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"How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him `Lord'? For he says, " A}S|R4 ASTOU?


`The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under
your feet." ` If then David calls him `Lord,' how can he be his son?" No one could SOURB MATJHOS @@1#$6$^ 7 @#1!6#(
say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more ques- Bm”ë imêwçqëw•qêt$ qên xçqëw• us m• ™m™m•‰që—ìë cmp—ì‡qëw-
tions. Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: "The teachers of the •qêt, éq‘ “t ˆmìmî—ìqëm•,qì m•—•ë“s ïêw•m‡m• “t ˆmêë—ìë$ rm”• í—ê-
law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do every- ‰qx—è. <dmêpm™q#é, —?ê ™mé—ìwêm•t “qz s kês•îw• “så>: Uwç—ìç tçmì
thing they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they m•—ê. <%cwês# esêt$ î—ì Açé—ìmzp$ m“n—‘å çwêé—èp, m“n—‘å m•‰—èp qì
preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they them- m“n—‘å “wéî—èp&: A#”ç s mæmåw• —ì “qz ™mé—ìwêm•t:Eì qê‡ê—êpt$ mç—ê
selves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. "Everything they do is done for •“m•. %cwês# t•‡qêp *î—ì m•‰wp$$ ™sç&: A”ç qê‡—ì ™mé—ìwêm••qês• ‡my-
—ìmz q• m“n—‘å kês•î• —ì *Tmêomês•qêt>: Eên imêwçqëw•qêt ˆmìmî—ì-
men to see: They make their phylacteries A wide and the tassels on their garments qëm•, Uwç—ìç ˆmêë—ìë m•—•ë.<jêwçé—çw “mçw• w?•˜ s ‰qê ‡mêzwît. —ê—?ì
long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the —êpw• s>: Hçw• wêq•. <Dmìwuw#>: ‚Uwç—ìçƒ tçmì m•—•ë. <Pm™m w?•˜™sç
synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them Dmìwu P—ow—è rm”• esê ‡t ‡—˜s —ì ‡'tçs. %esêt tçmì w“ esê—åç. <Bmr“s#
`Rabbi.' "But you are not to be called `Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you w“ må ‡—‘“ç, “w•˜qì —ê î—ì u–•m“w•qêp ™mé—ìm•pm• p•q“ —éîqê—ìp>&:
are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth `father,' for you have one Father, Xìêq“• qus Dmìwu rm”• esê ‡t ‡—˜s, w?•˜™sç m• wê —êpw• ‡'txxm”>: X#˜
and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called `teacher,' for you have one Teacher, “s‡t ‡ê•mê yïçî—#è “t ™mémçym•qx m•—ê: A”p ïês• qéî$ —#˜ “s‡t ‡t
the Christ. The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts him- ”m•po•sê ‚nm• “tƒ ˆmêë•qx m•—ê: A”• méq• Uwç—ìç yïçqëmì nmr“—ìuqm•
qì wê m–m‡qêé•qê—ì•$ tçqx—è. <D™wê•qê• —ì imêwçqëw•qêt nmr“mz q•
self will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. T—èçsçw mu—æw• èêm”: Xìêq“• w•˜ —ê tçq• ‰qrw$ —ê ™mˆsî, ™mˆqës#î qì
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the king- tês#î. nm”ë “w# t•sî m•—•ë o—êzqê—ì• ™sç, —ê—èˆqéqì ‡'tçq•$ çm‡m”• ˜q•
dom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those t•qê: Aêpmêqì zm•ê —ì pv—ìmêm‡wê nqæ•qê ‡t ‡m™q• qì ‡t p•q• “mêp—ë
enter who are trying to. —ìçqê—ì• èêm”, —ì wêq•ë “mé—#è wç‡ ˜q• —ìrqê –mêvqx rm•—•î: Kêq•ë n—-
x—ê o—êzqêt ‡'t•q• “mêp—ë“s éqç•—ìqx—ì ˆm“mê. ‡t xm”•ë•q• wêq•ë otê-
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel m™m•m‡•qêt qì ‡'qꇕë•q• wêq•ë ˆm•pqꉕqê—ì• î‘m•ëî•qêt. ‡t çwêq•
over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him mæmåw• nmr“—ë•qêt$ t•uêwî•qê—ì “så, mæmåw• mu—æ•qêt$ v—‘—èmêm••q-
twice as much a son of hell as you are. "Woe to you, blind guides! You say, `If any- ê—ì “så, nmêqì•qêt$ ˆêm™mêm‡•qê—ì èêm”, —ì %æmnnw#, æmnnw#& ‡—˜—ìwx
one swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gold of the “mêp—ë“s: Bm”ë p—ìî “w# ‡—˜—ìwî %æmnnw&, —ê—èˆqéqì “s#‡ s ‰qê Xìç—ì-
temple, he is bound by his oath.' You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the ëw˜t$ jêwçé—ç, qì p—ìî n—x—êp q‘nm”ê sî: Xì qê‡êw èêm” —#˜ “s‡t ‡—˜qësî
temple that makes the gold sacred? You also say, `If anyone swears by the altar, it ‰qê %ˆm”êt&, —ê—èˆqéqì “s#‡ s ‰qê Pm”êt$ —ê qê‡w•î• s: Eì p—ìî “w# ‡—˜-
—ìwî %—ìç—ìëw˜&, —ê—èˆqéqì “s#‡ s ‰qê Xìç—ìëw˜t$ jêwçé—ç: Xì ‰qê “sås•
means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gift on it, he is bound by his oath.' You “qzm-o—”•t$ ‰qê ç™mçmꇗ#ì• u—‘ txxm”: X#è —ê nmê‰êmë•s w•îrw•î$ ™w-
blind men! Which is greater: the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? There- éw y—•mêˆw, wç‡ —#è —ê y—•mêˆqë•s w•îrw•î$ ™wéw nmê‰êm•m”>: <dm!”
fore, he who swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it. And he who ‰qrw, ‡q‘zmì—#ê p™wê•qê qì imêwçqëw•qê, —ê ‡t o—ësî qê‡w•îw umomì—-
swears by the temple swears by it and by the one who dwells in it. And he who ê—ìuwì•t “mêp—ë mæåqì. p—#ìî ˜sî “é•qê, —ì “é•—‘•qê—ì• mx u—”x ˜sî émê$
swears by heaven swears by God's throne and by the one who sits on it. "Woe to —ê “é•q•:
you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the dm!” ‰qrw, ‡q‘zmì—#ê p™wê•qê qì imêwçqëw•qê, —ê ‡t xmísî m”-
cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! êw•qê—ì• é—ì•qêt, —ì wnê ™méê—ìm‡$ m‘ïuît ‡'qê‡mêsî. —ìçéw mìqxw#
First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. yçé—ìuqm“n ™wéw pmé—ìwî$$: dm!” ‰qrw, ‡q‘zmì—#ê p™wê•qê qì imêwçq-
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like ëw•qê, —ê ‡t –êåwî z—è —ì ëm“mî$ “s‡t •—êmˆmìmé t•qx—ì, qì qên txxm”$
rm”• ‰qr“s qꇗì m•om“ mìqxw oqˆq•w —êpw ‡'t•sî: dm!” ‰qrw, ‡—#”ê
whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of mæmå•—êp•qê, —ê ‡'tçsî. %X#è —ê qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s ém’mêw• èêm”$ nm• “t ˜s,
dead men's bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you ap- nm”ë —#è —ê qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s ém’mêw —ç‡ww#• èêm”$ ™mêémì—ê ‡'txxm”&:
pear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wicked- Uw“mê•q#ê —ì ‡—”êq#ê, —?êt “qz s, —ç‡w?•$ us ém’m#êt, —ê ‡t çênmë•s —ç-
ness. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build ‡w•: Vmqì ‡'tçsî. %X#è —ê qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s r—ˆmçq‘m•w• èêm”$ nm• “t ˜s,
tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. And you say, `If nm”ë —#è —ê qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s r—ˆmçq‘m•w• èêm”w t•zm”w#• èêm”$ ™mêémì—ê
we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them ‡'txxm”&: Uw“mê•q#ê —ì ‡—”êqê, —?êt “qz s, t•zm?•$ us r—ˆmçq‘m•t, —ê ‡t
in shedding the blood of the prophets.' So you testify against yourselves çênmë•s t•zm•: Xìêq“•, —#è —ê qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s r—ˆmçq‘m•w• èêm”, qêp—ì“
‡'t•s m•—ê èêm” —ì m•—ê èêm” ‚q‘mzƒ n—x—ê nm•qê—ì• èêm”:
Eì —#è —ê qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s ém’mêw• èêm”, qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s m•—ê èêm” —ì m•—ê that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the
“så n•m‡—‘w• èêm”: Eì —#è —ê qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s qê‡w•îw èêm”, qêp—ì“ ‡'t•s measure of the sin of your forefathers! "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will
Açé—ìz—” omˆw• èêm” —ì m•—ê èêm” nmr“—‘w• èêm”: dm!” ‰qrw, ‡q‘zmì— you escape being condemned to hell? Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise
#ê p™wê•qê qì imêwçqëw•qê, —ê ‡t è’mêsî m•m•—ìyw•, çm“wuw• —ì ˜m-
“m•w• émçm•—êpt, nm”ë ‡t u—‘—ìî kês•îw• mìqxw zm•ê nm•qêt$ wêmì—ì•- men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in
ît, ‡mêq‡ë—ìuwì•• —ì ˆmìméît. mç—#•î ™séî s t•swî, qì rm•—•î ˜‰oswî: your synagogues and pursue from town to town. And so upon you will come all the
O—#”ê mæmå•—êp•qê, —ê ‡t îm“sî “v‘—ì‡t —ì ‡t ‡xxsî —ì‘ét: dm!” ‰qrw, righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the
‡q‘zmì—#ê p™wê•qê qì imêwçqëw•qê, —ê ‡t “mîêsî omìmuw• —ì ™•m‡w• blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and
p—ìêçw# ‡—‘“t, nm”ë •qêçs• xqë—ì• q• ”mí–ém‡—ìuqm“n qì m•wêmì—ì- the altar. I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.
uqm“n: O—#”ê imêwçqëw, •my “mîês# omìmuw• —ì ™•m‡w• •qêçw# ‡—‘“t, —ê
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those
™sçrw m•—•ë p—ìêçw ‡—‘“• mx “mî—ìê txxm”: dm!” ‰qrw, ‡q‘zmì—#ê
p™wê•qê qì imêwçqëw•qê, —ê ‡t •“m•wî zqí—ìmz oqêqr“m••qê—ì, —ê—•î sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen
mêpmêqì p—ìêçs• oq‘qëw‡ ‡'qêqì•m•, nm”ë •qêçs• xqë—ì• q• “qæqx•qê—ì — gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. Look, your house
燗ê•qê—è —ì m“s• ‚éqçm‡ƒ m•“mîê—ìuqm“n: V—”•™sç p—ìî p—ìêçs• is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say,
mêpmê ‡'qêqì•mî “mêp—ë, wç‡ •qêçs• xw sî ‡q‘zmì—ê—ìuqm“n qì m•ïês-•— `Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'
ìuqm“n>: <dm!” ‰qrw, ‡q‘zmì—#ê p™wê•qê —ì imêwçqëw•qê, —ê ‡t ‡m-æ—
ìëm•sî “mêomês•qê—ì• ém™m••qêt qì ‡t rmêpmêsî mêpmê•qê—ì•
%Eus “qê ˆm”êqê—ì• ïêqêt txxm”w•î, m•—•ë ˆqé ‡m“m‡wë ˜sw•î Bible & Arm.Church-II Thurs of the month-in Armenian 8:00 pm.
txxmê “mêomês•qê—ì• mêwì•w• umí—ìqx—ì•&: Pqéqìmnmê p—#ìî ‡t è‡m”sî Bible & Arm. Church -Last Thurs of the month - English 7:30 pm
‰qê “mçw•, us —êpw•qê• sî m•—#•ë$ —ê ‡t ç™m••sw• “mêomês•qêt: Xìç- Bible & Arm. Church last Weds.@ month/English 1-3-pm Sr's.
éw p—#ìî mx ‰qê ˆm”êqê—ì• ˜mít xqë—ìësî: k‰q#ê, wvqê—#ì z•—ì•p•qê, FOG:UOR :U DASTIARAKCAKAN FAUAQ
w?•˜™sç ™wéw y—ìçmíwî oqˆq•w pmém™mêé—ìuq•s•: Xìçéw mˆm# qç ‡t S2 Girq 7 Fa]z2 A-ql2 :k;[;zi amsouan B2 :,2 \r;r5 Fa];rhn *1)) }M2
‘ê‡q“ ‰qrw “mêomês•qê qì w“mçé—ì••qê —ì p™wê•qê: A•—•ë“s ‚—“m•îƒ S2 Girq 7 Fa]z2 A-ql2 :k;[;zi amsouan w;r=in :,2 \r Angl;rhn &1#) }M2
™wéw ç™m••sî qì ym˜sî, —“m•î mx ™wéw ymêmrm•sî ‰qê v—‘—èmêm•- S2 Girq Fa]z2 A-ql2 :k;[;zi amsoun w;r=in D,2 \r M;/afasakn;ri !1)) }2M2
•qê—ì• “så —ì ˆmxmzsî îm‘mîs îm‘mî: Xê™sçrw ‰qê èêm” om” qê‡êw èêm”
umí—ìmz m“n—‘å mêpmê mêwì•t, mêpmê Ansxw mêwì•s• “w•˜qì Bmêm- M:? PAFOZ <R+ANI VAMAKARGOUJIUNQ
îwm”w —êpww•$ Fmîmêwm”w mêwì•t, —ê ç™m••qëwî ém’mêw• qì r—ˆmçq- A-au\t;an Vam;rgoujiun (1#) K2A2
‘m•w• “wåqì: S–“m#êém™sç ‡t ”m”émêmêq“ ‰qrw. %A”ç n—x—ê nm•qêt Jiu S2 Patarag !)1)) K2A2
™wéw om• m”ç çqê—ì•pw• èêm”&>: Fravarimq !)1$% K2A2
Ar;uagal !!1)) K2A2
<X#è Eê—ìçm‘s!“, Eê—ìçm‘s!“, —ê ‡t ç™m••swê “mêomês•qêt —ì ‡t
Qarox !@1)) Khs\r
îmꇗzswê îqrw ‘ꇗìmz•qêt. îm•w! m•om“ —ìrqëw ˆmìmîqx rmìm‡- •qêp,
w•˜™sç ˆmìt uqìqê—ì• ém‡ ‡t ˆmìmîs wê ‰moqêt, nm”ë p—ìî ˜—ì-rqëwî: Fog;fangist !@1@%
@1@% }2M2
Aˆm# ‰qê é—ì•t m“m”w ™wéw “•m” ‰qrw: Aêpmêqì ‡'tçq“ ‰qrw us m#x FSKMAN ARARO{OUJIUN
mç‡s qéî ™wéw ˜éqç•sî rwç$ “w•˜qì —ê tçsî. %kꈕqm!x s m#•$ —ê ‡—ì om”
esê—å m•—ì•—è&>: Amhn Cor;q,abji :r;ko];an Vame4 &1))6*1#) Apa4 *1$%6in4 M;/ Pafoz Enjriq
X2 Kiraki M;/ Pafoz 44Galst;an33 Mart (5 )*
?A{KAXARD Mart !^5 )*
TODAY THE WORD OF GOD COMES TO US ACCORDING TO Ja'\r :k;[;zuo] mh= 6 ,our=e apa4 D-nbazhqi araro[oujiun
ST. MATTHEW 22:34-46 and 23:1-39 SOURB XATIK Mart @#5 )*
Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. COMING EVENTS
One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is CHURCH SERVICES DURING LENT SEASON 6 FOR SIX SUNDAYS
the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " `Love the Lord your God Morning Service 9:30 A.M.
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first Recitative Divine Liturgy 10:00 A.M.
and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbor as your- Penitential Service 10:45 A.M.
self.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." While Sunrise Service 11:00 A.M.
the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, "What do you think about Sermon bi-lingual 12:00 Noon
the Christ? Whose son is he?" "The son of David," they replied. He said to them, Requiem Service 12:25 P.M.
Wednesday Nights 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. S2 }AKOB FA}Z2 A_QL2 :K:{:ZI
Followed by Lenten dinner served by St. James Alter Guild members - Pot-luck ST. JAMES ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH
6th Sunday of the Lent (Advent) March 9, 08 Archpriest Rev. Father Arshag Khatchadourian, Parish Priest
PALM SUNDAY March 16, 08 4950 W. Slauson Ave., L.A. CA 90056 Tel. (323) 295-4588- FAX (323) 295-1883
Procession in the Church with the children. Followed by the opening of the door service. Office Hours Monday thru Friday 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
EASTER SUNDAY March 23, 08 E-mail:
See today's Sunday Bulletin and Links:)
Come join the fun!
Easter Egg Dyeing Choereg Baking
On Saturday March 22, 2008 (Day before Easter) 10:00 a.m. – 12
Noon Please join us for a fun morning of activities for the entire family.
Dye Easter eggs, make and bake Easter choereg, and meet and get
acquainted with the St. James Church School families. Spread the word! If
you have friends with children or family who would enjoy this activity,
please personally invite them to this special event and fun activity. Spon-
sored by the St. James Armenian Church School.
$5 donation per participant includes eggs to dye

choereg to bake!
Event is open to every one of all ages!
Palm Sunday Procession


FOR: Sultanian, Egikian and Ozan
BY: Piere and Suzan Piponniau, Alice Ozan, Pierre Jr. and Linda
Piponiau, Nadia Eftadal and Jeniffer Piponiau


The funeral Services for Mrs. Mary Balian will take place on Mon-
day, March 10, 2008 at St. James Armenian Church at 11:00 A.M. The
MART (5 @))*
Interment service at Inglewood Park Cemetery. Memorial luncheon “Hoke-
jash” at John Gogian Hall by St. James Ladies Society. In lieu of flowers SUNDAY BULLETIN
donations to St. James Armenian Church. May God bless her soul and give
comfort to the family members. Amen. MARCH 9, 2008
?A{KAXARD KIRAKI Mart !^ @))* Palm Sunday March 16, 2008
A-au\t;an Vam;rgoujiun (1#) K2A2 !)1)) K2A2 Morning Services 9:30 am - 10:00 am
S2 Patarag !)1)) K2A2 Divine Liturgy - “Soorp Badarak” 10:00 am
S2 }a[ordoujioun !!1#) K2A2 Holy Communion 11:30 am
Banin K;naz Qarox !!1$% K2A2 By-lingual Sermon 11:45 am
Donbazhq ];t S2 Pataragi !@1)) Khs\r St. James School children procession with olive/palm branches.12:00 pm
'oqrikn;row ja'\r ;k;[;zuo] mh= 7 ,our=e5 fousk apa4 Ph]q Sh]l6i waya- Great and Holy Thursday March 20, 2008
q1 Remembrance of the Last Supper and Passing of our Lord Christ
AUAG FING<ABJI Mart @)5 @))* a. Morning Services 9:30 am - 10:00 am
A-au\t;an Vam;rgoujiun (1#) K2A2 !)1)) K2A2 Divine Liturgy - “Soorp Badarak” 10:00 am
S2 Patarag !)1)) K2A2 Followed by Luncheon by Ladies Society 12:00 pm
};t S2 Pataragi 'oqr4 pafoz ya, Tiknanz Miouj;an ko[mh1 b. Washing of Feet Service (children age under 12) 7:00 pm
Otnloua] :r;ko];an Vame4 &1))6 in c. Betrayal and Passion of our Lord - “Khavaroom” 8:00 pm
>auarman Karg :r;ko];an Vame4 *1))6 in Flowers will be accepted on Thursday morning!
AUAG OURBAJ Mart @!5 @))* Good Friday March 21, 2008
Karg Ja[man :r;ko];an Vame4 &1))6 i Entombment of our Lord - “Taghoom” 7:00 pm
Karg Carcaranaz ;u >ac;louj;an
G;r;xmani /a[ikn;re khs\rh a-a= vame4 !)1))6hn a-a= ;k;[;zi fasa/ Easter Eve - Holy Saturday – Djrakalooytz March 22 , 2008
phtq h ellan1 Evening Services and Reading of Daniel’s Book 7:00 pm
Easter Eve Liturgy - “Jurakalouyts Badarak” 7:30 pm
@@5 @))* Following the Church Services Pot-luck 9:30 pm
:r;ko];an Vam;rgoujiun Vame4 &1)) }2M2
Danihli Girqi enj;rzoum Vame4 &1#) }2M2 Easter Resurrection Sunday March 23, 2008
Yragalo]z S2 Patarag\nak Vame4 (1#) }2M2 Morning Service - “Matins” 9:30 am - 10:00 am
Vame4 (1#)6i 44Baj Laq44 Divine Liturgy - “Soorp Badarak” 10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Holy Communion 11:30 am
SOURB XATIK Mart @#5 @))* By-lingual Sermon 11:45 am
A-au\t;an Vam;rgoujiun (1#) K2A2 !)1)) K2A2 Blessing of Four Corners of the World Service - “Antasdan” 12:15 pm.
S2 ;u Anmaf Patarag !)1)) K2A2
S2 Fa[ordoujiun !!1#) K2A2
Banin K;naz Qarox !!1$% K2A2
Andastan !@1!% Khs\r Dear parishioners and Armenian faithful,
We wish you a Happy Easter and on the occasion of our Lord’s Trium-
Sir;li bar;pa,t vo[owourd fa]oz5 phant Resurrection from the dead and we greet each other with the greatest love
story ever told:
M;r Tiro= }isous Qristosi fra,a'a- S2 }arouj;an T\nin Christ is risen from the dead. Blessed is the resurrection of Christ.
a-ijow ~;x ke ma[j;nq ar;u,atoujiun5 qa=a-o[=oujiun 7 ;r=an6
koujiun1 S2 Xatkouan a-ijow xirar ,norfauor;nq es;low4 We extend our best wishes for a healthy and prosperous Holy Season.
QRISTOS }AR:AU I M:_:LOZ |RFN:AL H }AROUJIUNN QRISTOSI Krisdos Haryav ee merelotz. Orhnyal eh haroutiunn Krisdosi

Fog;uor Fowiu 7 ?.akan >orfourd Parish Priest and Parish Council


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