A) From A, B, C and D Choose The Right Answer

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A) From a, b, c and d choose the right answer :

1- .. with other modern inventions, the Internet is still the best source for information.
a)Instead of b) Whereas c) But d) In comparison
2- Raise your finger..you want to answer.
a) unless b) if c) where d) just
3- . 9,o cloc I had finished my !ath homewor.
a) By b) For c) Of d) In
"- #he students havent handed their $ro%ects.. .
a) just b) since c) yet d) for
&- .. becoming a teacher , lie her mother ,she chose to become a nurse .
a) But b) Whereas c) Instead of d) In comparison with
'- .. other careers , the legal $rofession can be (uite stressful .
a) But b) Whereas c) Instead of d) In comparison with
)- *urses earn a modest wage . . , doctors are often very well $aid .
a) On the other hand b) Instead of c) whereas d) since
+- #he old system was com$licated , .. the new system is very sim$le.
a) whereas b) instead of c) in comparison with d) if
9- #he ,ocial worers have wored hard on this case , ..-
a) hae they b) haen!t they c) hadn!t they d) aren!t they
1.- /om$uter-based communication is e0tremely fast ..tele$hone or $ostal services ,
which are slow .
a) whereas b) instead of c) in comparison with d) if
11. 1e is a businessman . transactions are always $rofitable.
a" who b" whose c" whom d" which
12. #he ideal volunteer is one does wor without the e0$ectation of any reward.
a" who b" whose c" whom d" which
13. #his is the boo I was looing for.
a" who b" whose c" whom d" which
1". 1e is the sus$ect . the $olice were looing for.
a" who b" whose c" whom d" which
1&. #he house .. 2li bought is very e0$ensive.
a" who b" whose c" whom d" which
1'. *one of the $assengers survived. #he driver.the s$eed limit.
a" can#t hae e$ceeded b" must hae e$ceeded c" might e$ceed d" will e$ceed
1). .you feed the baby, he won3t sto$ crying.
a" if b" unless c" for d" therefore
1+. 1e has been living in 2merica for thirty years. 1e.a migrant.
a" must be b" can#t be c" might be d" was
19. 4oth rooms.by wall $a$er. I lie them.
a" decorated b" are decorated c" are decorating d" hae decorated
B) %orrect the erb between brac&ets:
1. I wish I 5 now 6..the news earlier but I didn3t.
2. I wish I 5 can 6 ..drive a car currently.
3. If she had listened to her mother3s advice she 5 not lose 6.. everything.
". 4y the time he was twenty he 5 learn 6.swimming very well.
&. It 5 rain 6for two hours, I don3t thin it3s going to sto$ as the sy is still cloudy.
'. #hey revolution against the regime 5 force 6 them to leave the country.
). !y mother is in the itchen 5 $re$are 6 ..su$$er.
+. 4y 2.2. $eo$le 5 live 6.. in glass-made houses.
9. *either *ancy nor her friends 5 be 6 ..at school.
1.. ,ofia lost the tennis match, des$ite 5 do 6 her best.
%) 'o as showmen between brac&ets:
1. 7 I don3t $ractise any s$ort nowadays.8 5 re$orted s$eech 6
2li said
2. 7 1ave you got the new boos-8 5 re$orted s$eech 6
#he teacher ased the students.
3. I little e0$ected to get such a low $riced ticet.
". *ora seldom $artici$ates in the class activities.
&. 1e not only came late but also forgot his wallet at home.
*ot only
'.,he3s been living in 9ondon for 1. years,- 5 :uestion #ag 6
). 1e a$ologi;ed to the manager. 1e a$ologi;ed to his colleagues. 5 <oin using- bothand 6
+.=ou must confirm your reservation. It will be cancelled. 5 >se- either.or 6

9. 2bdul 2;i; 2l 4abtain is an innovative $oet. 1e wrote $atriotic songs. 5 <oin 6

1.. If father doesn3t come bac late, we ?ll go out.

11.#he student is going to $ay the school fees ne0t wee. 5 /hange focus 6

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