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Philosophy of Nursing
Kristy A. Gregorich

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in the course
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Old Dominion University



The scope of this paper is to define my personal nursing philosophy based on clinical
practice experiences over the past several semesters and compare them to my initial personal
nursing philosophy that I defined in my sophomore year. The beliefs, values, and theories that
guide my professional practice will be explored, as well as personal and professional goals.
After re-reading my first personal philosophy paper, I was happy to find that the
foundation for my nursing care has not waivered much. I still very much believe that providing
exceptional patient-centered care is the cornerstone to great nursing practice. In order to be
successful the nurse is able to understand and communicate the needs of the patient, be
knowledgeable of available resources, and have the tenacity to stand up for their patients.
Definition of Nursing
In my initial paper I mention M. Jean Watson, Florence Nightingale, and Dorthea Orem
as theorists that captured my philosophy of nursing. While I still think there is a great deal to be
learned from these theorists, I have found through my clinical experiences that the theorist I lean
more towards depends on where in the hospital or community I am working and the patient or
client I am working with.
As the semesters have gone on I have found a love for fast paced, high stress
environments, such as the Emergency Department. Virginia Hendersons Definition of Nursing
targets this population, focusing on patient safety and nursing knowledge. She defines nursing as
The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the
performance of those activities contributing to health, or its recovery, or to a peaceful

death that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge
and do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.
Henderson felt that nurses who had clear idea of their role were able to define expectations and
identify boundaries, therefore providing safe and competent care (Johnson & Webber, 2010, pgs
My personal definition of nursing encompasses what Henderson and other theorists have
recognized but as times have changed nursing involves much more than any one theorist defined.
Nursing is a group of educated professionals committed to the complete wellness of the patient
and their families, and the community. It requires a specific skillset that includes intellectual
competencies, technical skills, and the ability to think critically. The nursing professional must
be tactful, authoritative, and compassionate and have the capability to talk with patients,
families, physicians, and other professionals even in the worst of situations. The professional
nurse can be seen serving in their community as a member of the Armed Forces, in a hospital,
office or school. Wherever they are, they serve as role models and advocate for a better quality
of life.
The essential purpose of nursing is to establish an environment where mental, physical,
and spiritual wellness is maximized. This is accomplished by nursing professionals using a
three-fold approach. First, care is tailored and provided to the patient based on their specific
needs. In a recent nursing article, Patient-Nurse Partnerships, the authors discuss that the
collaboration between the patient and provider results in better adherence to treatment plans and

outcomes (Doss, DePascal, Hadley, 2011). Second, it is the organizations duty to educate
patients and their families, and members of the community on disease processes and prevention.
Programs targeting obesity, diabetes, nutrition, and healthy hearts are designed to equip citizens
with the necessary tools to combat deadly diseases. Lastly, nurses serve as role models and
mentors. This starts with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, continuing personal education paths,
and creating learning opportunities for junior nurses and health team members.
Cultural diversity is something that has been explored continuously throughout nursing
school. My initial interpretation was that this referred to ones race, religion, gender, or beliefs.
As a nursing school senior though, I see cultural diversity as much more. It is the 21 year old
woman that is eighteen weeks pregnant and states she is a heroin addict, its the 13 year old that
comes to the emergency room with his grandmother because he has a sexually transmitted
disease, or the parents who decide to take their 10 year old off of life support. It is inevitable that
at some point the nurse will encounter one of these culturally challenging situations. M. Jean
Watsons Theory of Caring eludes that the key to success when presented with one of these
circumstances is identifying and caring for the self is a prerequisite for respecting and caring for
others (Johnson & Webber, 2010, pg 163). The professional nurse must continuously explore
their own feelings in order to provide safe, competent, and culturally appropriate care.
In addition to proving exceptional patient care, the professional nurse also reaches out to
their community. Community based nursing programs evaluate the population, identify specific
needs, and implement interventions targeted at prevention and management (Maurer & Smith,

2009). Educating culturally diverse populations requires confidence, subject knowledge and
critical thinking skills. The topics provided should be relevant and taught in a manner that the
clientele can relate to. Barriers in community health nursing include funding, accessibility to
resources, and gaining the trust and respect of the targeted population.
Nurses are an integral part of every health care team. They are the mainstream
communication pathway between physicians, patients, families, and care partners. Because
healthcare is a multi-disciplinary team it is imperative that a culture where there is mutual
respect amongst all members of the team and differences in opinions are valued exists.
One of the major principles that guide my care is treating my patients and their families
how I would want myself or one of my family members treated. The things that may seem the
least significant or take the shortest amount of time are the things that are remembered. Its
getting a box of tissues for the mom that is crying because her baby is sick or getting a blanket
for child that is shivering or comforting the husband, asking if we can call someone for him as he
watches life saving measures being performed on his wife. Taking a few extra seconds and
paying attention to the small details can make a huge difference on outcomes and how they see
their hospital experience.
Another guiding principle in my nursing practice is the Navys core values: Honor,
Courage, and Commitment. These standards are something I strive to uphold in everything I do
in life. As a nursing professional this means being proud of what you do and what your
organization stands for. It means advocating for your patient and their best interests, even when

other may not necessarily agree. This also means providing quality care to those that may not
necessarily hold the same morals and beliefs that you do and the ability to put aside personal
differences in order to accomplish the mission.
Over the past three years my nursing philosophy and understanding of the nursing
community has grown, though the cornerstone of my beliefs has remained the same. Just as the
theorists have found, I believe providing quality patient-centered holistic care will improve a
patients overall wellness. A nurse that is culturally sensitive and aware of his or her beliefs will
have a positive impact on their patients and their families, as well as the community.
The main reason why I switched in to this profession was because of the endless
possibilities that are available to serve people. As a Navy nurse, my duties will entail patient and
family care, educating and mentoring fellow nurses and junior Sailors, and assisting with policy
and procedures. While I know I plan to continue my education, I am remaining open to which
direction I am heading. The past several years have opened my eyes to many opportunities that
exist and for that I am excited to start on this new career path.


Doss, S., DePascal, P., & Hadley, K. (2011). Patient-nurse partnerships. American Nephrology
Nurses Association, 38(2), 115-125.
Maureer, F., & Smith, C. (2009). Community/public health nursing practice.
Johnson, B., & Webber, P. (2010). An introduction to theory and reasoning in nursing.



Grading Criteria Comments Points
Appropriate introduction is included.
Introduction includes a summary of the
philosophy of nursing written in
Nursing 300 (5%)

The students definition of nursing,
whether borrowed or original, is
described and explained. (15%)

The purpose of nursing from the
students perspective is clearly
described. (10%)

Assumptions about the relationships
the nurse and the client in a
culturally diverse setting
the nurse in the community
the nurse with other health
care professionals
are discussed in relation to an
appropriate theoretical model(s) (15%)

TWO principles or rules that guide
professional practice are identified; and
specific examples specific of how
these rules have been utilized or
demonstrated in a clinical practice
experience are described and
analyzed. (15%)

Conclusion summarizes main points of
paper, describes how personal
philosophy has changed, goal for
future (10%)

Three (3) or more references are cited
in the paper and included on the
reference list (10%)

Correct grammar, spelling and
punctuation (10%)

Correct use of APA format, including
adherence to page limit (10%)


STUDENTS NAME _____________________________________ GRADE ________

Honor Code Statement:
I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form
of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a
member of the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of
the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned. THIS IS MY OWN WORK.

Name: Kristy A. Gregorich

Kristy A. Gregorich 2/1/2012

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