HR Academy Questions

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1. How many additional industry specific solutions does the mySAP suite offer?
a. 5
b. 14
c. 22
d. 7
e. 2
2. SAP et wea!er includes the followin" components #more than one answer is correct$
a. SAP %or&bench Application Ser!er
b. 'he ()chan"e *nfrastructure
c. *nformation *nte"ration
d. SAP +,- (nterprise
e. All of the abo!e
-. 'he SAP .ustomer Ser!ices etwor& includes/ #0ore than one of the followin"$
a. .onsultin" for 1usiness Solutions
b. Ser!ices for solutions operations
c. 'rainin"
d. Support
e. (nterprise Ser!ices Architecture
4. 'he difference between an (+P #(nterprise +esource System$ and (2business is that (2
1usiness uses the !alue of internal efficiency and optimi3ation pro!ided by the (+P and
additionally offers the followin"/ #more than one of the followin" is correct$
a. ()tended collaborati!e functions
b. 4enerated !alue throu"h collaborati!e possibilities
c. Seamless inte"ration into hetero"eneous landscape
d. (nterprise centric business model
5. (21usiness is internally focused. *t offers enterprise2centric functionality to inte"rate core
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
6. .+0 is/
a. Supply .hain 0ana"ement
b. Strate"ic (nterprise 0ana"ement
c. Product 7ifecycle
d. .ustomer +elationship 0ana"ement
e. Supplier +elationship 0ana"ement
7. Strate"ic (nterprise 0ana"ement is split into the followin" functional areas/ #0ore than
one of the followin" are true$
a. 1usiness *nformation .ollection#1*.$
b. 1usiness Plannin" and Simulation#1PS$
c. 1usiness .onsolidation#1.S$
d. .orporate Performance 0onitor#.P0$
e. Sta&eholder +elationship 0ana"ement#S+0$
8. Sin"le si"n2on means that/ #0ore than one of the followin" are correct$
a. 'he user can only si"n on to one system
b. *s pro!ided usin" the SAP (nterprise Portal
c. 9sers can access both SAP and non2SAP systems thou"h a %eb browser
d. :nce the user has si"ned on; they can open si) sessions
<. )Apps/
a. are part of the mySAP 1usiness Suite
b. are e)tensions to the +,- (nterprise system
c. is a new breed of pac&a"ed composite applications that snap on to an e)istin"
hetero"eneous *' en!ironment
d. pro!ide a blueprint for ser!ices based; enterprise scale business solutions
1=. SAP>s 4oin" 7i!e chec& and (arly %atch Alert and .hec& are pro"ram s pro!ided by
SAP to monitor the system before "oin"2li!e ;to ensure optimal performance and
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
11. et wea!er enables inte"ration with en!ironment s and *10 websphere
en!ironments on the followin" three le!els/ #more than one of the followin" are correct$
a. 9ser le!el 2 throu"h a portal
b. *nformation le!el ? usin" business intelli"ence and &nowled"e mana"ement
c. Process le!el2 throu"h the e)chan"e infrastructure
d. 'echnical le!el2 usin" +,- (nterprise
12. %hich of the followin" products "enerates the blueprint for an SAP implementation?
a. SAP Solution 0ana"er
b. S0A2Solution 0ana"ement Assessment
c. S0:2 Solution 0ana"ement :ptimisation
d. one of the abo!e
1-. %hat are the three &ey areas of SAP Solution 0ana"er?
a. :perations
b. 0onitorin"
c. Support
d. Ad hoc @uery
e. Analysin" technical ris&
14. *dentify the true and false statements below/
a. 'he SAP 49* is the standard pro"ram accessin" almost all SAP solutions
b. A password is not re@uired to lo"on to SAP
c. An administrator can set the number of sessions allowed to any !alue between 2
and 6 for all system users
d. 'he push buttons on the standard toolbar are shown on e!ery SAP screen ; e!en if
they are not all acti!e
15. %hich of the followin" transactions entered into the command field is in!alid?
a. ,o
b. ,oPA-=
c. ,nPA4=
d. ,i
e. ,sP(=-
16. How can you access an SAP transaction? #0ore than one of the followin" are correct$
a. a!i"ate throu"h the SAP (asy Access 0enu
b. *nsert the transaction code in the command field
c. 9sin" fa!ourites
d. 9sin" the search button
17. *dentify the correct statements/ #more than one of the followin" are correct$
a. A client represents a completely independent business entity and has its own
b. An employee who mo!es from one client to another can &eep the same employee
c. Aou can use parameters to fill fre@uently used input fields with default !alues
d. Aou can call the conte)t sensiti!e SAP library usin" the 51 &ey
e. %ith the personalisation options; you can chan"e the si3e of input fields
18. 'echnical information can be found on a field when usin"/
a. 'he 54 help
b. 'he 51 help
c. 'he SAP library
d. 'he Application help
1<. %hich !ariable is used to determine the screen modification for 0aster Bata/
a. 9ser 4roup
b. Personnel Administration
c. :r"anisation &ey
d. .ost .entre
e. Payroll ,Area
2=. How many le!els are there in the (nterprise structure
a. 4
b. -
c. 1
d. 5
e. 6
21. %hich of the followin" are structures within H+?# more than one of the followin" are
a. (mployee 4roup
b. (nterprise
c. .lient
d. :r"ani3ational
e. :bCect
22. %hich infotype contains information on the Personnel structure?
a. ==22 (ducation
b. ===1 :r"ani3ational assi"nment
c. ===2 Personal Bata
d. ===7 Planned %or&in" 'ime
2-. 'he (nterprise structure consists of the followin"/ #more than one of the followin" is
a. .lient
b. .ompany code
c. (mployee "roup
d. Personnel area
e. Personnel sub area
24. %hich of the followin" are true with re"ards client in SAP
a. *t is not possible to assess personnel data in other client; this protects data from
bein" accessed by unauthori3ed users
b. Aou cannot assi"n access authori3ations or run e!aluations for all clients
c. 'here is no e)chan"e of date between clients
d. *f an employee chan"es clients; you ha!e to create the personnel number a"ain
e. Bata is not client specific
25. %hich of the followin" statements is incorrect?
a. 'he employee "roup is a "eneral di!ision of employees
b. An infotype is a lo"ical "roupin" of data fields
c. 'he .ompany code is uni@ue in each client
d. 'he payroll area is used to determine the .AP and P.+
e. An or"ani3ational plan pro!ides a model of the structure and personnel
en!ironment at your enterprise.
26. Personnel .alculation rules #P.+$ and .ollecti!e A"reement Pro!isions #P.+$ are
assi"ned to which H+ structure "roupin"s?
a. (nterprise structure
b. Personnel structure
c. :r"ani3ational structure
d. Payroll structure
27. %hich of the followin" structures are used for Administrati!e functions? #more than one
of the followin" are correct$
a. (nterprise structure
b. .ontrollin" structure
c. :r"ani3ational structure
d. Personnel structure
e. 1usiness e!ent structure
28. %hich of the followin" obCects are e)ternal obCect types?
a. Applicant
b. Dualifications "roups
c. .ost centre
d. Eob
e. 1usiness e!ent type
2<. %hich of the followin" are basic obCects used in :r"ani3ational 0ana"ement
a. S
b. P
c. 9S
d. :
e. .
-=. %hat is the purpose of an (!aluation path in H+
a. 'o determines the order in which infotypes are proposed by the SAP system for
b. 'o enable employee "roups and sub"roups to wor&in" time "roups
c. 'o enable one to report on structural information in :r"ani3ational 0ana"ement
d. 'o set up a path to allow the connection to an electric communication system
within SAP +,-
-1. :bCect characteristics are maintained in infotypes. 'he main characteristics are/ #more
than one of the followin" are correct$
a. Bescription
b. :bCect
c. .ost centres
d. Planned wor&in" time
e. +elationship
-2. Sort the followin" steps in the correct order when buildin" an :r"ani3ational plan in SAP
a. Assi"n persons
b. .reate Cobs
c. .reate positions
d. .reate or"ani3ational units
e. .reate the root or"ani3ational unit
--. A person; obCect type FP> can be assi"ned/
a. A position
b. A Cob
c. A !acancy
d. A tas&
e. An or"ani3ational unit
-4. %hat are the different ways of processin" infotypes records? #more than one of the
followin" is correct$
a. Sin"le screen maintenance ? one infotype; one personnel number
b. Personnel Actions ? many personnel numbers; one infotype
c. 5ast entry ? many personnel numbers; many infotypes
d. 5ast entry of actions ? one personnel number; many infotypes
-5. %hich of the followin" statements are incorrect?
a. Aou can restart a personnel action at any time
b. *n 0ana"ement of 4lobal employees; each employee can ha!e multiple
assi"nments in different countries
c. 4reen tic&s ne)t to infotypes mean that records ha!e been maintained for this
d. *nfotypes ha!e names and 5 di"it &ey
-6. %hen hirin"; employee data must be entered in the followin" infotypes/ #more than one
of the followin" is correct$
a. ===2
b. 2==6
c. ===-
d. ===7
e. ===1
-7. *nfotype ===- can be described by which of the followin"/ #more than one answer is
a. *t contains the Payroll status
b. *t is created pro"rammatically by the system durin" the Hirin" action
c. *t can only e)ist for salaried employees
d. *t is not created for bac&dated salary records.
-8. %hich of the followin" is the .ontract (lement infotype?
a. ==15
b. ===7
c. ==16
d. ==14
-<. %hich of the followin" infotypes are assi"ned 'ime .onstraint 1 in the standard
deli!ered system #more than one of the followin" are correct$
a. ==== Actions
b. ===1 :r"ani3ational assi"nment
c. ==24 Dualifications
d. ===7 Planned %or&in" 'ime
e. ==25 Appraisals
4=. %hich of the followin" accurately describes 'ime .ontraint1? #more than one of the
followin" are correct$
a. *f it e)ists; it has to be uni@ue; but the record does not ha!e to e)ist
b. 'he records must e)ist
c. 'here can be no o!erlaps of records
d. 'here can be no "aps between the records
e. *t does not ha!e to e)ist
41. %hich of the followin" best describes a Personnel Action
a. 'he specification of a function modules to control the format of the list output
b. (ntries with different e!aluation paths used for startin" a report
c. 'he assi"nment of infotypes; in a lo"ical order; to ma&e up a comple) wor&
d. one of the abo!e
42. 'he title bar displays information on the current system status as well as messa"es.
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
4-. %hich of the followin" is incorrect? %hen hirin" an employee; you must enter data in
the followin" infotypes/
a. Plannin" %or&in" 'ime
b. Absence @uotas
c. Absences
d. :r"ani3ational assi"nment
44. 'he followin" utilities are a!ailable in master data maintenance/ #more than one answer
is correct$
a. .han"e entry,lea!in" date
b. Belete payroll results
c. .han"e personnel number
d. Belete personnel number
45. %hich of the followin" infotypes are re@uired for positi!e time &eepin" in the 'ime
0ana"ement? #more than one of the followin" is correct$
a. Personnel action
b. :r"ani3ational assi"nment
c. Address
d. Personal data
e. Absences
46. %hich are the different methods of recordin" 'ime Bata in SAP?
a. e"ati!e time recordin"
b. +ecordin" de!iations only
c. +ecordin" actual times
d. Positi!e time recordin"
e. Planned time recordin"
47. *nfotype ==5= is created usin" a dynamic action when position 'ime 0ana"ement is
used; and contains 'ime e!ents/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
48. Aou can chan"es e)istin" or define new Public Holiday calendars?
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
4<. *f an employee for"ets to si"n out usin" Positi!e 'ime; the system will still process the
wor&in" record in 'ime (!aluation/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
5=. 'he employee>s planned wor&in" time is represented in a wor& schedule. 'his is
"enerated from/ #more than one of the followin" are correct$
a. 'he daily wor& schedule
b. 'he public holiday calendar
c. 'he period wor& schedule
d. Planned wor&in" time
51. 'he 'ime (!aluation dri!er is +P.A7.==/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
52. +esults of 'ime (!aluation include the followin"/ #more than one answer is correct$
a. 'ime accounts
b. 'ime wa"e types
c. 'ime e!ents
d. 0essa"es
5-. Select four steps that ma&e up the .ross Application 'ime Sheet Process
a. Appro!in" 'ime data
b. .onfirmin" for Production Plannin" #PP$
c. (nterin" data in the time sheets
d. 'ransferrin" time data to the tar"et components
e. +eali3in" time data
54. %hich of the followin" are re@uired to use the .ross Application 'ime Sheet?
a. Bata (ntry Profile for recordin" the employee related time data
b. umber +an"e inter!al for the Plan Gersion =1
c. H+ 0ini ? 0aster
d. 'he necessary authori3ations must be set up for .A'S
55. %hat are the minimum infotypes re@uire for the .A'S ? H+ 0ini2 0aster; should H+ not
be implemented
a. =-15 ? 'ime Sheet defaults
b. ===2 ? Personal data
c. 2==2 ? Attendances
d. ===7 ? Planned %or&in" 'ime
e. ===1 ? :r"ani3ational assi"nment
56. Attendances and absences are used to/
a. Betermine pay
b. .ompile statistics
c. Betermine or"ani3ation assi"nment
d. 0ana"e 'ime accounts
57. *n Shift Plannin"; re@uirements include the followin"/
a. 'ime information
b. o of employees
c. Eobs
d. Dualifications
e. Galidity period
58. %hich of the followin" statements are correct?
a. PA-= is the transaction code to perform Personnel Actions
b. PA7= us the transaction code to maintain 0aster data
c. PA61 is the transaction code used to 0aintain 'ime data
d. PA4= is the transaction code used to 0aintain 0aster data
5<. %hen usin" the 1usiness %arehouse; which of the followin" areas pro!ides H+
1usiness content? #more than one of the followin" is correct$
a. 1rowser
b. 1enefits
c. Analyser
d. +ecruitment
6=. %hen runnin" an Ad hoc @uery; the system automatically "enerates an A1AP report/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
61. 'he 0ana"er>s Bes&top #0B'$/ #0ore than one of the followin" are true$
a. Bisplay current date directly from the database
b. .an be customi3ed
c. *s totally different from 0SS
d. Allows mana"ers to perform actions
62. A report can be created?
a. *n 0ana"er>s Bes&top and usin" the 1usiness *nformation %arehouse
b. 9sin" structured reports from the SAP (asy Access 0enu
c. *n 0icrosoft e)cel
d. 9sin" Ad hoc @uery
6-. How do you administer !arious source systems in the 1usiness *nformation %arehouse?
a. 9sin" Personnel Administration
b. 9sin" the Administrator>s %or&bench
c. 9sin" the Personnel wor&bench
64. *n +ecruitment; how many le!els of data records are there?
a. 4
b. -
c. =
d. 2
65. *n +ecruitment; the system allows you to hire for a !acancy that has been assi"ned to
the applicant in infotype 4==2/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
66. %here do you create the re@uirements of a position or @ualification profiles for
a. *n the Personnel Administration and its applicant data transfer
b. *n 0ana"er>s des&top
c. *n personnel Administration for internal applicants
d. *n a person>s *B from Personnel Plannin" and Be!elopment area
e. *n sub2profiles from Personnel Be!elopment
67. *dentify the true and false statements below/
a. An applicant ran"e is based on hierarchical and functional criteria
b. Applicant status is chan"ed usin" an applicant action
c. An applicant "roup is used to assi"n applicants to a personnel officer
d. *f recruitment is inte"rated with :0; you can create !acancies in :r" and Staffin"
or detailed maintenance in :0.
68. 'he applicant o!erall status and !acancy assi"nment status are one and the same thin"/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
6<. %hich of the followin" in :' a procedure of e2+ecruitment?
a. Attraction
b. +etainin"
c. Dualifyin"
d. Sourcin"
e. .ollaboration
f. Plannin"
7=. Dualifications can be assi"ned the followin" additional attributes /
a. Alternati!e @ualification
b. Proficiency scale
c. Galidity period
d. Bepreciation meter
e. one of the abo!e
71. A proficiency scale for a @ualification is assi"ned at the
a. Dualification le!el
b. Dualification le!el "roup
c. 'o the person ha!in" the @ualification
d. *s not used
72. 1usiness (!ent preparation refers to creatin" the followin" obCects #more than one of the
followin" are correct$
a. .ost items
b. 7ocations
c. 'ime schedules
d. 1usiness e!ent "roups
e. 1usiness e!ent types
7-. 'he followin" can be boo&ed on a business e!ent type/
a. Person
b. 9ser
c. :r"ani3ational unit
d. .ustomer
e. one of the abo!e
74. 'he SAP 7earnin" Solution includes the followin" #more than one of the followin" are
a. .ontent 0ana"ement System
b. 7earnin" 0ana"ement System
c. SAP 'utor
d. Authorin" tool
e. %eb application ser!er
75. .areer Plannin" is plannin" an employee>s professional career; where Succession
Plannin" means loo&in" for a suitable candidate to fill a !acant post/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
76. 'he followin" is used to plan personnel de!elopment for a specific employee/
a. A career plant
b. A "eneral de!elopment plan
c. An indi!idual de!elopment plan
d. An or"ani3ational plan
77. 'he SAP Appraisal component offers the followin" appraisal models/ #more than one of
the followin" are correct$
a. -6= de"rees appraisal
b. 'rainin" e!aluation
c. Personnel appraisal
d. 0ana"ement by obCecti!es
e. one of the abo!e
78. :bCecti!es in an appraisal should be/
a. Specific
b. 0easurable
c. Accountable
d. +ealistic
e. :ptional
7<. %hich of the followin" statements are incorrect?
a. Eob e!aluation information is stored in infotype 1=5=
b. Salary sur!ey information is stored in infotype 1=51
c. Planned remuneration is stored in infotype 1==5
d. A bud"et is re@uired to perform compensation adCustments
e. A Cob e!aluation is re@uired for all Cobs in an or"ani3ation
8=. 'here are three types of Planned compensation/ 5i)ed; Gariable and Pay scale
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
81. %hich of the followin" re"ardin" compensation cate"ories are incorrect?
a. All cate"ories update infotype =-8=
b. 5i)ed compensation adCustments create infotype ==15
c. Gariable adCustments create infotypes ===8 and ==15
d. 7on" term incenti!es create Awards infotype =-82
82. *n .ompensation 0ana"ement/ #more than one of the followin" are correct$
a. 4uidelines are compulsory
b. 'here are three types of "uideline/ fi)ed; matri) and user defined
c. (li"ibility rules determine the participation in an adCustment
d. 'he calculation base is the bud"et for increases
8-. Personnel .ost Plannin" information can be used for/ #more than one of the followin"
are correct$
a. +eportin" in 1usiness %arehouse
b. Salary bud"et in .ompensation 0ana"ement
c. 1ud"et for 'rainin" and (!ent 0ana"ement
d. *nput to .ontrollin"
e. Scenario simulation
84. 'he SAP system sa!es the collected data in Personnel .ost Plannin" infotypes =666
and =667 for employee and or"ani3ational data.
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
85. 'he re@uired infotype for 'ra!el 0ana"ement are/
a. ===1
b. ===2
c. ===6
d. ===<
e. ==17
86. *n Personnel Be!elopment; re@uirements can be defined as those s&ills a person is
re@uired to ha!e in order to fill a position.
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
87. Select the correct statement for Personnel .ost Plannin" and simulation component
a. .ost items are not used
b. Bata collection ma&es collected data in the database a!ailable as infotypes;
thereby formin" the basis for cost plannin" runs
c. Bata collection ta&es place after a plannin" run
d. +eleased personnel cost plans are made a!ailable for lo"istics in particular
e. Bata can be collected for employees only; and not for or"ani3ational obCects
88. Bay to day acti!ities in 'rainin" and (!ent 0ana"ement include/
a. 5irmly boo&,cancel
b. +eboo&
c. Pre2boo&
d. 7oc&,unloc&
e. 5ollow2up
8<. %ith re"ards to boo&in" priorities; the followin" is true/
a. ormal boo&in"s are accepted when capacity is between minimum and
b. (ssential boo&in"s are created once optimum capacity has been reached
c. %aitlisted boo&in"s cannot be recorded
d. 1oo&in" priorities refer to the mana"ement le!el of the employee
<=. Eobs are used in the followin" application components/ #more than one of the followin"
are correct$
a. Personnel .ost Plannin"
b. Personnel Administration
c. :r"ani3ational 0ana"ement
d. Personnel Be!elopment
e. Shift Plannin"
<1. *f the +ecruitment component is inte"rated with :0; you maintain !acancies in
:r"ani3ational 0ana"ement.
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
<2. .an Attendances be cancelled in the Bynamic Attendances menu?
a. Aes
b. o
<-. 'he *mplementation 4uide is a tool to help with implementin" and customi3in".
.ustomi3in" is a method that supports the followin" situation/ #more than one answer is
a. *mplementin" the SAP +,- system
b. (nhancin" the SAP +,-
c. %ith a release up"rade
d. %ith a system rollout
<4. Select criteria you would ta&e into account when definin" personnel sub areas
a. .ollecti!e A"reement Pro!ision; because they can only be determined by
personnel subareas
b. Personnel subareas for personnel calculation rule because this determines how
the employees of a personnel subarea are processed in payroll
c. 'ime 0ana"ement "roups
d. Public holiday calendar
<5. %hich of the followin" statements are correct? #more than one answer is correct$
a. (mployee sub"roup "roupin" for .AP controls employment assi"nment to pay
scale areas
b. (mployee sub"roup "roupin" for .AP are for statistical purposes only
c. (ntries are stored in the pay scale table for each employee sub2"roupin" for .AP
d. (mployee sub"roup sub2"roupin" for .AP controls employee assi"nments to
pay scale type
e. Aou can "roup to"ether any employee sub"roups that ha!e same .AP.
<6. %hen creatin" a new record for basic pay *' ===8; which default !alues can be
determined from assi"nment to a personnel subarea or from 'A+*5 feature
a. Pay scale area from assi"nment to personnel subarea
b. Pay scale type from assi"nment to personnel subarea
c. Pay scale "roup from assi"nment to personnel 'A+*5
d. Pay scale le!el from assi"nment to personnel 'A+*5
<7. %hich of the followin" is correct/ #more than one answer is correct$
a. 'ime constraint 2 means 2 records with o!erlappin" periods e)ist. 4aps
b. 'ime constraint 1 means if a record is deleted; !alidity period of precedin" record is
c. 'ime constraint - means if a record is deleted; !alidity period of the precedin" record
is e)tended
d. %hen creatin"; chan"in" or deletin" records; time constraints re"ulate the !alidity of
infotype records.
<8. %hat is the purpose of an information "roups
a. 'o define the !alue of status indicators in Action *' ====
b. 'o determine se@uence of infotypes processes in an personnel action accordin"
to user "roup
c. 'o define personnel actions that are a!ailable for a user
d. A lo"ical "roupin" of data fields
<<. *n Personnel Administration; what is the name "i!en to a wa"e type stored in infotypes?
a. 'echnical wa"e type
b. Beri!ed wa"e type
c. Bialo",primary wa"e type
d. Statement wa"e type
e. %hich of the followin" statements about mana"ement of "lobal employees are
f. 0ana"ement of 4lobal employees is the component used to &eep trac& of and
streamline international assi"nments within a "lobal company
". %hen a "lobal assi"nment is acti!ated; a pay rele!ant *' =7=< is used for the
compensation pac&a"e
h. 'he e)ternal person *B is stored in *'=7=6
i. *n the process of mana"in" "lobal employees; the employees are acti!e in both
the host and home countries.
1==. Aou ha!e created se!eral reports to be used by your personnel administrators on
on2"oin" basis.
%hat is the best method to fi!e easy access to these reports to al of the
a. Add the transaction code of the reports to the PH'.:B( authori3ations
b. .reate a profile to include the reports and assi"n the profile to the indi!idual
users usin" the user compare
c. .reate a reportin" role for your administrators usin" the role menu. Assi"n
the user role to the administrator Cob usin" indirect role assi"nment
d. *nclude the reports on the SAP (asy Access menu
1=1. 'here are two methods for time recordin". 1oth methods re@uire a !alid wor&
schedule. %hich info2types are wor& schedule de!iations recorded on? #0ore than one
answer is

a. 2==6
b. 2==1
c. 2==7
d. 2=1=
e. 2=11
1=2. :!erlappin" absence subtypes are chec&ed for usin"/ #0ore than one answer is
a. 'ime .onstraints
b. 'ime .onstraints and .ollision tables
c. .ollision at the subtype
d. one of the abo!e
1=-. 'o default a wor& schedule in infotype ===7; the followin" feature should be
a. 740S'
b. P7:4*
c. 'A+*5
d. ASI+S
e. S.HIJ
1=4. Substitution allows employees to de!iate from wor& schedule. .ompensation can
be recorded in/
a. *nfotype ==14
b. *nfotype ==15
c. *nfotype 2==-
d. *nfotype 2==1
e. *nfotype 2==4
1=5. 'he deduction rules for absence and attendance @uotas are dependant upon/
#more than one answer is correct$
a. Personnel subarea "roupin" for 'ime @uotas
b. (mployee sub"roup "roupin" for 'ime @uotas
c. 'he countin" rule assi"ned to the absence and attendance type
d. 'ime .onstraint classes and .ollision tables
e. 'he %or& Schedule +ule
1=6. .lient2independent elements are obCects that are used in all clients. %hich of the
followin" obCects can be defined as client2 independent/ #more than one answer is
a. Bata structures; e". field definitions; table structure; file set up
b. H+ master records
c. 'ransactions
d. Authori3ation profiles
e. Help documentation
1=7. %a"e types represent one of the most important concepts in the H+
0ana"ement System. %hat are their basic functions? #0ore than one answer is
a. 'o define the pay scale "roups for each sub"roup "roupin"
b. 'o perform indirect !aluation on an hourly or monthly basis
c. 'o assi"n payments and deductions and control the payroll pro"ram
d. 'o chec& the !alidity of data entered in infotype ===8 #1asic Pay$
1=8. Aou can assi"n an employee to a pay scale structure when you maintain infotype
a. ===2
b. ===1
c. ====
d. ===6
1=<. 'he pay scale structure includes the followin"/ #0ore than one answer is correct$
a. +e"ional
b. *nternational
c. *ndustry2specific
d. 5inancial
e. 'ime related
11=. Aou can define default !alues for the pay scale area and type
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
111. 'he pay scale type represents the pay scale re"ulations or collecti!e a"reement
accordin" to which employees are paid/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse
112. %hich of the followin" are the main wa"e types/ #0ore than one answer is
a. Primary or dialo" wa"es types
b. Permissibility wa"e types
c. 'echnical wa"e types
d. (!aluation wa"e types
11-. %hat is the description for infotype ==14?
a. 1an&in" details
b. Address
c. +ecurrin" payments and deductions
d. Additional payments
114. %hich !aluations of wa"e types below are correct? #0ore than one answer is
a. Birection !aluation
b. Personnel area !aluation
c. *ndirect !aluation
d. Birect !aluation
115. 5or modules P+J' and S900(/
a. Gariant B means the wa"e type bein" e!aluated should not be on the infotype
b. .an be used for wa"e types in all infotypes
c. Gariant * the wa"e type bein" e!aluated should not be on the infotype
d. (ntries must be made in the base wa"e type !aluation table
116. *t is possible to default wa"e types usin"/
a. %a"e types in a feature
b. A wa"e type mode
c. Planned compensation infotype 1==5
d. A personnel action
117. %hich feature is used to default wa"e types in infotype ===8 #1asic Pay$
a. 0odule P+J',S900(
b. A+1P7
c. 740S'
d. 0odule 'A+*5
118. %hich of the followin" permissibility chec&s do wa"e types ha!e? #0ore then one
answer is correct$
a. 5or each company code and personnel area
b. 5or each employee "roup,sub"roup
c. 5or each infotype
d. 5or the number of times the wa"e type can be entered in the infotype in one
payroll period
11<. 'he Payroll past co!ers the period between the retroacti!e accountin" limit and
the end of the last period. %hich statement is true?
a. *f you maintain an infotype rele!ant to retroacti!e accountin" and its !alidity date
o!erlaps the payroll past; the reacti!e accountin" date is to the end date for the
b. 'he period be"innin" on =1.=1.1<5= represents the default !alue for the earliest
reacti!e accountin" period
c. 'he absolute retroacti!e accountin" date for a personnel number is always the
employee>s entry date
d. +etroacti!e accountin" is always acti!ated when a 0aster data infotype is
updated and it>s 5rom date is in the past.
12=. 'o access Payroll Accountin"; choose ? Payroll ? Payroll>. %hich followin" menu
options can be found in this menu? ote/ 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. Start payroll
b. ()ist payroll
c. Belete payroll
d. Simulate
121. %hich of the followin" statements are true? ote/ 0ore than one answer is
a. 'he earliest retroacti!e accountin" limit for an employee is the entry date
b. Personnel numbers are only selected for payroll run if they belon" to a payroll
accountin" areas that has pre!iously been released
c. (mployees that are incorrect in the payroll run can be identified in the control
d. An employee can mo!e from one payroll accountin" are to another at any time.
122. 'he connection between "roups of employees and runnin" the payroll is/
a. Payroll scheme
b. Permissibility of wa"e type by "roupin"s
c. (mployee sub"roups for personnel calculation rules
d. Payroll area
e. one of the abo!e.
12-. *n Payroll Accountin" identify &ey topics when confi"urin" a company>s payroll
system. ote/ 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. Befinition of wa"e types
b. %a"e type "eneration
c. Personnel calculation rules
d. Galuation of wa"e types
e. one of the abo!e.
124. %a"e types can be e!aluated usin"/ ote more than one answer is correct.
a. .onstant !aluation bases
b. A!era"es
c. Burin" the payroll process
d. *ndirect !aluation modules
125. %hich system messa"e appears if you want to chan"e an infotype rele!ant to
reacti!e accountin" and the start date for this infotype lies before the earliest retroacti!e
accountin" limit?
a. (rror/ .han"e too far in payroll past
b. *nfo/ .han"e has been made
c. %arnin"/ .han"e has been made
d. o messa"e appears.
126. %hich !alues are used to determine the reacti!e accountin" limit? ote/ 0ore
than one answer is correct.
a. Personnel control record/ K(arliest retroacti!e accountin" periodL
b. *nfotype ===2 #Personal Bata$/ K1irth dateL
c. Hirin" date of the employee
d. *nfotype ===- #Payroll status$/ K(arliest personal retroacti!e accountin" dateL/
e. *nfotype ===1 #:r"ani3ational assi"nment$/ K5rom dateL
127. %here can you set the earliest retroacti!e accountin" date for an employee?
a. *nfotype ===2 #Personal data$
b. *nfotype ===- #Payroll status$
c. Personnel .ontrol +ecord
d. *nfotype ===1 #:r"ani3ational assi"nment$.
128. How can features be used in H+? ote/ 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. 'o see default !alues for mass data infotypes
b. 'o control the display of country2specific infotype screens
c. 'o start the payroll run for "roups personnel numbers from different countries
d. 'o define SAP office mail options to be used when master data infotypes are
12<. %hen creatin" a new infotype ===8 #1asic pay$ record; which default !alue can
be determined from assi"nment to personnel subarea or from feature 'A+*5? ote/
0ore than one answer is correct.
a. Pay scale type from its assi"nment to personnel subarea
b. Pay scale "roup from its assi"nment to feature 'A+*5
c. Pay scale area from its assi"nment to personnel subarea
d. Pay scale le!el from its assi"nment to feature 'A+*5.
1-=. *dentify the correct statements/ ote/ 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. All employee who are paid at the same time for the same period can be assi"ned
to the same payroll accountin" area
b. A default !alue for payroll accountin" area in the personal data infotype #===2$
can be defined in the decision tree of feature A1I+S
c. (mployees assi"ned to different personnel areas ha!e to be assi"ned to different
payroll accountin" area
d. 'he current payroll period is determined usin" a payroll control record that stores
the last period accounted and,to the ne)t period to be accounted.
1-1. %hat is chec&ed by the system when a wor& schedule rule is entered in the
Planned %or&in" 'ime infotype #===7$? ote/ more than one answer is correct.
a. (mployee sub"roup "roupin" for absence and attendance
b. (mployee sub"roup "roupin" for the wor& schedule
c. Personnel subarea "roupin" for wor& schedule
d. 'he public holiday calendar
e. Personnel subarea "roupin" for absences and attendances.
1-2. Substitution in the H+ system in!ol!es either wor&in" times that differ from those
specified n the personnel wor& schedule; or different payment for performin" actions.
'here is Substitution infotype #2==-$ for enterin" this type of e)ception. %hich
substitution can be entered in this infotype?
a. Substitution with indi!idually defined wor& schedule #'ime substitution$
b. Substitution with different defined wor& schedule
c. Substitution with indi!idually defined wor& rule
d. Substitution with different position.
1--. %hat infotype is chec&ed to ascertain whether a monthly wor& schedule is
permitted for an employee?
a. Planned %or&in" 'ime #===7$
b. 1asic Pay #===8$
c. :r"ani3ational assi"nment #===1$
d. Absence @uota #2==6$
e. Payroll status #===-$.
1-4. %hich is not a !alid statement about what 'ime (!aluation allows you to do?
a. Aou can e!aluate and compensate planned and acti!e time specifications
b. Aou can dia"nose error
c. Aou can calculate time balances which are cumulated daily and periodically
d. Aou can "enerate time wa"es types automatically
e. Aou can trac& cost allocation of indi!idual time recordin".
1-5. %hich statements are true? ote/ 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. %or& schedules re@uire a public holiday calendar
b. A monthly wor& schedule is assi"ned to an employee !ia the wor& schedule rule
in the :r"ani3ational assi"nment infotype #===1$
c. 'he monthly schedule is based on the period wor& schedule
d. An employee can be assi"ned to more than one wor& schedule at the same time.
1-6. %hich feature is used to default the wor& schedule in infotype in ===7 in 'ime
a. A1I+S
b. G'A+'
c. S.HIJ
d. 740S'
e. one of the abo!e.
1-7. %hich statements are correct? ote/ 0ore than one answer is correct?
a. 0onthly wor& schedules are "enerated from the wor& schedule rule
b. Baily wor& schedules are used to represent the !ariety of different wor&in" time
models in an enterprise
c. A daily wor& schedule !ariant is a daily wor& schedule that differs only sli"htly
from the re"ular daily wor& schedule
1-8. How do you specify which employees ta&e part in 'ime (!aluation?
a. *n the 'ime 0ana"ement field in the Actions infotype #====$
b. A fi)ed assi"nment doesn>t e)ist. Aou can do 'ime (!aluation for anyone
c. *n the 'ime 0ana"ement status field in the Planned %or&in" 'ime infotype
d. *n the 'ime 0ana"ement status field in the :r"ani3ational assi"nment infotype
1-<. %hich statements on wa"e types are true? ote/ 0ore than one answer is
a. 'ime wa"e type can be "enerated in 'ime (!aluation #+P'*0(==$
b. 'ime wa"e type can be "enerated in Payroll accountin" #+P.A7.M=$
c. 'ime wa"e type can be created and e!aluated in 'ime (!aluation #+P'*0(==$
d. 'ime wa"e type is e!aluated in Payroll Accountin" #+P.A7.M=$.
14=. %hich infotypes are re@uired to carry out 'ime (!aluation? ote/ 0ore than one
answer is correct?
a. 1asic Pay #===8$
b. Bate specifications #==41$
c. Personal data #===2$
d. :r"ani3ational assi"nment #===1$
141. (mployee sub "roupin" are defined for/2
a. %or& schedule
b. 'ime @uotas
c. Baily wor& schedule
d. Absence and attendance types.
142. 'he @uota selection rule "roup is defaulted usin" feature D9:0:/
a. 'rue
b. 5alse.
14-. %or& schedule specifications are stored in which of the followin" le!els/2
a. 0onthly le!el
b. Hourly le!el
c. %ee&ly le!el
d. Baily le!el.
144. 'rue or 5alse/
a. 'he smallest unit of wor& schedule is the daily wor& schedule
b. Baily wor& schedule contains information about the indi!idual wor& day; includin"
brea& times and alternati!e !ersions of the daily wor& schedule
c. 1rea& schedules can only be assi"ned to one daily wor& schedule
d. :ne can indicate whether or not o!ertime is permitted in daily wor& schedule
e. Baily wor& schedule class and day type ha!e the same meanin"
f. A !ariant rule may contain se!eral sub rules.
145. %hich of the followin" describes the purposes of the day types?
a. Bay types determine which day of the wee& it is
b. Bay types determine whether or not o!ertime hours need to be paid on
wee&ends and public holidays
c. Bay types determine whether employees ha!e to on public holidays and whether
they are still paid on these days.
146. %hich is of the followin" are correct as far as wor& schedules are concerned?
a. Se!eral wor& schedules rules can be based on one period wor& schedule
b. 'he public holiday calendar is ta&en into account when "eneratin" the wor&
c. 'he data stored in the :r"ani3ational assi"nment infotype #===1$ determines
whether a monthly wor& schedule is permitted for a certain employee
d. 'he monthly wor& schedule can only be "enerated if all the re@uired "roupin"
ha!e been set and the wor& schedule rule has been defined
e. A monthly wor& schedule "enerated from Eanuary to Becember of a specific year
must also include Becember of the pre!ious year and Eanuary of the subse@uent
147. %hich of the options below allow part2time wor&in" pro!ision to be set for part2
time wor&ers in the industry?
a. 0a&in" use of the Bynamic Baily %or& Schedule function to set !ariable wor&in"
time; by enterin" 0in and 0a) wor&in" hours
b. 1y reducin" the employee>s basic salary by the re@uired percenta"e
c. .reatin" separate wor& schedule rules caterin" for fewer hours or days
d. Set the employment percenta"e as well as wor&in" hours,day; wee&; month and
year in infotype ===7
148. Specify which of the followin" are TRUE.
a. Attendances are unpaid planned wor& times that are wor&ed
b. Absences are either paid or unpaid planned wor& times that are not wor&ed
c. Attendances in Personnel 'ime 0ana"ement are times in which employees are
not at their usual wor& centre at wor&; but are still wor&in" at the enterprise
d. Absences and attendances @uota is a limited time ? based entitlement for an
14<. %hich of the followin" substitution methods,types are !alid for infotype 2==-?
a. Befault position
b. Bifferent payroll area
c. 1y personnel number
d. Bifferent wor& schedule rule
e. 1y position
15=. %hich of the followin" are catered for in Beduction rules for
absences,attendances @uota types?
a. 'he unit of measure hours,days
b. .onditions to be chec&ed for the current day
c. (mployee sub"roup "roupin" and personnel subarea "roupin" for time @uotas
d. Beduction priority
151. %hich of the followin" are chec&ed in the countin" rules for
a. .onditions for planned hours
b. .onditions for wor& schedule
c. Duota se@uence for the ne)t deduction
d. .onditions for the current day.
152. 0ar& the FALSE entries below/
a. :!ertime describes wor& hours that an employee performs inside his,her daily
schedule hours
b. 'ime @uotas can be specified for days
c. Absence,attendance type are identified with four di"its as opposed to the two
di"its for the @uota types>
15-. Select the statements that are correct/
a. *nfotype menus and Personnel actions are confi"urable and can be defined as
9ser "roup dependent
b. 'he system used the +eference 9ser "roup to determines the menu layout if the
infotype menu does not contain an entry for the 9ser "roups
c. Actions are a list of infotypes to allow maintenance to be carried out on; when
ma&in" use of transaction code PA-=; 0aintain H+ 0aster data
d. 'he Personnel action attributes define whether or not an employee>s
or"ani3ational assi"nment and status indicators are allowed to be chan"ed;
when e)ecutin" an action
e. 'he Additional actions infotype=-=2 has time constraint 1 which means that one
can only ha!e one !alid infotype =-=2 record in the system.
154. %hich of the followin" are '+9( with re"ard to Bynamic Actions?
a. *t controls which acti!ities are tri""ered when an infotype record is maintained
b. *t can be used for applications; Personnel administration and +ecruitment
c. 'he maintenance operation F=6> allows an acti!ity to be carried out when the
infotype record is deleted
d. 'o ma&e use of the acti!ity F0> ? Send mail; the administrator>s name; SAP user
names for administrator must e)ist
e. .an be tri""ered by an infotype; subtype or infotype field.
155. %hich of the followin" is :' a !alid action in Bynamic actions?
a. P ? Plausibility
b. 02 Send mail
c. *2 *nfotype maintenance
d. 52 .all routine
e. (dit infotype
156. %hich of the followin" allows one to customi3e an infotype user interface? 0ore
than one answer is correct/
a. Screen headers
b. Bynamic actions
c. 5eatures
d. *nfotype menu
e. Screen modifications.
157. Select the statements that are '+9( when dealin" with Screen headers/ #0ore
than on answer is correct$
a. :nly the first three lines on sin"le and list screen can be customi3ed
b. *t is not necessary to re"enerate headers if chan"es ha!e been made to the
Header tables
c. (ach screen header is assi"ned a modifier; which depends on the transaction
class FA ? Personnel Administration> and F1 ? +ecruitment>
d. Headers must be re"enerated after maintenance le!el up"rades
e. A photo can be incorporated into the screen header.
158. %hich of the followin" statements are 5A7S(?
a. 'he authori3ations concepts allows one to define access ri"hts and then assi"n
these ri"hts to users
b. 'he authori3ations re@uires for a certain tas& area in a company are "rouped in
an authori3ations profile
c. Authori3ations obCect is made up of a ma)imum fi!e authori3ation fields
d. 'he authori3ations profile and authori3ations are only found in the acti!e !ersion
of the SAP system
15<. %hich of the followin" statements that follow are correct with re"ard to
authori3ation obCects? #0ore than one answer is correct.$
a. Se!eral authori3ation obCects; are chec&ed by the system in F:+> lin&s
b. 'he field defined in the obCect chec&ed in FAB> lin&s
c. 5ields li&e infotypes; personnel subareas; employee "roups and employee
sub"roups; are "rouped in the obCect; FH+ 0aster data>
d. 'he authori3ations for Human +esources are maintained in the obCect class H+
e. 'he H+/ ()tended 0aster data chec&; is the most important obCect in Human
16=. %hich of the followin" are ad!anta"es of the Profile 4enerator :G(P that of the
0anual procedure
a. Automatically "enerates authori3ation profile
b. 0aintenance of authori3ation and profiles are made easier
c. Authori3ation profiles are only created once the administrator has chose the
transactions that the users re@uire; thereby ensurin" that unwanted obCects are
not included in the profiles
d. 'ransaction codes are automatically selected as a result of creatin" the +ole
161. %hich of the options listed below co!ers or describes the term Payroll
a. 'he post Payroll acti!ities such as transferrin" payroll results to 5inance;
reconciliation and reportin"
b. 'he proportional calculation of periodical remuneration also called; F5actorin">
c. 'he classification of recorded personnel times and to e!aluate them
d. An umbrella term for performin" a !ariety of wor& processes li&e creatin" payroll
results; remuneration statements and to calculate remuneration for wor&
performed by indi!idual employees.
162. %hich of the followin" are '+9( for +etroacti!e accountin"?
a. 1ecause of automatic retroacti!e accountin" reco"nition in the +,- system; it
does not allow one to chan"e the Payroll results directly
b. o maintenance is allowed for infotypes for accountin" periods that ha!e been
completed and e)ited
c. 'he F(arliest 0aster data .han"e> field in infotype ===-; Payroll status; is set to
the earliest date when chan"es can be made to; in the payroll past
d. +etroacti!e account rele!ance can be defined for an infotype or infotype field.
16-. %hich of the followin" chan"es in employee data can tri""er +etroacti!e
accountin" for periods that ha!e already been accounted?
a. Dualification infotype ==24
b. .ost centre
c. Payments and deductions
d. 5uture increases in 1asic Pay; infotype ===8.
164. Select the 5A7S( statement below/ :nly :( should be selected.
a. 'he e)act start and date of the payroll periods must be defined for Payroll areas
b. Payroll period determines the periods for which a payroll result is created
c. Payroll period is used to "roup employees; for whom Payroll accountin" is
performed at the same time
d. Payroll periods are "enerated; allowin" them to be lin&ed with time units attached
to appropriate period parameters or modifiers.
165. 'he .ontrol record performs the followin" functions in Payroll accountin"/
a. Befines the payroll past for retroacti!e accountin" reco"nition
b. 7oc&s 0aster and 'ime data so no chan"es can be made durin" the payroll
process for past and present,current data
c. .o2ordinates the different sta"es of payroll accountin" process
d. Ieeps trac& of the terminated employees in each payroll run; that is; match code
F%> is set for each number.
166. %hich of the followin" fields are automatically updated by the SAP system for
infotype ===- #Payroll status$?
a. (arliest personnel retroacti!e accountin" date
b. 'he Payroll correction indicator
c. Accountin" 'o field
d. +un Payroll un to; which is used if an employee; ha!e not been concluded
e. Personnel umber loc&ed indicator.
167. %hich of the followin" !alues is retroacti!e accountin" based on?
a. (mployee hirin" date
b. Per Payroll period
c. Payroll control record
d. Payroll status infotype
168. %hich of the followin" are '+9( for the postin" to Payroll results to the 5*,.:
a. .an only be performed after a successful payroll run and ta&es place once for
each payroll period
b. 'he .ost accountin" department are interested in the flow of payments and to
pro!ide the necessary financial resources; while the 5inancial accountin"
department need to &now where the costs arise so that bud"et can be controlled
c. 'he postin" run fla"s employee payroll result to ensure that duplicate runs
cannot be posted
d. Bocument numbers are "enerated for the transactions and each step in the
postin" process is controlled !ia Status codes
e. *n an inte"rated system; the 5inancial Accountin" document can only be
accessed !ia the 5inance module.
16<. %hich of the followin" need to be done to obtain a successful ban& transfer?
a. 'he 1an& Betails infotype ===<; must be present for an employee to determine
whether a che@ue or ban& transfer is "enerated
b. 'he preliminary B0( #Bate 0edium ()chan"e$ pro"ramme must be e)ecuted to
e)tract data from the data based P.71; cluster 11
c. 'he temporary file holdin" the e)tracted ban& details; must be in the format
re@uired by the specific ban&in" re"ulations of the country
d. 'he uni@ue identification number "enerated by the preliminary pro"ramme;
to"ether with the correct date must be used in the final B0(.
17=. %hich of the followin" are '+9(?
a. Payroll accountin"; processes each employee one at a time
b. *ndi!idual !aluations bases for hourly wa"e; the calculation step; FBi!ision by
%or&in" hours per period> is mandatory on order to determine the hourly rate as
that o!ertime pay can be calculated
c. 5actorin" refers to the Proportions calculation of periodical remuneration
d. 'he payroll area may be chan"ed durin" a payroll period as often as re@uired
e. %hen an employee lea!es the company; all pay related infotypes must be
delimited to ensure that no pay related information is delimited to ensure that no
pay is "enerated in the terminated period.
f. Select :( statement below that best describes the main obCects of 'ime
". 'he e!aluation component accesses the time wa"e types determined by payroll
accountin"; to form the basis for "ross payroll of employees
h. A type of remuneration whereby; the employee is paid for attendin" wor&;
irrespecti!e of the amount that he,she produces
i. 'o chec& and classify the recorded personnel times and to !aluate then
automatically; with focus on the mana"ement of time accounts and formation of
wa"e types determinin" "ross wa"es in Payroll accountin"
C. 'o pay employees.
&. *f a time recordin" system is used when wor&in" with time e!aluation; which of
the followin" infotypes 09S' be maintained
l. 1asic Pay #===8$
m. Personal data #===2$
n. 'ime +ecordin" information #==5=$
o. :r"ani3ational assi"nment #===1$
p. Planned %or&in" 'ime #===7$
@. %hich time mana"ement status indicates that 'ime 0ana"ement data is
processed in +,- Payroll accountin"; instead of usin" the 'ime e!aluation dri!er?
r. (!aluation of times #1$
s. (!aluation planned times #2$
t. o time e!aluation #=$
u. PB. time e!aluation #2$.
171. %hich of the followin" are '+9( with re"ards to 'ime e!ents?
a. 'ime e!ents can be recorded manually usin" *'2=11
b. 'ime e!ents are cloc&in" in and cloc&in" out entries which are recorded
electronically at time recordin" terminals usin" a time recordin" *B card
c. 'he FPre!ious day> indicator allocates the time e!ent to the day to which it
lo"ically belon"s; that is; the current or pre!ious day
d. All the abo!e.
172. %hich statement#s$ is :' true with re"ard to 'ime e!aluation?
a. 'ime e!aluation is carried out by the 'ime e!aluation dri!er #+P'*0(==$
b. *t is recommended to run 'ime e!aluation o!erni"ht on daily basis
c. 'ime e!aluation can be processed for planned or actual times
d. 'ime e!aluation can be run usin" schemas '0==; '0=4; or 'D'4
e. 'ime e!aluation cannot allocate @uota
17-. %hich of the followin" statements best describes Asymmetrical authori3ations?
a. 1oth authori3ation profiles are identical
b. :ne profile contains the loc& authori3ations #($ and the other contains the unloc&
authori3ation le!el #B$
c. 'wo profiles are created with the same authori3ations usin" the authori3ation
le!el #S$
d. :nly one person is re@uired for data entry.
e. %hich of the followin" statements is true re"ardin" Payroll postin" to
f. 9se the F'> to process a simulation run which will create documents
". 'he simulation run can be posted to Accountin"
h. A Fli!e> run is processed usin" the FP> indicator and creates documents as well as
chec&in" that H+,5* records e)ist and balance
i. A postin" run that has been posted to 5*,.: cannot be re!ersed.
174. Pay scale reclassification refers to/
a. A chan"e in pay scale "roups and le!els for employees based on 0aster data
b. A chan"e in wa"e types based on hours wor&ed
c. *ncreasin" the !alues in the pay scale tables
d. .reatin" a new infotype ===8 record usin" an enhanced pay increase
e. A dynamic pay increase.
175. How can user le!els be controlled? 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. System !iew
b. .ontrollin" !iew
c. 'rac&in" chan"es
d. .ontrollin" access.
e. 5eatures can be maintained usin" transaction P(=2 and accessin" *04 menu
f. 'rue
". 5alse
h. 'he followin" are !alid brea& points used in the payroll process model/ #0ore
than one answer is correct$.
i. A waypoint that re@uires inter!ention
C. .onditional based on the number of records processed
&. 9nconditional point where the pro"ramme will stop re"ardless of errors
l. Gariable based on a function module
m. 1rea& points based on pro"ramme errors.
176. A proCect *04 has two icons which are/
a. *04 acti!ity
b. ProCect documentation
c. Acti!ity documentation
d. ProCect mana"ement
e. ProCect mandatory and critical items.
f. 5eature 90I+ uses number ran"es and information from infotype ===1 to
default personnel numbers/
". 'rue
h. 5alse.
177. %hich of the followin" statements are correct?
a. 740S' has a return !alue that determines the ma)imum number of enterable
wa"e types in infotypes ===8 and reads the wa"e type model
b. Befault pay scale data is determined usin" module 'A+*5
c. Screen headers are determined usin" feature Pnnnn
d. 'he wor& schedule rule can be defaulted for Planned %or&in" 'ime usin" feature
e. %hen usin" the H+ 0aster data e)tended chec& in H+ authori3ations; the
followin" statement is incorrect/
f. 'he authori3ation obCect is PH:+4MM and deacti!ated in the deli!ered system
". 'he fields SA.HA; SA.HP; SA.HJ and S10:B are filled from infotype ===1
h. 'he obCect is always chec&ed when !alidatin" authori3ations
i. 'his obCect cannot be used with PH:+4*.
C. %hich of the followin" statements re"ardin" infotype menus and action menus
are correct? 0ore than one answer is correct.
&. An action menu is a collection of personnel actions presented to the user
accordin" to his,her "roup
l. An action menu is used to confi"ure Bynamic actions
m. An infotypes menu defines which infotype a user is authori3ed to maintain
n. An infotype menu is a list of infotypes presented to the user.
o. *n 0aster data maintenance; the followin" options are a!ailable in the 9tilities
menu/ 0ore than one answer is correct.
p. Belete personnel number
@. +estart a Personnel action
r. .han"e payroll status
s. .han"e entry,lea!in" date
t. Absence @uotas.
u. %hich of the followin" 'ime recordin" options are a!ailable in SAP 'ime
0ana"ement? 0ore than one answer is correct.
!. (mployee Self Ser!ice
w. 'ime 0ana"er>s %or&place
). .loc& in,cloc& out usin" a %AP enabled phone
y. 5le)time sheet
3. *nfotype maintenance.
178. %hich of the followin" is :' an element that does not define a feature?
a. 'he person responsible
b. Administrati!e date for the feature
c. Bocumentation
d. 5eature maintenance.
17<. A payroll period is defined as the period for which a payroll result is created.
a. 'rue
b. 5alse.
18=. %hich of the followin" items is :' contained in the payroll lo"?
a. 4eneral data
b. Successful employee numbers
c. +eCections
d. 0essa"es
e. .ontrol record.
f. Ad!ance payments can be made usin" the followin" options. %hich of the
statement is incorrect?
". After the first payroll run. A pre2pro"ramme B0( can be processedN the fla" for
transfers must be set. 'he balance of the payment is made after the second
payroll run
h. Ad!ance payment can be made without runnin" a payroll; payin" directly from
infotypes ===8; ==14 and ==15.
i. Ad!ance payments can be made usin" an off2cycle payroll run
C. Ad!ance payments can be processed in SAP.
181. 'he followin" are !alid public holidays in SAP/ 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. A mo!able holiday
b. Bistance to .hristmas
c. 5i)ed day from date
d. 5i)ed date
e. Special days.
f. %hich of the followin" are contained in the SAP +eference *04? 0ore than one
answer is correct.
". All documentation re@uired to implement a specific application
h. ProCect documentation
i. Status mana"ement
C. 9ser master records
&. *04 acti!ities.
182. 'here are three le!els of the *04. %hich of the followin" is '+9(?
a. SAP +eference *04
b. ProCect !iew
c. Bata (ntry profile
d. (nterprise *04
e. ProCect *04.
18-. %hich of the followin" statements are 5A7S(? 0ore than one answer is correct.
a. :nly the Acti!e Plan !ersion can be used in :r"ani3ational 0ana"ement
b. 'he P7:4* entry defines the default payroll area
c. 'he P7:4* :+4A entry in table '77S= acti!ates inte"ration between :0 and
d. 'he P7:4* feature can be used in conCunction with the P7:4* :+4A acti!e
entry to restrict inte"ration to different "roups of employees.
e. *n the number ran"e setup for Plan !ersion; the sub"roup OOS; stands for?
Select only :(.
f. All number ran"es not listed e)plicitly
". ()ternal number assi"nment for obCect type FS> in all Plan !ersions
h. umber assi"nment for obCect FS> in all Plan !ersions
i. All are false
C. All are true.
184. Hi"hli"ht the true statement below/
a. +elationships are special subtype of the +elationship infotype
b. All infotypes must ha!e subtype assi"ned to them
c. (ach relationship between internal obCects ha!e two directions; indicated by FA>
meanin" F'op Bown> and F1> meanin" F1ottom 9p>
d. +elationships in the customer namespace must with a numeric character.
e. %hich of the followin" are !alid relationships between the obCects listed? 0ore
than one answer is correct.
f. . 1==7 '
". S A==8 P
h. : 1==2 :
i. : 1==2 S
C. S 1==2 S
185. 'rue or 5alse/
a. .haracteristics can be assi"ned to relationships for e)ample wei"htin"s
b. %hen creatin" an obCect; the essence relationship must be defined
c. All relationships are stored in table H++P1==1
d. 'ime constraints are assi"ned to relationships and can be dependent on the
tar"et obCect type
e. :bCects can only be created in the planned status.
f. %hich of the followin" is not a !alid user interface for maintainin" or"ani3ation
mana"ement obCects,infotypes?
". Simple maintenance for creatin" lar"e structures
h. :r"anisation and staffin" for day to day maintenance
i. 0ana"er>s Bes&top for maintenance
C. ()pert mode/ infotype maintenance
&. Bynamic or"ani3ation menu.
l. 'here are three ways to plan or"ani3ational chan"es in SAP. %hich of the
followin" is :' one of these options?
m. Plannin" status for obCects and infotypes
n. Galidity periods
o. Account assi"nment
p. Plan !ersions.
@. *nformation re"ardin" planned compensation can be stored on the followin"
r. 1==1
s. 1==2
t. 1==-
u. 1==4
!. 1==5.
186. 'rue or 5alse/
a. Gacant positions can be mar&ed obsolete
b. .ost centres are assi"ned to or"ani3ational units in infotype 1==8
c. Duota plannin" can be calculated usin" 5'(>s
d. Actions can set up to create obCects
e. 'he wor& schedule stored in infotype 1=11 can be defaulted into infotype ===7
on a Hirin" action.
187. %hich of the followin" are prere@uisite for 0SS or 0B'?
a. A !alid or"ani3ation structure
b. 'he mana"er must be a person in the system
c. 'he .ommunication infotype =1=5 and subtype ===1 must be maintained
d. 'he mana"er must in chief position.
188. %hat is the purpose of the F(!aluation path> in Human +esources?
a. 'o determine the order in which infotypes are proposed by the +,- system for
b. 'o assi"n employee "roups to wor&in" time "roups
c. 'o enable one to report on structural information in :r"ani3ational 0ana"ement
d. 'o set up the path to allows the connection an electronic communication system
within SAP +,-
18<. %hich of the followin" statements are '+9(?
a. Bata transfer from H+ PA ? :0 usin" +H*'(== allows all relationships be
b. +eport +H*'(-= data transfer from :0 ? PA can be run e!en thou"h the
inte"ration between :0 and PA is not acti!e
c. +eport +H*'(2= is used on an on"oin" basis to chec& consistency between PA
and :0
d. +eport +H*'(1= can be used to create entries in PA from :0.
e. %hich reportin" functions are pro!ided in the Human +esources *nformation
System? 0ore than one answer is correct.
f. H*S which allows reportin" usin" structural "raphics
". 0ana"er>s des&top
h. 'he +eport tree allows access to standard SAP report as well as customer
defined reports; !ia hierarchical structures
i. Ad hoc @uery; allowin" one to create reports on Human +esources data simply
and efficiently
C. 1usiness *nformation %arehouse.
&. %hat are the recommended steps when creatin" an infoset? 0ore than one
answer is correct.
l. Assi"n infoset to user "roup#s$
m. .reate user "roups
n. .reate and "enerate an infoset
o. Select a lo"ical database
p. .reate local fields.
1<=. %hich of the followin" are 5A7S( for user "roups?
a. 9ser "roups can only be assi"ned one infoset
b. 9ser can be assi"ned to se!eral user "roups
c. (!ery user in a particular user "roup can e)ecute the @uerys that belon" to
another user "roup
d. 9ser cannot chan"e @uerys that belon" to another "roup.
1<1. %hich of the followin" are '+9( re"ardin" Ad hoc @uery?
a. .an be used for both H+ 0aster data and Payroll results
b. .omple) @uerys can be created usin" set operations
c. 7ocal fields can be created for use within an ad hoc @uery
d. :nly fields that ha!e been assi"ned to the field "roup in the infoset are a!ailable
for reportin".
1<2. 'rue or 5alse/
a. 'he new @uery "enerator in lo"ical database PP.( pro!ides 2 switches/
"eneral for the infoset and infotype specific
b. 'he lo"ical database PP is no lon"er used or supported by SAP
c. A lo"ical database is a !iew of the database of tapes
d. PP.( is an enhancement of PP and incorporates chan"es for .oncurrent
e. %hen creatin" @ueries in the standard area; the @ueries can be used in all
1<-. %hich of the followin" statements is true re"ardin" payroll infotypes?
a. 'hey are used for reportin" payroll results
b. 0ust be filled usin" a report
c. 0ust not be "enerated
d. .an be created usin" dialo" or primary wa"e types directly in the infotypes
e. .an be maintained in PA-=.
f. 'he followin" are simulated 'ime 0ana"ement infotypes/ 0ore than one answer
is correct.
25== Personal wor& schedule times
". 25=1 (mployee times
h. 25=2 Duota transaction
i. 25=- %ee&ly time sheet.
The HR authorizations are different from other authorizations in the following ways:
Protect sensitive data
Data in Human Resource application components is more sensitive than data in other
applications. For legal and company reasons, this data must e protected from
unauthorized access.
Technical differences
!ecause HR authorizations protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, they cannot
e deactivated using transactions "#$$ %&uthorization '(ect #sage in Transactions%
and "#$) %&uthorization '(ect *hec+ #nder Transactions.%
The names of all HR authorization o(ects start with P.
&uthorizations in the Human Resources -HR. component depend on the organizational
assignment, among other things. 'rganizational assignments are time,dependent. /f
employees are transferred, for e0ample, their organizational assignment can change.
Therefore, HR authorization chec+s are time,dependent.
Staging for New Term !CTS on"#$% !STA&IN&%
'he systematic process of disco!erin" and analy3in" important human
performance "aps; plannin" for future impro!ements in human performance;
desi"nin" and de!elopin" cost2effecti!e and ethically Custifiable inter!entions to
close performance "aps; implementin" the inter!entions; and e!aluatin" the
financial and non2financial results.

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