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List of Topics for Presentation

Pradip V. Mehta
Fellow, American Society for Quality

Apparel Quality

Characteristics of a quality apparel and ways to make sure quality apparel are
produced during manufacturing are covered in this topic.

Approaches to Quality Management

Discussed here six thought leaders who had a lasting impact on quality
management practices throughout the world. These thought leaders are:
Crosby, Deming, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, Juran, and Taguchi.

Care Labeling of Clothing

This presentation covers why care labeling of clothing is necessary and

describes various care labeling systems and regulations.

Clothing & Product Safety

When it comes to clothing, one normally does not think that a clothing item can
pose hazard, however, this presentation will address several hazards posed by
children’s clothing and show ways to address them.

Consume Product Safety

With proliferation of consumer products and retailers and increasing cross-border

traffic in consumer products, one must be aware of safety risks posed by a
variety of consumer products in order to avoid being hurt by unsafe consumer
products. This presentation will discuss safety risks posed by various consumer
products, how such risks are being addressed by the U. S. government the
origins of Consumer Product safety legislation in the U.S.

Customer-Supplier Relations

This presentation covers various phases of customer-supplier relationships and

their impact on quality.
From Product Quality to Business Excellence

Having better product quality than your competitor does not necessarily guaranty
survival in business. This presentation shows how to use proven quality
improvement approaches to move from excellent product quality to overall
excellence in business operations in order to compete in increasingly globalized
world we live in today.

How to Define Quality

Quality cannot be managed effectively unless you can define quality and get
everyone in the company to agree to it and understand it. This presentation will
expose you to different ways of thinking about quality and let you decide what
definition suits best to your situation. This presentation will change the way you
think about quality.

Implementing Supplier Quality Assistance Program

Quality of raw materials, parts, sub-assemblies, etc. received from suppliers has
significant impact on the quality of the final product. This presentation addresses
how to help your suppliers to improve their processes and process controls so
that ultimately quality of what your make or sell improves and it reduces your cost
of quality.

In-Process Sampling for Clothing Manufacturers

Various statistical sampling plans for effective control pf quality during apparel
manufacturing are covered in this presentation.

Integrating ISO 9000 and SA 8000

With increasing demand for implementing multiple management systems,

companies are looking for ways to integrate implementation of as many
management systems as possible. Covered under this presentation is an
approach to integrate ISO 9000 Quality management System and SA 8000
Social Accountability System.

Introduction to Six Sigma

Six Sigma is ubiquitous today. One can hardly pick up a business publication
today that does not have an item on Six Sigma. This presentation shows what
Six Sigma is, explains the statistical principle behind it, and points out
advantages of effective Six Sigma implementation
ISO 9000

This presentation explains ISO 9000 Quality Management System and its
requirements for ISO 9000 certification or registration.

Procurement Practices and Customer Supplier Relations

Covers procurement culture drives customer-supplier relationships and its

implications for quality management.

Quality and Profitability

This presentation shows the relationship between quality and profitability and
dispels the myth that better quality costs more.

Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC), and Quality Management – Are
They all the Same?

This presentation explains what QA, QC, and Quality Management each mean
and how they are different from each other, yet how they complement each

Quality Audits for Improved Performance

This presentation will show how auditing techniques can be applied to quality
system to find areas for improvement. Discussed are principles of audit and
good auditing techniques and practices.

Quality by Design

Quality can not be inspected in products or can not be put into products after
products are made. This presentation will show how to take quality into
consideration during design phase.

Quality Costs

There are two aspects of cost of quality. One is the cost of quality function and
the other is the cost of poor quality. This presentation will show various elements
of each aspects of cost of quality and how to calculate total quality costs.

Quality Function Deployment

This is a technique designed to help take into consideration customer

requirements during design phase. This presentation will show how to use this
technique to one’s advantage.
Quality Improvement in Manufacturing Environment

This presentation will show how to identify quality improvement project and get

Quality Improvement through Customer Satisfaction Measurement

This presentation will show how to use customer satisfaction or rather, customer
dissatisfaction for quality improvement.

Quality Improvement through Traditional Approach

For those organizations that do not either manufacture or purchase by their own
specifications, the best way to assure and improve product quality is through end
item inspection and testing. Even when suppliers of such organizations build
quality into products that they manufacture using Quality Function deployment
(QFD), Taguchi approach, Statistical Process Control (SPC), In-Process Quality
Control, etc. end item inspection and testing indicate how effective those quality
measures are. This presentation discusses how to plan and manage end item
inspection and testing.

Quality Management

This presentation will explain the discipline of quality management the same as
financial management or marketing management.

Quality Management for Retailers

Covered here are quality management principles and practices for retailers of
consumer products.

Quality Management for Senior Executives

Covers role of senior management in managing quality in a company. Discusses

the difference between senior management support and commitment, quality
policy, quality planning, and quality improvement.

Social Responsibility

Consumers today not only want good quality products but they do not want those
products made by child labor and in unsafe environment. This presentation will
discuss retailers’ and manufacturers’ response to increasing awareness about
working conditions and efforts to improve them. Also, discussed here are various
Social responsibility management Systems, such as SA 8000 (Social
Accountability, International), WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel
Production), and FLA (Fair Labor Association).
Standards and Specifications

This presentation will cover role of standards and specifications in quality of

products, how standards and specifications are developed, and how they
facilitate communication between supplier or manufacturer and customer.

Statistical Sampling

Statistical sampling is very important in incoming inspection, in-process

inspection, as well as end item inspection. This presentation will show how to
choose sampling plans so that one knows probability of accepting a shipment
that should not have been accepted or probability of rejecting a shipment that
should not have been rejected.

Using Customer Complaints and Customers Returns for Quality Improvement

Customer complaints and returns are the best source of information about what
customers want. That’s why, the area of customer complaints and customer
returns is called a “gold mine.” This presentation will show you how to harness
this gold mine to one’s advantage.

Using ISO 9000 for Quality Improvement

This presentation will dispel the myth that ISO 9000 is used only to achieve
certification or registration. This presentation will show how to use various ISO
9000 Quality Management System clauses or requirements to drive improvement
in your organization and/or in your supplier organization.

What is Quality?

Quality means different things to different people. This presentation will expose
you to different ways of thinking about quality and let you decide what definition
suits best to your situation. This presentation will change the way you think
about quality.

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