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Liv Strmquist

Nov 7th 1300

Matt Wards research spans a wide
range of interests from speculative
design to radical pedagogy. Hes a
practicing designer, writer and
founding member of DWFE; a post-
disciplinary, semi-fictional design
syndicate. DWFEs work searches for
meaning in the construction of the
extraordinary; they design activities,
objects and incidents to reconfigure
peoples perceptions. Matt holds three
international patents on the work he
did at NCRs Advanced Research and
Development Department on the
emerging contexts of the Internet of
Things and Urban Computing. Matt
has been a research affiliate to MIT
Media Lab and Interaction Design at
The RCA. He consults for a range of
organisations; Nokia, BERG, Dentsu
and the Design Council.
Liv Strmquist slog igenom med med
buller och bng med succdebuten
Hundra procent fett (2006) och fljde
upp denna med med Drift (2007).
2008 kom nsta album, Einsteins fru.
Hon r idag en av landets mest
etablerade serietecknare. Man kan
ven hra henne i P3:s Tankesmedjan
och hon har medverkat i bland annat
Aftonbladet, Galago, Ordfront
Magasin, Handelsnytt, Bang och DN
P stan. 2009 rs Liv Strmquist-
kalender, Tolv trttsamma typer, blev
en stor succ och frsljnings-
framgng. Kalendern fr 2010 hette
Mnadens manshora, dr varje mnad
r illustrerad med en serie om en knd
man som utmrkt sig fr lsaktighet.
2010 kom hennes album Prins Charles
knsla, som blev en stor succ bde
bland lsare och kritiker. Den senaste
serieboken, Ja till Liv, utkom i
september 2011, och r en ABC-bok -
Making / Narratives :
The Design Lecture
Autumn 2014 at HDK
Stora Hrsalen,
HDK School of
Design and Craft
Kristinelundsgatan 6
Marti Guixe
Sep 12th 1300
Margrethe Odgaard
Oct 10th 1300
Matt Ward
Oct 24th 1300
For further information please contact Henric Benesch at
Educated at The Royal Danish
Academy of Fine Arts, School of
Design in 2005 with additional studies
at Rhode Island School of Design in
USA, Margrethe Odgaard's focus as
a textile designer is on colours and
patterns. She works within various
fields of design, and strives in her
work to integrate colours and patterns
as a crucial part of the design, rather
than mere decoration. Her work has
been shown in Designmuseum
Denmark, Textielmuseum Tilburg in
The Netherlands, Milan Design Week,
IFCC in New York, Maison et Object in
Paris, and Stockholm Design
Week. She has designed products for
Danish and international companies
including Epice (F), Hay (DK), IKEA
(SE), and Khler (DK).
Formed in Barcelona and in Milan as
an interior and industrial designer.
In 1994, living in Berlin, he formulated
a new way to understand the culture of
products. Guixe started to exhibit his
work in 1997, work that characterizes
on the search for new product systems,
the introduction of design in food
ambits and presentation through
performance. His non-conventional
gaze provides brilliant and simple
ideas of a curious seriousness. He is
based in Barcelona and Berlin and
work as a Designer for worldwide

Exhibitions at MoMA (New York),
MuDAC (Lausanne), MACBA
(Barcelona) and Centre Pompidou
(Paris). Ciutat de Barcelona Prize, 1999
and National Design Prize of the
Generalitat de Catalunya 2007
Morag Myerscough is one of the UKs
most prolific designers. Her work is
characterized by an engaging boldness,
creating specific, local responses to
each distinct audience that will see and
experience the design, using it to
create community and build identity.
The eclectic breadth of work covers the
conversion of a train to a caf,
installations, numerous exhibitions
and interpreting buildings.
Myerscough has also designed several
exhibits for Londons Design Museum
from Archigram to Formula 1. She
designed exterior of the British
Pavilion for the 2004 Venice Biennale.
She recently was awarded the contract
to create the Design Museums
permanent exhibition for its new
home. With Cartlidge Levene she
designed the wayfinding for the
Barbican Centre and continuing their
relationship they are currently
designing wayfinding for Tate
Moderns new Herzog and De Meuron
extension. Her projects have been
nominated and won many awards.
Morag Myerscough
Dec 19th 1300

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