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Sustainable Management Futures (Draft)

Muhammad Mohsin Raza

LS ID:9707

This study is to explain the sustainable management assessments through different
scenarios. For this purpose, different case studies have been chosen, in which a manager
can decide how to deal in what condition.
Key Points from Scenario 1:
The summary of the first scenario is as follows:Few years back, A German firm BASF
planned to install its chemical firm in the state of America. The resources company
required was 1800 acres land, cheap labor, approximately 5 million gallons of daily water
usage, tax free industrial zone and the supporting dry and ocean port. Company achieved
in spotting the area near South Carolina coast recorded as Beaufort.The people of the main
region were glad to have the plan of BASF to work through. The plan seemed to be
attractive for the ones living on low standards. The idea generated a hope among people
who were facing with poor economic conditions.
The US management of the Beaufort faced with the serious economical and morale
factors. Besides the permission from the environmental controllers, it was still alarming to
the community perspective policy of the company to go over it. On one hand it would be
the source of income to the thousands, vice versa it become the diversion to the tourist
group who are bringing up value with them. With itsinstallation, so many questions are
been arisen.
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?ou have bullL a proper skeleLon for Lhe
answer. ?our approach ls correcL. When
developlng Lhe answer you may focus on
followlng guldance as well.

A clear ouLllne of Lhe lssue, and whaL ls
golng Lo be covered ln Lhe asslgnmenL
should be ouLllned.

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As Lhe flrsL sLep you may explaln whaL are
Lhe ueonLology eLhlcs and ulscourse

AdvanLages and dlsadvanLages of each
concepLs should be consldered ln Lhe

1hen you need Lo use Lhese approaches Lo
evaluaLe how Lhey can be used Lo make
declslon wheLher 8ASl should go ahead
wlLh bulldlng Lhe facLory aL 8eauforL
CounLry ark.

lL ls essenLlal Lo apply Lhe Lrlple boLLom llne
Lo bulld Lhe answer

1he core areas covered ln Lhe earller
secLlons need Lo be hlghllghLed, wlLh
emphasls on Lhe cenLral argumenL ln Lhe

In the above scenario, writer will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of deontology
and discourse ethics (Fisher, Lovell, and Valero-Silva, Chapter 3). By using these
approaches a manager will make the decision making whether the BASF should proceed
with the building the factory at Beaufort country park. For this purpose following
objectives will be achieved:
Many proportions need to be evaluated. Profits to the individual?Interest of the stake
holders?Danger to the environment?Morale values?Destructive aspect of the connected
regions? Company really needs to offer the alternative for recycling the wastage by
profiting the people and interest of the shareholders. As it can be covered by the built of
subsidiary recycle plant along with the chemical one. Only this coverage could make the
whole idea and plan indeed successful to run through.
Key Points from Scenario 3:
The summary of the case study is as follows:
The perception of the equal employment opportunity with respect to the women largely
depends upon the values adopted by them. 75 percent of the generation is besiding the
equality system whereas rest is against it on banking and high corporate levels. This was
resulted due to the huge turnover of women with comparison to the men, which urged the
government to offer tax rebate to the millions of families falling into it. Equality concept
passed off when the action is soon to be implemented on top levels showing the narrow
Corporate experts declared including the Swedish prime minister, that male dominant top
level culture is more on ethical and financial risk. To promote the performance and outputs
of the organization, the quota structure needs to be promulgated encouraging female
Viewing the other side of the picture, if quotas are been started to work upon. Female life
style and priorities matters need to promote themselves on board levels. In the course of
holding the management positions, female workforce has to move forward with their
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ConLexL of Lhe scenarlo has been ldenLlfled
correcLly. Powever, you have sLralghL away
focus on Lhe acLlon plan, whlch ls noL
sufflclenL. 1here are some more
requlremenLs LhaL you need Lo address.

1he underlylng lssue menLloned ln Lhe case
sLudy need Lo be addressed approprlaLely.
e.g.: shrlnklng women prospecLs and
poslLlons, change ln corporaLe culLure and

lurLher, you may ouLllne whaL ls golng Lo
be covered ln Lhe asslgnmenL.

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ldenLlfy and explaln whaL afflrmaLlve
acLlon means, ln Lhe llghL of Lhe case. 8efer
flndlngs of Lord uavles 8eporL, and argue
ln favour of afflrmaLlve acLlon

1hen ldenLlfy core reasons for women noL
maklng lL Lo Lhe board rooms.
Lg: Lack of confldence, gender lnequallLy ln
Lhe workplace, carlng responslblllLles sLlll
embedded ln socleLy and has lmpacL on
worklng paLLerns of women, Lack of
Lralnlng eLc

?ou may apply Lrlple boLLom llne Lo bulld
Lhe answer

llnally you may develop an acLlon plan Lo
encourage women referrlng Lhe
recommendaLlons ln Lord uavls 8eporL.

1he core areas covered ln Lhe earller
secLlons need Lo be hlghllghLed, wlLh
emphasls on Lhe cenLral argumenL ln Lhe
family set up.Child care units are another thought where the government needs to offer the
rebate. This can be a burden to the economy as per one school of thought. The earning gap
between the top and lower management is considerable factor too. Quota system seems to
fail where the perception of the women force at higher level reduces towards work.
Using the findings and recommendations of the Lord Davies Report, writer will argue the
case for affirmative action to introduce more women into the boardroom. Writer will
Propose an action plan for business to follow in order to encourage women to break
through the glass ceiling.
Both scenarios have to be work upon to maintain the balance among the corporate culture
and equal opportunity concepts by a manager. The drawbacks will be covered if the focus
is to be made on promoting healthy policies offering justice to each gender.

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