Microstructure Meeting 2014 Flyer-1

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www.eam.fau.de/microstructuremeeting www.eam.fau.

Fachausschuss Computersimulation der DGM
23. Juni 2014, FAU Campus Frth
Atoms, Defects
and Microstructure:
Atomistic and Mesoscale Simulation
of Mechanical Properties
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Bitzek
phone +49(0)9131 85-27507
Department of Materials Science
Dr. -Mack-Strae 77 90762 Frth Germany
A73/Frankenschnellweg, exit 39 Nrnberg-Doos (From south:
First turn right onto B8/Frther Strae/Nrnberger Strae) Then
turn right onto Ludwig-Quellen-Strae and left onto Kurgartenstrae
At the rst junction turn right onto Dr.-Mack-Strae Turn right
again into the rst street (sign: Technikum 2, Fraunhofer, FAU)
At the end of the street turn left until you reach a small parking
lot on your right The building Technikum 2 behind the parking
lot is the correct one
From Nrnberg main station, Subway/UBahn line 1 direction Frth
Stop Stadtgrenze Walk out of the station and then left onto
Nrnberger Strae After ARAL gasstation turn right to Kurgarten-
strae On the second crossing left into Dr.-Mack-Strae After
50 m walk right through a small arch (Technikum 2, Fraunhofer, FAU)
At the end of the street walk left until you see a small parking
lot on your right The building Technikum 2 behind the parking
lot is the correct one
A 73
U1 Richtung
Frth Hardhhe
Nrnberger Str.
Dr.-Mack-Str. 77
Technikum 2
90762 Frth
Nrnberg Hbf
Atoms, Defects
and Microstructure:
Atomistic and Mesoscale Simulation
of Mechanical Properties
Meeting of the working group
Microstructural Mechanics of the DGM
June, 23rd, 10 am
Erlangen-Nrnberg (FAU), Campus Frth
This meeting aims at bringing together senior scientists,
early stage researchers and PhD students as well as
experts from industry to discuss the latest scientifc
developments related to atomistic and mesoscale
models of plastic deformation and failure of materials.
The focus of the current meeting will be on approaches
to obtain information on microstructural properties
(e.g. defect properties) and microstructure processes
(e.g. microstructure mobilities) from atomistic simulations
and on ways to include such information in mesoscale
models. Models considered are e.g. classical atomistic
simulations, DFT, dislocation dynamics simulations,
phase feld models or cohesive zone models. Related
contri butions from other relevant modeling techniques
to simulate the evolution of complex microstructures are
also welcome.

Interested speakers are requested to send their
abstracts before May 30th, which is also the dead-
line for registration. Please note that participation
without a talk is also welcome.

A detailed program will be sent in June.
The working group microstructural mechanics of the
Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Materialkunde e.V. (DGM) is a
forum for experts working on describing the mechanical
properties of materials based on its microstructure.
Topics of interests include the development of advanced
material models for the simulation of deformation and
failure of materials and the study of the local d eformation
processes which precede damage initiation and fracture
in single and multiphase materials. The working group
microstructural mechanics thus offers a platform for dis-
cussions at the intersection of fundamental and applied
mechanics with materials science and engineering.

Participation upon registration is free for DGM members.
Non-DGM members are charged a nominal fee of 50
from their third meeting on. Participating doctoral
students, who are not yet members, will automatically
receive an annual basic membership of the DGM free
of charge.
Prof. Dr. Erik Bitzek
Dr. Aruna Prakash
Prof. Dr. Michael Zaiser
Dr. Stefan Sandfeld
Prof. Siegfried Schmauder
David Molnar
For registration, abstract submission
and questions please mail to:

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