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G9 ECRS 11.

4: Phrases that Show Sequence

Link to the ECRS: TDP 16: I dentify the purpose/role of a sentence or phrase in a paragraph.

Key Information:

So far in Chapter 11, you have learned about phrases that show comparison, contrast, cause, and effect. Today, you are
going to learn about phrases that allow a writer to show the sequence of events over time.

These words and phrases allow a writer to show if events happen in the past, present, or future. These words also show if
events happened before, during, or after each other.

These words not only help you in writing but in your reading as well. Knowing these words can help you understand the
sequence of events in a complicated text.

Read the following sentences. Circle the word or words that show the sequence relationship in the sentence and answer
the following questions..

1. Polyphonte runs away before she got married.
What happens first? ___________________________________
What happens second? _________________________________

2. Polyphonte went to be with Artemis after she scored Aphordite.
What happens first? ___________________________________
What happens second? _________________________________

Directions: Find a location for each sequence word along the time line from past to future.

next soon earlier later meanwhile during

at after now next finally afterward

as soon as before while when

Past Future

Your Turn:

Directions: Select the letter of the answer that most accurately depicts the
relationships in the passage.

Prometheus was the creator of mankind. The goddess Athena taught him
architecture, astronomy, mathematics, navigation, medicine, and metallurgy, and he in
turn taught them to humans. __________
Zeus, the chief of the Greek gods, became
angry at Prometheus for making people powerful by teaching them all these useful
the gods chose Prometheus as arbiter in a dispute, he fooled the
gullible Zeus into picking the worst parts of the sacrificial bull by hiding them under a
rich layer of fat. To punish Prometheus, Zeus withheld fire from men. "Let them eat
their flesh raw," he declared. In response, Prometheus, snuck up to Mount Olympus, lit
a torch from the sun, and hid a burning piece of charcoal in a hollow stalk. He slipped
away with it and thus delivered fire to mankind.

1. A. Meanwhile
B. When
C. Later
D. Finally

2. A. Meanwhile
B. When
C. Later
D. Finally


Directions: In the spaces provided, complete the summary of Chapter 9 from Sea of Monsters. Use words or phrases to
signal the sequence youre trying to describe. Dont forget to correct any grammatical errors you find in the paragraph.
During school, Percy is stuck playing dodgeball against large seventh graders who turn out to be Laistrygonians. They
summon explosive fireballs and attempt to kill Percy, but he is protected by Tyson. A friend who is unharmed by the
monsters' fireballs. Annabeth saves Percy by stabbing the last Laistrygonian from behind. Takes Percy and Tyson back to
Camp Half-Blood. ___Percy went quickly to prevent any other attacks. ____Chiron the assistant director been fired
because he were suspected of poisoning the tree, and is replaced by Tantalus, a spirit from the Fields of Punishment.
Percy finds out that Tyson is a Cyclops and Poseidon claimed him as his son. Annabeth and Percy asks Tantalus to send
somebody on a quest to find the Golden Fleece, which he does. Sending Clarisse. Percy receives help from Poseidon, who
gives them three Hippocampi, and together with Annabeth and Tyson, ends up on a passing cruise ship, the Princess
Andromeda, which were revealed to be owned by Luke. ______Annabeth was shocked along with Tyson.___

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