Presentations Useful Phrases

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-giving the title and introdue the !u"#et
I plan to speak about
Today Im going to talk about
The subject of my presentation is
The theme of my all is
-giving $our o"#etive! %&ur&o!e' ai()
What I would like to do today is to explain
to illustrate
to give you the essential background information on
to outline
to have a look at
What I want my listeners to get out of my speech is
announing $our outline
I have divided my presentation into parts
In the first part I give a few basic definitions
In the next section I will explain
In part three I am going to show
In the last part I would like to give a practice example
-letting the audiene *no+ +hen and +hether the$ (a$ a!* ,ue!tion!
Id ask you to save your questions for the end
There will be plenty of time at the end of my speech for discussion
!ou may interrupt me at any moment to ask questions or make comments
"lease stop me if you dont understand anything I say but could you keep any specific questions
until after Ive finished
-(a*ing a tran!ition "et+een introdution and the "od$
#ow lets turn to point one
$ets now move on the second part% which is% as I said earlier
Funtion Po!!i"le language
- .elo(ing $our audiene Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
Good morning, gentlemen
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen
Good afternoon, everybody
/ Introduing $our !u"#et I am going to talk today about...
The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our
new range of...
0 Outlining $our !truture To start with I'll describe the progress made this
year. Then I'll mention some of the problems we've
encountered and how we overcame them. After
that I'll consider the possibilities for further growth
next year. inally, I'll summari!e my presentation
"before concluding with some recommendations#.
1 2iving in!trution! a"out ,ue!tion!
$o feel free to interrupt me if you have any
I'll try to answer all of your %uestions after the
I plan to keep some time for %uestions after the
Starting +ith a ,ue!tion to involve the audiene
&ave you ever experienced
&ow can we explain this
What does that mean'
What can be done about hat'
What does this imply for you'
Funtion &ossible language
E(&ha!i5ing 6 highlighting
The essential element is'
The important thing to remember to '
Stre!! ver"! +ith $our voie
(e experimented with the concept over a
period of ) years.
Au7iliarie! 8or e(&ha!i!
(e did see a noticeable difference'
Change o8 +ord!
Good it may be, easy it isn*t.
Re&etition As I*ve said before'
+et me repeat'
2iving an e7a(&le
or example,...
A good example of this is...
As an illustration,...
To give you an example,...
To illustrate this point...
Ordering irstly...secondly...thirdly...lastly...
irst of that...finally...
To start finish up...
Dealing +ith ,ue!tion! (e'll be examining this point in more detail
later on...
I'd like to deal with this %uestion later, if I
I'll come back to this %uestion later in my talk...
&erhaps you'd like to raise this point at the
I won't comment on this now...
Funtion Po!!i"le language
Introduing the !u"#et I'd like to start by...
+et's begin by...
irst of all, I'll...
,tarting with...
I'll begin by...
Fini!hing one !u"#et999 (ell, I've told you about...
That's all I have to say about...
(e've looked at...
,o much for...
999and !tarting another -ow we'll move on to...
+et me turn now to...
Turning to...
I'd like now to discuss...
+et's look now at...
Anal$!ing a &oint and giving
(here does that lead us.
+et's consider this in more detail...
(hat does this mean for A/0.
Translated into real terms...
2iving an e7a(&le or example,...
A good example of this is...
As an illustration,...
To give you an example,...
To illustrate this point...
Funtion Po!!i"le language
Su((ing u& In conclusion,...
To conclude,...
-ow, to sum up...
1ight, let's sum up, shall we.
I*d like to summari!e '
I'd like now to recap...
+et's summarise briefly what we've looked at...
,o let me summarise2recap what I've said.
inally, let me remind you of some of the issues
we've covered...
If I can 3ust sum up the main points...
,o, as I have seen today '
In the light of what we have seen today '
4y final comments '
I would like to finish by reminding everyone that '
inally, may I remind you of some of the main
points we've considered.
2iving reo((endation!
In conclusion, my recommendations are...
I therefore suggest2propose2recommend the
following strategy.
Than*ing $our audiene 4any thanks for your attention.
4ay I thank you all for being such an attentive
Thank you very much for your attention and if
there are any suggestion or comments'..
Inviting ,ue!tion! If there are any %uestions please feel free to ask.
-ow I'll try to answer any %uestions you may have.
0an I answer any %uestions.
Are there any %uestions.
$o you have any %uestions.
Are there any final %uestions.

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