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Gabriella Whited
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
This image depicts the setting where Chillapi will settle, grow, and thrive.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
As I take a step into the snowy wonderland, my
feet are slowly sinking into the soft snow; it feels
as if cotton candy is wrapping around my toes.
Suddenly a strike of chill runs up my spine as if
Jack Frost is me with a bolt of ice. I feel a burning
sensation in my lip I quickly swipe the rough,
chapped, bloody, surface and am alarmed with
the taste of blood in my mouth. The howling of
the wind and the sight of the monster canyons of
cliffs reminds me that Im in no wonderland. In
fact Im in the most barren climate. It seems as if
Ive landed on the North Pole and if I just walked
a few more steps I could reach Santas workshop.
But in this case, its deceiving scenery. Im not
even close to reaching that fantasy, with the disas-
trous weather and no soil in sight, its nearly im-
possible to grow crops. Suddenly a hard, pointy
object falls out of the sky and hits my head. The
world turns black. I awaken from almost being fro-
zen to death and realize that a falling pinecone hit
me. The snow crystals on the pine leaves and the
smell of raw wood soothe me. Even though the
whole environment is covered in a blanket of
snow; the sound of the birds calls echoing
through the canyons are telling me that there is
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
A modication is a change made to the physical environment to suit a civilizations needs. In Mind craft I modied the land by cutting
down trees and using their wood to build a garden to grow crops in Chillapis harsh weather.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Part I analysis of the problem
The rst stem in building a successful civilization
is to secure basic needs such as food, shelter and
clothing. Due to its geography, the major chal-
lenges the civilization of Chillapi faces in achiev-
ing a basic food supply and water including the
following. 1 The snowy mountains are a very
hard environment to survive in. Firstly, the
Figure 1.1
Human Changes to the Land
The land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth ghting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts".....Gerald
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
ground is hard as rock and there is no soil to grow
crops, making it nearly impossible to farm. Since
the weather is freezing cold, theres not a large va-
riety of animals to hunt, and there is no way any
crops could survive in this weather. Its also ex-
tremely difcult to make and mend our own tools
let alone capture and kill animals. If our society
doesnt nd a solution to the lack of food, our civi-
lization will crumble and will die from starvation.
2 Another element that is essential to surviving in
the mountains is water. In this snowy, bitter cold
environment we are surrounded by water, but in a
solid form, making it very hard to clean and ac-
cess water easily. If we made a re and melted the
snow, that could work, but where would we put
the water? There are no container stores in Chil-
lapi. If our society is going to thrive, we will need
a stable water supply, which includes a storage
space that is very challenging to make. If Chillapi
doesnt get our act together and gure of out the
solutions to our water issues, then we will be eat-
ing snow until our lips are sealed together.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Part II- Proposed solutions
A modication is a change made to the physical
environment to suit a civilizations needs. If Chil-
lapi wants to become a civilized society, we must
me able to modify the area so that we can access
food and water. An example of modication is the
use of earth steps for room to farm and grow
crops. In this case the farmer had to physically
modify the environment by using his resources to
build a structure that is suitable to farm.
One of the main problems in Chillapi is farming.
The ground is rock hard and the soil is buried 50
feet deep in snow. Just like the Arabs and Greeks
farming wasnt easy in mountainous land. Even in
the plains and valleys, the land was rocky and wa-
ter was scarce (Frey 249). If Chillapi wants to
thrive we are going to have to build a garden
house, which would contain soil and plant seeds,
when its sunny we will leave the roof to the gar-
den house open, and when its snowing we will
close the roof. Farmers in the mountains relied on
many different crops. They grew fruits, like mel-
ons and pomegranates because theses fruits can
survive in this climate (Frey 79). Our meat supply
we would contain of goat and sheep because in-
stead of cattle, which need lots of at land for
grazing, the Greeks raised sheep and goats,
which can graze on the side of mountains (Frey
Another important problem is that Chillapi
needs to nd a solution to its water. Our civiliza-
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
tion is literally surrounded by water, but its not
very easy to access because its in a solid form.
The only possible way for our civilization to have
a stable water supply is, to convert our solid form
of water to a liquid by melting the water with a
re. After we transferred the water into a liquid
form we would have to store it somewhere, in this
case a well. By using our recourses we would dig
a 5 feet wide and ve feet long well and build a
cover so the water would be protected and would
be clean. Just like the Arabs that lived in the Oa-
ses, we would conserve rainwater in canals and
reservoirs (Frey 78). By making these modica-
tions our civilization will go from surviving to
Here is a picture of chillapi making modications to the envi-
ronment by creating a crop house.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Law and Government
Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty, by Ronald Reagan :Brai-
nyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Part I- Lessons on democracy
Developing a system of democratic government
that will maintain peace, order, and stability
throughout you civilization is essential in your so-
ciety. In the process of developing a strong gov-
ernment its necessary to decided what types of
governments are the best. The Athenian system
of government is a great example of equality, al-
Figure 2.1
Maintaining Civil Order
The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave by: Thomas Jefferson BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
though they say each citizen has equity it isnt
true. Frey 261 All men over the age of 18 who
were born in Athens were and Athenian citizen,
but women and slaves were not. Even though
not everyone had a part in the government most
people did, and they established a council of 500.
500 randomly chosen citizens over the age of that
created laws. Every 10 days the Athenian assem-
bly, made up of 6,000 or more citizens, debated
whether laws could pass or not. I think this sys-
tem would work well in Chillapi, but instead of
women not having a say everyone should have a
say and slaves wouldnt exist.
The council of elders (created by the Spar-
tans) where 2 kings ran and 28 Spartan men over
18 year or older ruled. The 2 kings decided on the
laws and the 28 Spartan men would approve if it
could pass or not. This is a good system but I be-
lieve the Athenian system was ran a better system
than the Spartans, because there is more freedom.
The Spartans also used Oligarchy in their govern-
ment, which would never pass in our civilization,
because on page 265 it states, An oligarchy is in
the ruling power of a few hands, the Spartans had
an assembly but mostly, decisions were made by a
much smaller group called the council of elders.
Also a Chillapi citizen wouldnt have to be 28 year
or older and serve in the military like a Spartan
In Ancient Rome there were two sides in their
civilization the plebeians and the patricians. Frey
317 examines Power in the early republic be-
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
longed to rich men called the patricians, and the
plebeians had no say in the government. The pa-
tricians changed laws to benet their needs, and
also to make a plebeian look bad. Plebeians got
tiered of the unfairness in the government and
went on strike and left the city and camped on a
nearby hill to show the patricians how much they
really needed them. This was known as the con-
ict of orders, the patricians decided there city
would corrupt if they didnt have the plebeians,
so they gave them rights, and opportunities to be
senates or part of a consul, and wrote down a
code of laws known as the twelve tables. In our
civilization I think its necessary for everyone to
have equal rights and a chance to be leader in the
government, plebeians and patricians wouldnt ex-
ist and laws would be written down. The Ro-
mans, Spartans, and Athenians have showed us
what a good and bad government looks like,
thanks to them we can start ours.
Part II - Code of law
Establishing a code of for any society is essential.
The rst written laws were Hammurabis Code,
which were created in the early 1700s B.C.E by
this infamous Babylonian king. Since our civiliza-
tion is successful and thriving ,it is necessary to
create laws. Without them our society will crum-
ble, murderers will kill, burglars will steal, and
chaos will rise. Threats to our society include:
abuse against women, children, and animals, ine-
quality, bribery, murder, stealing, and misuse of
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
weapons. To prevent these threats in Chillapi our
civilization has created a code of laws.
Laws & Punishments of Chillapi include;
I. If you are accused of abusing a living thing,
youre sent to jail for 5 10 years depending
II. Everyone has equality, if treated unequal the
aggressor shall go to court
III. If you murder intentionally, you shall be
IV. Burglars have to pay twice as much as they
steal, plus three years of jail
V. Bribery shall be punished
VI. Leader must give each citizen protection or
power will be limited
Hammurabis code con-
tained rules that were
rather harsh, and punish-
ment was based on relig-
ion. Instead of having
court Hammurabi de-
In ancient Babylonia to determine wether someone was guilty the vic-
tim would jump in the river and if they drowned they were guilty and
if they swam they were innocent.
Hammurabis code was the rst set of written laws
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
cided that the aggressor that is witnessed stealing,
murdering, or violating laws, should jump in the
river, if he drowns hes guilty but if he swims hes
innocent. I believe that the modern day court is a
much more effective and sophisticated. Hammu-
rabis rules are a great example of a negative qui
pro quo, and is based on revenge. It seems as if
Hammurabi did not care as much about the chil-
dren and women and there is evidence of a lot of
inequality. In Chillapi everyone is equally treated,
and court will decide whether someone is guilty
or not. The twelve tables consist of many laws
that are fair and are a better set of rules to follow
than Hammurabis code, but of course not every
law can be decent. The rule that states plebeians
cannot marry partisans is a very unfair law. In
Chillapi citizens shall be allowed to marry whom
they love. In Ancient Rome they believed that if a
baby is deformed at birth it should be killed. Chil-
lapi would never pass this law, taking away a
childs life just because of a disability is cruel, and
they can still be successful and live a happy life.
Both these set of laws have taught Chillapi, what
good and bad laws look like, now we can estab-
lish our own set of laws.
Part III - Political Leadership Lessons
from Julius Caesar

Just like in Rome
Chillapi has
made hot tubs
open to the pub-
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Julius Caesar has taught our civilizations many
things, but the most important thing that he has
taught is not to get assassinated. If you are leader
and you dont want your civilization to rebel
against you in one year of ruling then you might
as well make everyone like you and try to make
your citizens happy. Julius Caesar took considera-
tion of the poor by allowing them to see gladiator
shows for free, opening more jobs, and lowering
the amount of slaves. The plebeians and the
slaves were very thankful and happy about his de-
cisions but the patricians were very mad because
they were losing there source of unpaid labors.
Most of the laws he made applied better for the
plebeians than the patricians. He took over many
countries and allowed the people of those coun-
tries to become Roman citizens.

The people of rome were not pleased, they felt
power was getting to his head and Caesar would
destroy the reputation of rome and ruin their de-
mocracy. After a year of Caesar ruling he was mur-
This statue captures the moment of Julius Caesar excepting the offer be
dictator and rule Rome in 49 BC.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
dered. Our civilization has learned that you cant
make half the people in your society hate you, in-
stead of making laws that benet only 50% of
your people, make laws that benet everyone.
(Julius Caesars Rule as Dictator.)
IV- Political Leadership Lessons from

Augustus was one of the greatest rulers of
rome, he ruled with intelligence and integrity, af-
ter he died the people voted him one of the best
kings in rome. But was Augustus really the best
ruler of rome? Augustus childhood wasnt easy he
was born in a civil war, was poor, and lost his fa-
This is a statue of Augustus declaring himself king in 44 BC
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
ther. It was a few years before his life changed
when Julius Caesar declared him his stepson. At
19 Julius Caesar died and it was Augustuss duty
to be the next leader of rome. If it wasnt for the
ooding, thunderstorms, and haleys comet then
the citizens of rome wouldnt have forced the sen-
ate to vote Augustus supreme emperor. Augustus
ruled wisely he restored 82 temples to show that
he wasnt the most powerful gure and in Order
From Chaos he promised to restore peace and securi-
ty(pax Romana). To distract the plebeians he pro-
vided them free entertainment by bringing exotic
animals into the theater to ght the gladiators.
Augustus made sure the rome thought of him as a
normal citizen by living a modest life. In Order
From Chaos it states Augustus slept on a bad bed,
didnt eat delicacies, and didnt use all the worthy pleas-
ures he had. Some things Augustus Caesar didnt
to well in his time of ruling is he congratulated
the families that have lots of children by lowering
taxes, and exterminated citizens that cheated on
their husbands or wifes. In Order Of Chaos it ex-
claims that Augustus made family matters such as
marriage, divorce, and child-rearing public by having
laws passed to promote marriage and childbearing.
Chillapi can learn from Augustus time in power
that in ruling a society you want to make sure you
that you dont bother with citizens easily or make
laws that only apply to 50% of the people. In Chil-
lapi a leader wouldnt be allowed to not let unmar-
ried couples inherit land, but married couples
with kids shall be rewarded by lowering taxes.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
The most important thing Chillapi has learned
from Augustus is that a leader must make deci-
sion that benet most people and make everyone
in your society pleased with your ruling.
Lessons Learned From The Decline of
The Western Roman Empire
One of the main problems for the decline of
the Western Roman Empire was Unemployment.
During the later years of the empire farming be-
came very popular and was done on large land
that was owned by wealthy men. Farmers who
couldnt produce goods had to pay workmen to
help maintain their crops, but many farmer
couldnt afford to grow crops on landowners prop-
erty and sold or lost their farms. Their were not
many jobs in rome, and farming was the main job
but since many farmers werent getting paid
enough money and couldnt produce crops as
well as the wealthy farmers they lost their land.
Another major problem in the Western Roman Em-
pire was Political Corruption. A very difcult de-
cision the romans had to made was decided who
was going to rule the city. The romans never
made an effective system to determine who was
going to be emperor the choice was always made
between the old emperor, the Senate, the Praeto-
rian Guard, and the army. Throughout 100 years
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
there were 37 different emperors who ruled rome
and 25 of the emperors were removed from their
position by assassination. Both of Unemployment
and Political Corruption contributed to the overall
weakness of the empire.
Chillapi has learned from the western roman
empire that providing lots of jobs is essential to
prevent corruption in our city. The main business
in the Western Roman Empire was farming, over
a thousand people worked in this business caus-
ing lots of competition between farmers and hun-
dreds of people to lose their job. In Chillapi their
would be offer 70 different job offerings to pre-
vent unemployment. Another thing Chillapi has
learned from the Western Roman Empire is to cre-
ate an effective systematic way to select an em-
peror. Instead of having the old emperors and peo-
ple part of the government chose the leader we
would develop a representative democracy
where people would run for emperor and the citi-
zens would vote on the best tted leader for Chil-
lapi. To prevent Corruption in Chillapi we will
make sure the citizens will have a say in who is
the leader of their country, their will be lots of
jobs, and the government will make sure to build
nice and safe houses for the citizens to purchase.
(The decline of the Western Roman Empire)

Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
This picture shows corruption occurring in ancient Rome, war has broke
out and chaos has risen because of political corruption and unemploy-
Gallery 3.1
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself by:Swami Vivekananda
Belief Systems
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
A belief system is important to a civilization
because religion and belief shapes the way of citi-
zens thoughts, teaches right from wrong, and
gives direction. You could think of a belief sys-
tem like a mother, they teach you right from
wrong. A civilization that doesnt have a belief
Just as a candle cannot burn without re, men cannot live without a spiritual life - Buddha.
Impact of Belief Systems
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
system is like a kid not having a mother. Without
a path to follow citizens wont know right from
wrong and chaos will break out. A belief system
teaches you the values in life and what to treasure
and respect. In Confucianism they belief that it is
essential to respect your elders, in Hinduism they
belief that if you do good things good things will
come back to you which is referred to karma, and
in Buddhism they belief that you shouldnt work
in a job that kills or harms living creatures. A be-
lief system shapes your morals and teaches you
how to act in certain dilemmas. A belief system is
very important because it teaches a way of life
and it prevents citizens from ghting over relig-
In order to further understand the importance
of a belief system on society, and their inuence
on their followers, ac-knowledge the moral di-
lemma below:
Joe is a
boy who wanted to
go to camp very
much. His father
promised him he
could go if he saved
up the money for it
himself. So Joe
worked hard at his
paper route and
saved up the $40
Above is a picture of a statue of buddha
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
dollars it cost to go to camp, and a little more besides.
But just before camp was going to start, his father
changed his mind. Some of his fathers friends decided
to go on a special shing trip, and Joe's father was
short of the money it would cost. So he told Joe to give
him the money he had saved from the paper route. Joe
didn't want to give up going to camp, so he thinks of
refusing to give his father the money.

If Joe was a Hindu he would obey is father be-
cause even though his father broke the promise
Hindus belief in Karma which is made up of all
the good and evil that person had done in past
lives. If joe gives the money to his father then his
Karma will stay positive because hes doing a gen-
erous thing. Also if you do good and generous
things in you life youll be rewarded in the after-
life and your Karma will be good, but if you do
bad and evil things in your life you will be pun-
ished and you will have bad Karma. Dharma is
also a very important idea in Hinduism, Dharma
stand for law, obligation, and duty. There for it is
Joes duty to respect his father, since his father
brought him life.
If Joe practiced Buddhism joe would disobey
his father because, Buddhist follow the eightfold
path and in the eightfold path it states never to
harm an animal. If Joe gave the money to his fa-
ther he would be technically paying his father to
go on a trip to kill sh and in this dilemma a Bud-
dhist wouldn't approve. Buddhist also believe in
the Four Noble Truths, and in the Four Noble
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Truths is states that to end suffering you must
give up all lifes cravings. Even though Joe really
wants to go to the camp he worked for his money,
and his father broke a promise so his father
doesnt deserve Joes money.
In this delima if joe was a Confucianist he would
obey is father because Confucianist believe that
you always have to respect your elders. Confu-
cianism is based on the teachings of Confucius, he
wanted to teach men of good character and he
taught men how to respect others. According to
Confucianism there are 5 basic relationships :
ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and
son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend
and friend. He taught them that they must respect
each other and their elders. He stated in his teach-
ings do not do to others what you would not want
done to you referred to as (The Golden Rule). In
this situation joe would be in a father and son
situation and since he is a confusions he would re-
spect his elders and pay his father the money to
go on the shing trip.
A belief system is important to a civilization
because religion and belief shapes the way of citi-
zens thoughts, teaches right from wrong, and
gives direction. By having a belief system it
teaches you how to behave in a moral dilemma. If
you didnt practice a belief or a religion you
wouldnt know how to behave in a dilemma. A be-
lief system teaches you the values in life and
what to treasure and respect and shows people a
path or direction to help lead them through strug-
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
gles in life. In conclusion a belief system is neces-
sary in a successful situation, by having a path or
direction to follow it will prevent chaos.
Belief Systems of Chillapi
In an effort to create a successful civilization,
the people of Chillapi have established their own
belief system. It shares similar religious beliefs
and teachings with other world religions and
helps the people of Chillapi live with strong moral
values. Here are some examples:
Shanti represents equality. We believe that
every citizen should be treated equally and that
each citizen should learn to embraces their differ-
ences and their similarities. Chillapi has learned
that anger and jealousy is present in all citizens
personality. Wealth and talent can cause jealousy
and anger but by practicing shanti is can prevent
these feelings because we believe that we are all
the sons and daughters of are creator god, we
believe that its important to embrace your talents
and personalities, and believe that we should treat
each other they way we want to be treated. Shanti
relates to Confucianism because on frey 208 it
states that Confucius taught to treat others the
way you want to be treated. By promoting this
statement it can prevent inequality, because if
every citizens treats others the way they want to
be treated, then it can prevent jealousy and anger
which will lead to equality. Shanti will help are
citizens nd purpose in life and will guid them to-
wards the right thinking.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Lacat is also another important value in Chil-
lapi it represent respect. Chillapi believes that are
citizens should learn to respect themselves and
others. Without respect a civilization cant func-
tion, there needs to be peace and happiness in a so-
ciety and respect carries those values. Are citizens
will practice respect by participating in Nema.
Nema occurs on sunday every month and at
dawn citizens are required to pray and be thank-
ful for what god has given them, also they must
pray after sunset and apologize for the sins they
have done in the past weeks. Respect is very im-
portant in our civilization but there is one civiliza-
tion that is shaped around this moral which is
Confucianism. On frey 208 it states The goal of
Confucianism was a peaceful society, so he taught
citizens to respect each other and act based open
their roles and relationships with others. I be-
lieve that respect will help Chillapi because our
citizens will learn to respect each other and them-
selves and by being in an environment like so it
will abridge respect.
And our last value is Mahad which represents
non violence. Our society believes that all citizens
must act non violent towards others, and respect
the way of life and be thankful that were all here
today. Our citizens will practice non violence by
going to church every mondays to practice ushi.
Ushi is where you write about something you are
mad about or dislike, and you through the piece
of paper in the spiritual re to represent the bad
thoughts being burned till they disintegrate. After
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
this process we go into an hour of mediation to
clear are minds from stress and anger. After media-
tion we make vow to never be violent towards oth-
ers and that you will always but your friends and
families life before yours. By clearing the brain
from angry thoughts it will help prevent the urge
to take out are anger and stress on others and will
keep are civilization peaceful. Just like Hindus we
believe to respect all life forms of frey 148 it states
Hindus believe that all life forms have a soul so
they belief it is a sin to harm any living thing. It
will help our civilization from violence and keep
our society peaceful.
A place where my citizens can show respect, equal-
ity, and nonviolence is my sacred place called
suja. There is a large innity pool at the top of a
mountain that leads into another pool at the end
of the waterfall. It represents respect because only
elders are allowed in the innity pool and the
other citizens rest in the other pool and it shows
respect because you look up to the elders. Also
next to the lower ground pool there is a temple
where citizens sacrice their priced possessions
and every citizen is required to do this and it rep-
resents equality because everyone has to make a
sacrice. It also represents because before you
leave the temple you make a vow that you will
not harm anything living thin in your life time,
and once youve made that vow you can leave the
temple. Suja will help our civilization become
more peaceful because it promotes all of our three
moral values.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Impact of Belief Systems In Medieval
The roman catholicchurchwas very impor-
tant in themiddle ages, the popes told theciti-
zensthat if they came to the church and
practicedthe 7sacramentsthey would reach salva-
tion. The church told the people that if there lives
were bad at the time they would be good when
they where in heaven if they obeyed and didex-
actly what the church said. In themedievaltimes
the church was as important as the kings and
queens. The church owned 1/3 of all land and col-
lected 1/10 of all income, and power struggles
were common between thekingand the
pope.Thechurchbelievedthat everyone should
learn the life ofMonasticism(devoted to religion),
andThe church wasbased upon salvation and the
popes declared that the only way to reach salva-
tion was to follow the
7sacraments:Baptism,Conrmation (belief in
God and Church), Eucharist (eat bread and drink
wine), Marriage (optional), Holy orders (op-
tional), Penance (confession), and Extreme Unc-
tion (blessing when sick or dying).
The church also educated the people about
Christ's story and taughtthem how to read and
write, all the people that worked at the church
were clergies whichmeantthat they were literate.
Monks who worked at the church provided educa-
tion for kids and once more and more kids
wanted to be educated the monks had to create a
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
university.Overallthe church had a very bigim-
pactonmedievallife and most people's lives were
devoted to the church
How did the Roman Catholic Church in-
uence peoples belief and lives in Me-
dieval Europe.
The roman catholic church was very important in
the middle ages, the popes told the citizens that if
they came to the church and practiced the 7 sacra-
ments they would reach salvation. The church
told the people that if there lives were bad at the
time they would be good when they where in
heaven if they obeyed and did exactly what the
church said. In the medieval times the church was
as important as the kings and queens. The church
owned 1/3 of all land and collected 1/10 of all in-
come, and power struggles were common be-
tween the king and the pope. The church believed
that everyone should learn the life of Monasti-
cism(devoted to religion), and The church was
based upon salvation and the popes declared that
the only way to reach salvation was to follow the
7 sacraments: Baptism,Conrmation (belief in
God and Church), Eucharist (eat bread and drink
wine), Marriage (optional), Holy orders (op-
tional), Penance (confession), and Extreme Unc-
tion (blessing when sick or dying).
The church also educated the people about
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Christ's story and taught them how to read and
write, all the people that worked at the church
were clergies which meant that they were literate.
Monks who worked at the church provided edu-
cation for kids and once more and more kids
wanted to be educated the monks had to create a
university. Overall the church had a very big im-
pact on medieval life and most people's lives were
devoted to the church
Belief System Of Chillapi
In an effort to create a successful civilization,
the people of Chillapi have established their own
belief system. It shares similar religious beliefs
and teachings with other world religions and
helps the people of Chillapi live with strong moral
values. Here are some examples:
Shanti represents equality. We believe that
every citizen should be treated equally and that
each citizen should learn to embraces their differ-
ences and their similarities. Chillapi has learned
that anger and jealousy is present in all citizens
This a picture of one of the many catholic churches in rome.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
personality. Wealth and talent can cause jealousy
and anger but by practicing shanti is can prevent
these feelings because we believe that we are all
the sons and daughters of are creator god, we
believe that its important to embrace your talents
and personalities, and believe that we should treat
each other they way we want to be treated. Shanti
relates to Confucianism because on frey 208 it
states that Confucius taught to treat others the
way you want to be treated. By promoting this
statement it can prevent inequality, because if
every citizens treats others the way they want to
be treated, then it can prevent jealousy and anger
which will lead to equality. Shanti will help are
citizens nd purpose in life and will guid them to-
wards the right thinking.
Lacat is also another important value in Chil-
lapi it represent respect. Chillapi believes that are
citizens should learn to respect themselves and
others. Without respect a civilization cant func-
tion, there needs to be peace and happiness in a so-
ciety and respect carries those values. Are citizens
will practice respect by participating in Nema.
Nema occurs on sunday every month and at
dawn citizens are required to pray and be thank-
ful for what god has given them, also they must
pray after sunset and apologize for the sins they
have done in the past weeks. Respect is very im-
portant in our civilization but there is one civiliza-
tion that is shaped around this moral which is
Confucianism. On frey 208 it states The goal of
Confucianism was a peaceful society, so he taught
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
citizens to respect each other and act based open
their roles and relationships with others. I be-
lieve that respect will help Chillapi because our
citizens will learn to respect each other and them-
selves and by being in an environment like so it
will abridge respect.
And our last value is Mahad which represents
non violence. Our society believes that all citizens
must act non violent towards others, and respect
the way of life and be thankful that were all here
today. Our citizens will practice non violence by
going to church every mondays to practice ushi.
Ushi is where you write about something you are
mad about or dislike, and you through the piece
of paper in the spiritual re to represent the bad
thoughts being burned till they disintegrate. After
this process we go into an hour of meditation to
clear are minds from stress and anger. After media-
tion we make vow to never be violent towards oth-
ers and that you will always but your friends and
families life before yours. By clearing the brain
from angry thoughts it will help prevent the urge
to take out are anger and stress on others and will
keep are civilization peaceful. Just like Hindus we
believe to respect all life forms of frey 148 it states
Hindus believe that all life forms have a soul so
they belief it is a sin to harm any living thing. It
will help our civilization from violence and keep
our society peaceful.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Sacred Space of Chillapi:
A place where my citizens can show respect, equal-
ity, and nonviolence is my sacred place called
suja. There is a large innity pool at the top of a
mountain that leads into another pool at the end
of the waterfall. It represent respect because only
elders are allowed in the innity pool and the
other citizens rest in the other pool and it shows
respect because you look up to the elders. Also
next to the lower ground pool there is a temple
where citizens sacrice their priced possessions
and every citizen is required to do this and it rep-
resents equality because everyone has to make a
sacrice. It also represents because before you
leave the temple you make a vow that you will
not harm anything living thin in your life time,
and once youve made that vow you can leave the
temple. Suja will help our civilization become
more peaceful because it promotes all of our three
moral values.
Here is a picture of our sacred space!
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Advancing Ideas Within a Civilization
The Renaissance was a rebirth of the classical,
government, culture, and art that came from the
greek and romans. During the Renaissance gov-
ernment became a little more important than relig-
ion, everyone wasnt so focused on the church or
salvation. Citizens started to believe that anyone
could accomplish greatness no matter the social
Figure 5.1
The Power Of Ideas
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
class they came from. Before the renaissance serfs
and peasants werent treated with the same re-
spect as knights and nobles. Once the plague
came people started to look at society with fresh
eyes. The deaths of many citizens and clergies re-
sulted in more opportunity for people to earn
money and gain respect. Peasants and serfs stared
to earn more respect when humanists questioned
why isnt everyone treated with the same re-
spect? People started to question everything,
even the church, and they began to not believe
everything they were told. They developed their
own mindset on religion and wanted to enjoy life,
not just live for salvation. The art from the middle
ages to the renaissance changed dramatically, peo-
ple enjoyed the arts and started to paint and
sculpt differently, they used more vibrant colors,
more nudeity, movement, nature, and every day
people, and drew inspiration from the classics. Be-
cause of the humanist constantly questioning so
many things about art, they discovered a new tech-
nique that can be used in art called perspective. In
frey 326 it states It wasnt until the renaissance
when artists discovered perspective in art which
created the appearance of depth on a at surface.
Later after this technique was discovered artist be-
gan to create amazing pieces of artwork and more
and more citizen's began to treasure and love the
arts. The humanist mindset helped with the re-
newal of the art, culture, and government from
the greek and roman classics, which promoted
PUT A PICTURE!!!! new ideas in math, science,
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
and history which later lead to new theories and
The humanist mindset has inuenced Chillapi to
practice equality, follow any religion they wish to
follow, and to encourage the arts at school. Peas-
ants are now allowed to live in manor houses and
the peasant housing will be removed from the civi-
lization. Everyone will be required to go to school,
and the families that cant afford to go to school
will go to school free. There will be no social
classes, and people will work hard for the money
that they deserve. The people of Chillapi wont be
forced to follow a certain religion they are allowed
to follow any religion they shall wish to follow,
and no one is required to practice our beliefs in
our sacred places they can practice on their own if
they wish. Not everyone has to have a religion but
they shall be kind, caring, and know right from
wrong. We will not teach to live for salvation, we
will teach to live happy and enjoy life! The school
will not consist of any religious practices, and writ-
ing and literature will not be centered toward
god; it will be centered toward individual style
and expression. In frey 328 it states that Before
the renaissance most literature consisted of relig-
ion and the topics that people wrote about were
about god, but as the renaissance developed peo-
ple started to write about their feelings and emo-
tions and expressed them selves through their
writing. The arts will also be inuenced at
schools and student who wish to study any type
of art will have the opportunity too. Our art will
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
include of vibrant colors, everyday people, and ab-
stract objects. Our schools will have great educa-
tion and great art programs so the students will
learn to love school! Chillapi is now in the process
of building the school for arts which will include
of painting, sculpting, drawing, singing, dancing,
and acting. Our civilization has adapted to the hu-
manist culture and we look forward with sharing
our thinking and ideas with citizens to come.
The Danger of New Ideas
In the middle ages the church was both a po-
litical, and economical institution. Spiritual lead-
ers vowed to not marry or have children but
many brooke these vows, and fairly often people
failed to accomplish their role as a spiritual leader.
In frey 348 it states People were angered by the
church ofcials because they told them that you
can be released from punishment or sins if you do-
nate gifts to the church. Overtime many people
began to think the idea of indulgences was ridicu-
lous and later one this conict help lead to the
protestant reformation. The church also sold lead-
ership positions to people that were inexperi-
enced with the job they bided for. This practice
was called simony. They also took money from
the poor by tithing them, and told them that the
money was going to a good cause. Later people
started to realize that the church was taking ad-
vantage of them, by taking there money, breaking
the vows that they swore on, and selling spiritual
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
leader positions to inexperienced people. These
main causes helped with the separation between
Protestants and catholics.
The ideas and question of reformers such as Mar-
tin Luther differed from the traditional teachings
of the catholic church because he told people that
you didnt have to have a priest to have a connec-
tion with god. On frey 353 it states He argued
that the Bible - not the pope or church leaders -
was the ultimate source of religious authority. The
only true sacraments he said, were baptism and
the Eucharist. He believed that people should be
able to study the bible for the selfs, and stated that
all christians were priests. Luther also thought
that the bible should be translated into german so
all followers of a religion could read the bible for
them selfs. He also argued that buying your way
out of sins isnt the proper way to accomplish sal-
vation, the best way to accomplish salvation is
faith alone! These ideas threatened the church be-
cause if everyone was their own priest than they
couldnt tax people. Also the idea of translating
the bible to german threatened the churchs power
because then they wouldnt be able to manipulate
the followers of the church. The church was
scared that they might have to get ride of indul-
gences since reformers argued that buying your
way out of your sins wasnt the proper way to ac-
complish salvation. This would threaten the
church because then they couldnt get money
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
from the people that wanted to get rid of thief
The Catholic church deiced that they needed to ex-
communicate luther. In frey 353 it states At the
Diet of Worms, Charles V declared Luther a here-
tic and forbade the printing of his writings. After
he was excommunicated luther got the vibe that
the church wanted to kill him. The followers of lu-
ther happened to be wealthy monarchs and they
helped luther go into hiding. The ideas he created
kept spreading and he started a Christian denomi-
nation called lutherism.The german princess
helped pay for his church, and many of them
helped support luther, and lutherism continued
to grow. If it wasnt for luther odds are that there
wouldnt be many protestants in the world today.
Chillapi promotes our citizens to think of new
and creative ideas that can be added into our po-
litical and religious systems. If a citizen has an
idea or question about chillapis belief or political
structures they are free to talk to our government
about it. Every wednesday if a citizen has a new
idea about the way chillapi is run they can talk to
us at the government building. If our staf mem-
bers think that the citizen has a good idea or is
with compromising with we will post it on the
board of chillapi in the center of our city for all of
our people to see. If the Chillapians have an opin-
ion on the idea that a citizen strategized they can
vote for it or against it. At the ending point of a
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
two week period we will tally up the votes for the
idea and if over seventy ve percent of the people
vote for the idea then we will consider the idea. If
our staff members think that the citizen has a bad
idea then we will not let them share their idea
with the rest of the citizens because their idea
could threaten our government.
I think this strategy will make for a successful civi-
lization because by allowing our citizens to have
freedom with new ideas it will prevent our civili-
zation from corruption. Chillapians will have a
free voice which will help them to believe that our
civilization is built around equality. Even if there
idea is rejected they can still come back every
wednesday and argue why their idea should be ex-
cepted. This strategy will help keep our society
successful and our citizens happy.
The power
of individ-
ual ideas
Galileo was
an extremely
important g-
ure in the ren-
aissance, and
his ideas and
both ad-
vanced and
Galileo was an italian scientist during the end ren-
Gallery 5.1 Galileo Galilei
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
peoples previous beliefs of life in Europe. In 1609
while Galileo was teaching in Italy he heard about
a new invention from the netherlands called the
telescope. He became very interested in the tele-
scope and decided to build one of his own and
that fall he began studying the planets and the
stars through the telescope. Galileos discoveries
differed from the original view of universe. For ex-
ample, in frey 392 it states Artisole taught that
the moon was perfectly smooth, but Galileo saw it
wasnt. He had also said that earth was the center
of the universe, but Galileo saw moons going
around Jupiter. What Galileo saw through the
telescope only convinced him more to believe in
the Copernican theory. Unfortunately his discover-
ies threatened the catholic church because they
taught people the idea that the earth was center of
the universe was part of the religion that the
church approved off. The church warned Galileo
not to teach the Copernican theory but Galileo re-
fused to be silenced. The book he published in
1609 inuenced people to convert to the Coperni-
can theory. Galileo was a very important gure in
the later years of the renaissance and developed
many important theories and helped with the
growth of knowledge.
Galileo's achievements and ideas would bene-
t chillapi because he would help make our civili-
zation more successful. Even though his discover-
ies of the universe conicted with the catholic
churches teachings, he advanced in the science
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
later in the renaissance. I think he could be a good
role model because he would showcase creative
ideas to citizens to inspire them to invent some of
their own as well. I think he would also be a great
leader in our civilization because his success of
discovering new things proves that he his smart
and devoted to his studies and research. Overall i
think Galileo is a very talented individual who
will help exceed my exceptions of our civilization.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Ancient World. Palo-Alto, CA: Teachers Curricu-
lum Institute, 2011. Print.
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Medieval World and Beyond. Palo-Alto, CA:
Teachers Curriculum Institute, 2011. Print.
Whited, Gabriella Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:49:30 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f0:3d

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