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Cilt: 54

Say: 646 Mhendis ve Makina 23

Ahmet Ali Sertkaya
Cilt: 54
Say: 646 Mhendis ve Makina 22
Ahmet Ali Sertkaya
Yrd. Do. Dr.,
Konya Necmettin Erbakan niversitesi,
Seydiehir Meslek Yksekokulu,
Makina ve Metal Teknolojileri Blm
Seydiehir, Konya
Asst. Prof. Dr.,
Konya Necmettin Erbakan University,
Seydiehir Vocational School,
Department of Machinery and Metal Technology
Seydiehir, Konya, Turkey
Is deitiriciler bir cisim veya ortamdan dier bir ortama s nakletmeye yarayan cihazlardr. Is de-
itiriciler; termik ve nkleer santrallerde, gaz trbinlerinde, stma ve soutmalarda, kimya sanayii
ve dier teknolojilerde yaygn olarak kullanlrlar. Is deitiriciler kullanm maksatlarna gre deiik
isimler alrlar. En yaygn olarak kullanlan s deitiriciler, snn bir akkandan dier bir akkana
kat bir cisim zerinden aktarld ve svlarn karmad s deitiricilerdir. Is deitiricilerde az
bir s transfer yzeyinde en yksek s miktarnn transfer edilmesi ekonomik adan istenilen bir
zelliktir. Bu maksatla son yllarda metal kpk s deitiriciler daha fazla gndeme gelmitir.
Bu almada metal kpk s deitiriciler ele alnmtr.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Metal kpk, alminyum kpk, s deitiriciler
Heat exchangers are devices used to transfer heat from one body or medium to another medium. Heat
exchangers are widely used in thermal and nuclear power plants, gas turbines, heating and refrigera-
ting applications, chemical processing industries and in other technologies. Depending on their res-
pective applications, heat exchangers take different names. The most widely used heat exchangers are
those in which heat from one fuid is transmitted to another fuid by means of a solid body and where
the fuids are not mixed with each other. Transferring the highest amount of heat on a small area is an
economic feature sought for in heat exchangers. Under the light of this target, the latest years have
seen an increasing trend in the use of metal foam heat exchangers.
In this study, metal foam heat exchangers have been considered.
Keywords: Metal foam, aluminum foam, heat exchangers
Geli tarihi : 21.08.2013
Kabul tarihi : 27.09.2013
Sertkaya, A. A. 2013. Metal Kpk Is Deitiriciler, Mhendis ve Makina, cilt 54, say 646, s. 22-26.
Sertkaya, A. A. 2013. Metal FoamHeat Exchangers, Engineer and Machinery, vol. 54, no. 646, p. 22-26.
1. GR
etal kpk, eitli gazlarn metal gvde ierisin-
de dalarak boluk oluturduu yapya denmek-
tedir. Alminyum, demir, nikel, kurun, inko ve
titanyum, metal kpk yapmnda kullanlan malzemelerdir.
Ancak gnmzde alminyum, dk younluu, korozyon
direnci ve dk ergime scakl gibi zellikleri nedeniyle,
metal kpk yapmnda en ok kullanlan metaldir. Bir metal
kpk hcresinde yaklak olarak 12 ile 14 yzey mevcut-
tur. Yzeyler pentagonal ve hegzagonal ekillerden oluurlar.
Her bir yzey ayn veya farkl uzunluklarda 4 ile 6 flamentle
dier yzeylere balanr. ekil 1'de ak hcreli alminyum
kpk ve temsili kpk hcresi grlmektedir.
Metal kpkler, ak hcreli ve kapal hcreli olmak zere
iki yap biiminde retilmektedir. Her iki yap biiminde de
%80-95 oranna varan boluk ve %5-20 orannda malzemeden
oluurlar. Eer gzenekler birbiriyle balantl bir halde bulu-
etal foam is a structure formed by dispersion of
various gases that form air gaps within a metal
body. Aluminum, iron, nickel, lead, zinc and tita-
nium are the materials used in making metal foams. However;
because of its superior features such as low density, resist-
ance against corrosion and low melting point, aluminum is
the most widely used material in making metal foams. There
are about 12 to 14 surfaces in a metal foam cell. The surfaces
are in pentagonal and hexagonal shapes. Every surface is con-
nected to other surfaces with 4 to 6 flaments having same or
different lengths. In Figure 1, open celled aluminum foam and
representative foam cell are shown.
Metal foams are made in two structural shapes open celled
and closed cell types. Each of the two types consists of air
gaps at the rate of 80 to 95% and flling materials at the rate
of 5-20%. If the pores exist in a connected way with each oth-

ekil 1. Ak Hcreli Alminyum Kpk ve Temsili Kpk Hcresi
Figure 1. Representative of Open-Cell Aluminum Foam and Foam Cell

ekil 2. a) Ak Hcreli Alminyum Kpk [1], b) Kapal Hcreli Alminyum Kpk [2]
Figure 2. a) Open-Cell Aluminum Foam [1], b) Closed-Cell Aluminum Foam [2]
Makalenin ngilizcesi yazar tarafndan salanmtr.
Cilt: 54
Say: 646
Cilt: 54
Say: 646 Mhendis ve Makina Mhendis ve Makina 24 25
Metal Kpk Is Deitiriciler Metal Foam Heat Exchangers Ahmet Ali Sertkaya

nuyorsa, bu tr yapya ak hcreli, hcrelerin her birinin ie-
risinde gaz hapsedilmi ve birbirinden szdrmazlk derecesin-
de duvarlarla ayrlm ise kapal hcreli alminyum kpkler
olarak adlandrlr. ekil 2a'da ak hcreli, ekil 2b'de kapal
hcreli alminyum kpklerin hcre yaps grlmektedir.
Metal kpkler, hcre yapsnn ak veya kapal oluuna gre
deiik kullanm alanlarna sahiptirler. Otomotiv endstrisin-
de; haffii, darbe emici zellikleriyle dier metallere gre
tercih edilir. Haff ve salam yapdaki alminyum kpk sand-
vi paneller, elik panellere gre %25 daha haff ve 8 kata va-
ran salamlktadr. Alminyum kpkler, otomotiv sanayinde
arpma emici olarak da kullanlmtr. arpma kutular
darbe tamponu altna konularak arpma annda oluan ener-
jiyi emerek arata meydana gelecek hasar azaltmaktadr[3].
er, the structure is termed as open celled whereas if within
every cell gas has been confned the cells are separated with
walls at a sealing level, then the foams are known as closed
cell aluminum foams. In fgures 2-a open cell and 2-b closed
cell aluminum foams are shown respectively.
Depending on their cell structures open or closed form, metal
foams are used in various applications. Due to their lightness
and shock absorbing features, aluminum foams are preferred
in automotive industry over other metals. The light and
strong aluminum foam sandwich panels are 25% lighter than
steel panels and up to 8 times as durable. Aluminum foams
have had applications as collision suppressors in automotive
industry as well. The collision boxes are placed under the
collision buffer where they absorb the energy generated dur-
Enerji emiciler ayn zamanda rayl sistemlerde de kullanl-
maktadr. Korozyon direnci ve yksek s iletkenlii nedeniyle
ak hcreli alminyum kpkler s deitiricisi olarak kulla-
nlabilirler. Kapal hcreli kpk metaller ise dk s iletken-
likleri nedeniyle termal kalkan olarak kullanlmaktadrlar. Bu
uygulamalara rnek olarak soutma radyatrleri, bilgisayar
ipleri ve g elektronii iin mikro elektronik cihazlar verile-
bilir. Alminyum kpkler, uzay ve havaclk endstrisinde de
yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr. Alminyum sandvi paneller,
uak gvde ve helikopter kuyruk elemanlarnda tercih edil-
mektedir. Alminyum rnlerin haffii nedeniyle gemi ina
sektrnde byk bir kullanm alan bulmaktadr. Modern yol-
cu gemileri, alminyum ekstrzyon rnler, alminyum levha
ve alminyum kpn yaygn olarak kullanld alanlardan
biridir. Alminyum kpkler, haffiin esas olduu asansr
kabinlerinde ve inaat yardmc elemanlarnda kullanlabil-
mektedirler. Ses ve grltnn kontrol edilmesi gereken kpr
ve viyadklerin altlarnda, grltl alan (kompresr gibi)
makinelerde susturucu olarak, su artclarda kat paralar gaz
veya svdan ya da iki svy birbirinden ayrmak iin kullan-
labilir. Alminyum kpkler; sanatsal yaplarda, mobilya ve
oturma gruplarnn asi ksmlarnda, bisiklet gibi gnlk kul-
lanlan bineklerden sporcularn dizliine varana kadar olduka
geni bir kullanm alanna sahiptir. ekil 3te metal kpk iin
rnek kullanm alanlarndan baz rnekler verilmitir [4].
Metal kpk s deitiriciler, kanatl s deitiricilerle ok
benzer zellie sahiptirler. Tek fark kanatlarda metal kpk
tabakasnn olmasdr. Metal kpkler s deitirici iin ka-
nat grevi grmektedirler. Metal kpkler iin gzenek yo-
unluu, flament kalnl ve kpk malzemesi cinsi hedef
ing collision thereby minimizing the damages imposed on
the vehicle [3]. Energy absorbing devices are also used in rail-
way systems. Because of their corrosion resistance and high
thermal conductivity, open cell aluminum foams can be used
as heat exchangers. As for the closed cell foam metals, they
are generally used as thermal barriers due to their low thermal
conductivities. Examples of these applications can be given
as cooling radiators, computer chips and microelectronic de-
vices for power electronics. Aluminum foams have also been
used widely in spacecraft and aircraft industry. Aluminum
sandwich panels are preferred for use in aircraft fuselages and
helicopter tail parts. Ship building sector is another applica-
tion area where aluminum products are used because of their
being light in nature. Besides this, modern passenger ships
also employ extensive use of aluminum extrusion products,
plates and foams. On the basis of their being light, aluminum
foams are used in elevator cabins and as auxiliary materials
in building construction. They can also be used under bridges
and viaducts where noise has to be controlled and as silencer in
noisy operating machines like compressors and also in water
purifers where solid particles need to be separated from gas or
liquid. Aluminum foams have diverse applications from artful
structures, furniture and sofa frames, in daily riding tools like
bicycles to sportsmen knee breeches. In fgure 3 some applica-
tion examples of metal foams are given [4].
Metal foam heat exchangers closely resemble fnned heat
exchangers in features. The only difference is their having
a metal foam layer on their fns. The metal foams function
as fn for the heat exchangers. Porous density, thickness of
flament, type of the foam materials and application areas are
ekil 3. Metal Kpk in rnek Baz Kullanm Alanlar [3,6,7]
Figure 3. Metal Foam Sample Some of the Utilization Areas [3,6,7]

ekil 4. Metal Kpk Is Deitiriciler [3,4,8]
Figure 4. Metal Foam Heat Exchangers [3,4,8]
Cilt: 54
Say: 646 Mhendis ve Makina 26
Metal Kpk Is Deitiriciler Metal Foam Heat Exchangers
uygulamalar iin ayrt edici zellii oluturmaktadr. Metal
kpk kanatl s deitiriciler, ak hcreli metal kpklerden
ve yaygn olarak alminyum kanatl kpk s deitiriciler-
den yaplmaktadr. Is deitiriciler de yzey alan ile transfer
edilen s arasnda dorusal bir iliki vardr. Metal kpk ka-
natl s deitiriciler, birim hacimde, konvansiyonel kanatl
s deitiricilerden ok daha fazla yzey alanna sahiptirler.
Metal kpk kanatl s deitiricilerde birim hacimdeki y-
zey alan 10,000 m
deerine kadar ulamaktadr [5]. ekil
4'te metal kpk s deitiricilerden baz rnekler verilmitir.
Metal kpkler zerine yaplan almalar 1960l yllara da-
yanmaktadr. Son 20 ylda bu almalar hz kazanmtr. Bir-
ok niversite ve aratrma enstitsnde retim yntemlerinin
gelitirilmesi ve maliyetin drlmesi zerine aratrmaya de-
vam edilmektedir. Ticari olarak retilen metal kpkler, genel-
likle eriyik temelli retim esasna dayanmaktadr. Metal kpk
kanatl s deitiricilerin kullanm alanlar olduka eitlidir.
Metal kpklerin birim hacmindeki yzey alan, ayn boyut-
taki konvansiyonel s deitiricilere oranla olduka fazladr.
Yzey alannn artmas Fourier s iletim kanununa gre daha
yksek s iletiminin salanmas anlamna gelmektedir. Bu
avantajna ramen alminyum kpkl s deitiriciler, en-
dstride henz istenilen seviyede yaygnlaamamtr. Bunun
en byk nedeni alminyum kpk retimindeki zorluklar ve
maliyetinin yksek olmasdr. Ayn boyuttaki konvansiyonel
kanatl s deitiricilerin etkenlii alminyum kpk kanatl
s deitiricilerden daha yksektir. Metal kpkl s deiti-
ricilerinin etkenliinin dk kmasnn bir nedeni de, scak
akkann getii borularla, kanat grevi yapan alminyum
kpk flamentlerinin tam temas salayamamasndan kaynak-
lanmaktadr. Her ne kadar birim hacimdeki yzey alan fazla
da olsa borularla flamentler arasnda noktasal bir temas sz
konusudur. Birim hacimdeki yzey alannn byk olmasna
ramen s kaynayla temas eden flamentlerin noktasal olma-
s, s transferini azaltmaktadr. Noktasal temasn artrlmas et-
kenlii artracaktr. Bu balantlarn retim aamasnda yapla-
bilecek baz proseslerle iyiletirilmesinin metal kpk kanatl
s deitiricilerin etkinliini artraca umulmaktadr [4].
distinctive features for the metal foams. Metal foam fn heat
exchangers are generally made by using open cell aluminum
foams. There is a linear relationship between the surface area
and the amount of heat transferred on heat exchangers. Metal
foam and fnned heat exchangers have wider surface areas per
unit volume than their conventional fnned counterparts. It is
known that the surface areas per unit volume for the metal
foam heat exchangers can reach values of up to 10,000 m

[5]. In fgure 4, some metal foam heat exchangers are shown.
Studies conducted on metal foams are dated back to 1960s. In
the latest 20 years, these studies have recorded an increasing
trend. A number of universities and research institutes continue
to conducting researches on improving production methods
and lowering costs. Metal foams produced commercially
generally rely on melting base production principles. There
are various application areas of metal foam fnned heat
exchangers. When compared with the conventional fnned
heat exchangers, metal foams exhibit large surface areas per
unit volume. According to Fourier heat transfer theory, an
increase in surface area leads to increasing the amount of heat
transferred. Regardless of all these advantages they possess,
aluminum foam heat exchangers have not yet been able to
achieve a required level of use in industry. The main reason
for this is the higher costs involved in production of aluminum
foams due to diffculties encountered in the process. The
effectiveness of a conventional fnned heat exchanger is higher
than that of an aluminum foam heat exchanger of the same
size. The reason for the low effectiveness value in metal foam
heat exchangers is the insuffcient contact existing between
the tubes carrying hot fuid and the foam flaments that act
as fns. Although the metal foam heat exchangers exhibit
wider surface areas per unit volume, there is a point-wise
type of contact between the tubes (heat source) and flaments
which hinders the heat transferring process. Increasing
the point-wise contact will improve the effectiveness. It is
hoped that, by using some processes, improvements made on
these connections during production phase will increase the
effectiveness of the metal foam heat exchangers.
1. Sertkaya, A. A., Altnsk, K., Dincer, K. 2012. Experi-
mental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Aluminium
Finned Heat Exchangers and Open-cell Aluminium Foam
Heat Exchangers, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,
vol. 36, p. 8692.
2. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Closed_cell_me-
tal_foam_with_large_ cell_size.JPG, son eriim tarihi:
3. Girlich, D. 2006. Open Pore Metal Foam Description and
Applications, GmbH Enderstrasse 94(G), 01277 Dresden,
4. Sertkaya, A.A. 2008. The Production of Aluminium Foam
As Heat Exchanger & Heat Transfer Modelling, Ph.D. The-
sis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School
of Natural and Applied Sciences, Seluk University, Konya.
5. Boomsma, K., Poulikakos, D., Zwick F. 2003. "Metal Fo-
ams as Compact High Performance Heat Exchangers," Mec-
hanics of Materials, vol. 35, p. 1161-76.
6. www.porvairadvancedmaterials.com/metalfoamhome.htm,
son eriim tarihi: 22.03.2013.
7. Banhart, J. 2003. "Aluminium Foams for Lighter Vehicles,"
International Journal of Vehicle Design, p.1-19.
8. http://www.ifam-dd.fraunhofer.de/en/Energy_and_thermal_
management/leistungen_ und_methoden.html, son eriim
tarihi: 03.05.2013.

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