4i2es supp(e)entar/ co4era&e for E,TRAN in t0e ear(/ p0ase usin& t0e
(e&ac/ wire(ess s/ste)s to pre4ent ca(( 2rop: t0us: sea)(ess user co4era&e
")pro4es t0e networ? perfor)ance an2 en2 user e<perience
Han2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN is a critica( feature to a((ow sea)(ess co,
e<istence an2 a s)oot0 e4o(ution fro) t0e (e&ac/ wire(ess co))unication s/ste)s to
LTE s/ste). "t is one t/pe of inter,Ra2io Access Tec0no(o&/ =RAT> 0an2o4er. "t e<ists
in t0e ear(/ E,TRAN 2ep(o/)ent w0en a E )o4es to an area w0ere E,TRAN
2oes not 0a4e co4era&e w0i(e TRAN 0as.
"n Huawei eRAN1.0: 0an2o4er is 7ase2 on t0e co4era&e 7/ e4a(uatin& t0e ce((s6 DL
reference si&na(s t0at can 7e R.R% =Reference .i&na( Recei4e2 %ower>: R.R9
=Reference .i&na( Recei4e2 9ua(it/> of E,TRAN: an2 Recei4e2 .i&na( #o2e %ower
=R.#%> or Ec/N0 of TRAN .
!0en a E )o4es out of t0e area of E,TRAN: t0e eNo2e+ 2eci2es w0et0er to
0an2o4er it fro) E,TRAN to TRAN accor2in& to its reporte2 )easure)ent. T0e
E perfor)s 0an2o4er to t0e tar&et TRAN ce(( w0en it recei4es t0e 0an2o4er
co))an2 fro) t0e source eNo2e+.
T0e inter,RAT )easure)ent of t0e tar&et ce(( is &ap,assiste2 for t0e E wit0 on(/ one
RF recei4er. "n t0e ser4in& ce((: t0e inter,RAT )easure)ent is tri&&ere2 7/ an e4ent
A2 t0at )eans t0e DL reference si&na( ;ua(it/ of E,TRAN 7eco)e worse t0an t0e
a7so(ute t0res0o(2: an2 stoppe2 7/ an e4ent A1 t0at )eans t0e DL reference si&na(
;ua(it/ of E,TRAN 7eco)es 7etter t0an a7so(ute t0res0o(2.
T0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er is tri&&ere2 7/ an e4ent +1 t0at )eans t0e #o))on %i(ot
#0anne( =#%"#H>: R.#% an2/or Ec/N0 of TRAN ce((s is 7etter t0an a7so(ute
t0res0o(2. After recei4in& t0e )easure)ent report fro) t0e E: t0e eNo2e+ 2eci2es
wet0er to 0an2 o4er it to TRAN.
Huawei eNo2e+ a(so supports %. 0an2o4er fro) TRAN to E,TRAN.
"n so)e specific scenario: inter,RAT )easure)ents )a/ 7e o)itte2 =to sa4e ti)e an2
resources> or can 7e una4ai(a7(e. "n suc0 a scenario: Huawei pro4i2es +(in2 Han2o4er
to rea(i1e inter,RAT 0an2o4er fro) E,TRAN to TRAN in eRAN2.0. For e<a)p(e:
if an E,TRAN ce(( is co,site2 wit0 a TRAN site: an2 0a4in& t0e sa)e co4era&e
ran&e: operators can confi&ure t0e TRAN ce(( as t0e E,TRAN ce((6s 7(in2
0an2o4er tar&et ce((. !0en 0an2o4er tri&&er con2itions =(oa2: ser4ice> are )et: t0e
eNo2e+ can 0an2o4er t0e E to t0e 7(in2 0an2o4er tar&et ce(( wit0out inter,RAT
)easure)ent. +(in2 0an2o4er: co)pare2 to %. 0an2o4er: features )ore re2uce2
0an2o4er ti)e.
"f t0e (e&ac/ TRAN or Es can not support %. 0an2o4er: Huawei pro4i2es %.
re2irection functiona(it/ to rea(i1e inter,RAT 0an2o4er 7etween TRAN an2 E,
TRAN in eRAN2.0. T0ere is no up2ate re;uire)ent for (e&ac/ TRAN an2 Es to
support %. Re2irection.
T0e proce2ure of %. re2irection is t0e sa)e as t0at of RRCConnectionRelease in
w0ic0 t0e carrier fre;uenc/ infro)ation of t0e tar&et re2irection s/ste) wi(( 7e
inc(u2e2 in t0e RRCConnectionRelease )essa&e. After a RR# connection of a E is
re(ease2 7/ t0e source LTE s/ste): t0e E rese(ects t0e tar&et s/ste) 7ase2 on t0e
recei4e2 carrier fre;uenc/ infor)ation 2urin& t0e re(ease proce2ure an2 re,esta7(is0es
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 100 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
t0e connection wit0 t0e tar&et s/ste). "n su))ar/: t0e 0an2o4er )ec0anis) of %.
re2irection consists of connection re(ease: carrier,fre;uenc/ re,se(ection: an2
connection re,esta7(is0)ent.
Note t0at t0e a7o4e 2escription refers to a E in acti4e )o2e )o7i(it/. "n i2(e )o2e
)o7i(i/: #e(( .e(ection an2 Rese(ection are proce2ures use2 for searc0in& a new RAT
ser4in& ce((. T0e E wi(( continua((/ perfor) t0is proce2ure w0en it )o4es. #e((
se(ection an2 Rese(ection for inter,RAT is usua((/ perfor)e2 in t0e fo((owin&

#e(( .e(ection@ %roce2ure of ce(( se(ection is in4o?e2 w0en t0e E initia((/ turns
on. T0e ce(( of w0ic0 tec0no(o&/ is se(ecte2 7/ t0e E is 7ase2 on t0e priorit/

E,TRAN toTRAN #e(( Rese(ection@ T0e E 0as initia((/ ca)pe2 on t0e LTE
ce((. !0en t0e E )o4es out of E,TRAN co4era&e: t0e E nee2s to rese(ect
TRAN if a4ai(a7(e.

TRAN to E,TRAN #e(( Rese(ection@ T0e E 0as ca)pe2 initia((/ eit0er on a

TRAN ce((. !0en t0e E enters a ce(( of E,TRAN co4era&e: an2 if E,
TRAN is confi&ure2 wit0 0i&0er priorit/: t0e E wi(( rese(ect E,TRAN. T0e
priorit/ infor)ation is 7roa2caste2 in ce(( s/ste) infor)ation.
!0en ca)pin& on a ce((: t0e E re&u(ar(/ searc0es for a 7etter ce(( accor2in& to t0e
ce(( rese(ection criteria. "f a 7etter ce(( is foun2: t0at ce(( is se(ecte2.
8enera((/ spea?in&: LTE s/ste) is (i)ite2 in up(in?. .o)eti)es: 9o. can 7e
&uarantee2 in 2own(in?: 7ut in up(in? it is not satisfie2 e4en E 0as trans)itte2 its fu((
power. To &uarantee E6s ser4ice 9o. in t0is scenario: Huawei supports up(in?
trans)ission power 7ase2 inter,RAT 0an2o4er to TRAN.
!0i(e eNo2e+ 2etecte2 E6s 9o. is (i)ite2: eNo2e+ wi(( sen2 )easure)ent contro(
)essa&e to E. !0en E reports +1 e4ent to eNo2e+: eNo2e+ 2eci2es w0et0er to
0an2o4er to TRAN.

"n eRAN2.0: %. Re2irection an2 +(in2 Han2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN
are supporte2.
"n eRAN2.1: t0e Han2o4er 7ase2 on L power is supporte2. "t &uarantees ser4ice
continuit/ in up(in? (i)ite2 power or (i)ite2 E,TRAN co4era&e w0en a E )o4es
to t0e ce(( e2&e.
T0e functiona(it/ of %. 0an2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN 2epen2s on
TRAN an2 #ore Networ?6 support.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 101 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.' *;FD+00100 &$ 6nter+R4# Mobility
between -+3#R4. and 5-R4.
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
%. inter,RAT 5o7i(it/ 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN pro4i2es t0e function of
inter,RAT ce(( se(ection an2 rese(ection 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN: an2 t0e
function t0at t0e E can 0an2o4er to an inter,RAT 8ERAN ce(( for t0e reasons of
(i)ite2 ce(( co4era&e. "f t0e %. 0an2o4er is not supporte2 7/ t0e current networ?: t0e
%. re2irection 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN is pro4i2e2 to rea(i1e t0e inter,RAT
)o7i(it/. 5oreo4er: t0e 7(in2 0an2o4er is pro4i2e2 if inter,RAT )easure)ents )a/ 7e
o)itte2 =to sa4e ti)e an2 resources> or can 7e una4ai(a7(e.
%. 0an2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN supports a(so t0e function t0at t0e Es
can 7e 0an2e2 o4er to an inter,RAT 8ERAN ce(( w0en t0ere is up(in? co4era&e
restriction on E,TRAN.
%. 0an2o4er 7ase2 on up(in? power is supporte2. !0en E6s ser4ice 9o. is (i)ite2 in
up(in?: eNo2e+ can tri&&er an inter,RAT 0an2o4er to 8ERAN to &uarantee t0e ser4ice
T0e feature pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
Ena7(es t0e sea)(ess co,e<istence 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN
8uarantees s)oot0 e4o(ution fro) (e&ac/ wire(ess s/ste)s to LTE s/ste)s
%ro4i2es supp(e)entar/ co4era&e for E,TRAN in ear(/ p0ase usin& t0e (e&ac/
wire(ess s/ste)s to pre4ent ca(( 2rop: t0us: sea)(ess o4era&e for t0e E
")pro4es t0e networ? perfor)ance an2 en2 user e<perience
Han2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN is a critica( feature to a((ow a sea)(ess co,
e<istence an2 a s)oot0 e4o(ution fro) t0e (e&ac/ wire(ess co))unication s/ste)s to
LTE s/ste)s. "t is one t/pe of t0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er. "t e<ists in t0e ear(/ p0ase of E,
TRAN w0en a E )o4es into an area w0ere E,TRAN 2oes not 0a4e co4era&e 7ut
8ERAN 0as.
"n Huawei eRAN1.0: 0an2o4er is 7ase2 on t0e co4era&e 7/ e4a(uatin& t0e ce((s6 DL
reference si&na(s w0ic0 can 7e R.R%: R.R9 of E,TRA: an2 carrier Recei4e2 .i&na(
.tren&t0 "n2icator =carrier R.."> of 8.5 .
!0en a E )o4es out of E,TRAN area: t0e eNo2e+ can 2eci2e w0et0er to
0an2o4er it fro) E,TRA to 8ERAN accor2in& to its reporte2 )easure)ent. T0e E
perfor)s 0an2o4er to t0e tar&et 8ERAN ce(( after recei4in& t0e 0an2o4er co))an2
fro) t0e eNo2e+.
T0e inter,RAT )easure)ent of t0e tar&et ce(( is &ap,assiste2 for E wit0 one RF
recei4er. "n t0e ser4in& ce((: t0e inter,RAT )easure)ent is tri&&ere2 7/ an e4ent A2
t0at )eans t0e ;ua(it/ of E,TRAN DL reference si&na( 7eco)es worse t0an t0e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 102 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
a7so(ute t0res0o(2: an2 stoppe2 7/ an e4ent A1 t0at )eans t0e ;ua(it/ of E,TRAN
DL reference si&na( is 7etter t0an a7so(ute t0res0o(2.
T0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er is tri&&ere2 7/ an e4ent +1 t0at )eans t0e carrier R.." of
8.5 7eco)es 7etter t0an a7so(ute t0res0o(2. After recei4in& t0e )easure)ent report
fro) E: t0e eNo2e+ 2eci2es to 0an2 o4er t0e E to 8ERAN.
Huawei eNo2e+ a(so supports t0e %. 0an2o4er 7etween 8ERAN an2 E,TRAN. "n
a22tion to %. 0an2o4er: Huawei eRAN1.0 a(so supports #e(( #0an&e $r2er =##$>
wit0 or wit0out NA## =Networ? Assiste2 #e(( #0an&e>.
"n so)e specific scenario: inter,RAT )easure)ents )a/ 7e o)itte2 =to sa4e ti)e an2
resources> or can 7e una4ai(a7(e. "n suc0 a scenario: Huawei pro4i2es +(in2 Han2o4er
so(ution to rea(i1e inter,RAT 0an2o4er fro) E,TRAN to 8ERAN in eRAN2.0. For
e<a)p(e: if an E,TRAN ce(( is co,site2 wit0 a 8ERAN ce((: an2 0a4in& t0e sa)e
co4era&e ran&e: operators can confi&ure t0e 8ERAN ce(( as t0e E,TRAN ce((6s 7(in2
0an2o4er tar&et ce((. !0en 0an2o4er tri&&er con2ition =(oa2: ser4ice> is )et: t0e
eNo2e+ can 0an2o4er t0e E to t0e 7(in2 0an2o4er tar&et ce(( wit0out inter,RAT
)easure)ent. +(in2 0an2o4er: co)pare2 to %. 0an2o4er: features )ore re2uce2
0an2o4er ti)e.
"f t0e (e&ac/ 8ERAN networ?s or Es can not support %. 0an2o4er: Huawei pro4i2es
%. re2irection functiona(it/ to rea(i1e inter,RAT 0an2o4er 7etween 8ERAN an2 E,
TRAN in eRAN2.0. T0ere is no up2ate re;uire)ent for (e&ac/ 8ERAN networ?s
an2 Es to support %. Re2irection.
T0e proce2ure of %. re2irection is t0e sa)e as t0at of RRCConnectionRelease in
w0ic0 t0e carrier fre;uenc/ infor)ation of t0e tar&et re2irection s/ste) wi(( 7e
inc(u2e2 in t0e RRCConnectionRelease )essa&e. After a RR# connection of a E is
re(ease2 7/ t0e source s/ste): t0e E rese(ects to t0e tar&et s/ste) 7ase2 on t0e
recei4e2 carrier fre;uenc/ infor)ation 2urin& t0e re(ease proce2ure an2 re,esta7(is0es
t0e connection wit0 t0e tar&et s/ste). "n su))ar/: t0e 0an2o4er )ec0anis) of %.
re2irection consists of connection re(ease: carrier fre;uenc/ re,se(ection: an2
connection re,esta7(is0)ent.
Note t0at t0e a7o4e 2escription refers to a E in acti4e )o2e )o7i(it/. "n i2(e )o2e
)o7i(i/: #e(( .e(ection an2 Rese(ection are proce2ures use2 for searc0in& a new
ser4in& ce((. T0e E wi(( continua((/ perfor) t0is proce2ure w0en it )o4es. #e((
se(ection an2 rese(ection for inter,RAT is usua((/ perfor)e2 in t0e fo((owin&

#e(( .e(ection@ proce2ure of ce(( se(ection is in4o?e2 w0en t0e E initia((/ turns
on. t0e ce(( of w0ic0 tec0no(o&/ is se(ecte2 7/ t0e E is 7ase2 on t0e priorit/

E,TRAN to 8ERAN #e(( Rese(ection@ t0e E 0as initia((/ ca)pe2 on t0e LTE
ce((. !0en t0e E )o4es out of E,TRAN co4era&e: t0e E nee2s to rese(ect
8ERAN if a4ai(a7(e.

8ERAN to E,TRAN #e(( Rese(ection@ t0e E 0as ca)pe2 initia((/ eit0er on a

8ERAN ce((. !0en t0e E enters a ce(( of E,TRAN co4era&e: an2 if E,
TRAN is confi&ure2 wit0 0i&0er priorit/: t0e E wi(( rese(ect E,TRAN. T0e
priorit/ infor)ation is 7roa2caste2 in ce(( s/ste) infor)ation.
!0en ca)pin& on a ce((: t0e E re&u(ar(/ searc0es for a 7etter ce(( accor2in& to t0e
ce(( rese(ection criteria. "f a 7etter ce(( is foun2: t0at ce(( is se(ecte2.
8enera((/ spea?in&: LTE s/ste) is (i)ite2 in up(in?. .o)eti)es: 9o. can 7e
&uarantee2 in 2own(in?: 7ut in up(in? it is not satisfie2 e4en E 0as trans)itte2 its fu((
power. To &uarantee E6s ser4ice 9o. in t0is scenario: Huawei supports up(in?
trans)ission power 7ase2 inter,RAT 0an2o4er to 8ERAN.
!0i(e eNo2e+ 2etecte2 E6s 9o. is (i)ite2: eNo2e+ wi(( sen2 )easure)ent contro(
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 10- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
)essa&e to E. !0en E reports +1 e4ent to eNo2e+: eNo2e+ 2eci2es w0et0er to
0an2o4er to 8ERAN.
"n eRAN2.0: %. Re2irection an2 +(in2 Han2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN
are supporte2.
"n eRAN2.1: t0e Han2o4er 7ase2 on L power is supporte2. "t &uarantees ser4ice
continuit/ in up(in? (i)ite2 power or (i)ite2 E,TRAN co4era&e w0en a E )o4es
to t0e ce(( e2&e.
T0e functiona(it/ of %. 0an2o4er 7etween 8ERAN an2 E,TRAN 2epen2s on
8ERAN an2 #ore Networ?6 support. NA## a(so re;uires 8ERAN an2 #ore Networ?6
.( *;FD+00101 &$ 6nter+R4# Mobility
between -+3#R4. and CDM4000
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e function of inter,RAT ce(( se(ection an2 rese(ection 7etween
LTE an2 #D5A2000 an2 ena7(es Hi&0 Rate %ac?et Data =HR%D> ser4ices to 7e
0an2e2 o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 t0e #D5A2000.
T0e feature pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
Ena7(es sea)(ess co,e<istence of E,TRAN an2 #D5A2000.
.upports s)oot0 e4o(ution fro) #D5A2000 to E,TRAN
%ro4i2es supp(e)entar/ co4era&e for E,TRAN in t0e ear(/ p0ase to pre4ent
ca(( 2rops an2 ena7(es sea)(ess co4era&e: t0us i)pro4in& t0e networ?
perfor)ance an2 user e<perience.
Han2o4er 7etween E,TRAN an2 #D5A2000 =on(/ for HR%D> ena7(es sea)(ess co,
e<istence of E,TRAN an2 #D5A2000 an2 supports s)oot0 e4o(ution fro)
#D5A2000 to E,TRAN. "t is a t/pe of "nter,Ra2io Access Tec0no(o&/ =RAT>
0an2o4er. "t is a4ai(a7(e in t0e ear(/ p0ase of LTE w0en a E )o4es fro) an
EHTRAN co4era&e area to a #D5A2000 co4era&e area.
"n Huawei LTE eRAN1.0: 0an2o4er is 7ase2 on t0e co4era&e 7/ e4a(uatin& t0e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 10' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
2own(in? reference si&na(s of t0e ce((s in ter)s of Reference .i&na( Recei4e2 %ower
=R.R%>: Reference .i&na( Recei4e2 9ua(it/ =R.R9> of E,TRA: an2 R< %ower
.tren&t0 of #D5A2000.
For 0an2o4er fro) E,TRAN to HR%D: Huawei supports 7ot0 non,opti)i1e2 an2
opti)i1e2 0an2o4er )ec0anis)s specifie2 in -8%% T. 2-.'02. "n t0e proce2ure of
non,opti)i1e2 0an2o4er: a E 2oes not pre,re&ister in t0e HR%D s/ste). !0en it
)o4es out of t0e area of E,TRA: t0e E can 2eci2e w0et0er to perfor) 0an2o4er
fro) E,TRA to HR%D accor2in& to t0e )easure)ent resu(ts: an2 t0en initiate t0e
0an2o4er to t0e tar&et HR%D ce((.
"n t0e proce2ure of opti)i1e2 0an2o4er: a E pre,re&isters in t0e HR%D s/ste).
!0en it )o4es out of t0e area of E,TRA: t0e eNo2e+ can 2eci2e w0et0er to perfor)
0an2o4er fro) E,TRA to HR%D accor2in& to t0e )easure)ent report fro) t0e E.
T0en: t0e E initiates t0e 0an2o4er to t0e tar&et HR%D ce(( after recei4in& t0e
0an2o4er co))an2 sent 7/ t0e eNo2e+.
T0e inter,RAT )easure)ent of t0e tar&et ce(( is &ap,assiste2 for t0e E wit0 one RF
recei4er. "t is tri&&ere2 7/ e4ent A2 t0at )eans t0e ;ua(it/ of E,TRA 2own(in?
reference si&na(s 7eco)es worse t0an t0e a7so(ute t0res0o(2 an2 stoppe2 7/ e4ent A1
t0at )eans t0e ;ua(it/ of E,TRA 2own(in? reference si&na(s 7eco)es 7etter t0an t0e
a7so(ute t0res0o(2.
T0e inter,RAT )easure)ent of t0e tar&et ce(( is &ap,assiste2 for E wit0 one RF
recei4er. "n t0e ser4in& ce((: t0e inter,RAT )easure)ent is tri&&ere2 7/ an e4ent A2
t0at )eanst0e ;ua(it/ of E,TRAN DL reference si&na( 7eco)es worse t0an t0e
a7so(ute t0res0o(2: an2 stoppe2 7/ an e4ent A1 t0at )eans t0e ;ua(it/ of E,TRAN
DL reference si&na( is 7etter t0an a7so(ute t0res0o(2.
T0e para)eters for inter,RAT 0an2o4er can 7e confi&ure2 for 2ifferent ser4ices.
T0e pre4ious(/ )entione2 0an2o4er is %. 0an2o4er fro) E,TRAN to #D5A2000
=on(/ for HR%D>.
Huawei eNo2e+ a(so supports %. 0an2o4er fro) #D5A2000 to E,TRAN: 7ut fro)
an E2E so(ution point of 4iew: t0is t/pe of 0an2o4er 2epen2s not on(/ on LTE
capa7i(it/: 7ut a(so w0et0er t0e #D5A2000 s/ste) an2 t0e core networ? support it.
T0e functiona(it/ of %. 0an2o4er fro) #D5A2000 to E,TRAN 2epen2s on w0et0er
t0e #D5A2000 s/ste) an2 t0e core networ? support t0is t/pe of 0an2o4er.
.) *;FD+0010 $R1CC to 3#R4.
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
.in&(e Ra2io Voice #a(( #ontinuit/ =.RV##> is 4oice ca(( continuit/ 7etween "5.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 105 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
o4er %. access an2 #. access for ca((s t0at are anc0ore2 in t0e "5. w0en t0e E is
capa7(e of trans)ittin&/recei4in& on on(/ one of t0ose access networ?s at a &i4en ti)e.
!0en a E )o4es fro) E,TRAN to TRAN: .RV## )aintains 4oice ca((
continuit/ for t0e E.
!0en a E )o4es fro) E,TRAN to TRAN: .RV## is use2 to )aintain 4oice ca((
continuit/ for t0e E.
For faci(itatin& session transfer =.RV##> of t0e 4oice co)ponent to t0e #. 2o)ain:
t0e "5. )u(ti)e2ia te(ep0on/ sessions nee2 to 7e anc0ore2 in t0e "5..
For .RV## fro) E,TRAN to TRAN: t0e 55E first recei4es t0e 0an2o4er re;uest
fro) E,TRAN wit0 t0e in2ication t0at t0is is for .RV## 0an2(in&: an2 t0en tri&&ers
t0e .RV## proce2ure wit0 t0e 5.# .er4er en0ance2 for .RV## t0rou&0 t0e .4
reference point if t0e 55E 0as .RV## .TN,.R infor)ation for t0is E. T0e 5.#
.er4er en0ance2 for .RV## t0en initiates t0e session transfer proce2ure to t0e "5.
an2 coor2inates it wit0 t0e #. 0an2o4er proce2ure to t0e tar&et ce((. T0e 5.# .er4er
en0ance2 for .RV## t0en sen2s t0e Forwar2 Re(ocation Response to t0e 55E:
w0ic0 inc(u2es t0e necessar/ #. H$ co))an2 infor)ation for t0e E to access t0e
Han2(in& of an/ non,4oice %. 7earer is 2one 7/ t0e %. 7earer sp(ittin& function in t0e
55E. T0e 55E )a/ suppress t0e 0an2o4er of non,4oice %. 7earer 2urin& t0e
.RV## proce2ure. T0e 0an2o4er of non,4oice %. 7earer is perfor)e2 accor2in& to
t0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er proce2ure 2efine2 in -8%% T. 2-.'01. T0e 55E is
responsi7(e for processin& t0e Forwar2 Re(ocation Response fro) t0e 5.# .er4er
2urin& t0e .RV## an2 %.,%. 0an2o4er proce2ures.
2.2B s0ows t0e .RV## fro) E,TRAN to TRAN
Figure 1.1 .RV## fro) E,TRAN to TRAN
& &6 T1 AN 77 & 7" C " er ver
T ar g et
T1 A N 3=& 1 AN
- ea s ur e *e nt
R e po rt s
H an 'o ) er t o UT R AN .GE RA N
r e/ u ir e '
:= // # 7"
I ni t i at e s S R0 CC 1 o r ) oi c e c o *p on en t
C S # an 'o )e r pr e pa r at i on
I -S Se r )i c e C on t in ui t ! ,r oc e 'u re
Ha n '& e s , S 2, S HO 1o r
n o n2) oi c e i 1 n e e' e'
,S HO re s po ns e t o --E
3C S re so ur c es 4
T o e UT RA N
C oo r 'i n at e s S R0 CC
an ' , S H O r es po n se Ha nd o ve r C 75
H a n' o) e r
e 5 ec u ti o n

HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 10B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
"5. )u(ti)e2ia te(ep0on/
.0 *;FD+0010! $R1CC to 5-R4.
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
.RV## is 4oice ca(( continuit/ 7etween "5. o4er %. access an2 #. access for ca((s
t0at are anc0ore2 in t0e "5. w0en t0e E is capa7(e of trans)ittin&/recei4in& on on(/
one of t0ose access networ?s at a &i4en ti)e.
!0en a E )o4es fro) E,TRAN to 8ERAN: .RV## )aintains 4oice ca((
continuit/ for t0e E.
!0en a E )o4es fro) E,TRAN to 8ERAN: .RV## is use2 to )aintain 4oice ca((
continuit/ for t0e E.
For faci(itatin& session transfer =.RV##> of t0e 4oice co)ponent to t0e #. 2o)ain:
t0e "5. )u(ti)e2ia te(ep0on/ sessions nee2 to 7e anc0ore2 in t0e "5..
For .RV## fro) E,TRAN to 8ERAN: t0e 55E first recei4es t0e 0an2o4er re;uest
fro) E,TRAN wit0 t0e in2ication t0at t0is is for .RV## 0an2(in&: an2 t0en tri&&ers
t0e .RV## proce2ure wit0 t0e 5.# .er4er en0ance2 for .RV## t0rou&0 t0e .4
reference point if t0e 55E 0as .RV## .TN,.R infor)ation for t0is E. T0e 5.#
.er4er en0ance2 for .RV## t0en initiates t0e session transfer proce2ure to t0e "5.
an2 coor2inates it wit0 t0e #. 0an2o4er proce2ure to t0e tar&et ce((. T0e 5.# .er4er
en0ance2 for .RV## t0en sen2s t0e Forwar2 Re(ocation Response to t0e 55E:
w0ic0 inc(u2es t0e necessar/ #. H$ co))an2 infor)ation for t0e E to access t0e
Han2(in& of an/ non,4oice %. 7earer is 2one 7/ t0e %. 7earer sp(ittin& function in t0e
55E. T0e 55E )a/ suppress t0e 0an2o4er of non,4oice %. 7earer 2urin& t0e
.RV## proce2ure. T0e 0an2o4er of non,4oice %. 7earer is perfor)e2 accor2in& to
t0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er proce2ure 2efine2 in -8%% T. 2-.'01. T0e 55E is
responsi7(e for processin& t0e Forwar2 Re(ocation Response fro) t0e 5.# .er4er
2urin& t0e .RV## an2 %.,%. 0an2o4er proce2ures.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 10* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
2.2* s0ows t0e .RV## fro) E,TRAN to 8ERAN
Figure 1.1 .RV## fro) E,TRAN to 8ERAN
& &6 T1 AN 77 & 7" C " er ver
T ar g et
T1 A N 3=& 1 AN
- ea s ure *e nt
R e p o rt s
H an 'o ) er t o UT R AN .GE RA N
re/ u ir e '
:= // # 7"
I ni t i at e s S R0 CC 1 o r ) oi c e c o *p on en t
C S # an 'o )e r pr e pa r at i on
I -S Se r)i c e C on t in ui t ! ,r oc e 'u r e
Ha n '& e s , S 2, S HO 1o r
n o n 2) o i c e i 1 n e e' e'
,S HO re s po ns e t o --E
3C S re so ur c es 4
T o e UT RA N
C oo r 'i n at e s S R0 CC
an ' , S H O res po n se Ha nd o ve r C 75
H a n' o) e r
e 5 ec u ti o n

"5. )u(ti)e2ia te(ep0on/
.8 *;FD+0010! 6ntra+*#- *oad
Feature Nu)7er@ L$FD,0010-2
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
"t can reso(4e t0e un7a(ance 7etween t0e ser4ice ce(( an2 t0e intra,fre;uenc/ or inter,
fre;uenc/ nei&07or ce((s.
"t can uti(i1e t0e networ? resource fu((/ an2 i)pro4e t0e s/ste) capacit/ 7/ 7a(ancin&
t0e (oa2 7etween t0e nei&07or ce((s. "n a22ition: it re2uces t0e rate of s/ste) o4er(oa2
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 103 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
an2 i)pro4es t0e access success rate.
"n so)e situation of co))ercia( LTE networ?: so)e ser4in& ce((s 0a4e 0i&0 (oa2 7ut
ot0er nei&07or ce((s (oa2 is (ow 7ecause of t0e 2ifferentia of E ser4ice. n2er t0is
con2ition: it can tri&&er (oa2 7a(ancin& a(&orit0).
T0e ser4in& ce(( )easures t0e ce(( (oa2 an2 recei4es t0e nei&07orin& ce((6s (oa2 at t0e
sa)e ti)e. T0e ser4in& ce(( e4a(uates t0e (oa2 an2 2eci2es w0et0er to 0an2o4er to
nei&07orin& ce((. "f t0e ser4in& ce(( (oa2 is 4er/ 0i&0 w0ic0 is 7e/on2 t0e t0res0o(2: at
t0e sa)e ti)e: t0e nei&07orin& ce((6s (oa2 is (ow: so)e Es 7e&in to 0an2o4er to
nei&07orin& ce(( in a24ance. T0e ce(( (oa2 is 2efine2 accor2in& to T. -B-1': w0ic0 is
uti(i1ation rate of %R+.
For intra,fre;uenc/ (oa2 7a(ancin&: t0ere are two t/pe of (oa2 7a(ance@ acti4e (oa2
7a(ancin& an2 i2(e (oa2 7a(ancin&. T0e i2(e (oa2 7a(ancin& is to up2ate 9offset an2
notice E 7/ s/ste) 7roa2cast infor)ation.
T0e acti4e (oa2 7a(ancin& proce2ure inc(u2es t0e fo((owin& steps@ (oa2 )easure)ent
an2 e4a(uation: (oa2 infor)ation e<c0an&es: (oa2 7a(ance 2ecision: )o2ification of
#"$ para)eter an2 )onitorin& of perfor)ance.
For inter,fre;uenc/ (oa2 7a(ancin&: t0ere is on(/ one t/pe of (oa2 7a(ancin&@ acti4e
(oa2 7a(ancin&. T0e acti4e (oa2 7a(ancin& proce2ure inc(u2es t0e fo((owin& steps@ (oa2
)easure)ent an2 e4a(uation: (oa2 infor)ation e<c0an&es an2 (oa2 7a(ance 2ecision.
"ntra,LTE (oa2 7a(ancin& is use2 in t0e scenario of o4er(ap co4era&e area 7/ t0e )u(ti
intra,fre;uenc/ LTE ce((s or )u(ti inter,fre;uenc/ LTE ce((s.
An I2 interface is re;uire2 to support intra,LTE intra,fre;uenc/. "t a(so 2epen2s on
t0e (oa2 contro( function to &et t0e ce(( (oa2 infor)ation an2 )o7i(it/ )ana&e)ent to
finis0 0an2o4er.
.9 *;FD+0010'' 6nter+R4# *oad
$haring to 3#R4.
Feature Nu)7er@ L$FD,0010''
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
T0is feature is use2 in t0e LTE an2 5T. w0ic0 co4era&e t0e sa)e area an2 t0e two
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 109 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
s/ste)6s (oa2 is un7a(ance.
"t can i)pro4e t0e s/ste) resource uti(i1ation rate at t0e sa)e ti)e t0at it can
&uarantee t0e ser4ice 9o.. "t can re2uce t0e possi7i(it/ of s/ste) o4er(oa2 an2
2ecrease t0e ser4ice 2roppin& rate.
"n so)e situation of co))ercia( LTE networ?: LTE ce((s 0a4e 0i&0 (oa2 7ut 5T.
s/ste) (oa2 is (ow 7ecause of t0e 2ifferentia of E ser4ice. n2er t0is con2ition: it
can tri&&er (oa2 7a(ance a(&orit0).
T0e LTE ce(( )easures t0e ce(( (oa2 an2 e4a(uates t0e (oa2. T0en it 2eci2es w0et0er to
0an2o4er to nei&07orin& ce((. "f t0e LTE ce(( (oa2 is 4er/ 0i&0 w0ic0 is 7e/on2 t0e
t0res0o(2: so)e E 7e&ins to 0an2o4er to 5T. s/ste). T0e ce(( (oa2 is 2efine2
accor2in& to T. -B-1': w0ic0 is uti(i1ation rate of %R+.
T0ere is on(/ one t/pe of inter,LTE (oa2 7a(ance@ acti4e (oa2 7a(ance. T0e acti4e (oa2
7a(ance proce2ure inc(u2es t0e fo((owin& steps@ (oa2 )easure)ent an2 e4a(uation:
(oa2 7a(ance tri&&er: E 2e2icate priorit/ up2ate: c0oosin& 0an2o4er E an2 0an2o4er
T0is feature is use2 in t0e scenario of repetition co4era&e area 7/ LTE an2 5T..
"n eRAN2.1: t0e "nter,RAT Loa2 .0arin& to TRAN feature is en0ance2 wit0 t0e
fo((owin& a2)inistration functions@
.witc0@ user can ena7(e or 2isa7(e t0e "nter,RAT Loa2 .0arin& to TRAN
"t 2epen2s on t0e "nter,RAT 0an2o4er function to e<ecute t0e (oa2 7a(ancin&.
.!0 *;FD+0010'( 6nter+R4# *oad
$haring to 5-R4.
Feature Nu)7er@ L$FD,0010'5
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
T0is feature is use2 in t0e LTE an2 8.5 w0ic0 co4era&e t0e sa)e area an2 t0e two
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 110 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
s/ste)6s (oa2 is un7a(ance.
"t can i)pro4e t0e s/ste) resource uti(i1ation rate at t0e sa)e ti)e t0at it can
&uarantee t0e ser4ice 9o.. "t can re2uce t0e possi7i(it/ of s/ste) o4er(oa2 an2
2ecrease t0e ser4ice 2roppin& rate.
"n so)e situation of co))ercia( LTE networ?: LTE ce((s 0a4e 0i&0 (oa2 7ut 8ERAN
s/ste) (oa2 is (ow 7ecause of t0e 2ifferentia of E ser4ice. n2er t0is con2ition: it
can tri&&er (oa2 7a(ance a(&orit0).
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 111 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e LTE ce(( )easures t0e ce(( (oa2 an2 e4a(uates t0e (oa2. T0en it 2eci2es w0et0er to
0an2o4er to nei&07orin& ce((. "f t0e LTE ce(( (oa2 is 4er/ 0i&0 w0ic0 is 7e/on2 t0e
t0res0o(2: so)e E 7e&ins to 0an2o4er to 8ERAN s/ste). T0e ce(( (oa2 is 2efine2
accor2in& to T. -B-1': w0ic0 is uti(i1ation rate of %R+.
T0ere is on(/ one t/pe of inter,LTE (oa2 7a(ance@ acti4e (oa2 7a(ance. T0e acti4e (oa2
7a(ance proce2ure inc(u2es t0e fo((owin& steps@ (oa2 )easure)ent an2 e4a(uation:
(oa2 7a(ance tri&&er: E 2e2icate priorit/ up2ate: c0oosin& 0an2o4er E an2 0an2o4er
T0is feature is use2 in t0e scenario of repetition co4era&e area 7/ LTE an2 8ERAN.
"n eRAN2.1: t0e "nter,RAT Loa2 .0arin& to 8ERAN feature is en0ance2 wit0 t0e
fo((owin& a2)inistration functions@
.witc0@ user can ena7(e or 2isa7(e t0e "nter,RAT Loa2 .0arin& to 8ERAN
"t 2epen2s on t0e "nter,RAT 0an2o4er function to e<ecute t0e (oa2 7a(ancin&.
.!1 *;FD+0010'! $er<ice based inter+
R4# hando<er to 3#R4.
Feature Nu)7er@ L$FD,0010'-
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
"t is to steer t0e V$"% ser4ice to 5T. an2 LTE s/ste) support %. ser4ice 2urin& t0e
ser4ice setup p0ase.
"t can uti(i1e t0e (e&ac/ networ? resource an2 i)pro4e LTE s/ste) capacit/ at t0e
sa)e ti)e t0at it can &uarantee t0e ser4ice 9o.. "t can re2uce t0e possi7i(it/ of s/ste)
o4er(oa2 an2 2ecrease t0e ser4ice 2roppin& rate.
LTE s/ste) sen2s inter,s/ste) )easure)ent contro( )essa&e to E w0ic0 want to set
up V$"% ser4ice an2 notices it to e<ecute t0e )easure)ent. !0en E reports +1
e4ent to eNo2e+: eNo2e+ 2eci2es w0et0er to setup ser4ice in t0e 5T. 7ase2 on
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 112 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
RA+ 9#" 0an2o4er strate&/.
"t 2epen2s on t0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er function to e<ecute t0e 0an2o4er. "t is a(so
re(ate2 wit0 RA+ 9#": w0ic0 2eci2es w0et0er to e<ecute 0an2o4er.
.! *;FD+0010') $er<ice based inter+
R4# hando<er to 5-R4.
Feature Nu)7er@ L$FD,0010'B
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
"t is to steer t0e V$"% ser4ice to 8ERAN an2 LTE s/ste) support %. ser4ice 2urin&
t0e ser4ice setup p0ase.
"t can uti(i1e t0e (e&ac/ networ? resource an2 i)pro4e LTE s/ste) capacit/ at t0e
sa)e ti)e t0at it can &uarantee t0e ser4ice 9o.. "t can re2uce t0e possi7i(it/ of s/ste)
o4er(oa2 an2 2ecrease t0e ser4ice 2roppin& rate.
LTE s/ste) sen2s inter,s/ste) )easure)ent contro( )essa&e to E w0ic0 want to set
up V$"% ser4ice an2 notices it to e<ecute t0e )easure)ent. !0en E reports +1
e4ent to eNo2e+: eNo2e+ 2eci2es w0et0er to setup ser4ice in t0e 8ERAN 7ase2 on
ERA+ =E%. RA+> 9#" 0an2o4er strate&/.
"t 2epen2s on t0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er function to e<ecute t0e 0an2o4er. "t is a(so
re(ate2 wit0 RA+ 9#": w0ic0 2eci2es w0et0er to e<ecute 0an2o4er.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 11- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.!! *;FD+0010!! C$ Fallback to 3#R4.
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e in eRAN2.0
!0en E is in t0e E,TRAN an2 TRAN co4era&e o4er(appe2 area an2 E,TRAN
cannot pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ices for t0e E: we can use #. fa((7ac? to TRAN to
pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e E.
!e can use #. fa((7ac? to TRAN to pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e E w0ic0 is
ca)pe2 in t0e E,TRAN t0at cannot pro4i2e an/ #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e E
T0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. ena7(es t0e pro4isionin& of #.,2o)ain ser4ices 7/ reuse of
#. infrastructure w0en t0e E is ser4e2 7/ E,TRAN. A #. fa((7ac? ena7(e2
ter)ina(: connecte2 to E,TRAN )a/ use TRAN to esta7(is0 one or )ore #.,
2o)ain ser4ices. T0is function is on(/ a4ai(a7(e in case E,TRAN co4era&e is
o4er(appe2 7/ TRAN co4era&e.
#. fa((7ac? an2 "5.,7ase2 ser4ices s0a(( 7e a7(e to co,e<ist in t0e sa)e operator6s
T0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. function is rea(i1e2 7/ usin& t0e .8s interface )ec0anis)
7etween t0e 5.# .er4er an2 t0e 55E.
Figure 1.1 #. fa((7ac? in E%. arc0itecture

T0e 58! is not s0own in t0e fi&ure since t0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. 2oes not 0a4e an/
i)pacts to t0e ,p(ane 0an2(in&.
T0is feature 2epen2s on L$FD,001019 %. "nter,RAT 5o7i(it/ 7etween E,TRAN
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 11' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
an2 TRAN.
.!' *;FD+0010!' C$ Fallback to 5-R4.
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e in eRAN2.0
!0en E is in t0e E,TRAN an2 8ERAN co4era&e o4er(appe2 area an2 E,TRAN
cannot pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ices for t0e E: we can use #. fa((7ac? to 8ERAN to
pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e E.
!e can use #. fa((7ac? to 8ERAN to pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e E w0ic0 is
ca)pe2 in t0e E,TRAN t0at cannot pro4i2e an/ #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e E
T0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. ena7(es t0e pro4isionin& of #.,2o)ain ser4ices 7/ reuse of
#. infrastructure w0en t0e E is ser4e2 7/ E,TRAN. A #. fa((7ac? ena7(e2
ter)ina(: connecte2 to E,TRAN )a/ use 8ERAN to esta7(is0 one or )ore #.,
2o)ain ser4ices. T0is function is on(/ a4ai(a7(e in case E,TRAN co4era&e is
o4er(appe2 7/ 8ERAN co4era&e.
#. fa((7ac? an2 "5.,7ase2 ser4ices s0a(( 7e a7(e to co,e<ist in t0e sa)e operator6s
T0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. function is rea(i1e2 7/ usin& t0e .8s interface )ec0anis)
7etween t0e 5.# .er4er an2 t0e 55E.
Figure 1.1 #. fa((7ac? in E%. arc0itecture

T0e 58! is not s0own in t0e fi&ure since t0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. 2oes not 0a4e an/
i)pacts to t0e ,p(ane 0an2(in&.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 115 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature 2epen2s on L$FD,001020 %. "nter,RAT 5o7i(it/ 7etween E,TRAN
an2 8ERAN.
.!( *;FD+0010!( C$ Fallback to
CDM4000 17R##
Feature Nu)7er@ L$FD,0010-5
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
!0en E is in t0e E,TRAN an2 o4er(appe2 #D5A2000 1<RTT co4era&e area an2
E,TRAN cannot pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ices for t0e E: we can use #. fa((7ac? to
#D5A2000 1<RTT to pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e E.
!e can use #. fa((7ac? to #D5A2000 1<RTT to pro4i2e #.,2o)ain ser4ice for t0e
E w0ic0 is ca)pe2 in t0e E,TRAN t0at cannot pro4i2e an/ #.,2o)ain ser4ice for
t0e E
T0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. ena7(es t0e pro4isionin& of #.,2o)ain ser4ices 7/ reuse of
#. infrastructure w0en t0e E is ser4e2 7/ E,TRAN. A #. fa((7ac? ena7(e2
ter)ina(: connecte2 to E,TRAN )a/ use #D5A2000 1<RTT to esta7(is0 one or
)ore #.,2o)ain ser4ices. T0is function is on(/ a4ai(a7(e in case E,TRAN co4era&e
is o4er(appe2 7/ #D5A2000 1<RTT co4era&e.
#. fa((7ac? an2 "5.,7ase2 ser4ices s0a(( 7e a7(e to co,e<ist in t0e sa)e operator6s
T0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. function is rea(i1e2 7/ usin& t0e .102 interface )ec0anis)
7etween t0e 1< #. "!. =1<#. "nterwor?in& .o(ution> an2 t0e 55E. .102 interface
pro4i2es a tunne( 7etween t0e 55E an2 t0e 1<#. "!. to re(a/ -8%%2 1<#.
si&na(in& )essa&es.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 11B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.1 #. fa((7ac? in E%. arc0itecture

+$1TT C"
+$C" #2"
"++ "+677&
Tunnelled +$1TT messages
58! is not s0own in t0e fi&ure since t0e #. fa((7ac? in E%. 2oes not 0a4e an/
i)pacts to t0e ,p(ane 0an2(in&.
"t 2epen2s on t0e inter,RAT 0an2o4er function to e<ecute t0e 0an2o4er.
.!) *;FD+0010!) R4. $haring with
Co%%on Carrier
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e eNo2e+ supports )u(tip(e operators s0arin& t0e sa)e Ra2io Access Networ?
=RAN>: w0ere t0e operators use co))on carriers in t0e sa)e eNo2e+
$perators can s0are t0e RAN resource to re2uce #A%EI an2 $%EI.
T0e 5$#N =5u(tip(e $perator #ore Networ?> networ? s0arin& so(ution is to s0are
t0e RAN resources: inc(u2in& fre;uenc/ an2 7ase7an2 resources for a(( t0e operators.
Different operators s0are t0e sa)e ce(( an2 eac0 eNo2e+ can connect wit0 a((
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 11* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
operators6 #ore Networ?s. T0e s/ste) infor)ation 7roa2caste2 in eac0 s0are2 ce((
contains t0e %L5N,i2 of eac0 operator
=up to '> an2 a sin&(e trac?in& area co2e =TA#>: w0ic0 is 4a(i2 wit0in a(( t0e %L5Ns
s0arin& t0e ra2io access networ? resources. T0e arc0itecture is 2epicte2 as fo((ows.
A(( t0e LTE Es supportin& 5$#N s0ou(2 7e a7(e to rea2 up to ' %L5N,i2s an2
se(ect one of t0e %L5N,i2s at initia( attac0)ent. Es in2icate t0e se(ecte2 %L5N,i2
to t0e eNo2e+. T0e eNo2e+ s0a(( se(ect an appropriate 55E for t0e %L5N,i2s
in2icate2 7/ t0e E.
T0e 5$#N Networ? .0arin& so(ution supports s0are2 )aster $.. w0ic0 is (in?e2 to
2ifferent N5. t0rou&0 2ifferent interfaces.
T0e s0are2 eNo2e+ an2 non,s0are2 eNo2e+ can 7e connecte2 to eac0 ot0er. "n t0e
s0are2 area: a E can 0an2 o4er fro) one s0are2 eNo2e+ to anot0er one. "f E )o4es
to a non s0are2 area: t0e eNo2e+ wi(( se(ect an appropriate nei&07or ce(( for t0e
0an2o4er 7ase2 on so)e princip(es: for e<a)p(e: t0e sa)e operator6s networ? )a/ 7e
consi2ere2 first(/. T0e "nter,wor?in& 7etween 2ifferent RATs )a/ 7e use2 2urin& t0e
T0e 5$#N Networ? .0arin& 0as t0e fo((owin& features.
5u(ti %L5N,i2s are 7roa2caste2 on t0e co))on carrier an2 t0e #ore Networ? is
.upport in2epen2ent (o&o an2 na)e 2isp(a/.
T0e s0are2 $.. connects 2ifferent N5. t0rou&0 "tf,N interference.
.upport up to ' operators.
T0is feature 2epen2s on L$FD,001013 .1,f(e<.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 113 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.!0 *;FD+0010!0 R4. $haring with
Dedicated Carrier
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e eNo2e+ supports )u(tip(e operators to s0are t0e sa)e Ra2io Access Networ?
=RAN>: w0ere t0e operators use 2e2icate2 carriers in t0e sa)e eNo2e+.
$perators can s0are t0e RAN resource to re2uce #apita( of E<pen2iture =#A%EI> an2
$perationa( E<pen2iture =$%EI>.
Huawei supports Ra2io Access Networ? s0arin& as a part of Networ? s0arin&
functions. T0e LTE RAN .0arin& .o(ution wit0 2e2icate2 carrier ena7(es )u(tip(e
operators to s0are a(( eNo2e+ 0ar2ware resources. Different core networ?s are
connecte2 to t0e sa)e eNo2e+ separate(/. 5u(tip(e operators can co4er t0e sa)e area
wit0 t0eir own fre;uenc/ in a sin&(e p0/sica( RAN. A trac?in& area s0ou(2 inc(u2e
)u(tip(e co)p(ete2 s0are2 ce((s. T0e arc0itecture is s0own in t0e fo((owin& fi&ure.
!0en a E accesses a ce((: t0e eNo2e+ i2entifies w0ic0 core networ? it s0ou(2 7e
route2 to accor2in& to t0e ce(( it co)es fro) its ori&inatin& ce((. Different ce((s are
correspon2in& to 2ifferent operators. "f .1,f(e< is app(ie2: t0e eNo2e+ )a/ se(ect an
55E no2e for E 7/ 855E" w0ic0 is part of E6s 8T".
T0e Networ? .0arin& so(ution supports s0are2 )aster $.. w0ic0 is (in?e2 to 2ifferent
N5. t0rou&0 2ifferent interfaces. #e((,(e4e( F5P%5 2ata can 7e in2epen2ent for a((
T0e s0are2 eNo2e+ can 7e connecte2 to non,s0are2 eNo2e+ an2 t0ere is no restriction
for a E to 0an2 o4er fro) a s0are2 eNo2e+ to a non,s0are2 one .!0en operators
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 119 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
0a4e 2e2icate2 networ? in t0e non,s0are2 area: t0e E wi(( 7e on(/ 0an2e2 o4er to t0e
sa)e operator6s networ? a(t0ou&0 t0e tar&et networ? =sa)e operator> )i&0t not 7e
T0e 2e2icate2 carrier Networ? .0arin& 0as t0e fo((owin& features@

Eac0 operator 7roa2casts its own %L5N,i2 usin& its own carrier an2 wit0in its
own #ore Networ? separate(/.

.upport in2epen2ent (o&o an2 na)e 2isp(a/.

"n2epen2ent ce((,(e4e( F5P%5. T0e s0are2 $.. connects 2ifferent N5.

t0rou&0 "tf,N interference.

"n2epen2ent License 5ana&e)ent.

"n2epen2ent feature acti4ation an2 2eacti4ation.

T0is feature 2epen2s on L$FD,001013 .1,f(e<.
.!8 *;FD+0010' Re%ote -lectrical #ilt
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
Re)ote E(ectrica( Ti(t #ontro( i)pro4es t0e efficienc/ an2 )ini)i1es t0e $5 cost for
a2Eustin& t0e 2own ti(t of t0e antenna. Huawei LTE RET so(ution co)p(ies wit0 t0e
A".82.0 specification: an2 it is 7ac?war2 co)pati7(e wit0 A".81.1.
T0e app(ication of t0e RET pro)inent(/ i)pro4es t0e efficienc/ an2 )ini)i1es t0e
$5 cost for a2Eustin& t0e 2own ti(t of t0e antenna. T0e app(ication of t0e RET 7rin&s
t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
T0e RET antennas at )u(tip(e sites can 7e a2Euste2 re)ote(/ wit0in a s0ort
perio2. T0is i)pro4es t0e efficienc/ an2 re2uces t0e cost of networ?
A2Eust)ent of t0e RET antenna can 7e perfor)e2 in a(( weat0er con2itions.
T0e RET antennas can 7e 2ep(o/e2 on so)e sites t0at are 2ifficu(t to access.
RET 2ownti(t a2Eust)ent can ?eep t0e co4era&e pattern un2istorte2: t0erefore
stren&t0enin& t0e antenna si&na( an2 re2ucin& nei&07orin& ce(( interference.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 120 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e Re)ote E(ectrica( Ti(t =RET> refers to an antenna s/ste) w0ose 2own ti(t is
contro((e2 e(ectrica((/ an2 re)ote(/.
After an antenna is insta((e2: t0e 2own ti(t of t0e antenna nee2s to 7e a2Euste2 to
opti)i1e t0e networ?. "n t0is situation: t0e p0ases of si&na(s t0at reac0 t0e e(e)ents of
t0e arra/ antenna can 7e a2Euste2 un2er t0e e(ectrica( contro(. T0en: t0e 4ertica(
pattern of t0e antenna can 7e c0an&e2.
T0e p0ase s0ifter insi2e t0e antenna can 7e a2Euste2 t0rou&0 t0e step )otor outsi2e t0e
antenna. T0e 2own ti(t of t0e RET antenna can 7e a2Euste2 w0en t0e s/ste) is
powere2 on: an2 t0e 2own ti(t can 7e )onitore2 in rea( ti)e. T0us: t0e re)ote precise
a2Eust)ent of t0e 2own ti(t of t0e antenna can 7e ac0ie4e2.
Huawei LTE RET so(ution co)p(ies wit0 t0e A".82.0 specification: an2 it is
co)pati7(e wit0 A".81.1.
Huawei $5# 52000 or t0e eNo2e+ L5T s0ou(2 support t0e contro( co))an2s to
.!9 *;FD+0010( 4dapti<e &ower
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports t0e &reen eNo2e+ so(ution wit0 power sa4in&
)ana&e)ent. T0is so(ution 0as two su7,features@ A2apti4e %ower A2Eust)ent an2
eNo2e+ re&u(ar ti)e s0ut2own an2 startup.
T0is feature i)pro4es t0e efficienc/ of t0e power a)p(ifier =%A> an2 sa4es power
consu)ption of t0e eNo2e+.
Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 supports t0e &reen eNo2e+ so(ution wit0 power sa4in&
)ana&e)ent. T0is so(ution 0as two su7,features@ A2apti4e %ower A2Eust)ent an2
eNo2e+ re&u(ar ti)e s0ut2own an2 startup.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 121 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

A2apti4e power A2Eust)ent

Huawei A2apti4e %ower A2Eust)ent so(ution: 7ase2 on t0e traffic (oa2: supports
2/na)ic a2Eust)ent of t0e %A wor?in& state: an2 t0ere7/ i)pro4es %A efficienc/ an2
sa4es eNo2e+ power consu)ption.
T0e t/pica( app(ication scenarios are 2escri7e2 as fo((ows@
1. Accor2in& to t0e c0an&e of traffic (oa2 in t0e 2a/ an2 at ni&0t: t0e %A wor?in& state
is c0an&e2 2/na)ica((/.
2. Accor2in& to t0e c0an&e of traffic (oa2 in t0e wor?in& 2a/s an2 non,wor?in& 2a/s
in t0e 7usiness 2istricts: t0e %A wor?in& state is c0an&e2 2/na)ica((/.
-. At t0e ear(/ sta&e of networ? 2ep(o/)ent: t0e traffic is usua((/ (ow: an2 t0e %A
wor?in& state s0ou(2 7e a2Euste2 7ase2 on t0e actua( traffic.

eNo2e+ re&u(ar ti)e s0ut2own an2 startup

"n so)e scenarios: suc0 as 0i&0,spee2 rai(wa/: w0ic0 wi(( stop operatin& at (ate ni&0t:
t0e RR trans)ission c0anne( of eNo2e+ can 7e s0ut2own an2 startup auto)atica((/
at preset ti)e 7ase2 on t0e operatorVs confi&uration.
T0e E5. s/ste) s0ou(2 support t0e confi&uration of eNo2e+ re&u(ar ti)e s0ut2own
an2 startup.
.'0 *;FD+0010!9 RF Channel
6ntelligent $hutdown
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
"n 5"5$ )o2e: t0e carrier for a ce(( is transferre2 t0rou&0 2ifferent trans)ission
c0anne(s. !0en no traffic is on t0e ce((: t0e carrier can 7e switc0e2 off on part of
trans)ission c0anne(s. "n t0is wa/: t0e power consu)ption of t0e eNo2e+ in e)pt/
(oa2 )o2e is 2ecrease2. !0en t0ere is traffic: t0e carrier can 7e switc0e2 on
auto)atica((/ to 0a4e t0e ce(( run nor)a((/ a&ain.
!it0out (oa2: t0e eNo2e+ can switc0 off carrier on so)e trans)it c0anne(s to re2uce
t0e power consu)ption of t0e eNo2e+.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 122 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
An eNo2e+ in t0e LTE s/ste) is usua((/ confi&ure2 wit0 two or four antennas. T0e
traffic in t0e ce(( 4aries 7/ ti)e. "n so)e certain perio2s: for e<a)p(e: fro) t0e
)i2ni&0t to t0e ear(/ )ornin& =operators can custo)i1e t0e perio2s>: t0ere is no
traffic. !0en t0e i2(e status is 2etecte2 7/ t0e eNo2e+: it switc0e2 off t0e carrier on
one trans)ission c0anne( =if t0ere are two trans)ission c0anne(s> or on two
trans)ission c0anne(s =if t0ere are four trans)ission c0anne(s> to 2ecrease t0e power
consu)ption. !0en a E accesses t0e ce(( or t0e perio2s en2: t0e eNo2e+ can
auto)atica((/ switc0 on t0e carrier t0at is switc0e2 off. T0en: t0e ce(( reco4ers to t0e
nor)a( state an2 continues wit0 ser4ices. T0e ser4ice ;ua(it/ of t0e ce(( is not affecte2.
DL 2 < 2 5"5$ or DL ' < 2 5"5$
.'1 *;FD+0010'0 *ow &ower
Consu%ption Mode
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
"n so)e cases (i?e power outa&e: an eNo2e+ can 7e force2 to run in (ow power
consu)ption )o2e. T0e (ow power consu)ption )o2e can 0e(p e<pan2 t0e in,ser4ice
ti)e of an eNo2e+ powere2 7/ 7atter/.
"n so)e cases (i?e power outa&e: an eNo2e+ can 7e force2 to run in (ow power
consu)ption )o2e. !0en an eNo2e+ is 2erate2: its power consu)ption is re2uce2
an2 its in,ser4ice ti)e powere2 7/ 7atter/ is e<pan2e2. T0erefore: t0e possi7i(it/ of
eNo2e+ &oin& out of ser4ice is re2uce2 w0en power supp(/ cannot co)e 7ac? to
ser4ice in ti)e.
T0e (ow consu)ption runnin& )o2e is i)p(e)ente2 in four (e4e(s. "f t0e power supp(/
sti(( cannot reco4er to t0e nor)a( state w0en t0e power consu)ption of a (e4e( reac0es
t0e ti)e t0res0o(2 preset 7/ t0e operator: t0e eNo2e+ enters into t0e (ow consu)ption
runnin& )o2e of t0e ne<t (e4e( ti(( t0e ce(( e<its fro) ser4ices.
T0e (ow power consu)ption )o2e of t0e eNo2e+ is tri&&ere2 7/ one of t0e fo((owin&
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 12- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

A(ar)s of t0e power s/ste)

"f t0e power insufficienc/ or power fai(ure (asts for t0e perio2 preset 7/ t0e
operator: an a(ar) is &enerate2 to tri&&er t0e (ow power consu)ption )o2e of t0e

Forci7(e co))an2 2e(i4ere2 7/ t0e E5.

T0e operator can 2e(i4er a co))an2 t0rou&0 t0e E5. to force t0e eNo2e+ to
enter or e<it fro) t0e (ow power consu)ption )o2e.
.' *;FD+0010'1 &ower Consu%ption
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e eNo2e+ reports t0e power consu)ption status to t0e E5.. T0rou&0 t0e E5.: t0e
c0an&e in power consu)ption of t0e eNo2e+ can 7e )onitore2 7/ t0e operator: an2 a
report on t0e power consu)ption can 7e &enerate2.
T0e eNo2e+ reports t0e power consu)ption status to t0e E5.. T0erefore: t0e operator
can )onitor t0e power consu)ption of t0e eNo2e+. !it0 t0e report on t0e power
consu)ption: t0e operator can e<act(/ ?now t0e 7enefits 7rou&0t 7/ t0e 2ecrease in
power consu)ption.
T0e eNo2e+ perio2ica((/ )onitors t0e power of eac0 )onitorin& point an2 reports t0e
power consu)ption wit0in a perio2. T0e E5. recei4es an2 co((ects a(( 2ata a7out
power consu)ption. T0rou&0 t0e E5.: t0e operator can o7ser4e t0e c0an&e in t0e
power consu)ption an2 ana(/1e t0e power consu)ption accor2in& to a statistics report
&enerate2 7/ t0e E5..
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 12' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.'! *;FD+0010' 6ntelligent &ower+;22
o2 Carriers in the $a%e Co<erage
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
!0en t0ere is (itt(e traffic in an area t0at is co4ere2 7/ )u(tip(e carriers: so)e of t0e
carriers can 7e 7(oc?e2: an2 a(( ser4ices can 7e auto)atica((/ ta?en o4er 7/ t0e
carriers t0at re)ain in ser4ice. !0en t0e traffic increases to a certain 2e&ree: t0e
carriers t0at are 7(oc?e2 can 7e un7(oc?e2 a&ain auto)atica((/ to pro4i2e ser4ices.
!0en t0ere is (itt(e traffic in an area t0at is co4ere2 7/ )u(tip(e carriers: so)e of t0e
carriers can 7e 7(oc?e2: an2 a(( ser4ices can 7e ta?en o4er 7/ t0e carriers t0at re)ain
in ser4ice. T0is can 0e(p re2uce t0e power consu)ption of t0e eNo2e+ wit0out an/
i)pact on t0e ser4ice ;ua(it/.
!0en )u(tip(e carriers pro4i2e co4era&e for t0e sa)e area: t0e traffic of t0e area
4aries 7/ ti)e. "n so)e certain perio2s: for e<a)p(e fro) t0e )i2ni&0t to t0e ear(/
)ornin& =t0e perio2s can 7e preset 7/ t0e operator>: t0e traffic is (i&0t. !0en t0e
eNo2e+ 2etects t0e (i&0t traffic: it tri&&ers Es to perfor) )i&ration to so)e of t0e
carriers an2 t0en 7(oc?s t0e carriers wit0out an/ (oa2. "n t0is wa/: t0e power
consu)ption is re2uce2. !0en t0e traffic increases or t0e preset perio2s en2: t0e
eNo2e+ can auto)atica((/ switc0 on t0e carriers t0at are un7(oc?e2 to reco4er t0e
functiona(it/ of t0e carriers. "n t0is wa/: t0e s/ste) capacit/ is increase2 wit0out an/
i)pact on t0e ser4ice ;ua(it/.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 125 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.'' *;FD+00001 4uto%atic .eighbor
Relation A4.RB
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e auto)atic nei&07or re(ation feature ta?es a24anta&e of t0e eNo2e+ a(&orit0) to
p(an an2 confi&ure auto)atica((/ t0e nei&07or re(ations: an2 to so(4e t0e pro7(e)s of
incorrect nei&07orin& re(ations confi&uration. T0is feature &reat(/ re2uces t0e $%EI
for t0e operator 7/ a4oi2in& 0u)an inter4ention an2 sa4in& (a7or wor?.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
5issin& or incorrect nei&07orin& re(ations can 7e foun2 or opti)i1e2. T0erefore:
no 0an2o4er fai(ure is cause2 7/ )issin& or incorrect nei&07orin& re(ations
T0e %0/sica( #e(( "2entit/ =%#"> co((ision 2etection can 7e tri&&ere2
ANR can auto)atica((/ a22 an2 up2ate nei&07orin& re(ations in t0e Nei&07orin&
Re(ation Ta7(e =NRT>. Howe4er: t0e )anua( confi&uration of NRT6s attri7ution
inc(u2in& N$ H$ an2 N$ RE5$VAL 0as 0i&0er priorit/ t0an ANR a(&orit0). For
e<a)p(e: if operator sets up N$ RE5$VAL: ANR wi(( not re)o4e t0is recor2 fro)
T0e ANR process is 2escri7e2 as fo((ow@
Figure 1.1 Auto)atic nei&07or re(ation function

Ce&& A
=lobal6C#5 ?+<
Ce&& 6
=lobal6C#5 ?+.
(4 report@/hy6C#5?*,
strong signalA
24 1eport =lobal6C#5
1eBuest @Target /hy6
274 1ead (CH@A
:A 1eport
T0e eNo2e+ instructs t0e E for w0ic0 t0e LTE fre;uenc/ nee2s to 7e )easure2.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 12B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

T0e E sen2s a )easure)ent report re&ar2in& ce(( +. T0is report contains ce((
+6s %#": 7ut not inc(u2es its 8#" =8(o7a( #e(( "2entit/>. !0en t0e eNo2e+
recei4es a E )easure)ent report containin& t0e %#" t0at is not inc(u2e2 in t0e
NRT for t0at ce((: t0e fo((owin& se;uence )a/ 7e use2.

T0e eNo2e+ instructs t0e E to use t0e new(/ 2isco4ere2 %#" as para)eter to
rea2 t0e 8#" of t0e re(ate2 nei&07orin& ce((. T0e eNo2e+ )a/ nee2 to sc0e2u(e
appropriate &aps to a((ow t0e E to rea2 t0e 8#" of t0e nei&07orin& ce((: as t0e
E nee2s to 2eco2e t0e new ce((6s 7roa2caste2 8#".

!0en t0e E 0as rea2 t0e new ce((6s 8#": it reports t0e 2etecte2 8#" to t0e
ser4in& ce(( eNo2e+.

T0e eNo2e+ 2eci2es to a22 t0is nei&07orin& re(ation an2 uses t0e %#" an2 8#" to
perfor) t0e fo((owin& operations@
.earc0es a transport (a/er a22ress to t0e new eNo2e+ =$5 searc0 or 55E
searc0 )ec0anis)s t0at 0a4e 7een a(rea2/ stan2ar2i1e2 7/ t0e -8%%.
p2ates its NRT
T0ere are two )aEor )ec0anis)s for t0e eNo2e+/ce(( to fin2 new nei&07orin& ce((.

T0e nei&07orin& ce((6s %#" is reporte2 to t0e eNo2e+ in t0e E )easure)ent

report: an2 t0en: t0e eNo2e+ instructs t0e E to rea2 t0e 8#" of t0e new
nei&07orin& ce((.

T0e nei&07orin& ce((6s 8#" is sent to t0e eNo2e+ in t0e E 0istor/ infor)ation
of HAND$VER RE9E.T: an2 t0en t0e eNo2e+ re;uests t0e %#" of t0e new
nei&07orin& ce((.
After t0e eNo2e+ a22s t0e new nei&07orin& ce((: t0e %#" co((ision 2etection proce2ure
wi(( 7e acti4ate2. For 2etai(s on %#" co((ision 2etection: refer to L$FD,00200* %#"
#o((ision Detection P .e(f,$pti)i1ation.
"f nee2e2: an I2 (in? esta7(is0)ent can a(so 7e acti4ate2 t0rou&0 t0e Auto)atic
Transport .etup function in feature L$FD,00200' .e(f,confi&uration.
T0e perio2ic ANR is supporte2. "ts )easure)ents refer to se(ect an2 confi&ure Es to
report for stron&est ce((s =intra LTE> on a perio2ica( ti)e 7asis. "n case a E reports an
un?nown (a/er 1 ce(( i2entit/ =%#"> t0e eNo2e+ s0a(( tri&&er ANR )easure)ents to
fin2 out t0e correspon2in& 8#". %erio2ica( ANR increases 0an2o4er perfor)ance.
"n eRAN2.1: ANR feature is en0ance2 wit0 t0e fo((owin& a2)inistration functions@
Lo&@ recor2s t0e ?e/ e4ent 2urin& t0e .$N process an2 t0is infor)ation can 7e
use2 for ;uer/ an2 statistic. $perator can a(so ana(/se t0e (o& infor)ation to
)aster t0e feature runnin& process an2 ?e/ e4ent.

T0is feature s0ou(2 7e supporte2 7/ E5. e;uip)ent =Huawei i5ana&er 52000

an2 Huawei i,%(an in t0e case of si)u(ation pre4iew>.

T0e %#" co((ision 2etection re;uires L$FD,00200* %#" #o((ision Detection P

T0e auto)atic I2 (in? confi&uration re;uires L$FD,00200' .e(f,confi&uration.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 12* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.'( *;FD+0000 6nter+R4# 4.R
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e inter,RAT ANR functiona(it/ ta?es a24anta&e of t0e eNo2e+ a(&orit0) to p(an:
confi&ure nei&07orin& re(ations: an2 so(4e t0e pro7(e) of incorrect nei&07orin&
re(ations 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAAN/TRAN/#D5A2000.
"n LTE s/ste): t0e inter,RAT nei&07orin& re(ations can 7e auto)atica((/ a22e2
wit0out 0u)an inter4ention: t0us re2ucin& t0e $%EI of t0e operator.
"nter,RAT ANR can a22 nei&07orin& re(ations in t0e LTE eNo2e+ auto)atica((/
t0rou&0 E inter,RAT )easure)ent.
T0e co4era&e of particu(ar ra2io tec0no(o&ies =RAT> wi(( 7e 7roa2caste2 in E,
TRAN. T0en: t0e E can )easure an2 report t0e e<istence of t0ese RATs to t0e LTE
eNo2e+ instructin& it to 7ui(2 up inter,RAT nei&07orin& re(ations for furt0er inter,
RAT )o7i(it/.
T0e inter,RAT ANR consists of t0e fo((owin& functions@
5easures t0e e<istence of t0e #D5A2000 ce((: TRAN ce((: an2 8ERAN ce((
Esta7(is0es E,TRAN ,W ot0er RAT nei&07orin& re(ations insi2e t0e LTE
Esta7(is0es E,TRAN ,W ot0er RAT )o7i(it/ constraints =for e<a)p(e: operator
)o7i(it/ (i)itation po(ic/>
T0e inter,RAT ANR process is 2escri7e2 as fo((ow@
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 123 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.1 "nter,RAT ANR function
"t is assu)e2 t0at t0is function is e<ecute2 7/ )ean of t0e 52000 =Huawei $5
p(atfor)> s/ste): w0ic0 can )ana&e@
"nter,RAT/fre;uenc/ .earc0(ist@ List of RATs/fre;uencies t0at s0a(( 7e
"nter,RAT/fre;uenc/ ANR +(ac?(ist@ List of ce((s t0at s0a(( not 7e inc(u2e2 in
t0e eNo2e+ inter,RAT/fre;uenc/ nei&07or (ists.
"t is a(so assu)e2 t0at t0e $5 s/ste) is infor)e2 a7out c0an&es in t0e eNo2e+ inter,
RAT/fre;uenc/ nei&07or (ists.
T0e eNo2e+ ser4in& ce(( A 0as an ANR function. Durin& a nor)a( ca(( proce2ure: t0e
eNo2e+ instructs eac0 E to perfor) )easure)ents an2 2etect ce((s on ot0er
RATs/fre;uencies. T0e eNo2e+ )a/ use 2ifferent po(icies for instructin& t0e E to
perfor) )easure)ents an2 t0en to report t0e) to t0e eNo2e+.
T0e eNo2e+ instructs t0e E to searc0 nei&07orin& ce((s in t0e tar&et
RATs/fre;uencies. T0e eNo2e+ )a/ nee2 to sc0e2u(e appropriate &aps to a((ow
t0e E to scan a(( ce((s in t0e tar&et RATs/fre;uencies.
T0e E reports t0e %#" of t0e 2etecte2 ce((s in t0e tar&et RATs/fre;uencies an2
t0eir respecti4e si&na( ;ua(it/. T0e carrier fre;uenc/ an2 %ri)ar/ .cra)7(in&
#o2e =%.#> 2efine t0e %#" in case of TRAN ce((: an2 t0e +an2 "n2icator X
+."# X +##H ARF#N in case of 8ERAN ce((.
!0en t0e eNo2e+ recei4es E reports containin& %0/,#"Ds of ce((s t0at are not
a(rea2/ in inter,RAT/fre;uenc/ nei&07or (ists of t0at ce((: t0e fo((owin& se;uence
)a/ 7e use2.
T0e eNo2e+ instructs t0e E to use t0e new(/ 2isco4ere2 %0/,#"D as para)eter
an2 rea2 t0e 8(o7a(,#"D of t0e 2etecte2 nei&07orin& ce(( in t0e tar&et
RAT/fre;uenc/. T0e eNo2e+ )a/ nee2 to sc0e2u(e appropriate &aps to a((ow t0e
E to rea2 t0e 8(o7a(,#"D fro) t0e 7roa2cast c0anne( of t0e 2etecte2
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 129 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
nei&07orin& ce((.

!0en t0e E 0as rea2 t0e new ce((6s 8(o7a(,#"D: it reports t0e 2etecte2 8(o7a(,
#"D to t0e ser4in& ce(( eNo2e+.
T0e eNo2e+ up2ates its inter,RAT/fre;uenc/ nei&07or (ists.
%erio2ic inter,RAT ANR is supporte2. "ts )easure)ents refer to se(ect an2 confi&ure
Es to Vreport for stron&est ce((sV =intra LTE> or Vreport for stron&est ce((s for .$NV
=inter,RAT> on a perio2ica( ti)e 7ase. "n case a E reports an un?nown (a/er 1 ce((
i2entit/ =%#": %.#: an2 +."#> t0e eNo2e+ s0a(( tri&&er inter,RAT ANR
)easure)ents to fin2 out t0e correspon2in& 8#". %erio2ic inter,RAT ANR increases
perfor)ance in 0an2o4er proce2ure
"n eRAN2.1: t0e inter,RAT,ANR feature is en0ance2 wit0 t0e fo((owin&
a2)inistration functions@

.witc0@ user can ena7(e or 2isa7(e t0e feature or su7,function suc0 as
perio2ic inter,RAT H$ function in inter,RAT H$

Lo&@ recor2s t0e ?e/ e4ent 2urin& t0e .$N process an2 t0is infor)ation can 7e
use2 for ;uer/ an2 statistica(. $perator can a(so ana(/se t0e (o& infor)ation to
)aster t0e feature runnin& process an2 ?e/ e4ent.
T0is feature s0ou(2 7e supporte2 7/ E5. e;uip)ent =Huawei i5ana&er 52000 an2
Huawei i,%(an in t0e case of si)u(ation pre4iew>.
.') *;FD+0000' $el2+con2iguration
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e eNo2e+ can auto)atica((/ esta7(is0 an $5 (in?: o7tain t0e confi&uration 2ata fi(e
an2 software fro) t0e E5.: an2 t0en acti4ate t0e confi&uration 2ata fi(e an2 software
auto)atica((/. T0e confi&uration 2ata fi(e contains ra2io para)eters an2 transport
para)eters. Fina((/: t0e eNo2e+ perfor)s a se(f,test an2 reports t0e test resu(t to t0e
T0e eNo2e+ can 7e tri&&e2 auto)atica((/ 7/ t0e 52000 or L5T to (aunc0 a
co)pre0ensi4e se(f,test after t0e software an2 confi&uration 2ata fi(e are 2own(oa2e2.
After t0e test is co)p(ete: t0e 52000 or L5T can o7tain a test report.
E<cept 0ar2ware insta((ation: no ot0er )anua( operation nee2s to 7e perfor)e2 7/
fie(2 en&ineers for t0e eNo2e+ startup for t0e first ti)e.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-0 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
!0en t0e eNo2e+ is powere2 on: it o7tains t0e 2ata nee2e2 to esta7(is0 t0e $5 (in?:
suc0 as t0e "% a22ress: su7net )as?: "% a22ress of t0e E5.: an2 "% a22ress of t0e
securit/ &atewa/: t0rou&0 t0e DH#% ser4er. !0en t0e $5 (in? is esta7(is0e2
successfu((/: t0e eNo2e+ 2own(oa2s an2 acti4ates t0e confi&uration 2ata fi(e an2
software auto)atica((/ accor2in& to t0e instruction fro) t0e E5.. T0en: t0e eNo2e+
perfor)s a se(f,test to ensure t0at it is rea2/ to pro4i2e ser4ices an2 reports t0e test
resu(t to t0e E5..
After t0e software an2 confi&uration 2ata fi(e are 2own(oa2e2: t0e 52000 or L5T
auto)atica((/ (aunc0es a co)pre0ensi4e se(f,test proce2ure on t0e eNo2e+. After t0e
test is co)p(ete: t0e 52000 or L5T o7tains a test report: in2icatin& t0e eNo2e+
T0e test report contains t0e fo((owin& contents@
eNo2e+ 7asic infor)ation: suc0 as t/pe: na)e: 5N#: 5##: an2 e(ectrica( seria(
.oftware 4ersion infor)ation
+oar2 status infor)ation: suc0 as infor)ation a7out t0e 7ase7an2 an2 RF units
Transport status infor)ation = p0/sica( (a/er an2 (in? (a/er>
#(oc? status
#e(( status
En4iron)ent te)perature an2 0u)i2it/
"n eRAN2.0: t0e eNo2e+ can esta7(is0 an " (in? wit0 t0e securit/ &atewa/
auto)atica((/ 2urin& t0e se(f,confi&uration proce2ure.
"n eRAN2.0: if t0e eNo2e+ is e;uippe2 wit0 a 8%. 2e4ice: it can report &eo&rap0ica(
infor)ation =fro) t0e 8%. 2e4ice> to t0e E5.: an2 t0e E5. wi(( i2entif/ t0e eNo2e+
auto)atica((/ 7/ co)parin& t0e recei4e2 &eo&rap0ica( infor)ation wit0 t0e pre2efine2
&eo&rap0ica( infor)ation.
"n eRAN2.0: auto)atic transport setup is supporte2. T0e eNo2e+ 0as t0ree t/pes of
transport,re(ate2 interfaces@ .1 interface: I2 interface: an2 $5 c0anne( interface.
Accor2in&(/: t0e eNo2e+ pro4i2es t0ree auto)atic transport setup processes@ .1 setup:
I2 setup: an2 $5 c0anne( setup. T0e &enera( networ? topo(o&/ is s0own in t0e
fo((owin& fi&ure.
Figure 1.1 &enera( networ? topo(o&/
E5+ED !or2.%icture.3
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

T0e eNo2e+ 0as para)eters pre,confi&ure2 in factor/ or ot0er p(aces 7efore t0e
insta((ation: suc0 as t0e 5A# a22ress: (oca( $5 "%: uni;ue "D: an2 securit/ ?e/. A((
t0ese para)eters nee2 not 7e set or )o2ifie2 )anua((/.
T0e auto)atic transport setup proce2ure is as fo((ows@

!0en t0e eNo2e+ is powere2 on: it ne&otiates auto)atica((/ t0e transport (a/er
1/2 =%HN/5A#> para)eters: suc0 as 2up(e< )o2e: wit0 t0e peer 2e4ice. T0e
peer 2e4ice can 7e a LAN switc0: router: or anot0er eNo2e+.

T0e eNo2e+ recei4es t0e $5 c0anne( para)eters fro) t0e DH#% ser4er: suc0 as
t0e "nternet "% a22ress: Networ? E(e)ent 5ana&e)ent =NE5> "% a22ress: an2
.e8! "% a22ress.

T0e eNo2e+ esta7(is0es an " tunne( wit0 t0e .e8!: o7tains t0e "nterna( "%
a22ress: an2 t0en esta7(is0es t0e $5 c0anne( wit0 t0e NE5.

After t0e software an2 confi&uration fi(e are 2own(oa2e2 an2 insta((e2: t0e
eNo2e+ recei4es t0e necessar/ transport para)eters of t0e .1 interface fro) t0e
NE5: suc0 as t0e eNo2e+ traffic "% a22ress an2 55E .#T% "%.

T0e eNo2e+ starts t0e .1 interface se(f,confi&uration proce2ure an2 esta7(is0es

t0e .1 (in?.
T0is feature a(so inc(u2es t0e I2 interface auto setup function of t0e Auto)atic
Nei&07or Re(ation feature. !0en t0e networ? is (aunc0e2: t0e eNo2e+ can fin2 out its
new nei&07orin& site: w0ic0 is not confi&ure2 as nei&07orin& site. After recei4in&
necessar/ transport 2ata fro) t0e NE5: t0e eNo2e+ esta7(is0es t0e I2 (in? wit0 t0is
new nei&07orin& site auto)atica((/.
T0e I2 interface auto)atic setup function in t0is feature 2epen2s on t0e optiona( ANR
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.'0 *;FD+0000( Mobility Robust
;pti%i8ation AMR;B
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
5R$ ai)s to a4oi2 pin&,pon& 0an2o4er: 0an2o4er too ear(/: an2 0an2o4er too (ate. "t
)ain(/ opti)i1es t0e t/pica( )o7i(it/ contro( para)eters.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e fo((owin& 7enefits@
Lowers ca(( 2rop rate: re2uces 0an2o4er fai(ure rate: an2 spee2s up ce((
.a4es )an power cost for t/pica( an2 co))on )o7i(it/ opti)i1ation scenarios
T0is feature a22resses too,ear(/ an2 too,(ate 0an2o4er fai(ures: to&et0er wit0 pin&,
pon& e4ents.
T0e )aEor 5R$ para)eter a2Eust)ent are t0e #"$ =#e(( "n2i4i2ua( $ffset> for intra,
fre;uenc/ 5R$: #"$ an2 A2 )easure)ent t0res0o(2 for inter,fre;uenc/ 5R$: A2
an2 +1 )easure)ents t0res0o(2 for inter,RAT 5R$.
A2 an2 +1 )easure)ents t0res0o(2 a2Eust)ents re2uce respecti4e(/ E 2roppin& rate
wit0out A2 report: an2 0an2o4er fai(ure or 2roppin& rate wit0out +1 report.
#"$ wi(( 7e a2Euste2 on(ine for t0e offset: w0ic0 e<p(icit(/ 2ec(ares t0e H$ t0res0o(2
7etween )easure)ent resu(ts of si&na(in& ;ua(it/ fro) 7ot0 of t0e source an2 tar&et
ce((s. Hence: c0an&in& t0e #"$ wi(( si&nificant(/ spee2 up or 2e(a/ 0an2o4er. T0e
)aEor 5R$ para)eter a2Eust)ent is t0e #"$.
+ot0 too ear(/ an2 too (ate 0an2o4ers are capture2 at t0e source eNo2e+ 7/ e<p(oitin&
t0e fact t0at t0e source eNo2e+ is infor)e2 of too (ate 0an2o4ers t0at 0a4e 7een
prepare2 7/ t0e E conte<t re(ease )ec0anis). $n(/ out&oin& 0an2o4er fai(ures are
capture2. T0ere is no nee2 to capture inco)in& 0an2o4ers.
T0e re2uction of pin&,pon& 0an2o4ers e<p(oits t0e E Histor/ "nfor)ation t0at is
passe2 fro) t0e source eNo2e+ to t0e tar&et eNo2e+ 2urin& t0e 0an2o4er preparation.
!0en t0e E Histor/ "nfor)ation is recei4e2: t0e tar&et eNo2e+ i2entifies pin&,pon&
if t0e secon2 newest ce((Vs 8#" is e;ua( to t0at of t0e tar&et ce(( an2 t0e ti)e spent in
t0e source ce(( is (ess t0an a pin&,pon& ti)e t0res0o(2. %in&,pon& is correcte2 7/
2ecreasin& t0e #e(( "n2i4i2ua( $ffset.
Huawei eRAN2.0 supports 7ot0 intra,fre;uenc/ an2 inter,fre;uenc//inter,RAT
5o7i(it/ Ro7ust $pti)i1ation.
"n eRAN2.1: 5R$ feature is en0ance2 wit0 t0e fo((owin& a2)inistration functions@
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

.witc0@ user can ena7(e or 2isa7(e t0e inter,RAT 5R$.

Lo&@ recor2s t0e ?e/ e4ent 2urin& t0e .$N process an2 t0is infor)ation can 7e
use2 for ;uer/ an2 statistic. $perator can a(so ana(/se t0e (o& infor)ation to
)aster t0e feature runnin& process an2 ?e/ e4ent.
.'8 *;FD+00000 &C6 Collision
Detection F $el2+;pti%i8ation
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0is feature 2etects %0/sica( #e(( "2entit/ =%#"> co((ision t0rou&0 ANR functiona(it/.
T0is feature 2etects t0e %0/sica( #e(( "2entit/ =%#"> co((ision auto)atica((/.
T0e p0/sica( ce(( i2entit/ =%#"> is an essentia( confi&uration para)eter of an E,
TRAN ce((. "t correspon2s to a uni;ue co)7ination of one ort0o&ona( se;uence an2
one pseu2o,ran2o) se;uence. "n LTE: t0ere are on(/ 50' p0/sica( ce(( i2 t0at can 7e
repeate2 for a (ar&e sca(e eNo2e+ 2ep(o/)ent: 7ut t0e ?e/ is t0at t0e two ce((s t0at
s0are a p0/sica( ce(( "D cannot 7e &eo&rap0ica((/ c(ose or t0e/ wi(( interfere wi(( eac0
!0en a new eNo2e+ is 7rou&0t into t0e fie(2: a %#": use2 to trans)it 2ata o4er t0e
ce((: nee2s to 7e se(ecte2 for eac0 of its supporte2 ce((s: a4oi2in& co((ision wit0
respecti4e nei&07orin& ce((s t0at resu(ts in interference an2 ser4ice 2eterioration. T0e
%#" assi&n)ent )ust )eet t0e fo((owin& con2itions@
#o((ision,free@ T0e %#" is uni;ue in t0e co4era&e area of t0e ce((.
#onfusion,free@ A ce(( )ust not 0a4e nei&07orin& ce((s wit0 i2entica( %#".
!0ene4er t0e new nei&07orin& re(ation is a22e2 7/ t0e eNo2e+: t0e %#" co((ision
2etection proce2ure is tri&&ere2 to c0ec? t0e possi7(e %#" co((ision wit0in t0e
nei&07orin& ce((s.
"n eRAN2.1: %#" #o((ision Detection is en0ance2 wit0 .e(f,opti)i1ation i)p(e)ente2
in E5. to so(4e t0e 2etecte2 co((isions. "n or2er to a((ocate t0e opti)a( can2i2ate %#"
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
for t0e w0o(e networ?: an2 to )ini)i1e t0e interference a)on& nei&07orin& ce((s: t0e
sites en&ineerin& infor)ation =(on&itu2e: (atitu2e: A1i)ut0>: 8#": an2 nei&07or (ist are
ta?en into t0e %#" assi&n)ent. T0e new assi&ne2 %#" can 7e confi&ure2 in - )anners@

"))e2iate P Auto)atic 2e(i4er/@ T0e E5. wi(( 2e(i4er t0e new %#"s to t0e
eNo2e+ as soon as it is &enerate2.

Re&u(ar P Auto)atic 2e(i4er/@ T0e E5. wi(( 2e(i4er t0e new %#" at a c/c(e ti)e

5anua((/ confir)e2 2e(i4er/@ t0e E5. wi(( &enerate a notice for confir)ation
7efore 2e(i4er/ to t0e eNo2e+
%#" #o((ision Detection an2 .e(f,opt)i1ation feature is en0ance2 wit0 t0e fo((owin&
a2)inistration functions@

.ettin&@ can 7e 2i4i2e2 into@

%o(ic/ settin&@ operator can setup so)e po(ic/ of t0e feature =(i?e
$pti)i1ation Ana(/sis 5o2e>.
+rea? point@ operator can setup 7rea? points to increase t0e contro(
capa7i(it/ on t0e feature. T0e a(&orit0) can 7e stoppe2 at t0e 7rea?
points an2 operator confir)ation is nee2e2 for t0e process continuit/.

Lo&@ recor2s t0e ?e/ e4ent 2urin& t0e .$N process an2 t0is infor)ation can 7e
use2 for ;uer/ an2 statistica(. $perator can a(so ana(/se t0e (o& infor)ation to
)aster t0e feature runnin& process an2 ?e/ e4ent.
T0is feature s0ou(2 a(so 7e supporte2 7/ E5. e;uip)ent =Huawei i5ana&er
52000 an2 Huawei i,%(an in t0e case of si)u(ation pre4iew>.
.'9 *;FD+00010 $leeping Cell
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
.(eepin& ce(( refers to one ce(( )a/ 0a4e so)e serious pro7(e)s 7ut no o74ious
a7nor)a( e4ent or a(ar) 0a2 7een tri&&ere2. Es )a/ ca)p in t0is ce(( 7ut t0e/
cannot setup an/ ser4ice connection or access into t0e networ?. T0is feature is
pro4i2e2 to 2etect suc0 issues an2 to notif/ operator.
T0is feature wi(( s0orten t0e ti)e to 2etect so)e ce(( wit0 serious fau(t pro7(e) 7ut
not 0a4in& tri&&ere2 an a(ar) /et
T0e s(eepin& ce(( 2etection is a function t0at an eNo2e+ can auto)atica((/ 2etect fau(t
ce(( w0ic0 cannot pro4i2e nor)a( ser4ice 7ut eNo2e+ 2oes not report a(ar) to E5.:
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
so operator 2oes not ?now if ce(( is un2er s(eepin& status an2 cannot so(4e it in ti)e.
eNo2e+ can 2etect s(eepin& ce(( itse(f an2 report a(ar) to E5.. E5. a(so can
i)p(e)ent an a(&orit0) to 2etect s(eepin& ce(( an2 &enerate an a(ar). T0ese two wa/s
can 7e co)7ine2 to&et0er to fin2 s(eepin& ce(( )ore accurate(/ t0an on(/ 7/ one wa/.
eNo2e+ uses t0e connecte2 user )easure)ent )et0o2 to 2etect t0e s(eepin& ce((.
eNo2e+ wi(( count connecte2 user e4er/ secon2. "f t0e user nu)7er ?eeps 1ero for a
&i4en perio2 of ti)e =t0is ti)e 4a(ue can 7e confi&ure2>: eNo2e+ wi(( &enerate an
a(ar) to E5.. E5. wi(( corre(ate t0is a(ar) wit0 so)e ot0er a(ar)s =for e<a)p(e: t0e
a(ar) fro) antenna w0ic0 t0e ce(( associate2: t0e a(ar) fro) t0e T</R< c0anne(: etc>.
T0is a(ar) is &enerate2 w0en t0e eNo2e+ 2etects t0at t0e ce(( 0as no accessin& of an/
user for a (on& ti)e.
After 2etectin& t0e 2or)ant ce((: t0e eNo2e+ wi(( 2eacti4ate an2 acti4ate t0e ce((
"t is su&&este2 t0at t0is feature wi(( 7e use2 wit0 E5. s(eepin& ce(( 2etection feature
to&et0er to &et )ore accurate resu(t.
.(0 *;FD+00011 4ntenna Fault
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e fau(ts on t0e antenna s/ste) an2 ra2io fre;uenc/ =RF> c0anne(s are cause2 7/ t0e
i)proper insta((ation of proEects w0en t0e proEects are create2: re(ocate2: or opti)i1e2.
T0e fau(ts can a(so 7e cause2 7/ natura( or e<terna( c0an&es.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e function of 2etectin& fau(ts on eRAN antennas an2 ena7(es
users to 2etect an2 (ocate antenna fau(ts.
T0is feature i)p(e)ents t0e 2etection of co))on antenna fau(ts: t0us i)pro4in& t0e
efficienc/ an2 accurac/ of fau(t 2ia&nosis.
+/ usin& t0is feature: RF en&ineers nee2 not use e;uip)ent to )easure eNo2e+ on
site e4er/ ti)e: t0us re2ucin& t0e proEect cost.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e antenna s/ste) p(a/s an i)portant ro(e in )o7i(e co))unications. T0e
perfor)ance of t0e entire networ? is affecte2 7/ t0e fo((owin& pro7(e)s@
")proper t/pe or (ocation of t0e antenna s/ste)
")proper(/ confi&ure2 para)eters of t0e antenna s/ste)
Fau(t/ antenna s/ste)
T0e antenna fau(t 2etection s/ste) can 2etect t0e fo((owin& fau(ts an2 raise re(ate2
Q !ea? recei4in& si&na(
Q Drop of a sin&(e antenna or one antenna of 2ua(,antenna
Q 5is)atc0 of ra2iation patterns 7etween t0e )ain an2 t0e 2i4ersit/
.(1 *;FD+0001 Cell ;utage
Detection and Co%pensation
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.1.
#e(( $uta&e Detection an2 #o)pensation pro4i2es auto)atic 2etection of ce(( outa&e:
an2 auto)atic a2Eust)ent of )o7i(it/ re(ate2 RR5 para)eters to co)pensate outa&e
ce((s. "t so(4es an2 s0ortens t0e 2uration of ce(( outa&e t0at is a critica( situation in t0e
networ?: especia((/ if t0ere is on(/ one fre;uenc//RAT.

T0is feature ena7(es t0e operators to s0orten t0e 2uration of t0e ce(( outa&e 2etection:
an2 to ?eep su7scri7ers6 ser4ice in outa&e ce(( wit0 7est effort.
#e(( outa&e is a critica( situation: especia((/ if t0ere is on(/ one fre;uenc//RAT. "t can
cause ser4ice fai(ure or &reat D%" 2e&ra2ation. "n ot0er 0an2: if t0ere are a(ternati4e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
fre;uencies/RATs: it is preferre2 to )o4e Es fro) t0e outa&e ce(( to t0ese a(ternati4e
fre;uencies/RATs 7/ tri&&erin& 0an2o4er process to anot0er fre;uenc/ or s/ste)
instea2 of co)pensatin& t0e co4era&e of surroun2in& ce((s.
T0is feature consists of t0ree functions: w0ic0 are ce(( outa&e 2etection: RR5
co)pensation an2 #e(( outa&e reco4er/.

#e(( outa&e 2etection@

"t consits of rea( ti)e ti)e )onitorin& of 7ot0 pre,2efine2 a(ar)s an2 ce(( D%".
Accor2in& to t0e pre,2efine2 a(ar)s t0e s/ste) wi(( 2etect wet0er t0e ce(( is out of
ser4ice or not. T0e D%" )onitorin& wi(( 0e(p to 2etect a7nor)a( outa&e cases t0at wi((
not tri&&er a(ar)s t0rou&0 t0e ce(( D%" 2e&ra2ation inc(u2in& s(eepin& ce((. Note t0at
t0is D%" t0res0o(2 is confi&ura7(e 7/ operator.

RR5 co)pensation@
T0is function wi(( a2Eust t0e )o7i(it/ re(ate2 RR5 para)eters: so t0at t0e Es can 7e
)o4e2 to t0e surroun2in& ce((s for ser4ices continuit/. An2 t0e outa&e ce(( wi(( 7e
a22e2 into t0e 7(ac?(ist to pre4ent 0an2o4er/rese(ection fro) nei&07or ce((s. T0e
priorit/ for 0an2o4er tri&&erin& is 2efine2 7/ t0e )o7i(it/ features to ?eep t0e ser4ice
continuit/. 5R$ an2 5L+ wit0 surroun2in& ce((s are a(so 2isa7(e2.

#e(( outa&e reco4er/@

After ce(( outa&e 2etecte2: t0e s/ste) wi(( reset eNo2e+ to reco4er t0e ce((.
After outa&e reco4er/: t0e s/ste) wi(( re4erse t0e co)pensation.
RR5 co)pensation nee2s t0e support of t0e optiona( feature L$FD,001019 %.
"nter,RAT 5o7i(it/ 7etween E,TRAN an2 TRAN: L$FD,001020 %. "nter,
RAT 5o7i(it/ 7etween E,TRAN an2 8ERAN: L$FD,001021 %. "nter,RAT
5o7i(it/ 7etween E,TRAN an2 #D5A2000
.( *;FD+001010 $ecurity Mechanis%
.(.1 *;FD+00101001 -ncryption= 4-$
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
T0e encr/ption function pro4i2es confi2entia(it/ protection for 7ot0 si&na(in& 2ata an2
user 2ata 7etween t0e eNo2e+ an2 t0e E.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e proce2ure pro4i2es confi2entia(it/ protection for si&na(in& 2ata an2 user 2ata in
or2er to ?eep t0e) fro) i((e&a( interception an2 )o2if/in&.
LTE 0an2(es t0e cip0erin& protection for t0e RR# si&na(in& an2 user 2ata. T0e
encr/ption function inc(u2es 7ot0 cip0erin& an2 2ecip0erin& an2 it is perfor)e2 at
%D#% (a/er. T0e cip0erin& is acti4ate2 7/ t0e initia( securit/ acti4ation proce2ure
after recei4in& t0e E conte<t fro) t0e E%#. pon connection esta7(is0)ent: t0e
cip0erin& a(&orit0) an2 ?e/ to 7e use2 are &enerate2 7/ t0e RR#: w0ic0 is co))on
for a(( ra2io 7earers: for e<a)p(e: t0e confi&uration is use2 for t0e ra2io 7earers
carr/in& si&na(in& 2ata as we(( as for t0ose carr/in& user 2ata.
T0e cip0erin& a(&orit0)s can on(/ 7e c0an&e2 wit0 0an2o4er. T0e cip0erin& ?e/s
c0an&e wit0 0an2o4er or RR# connection re,esta7(is0)ent. An intra,ce(( 0an2o4er
proce2ure )a/ 7e use2 to c0an&e t0e ?e/s in RR#H#$NNE#TED )o2e.
Fro) eRAN1.0: encr/ption a(&orit0) AE. is supporte2.
T0e E s0ou(2 support t0e sa)e encr/ption a(&orit0) as t0e eNo2e+.
.(. *;FD+0010100 -ncryption= $.;G !5
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e encr/ption function pro4i2es confi2entia(it/ protection for 7ot0 si&na(in& 2ata an2
user 2ata 7etween t0e eNo2e+ an2 t0e E.
T0e proce2ure pro4i2es confi2entia(it/ protection for si&na(in& 2ata an2 user 2ata in
or2er to ?eep t0e) fro) i((e&a( interception an2 )o2if/in&.
LTE 0an2(es t0e cip0erin& protection for t0e RR# si&na(in& an2 user 2ata. T0e
encr/ption function inc(u2es 7ot0 cip0erin& an2 2ecip0erin& an2 it is perfor)e2 at
%D#% (a/er. T0e cip0erin& is acti4ate2 7/ t0e initia( securit/ acti4ation proce2ure after
recei4in& t0e E conte<t fro) t0e E%#. pon connection esta7(is0)ent: t0e cip0erin&
a(&orit0) an2 ?e/ to 7e use2 are &enerate2 7/ t0e RR#: w0ic0 is co))on for a(( ra2io
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1-9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
7earers: for e<a)p(e: t0e confi&uration is use2 for t0e ra2io 7earers carr/in& si&na(in&
2ata as we(( as for t0ose carr/in& user 2ata.
T0e cip0erin& a(&orit0)s can on(/ 7e c0an&e2 wit0 0an2o4er. T0e cip0erin& ?e/s
c0an&e wit0 0an2o4er or RR# connection re,esta7(is0)ent. An intra,ce(( 0an2o4er
proce2ure )a/ 7e use2 to c0an&e t0e ?e/s in RR#H#$NNE#TED )o2e.
Huawei eRAN2.0 supports .N$!-8 wit0 123 7its ?e/s.
T0e E s0ou(2 support t0e sa)e encr/ption a(&orit0) as t0e eNo2e+.
.(! *;FD+00!00 5,!5 and *#- Co+
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
28/-8 an2 LTE co,trans)ission pro4i2es t0e operators t0e possi7i(it/ of LTE co,
trans)ission wit0 (e&ac/ networ?s suc0 as 8.5: 5T.: or #D5A for 7etter
resources uti(i1ation an2 $%EI re2uction.
"n a co,site scenario@
+etter uti(i1ation of trans)ission resources is ac0ie4e2.
$%EI =renta( fees of t0e trans)ission resources> is re2uce2.
T0e eNo2e+ supports co,trans)ission wit0 ot0er 28/-8 7ase stations.
Durin& eNo2e+ site 2ep(o/)ent: it is possi7(e t0at an eNo2e+ s0ares a site wit0 a 7ase
station of 2ifferent tec0no(o&ies suc0 as 8.5: 5T.: or #D5A. "n t0is case: co,
trans)ission faci(itates 7etter uti(i1ation of trans)ission resources an2 re2uces t0e
$%EI =renta( fees of t0e trans)ission resources>.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'0 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e 28/-8 an2 LTE co,trans)ission
Figure 1.1 28/-8 an2 LTE co,trans)ission

T0e i)p(e)entation of t0e co,trans)ission function 2epen2s on four su7 functions@
)u(tip(e ports: "% route: DH#% re(a/: an2 !ei&0te2 Roun2 Ro7in =!RR> sc0e2u(in&.
T0e/ are 2escri7e2 as fo((ows@
5u(tip(e ports@ eNo2e+ supports se4era( Et0ernet an2 E1/T1 interfaces.
"% route@ T0e 2ata of t0e casca2e2 7ase station is switc0e2 to "% networ? 7/ t0e "%
route function in t0e eNo2e+. "% routes can 7e confi&ure2 7/ users.
DH#% re(a/@ "n &enera(: a casca2e2 7ase station o7tains t0e "% a22ress 7/ t0e
DH#% function. !it0 t0e DH#% function: t0e DH#% c(ient: t0at is t0e 7ase
station: an2 t0e DH#% ser4er are re;uire2 to 7e (ocate2 in t0e sa)e 7roa2cast
2o)ain. "n t0e co,trans)ission scenario: 0owe4er: t0e casca2e2 7ase station is
not (ocate2 in t0e sa)e 7roa2cast 2o)ain as t0e DH#% ser4er. DH#% re(a/
pro4i2es a )eans to transfer DH#% )essa&es 7etween 2ifferent 7roa2cast
!RR sc0e2u(in&@ "t ensures fairness 7etween t0e casca2e2 7ase station an2 t0e
eNo2e+ for t0e 2ata transport. Data are sc0e2u(e2 on t0e 7asis of t0e wei&0t
co)pute2 accor2in& to t0e traffic 7an2wi2t0. Eac0 7ase station an2 eNo2e+ 0as a
wei&0t an2 t0en 0as a c0ance to 7e sc0e2u(e2.
T0e 7ase stations of ot0er stan2ar2s support "%.
T0e feature is 7ase2 on E1/T1 an2 Et0ernet interfaces.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.(' *;FD+00!00' -thernet ;4M
.('.1 *;FD+00!00'01 -thernet ;4MA80.!ahB
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
Et0ernet $A5 =30-.-a0> pro4i2es t0e fau(t iso(ation an2 trou7(es0ootin& capa7i(ities
for point,to,point Et0ernet ser4ices.
Et0ernet $A5 7etween two 2irect(/ connecte2 2e4ices is a4ai(a7(e.
Et0ernet $A5 is a protoco( at t0e 5A# (a/er in w0ic0 t0e protoco( is 2efine2 to
faci(itate t0e operation: a2)inistration: an2 )aintenance =$A5> of Et0ernet. Et0ernet
$A5 inc(u2es 302.-a0 an2 302.1a&.

302.-a0 supports point,to,point $A5 7etween two 2irect(/ connecte2 2e4ices.

302.1a& pro4i2es t0e en2,to,en2 $A5 function.

T0e 7asic functions supporte2 7/ 302.-a0 are as fo((ows@

Disco4er/@ $A5 session setup proce2ure. T0e 2e4ice sen2s $A5 %Ds
=%rotoco( Data nit> perio2ica((/ to ?now w0et0er t0e peer 2e4ice supports
302.-a0 function proper(/ or not.

Re)ote fai(ure in2ication@ !0en 2etectin& fau(ts suc0 as a (in? fau(t: 2/in& &asp:
critica( e4ent: t0e 2e4ice infor)s t0e peer 2e4ice of t0e fau(ts wit0 $A5 %Ds.

Lin? )onitorin&@ T0e 2e4ice supports (in? 7it error rate =suc0 as error fra)e an2
error si&na(> )onitorin&. !0en t0e error rate e<cee2s t0e t0res0o(2: it wi(( report
t0e e4ent to t0e peer 2e4ice wit0 $A5 %Ds.

Re)ote (oop7ac?@ T0e 2e4ice sen2s a (oop7ac? contro( %D to as? t0e peer
2e4ice to (oop 7ac?. !it0 (oop7ac?: it is eas/ to (ocate t0e fau(t an2 test t0e (in?

T0e peer e;uip)ent )ust support "EEE302.-a0 w0en "EEE302.-a0 is use2.

Et0ernet interface is use2

HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.('. *;FD+00!00'0 -thernet ;4MA80.1agB
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e in fro) eRAN2.0
Et0ernet $A5 =30-.1a&> pro4i2es t0e fau(t iso(ation an2 trou7(es0ootin& capa7i(ities
for en2,to,en2 Et0ernet ser4ices.

Et0ernet $A5 ="EEE302.1a&> can 0e(p t0e operator to 2etectin& networ? fau(t.

Et0ernet $A5 ="EEE302.1a&> ac0ie4es re(ia7i(it/ an2 0i&0 a4ai(a7i(it/ of

Et0ernet ser4ices: ena7(es t0e ser4ice pro4i2er to pro4i2e econo)ica( an2
efficient a24ance2 Et0ernet ser4ices.
Et0ernet $A5 ="EEE302.1a&> can report t0e status of t0e networ? at t0e 2ata (in?
(a/er: t0us )onitorin& an2 )ana&in& t0e networ? )ore effecti4e(/.
"t esta7(is0es en2,to,en2 2etection to perfor) )aintenance of t0e Et0ernet 7ase2 on
t0e ser4ices as fo((ows@
#ontinuit/ #0ec?@ Detectin& t0e connecti4it/ of two Et0ernet e(e)ents.
Loop +ac?@ T0e (in? status 2etectin&: si)i(ar as "% pin&.
Lin? Trace@ Locate t0e fau(t of (in?: si)i(ar as "% trace route.
T0e peer e;uip)ent )ust support "EEE302.1a& w0en "EEE302.1a& is use2
Et0ernet interface is use2
.(( *;FD+00!000 /idirectional
Forwarding Detection
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
+FD is a ?in2 of 7i2irectiona(,2etectin& )ec0anis): w0ic0 can 7e use2 to 2etect t0e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
fau(t of t0e "% route.
+FD 0e(p t0e operator to 2etectin& networ? fau(t.
+FD ac0ie4e re(ia7i(it/ an2 0i&0 a4ai(a7i(it/ of Et0ernet ser4ices: ena7(es t0e
ser4ice pro4i2er to pro4i2e econo)ica( an2 efficient a24ance2 Et0ernet ser4ices.
T0e +FD feature is a )et0o2 for "% connecti4it/ fai(ure 2etection 7/ perio2ica((/
trans)ittin& +FD pac?ets 7etween two no2es. !0en no +FD pac?ets are recei4e2
2urin& t0e 2etection inter4a(: fai(ure is 2ec(are2 an2 re(ate2 reco4er action wi(( 7e
tri&&ere2: suc0 as "% route: to a4oi2 traffic 2rop. +FD can 2etectin& t0e fai(ure rapi2(/:
so it cou(2 use for te(eco) ser4ice a7o4e "% networ?.
T0e one,0op an2 )u(ti,0op +FD is supporte2 7/ eNo2e+.
T0e one,0op +FD is use2 for t0e &atewa/ a4ai(a7i(it/ 2etection w0en router is use2.
T0e )u(ti,0op +FD is use2 for 2etectin& t0e connecti4it/ of two networ? e(e)ents:
suc0 as eNo2e+ to eNo2e+: eNo2e+ to .8!/55E an2 eNo2e+ to transport
e;uip)ent. T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e one,0op an2 )u(ti,0op +FD app(ication
Figure 1.1 t0e one,0op an2 )u(ti,0op +FD app(ication scenarios


T0e peer e;uip)ent )ust support +FD w0en +FD is use2 to 2etect t0e fau(t of
t0e "% route.

Et0ernet interface is use2

HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.() *;FD+00!00( ;M Channel /ackup
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
T0e $5 c0anne( 7ac?up so(ution pro4i2es re(ia7i(it/ of $5 c0anne( wit0 an
a(ternati4e $5 c0anne( if $5 )ain c0anne( 0appen to fai(.
T0is feature pro4i2es re(ia7i(it/ of $5 c0anne(s.
T0e $5 c0anne( 7ac?up function pro4i2es re(ia7i(it/ of $5 c0anne(s.
"n t0e $5 c0anne( 7ac?up so(ution: t0ere are two $5 c0anne(s@ )aster an2 s(a4e. T0e
?e/ is t0at eac0 c0anne( 0as an $5 "% a22ress. sua((/: on(/ t0e )aster c0anne( is
acti4e. !0en t0e )aster c0anne( fai(s: t0e s(a4e c0anne( is acti4ate2.
.(0 *;FD+00!00) 6& Route /ackup
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
"% 7ac?up so(ution pro4i2es re(ia7i(it/ of "% route wit0 an a(ternati4e "% route if t0e "%
)ain route 0appens to fai(.
T0is feature pro4i2es re(ia7i(it/ at t0e "% (a/er.
T0e "% route 7ac?up function pro4i2es re(ia7i(it/ at t0e "% (a/er.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
sers can confi&ure two routes wit0 t0e sa)e 2estination "% a22ress 7ut 2ifferent ne<t,
0op a22resses an2 priorities. sua((/: t0e route of t0e 0i&0er priorit/ is acti4e. !0en
t0is route fai(s an2 t0e outa&e: for e<a)p(e: t0rou&0 networ? pin&: t0e route of t0e
(ower priorit/ wi(( 7e acti4ate2.
T0e peer 2e4ice )ust a(so support t0e "% route 7ac?up function.
.(8 *;FD+00!008 -thernet *ink
4ggregation A80.!adB
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
T0e Et0ernet Lin? A&&re&ation 7in2s se4era( Et0ernet (in?s to one (o&ica( (in?.
Et0ernet (in? a&&re&ation en0ances t0e re(ia7i(it/ of Et0ernet (in? 7etween
eNo2e+ an2 transport e;uip)ent.
Et0ernet pro4i2es (oa2in& 7a(ance on t0e (in? 7etween t0e eNo2e+ an2 transport
e;uip)ent an2 increases t0e 7an2wi2t0 of t0e (in?.
Et0ernet (in? a&&re&ation is a protoco( 2efine2 in "EEE302.-a2. "EEE302.-a2 2efines
a (in? a&&re&ation contro( protoco( =LA#%>. T0e (in?s status of (in? &roup cou(2 7e
2etecte2 7/ LA#%.
T0e eNo2e+ supports static LA#%. For static LA#%: t0e para)eters of t0e (in? &roup
are confi&ure2 )anua((/. T0e fau(t 2etectin& uses t0e LA#%.
T0e Et0ernet (in? a&&re&ation can 7e use2 in t0e fo((owin& fi&ure.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.1 t0e Et0ernet (in? a&&re&ation

T0e Et0ernet (in? a&&re&ation s0ou(2 7e supporte2 7/ t0e 2irect(/ connecte2

transport e;uip)ent.

Et0ernet interfaces are use2

.(9 *;FD+00!009 6&$ec
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
" is use2 to protect: aut0enticate: an2 encr/pt 2ata f(ow for necessar/ securit/
7etween two networ? entities at t0e "% (a/er.
T0is feature pro4i2es t0e securit/ )ec0anis): confi2entia(it/: inte&rit/: an2
aut0entication 7etween participatin& peers at t0e "% (a/er.
T0e fo((owin& Error@ Reference source not foun2 s0ows t0e "
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.1 "

"% .ecurit/ ="> pro4i2es a fra)ewor? of open stan2ar2s 2ea(in& wit0 2ata
confi2entia(it/: inte&rit/: an2 aut0entication 7etween participatin& 0osts. "
pro4i2es t0ese securit/ ser4ices at t0e "% (a/er. "t uses "DEV1 P "DEV2 ="nternet De/
E<c0an&e> to 0an2(e ne&otiation of protoco(s an2 a(&orit0)s 7ase2 on t0e (oca( po(ic/
an2 to &enerate t0e encr/ption an2 aut0entication ?e/s use2 7/ "
" can 7e use2 to protect one or )ore 2ata f(ows 7etween two eNo2e+s: 7etween
eNo2e+ an2 .8!/55E: or 7etween securit/ &atewa/ an2 eNo2e+.
T0e ?e/ c0aracteristics of " are as fo((ows@

Two encapsu(ation )o2es@ transport )o2e an2 c0anne( )o2e

Two securit/ protoco(s@ Aut0entication Hea2er =AH> an2 Encapsu(ation .ecurit/

%a/(oa2 =E.%>

5ain encr/ption )et0o2s@ NLL: Data Encr/ption .tan2ar2 =DE.>: Trip(e Data
Encr/ption .tan2ar2 =-DE.>: an2 A24ance2 Encr/ption .tan2ar2 =AE.>

5ain inte&rit/ protection )et0o2s@ H5A#H.HA,1 an2 H5A#H5D5: w0ere

H5A# stan2s for Has0 5essa&e Aut0entication #o2e: .HA stan2s for .ecure
Has0 A(&orit0): an2 5D5 stan2s for 5essa&e Di&est 5
"n eRAN2.0: %D" =%u7(ic De/ infrastructure> cou(2 7e use2 to pro4i2e aut0entication
for "%.E#. T0is nee2s t0e support of feature L$FD,00-010 %u7(ic De/ "nfrastructure
.ecurit/ &atewa/ is nee2e2. An2 it s0ou(2 support "
T0is feature 2epen2s on L$FD,00-010 %u7(ic De/ "nfrastructure =%D">.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.)0 *;FD+00!010 &ublic >ey
6n2rastructure A&>6B
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
eNo2e+ supports %D" =%u7(ic De/ infrastructure>. "t is a fra)ewor? to support
certificate aut0entication w0ic0 is app(ie2 to " Tunne( 7etween eNo2e+ an2
securit/ &atewa/: an2 ..L c0anne( 7etween eNo2e+ an2 $5#.
T0is feature pro4i2es 2i&ita( certificate aut0entication 7etween two networ? 2e4ices:
i)pro4in& securit/ in networ? 2o)ain.
eNo2e+ supports %D" =%u7(ic De/ infrastructure>: w0ic0 is a fra)ewor? to )ana&e
2i&ita( certificate. Di&ita( certificate is use2 to pro4i2e aut0entication 7etween two
networ? e(e)ents. .uc0 as it is app(ie2 to " Tunne( 7etween eNo2e+ an2
securit/ &atewa/: an2 ..L c0anne( 7etween eNo2e+ an2 $5#.
T0e 2i&ita( certification )ana&e)ent inc(u2es certificate create: store: 2istri7ute:
re4o?e: #RL =#ertificate Re4ocation List> 2istri7ution an2 so on.
"n &enera(: a %D" s/ste) inc(u2es #A=#ertificate Aut0orit/>: #R=#ertificate
Repositor/> :#RL .er4er an2 users w0ic0 nee2 aut0entication. eNo2e+ an2 securit/
&atewa/ are users of %D" s/ste). eNo2e+ interacts wit0 #A: #R an2 #RL .er4er
wit0 assistance of 52000.
eNo2e+ supports pre,reser4e2 certificate in factor/ an2 t0e certificate for)at is
co)p(ie2 wit0 I.509 V-. After 7ase station is runnin&: it supports certificate
T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e scenario of eRAN certificate app(ication.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1'9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.1 eRAN certificate app(ication scenario

"n eRAN2.0: eNo2e+ can 2own(oa2 a #RL fi(e fro) a LDA% ser4er. An2 eNo2e+ can
up2ate 2i&ita( certificates auto)atica((/ t0rou&0 52000 pro</.
"n eRAN2.1: t0is feature is en0ance2 to support auto)atic certificate 2istri7ution usin&
#5%42. !it0 t0e intro2uction of #5%42 7etween #A an2 eNo2e+: t0e proce2ure of
certificate enro(()ent an2 up2ate can 7e auto)ate2. "n case of 0u&e a)ount of 7ase
station 2ep(o/e2 o4er carrierVs networ?: 7ase station certificate issuin& an2 up2atin&
wi(( &et )ore efficienc/ w0en #5%42 is intro2uce2 to esta7(is0 2irect tunne( fro)
eN+ to #A.
T0e #ertificate 5ana&e)ent %rotoco( =#5%> is an "nternet protoco( use2 for I.509
2i&ita( certificate creation an2 )ana&e)ent in a %u7(ic De/ "nfrastructure =%D">.
An EE can uti(i1e #5% to o7tain certificates fro) t0e #A. T0is can 7e 2one t0rou&0
an #5% Linitia( re&istration/certificationL: a L?e/ pair up2ateL or a Lcertificate up2ateL
)essa&e se;uence. +/ )eans of a #5% re4ocation re;uest )essa&e it can a(so &et one
of its own certificates re4o?e2. sin& a #5% Lcross,certification re;uestL )essa&e a
#A can &et a certificate si&ne2 7/ anot0er #A.
5eans of transportation for con4e/in& #5% )essa&es@
Encapsu(ate2 in a HTT%/HTT%s )essa&e.
T0e peer 2e4ice nee2s to support t0e %D" functiona(it/.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 150 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.)1 *;FD+00!01( 4ccess Control based
on 80.17
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0
eNo2e+ support aut0entication to t0e transport networ? usin& 302.1< =%ort,+ase2
Networ? Access #ontro(>. Aut0entication is 7ase2 on t0e 2e4ice certificate.
T0is feature pro4i2es 2i&ita( certificate aut0entication 7etween eNo2e+ an2 LAN,
.witc0: i)pro4in& securit/ in networ? 2o)ain.
302.1< =%ort,+ase2 Networ? Access #ontro(> uses t0e p0/sica( access c0aracteristics
of "EEE 302 LAN infrastructures to pro4i2e a )eans of aut0enticatin& an2 aut0ori1in&
2e4ices attac0e2 to a LAN port t0at 0as point,to,point connection c0aracteristics: an2
of pre4entin& access to t0at port in cases t0e aut0entication an2 aut0ori1ation process
T0e aut0entication an2 aut0ori1ation of 302.1< uses fra)ewor? of EA% =E<tensi7(e
Aut0entication %rotoco(>: an2 refer to eNo2e+: LAN,.witc0: an2 AAA,.er4er
Figure 1.1 eRAN 302.1< app(ication scenario
+efore t0e aut0entication an2 aut0ori1ation process succee2s: on(/ EA%oL =E<tensi7(e
Aut0entication %rotoco( o4er LAN> pac?et can across t0e LAN,.witc0: an2 a(( t0e
ot0er pac?ets wi(( 7e 2roppe2 7/ LAN,.witc0.
T0e peer 2e4ice nee2s to support t0e 302.1< functiona(it/.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 151 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature 2epen2s on L$FD,00-010 %u7(ic De/ "nfrastructure =%D">.
.) *;FD+00!01' 6ntegrated Firewall
.).1 *;FD+00!01'01 4C*
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
Access #ontro( List is co)prise2 of a series ru(es: t0e eNo2e+ pro4i2es pac?et
fi(terin& 7ase2 on Access #ontro( List.
T0e eNo2e+ pro4i2es pac?ets fi(terin& accor2in& to Access #ontro( List to
pre4ent so)e attac?s.
T0e eNo2e+ i2entifies specific ?in2s of pac?ets: w0ic0 nee2 to 7e encr/pte2 an2
aut0enticate2 7/ " accor2in& to Access #ontro( List.
Access #ontro( List =A#L> is co)prise2 of a series ru(es. T0e operatin& in t0e s/ste)
is accor2in& to t0e ru(es of A#L.
A#L is supporte2 7/ eNo2e+. !it0 A#L ru(es: t0e eNo2e+ pro4i2es pac?ets fi(terin&
accor2in& t0e pac?et attri7utes: suc0 as: source "% a22resses: 2estination "% a22resses:
source port nu)7ers an2 2estination port nu)7ers of t0e pac?ets. T0e A#L ru(es can
a(so 7e 7ase2 on t0e T/pe of ser4ice =T$.>: D.#% an2 a22ress wi(2car2.
!0en " is app(ie2 to &uarantee securit/ of t0e 2ata f(ows: operators can se(ect
2ata f(ows t0at nee2 to encr/pte2 an2 aut0enticate2 7/ " wit0 Access #ontro( List.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 152 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.)! *;FD+00!011 -nhanced #ransport
:o$ Manage%ent
.)!.1 *;FD+00!01101 #ransport ;<erbooking
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
T0e trans)ission o4er7oo?in& a((ows a2)ission of )ore users wit0 t0e &uarantee of
certain ;ua(it/ wit0 t0e en0ance2 a2)ission contro( )ec0anis) =TA#@ Transport
A2)ission #ontro(> an2 9o. )ec0anis) =traffic s0apin& an2 con&estion contro(>.
T0is feature a((ows a2)ission of )ore users wit0 t0e &uarantee of certain traffic
T0e trans)ission o4er7oo?in& )ec0anis) a((ows a2)ission of )ore users wit0 t0e
&uarantee of certain traffic ;ua(it/.
T0e i)p(e)entation of t0is function 2epen2s on t0e su7,functions TA#: traffic
s0apin&: an2 con&estion contro(.
TA#@ "t a((ows t0e 7an2wi2t0 for user a2)ission contro( to 7e (ar&er t0an t0e
7an2wi2t0 of t0e p0/sica( port. T0at is: operators can set t0e a2)ission t0res0o(2
to a((ow a2)ission of )ore users.
Traffic s0apin&@ "t &uarantees t0at t0e tota( a4ai(a7(e traffic 7an2wi2t0 is not
(ar&er t0an t0e tota( confi&ure2 7an2wi2t0. T0e )ini)u) transport 7an2wi2t0
supporte2 7/ eNo2e+ is B'?ps for eac0 (o&ica( port: w0ic0 is confi&ura7(e. T0e
7an2wi2t0 &ranu(arit/ is 1?7ps.
#on&estion contro(@ "t 2etects con&estion. "f con&estion occurs: two steps wou(2
7e ta?en. First: a si&na( is sent to t0e 2ata source to in2icate t0e con&estion.
.econ2: so)e (ow,priorit/ pac?ets are 2iscar2e2.
+ecause t0e TA# of t0e .1 interface is )ana&e2 7/ .AE: t0e trans)ission
o4er7oo?in& feature s0ou(2 7e supporte2 7/ .AE e;uip)ent.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 15- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.)!. *;FD+00!0110 #ransport Di22erentiated
Flow Control
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
Trans)ission Differentiate2 F(ow #ontro( en0ances t0e a2)ission contro( )ec0anis)
=TA#@ Transport A2)ission #ontro(> an2 9o. )ec0anis) =!RR sc0e2u(in&@
!ei&0te2 Roun2 Ro7in sc0e2u(in&> to pro4i2e users wit0 2ifferentiate2 ser4ices w0i(e
&uaranteein& fairness.
T0is feature pro4i2es users wit0 2ifferentiate2 ser4ices w0i(e &uaranteein& fairness.
Trans)ission Differentiate2 F(ow #ontro( pro4i2es users wit0 2ifferentiate2 ser4ices
w0i(e &uaranteein& fairness.

Fairness@ Eac0 a2)ission user s0ou(2 7e a((ocate2 so)e 7an2wi2t0 to a4oi2

0un&r/ p0eno)enon.

Differentiation@ Hi&0,priorit/ users ta?e prece2ence o4er (ow,priorit/ ones.

T0e i)p(e)entation of t0is function 2epen2s on t0e su7,functions TA# an2 !RR

TA#@ "f t0e 8+R re;uire)ent e<ists: t0e transport 7an2wi2t0 is co)pute2 on t0e
7asis of t0e 8+RJ ot0erwise: it is co)pute2 on t0e 7asis of t0e 2efau(t reser4e2
7an2wi2t0 of: for e<a)p(e: non,8+R ser4ices.

!RR sc0e2u(in&@ .er4ices are sc0e2u(e2 on t0e 7asis of t0e wei&0t co)pute2
accor2in& to t0e traffic 7an2wi2t0. Eac0 user 0as a wei&0t an2 t0en 0as a c0ance
to 7e sc0e2u(e2.
.)!.! *;FD+00!0110! #ransport Resource
;<erload Control
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 15' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Trans)ission Resource $4er(oa2 is a wa/ to rapi2(/ en0ance t0e trans)ission sta7i(it/
w0en o4er(oa2e2 0appen une<pecte2(/.
T0is feature pro4i2es protection for t0e s/ste) w0en trans)ission resources are
o4er(oa2e2 une<pecte2(/.
Trans)ission Resource $4er(oa2 #ontro( pro4i2es protection for t0e s/ste) w0en
trans)ission resources are o4er(oa2e2 une<pecte2(/.
T0ere are two scenarios of t0e une<pecte2 o4er(oa2@
A &reat 7an2wi2t0 c0an&e of transport 7earer =t0e 7an2wi2t0 a4ai(a7(e in t0e
s/ste)> occurs. For e<a)p(e: t0e trans)ission 7an2wi2t0 2ecreases fro)
20 57/s to 10 57/s 7ecause of networ? fai(ure.
A &reat 7an2wi2t0 c0an&e of ser4ice traffic =t0e 7an2wi2t0 use2 in t0e s/ste)>
occurs. For e<a)p(e: t0e traffic 7an2wi2t0 increases fro) 5 57/s to 10 57/s
!0en t0e a7o4e,)entione2 scenarios 0appen: it is necessar/ to ta?e so)e e<tre)e
actions suc0 as re(easin& (ow,priorit/ users to &uarantee 0i&0,priorit/ users6 9o..
T0e strate&/ 2epen2s on 9o. #(ass "2entifier =9#"> an2 A((ocation an2 Retention
%riorit/ =AR%>. 9#" 2efines t0e user priorit/. AR% 2efines w0et0er user cou(2 7e
re(ease2 2urin& o4er(oa2 or not.
.)' *;FD+00!01 6& &er2or%ance
.)'.1 *;FD+00!0101 6& &er2or%ance
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 155 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e "% %erfor)ance 5onitorin& en0ances t0e perfor)ance )ana&e)ent function 7/
pro4i2in& an en2 to en2 networ? )onitorin& )ec0anis) an2 D%"s=?e/ perfor)ance
in2icator> are ac;uire2: suc0 as infor)ation a7out traffic 4o(u)e: pac?et (oss rate:
2e(a/ an2 Eitter.

En2,to,en2 networ? perfor)ance )onitorin& is a4ai(a7(e.

./ste) )aintaina7i(it/ an2 testa7i(it/ are en0ance2.

./ste) perfor)ance is i)pro4e2.
"% %erfor)ance 5onitorin& =%5> is Huawei specific function. "t can pro4i2e an en2,
to,en2 networ? perfor)ance )onitorin& )ec0anis) wit0 perio2 2etectin& pac?ets.
eNo2e+ perio2ica((/ sen2s 2etectin& pac?ets to peer 2e4ice suc0 as .8!: an2 t0e peer
2e4ice returns t0e response pac?ets. eNo2e+ ac;uires t0e D%"s: suc0 as traffic
4o(u)e: pac?et (oss rate: 2e(a/: an2 Eitter fro) t0ese response pac?ets.
!it0 t0ese D%"s: users can ?now t0e networ? ;ua(it/ an2 ta?e actions: suc0 as
networ? opti)i1ation an2 networ? e<pansion.
T0e "% %5 feature faci(itates fau(t i2entification too. "f t0e LTE 2e4ice inc(u2in&
eNo2e+: .8! 0a4e t0e feature: it is eas/ to i2entif/ w0et0er t0e fau(t is (ocate2 in t0e
trans)ission networ? 2e4ice or t0e LTE 2e4ice. Furt0er)ore: if e4er/ no2e on a
networ? 0as t0e feature: it is eas/ to (ocate t0e fau(t ;uic?(/.
.)'. *;FD+00!010 #ransport Dyna%ic Flow
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0
Accor2in& to t0e networ? ;ua(it/ 2etecte2 7/ "% %5 ="% %erfor)ance 5onitorin&>
)ec0anis): Trans)ission D/na)ic F(ow #ontro( can 2/na)ica((/ a2Eust f(ow contro(
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 15B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0is feature 2/na)ica((/ a2Eusts f(ow contro( para)eters accor2in& to t0e networ?
;ua(it/: w0ic0 c0an&es 2/na)ica((/.
"n so)e scenarios: t0e ;ua(it/ of networ? c0an&es fre;uent(/. "n or2er to a2opt t0ese
scenarios: it is 7etter to 2/na)ica((/ a2Eust 9o. para)eters: suc0 as 7an2wi2t0.
Trans)ission D/na)ic F(ow #ontro( pro4i2es a )et0o2 to co)p(ete it accor2in& to
t0e networ? ;ua(it/ 2etecte2 7/ "% %5="% %erfor)ance 5onitorin&>. !it0 &oo2
networ? ;ua(it/: it auto)atica((/ increases t0e 7an2wi2t0 step 7/ step: ot0erwise
2ecreases t0e para)eter.
"% %5 pro4i2es t0e en2,to,en2 networ? perfor)ance )onitorin& function to ac;uire
infor)ation of networ? ;ua(it/ suc0 as traffic 4o(u)e: pac?et (oss rate: 2e(a/: an2
T0is feature is 7ase2 on t0e "% %5 feature
.)( *;FD+00!01) Di22erent #ransport
&aths based on :o$ 5rade
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
Different transport pat0s 7ase2 on 9o. &ra2e is a transport networ?in& so(ution t0at
consists on 2ifferent transport pat0s i)p(e)entation for 2ifferent 9#" &ra2es.
Different transport pat0s to re2uce operator $%EI
Different transport,pat0s i)p(e)entation to i)pro4e t0e networ? re(ia7i(it/
Different transport pat0s 7ase2 on 9o. &ra2e consist of two pat0s 7etween eNo2e+
an2 .,8!. $perator can confi&ure traffic to 0a4e two &roups of 2ifferent 9#"s 7ein&
a((ocate2 to t0e two 2ifferent pat0s: 0i&0 9o. pat0 an2 (ow 9o. pat0. T0e 0i&0 9o.
pat0 pro4i2es (ower 7an2wi2t0 for (ess 0i&0 9o. traffic: an2 t0e (ow 9o. pat0
pro4i2es 0i&0er 7an2wi2t0 for )ore (ow 9o. traffic. T0ere7/: operator can re2uce t0e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 15* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
networ? operation e<pen2itures $%EI.
Fi&ure@ Two pat0s confi&uration 7etween eNo2e+ an2 .,8!
Different transport pat0s 7ase2 on 9o. &ra2e can a(so i)pro4e t0e networ? re(ia7i(it/.
!0en fai(ure 0appens to one pat0: t0e connection wi(( 7e 2roppe2 out: an2 t0e new
2ata traffic wi(( 7e 0an2e2 off o4er t0e secon2 pat0. After t0e fai(e2 pat0 reco4er/: t0e
re(ate2 traffic f(ow can 7e a&ain trans)itte2 o4er t0e ori&ina((/ pat0. T0e pat0 fai(ure
2etection is 0an2(ea7(e 7/ )eans of t0e 2ifferent $A5 )ec0anis)s supporte2 7/
Huawei eNo2e+ suc0 as +FD: Et0ernet $A5: an2 %in&: an2 so on.
.,8! )ust support two pat0s confi&urations.
.)) *;FD+00!01! -nhanced
.)).1 *;FD+00!01!01 $ynchroni8ation with
-thernet A6#3+# 5.8)1B
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN2.0.
Huawei eRAN2.0 can support ./nc0roni1e wit0 Et0ernet ="T,T 8.32B1> #(oc?.
T0e ./nc0roni1ation wit0 Et0ernet tec0no(o&/ is an econo)ica( an2 con4enient
so(ution for a((,"% networ?s.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 153 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
T0e ./nc0roni1ation wit0 Et0ernet: w0ic0 a2opts Et0ernet (in? co2e strea)s to
retrie4e c(oc?s: is a p0/sica( (a/er 7ase2 c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation )et0o2. A 0i&0(/
accurate c(oc? is use2 7/ t0e Et0ernet p0/sica( (a/er =%HN> for 2ata trans)ission. T0e
recei4er e<tracts an2 retrie4es t0e c(oc? si&na(s fro) 2ata strea)s: an2 t0e 0i&0
accurac/ can 7e )aintaine2. 2.BB.1 s0ows t0e fra)ewor? of t0e ./nc0roni1ation wit0
Figure 1.1 +asic princip(e of t0e ./nc0roni1ation wit0 Et0ernet
T0e eNo2e+ 2oes not re;uire e<tra s/nc0roni1ation e;uip)ent or 0ar2ware to
i)p(e)ent s/nc0roni1ation wit0 Et0ernet.
A(( t0e 2e4ices on t0e c(oc? re(a/ pat0 )ust support t0e ./nc0roni1ation wit0
.)). *;FD+00!01!0 6---1(88 1 Clock
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
"EEE1533 2efines t0e %T% =%recision Ti)e %rotoco(> protoco(: w0ic0 app(ies to t0e
stan2ar2 Et0ernet: wit0 t0e precision to )icrosecon2s.
T0e "EEE1533 V2 c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation tar&ets precise s/nc0roni1ation of 2istri7ute2
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 159 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
an2 in2epen2ent c(oc?s in )easure)ent an2 contro( s/ste)s. "n LTE app(ications:
0i&0,accurac/ fre;uenc/ s/nc0roni1ation an2 ti)e s/nc0roni1ation 7etween c(oc?
ser4ers an2 eNo2e+s can 7e ac0ie4e2.
"EEE1533V2 c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation is an a(ternati4e c(oc? so(ution for t0e 8%. c(oc?
#o)pare2 wit0 t0e 8%. c(oc? so(ution: t0e "EEE1533V2 c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation
re2uces t0e networ? 2ep(o/)ent cost for t0e operator an2 is eas/ for )ana&e)ent an2

T0e 7asic princip(e of t0e "EEE 1533.

2.BB.2 s0ows t0e 7asic princip(e 2efine2 7/ t0e "EEE1533 protoco(.
Figure 1.1 7asic princip(e 2efine2 7/ t0e "EEE1533 protoco(
T0e NE wit0 t0e )aster c(oc? sen2s s/nc0roni1ation ti)in& pac?ets to t0e NE wit0 t0e
s(a4e c(oc?. T0e inter)e2iate switc0in& 2e4ice connects to t0e NE wit0 t0e )aster
c(oc? as a s(a4e c(oc? to o7tain t0e ti)in& infor)ation on t0e trans)ission of t0e
)aster c(oc?. T0en: t0e inter)e2iate switc0in& 2e4ice function as a )aster c(oc? an2
connects to ot0er 2e4ices functionin& as s(a4e c(oc?s.
T0e Ti)e .ta)p nit =T.> pro4i2es t0e a7i(it/ of precise ti)e s/nc0roni1ation: t0us
re2ucin& 2e(a/ an2 Eitter cause2 7/ t0e inter)e2iate switc0in& 2e4ice an2 accurate(/
sen2in& ti)in& infor)ation. "n t0is wa/: t0e wor? re(ate2 to s/nc0roni1ation
processin& is s0ifte2 to 7e processe2 at t0e (a/er 7etween t0e p0/sica( (a/er an2 t0e
5A# (a/er.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B0 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1

./nc0roni1ation princip(e
2.BB.2 s0ows t0e s/nc0roni1ation princip(e of t0e "EEE1533 protoco(.
Figure 1.2 s/nc0roni1ation princip(e of t0e "EEE1533 protoco(
T0e si&na(in& proce2ure s0own in Fi&ure 2,1' is 2escri7e2 as fo((ows@
$tep 1 T0e c(oc? ser4er =for e<a)p(e: t0e "%#LD1000> perio2ica((/ sen2s a ./nc )essa&e to
t0e eNo2e+.
T0e ./nc )essa&e carries t0e stan2ar2 ti)e infor)ation: suc0 as /ear: )ont0: 2ate:
0our: )inute: secon2: an2 nanosecon2. T0e eNo2e+ recor2s T2: t0e arri4a( ti)e of t0e
./nc )essa&e at t0e eNo2e+. T0e ti)e for sen2in& or recei4in& t0e )essa&e nee2s to
7e )easure2 an2 recor2e2 at t0e un2er(/in& p0/sica( (a/er or t0e position c(ose to t0e
p0/sica( (a/er to i)pro4e t0e c(oc? accurac/.
"n t0e "EEE1533 stan2ar2: t0e optiona( 0ar2ware assist tec0ni;ues are 2esi&ne2 to
i)pro4e t0e c(oc? accurac/. "f t0e ./nc )essa&e is &enerate2 t0rou&0 t0e 0ar2ware
assist tec0ni;ues: t0e )essa&e can a(so carr/ t0e ti)esta)p T1: at w0ic0 t0e )essa&e
is sent. "f t0e 2e(a/ of sen2in& t0e ./nc )essa&e fro) t0e c(oc? ser4er is uncertain: t0e
c(oc? ser4er &enerates a Fo((owH% )essa&e: w0ic0 carries t0e ti)esta)p T1. T0e
Fo((owH% )essa&e is optiona(.
$tep T0e eNo2e+ sen2s a De(a/Hre; )essa&e to t0e c(oc? ser4er at T-.
T0e eNo2e+ recor2s T-. T0e c(oc? ser4er recei4es t0e De(a/Hre; )essa&e at T' an2
t0en &enerates a De(a/Hresp )essa&e t0at carries t0e ti)esta)p T' to t0e eNo2e+.
T0e 2e(a/ of sen2in& t0e De(a/Hresp )essa&e 2oes not affect T'. T0erefore: t0e
De(a/Hresp )essa&e nee2 not 7e processe2 in rea( ti)e.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
$tep ! T0e eNo2e+ sa4es t0e co)p(ete infor)ation of T1: T2: T-: an2 T'.
T0en: t0e 2e(a/ of )essa&e propa&ation 7etween t0e c(oc? ser4er an2 t0e eNo2e+ is
ca(cu(ate2 as fo((ows@
De(a/ A Y=T' K T1> K =T- K T2>Z/2
"n princip(e: t0e a7so(ute ti)e of t0e eNo2e+ is e;ua( to t0e stan2ar2 ti)e carrie2 in
t0e ./nc )essa&e p(us t0e 2e(a/.
A(( t0e 2e4ices on t0e c(oc? re(a/ pat0 )ust support t0e "EEE1533V2 protoco(.
.)).! *;FD+00!01!0! Clock o<er 6& A9uawei
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) eRAN1.0.
#(oc? o4er "% is an a(ternati4e networ? c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation so(ution if t0e networ?
2oes not support t0e "EEE1533 V2 #(oc? ./nc0roni1ation. "t is Huawei proprietar/
c(oc? protoco(.
Huawei proprietar/ c(oc? o4er "% protoco( 2oes not re;uire e<tra re;uire)ent to 7e
in4este2 into t0e "% networ?. T0is feature 0as t0e sa)e re;uire)ents for t0e networ?
as t0e ser4ice trans)ission.
T0e "EEE 1533V2 c(oc? s/nc0roni1ation so(ution re;uires t0at a(( t0e 2e4ices on t0e
c(oc? re(a/ pat0 support "EEE1533V2 protoco(. "f t0e networ? 2oes not support
"EEE1533V2 protoco(: Huawei LTE eRAN2.0 can use Huawei proprietar/ protoco( to
support c(oc? o4er "%.
2.BB.- s0ows t0e fra)ewor? of Huawei proprietar/ protoco(. T0e c(oc? ser4ers
&enerate ti)e sta)ps an2 sen2 t0e ti)e sta)ps to eNo2e+s: w0ic0 act as c(oc? c(ients
in t0is case. +ecause t0ere is 2e(a/ an2 Eitter in pac?et networ?s: eNo2e+s use an
a2apti4e )et0o2 to &et ri2 of t0e 2e(a/ an2 retrie4e t0e ti)in& si&na(s. T0e ti)e
sta)ps are set in pac?ets at t0e D% (a/er an2 wi(( 7e trans)itte2 at t0e p0/sica( (a/er
after t0e re(ate2 pac?et 0ea2er is a22e2: so t0ere wi(( 7e an e<tra e<pense in
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Figure 1.1 Fra)ewor? of Huawei proprietar/ protoco(
%a/ attention to t0e fo((owin& infor)ation@
T0ere are c(oc? ser4ers an2 c(oc? c(ients. T0e ser4ers can 7e (ocate2 in t0e
networ? in2epen2ent(/: an2 t0e c(ients are inte&rate2 into t0e eNo2e+s.
An a2apti4e a(&orit0) is in4o(4e2 in t0e s/ste). T0e c(oc? ser4ers sen2 ti)e
sta)ps: an2 c(oc? c(ients recei4e ti)e sta)ps to retrie4e t0e fre;uenc/.
$ne c(oc? ser4er ser4es a )a<i)u) of 512 eNo2e+s.
Two or )ore c(oc? ser4ers can 7e use2 to&et0er to i)pro4e t0e re(ia7i(it/. T0is is
T0e re;uire2 trans)ission 7an2wi2t0 for ti)e sta)ps in unicast )o2e is fro)
5?7it/s to 100?7it/s for eac0 c(oc? c(ient. "n )ost cases: 25?7it/s is
T0is proprietar/ protoco( on(/ supports fre;uenc/ s/nc0roni1ation. Fre;uenc/
accurac/ o7taine2 in t0e eNo2e+ is 0.05pp).
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.)0 LTE Multi-mode Common Transmission
.)0.1 MRFD-231501 IP-ased Multi-mode Co-
Transmission on ! side"e#ode$
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) .RAN5.0.
3G6SS (9.0
RAN (9.0
eRAN 2.(4
3G6SS (2.0
RAN (2.0
eRAN 2.04
3G6SS ;.0
RAN ((.(4
3G6SS <.(
RAN (0.(4
7 N@=L, LA
I. IP-Based GBTS and eNodeB Co-Transmission
Huawei ra2io e;uip)ent supports t0e 8.5/LTE 7ase station co,trans)ission in "%
)o2e on t0e 5+T. si2e fro) .RAN5.0. T0e 2/na)ic )u(tip(e<in& of t0e 8.5 an2
LTE 2ata on t0e 5+T. si2e sa4es t0e trans)ission resources of t0e (ast )i(e 7etween
t0e 5+T. an2 t0e router.w0at6s )ore: !0en 8.5 ser4ices are transitte2 to LTE
ser4ices &ra2ua((/: t0e wire(ess trans)ission networ? can support t0e s)oot0
T0is feature a((ows operators to si)p(if/ t0e wire(ess trans)ission networ? an2
)ini)i1e t0e in4est)ents in trans)ission infrastructure. T0erefore: t0e s0arin& of t0e
8.5 trans)ission 7an2wi2t0 re2uces t0e 2ep(o/)ent cost or (ease cost of t0e
transport networ?. w0at6s )ore: !0en 8.5 ser4ices are transitte2 to LTE ser4ices
&ra2ua((/: t0e wire(ess trans)ission networ? can support t0e s)oot0 e4o(ution.
Huawei ra2io e;uip)ent supports t0e 8.5/LTE co,trans)ission in "% )o2e on t0e
5+T. si2e. T0e 2/na)ic )u(tip(e<in& of t0e 8.5 an2 LTE 2ata on t0e 5+T. si2e
sa4es t0e trans)ission resources of t0e (ast )i(e 7etween t0e 5+T. an2 t0e router an2
si)p(ies t0e wire(ess trans)ission networ?. T0is feature is app(ica7(e to 5+T. or
8+T.eNo2e+ co,site2 scenarios.
T0e 8.5 an2 LTE 2ata can 7e 2/na)ica((/ )u(tip(e<e2 onto t0e "% transport networ?.
+ase2 on 2ifferent 2estination "% a22resses: t0e 8.5 an2 LTE ser4ices can 7e route2
to t0e correspon2in& +.# or 55E/.,8!. T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e co,
trans)ission princip(es.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
















pT1A/acketli)edT1A frame
















pT1A/acketli)edT1A frame
T0e 8.5 2ata an2 LTE 2ata pac?e2 in t0e "% pac?ets s0are t0e trans)ission resources
on t0e .1 interface. L5%T can pro4i2e t0e )u(tip(e< interface for 8.5 an2 LTE . T0e
)u(tip(e< interface cou(2 8E e(ectrica( or 8E optica(.
!0en t0e co,trans)ission is i)p(e)ente2 on t0e .1 interface: t0e 8.5 2ata is
switc0e2 to t0e LTE trans)ission 7oar2 t0rou&0 t0e FE port on t0e 8.5 trans)ission
7oar2. T0e LTE trans)ission 7oar2 )u(tip(e< t0e 8.5 2ata an2 LTE 2ata an2 t0en
trans)its it on t0e s0are2 8E trans)ission 7an2wi2t0 on t0e trans)ission (in?. T0e
fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e co,trans)ission princip(es.
I, -W.,TN. I, -W.,TN.
--E.S 2GW
I, o)er GE
2G6SC 'ata
eNo'e6 inte"rate6TS'ata
intoI,o)er GEpipe
,TN.Router.LANs%itc# router t#e
tra11icto--E.S 2GWan'6SC
accor'in"to'i11erent 0LANor
LTE 'ata
GS-6TS 'ata
>& &+
=&3>& =&3>&
I, -W.,TN. I, -W.,TN.
--E.S 2GW
I, o)er GE
2G6SC 'ata
eNo'e6 inte"rate6TS'ata
intoI,o)er GEpipe
,TN.Router.LANs%itc# router t#e
tra11icto--E.S 2GWan'6SC
accor'in"to'i11erent 0LANor
LTE 'ata
GS-6TS 'ata
>& &+
=&3>& =&3>&
T0is sc0e)e i)p(e)ents t0e co,trans)ission in "% )o2e 7etween t0e 5+T. an2 t0e
")pacts on t0e 5+.# 0ar2ware
")pacts on t0e 5+T. 0ar2ware
8.5 an2 LTE 7ase station s0ou(2 s0are t0e ++ to support t0is feature
T0e co,trans)ission on t0e 8E port is ac0ie4e2 7/ a22in& t0e uni4ersa( e<tension
trans)ission processin& unit =TR%>. For e(ectrica( 8E interface: TR%9 is necessar/.
For optica( 8E interface: TR%2 is necessar/.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Depen2enc/ on ot0er features of t0e 8+../RAN
8+FD,113B01 A7is o4er "%
Depen2enc/ on ot0er NEs
Depen2enc/ on ot0er 5o2es
T0is feature 0as to 7e acti4ate2 wit0 5RFD,2-1501 "%,+ase2 5u(ti,)o2e #o,
Trans)ission on +. si2e=eNo2e+> si)u(taneous(/
II. IP-Based NodeB and eNodeB Co-Transmission
Huawei ra2io e;uip)ent supports t0e 5T. /LTE co,trans)ission in "% )o2e on t0e
5+T. si2e fro) .RAN5.0. T0e 2/na)ic )u(tip(e<in& of t0e 5T. an2 LTE 2ata on
t0e 5+T. si2e sa4es t0e trans)ission resources of t0e (ast )i(e 7etween t0e 5+T.
an2 t0e router an2 si)p(ifies t0e wire(ess trans)ission networ?.
T0is feature a((ows operators to )ini)i1e t0e in4est)ents in trans)ission
infrastructure an2 si)p(if/ t0e wire(ess trans)ission networ?. "n t0e case t0at t0e
5T. networ? an2 LTE networ? are 2ep(o/e2 to&et0er: t0e co,trans)ission sc0e)e
sa4es t0e trans)ission cost. !0en 5T. ser4ices are transitte2 to LTE ser4ices
&ra2ua((/: t0e wire(ess trans)ission networ? can support t0e s)oot0 e4o(ution.
Huawei ra2io e;uip)ent supports t0e 5T. /LTE co,trans)ission in "% )o2e on t0e
5+T. si2e. T0e 2/na)ic )u(tip(e<in& of t0e 5T. an2 LTE 2ata on t0e 5+T. si2e
sa4es t0e trans)ission resources of t0e (ast )i(e 7etween t0e 5+T. an2 t0e router.
T0is feature is app(ica7(e to 5+T. or No2e+eNo2e+ co,site2 scenarios.
T0e 5T. an2 LTE 2ata can 7e 2/na)ica((/ )u(tip(e<e2 onto t0e "% transport
networ?. +ase2 on 2ifferent 2estination "% a22resses: t0e 5T. an2 LTE ser4ices can
7e route2 to t0e correspon2in& RN# or 55E/.,8!. T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e
co,trans)ission princip(es.










>/ >rame /rotocol










>/ >rame /rotocol
T0e 5T. 2ata an2 LTE 2ata pac?e2 in t0e "% pac?ets s0are t0e trans)ission
resources on t0e .1 interface. L5%T or TR% can pro4i2e t0e )u(tip(e< interface for
5T. an2 LTE . T0e )u(tip(e< interface cou(2 7e E1/T1: FE e(ectrica(: FE optica(:
8E e(ectrica( or 8E optica(.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1BB of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
!0en t0e co,trans)ission is i)p(e)ente2 on t0e .1 interface: t0e 5T. 2ata is
switc0e2 to t0e LTE trans)ission 7oar2 t0rou&0 t0e FE port on t0e 5T.
trans)ission 7oar2. T0e LTE trans)ission 7oar2 )u(tip(e< t0e 5T. 2ata an2 LTE
2ata: t0en trans)its it on t0e s0are2 FE/8E/E1/T1 trans)ission 7an2wi2t0 on t0e
trans)ission (in?. T0e fo((owin& fi&ure s0ows t0e co,trans)ission princip(es.
I, -W.,TN. I, -W.,TN.
I, o)er GE
U-TS RNC 'ata
eNo'e6 inte"rate No'e6 'ata
into I, o)er GE pipe
,TN.Router.LAN s%itc# router t#e
tra11ic to --E.S 2GW an' RNC
accor'in" to 'i11erent 0LAN or
'estination I,
#/ over
LTE 'ata
U-TS 6TS 'ata
>& &+3T+
=&3>& =&3>&
I, -W.,TN. I, -W.,TN.
I, o)er GE
U-TS RNC 'ata
eNo'e6 inte"rate No'e6 'ata
into I, o)er GE pipe
,TN.Router.LAN s%itc# router t#e
tra11ic to --E.S 2GW an' RNC
accor'in" to 'i11erent 0LAN or
'estination I,
#/ over
LTE 'ata
U-TS 6TS 'ata
>& &+3T+
=&3>& =&3>&
T0is sc0e)e i)p(e)ents t0e co,trans)ission in "% )o2e 7etween t0e 5+T. an2 t0e
")pacts on t0e 5+.# 0ar2ware
")pacts on t0e 5+T. 0ar2ware
5T. )o2e an2 LTE )o2e 7oar2s )ust 7e co,(ocate2 wit0in t0e sa)e ++.
T0e co,trans)ission on t0e 8E port is ac0ie4e2 7/ a22in& t0e uni4ersa( e<tension
trans)ission processin& unit =TR%>. For e(ectrica( 8E interface: TR%9 is necessar/.
For optica( 8E interface: TR%2 is necessar/.
Depen2enc/ on ot0er features of t0e 8+../RAN
!RFD,050'02 "% Trans)ission "ntro2uction on "u7 "nterface
Depen2enc/ on ot0er NEs
Depen2enc/ on ot0er 5o2es
T0is feature 0as to 7e acti4ate2 wit0 5RFD,2-1501 "%,+ase2 5u(ti,)o2e #o,
Trans)ission on +. si2e=eNo2e+> si)u(taneous(/
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B* of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
.)8 LTE Multi-mode Common Re%eren&e Clo&'
.)8.1 MRFD-231(01 Multi-mode ! Common
Re%eren&e Clo&'"e#ode$
T0is feature is a4ai(a7(e fro) .RAN5.0
3G6SS (9.0
RAN (9.0
eRAN 2.(4
3G6SS (2.0
RAN (2.0
eRAN 2.04
3G6SS ;.0
RAN ((.(4
3G6SS <.(
RAN (0.(4
7 N@=L, LA
I. GBTS and eNodeB Common Reference Cloc
Huawei 5u(ti,)o2e +ase .tation pro4i2es co))on reference c(oc? of 8.5 an2 LTE
w0en 8.5 an2 LTE co,++ 7o< fro) .RAN5.0. "t can sa4e t0e #A%EI an2 $%EI
w0en 8.5 an2 LTE is 2ep(o/e2.
"t is a cost,effecti4e so(ution to pro4i2e co))on reference c(oc? w0en t0e +T. wor?s
in 8.5 an2 LTE co,++ so(ution.
Huawei 5u(ti,)o2e +ase .tation pro4i2es co))on reference c(oc? of 8.5 an2 LTE
w0en 8.5 an2 LTE co,++ 7o<. Fo((owin& cases is supporte2@
#o))on 8%. reference c(oc?
For co))on 8%. reference c(oc?: on(/ one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is nee2e2 for
8.5 an2 LTE 2ua( )o2e. An2 one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is sa4e2. A(so one set of
fee2er an2 antenna is nee2e2: t0e insta((ation cost an2 2ep(o/)ent cost is sa4e2
#o))on +"T. reference c(oc?
For co))on +"T. reference c(oc?: on(/ one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is nee2e2 for
8.5 an2 LTE 2ua( )o2e. An2 one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is sa4e2 an2 t0e cost is
sa4e2 accor2in&(/.
#o))on E1/T1 reference c(oc? fro) A7is interface
!0en 8.5 A7is interface is 7ase2 on TD5 of E1/T1: an2 LTE .1 interface is 7ase2
on "% of FE/8E: L5%T can &et t0e reference c(oc? fro) t0e c(oc? s/nc0roni1e2 fro)
t0e A7is E1/T1 in 8T5. #(oc? ser4er is not necessar/ to 7e confi&ure2 for LTE an2
t0e cost is sa4e2 accor2in&(/.
#o))on E1/T1 reference c(oc? fro) "u7 interface
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B3 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
!0en 8.5 an2 LTE +T. s0arin& t0e sa)e trans)ission interface 7ase2 on "% o4er
E1/T1 or 0/7ri2 trans)ission 7ase2 on "%: 8T5 can &et t0e reference c(oc? fro) t0e
c(oc? s/nc0roni1e2 fro) t0e .1 E1/T1 in TR% for LTE )o2e. #(oc? ser4er is not
necessar/ to 7e confi&ure2 an2 t0e cost is sa4e2 accor2in&(/. #(oc? ser4er is not
necessar/ to 7e confi&ure2 for 8.5 an2 t0e cost is sa4e2 accor2in&(/.
#o))on Et0ernet reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
!0en 8.5 an2 LTE +T. s0arin& t0e sa)e trans)ission interface 7ase2 on
./nc0ronous Et0ernetLTE )o2e 7oar2 wi(( pro4i2e t0e s0arin& trans)ission
interface an2 8.5 can &et t0e c(oc? 4ia ++ 7ac?p(ane fro) L5%T or TR%.
#o))on "% networ? 1533V2 reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
!0en 8.5 an2 LTE +T. s0arin& t0e sa)e trans)ission interface 7ase2 on "%
networ? supportin& 1533V2 reference c(oc?: on(/ one 1533V2 c(oc? ser4er an2 c(ient
is re;uire2: LTE )o2e 7oar2 wi(( pro4i2e t0e s0arin& trans)ission interface an2 8.5
can &et t0e c(oc? 4ia ++ 7ac?p(ane fro) L5%T.
")pacts on t0e 5+.# 0ar2ware
")pacts on t0e 5+T. 0ar2ware
t0e 8.5 an2 LTE 7ase station s0ou(2 s0are t0e ++ to support t0is feature
#o))on 8%./+"T. reference c(oc?
++ 0a4e to 7e confi&urate2 wit0 .#ni4ersa( sate((ite #ar2 an2 #(oc? nit
#o))on "% networ? 1533V2 reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
"% #(oc? .er4er 0a4e to 7e confi&urate2.
Depen2enc/ on ot0er features of t0e 8+../RAN
#o))on 8%. reference c(oc?
8+FD,510'01 +T. 8%. ./nc0roni1ation
#o))on Et0ernet reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
L$FD,00-01-01 ./nc0roni1ation wit0 Et0ernet="T,T 8.32B1>
#o))on "% networ? 1533V2 reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
8+FD,113B01 A7is o4er "%
L$FD,00-01-02 "EEE1533 V2 #(oc? ./nc0roni1tion
Depen2enc/ on ot0er NEs
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1B9 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
Depen2enc/ on ot0er 5o2es
T0is feature 0as to 7e acti4ate2 wit0 5RFD,2-1B01 5u(ti,)o2e +. #o))on
Reference #(oc?=eNo2e+> si)u(taneous(/
II. NodeB and eNodeB Common Reference Cloc
Huawei 5u(ti,)o2e +ase .tation pro4i2es co))on reference c(oc? of 5T. an2
LTE w0en 5T. an2 LTE co,++ 7o< fro) .RAN5.0. "t can sa4e t0e #A%EI an2
$%EI w0en 5T. an2 LTE is 2ep(o/e2.
"t is a cost,effecti4e so(ution to pro4i2e co))on reference c(oc? w0en t0e +T. wor?s
in 5T. an2 LTE co,++ so(ution.
Huawei 5u(ti,)o2e +ase .tation pro4i2es co))on reference c(oc? of 5T. an2
LTE w0en 5T. an2 LTE co,++ 7o<. Fo((owin& cases is supporte2@
#o))on 8%. reference c(oc?
For co))on 8%. reference c(oc?: on(/ one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is nee2e2 for
5T. an2 LTE 2ua( )o2e. An2 one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is sa4e2. A(so one set
of fee2er an2 antenna is nee2e2: t0e insta((ation cost an2 2ep(o/)ent cost is sa4e2
#o))on +"T. reference c(oc?
For co))on +"T. reference c(oc?: on(/ one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is nee2e2 for
5T. an2 LTE 2ua( )o2e. An2 one set of e<terna( e;uip)ent is sa4e2 an2 t0e cost is
sa4e2 accor2in&(/.
#o))on E1/T1 reference c(oc? fro) "u7 interface
!0en 5T. "u7 interface is 7ase2 on TD5 of E1/T1: an2 LTE .1 interface is 7ase2
on "% of 8E: L5%T can &et t0e reference c(oc? fro) t0e c(oc? s/nc0roni1e2 fro) t0e
"u7 E1/T1 in !5%T or TR%. #(oc? ser4er is not necessar/ to 7e confi&ure2 for
5T. an2 t0e cost is sa4e2 accor2in&(/.
#o))on Et0ernet reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
!0en 5T. an2 LTE +T. s0arin& t0e sa)e trans)ission interface 7ase2 on
./nc0ronous Et0ernetLTE )o2e 7oar2 wi(( pro4i2e t0e s0arin& trans)ission
interface an2 5T. can &et t0e c(oc? 4ia ++ 7ac?p(ane fro) L5%T.
#o))on "% networ? 1533V2 reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
!0en 5T. an2 LTE +T. s0arin& t0e sa)e trans)ission interface 7ase2 on "%
networ? supportin& 1533V2 reference c(oc?: on(/ one 1533V2 c(oc? ser4er an2 c(ient
is re;uire2: LTE )o2e 7oar2 wi(( pro4i2e t0e s0arin& trans)ission interface an2
5T. can &et t0e c(oc? 4ia ++ 7ac?p(ane fro) L5%T.
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*0 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
")pacts on t0e 5+.# 0ar2ware
")pacts on t0e 5+T. 0ar2ware
t0e 5T. an2 LTE 7ase station s0ou(2 s0are t0e ++ to support t0is feature
#o))on 8%./+"T. reference c(oc?
++ 0a4e to 7e confi&urate2 wit0 .#ni4ersa( sate((ite #ar2 an2 #(oc?
#o))on "% networ? 1533V2 reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
"% #(oc? .er4er 0as to 7e confi&urate2.
Depen2enc/ on ot0er features of t0e 8+../RAN
#o))on 8%. reference c(oc?
5RFD,210501 +T./No2e+ #(oc?
#o))on Et0ernet reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
L$FD,00-01-01 ./nc0roni1ation wit0 Et0ernet="T,T 8.32B1>
#o))on "% networ? 1533V2 reference c(oc? fro) .1 interface
!RFD,050'02 "% Trans)ission "ntro2uction on "u7 "nterface
L$FD,00-01-02 "EEE1533 V2 #(oc? ./nc0roni1tion
Depen2enc/ on ot0er NEs
Depen2enc/ on ot0er 5o2es
T0is feature 0as to 7e acti4ate2 wit0 5RFD,2-1B01 5u(ti,)o2e +. #o))on
Reference #(oc?=eNo2e+> si)u(taneous(/
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*1 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
! 4crony%s and 4bbre<iations
!GPP T0ir2 8eneration %artners0ip %roEect
"C# ac?now(e2&)ent
"C$ Access #ontro( List
"%S A24ance2 Encr/ption .tan2ar2
"FC Auto)atic Fre;uenc/ #ontro(
"& Aut0entication Hea2er
"'BR A&&re&ate 5a<i)u) +it Rate
"'C A2apti4e 5o2u(ation an2 #o2in&
"'R A2apti4e 5u(ti,Rate
"NR Auto)atic Nei&07orin& Re(ation
"RP A((ocation/Retention %riorit/
"R( Auto)atic Repeat Re;uest
BC& +roa2cast #0anne(
BCC& +roa2cast #ontro( #0anne(
B$%R +(oc? Error Rate
C)I #arrier,to,"nterference %ower Ratio
CCC& #o))on #ontro( #0anne(
C*'"2+++ #o2e Di4ision 5u(tip(e Access =-8 stan2ar2>
C%, #e(( E2&e sers
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*2 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
CGI #e(( 8roup "n2icator
CP #/c(ic %refi<
CPIC& #o))on %i(ot #0anne(
C(I #0anne( 9ua(it/ "n2icator
CRC #/c(ic Re2un2anc/ #0ec?
*CC& De2icate2 #ontro( #0anne(
*%S Data Encr/ption .tan2ar2
*&CP D/na)ic Host #onfi&uration %rotoco(
*iffSer- Differentiate2 .er4ices
*$-SC& Down(in? .0are2 #0anne(
*RB Data Ra2io +earer
*R. Discontinuous Reception
*SCP Diff.er4 #o2e %oint
*TC& De2icate2 Traffic #0anne(
%C' E%. #ontro( 5ana&e)ent
%*F Ear(/ Dea2(ine First
%F E<pe2ite2 Forwar2in&
e'B'S e4o(4e2 5u(ti)e2ia +roa2cast 5u(ti)e2ia ./ste)
%'' E%. 5o7i(it/ 5ana&e)ent
%'S E(e)ent 5ana&e)ent ./ste)
eNodeB e4o(4e2 No2e+
%PC E4o(4e2 %ac?et #ore
%PS E4o(4e2 %ac?et ./ste)
%SP Encapsu(ation .ecurit/ %a/(oa2
%T/S Eart0;ua?e an2 Tsuna)i !arnin& ./ste)
%-,TR" E4o(4e2 Kni4ersa( Terrestria( Ra2io Access
FCPSS Fau(t: #onfi&uration: %erfor)ance: .ecurit/ an2 .oftware
F** Fre;uenc/ Di4ision Dup(e<
F%C Forwar2 Error #orrection
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*- of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
FTP Fi(e Transfer %rotoco(
GBR 8uarantee2 +it Rate
G%R"N 8.5/ED8E Ra2io Access Networ?
GPS 8(o7a( %ositionin& ./ste)
&"R( H/7ri2 Auto)atic Repeat Re;uest
&II Hi&0 "nterference "n2icator
&'"C Has0 5essa&e Aut0entication #o2e
&'"C0'*1 H5A# 5essa&e Di&est 5
&'"C0S&" H5A# .ecure Has0 A(&orit0)
&2 Han2o4er
&RP* Hi&0 Rate %ac?et Data
ICIC "nter,ce(( "nterference #oor2ination
I#%3 "nternet De/ E<c0an&e Version
I'S "% 5u(ti)e2ia .er4ice
IP P' "% %erfor)ance 5onitorin&
IPSec "% .ecurit/
IRC "nterference ReEection #o)7inin&
#PI De/ %erfor)ance "n2icator
C'% #onfi&uration 5ana&e)ent E<press
$'T Loca( 5aintenance Ter)ina(
'2+++ Huawei $5#
'"C 5e2iu) A2)ission #ontro(
'IB 5aster "nfor)ation +(oc?
'C& 5u(ticast #0anne(
'CC& 5u(ticast #ontro( #0anne(
'CS 5o2u(ation an2 #o2in& .c0e)e
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*' of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
'I'2 5u(tip(e "nput 5u(tip(e $utput
min0GBR 5ini)u) 8uarantee2 +it Rate
''% 5o7i(it/ 5ana&e)ent Entit/
''$ 5an,5ac0ine Lan&ua&e
'2S 5ean $pinion .core
'RC 5a<i)u),Ratio #o)7inin&
'TC& 5u(ticast Traffic #0anne(
',-'I'2 5u(tip(e ser,5"5$
N"CC Networ? Assiste2 #e(( #0an&e2
N"C# Non ac?now(e2&)ent
N"S Non,Access .tratu)
NRT Nei&07orin& Re(ation Ta7(e
2C42 $4en #ontro((e2 #r/sta( $sci((ator
2F*' $rt0o&ona( Fre;uenc/ Di4ision 5u(tip(e<in&
2F*'" $rt0o&ona( Fre;uenc/ Di4ision 5u(tip(e<in& Access
2I $4er(oa2 "n2icator
2'C $peration an2 5aintenance #enter
22# $n,$ff,De/in&
PBC& %0/sica( +roa2cast #0anne(
PCC& %a&in& #ontro( #0anne(
PCFIC& %0/sica( #ontro( For)at "n2icator #0anne(
PC& %a&in& #0anne(
PCI %0/sica( #e(( "2entit/
P*B %ac?et De(a/ +u2&et
P*CC& %0/sica( Down(in? #ontro( #0anne(
P*CP %ac?et Data #on4er&ence %rotoco(
P*& %(esioc0ronous Di&ita( Hierarc0/
P*SC& %0/sica( Down(in? .0are2 #0anne(
PF %roportiona( Fair
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*5 of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
P&B %er,Hop +e0a4ior
P&IC& %0/sica( H/7ri2 AR9 "n2icator #0anne(
P' %erfor)ance 5easure)ent
P$'N %u7(ic Lan2 5o7i(e Networ?
P'C& %0/sica( 5u(ticast #0anne(
PR"C& %0/sica( Ran2o) Access #0anne(
P,CC& %0/sica( p(in? #ontro( #0anne(
P,SC& %0/sica( p(in? .0are2 #0anne(
("' 9ua2rature A)p(itu2e 5o2u(ation
(CI 9o. #(ass "2entifier
(oS 9ua(it/ of .er4ice
(PS# 9ua2rature %0ase .0ift De/in&
R" Ran2o) Access
R"C& Ran2o) Access #0anne(
R"' Ran2o) Access 5e)or/
R"T Ra2io Access Tec0no(o&/
RB Resource +(oc?
RC, Ra2io #ontro( nit
R%T Re)ote E(ectrica( Ti(t
RF Ra2io Fre;uenc/
R$C Ra2io Lin? #ontro(
RRC Ra2io Resource #ontro(
RR' Ra2io Resource 5ana&e)ent
RR, Re)ote Ra2io nit
RS Reference .i&na(
RSRP Reference .i&na( Recei4e2 %ower
RSR( Reference .i&na( Recei4e2 9ua(it/
RSSI Recei4e2 .i&na( .tren&t0 "n2icator
RTT Roun2 Trip Ti)e
R3 Re2un2anc/ Version
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*B of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
R. Recei4e
S1 interface 7etween E%# an2 E,TRAN
SBT .)art +ias Tee
SC-F*'" .in&(e #arrier,Fre;uenc/ Di4ision 5u(tip(e Access
SCTP .trea) #ontro( Trans)ission %rotoco(
S*& ./nc0ronous Di&ita( Hierarc0/
SFBC .pace Fre;uenc/ +(oc? #o2in&
SFP .)a(( For) K factor %(u&&a7(e
SG/ .er4in& 8atewa/
SIB ./ste) "nfor)ation +(oc?
SI* .i(ence "n2icator
SINR .i&na( to "nterference p(us Noise Ratio
SRB .i&na(in& Ra2io +earer
SRS .oun2in& Reference .i&na(
SS$ .ecurit/ .oc?et La/er
STBC .pace Ti)e +(oc? #o2in&
ST'" .)art T5A
T"C Transport A2)ission #ontro(
TCP Trans)ission #ontro( %rotoco(
T** Ti)e Di4ision Dup(e<
T'" Tower 5ounte2 A)p(ifier
T'F Trace2 5essa&e Fi(es
ToS T/pe of .er4ice
TTI Trans)ission Ti)e "nter4a(
T. Trans)ission
,% ser E;uip)ent
,$-SC& p(in? .0are2 #0anne(
,SB ni4ersa( .eria( +us
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1** of 190
Feature Description of Huawei LTE eRAN2.1
3$"N Virtua( Loca( Area Networ?
3oIP Voice o4er "%
/RR !ei&0te2 Roun2 Ro7in
42 interface a)on& eNo2e+s
HA!E" #$NF"DENT"AL %a&e 1*3 of 190

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