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DiMTEC went airborne

DiMTEC Newsletter
J U N E 2 0 1 3 - D E C 2 0 1 3

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :
Helicopter Flight (pg. 1)
Alumni DiMTEC Student
(pg. 2)
DiMTECs Travelling:
Belle in Sweden en
Andries in Ghana and
Germany (pg. 26)
DMISA 2014 (pg. 7)
Alice in Namibia (pg. 8)
Visitor from the Nether-
lands (pg. 9)
Olivia in Canada (pg. 9)
Graduation (pg. 10,11)
Results (pg. 10)
Feedback from students
(pg. 12)
Love and Lost (pg. 12)
Welcome Class of 2014!
The University of the Free State and more particularly the DiMTEC team would
like to welcome you and to congratulate you on your decision to enroll for a Post
Graduate Qualification in Disaster Management. Those of you who completed
you Higher University Diploma and qualified to continue with the Masters
Congratulations and welcome back!

We cannot continue with the new year without some reflection on the past and
in in this context we need to reflect on the recent passing of the greatest leader
of the past century and the Father of our Nation, Tata Madiba Nelson Man-
dela. He taught all of us so much through the example of his life. The best way
to honor him is to live according to the example he set for us. Characteristics
such as perseverance, leadership, humbleness, forgiveness, compassion, hon-
esty, and others should motivate us to make the world a better place.

Disaster management is all about risk reduction and support to fellow human
beings. You will need something of a Nelson Mandela to become a good disas-
ter manager. You will need perseverance to complete your studies. You will
need other characteristics to make a positive difference in the life of people
around you. That should be your motivation to study NOT to have another

Post-graduate study is part of a journey to your future and the future of your
country and fellow-man. Very few have the opportunity to study at this level. Do
not waste your opportunity. Work hard and you will succeed and above all, en-
joy your studies; enjoy the privilege to be part of this.

Good luck for 2014 and may God bless you all.
DiMTEC enjoyed the privilege to be part of the yearly practical exercise of the
SAMS air force pilots. Alice Ncube and Olive Kunguma joined the departure
from Greys rugby fields, after which they were flown over the beautiful sur-
roundings of Bloemfontein.
P A G E 2
Mr. Johanes Belle, a Junior Lecturer at UFS-DiMTEC attended the Swedish Civil
Contingencies Agency (MSB) Field Staff Induction Training in Sweden from the
21 to the 26 February 2013. The course took place at the MSB headquarters in
Karlstad, Sweden.

The Field Staff Induction Training Course equips participants on how to handle
disaster response in the field as emergency relief workers. Participants at the
2013 MSB Field Staff Induction Course were recruited from all over the world.
More than 35 participants took part in the training and comprised professionals
from various disciplines involved in disaster relief and disaster risk reduction. To
Mr. Belle, the course was an eye-opener to many disaster response
issues. The course gave me an opportunity to have a hands-on and a
wonderful international experience in humanitarian relief works taking
place in different parts of the world.

Mr. JA Belle of UFS-DiMTEC receiving his course certificate from one of the course
instructor Ms Gunilla Lindstrm of MSB
Travelling of DiMTEC Personnel
Alumni DiMTEC student awarded for outstanding service
Mr Mkansi, one of DiMTECs 2012 grad-
uates, is honoured with the Vice-
Chancellors Distinguished Award for
Outstanding Service beyond the Normal
Call of Duty for his unfailing commitment
to full participation as the University of
Johannesburg representative on the
team that was tasked with the vital role
of securing the safety of President
Barack Obama during his visit to the
Soweto Campus.
P A G E 3
MUNICIPALITY BY MR. JA BELLE (05/07/2013 to 12/07/2013)
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) was established on 1 January 2009 to replace
the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA), the Swedish Emergency Management Agency
(SEMA) and the Swedish National Board of Psychological Defence. It operates via knowledge-
building, support, education, training, regulation, supervision and works in close cooperation with
municipalities, county councils, other authorities, the private sector, and organizations to achieve
increased safety and security at all levels of society- from the local to the global community.
The MSB works in partnership with major UN organs involved in disaster response and disaster
risk reduction (DRR). MSBs vision is A safer society in a changing world.
Hosted by the Disaster Management Centre of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM),
the field experience started with a response to two burnt sharks in the Alberton area. Together
with the Regional Disaster Management Centre located in Alberton (Mr. Francois Meyer), blankets
and food parcels were handed to the affected people. The next response was a site inspection for
a proposed development to evaluate the likely risks of such a development on the local communi-

Accompanied by a former DiMTEC student (Mr. Sikhakhane M), we visited an informal settlement
built on dolomite rock with the risk of sinkholes. This student , whom I supervised, carried out a
Masters project on sinkholes risk awareness by the informal settlers.

Later in the week, I also participated in the vulnerability assessment of 11 identified informal set-
tlements in the EMM. It should be noted that about 109 informal settlements exist in the EMM
alone. This is a major challenge to the Metro.

Apart from a hand on experience on disaster management in the field, this visit also made me
realize that what the students are taught in class is just a tip of the iceberg in regards to what they
actually experience in the field. Another major realization was the necessity for multi-task force in
disaster management to emphasize the multi-sectorial
and multi-disciplinary nature of disaster risk manage-

Above all, what thrilled me most was the realization of
the number of top and middle management positions
that are occupied by past and current students of UFS-
DiMTEC. From the Chief Executive Officer of EMM
DMC- Mr. Kesten Anthony to managers like Mr Bafana
Mazibuko, deputy managers like Shadi Tsebe and Daisy
Raphela to name but a few.

Thank you all and keep up the good job as true

Mr. JA Belle
P A G E 4
UNOOSA invited DiMTECs Director, Dr. Jordaan as part of an
UNSPIDER technical advisory mission (TAM) to advise the Gov-
ernment of Ghana on the use of space based technology for disas-
ter risk reduction. The rest of the TAM consisted of experts from
China, UK, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Nigeria and Kenia. The
weeklong visit took place from 25 to 29 November 2013 during
which seventeen different departments and institutions were inter-
viewed and consulted, mainly in the Capital of Ghana, Accra.

The National Disaster Management Organization of Ghana
(NADMO) requested UNOOSA to advise the government of Gha-
na on the use of space-based technologies, which includes remote
sensing, navigation and communication. Different departments
and institutions were evaluated in terms of their access to space
based systems and the capacity to utilize the technology. Dr. Jor-
daan reported that the TAM also conducted a successful workshop
with all line departments and some Universities in Ghana. A report
with recommendations is currently being finalized and will be sub-
mitted to the Ghana government.
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs invited Dr. Jordaan
as expert on technical advisory mission to Ghana.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs was initially cre-
ated as a small expert unit within the Secretariat to service the ad
hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space established
by the General Assembly in its resolution 1348 (XIII) of 13 Decem-
ber 1958. It became a unit within the Department of Political and
Security Council Affairs in 1962, when the permanent Committee
on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space met for the first time, and
was transformed into the Outer Space Affairs Division of that De-
partment in 1968. In 1992, the Division was transformed into the
Office for Outer Space Affairs within the Department for Political
Affairs. In 1993, the Office was relocated to the United Nations
Office at Vienna. At that time, the Office also assumed responsibi-
lity for substantive secretariat services to the Legal Subcommittee,
which had previously been provided by the Office of Legal Affairs
in New York. Questions relating to the militarization of outer space
are dealt by the Conference on Disarmament, based in Geneva.
P A G E 5
The worlds largest humanitarian network, The International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies (IFRC) recently launched the World Disasters Report 2013. The report ex-
amines the impact of technological innovations on humanitarian action.

Attending the event at the Vienna International Centre was Dr Andries Jordaan from the UFS, Di-
rector of Disaster Management Training and Education Centre for Africa (DiMTEC). DiMTEC is at
the foreground of disaster management training in Africa. A memorandum of understanding with
the United Nations University for Environmental and Human Safety guarantees the exchange of
lecturers between various NGOs and the UFS worldwide.
From the left are: Josephine Shields Recass (Project Manager, World Disasters Report 2013), Dr Andries
Jordaan (Director: DiMTEC) and Andreas Papp (Programme Director, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Aus-
DiMTECs director at launch of World Disasters Report 2013
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs implements the decisions of the General Assem-
bly and of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The office has the dual objective of
supporting the intergovernmental discussions in the Committee and its Scientific and Technical
Subcommittee (S&T) and Legal Subcommittee, and of assisting developing countries in using
space technology for development.

In addition, it follows legal, scientific and technical developments relating to space activities, tech-
nology and applications in order to provide technical information and advice to Member States, in-
ternational organizations and other United Nations offices.

UNOOSA is the current secretariat of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite
Systems (ICG). UNOOSA also prepares and distributes reports, studies and publications on vari-
ous fields of space science and technology applications and international space law. Documents
and reports are available in all official languages of the United Nations through this website.
UNOOSA is located at the United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria with website http://
P A G E 6

DiMTEC part of newly established Institute for Integrated Management
of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNFLORES).
DiMTEC, through Dr Jordaan, played an active advisory role in the establish-
ment of UNFLORES with Prof Reza Ardakanian as its first Director. Dr. Jor-
daan was invited as an expert to both international scoping workshops, which
took place in November 2010 in Dresden, Germany and in October 2011 in Ma-
puto, Mozambique. He also participated in the regional workshop on the estab-
lishment of the Twin Institute of UNFLORES at Eduardo Mondlane University in
Maputo, Mozambique. During this workshop Dr Jordaan was appointed as the
UNFLORES African focal point for drought and flood research in Africa.
On invitation from UNFLORES Dr Jordaan also participated in the International
Kickoff Workshop on Advancing a Nexus Approach to the Sustainable Manage-
ment of Environmental Resources held in Dresden, Germany from 10 to 12 No-
vember 2013.

In its resolution 61/110 of 14 December 2006 the United Nations General As-
sembly agreed to establish the "United Nations Platform for Space-based In-
formation for Disaster Management and Emergency Response - UN-SPIDER"
as a new United Nations programme, with the following mission statement:
"Ensure that all countries and international and regional organizations have
access to and develop the capacity to use all types of space-based infor-
mation to support the full disaster management cycle". Whereas there have
been a number of initiatives in recent years that have contributed to making
space technologies available for humanitarian aid and emergency response
UN-SPIDER is the first to focus on the need to ensure access to and use of
such solutions during all phases of the disaster management cycle, including
the risk reduction phase which will significantly contribute to a reduction in
loss of lives and property.

The UN-SPIDER programme is achieving this by focusing on being a gate-
way to space information for disaster management support, by serving as a
bridge to connect the disaster management, risk management and space
communities and by being a facilitator of capacity-building and institutional
strengthening, in particular for developing countries. UN-SPIDER is being im-
plemented as an open network of providers of space-based solutions to sup-
port disaster management activities. Besides Vienna (where UNOOSA is lo-
cated), the programme also has an office in Bonn, Germany as well as an of-
fice in Beijing, China.
P A G E 7
DMISA 2013
Through its intricate planning, organization and recruitment DiMTEC-UFS proudly played a major
role in hosting this years DMISA, which was held at the President Hotel in Bloemfontein.
DiMTEC would like to acknowledge and thank O. Kunguma who played a vital and successful
role as the Master of Logistics. Highlights of the conference emerge with Mr. J.A. Belle who was
elected as chairman - further upholding DiMTEC chairmanship of the Free State Province. Addi-
tional highlights of DMISA include 3 papers presented in the following topics: Index Insurance as
a Risk Transfer to for Disasters, presented by AJ Jordaan; Assessing the knowledge, attitudes
and practices regarding cholera preparedness and prevention in Ga-Mampuru village, Limpopo,
South Africa, presented by A. Ncube; Dolomite Sinkhole Risk Awareness: A study of Zonkizizwe
Extension Six Settlers in Kathlehong Area in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, presented by
J.A Belle.
Dr. AJ Jordaan (director of
DiMTEC) presenting.
Exhibition stand of DiMTEC
The United Nations
University Institute
for Integrated Man-
agement of Material
Fluxes and of Re-
sources (UNU-
FLORES) was es-
tablished in 2012 in Dresden, Germany. Important milestones during the establishment phase
were two International Scoping Workshops which took place in November 2010 in Dresden,
Germany, and in October 2011 in Maputo, Mozambique. During these workshops the research
areas were worked out and entry points for joint study programs of UNU-FLORES and the Tech-
nische Universitt Dresden (TUD) were identified. In addition, opportunities and challenges of
establishing a network for partnership of UNU-FLORES based in Mozambique and its specific
topics in research and teaching were discussed.
P A G E 8

In May 2013 I had the opportunity to travel from Bloemfon-
tein to Windhoek, Namibia. It was an enriching experience
to see the students within their workplaces. I had a pleas-
ant encounter with Simon Ilonga, Ministry of Gender, who
was preparing to
travel to Northern Namibia to conduct his questionnaires for

I met with Anna Marie Niipare at Windhoeks Disaster Man-
agement Centre. I also had the opportunity to visit the Uni-
versity of Namibia. It was pleasant to hear from our Alumni
Mrs Anastasia Amunyela, who is working as part of the na-
tional disaster management team that Namibia is forging ahead with developing dis-
aster management structures on all levels.
Alice Ncube visited DiMTECs students in Namibia
Anna Marie Niipare with Windhoeks Disaster Management Centre
P A G E 9
A visitor from the Netherlands
DiMTEC welcomes Akin Akiboye from Wageningen University Research
Centre Netherlands, to its office. He will be working out of DiMTECs office
for a few months. He is currently working on his Ph.D. Academic Research
Thesis of which the topic is: Re-building of Rural Communities by Internally
Displaced Persons (IDPs) as a result of force removal in a post-conflict.

A word from Akin Akibove:
I am a Nigerian born British citizen. I had my education both in Nigerian and
UK. I am a former UNDP National Disaster Co-ordinator and advisor to both
Namibian and Ugandan Governments. I was formerly an international civil
servant and as well as national. I worked for the British government for many
years at various capacities at the Home Office, from policy to refugee, infor-
mation knowledge management, humanitarian, procurement and logistics,
immigration and prison service.
I served as the head of drugs at Her Majesty Prison Service (HMPS) in
Leeds, UK. After many years of active service in UK including voluntary services with various UK and in-
ternational organisations, I proceeded to Holland to pursue an academic career at Wageningen University
Research Centre at Ph.D. level.
A Glimpse inside DiMTEC Office
Olivia Kunguma in Canada
Olivia Kunguma (Junior Lecturer DiMTEC) was invited to present a paper at the World Confer-
ence on Disaster Management (WCDM) held in Canada Toronto from 24 to 28 June 2013. Her
presentation, titled "Public awareness campaigns, a disaster risk reduction strategy for fire and
flood hazards in the Western Cape Province, South Africa" was well attended as one of the sub -
plenary sessions. She also had the opportunity and privilege to visit the Niagara Falls and expe-
rience one of the worlds most magnificent wonders. This proved to be an enriching experience
for O. Kunguma.
Olivia together with one of the exhibitors (above)
and speakers (right)
P A G E 1 0
Graduation December 2013
DiMTEC would also like to congratulate 2 of our students on their academic
achievements. L Mahile and S.C. Iheadiri graduated in Disaster Manage-
ment on 5th December 2013. Congratulations!!
Subject Pass Rate Subject Pass Rate
DIM 601 100% DIM 608 93%
DIM 602 90% DIM 701 100%
DIM 603 100% DIM 703 100%
DIM 604 87% DIM 704 75%
DIM 605 88% DIM 705 93%
DIM 606 98% DIM 706 100%
DIM 607 90% DIM 707 93%
DiMTEC Results 2013
It gives us great pleasure to
announce the outstanding
performances of our students
of 2013. Congratulations to
all the lecturers and students
for their hard work. The pass
rate for all the HUD modules
increased significantly from
previous years.

The results are shown
in the table on the right.

Well done class of 2013 !!

P A G E 1 1
Graduation June 2013
DiMTEC would like to congratulate the following students who graduated in June 2013: In no
specific order: B. Banda; M. Sekhesa; E. Mamadi; T. Ngando; B.M. Mabela (not in picture);
L. Ringisai; L. Sikwentu; R. Seabo; B. Ngonyama; T. Mkansi; D. Mabunda; A. Niipare; B.M.
Mapule; D.M. Mutele; and M. van der Nest.
We are very proud of you!!

Love and Lost
DiMTEC is saddend to have lost one of our
prominent students, Refilwe Tlali due to a car
accident earlier this year. Our sincere condo-
lences to her family and close friends.
Feedback from DiMTEC Students

Towards a point of perspective

It was a disastrous
year. But not in a
bad way. Neither
easy or necessarily
tongue in the
cheek. Oblivious of
what awaited, I
joined the odd 70
students on a crisp
January morning in
2013. The day
turned hot and
heavy, and never
ending exactly as
the year ahead
would do.

The reading material is more than any one
person can ever bear. The assignments are
packed in like sardines and the content is
way above anything most people would care
to understand. Thank goodness for that
For if was it any different, the total transfor-
mation in my thinking and being may never
have been awakened until the day I leave this
fascinating earth behind.

Besides for complicated models, weather pat-
terns, statistical analysis, biological warfare,
floods, fires, chemistry and disease (yup,
all and more in one year) I learned how
little I actually know. All of us. We dont know
enough. Caught up in the monotony of the
daily humdrum we sometimes convince
ourselves that we have it all figured out. Not
in the least. Not until you look up, look
around, pay attention and understand how
significantly perfect our earth and its systems
function, can you ever even claim that you try
to make some sense. And once you start to
know, you need to act.

Ive also learned that you can carry on long
after you think you cant and that you have
to, in fact. Always.

Cheers to a great year. Cheers to all the won-
derful people involved.

Cind Greyling

My name Charles Mokete,
I was born in 1983 at Bot-
shabelo. Im the first born
at home with family of five.
My mother passed away
when I was doing Grade
11 in 2002 and my father
passed away when I was
doing my second year in
2005 at Central University
of Techno-logy, Free
State. Despite the pressure I got from taking care
of my siblings I managed to finish my first Diploma
(2007) in Public Management on recorded time
using NSFAS Loan. In 2008 to 2009 I did B.Tech:
Project Management of which I also managed to
finish on time using a bursary from Department of
Public Works and then in 2010 I did B.Tech Public
Management paying for myself but couldnt do my
second semester due to financial constraints but I
managed to get an internship from Post Bank. I
then went back to University the following year in
2011 to complete my degree.
Through all this years the only person who was
assisted me, was my Aunt Ntaoleng Slyvia Mo-
shoeshoe who is unemployed. Currently I am a
DiMTEC student doing my Masters Degree in Dis-
aster Management, funded by the NDMC
(National Disaster Management Centre). Within
the duty of taking care of my siblings, I want to
thank DiMTEC staff for the moral support and mo-
tivation that they have given me in 2013. With
their support I know I will make it on record time.
Charles Mokete
Bursary Student at DiMTEC

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