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Development Plan Quick Reference for Managers

Understanding Development Plans

Individual Development Plans
Managers can create individual plans for direct reports. Users can also
create individual plans for themselves.
Group Development Plans
Managers can create group development plans for users by adding
them as plan participants.
Development Plan Icons
Icon Screen Tip/ Term Definition
Modify plan, goal, or activity information.
Each plan can have one or more goals. Group
development plans progress can be measured by
Each goal can have one or more activities. Goal
progress is measured by progress for each activity
in the goal.
Managers assign group or individual development
plans to direct reports or managed group.
!reate Development Plans
1. Click Manager icon.
2. Ensure you are viewing Workgroup.
3. rom the Plan menu! click Development Plans.
". Click "e#
#. Create Development Plan Title$
%ame & a name for the plan.
'escription & a summary of the plan. (his information will appear
in the body of the e)mail notification that informs the participant of
their assignment to the *lan.
*lanned start and end dates & dates when you are planning to
begin or end the plan+s scope.
*articipants can add individual goals & ,es or %o-
*articipants can add individual activities & ,es or %o-
Click $%
.. Create Development Plan Goals$
rom the goals list! click "e#.
'efine the parameters for the goal$ %ames! 'escription! *lanned
start and end dates.
/elect the priority$ 0ow! Medium or 1igh
%otes & any notes or e2planation you want to add.
Click $%

3. Create ctivities to satisfy the goal$
(o add a user)defined activity$
rom the activities list! click "e#.
Choose Define activity and click "e&t.
Enter the pertinent activity information.
(o add 40( or 5nline course$
rom the activities list! click "e#.
Choose /elect from all courses and click "e&t.
/elect one or more courses to add as activities.
Click $%
6. inal step is to add participants to the Development Plan$
Click *articipant icon ne2t to the desired group plan.
Click dd.
/elect users by viewable users & add all users you can see.
/elect one or more participants from the list.
Click $%
7. Managing the 'evelopment *lan
(o modify plan information$
rom the plan list! click next to the plan you want to
Make the desired changes.
Click $%
(o activate a plan$
rom the plan list! select ctivate a plan.
Click G$.
%ote$ ,ou can inactivate a plan in the same way.
(o delete a group plan$
rom the plan list! select one or more plans to delete.
Click Delete.
Click $%.
"ote$ 4f you delete a plan! all plan! goal! and activity information is
lost. 8lternatively! you can inactivate the plan.
9:. (riggers to complete activities$
User)defined activity$
rom the activities list! select one or more activities to waive.
rom the Task list! select 'aive.
Click G$.
4nstructor)led or 5nline 8ctivity$
(rigger for 40( activity is marking complete by the instructor.
(rigger for 5nline activity is automated when the participants
completes the activity.
For assistance contact the

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