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November 23-24, 2009

Dear Families,
We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving break and enjoys spending time with
family. From now until winter break we will be using small group time to review skills
we’ve already been working on and assess progress each child has made since the
beginning of school. No enrichment this week. Make sure your child has returned their
library book so they’ll be able to check one out after break.
Mrs. Mayer will be having her Winter Program Tuesday the 15th at 6:00 pm for
Preschool-2nd grade. Doors will open at 5:30 pm, and students will need to report to their
classroom by 5:45 pm. She will be sending home a letter soon explaining the program.
Also, last year we had our second Holiday Brunch (technically a breakfast but we
combine both classes to come together and eat with family/friends, participate in
activities/crafts, and perform a few holiday songs for everyone). The breakfast will be on
the 17th at 8:30 am in the cafeteria. There will be no afternoon preschool that day because
we will all be together at the same time. Details for that will be coming home next week.

*Don’t forget to check out the classroom blog:

(There is a slideshow of some of the pictures we’ve taken on our class blog )

Important Dates:
Nov. 25-27th- NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)
Dec. 9th- Early Release Day (NO PRESCHOOL)
Dec. 15th- Winter Program at 6:00pm
Dec. 17th- Holiday Brunch at 8:30 am with both classes
Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!
Ms. Sara, Ms. Mary, and Ms. Teresa
Nov. 23-24, 2009
Student of the Week: AM- Scarlet; PM- Breydon
Monday Tuesday
Arts and 3-D art Free choice
Language Stringing colored Build and
Arts/Fine pasta write word
Motor center
Math Where’s turkey Shape sorting
concept books
Science/Social Animal Mystery
Studies encyclopedias socks
Health Exhibit social Exhibit social
Education cooperation cooperation

Small Group Review review

Circle Time 2nd step lesson The Story of
Dramatic Play: Housekeeping, Blocks: General, Sensory Table: pasta, Easel: water colors
Kentucky Early Childhood Standards (goals we will focus on through activities above)
Arts and Humanities:
Develop skills in appreciation of music
Language Arts:
1.2 Uses spoken language for a variety of purposes 3.2 Shows an understanding of the basic
concepts and conventions of print
Physical Education (fine/gross motor skills):
1.2 Performs a variety of locomotor skills with control and balance; 1.5 Performs fine motor
skills using eye-hand coordination
Health Education:
Exhibits social cooperation
Recognizes and describes shapes and spatial relationships
Asks simple scientific questions that can be answered with exploration
Social Studies:
Understands the roles and relationships within his/her family

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