JuneCFF Newsletter

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Issue 10 June 2014

Upcoming Competitions
Athlete of the Month
CFF Kids/Teens Summer
Memorial Day MURPH
Strongman & Mobility info
Why drink more water?

Thanks to all who celebrated
"Memorial Day "
with MURPH!
Our Forward Community is the BEST!

Congratulations to
For their FIFTH place finish
In the Crossfit Games
Regionals Competition!
We are all so proud of your hard work &
dedication. Also, a HUGE thank you to
ALL who came out to support our box!

Crossfit Kids Summer Programs
Join us for a 5 week session of Crossfit Kids
Tues & Thurs from 10:45-11:45
June 23-July 24
$125 per child, ages 5-14
Contact Coach Melissa to register
Teen's Summer Hours
Teen's class will be MWF from 11:30-12:30
starting on June 16
Until then, teens will continue to train in the
3:30 class.
Please note Mobility Class will meet on
Saturdays, June 7 & 21 at 9:15 & 10:15
Crossfit Strongman WODs will be posted
weekly on Facebook & on the Barbell side
for those who want to incorporate them.
Please ask Coach Carrie or Rob Chedester
if you'd like to meet during open gym for a
training session.
Upcoming Competitions
Team Superfit Charlotte- July 12
Team Superfit Lorton- July 19
Team Superfit Richmond-Aug 23
It's not too late to sign up for Sam's
Weightlifting Seminar! Check Facebook for
details or ask a coach!
June 8th /9-2pm /$20.00

10 Life-Changing Reasons to Drink More Water
by Becca Borawski Jenkins (breakingmuscle.com)

Has it occurred to you today that you are thirsty? Guess what by the time you experience the sensation of the thirst, you are already
dehydrated. That thirst is your body calling for re-hydration.
Your body is composed of roughly 60% water1. That means when we are dehydrated and most of us spend our days constantly dehydrated
to some degree we are affecting the performance of the majority of our body. Nearly all of our systems do not function as well without the
proper water intake.
So, really, what does this mean? Why should we drink more water?
If you dont drink water, you will die. It's that important. Depending on our environment, we can live only a few days without water - maybe
a week. We can live much longer without food. For most of us, we should prioritize the consumption of water far more than we currently do.
Prevent cancer. Yes, thats right various research says staying hydrated can reduce risk of colon cancer by 45%5, bladder cancer by 50%6,
and possibly reduce breast cancer risk as well.7
Be less cranky. Research says dehydration can affect your mood and make you grumpy and confused.3 Think clearer and be happier by
drinking more water.
Perform better. Proper hydration contributes to increased athletic performance. Water composes 75% of our muscle tissue!4 Dehydration
can lead to weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and electrolyte imbalance.
Lose weight. Sometimes we think we are hungry, when actually we are thirsty. Our body just starts turning on all the alarms when we ignore
it. For those of you trying to drop some pounds, staying hydrated can serve as an appetite suppressant and help with weight loss.
Have less joint pain. Drinking water can reduce pain in your joints by keeping the cartilage soft and hydrated. This is actually how
glucosamine helps reduce joint pain, by aiding in cartilages absorption of water.
Flush out waste and bacteria. Our digestive system needs water to function properly. Waste is ushed out in the form of urine and sweat. If
we don't drink water, we don't ush out waste and it collects in our body causing a myriad of problems. Also combined with ber, water can
cure constipation.
Prevent headaches. Sometimes headaches can be caused by dehydration, so drinking water can prevent or alleviate that nasty head pain.
Next time your head hurts, try drinking water.
Make your skin glow. Our skin is the largest organ in our body. Regular and plentiful water consumption can improve the color and texture
of your skin by keeping it building new cells properly. Drinking water also helps the skin do it's job of regulating the body's temperature
through sweating.2
Feed your body. Water is essential for the proper circulation of nutrients in the body. Water serves at the bodys transportation system and
when we are dehydrated things just cant get around as well.
Quick rules of thumb for drinking water:
Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water (if you weight 160lbs, drink 80oz of water each day).
Carry a bottle everywhere with you as a reminder to keep drinking.
Eat raw fruits and vegetables they are dense in water. You can get water from food, not just from
Drink water and other uids until you urinate frequently and with light color.

Athlete of the Month: Jennifer
It started on June 18, 2013 with the following words in a private message
on Facebook: I am a very overweight 49 year old female. Going back and
reading the entire message today brings tears to my eyes. Youd think a
cry for help would be more dramaticbut it was more like an ashamed
whisper. Lindsay responded with, I KNOW I can help. On day one I couldnt
run to the top of the hill, couldnt get my feet into the rower without help
because I couldnt reach my feet to tighten the straps. I was so
embarrassed. Every night I would lie in bed and worry about the next days
WOD. Would I be able to scale it? Would I get hurt? Would I drop dead? Id
cry as I watched videos to learn the lifts before going to class. How am I
going to do that? I hid in the back corner so nobody would notice me
struggling. As I approach the one-year mark with CFF, I am amazed at my
progress. Ive lost over 20 pounds, I can make it a whole lap around
without stopping, I can row 1,000 meters in 5 minutes, I can deadlift 175
pounds and my blood pressure is lower than it has ever been111/72!!
The PRs keep happening. CrossFit Forward has saved my life. But the best
thing of all is that I have made new friendspeople who support and
encourage me through every workout. They are the ones who keep me
honest, keep me motivated and keep me coming backPam, Lisa, Jennifer,
Lindsay, Patrick, the list goes on. Yes, I have a long way to go.but by
always moving Forward, I will get there!

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