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1. Isaac Newton
a. 3 Laws of Motion
b. Universal Gravitation: gravity on earth is the same as gravity between planets/sun
c. Thermodynamic Cooling Law
d. Opticks: white light is a mixture of all light
e. Telescopes
f. Father of Calculus (fluxions) with Leibnitz
g. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
h. Binomial Theorem, Polar coordinates, Power Series
i. Principia Mathematica
j. Cradle: Conservation of Momentum
k. Interference rings
l. Ehrenfest
2. Archimedes
a. Approximated non-perfect square roots
b. Leverage, hydrostatics, compound pulley, hydraulic screw
c. Approximated pi very well, known as "Archimedes's Constant"
3. Gauss
a. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
b. Complex Numbers with Integer coefficients
c. Discovered non-Euclidean geometry
d. Gauss-Jordan elimination
e. 17-sided polygon
f. Gauss-Markov: least squares
g. No Monopoles
4. Euler
a. Trigonometry
b. Calculus of variations
c. Graph Theory
d. Generating function
e. Euler's Totient (Phi) Function: relatively prime
f. Euler line: triangle centers
g. Seven bridges of Konigsberg: solved
h. complex exponential function to trig functions
i. Euler method: approximating curves with slopes
j. Polyhedral Theorem (Edges + 2)
5. Riemann
a. Complex Analysis
b. Integral
c. Riemann-Roch theorem: topology
d. Teacher: Gauss
e. Riemann Zeta function: continues sum of 1/n

f. Riemann Hypothesis: nontrivial zeroes of the zeta function have real part 1/2
6. Lagrange
a. Partial Differential Equations
b. Fundamental Theorem of Group Theory
c. Lagrangian points in orbit (i.e. Jupiter)
d. Principle of Least Action
7. Euclid
a. Alexandria school of mathematics
b. Infinite Prime numbers
c. Unique Factorization Theorem
d. Euclid's algorithm: Greatest Common Denominator
e. Introduced Mersenne Primes
f. 5 platonic solids
g. The Elements: axioms and theorems
8. Leibniz
a. 1st calculator with multiplication
b. Molten core, subconscious mind
c. integration, differentiation notation
d. matrix determinant, gaussian elimination
e. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
f. Laws of motion
g. arctan identity for pi/4
9. Fermat
a. Founded Number Theory
b. Fermat point of triangle
c. Fermat's Little Theorem: a^p = a (mod p) if p is prime
d. Fermat's Last Theorem: a
doesn't work for n>2
e. Christmas Theorem: prime 4n+1 divisible by squares. Fermat-Euler Theorem.
f. Calculus for centers of gravity
10. Descartes
a. Laws of Motion
b. Rule of Signs
c. Soddy kissing circles
d. Delian problem
e. Discovered Euler's Polyhedral theorem
11. Cauchy
a. Infinite series convergence criteria
b. Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality: dot product of two vectors is < the product of their
components' dot products
c. Burnside's Counting Theorem
d. Proved Taylor's Theorem
e. Proved Fermat's polygonal number conjecture
12. Galois
a. died when he was 21
b. developed group theory
13. Pythagoras
a. "First Philosopher"
b. Developed Axioms and Deductive Proofs
c. Apastambha proved Pythagorean Theorem before he did
d. Perfect/Amicable Numbers
e. Polygonal Numbers
f. Golden Ratio
g. Regular Solids
h. Irrational Numbers
14. Fibonacci
a. Leonardo "Bigolli" Pisano
b. Mersenne numbers
c. Diophantine Equations
d. Chinese Remainder Theorem
e. Pythagorean Triplets
f. Liber Abaci
g. Liber Quadratorum
h. Fermat's last theorem: n=4 proof
15. Laplace
a. Mecanique Celeste
b. Black Holes
c. Nebular Universe Origins
d. Proved Law of Least Squares
16. Turing
a. Turing Machine
b. Halting Theorem Proof
c. Definable number, Oracle
17. Huygens
a. Light waves
b. 1st pendulum clock

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