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Alpha Attitudes

unknown author
If you set up the frame that she is ALREADY attracted to you, and act in every way congruent with
that frame,
then it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
Watch your words, they become your actions;
Watch your actions, for they become your deeds;
Watch your deeds, they become your character;
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny!
Always assume that she will fuck you!
It's generally agreed that it's a good idea to always have a positive attitude, but take it one step
ALWAYS ASSUME the BEST possible situation. I suppose "Make the Ho Say No" is the physical
manifestation of
Using ASSUMPTIONS to lead her state
The most important part of a PU is leading HER states, and very little has been said on this
The ONLY way to lay a girl is to get her to feel sexually attracted to you, but there are certain
steps you
have to LEAD her through to get there.
If you ASSUME her state as being positive, and conductive to your being able to proceed with
the PU (ie.
her state is that she is attracted to you, etc.), and you ACT AS IF she ALREADY feels this way, then
can create a frame based on this perception and draw her into your reality.
If you set up the frame that she is ALREADY attracted to you, and act in every way congruent
with that
frame, then it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you talk, act, kino, use body language, etc.
that is
completely CONGRUENT with the FACT that she wants you, if you ACT AS IF she already wants
then she will begin to feel that way. There's a psychological term for this that I can't remember right
but it is similar to the "fake it till you make it" idea.
So, for example, let's assume that you've approached a HB and are demonstrating value, alpha
characteristics, etc. as per TFM... Your PU is going well, but doubt starts to creep into your mind...
"Is she
attracted to me? Am I making progress?" How should you deal with this?
First, break your own state and reframe the situation. Change the defeatist frame of "I'm unsure
of her
attraction." to the winning frame of, "She is attracted to me already." We all know to do this by now,
I hope.
So, how to let HER know about this new frame and draw her into your reality? Simple. ACT AS IF.
talking to her like you would if she was attracted to you (since, in fact, in your reality she already is!).
TOUCHING her (kino) AS IF she were already attracted to you. Start using body language that
sends out
signals that she is already attracted to you. Be CONGRUENT in every way with this new frame, and
ESPECIALLY with KINO, and you CAN draw her into your reality.
The Naturals PUA Bible
One great example of reframing that I can use as an analogy is Maniac's post about missing a
date and
REFRAMING the situ. when he called her. He did a total reversal and REFRAMED as if SHE was
the one
who had gotten the date time wrong. ("No, we weren't supposed to meet last night at 8:00, I have it
here in my schedule, it's tomorrow night", etc.) and made HER apologize since he had, by being
congruent and assertive, drawn her into his reality.
You can do the same thing with ANY frame you want... use this to deal with shit tests, flakes,
Let me take this ANOTHER step further and relate it to the progression of her states during a
PU. Here is
a typical progression of the states she should go through during the PU: Approach (gain interest),
Attraction, Rapport (optional), Sexual State, Close
I say that Rapport is optional because experience will tell you that some girls don't even WANT
to get to
know you before you fuck them, although it is important in other ways.
This is KEY
You can use this tool, of assuming her state, to LEAD her through these steps. Let's say that
you've just
approached, you are getting at LEAST signs that she is interested in you, that you've gained her
The NEXT logical step is attraction. You want her to feel attracted to you.
So, you set that frame as if it were already true, and ACT AS IF she is attracted to you. Be
TOUCH her like she WANTS to be touched. (Example: Put your hands around her hips, hug her,
whatever you normally do AFTER you've put her in an attracted state.) Be congruent (meaning
change your pacing too quickly, don't be apologetic if it SEEMS like she isn't into it, etc.
You can TRANSITION from state to state by ASSUMING her NEXT state. If she's attracted
and you're
going for rapport, ASSUME rapport and act as if she's already there... and draw her into that
Continue this through the whole state progression, and watch your PU times get lower and
PUA Aura
What is the PUA aura? I've been thinking about it, and the vibe that I aim to put out.
positive energy
quiet confidence
someone people would WANT to be around
comfort in own skin
pauses to build up anticipation for jokes, etc.
no fear that talking slow will lose attention of girl or group
no fear of "awkward pauses".. let's them linger if he wants
rarely laughs at own jokes or C&F comments, while others laugh
makes statements, does not ask questions until someone has earned that level of rapport
totally in control with absolute security of positive end result
knowing confidence/smile/breathing
peaceful look, like from "Meet Joe Black", but with an ultra bad-ass
The Naturals PUA Bible
cocky/confident/playful an unlimited ammunition of bad-ass C&F lines
ability to switch gears without warning.. "You're silly... goof.............. (change tonality to sexual) I
want to see
does not look around at other people, or look concerned or threatened by anyone else.. very
much in
Alpha scale!
I think its because girls DETECT when you've HEDGED the opener and conversation with overly
cocky shit, to
protect yourself from rejection.
(overcompensates by being too bold what most guys initially assume being alpha is)
(doesn't qualify himself, but isn't mean to cover up just relaxed, the TRUE alpha)
(overcompensates by being too nice)
Be the good guy. A little cocky, cool sense of humour, but not trying too hard. Trying too hard to
be macho/bold
is beta because its overcompensating insecurities

The Creed
by Maddash
I make no excuses for my desires as a man.
I move through this world without apology.
I like to satisfy women.
I don't need any particular woman, I am not needy.
Women are abundant.
I do not supplicate to women because they find it unattractive.
Rejection is a good thing. The more I get rejected, the more I will get laid.
I learn something every time. Every rejection becomes a brick in my palace.
I do not dwell in the past.
The past can not be relived, good or bad.
I have a wide range of options in how I choose to react to other people. The choice is mine.
Attitude Part 1
You have to want this more than ANYTHING. If you dont, theres no point in going on.
Confidence says Hey, Im something pretty special thats worth a close look. I know this based on
my preparation,
skills, and past successes.
Cockiness says And Im so confident, I can walk right up to you and have a good chance at
winning you over. Oh,
and while Im a nice guy, Im not worried about what I say to you or messing up. If you thought the
ball was in your
court, think again.
Arrogance says You are inferior, if you dont give in to me, you are an idiot.
Confidence is great. A little cockiness is sometimes attractive. Arrogance is not.
If you present her with the Publishers Clearing House check and she slams the door in your face,
then move on.
Guess what? You still have the check in your hands! Give it to some other fine woman who
appreciates it!
Confidence is not something you think about, it is the way you are. It is a state of mind, a character
trait. Ideally you
feel so good and natural about it that the word "confidence" never pops up in your mind. The only
way to develop
confidence is to talk to as many HBs as possible, without any intention of PU. Talk to them, say hi,
say are you
having fun?, say Hi, are you the sort of person I should get to know better? Yes? Why?. Then walk
away. That
Alpha Male
The alpha male is dominant. Hes not an asshole. Hes the guy who chooses women. Hes having
fun and hes
confident. The alpha male isnt a condescending jerk.
Model the alpha male. What are his qualities? To me, an alpha male is:
Is The Man
The Naturals PUA Bible
Hard to please
Unemotional, slightly serious. Gives smiles and laughs as rewards.
Talks slowly, deliberately. Enunciates.
Doesnt ask for things.
Is not afraid that others might not like him. Yet, is likable.
Is busy
and ends conversations, dates, etc. They are not ended for him.
Is comfortable hanging with hot women.
Motivated to pick up
The alpha male doesnt ask permission. And he doesnt give options.
Keep trying. If you give up easy, this isnt for you.
You are moving forward on the path to Fulfillment. The only reason you are moving forward is
because you are
trying. Mistakes mean nothing in the end! If she rejects you, she has taught you something. There is
no failure, only
Try multiple girls, you will get blown out. Keep working on the same one until you crash and burn,
then NEXT her.
But remember:
persistence = desire = strength
stalking = neediness = weakness.
Work every day at this!
Keep trying. There will be plenty of failures. You are pushing past the edge of your comfort zone.
You are living
100%, unlike most guys out there who have learned their place.
Never think about how long it will take. Do not worry about results. Just keep pushing past the
edge, and the edge
will move farther and farther away. One day you will be a different person.
Dont hold on to your bad habits out of pride or a need to be right. Take criticism graciously and if
its valid, accept
If something isnt working for you, analyze why and try to find the right solution. Try again until you
get it or find a
good reason to give it up.
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Watch her reactions to your words and body language. What is she feeling? What is her body
language saying? What
are the feelings behind the facts she presents to you?
Attitude Part 2
Humor, Playfulness, Fun and Comfort
You should be in a relaxed state have fun with the pickup. Just talk to her, dont be anxious or
edgy or force
things. Your sense of humor will rub off. You are going to get blown out a LOT. Get used to it.
Enjoy it.
Never get stressed out, discombobulated or worried that things aren't going right or perfect. Always
remain calm,
relaxed and reactive in positive way to any challenges. Always act in a slow, calm, powerful manner.
Dont react
when she gets mad, just smile and chill out for awhile while she steams. When you talk to her again,
just keep
smiling, dont act like a dick, but dont supplicate to her either. If you didnt do anything wrong, then
theres no
need to apologize for anything.
One day, you will have your choice of the women that you desire. Imagine this day, savor the
feeling, feel the
confidence flowing through you, and then see yourself picking up beautiful women. At the same
time, forgetting
what confidence is, forgetting the rules, not thinking about it just doing it.
All of this means nothing if you dont go out there every day and try it. Try again and again. Have
fun with it, just
play around. The people around you arent looking down at you they are envious of you, that you
are so outgoing
and free. They wish they could do what you are doing. Imagine yourself picking up a girl in a
restaurant in front of
10 astonished people!
Diamonds and Gold
Women like diamonds (romance, dinners, etc). Men like Gold (sex). If two people come together,
and she demands
all the diamonds and never gives any gold, then hes going to walk away unhappy. Same goes for her.
So never give
the diamonds without getting some gold in return.
The Law of Requisite Variety
If Person A has X reactions to a situation and Person B has X+1 reactions, Person B will control
the situation.
Therefore you must anticipate as many reactions to your routine as possible, in order to guide the
outcome of the
situation. NEXT should be the very last resort when you are stumped.
Basics Part 1
Practice smiling. Find other alpha males and emulate the way that they smile at women. Smile at
crowds. Most guys
walk around in a crowd with scowls on their faces, or at best, a blank stare. Think about it if you
are the alpha
male, if you have your choice of women in the crowd, you are going to be a pretty happy guy.
On the other hand, dont take it too far. Your smile should be animated and definitely not constant.
Dont freeze it
on your face.
Way too many guys have monotone voices, speak too quietly, or too quickly.
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Practice slowing down your voice, inserting interesting pauses in your sentences. Practice talking less
but saying
more. Practice slightly modifying the tone of your voice up or down (slightly is the key word here).
Know what you
are going to say before you say it. Dont say Um.
Stage 1 of kino is using your hands to briefly touch her to establish rapport and intimacy. Be gentle,
dont grope
your target. This is best taught by example I like to start off a story by saying something like
oh, get this (tap
her gently on the shoulder) the funniest thing happened to me today
Practice timing your light brushes with the emotions you raise in your routines. If you mention sex
in a story (and
so-and-so said to her, what if I were to kiss you right here?) then touch her in a certain spot. This is
anchoring an
emotion to a peculiar touch. Later, you can touch her there to induce the emotion (works better
over time).
Mystery likes to brush a womans hair with his hand. Style likes to grab the back of their neck and
put his fingers
through her hair (later stage, if you do this 2 minutes after meeting a girl, it will generally get you in
trouble. Unless
you are Style.)
Stage 2 is push and pull kino. This is where you put your hand around her waist and gently push her
away to
punish her (for example, if she gives you a shit test) and pull her in to reward her for good
This is very subtle stuff, but you can practice it for weeks and never stop learning new things.
Other stuff:
Touch as much as possible.
When greeting a girl for a date, you MUST get a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
Push and Pull her. Rock her. Push as a subtle neg/retreat. Pull her close.
Eye Contact
This was very tough for me to learn. Go out, and practice making and sustaining eye contact with
It is very unnatural at first. Some women seem born with an innate ability to stare down a stranger.
until you can out-stare a strange girl at a bar. Dont creep anyone out.
Staring should be seductive, interesting, light and playful. The eyes convey emotion. EC is not
merely a
mechanical exercise. Again, this is something that is best learned by watching someone who is good
at it for
a few minutes.
Always make eye contact, except when discussing something bad, like her boyfriend. Maintain
eye contact
until she looks away. She must smile, or say hello, or look away.
Mirroring builds rapport, but takes a little practice to seem natural. Watch boyfriends and
girlfriends in
conversation and notice how they mirror each other. Practice mirroring.
One key mirroring move is to notice the direction that your targets feet are facing when they are
talking to
you. If her feet are facing 90 degrees, theres no rapport. As you involve her in conversation, her feet
toes (and thus, her body) will begin to point in your direction. If you have her completely facing you,
an IOI. This becomes a more advanced trick later. When talking to your girl, use kino to shift her
towards you and keep on with your routine. This will suddenly shift her into rapport with you. I do
when I read a girls palm oh sure, I can read your palm (grab her far hand with one of mine and
pull it
over, turning her towards me) oh, it says youre a virgin, is that right? (stupid joke disguises fact
that I
removed the body block and opened her up to rapport).

Stay Sober
Drinking dulls your edge and makes you appear stupid. Cultivate an outgoing, charming, and
humorous personality
while sober.
More than one drink generally doesnt help. It will bring down inhibitions, but too quickly leads to
sloppiness of
body and mind. If you just want to drink with the boys, then dont try to PU at the same time.
Basics Part 2
Supplication literally means to humbly ask for something. Avoid supplicating to women. The best
way to have her
fulfill her requests is to influence her so that she wants to do them.
Once you demonstrate to a woman that she can manipulate you, she loses all sexual attraction for
you and
designates you as a pawn.
Hand in hand with this is apologizing. Rarely apologize for your actions.
Never Argue
Arguing is unattractive. Find ways to agree with what she says. If shes disagreeable, punish her with
a takeaway or a
NEG. If she continues to be disagreeable, find another set.
Your Problems
Dont bring up your problems, its unattractive. Almost as important, dont discuss her problems
with her if you
discuss her problems, you become one of them.
Be Vague and Mysterious
Women respond positively to the Unknown. Do not reveal too much about yourself!!! Avoid
answering questions
about work, age, your astrological sign, even your name for as along as possible. She will fill the
details in with her
most desired traits.
Respond with a smile.
This is advanced Kino. Watch for the emotions you are eliciting in her. When shes happy, touch her
on the elbow.
When shes horny, touch her on the knee. When shes excited, touch her neck. Do this three times
for each spot.
Then the feeling is anchored there. You can also anchor with verbal expressions (see So how much
do you like me

Embedded Commands/Patterns
You might not make use of this for awhile, but you need to know what it is for when youre ready.
As stated above in Supplication, never explain yourself or try to convince a woman of anything.
Instead, embed
what you want them to think/feel about you in your speech.
Sometimes, it is indirect (so if you were to meet an ambitious, successful guy who respects you and
treats you like a
princess, then you would get pretty turned on, huh?), sometimes direct (So you think Im pretty
funny, you keep
laughing at what I say. So then, you must think Im pretty interesting, too?).
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Patterns can be quite powerful and if done properly, she will end up internalizing what you tell her.
A sign of
success is when she repeats your phrases back to you, sometimes days later. This is related
somewhat to suggestive
speech, such as poetry and short stories.
A NEG is not an insult. It is a statement intended to subtly undermine her self-esteem while
covering your tracks
with a grudging compliment. You are teasing her. The effect is to show disinterest. Smile when you
give NEG her.
This works amazingly well on 9s and 10s. It doesnt work so well on 7s and 8s and should be
generally avoided
with them. NEGing takes some practice to know when and how much to do it. Everyone makes
mistakes and
blows sets doing it, but after awhile youll get great at it.
NEG her if:
She has a bitch shield
She is incredibly hot
Her interest level is dropping off
These are all good NEGS if she starts testing you:
I bet you have a real cute side somewhere. You just don't show it..
When she responds to something, say, "Oh, so you're one of THOSE...."
(Afterwards, you can say "now I see what I'm dealing with.") If she resists this neg, use the NL9
line: "Oh,
so then you are one of those people who don't like to be categorized."
Are those nails real? No. Well they still look good, I guess.
Is that your real hair? It looks neat, its like a waffle.
Werent you wearing that dress the last time you were here? (if she answers no, then: oh,
mustve been
some other girl them. Looks better on you though!)
Oh sick you just spit on me!
You blink a lot
Look your nose wiggles when you talk thats really cute!
I dont think we should get to know each other. Why? You are just too nice of a girl for
Do you find that your bitchy behavior makes people like you more?"
These are good negs that are safer to use on 8s. They are meant to tease her a little.
I think I loved you *pause* before you turned out to be such a freak. (smile)
I like you better when your silent!(smile)
For such a pretty girl you sure are mentally disoriented!
Or if she is talking about something I pretend Im searching for something on her body. Then if
she goes :
"what? " I say : where is your button so I can shut you off.. you are silly (with a smile).
Don't you think we are going to get married young lady if you keep on being so silly.
Dumb NEGS:
When I see her I go like "oh no! not her again" (and pretend I don't want to see her) (Everyone
does this
one, avoid it. Im just mentioning it so you dont do it)
BIG NEGS: (Use in case of emergency only):
Well, at least youre lucky enough to have a good body.
The Naturals PUA Bible
No really, Ive seen uglier girls.
So are you a bitch to everybody, or just people cooler than you?
So are you drunk or just plastered?
Remember: the purpose of a neg is not to insult. It is to show disinterest by being inadvertently
critical, while at the
same time demonstrating a good personality. It is teasing, flirting.
These are not NEGs:
Provide a challenge for women... this is very important. Just like men, women need challenge and
they need to feel
like they are working for something. It increases your value in her eyes if she's had to work hard to
get you and to
keep you. (Thanks in10se)
Scarcity increases value. Dont answer every phone call, dont see her every day, dont be available
every day. Be
busy and unavailable, let her wonder what you are doing!
Never ever show jealousy. Encourage her to talk to other guys. Tell her that you two would make
a cute couple in
a trailer somewhere. Ask if you can come to the wedding and laugh. If you begin to get jealous, she
has a hook into
you that she can control you with! This is a very dangerous thing with a 10.
Good Luck, guys. Remember this is about rebuilding your personality and becoming a better person
than who you
are today. 75% character + 25% tactics.
The Naturals PUA Bible
The truth about women revealed
unknown author
I wasn't a sexist before I understood women. There was a time when I was blissfully ignorant. I grew
up watching
Disney cartoons, I believed in romance and "true love conquers all" etc. I wanted to find a woman
who could be
my equal, my partner. I believed in finding that one true love and being committed to each other
forever. You
know, like in the marriage vows, "for better or for worse, through sickness and in health, for richer
or for poorer"
etc. And I believed that women basically wanted the same thing. Now I understand that this was
only possible when
society was structured to enforce it. Now that women are "liberated" (and thus at the mercy of their
own emotions
and baser instincts) this is mostly no longer possible in today's society. Victorian society, or many
Arab societies, are
examples of how society used to be structured to keep women as faithful as possible.
I'd like to point out that I am not a misogynist...I love women. But I AM a sexist, in the sense that I
believe women
are vastly different than men and, according to the standards that men hold for other men, women
are inferior as
I must be a bitter loser, right? In fact, I enjoy more success with women than most of the men in
this city. I have
slept with over 200 women in my life. I am sleeping with 5 different women right now. They are all
normal, healthy,
well-adjusted, good-looking (8+ on the looks scale) professional women. (At least as normal and
healthy and welladjusted
as women can be - most women have issues.) But that's not all. I can go out any night of the week
and pick
up a woman. I can pick her up in front of all her friends (with 80% efficiency for each approach.)
Women will slip
me their phone number when their boyfriend is in the bathroom. I can talk to women on the street
or in the grocery
store and within 30 minutes, I can usually have sex with them right there in my car or get them back
to my place. If
I have to settle for a phone number, and I meet her on another day, assuming she doesn't flake, I
WILL fuck her
that next day.
Let me point out right now that my Modus Operandi doesn't change in the slightest if she single or
if she has a
boyfriend or husband. I just do my normal routine and I fuck her. Sometimes she brings up the
boyfriend so she
won't feel guilty when I fuck her because now it's "my fault." Sometimes she hides it from me until
after I've fucked
her, then she admits it. I can't tell you how many times I've been laying next to some chick, all
sweaty cause I just
finished busting a nut all over her face or in her mouth or on her back, and suddenly her phone
rings and she's on
the phone with her man, giving him some bullshit story. This is with NO GUILT
WHATSOEVER!!! The sweetest
most innocent girls you ever laid eyes on, will cheat at the drop of a HAT. The one thing that most
men value most
- loyalty - is just not there with women. Women don't think in terms of honor, women don't say
"word is bond;"
women are basically emotionally driven. If they feel it, they do it, period. Then they rationalize it to
themselves later.
Nothing is more meaningful, or compelling, to a woman than (1) the way she feels and (2) learning
more about her
own inner self and having emotional realizations. That's why women love astrology, chick flicks,
soap operas, stupid
Cosmo quizes that supposedly reveal info about yourself, etc.
I must be really good looking, right? NOPE. My looks are marginal; I'm maybe a 7. I don't work out
(though I'm
not fat or anything.) In fact I didn't have any success with women until I was in my early 20's. That's
when I decided
to go out a lot and start trying to get laid... I was willing to face rejection a thousand times a night,
and do it over
and over, trying everything, until I got it right. I had to completely set my ego aside. I didn't get laid
at all for the
first few months. Then every now and then. Then pretty often. Then downright consistently! I'm in
my early 30's
now and I am basically a sexual god. I wouldn't have even believed this were possible when I was in
high school.
The ONLY factor that determined whether a woman would cheat was my own skill level. When my
skills were
poor, women shit all over me. (Everyone knows how women think they have license to be rude
bitches in social
The Naturals PUA Bible
situations... in fact I understand and appreciate that behavior now.) But once my skills got good, I
could fuck just
about anyone's wife or girlfriend. And many times I didn't know they had a man until after I fucked
Look, I'm not saying that men are perfect, or whatever. Far from it. I'm just saying, I've spent a lot
of my time
studying women and interacting with them, and I know how they are. In fact, sometimes I hate
knowing it.
Sometimes I wish I had taken the blue pill, and never went down the rabbit hole, because now
there's really no
going back. I didn't want to believe these things... but how could I ever get married now? How could
I ever be the
chump who pays for everything and blissfully goes through life not worrying about his woman
because he trusts
her? Look, would you leave your dog alone with a steak? You can't hate the dog for doing what's in
its nature. You
can't trust a dog, BUT you can trust a dog to BE a dog. Some men are disloyal... but I could *never*
trust a woman
to be loyal. Some men are bad presidents...but I could *never* vote for a woman to be president. I
can rarely expect
a woman to regard her own promises as more important and compelling to her than the emotions
she feels in the
moment. She will rationalize it to herself later.
Here's an interesting fact. Did you know that the median 22 year old woman has TWICE as much
sex as the
median 22 year old man? You might ask, how is that possible? If a woman's having sex, doesn't that
mean a man is
having sex at the same time? And thus, shouldn't men be having just as much sex as women?
NO...because most
men hardly get laid, or if they do, it's because they "got lucky." But a small group of men get laid
and fuck LOTS AND LOTS of women! It's evolution at work. Women follow their emotions, and
that leads them
to sleep with men like me (who know how to control female emotions.) Women want the top the top man
fucks lots of women. That's right - the sexual revolution, feminism, etc has resulted in a return to
harems. Women,
at the mercy of their own emotions, are volunteering for the modern-day equivalent of harems.
Lucky for me!! Heh.
You might say, "But...but...I'm so nice! I'm a nice guy!" Guess what? That's like a fat chick saying,
"But I'm so
smart!" As if those things have anything in the world to do with sexual attraction!

I'm going to give some tips here for the poor sucker guys who are posting online trying to get laid
and who are
spending hundreds / thousands of dollars on all those whores out there without getting any play.
(You bitches
know exactly what you're doing, and I'm on to your game!)
Don't be sexually judgmental in any way. A woman's worst fear is to be perceived as a slut. She
will suck
your toes and take it in the ass if she thinks you don't view her poorly for it (and she knows her
won't find out.)
Don't get angry at her. Women know they have emotional outbursts and they need to trust that
you can
handle that. It's ok (and necessary) to occasionally put your foot down...just make sure she knows
you are
fully in control of yourself.
Don't let her manipulate you or control you in any way. She will immediately lose all respect for
you. Always
be leading. It's just like dancing - women hate a man who can't lead.
When first approaching a woman or a group, they tend to get a feeling like this is just your little
scheme to
get close to them, when you really just want something from them - like sex. (And they're right.) It's
important to structure your body language and conversation so that they honestly don't believe you
something from them. They should feel like you are about to leave at any second.
The Naturals PUA Bible
DON'T TRY TO IMPRESS HER IN ANY WAY. Don't show off. Don't talk about
accomplishments or
possessions. As soon as she perceives that you are trying to prove yourself to her, she loses all
Don't ignore her friends. A woman values her friend's opinions more than just about anything
else in the
world. Nothing matters to her more than what other women are thinking. Give her friends lots of
and get everyone laughing. If one woman is feeling different than the others, she will drag them
away. They
will follow like a flock of pigeons. Society is the book of women. (Notice that men do NOT behave
way! Women are very different!)
To get a woman attracted / emotionally vulnerable, give her lots of emotions and feelings. Don't
just make
her feel good. Make her feel good, and angry, and sad, and connected, and astonished, and intrigued,
Make her laugh. Tease her. Tell stories about your sick puppy. Tell her why things would never work
between the two of you. Call her a dork. If she gets heated up, she will start touching you...playfully
her away. If she calls you a jerk and punches your arm, you are doing it right. If she gives you that "I
believe you just said that" look, do NOT back down, do not say "Oh I'm just kidding" or anything
like that.
As she gets more emotional, she will try to ruin things by throwing in logic. She will ask you if
you are a
player, or if you say this to all the girls, or whatever. The trick is this: Don't take it seriously by giving
some logical answer! That's right...women lose interest if you take them seriously!!! It's crazy but
that's how
they behave. Just blow it off or misinterpret what she's saying as though she is coming on to you. If
you fail
these tests, she will be gone so fast your head will spin.
She will start asking you lots of questions. This is what chicks do when they suddenly find
attracted to a man they know nothing about. This is your chance to open up a little and also find out
about her and build a deeper connection. You have to do this, or she will flake later (even if you've
her!) Women are the worst flakes in the world! Don't make it too easy for her, make her work for it
a bit.
Then talk about connections and childhood memories and things you have in common, etc. She
needs to
feel that this is genuine. This is usually the time when I throw in a few fake vulnerabilities, like
I'm shy or insecure about something. I know it's fucked up but women need to see that there are at
least a
few small holes where they can sink their hooks in you. They get uneasy if you are too perfect.
Make sure she gets the feeling that you have standards and that you are judging her based on
them. Ask her
questions that show her you are checking her out to see if she is up to snuff. Women don't like to
feel like
you are with them only because you can't do any better. They prefer to feel like you have high
you can get any chick you want, but you chose HER because she is SOOOO special and SOOOO
from all the others. Yeah, I know.
Move her to different locations. Take her next door for a drink. Take her across the street to
check out
some art. The more locations the better.
Take responsibility for every escalation. A woman will do just about anything as long as she
doesn't have to
feel like it was "her fault." Make it YOUR fault. Make it "just happen." She will rationalize it to
herself later
using the same bullshit generator that women use to flake out on dates at the last minute. Don't get
horny until you get her isolated. Believe me, emotional is better than horny.
The Naturals PUA Bible
Keep the woman always swinging somewhere between validation and rejection. If she feels
rejected, she
drops out or gets REALLY MAD. And if she feels too validated, she will ditch you in a heartbeat.
So push
her away (emotionally) and then pull her back in.
BELIEVE YOUR OWN BULLSHIT. Chicks do not look at your excuses and try to see if they
are bullshit
or not... because that is the logical thing to do, and chicks are not logical. Rather, what they do is see
if YOU
seem to believe your own bullshit when you say it. If you look like you do, then chances are, they
believe it too. So the key is to believe your own bullshit, and other aspects about yourself that you
want the
chick to believe about you too (alpha male..whatever)... because your own self beliefs for some
reason will
automatically 'impart' to the chick!
One more thing...many guys make the mistake of listening to female romantic advice. Don't
listen to them,
will tell you what they THINK they want, instead of what they actually RESPOND to. And
furthermore, a
large part of the female sexual experience IS the inability to admit these things BECAUSE they
derive sexual
pleasure from putting up resistance and being overwhelmed.
If you do things this way, after a few months practice you WILL get laid like a rock star. The guys
who get laid are
the ones who know what they are doing, because they have practiced on lots of women. Ironically,
women are most
attracted to the men who are most likely to fuck them and then dump them on their ass - because
those are
precisely the men who have so many other options because they practice on lots of women. That's
why you always
hear women bitching about how men are assholes that only want to fuck them and dump them -
because those are
the men that they gravitate to.
Women tend to wise up when they get towards their 30s, and they start looking for a nice wimpy
beta male to settle
down with and pay for all their shit. As they get older, they will get more and more desperate to find
this guy. Once
they do, they will cheat on him with an exciting fun guy like me. (But who wants to fuck some old
chick in her 30's?
That's what beta males are for! Heh)
Hey, don't blame me - I didn't make things the way they are. I was just a guy who wanted to get laid.
And I do :-)

Razorjacks Natural Method
Wassup Playas!
Before I go on to the way I look at the Art of PU and seduction. There's a couple of things I want to
get across.
Will this method work for everyone?
I have no idea, I've never taught it to any one, I just know that it works for me. This method is
something I
developed for myself after alot of field experience, crash & burns and trial & error. But I do believe
it can work for
anyone because the implementation of the Razorjack Method is conformed to the PUAs personality
and set of
Is Razorjack Method a unique method?
I think so, or maybe it isn't but I haven't found anything like it. Judge for yourself.
I am what I would call a semi-natural PUA. In my pre-ASF days I had decent success, I was getting
my share of the
action but I wasn't getting it consistently. I mainly relied on my looks and although I could get lots
of 7s and a few
8s, 9s and 10s were pretty much impossible.
After I discovered ASF, I tried and failed miserably with SS. MM worked fairly well but I was getting
alot of flakes.
Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't MM that was getting me flakes, it was my implementation of it. I
just couldn't
keep track of all the steps, the state the target was in, when I should go into the next step, etc. Again
this has
nothing to do with MM, I'm sure it's a great method. It's just that I'm an impatient bastard and it
was taking me too
long. :) I also tried Juggler's method and GWM, but neither of them felt like a complete method.
Again, it has
nothing to do with Juggler's method or GWM, it was my implementation of it. I think a big reason
why I couldn't
use these methods was because I'd never seen them in real life, only read about them and tried them
out in the field
the way I thought they were supposed to be used.
Another reason why I decided to find a method that was suited to my own personality and set of
beliefs was the
realization that I could never be as good as Ross Jeffries, Mystery, Juggler or Gunwitch using their
So after analyzing my game (or lack of game :)) and ALOT of soul searching I came up with
Razorjack Method.
I. Razorjack Method - Introduction:
The Razorjack Method is more a set of beliefs and a frame of mind than an actual structured
method. This is
because I think the Art of PU and seduction is fluid and dynamic rather than structured. Even
though you will see
similarities from one PU to another they're never completely the same because not every person is
the same. That is
why as a PUA you must be fluid, dynamic and adaptable to the situation.
It is then this set of beliefs and frame of mind that actually steers the PU/sarge/seduction. I found
that the biggest
advantage of the Razorjack Method is that it helps the PUA think beyond the PU and once you start
to think
beyond the PU, the close/sex is no longer a big deal, it's just a matter of fact. This may be hard to
grasp, but try to
think of it like this metaphor:
Suppose you want to raise you annual salary by $10,000. Now $10,000 sounds like a lot, but it's only
half of $20,000.
So if you aim for $20,000 and work hard to get it then $10,000 doesn't seem like such a big deal any
Another advantage I found was that Razorjack Method is not bound to a linear set of steps. This can
also be a
disadvantage, but the advantage is that the PU/sarge/seduction becomes very dynamic, fluid and
The Naturals PUA Bible
Using this method I've had sarges that were like 5 hours of talking before the close, I've had one
sarge that could
only be described as GWM on the dance floor where I didn't say more than 10 words before the
close, another
sarge where I didn't talk to the target more than 5min but kinoed her for 1 hour while talking to her
friend before
closing, etc.
One more thing before I get into the actual method:
Razorjack Method is not for beginners, armchair seductionists or PU theorists. Razorjack Method
requires that you
have some field experience, a decent PU toolbox and that you have a good idea about who you are
as a person.
II. Razorjack Method - The Mindset
Like mentioned previously, Razorjack Method is more a set of beliefs and a frame of mind than an
actual structured
method. So let's get started!
Imagine that you work for an elite fashion model agency. It's your job to go out and recruit new
talent, tomorrow's
top female supermodels. Ok I know you're getting a hard on now, but try and pay attention. :)
Ok, now your office is full of hot women that would be willing to do anything for you just so you
would pick them.
When you are trying to discover the next supermodel how would you act in front of all the hot
candidates in your
office? Do you think you would have to ask for sex or would it just come as part of the job? Would
you go around
trying to impress the candidates or is it the candidates' job to try and impress you? Knowing that
there are 200 hot
and willing women in the room, would you try and come up with some clever sneaky way to sex one
of the
candidates or would you just tell her "let's go"?
I know you're thinking that this would be a dream scenario and impossible for ordinary guys. I
agree, it would
require a tremendous amount of luck to get a job like that. But it doesn't require anything to adopt
that frame of
mind. This is the core essence of Razorjack Method.
Those model candidates would flock to the recruiting agent because he is the only one who could
give them what
they've dreamed of. Razorjack Method is based on the idea that the PUA KNOWS he has
something of such rare
quality that women would flock to him without hesitation. If you don't believe you have anything of
such rare
quality than you should stop right here, Razorjack Method is not for you. You'd be better off with
one of the other
III. Razorjack Method - Implementation
So what is this rare quality that I'm referring to? Well I can't tell you, only you can answer this.
Remember earlier
where I mentioned that my method is conformed by the PUA to his set of beliefs and personality,
well this is it.
This is not easy, it takes time and alot of soul-searching. You have to find out exactly what your
beliefs are, what
your best and worst qualities are, what your reality is, etc. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because
as humans we
tend to change and evolve.
OK, now that I've filled your head with plenty of abstract information, let me explain what my rare
quality is and
how I acquired it(at this moment in time, it may change sometime in the future):
In order for me to find out what kind of person I am, I had to ask myself some questions. I suggest
anyone wanting
to learn Razorjack Method do the same and be COMPLETELY honest here, DO NOT MENTAL
1. Why would any chick want me? (Make a list here explaining why)
The Naturals PUA Bible
2. What do I have that she would want? (Make a list here with all your qualities)
3. What am I willing to give a chick that I want? (Make a list of things that YOU like doing and that
you know
chicks would also enjoy)
4. How would I treat a chick that I let into my life? (Make a list of the special treatment a chick can
get from
you if you let her into your world)
5. Are the qualities I have valuable to me? (I hope you can answer, yes, b/c if they're valuable to you
then they
can also be valuable to others)
6. Knowing that I have these special qualities (from question #2), who is the most important person
in my
life? (You should know the answer to this one)
7. Now that I know how special I am, who would get more out of a PU, me or the chick?
8. Knowing that the chick would have a lot more to gain than me out of an interaction, would ANY
and ALL
chicks be lucky to have me in their lives?
9. Knowing that ANY chick would be lucky to have me in their life, if she doesn't realize this then is
something wrong with me or is this particular chick too stupid to realize just how lucky she is?
10. Knowing that I'm as valuable as a Ferrari on the car market, do I need to convince anyone to
drive a Ferrari
or does the Ferrari sell it self? If this chick doesn't realize how lucky she is, do I need to convince
her she's
making a mistake or do I give the 11 hotter chicks, standing behind her (that would LOVE to have
me in
their life), a chance?
11. Now that I have something valuable for EVERY women in the world, what qualities should she
have in
order for me to let her in my life? (make a list of the qualities you want in a woman)
12. What are the rules people have to follow in order to stay a part of my life?(make a list of the
rules women or
anyone for that matter must follow in order to have you in their lives)
There are probably 1000 more questions to list here, but you get the idea.
I found out that I am a very generous person towards people that I feel deserve my generosity. So
my mindset is
that I am giving a rare gift to any woman I PU. I know what you're thinking: "well what the hell is
your rare gift,
Well since I'm a generous person, here it is:
My rare gift is my reality, my world. My reality consists of free love to any one I let in. This includes
not just good
sex, but incredible sex where I would actually like to make a woman's fantasy come true. In my
reality there is
mutual respect. No one is judged or accused in my reality, this means that women are free to tell me
their most
erotic fantasies without me accusing them of being sluts or perverts. I love to pleasure and spoil
women, like giving
sensual massages and cooking romantic dinners for them. I love being intimate with women, doesn't
just have to be
sex. I love to make women feel good. I will always listen and try to help the women in my world
whenever they
would need it. I genuinely care for and love all the women in my life. They can get love and intimacy
from me
whenever they want (if I have free time).
Just like in the real world, there are rules in my reality. I don't let just anyone in, women have to
qualify in order to
enter my world. I will not tolerate manipulation or disrespect by anyone in my world. Violation of
these and other
rules will result in first a warning and then being ejected out of my world if violations persist.
It only took a few minutes to type my reality in to the computer, but it took me several months of
constant 24/7
soul-searching to figure out what my reality is.
Now I don't know if you see it, but to me this gift is priceless. What woman would not want this for
her self?
The Naturals PUA Bible
IV. Razorjack Method - Three Step "Structure"
This is a PU structure or steps that I follow but it's kept very general in order for the PU to remain
fluid and
Step 1: Project your Reality
Mastering this step will probably take more time than mastering the others but you only have to do
it once. Once
you've mastered this step, the sarge becomes so much easier and the rest of the steps flow smoothly
and effortlessly.
This step consists of basically adopting the mindset discussed earlier. You have to really believe that
you have a rare
gift/quality that has incredible value to all women. Once you start to KNOW it then you'll notice a
improvement in your game. Knowing that you have a rare quality/gift will change your attitude,
posture, body
language, etc and you'll never supplicate again. Believe me women will also notice this.
Step 2: Give the Target "a sneak peak" of YOUR Reality
This is where you invite the target into your reality for a sneak preview of what it would be like to be
with you. This
step is really easy. If you've done the soul-searching than you know what qualities you have and what
things are
important to you. This is what you talk about with her. Now you have an endless amount of topics
to discuss with
your target. Inviting the target into your reality doesn't have to be verbal either, it could be with your
body language,
your attitude, the way you dance, whatever. This is what keeps the PU fluid and dynamic.
Step 3: Qualify the Target
This is where you qualify the target to find out if she meets the requirements you listed in question
#10. During this
step is usually when she'll start to ask me questions or wanting rapport as we say on mASF. The way
I do it is I giver
her more and more rapport as she meets more and more of my qualifications.
V. Razorjack Method - Utilization
This section will deal with how you use the mindset to tackle real world PU problems. Like I stated
earlier the
mindset is what steers the PU/sarge/interaction.
A. Openers:
Openers really don't matter, if you consider that the chick is lucky that you even approached her.
Open with
whatever and move on. Remember that you're giving her a chance to prove that she's worthy
enough to have you in
her life.
B. Attitude, Body Language, Alphaness, etc:
If you truly believe that you are valuable and have special qualities then it will ooze out of every pore
of your being.
It's like the difference between a rusty Buick and a brand new Ferrari. The Ferrari, even with the
engine turned off
just screams AWESOME. If you were selling a rusty old Buick then you would need to push that car
onto to others
in order to convince them to buy it. If you're selling a Ferrari, you don't need to convince anyone
that the Ferrari is
an awesome car, people not only can see it, they KNOW it. You need to be that Ferrari!
C. Topics of discussion:
A lot of newbies here ask "What should I talk about?" You know what you're values are, what your
reality is, what
your world is, what you're looking for in a woman, etc. This is an endless pool of resources for
discussion topics.
D. Attraction:
I don't use push/pull or any other attraction tactics, I believe the reality I'm projecting does all the
attraction for me.
I use a bit of C & F and C & P but in very small amounts. I just happen to be a good-looking guy,
so maybe this
The Naturals PUA Bible
helps me, but then there's the thing about looks not mattering at all. This is a possible topic of
debate? Like I said I
don't know anyone else who uses this method so I have no reference to compare to.
E. Rapport, Trust & Comfort, Connection building, etc:
There's been a lot of debate on this issue. I personally just assume rapport, trust & comfort, etc. I
don't think about
this at all. I know that I'm a trustworthy and reliable person and that any chick would be lucky to be
with me. I'll
answer what she wants to know about me if she meets my qualifications. So I see no need to worry
about this part.
F. Shit tests:
This is the part of the sarge I enjoy the most, but I don't get that many shit tests anymore, since I
started using my
method. Whenever I do get a "shit test" I pretty much blow it out of the water. Again it's all steered
by my mindset.
IMO if a chick is "shit testing" me then she either doesn't believe that I'm the REAL DEAL or she
needs a reason
to allow herself to be attracted to me.
The way I pass "shit tests" is real simple. If I have an answer to her shit test then I'll answer it.
For example:
HB: Don't think I'm going to have sex with you tonight.
RJ: We've been talking for about 5 minutes and you're already thinking about sex? (said playfully)
Wow you must
really be attracted to me! (evil grin) BTW I don't have sex with just any chick, she has to qualify first.
Here is where I would talk about sex and start to qualify her.
If it's "shit test" that I don't have an answer to then I'll do anything from a takeaway, to flirting with
other chicks or
just down right ignore the shit like it's completely beneath me to answer stupid questions from a silly
G. AMOG destroying:
This is also another part of the sarge that I really enjoy. What's funny is that since I reached the PUA
level with my
method, I almost never get an AMOG disrupting my sarge. It's almost like they know I'll blow them
out before they
even get their game going.
It's all about remembering how rare
It's all about remembering how rare your qualities are and how valuable that is to the chicks. If we
use the car
analogy again, it's like you selling your Ferrari and have the customer completely interested, then
some used car
salesman comes and tells your customer to buy a kit car Ferrari look-alike imitation with no
warrantee or guarantee
of quality. It would be beneath you to even compete against the used car salesman, because you have
10 other
prospecting customers standing in line waiting to buy your Ferrari.
With this in mind, my preferred method of AMOG destroying is to befriend the AMOG as soon as
he comes in
and before he even gets his game started, I'll start to flirt with other chicks and give the target the
impression that
I'll leave her ass for someone else if she even gives the AMOG the slightest bit of attention. The
chick will blow out
the AMOG almost immediately. Any of the AMOG destroyers on this forum will also work.
I never get problems with LMR and ASD anymore. Again I think it has to do with my mindset. I
realize that I am
so valuable and complete the way I am that I don't NEED sex. It's not a numbers game for me
anymore. I don't see
the chicks as sluts or sex objects, so I'll never treat them like sluts, matter of fact they know that they
can be as
slutty as they want around me and I'll only enjoy it, never judge them. I never rush the sarge, so the
chicks know
that I don't need them when I have others that are willing to be with me. Matter of fact they know
that they need
me more than I need them. So no LMR or ASD.
The Naturals PUA Bible
I covered everything I could think of, but I'm blind to a lot of details and really suck at explaining
PU theory
because I am somewhat of a natural. If there's anything that's unclear just ask and I'll try to explain it
as best I can.
Comments, feedback, and flaming :) is always welcome.

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