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This is a good example of how laws that regulate abortion

clinics and regulate the practice of abortion save babies. ~

Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher.

Life Dynamics has confirmed that another abortion clinic has closed
due to pro-life legislation. The Killeen Women's Health Center just
announced that they have been unable to obtain hospital privileges
and will therefore temporarily close their killing center.
Unfortunately, the clinic still schedules abortions in their Austin
location where they claim that abortionist Andrew Evan Massman has
local privileges.
A sign on the door the abortion clinic and posted on Texas Alliance for
Life's Facebook page reads, "Our office is currently closed."

Last month, Life Dynamics reported that a Dallas abortion clinic
indicated that they will no longer be killing unborn children due to
new pro-life laws passed by the Texas legislature.
The Northpark Medical Group abortion clinic in Dallas has stated that
they are not accepting any patients at this time because their
physicians cannot obtain local hospital admitting privileges. The clinic
is part of a chain of abortion clinics which performs abortions on a
regular basis.

In July, Texas passed HB2 requiring abortion doctors to have hospital
admitting privileges within 30 miles of the abortion clinic. Because Northpark
abortionists could not get hospital privileges, the center is unable to schedule
or see any patients.

Life Dynamics Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton
Texas, recently contacted members of the Texas medical community to
warn them that the abortion lobby is trying to recruit doctors
following changes in Texas law requiring doctors who work at abortion
clinics to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.
Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics explains, What we did is
created a post card called Hired Killers. This postcard is designed to
discourage doctors from getting involved in abortion. We sent one of
these to every doctors office in Texas. What we are trying to do is
keep the waters stirred because what the abortion industry wants is
to recruit these guys and tell them, you can just slide in and you dont
have to raise a big ruckus about it. Were making sure that these
doctors understand, there will be a ruckus and this is just the first
shot of the ruckus thats coming.

The second thing we did was send a letter to every hospital
administrator in Texas. Its designed to discourage them from
granting privileges and be on the lookout for new doctors filing for
hospital privileges who are not telling them they are working in an
abortion clinic. Before you let them in, you better ask them if they are
working in abortion because you dont want to drag this hospital into
the abortion controversy.

The campaign appears to be working given the recent clinic closings.
According to Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, "This is a good
example of how laws that regulate abortion clinics and regulate the
practice of abortion save babies. When HB 2 was passed here in
Texas, immediately, I mean literally within days, one-third of all the
abortion clinics closed. And they continue to close. And now were up
over one-half. Half of the abortion clinics that existed on the day that
HB2 was passed are now gone. .Now, youve had federal courts
uphold it as Constitutional, and the pro-aborts are scared to push it
to the Supreme Court, because if they push it to the Supreme Court
and they uphold it then this will be a problem for them nationally.
Even the pro-aborts are saying that they cant meet these standards.
Nobody wants to have these abortionists working on their hospital
staffs or giving them privileges."

Now that abortion clinics are closing, the abortion lobby is becoming
alarmed. Think Progress, a left-wing blog, has just posted an entire
article exposing what they believe are ways that pro-life people have
been instrumental in stopping abortionists from gaining hospital
admitting privileges.
In the article, entitled, Anti-Abortion Protesters Are Coming To A
Hospital Near You., authors highlight Life Dynamics's mailers.
The radically pro-abortion blog writes, "In Texas, where the states
endangered clinics are struggling to stay open, the anti-abortion
organization Life Dynamics has put together a campaign notifying hospitals
that offering admitting privileges to any abortion-providing doctors could be
bad for them in some mysterious, unnamed way. The letters addressed to
every hospital in the state dont specify what exactly the facilities will
experience if they do provide access for a doctor. But there are a number of
different ways to target a hospital in order to cut off access to legal abortion.
Other examples from around the country make it clear that these institutions
may experience protests, picketing, and outright harassment of their medical
staff and their executives."

Following the original announcement released by Life
Dynamics about our direct mail campaign, pro-choicers on social
media began lashing out.

The radically pro-abortion RH Reality Check blog responded by
posting a headline which reads, Anti-Choice Group Sends Graphic
Mailers Comparing Abortion Providers to Hired Killers

NARAL Pro-choice America responded by posting an image of our
Hospital letter on Facebook along with scribbled comments.

Friends on NARALs Facebook page even admitted to calling Life
Dynamics to express their views and posted, The antis are utterly
ruthless, they will stop at nothing.
Another pro-choice "friend" of the abortion lobby wrote,
Unfortunately, this will work because of religious peer pressure.
One pro-choice supporter accused Life Dynamics of trying to sabotage
the campaign of radically pro-abortion Wendy Davis who is running
for Governor of Texas.
While another posted, These people need to be outed.

Crutcher said he sent the post cards to reinforce to
physicians that, Elective abortions are not healthcare and
have nothing to do with the practice of medicine. They are
contract killings.
According to, Crutcher If a doctor or hospital is going to
get sucked into the abortion vortex, at least they will know
what they are doing.
Crutcher says that the reason abortionists do not have hospital
admitting privileges is because , The competence and character of
practitioners who work at abortion clinics is inevitably substandard
and hospitals dont want to have their reputations damaged by the
stigma that accompanies both abortion and the people who do them.
In addition, Hospitals realize that any link to abortion creates the
possibility of protests and boycotts and may cause some patients and
physicians to reject the hospital.
Fortunately, the kind of monsters who are willing to snuff-out
innocent and defenseless human lives for money are rare. This letter
and these postcards will guarantee that any doctor or hospital that
gets sucked in by the lies of the abortion industry will do so with their
eyes wide open.

For an interview call the office at (940) 380-8800

About Life Dynamics:
Mark Crutchers Bio

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