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Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design


Damien Naidu 42661782
Kritik Prasad 42355894
Divya Sholaga 42332738
Caroline Yassa 42004747

Gasification to
Ethanol Control
System Design

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
7 May 2014
Dr. Liu Ye
Managing Director
YTY Control
School of Chemical Engineering
University of Queensland
Brisbane, QLD
Australia 4072
SUBJECT: Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control Strategy
Dear Dr. Liu,
Please find attached the following report which outlines the control process required to synthesize fuel-
grade ethanol from biomass. The team at BIOLINK has conducted a preliminary analysis which fit the
specifications required of 100t/day of biomass feed to produce ethanol purity of 99.8%.
Please find included in the report as per your request:
Number and type of control loops;
Instrumentation (sensing elements, controllers and final control element);
Size final control element and cost of the control loops for a selected unit in the process flow
We look forward to hearing from you regarding further project developments. If you have any questions
of queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,

Biolink Executive Team

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design

Date: May 7, 2014
Invoice # 090
BioLink Engineering
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, St Lucia, QLD, 4067


Dave Perkins
Multinat Engineering
Brisbane, St Lucia, QLD, 4067
+61 7 334 68730

Salesperson Job Payment Terms Due Date
BIOLINK Chief Financial Officer Due on Receipt 8 May 2014

Quantity Description Unit Price Line Total
18.5 Managing Director hourly rate 120 2,220
18.5 Chief Financial Officer hourly rate 120 2,220
18.5 Chief Technical Officer hourly rate 120 2,220
18.5 Chief Operations Engineer hourly rate 120 2,220

Subtotal $8800
Sales Tax $888
Total $9768

Make all checks payable to BioLink Engineering

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to follow the previously completed analysis on the synthesis of ethanol
from biomass. The primary purpose is to identify appropriate control structure which can be
implemented by the process plant to ensure that the process occurs under the specified conditions.
Initially, an overview of the potentially required control system design was undertaken. This included an
overview of the control system architecture, design method and instrumentation used. This allows for
an understanding of the terminology to be established prior to further analysis.
The development of mass and energy was then carried out on each of the unit operations so that the
required control inventory was identified. By analyzing the controlled and manipulated variables in each
scenario, the number of required control loops was found. Subsequently a process control diagram was
produced and can be found in the appendix of the report.
Sizing of the valves is imperative for the overall analysis of the costing and operation of the process. Due
to the significant amount present in the process, an example of each of the different ones were
analysed and are represented below.
Type Flow Size Cost
Fluid Flow Valve 46.8 kg/h Cvmax: 1 $ 380
Gas Flow Valve 792 kg/h Cvmax: 5 $ 590
Pump Sizing 57,600 hg/h $ 8800
The instrumentation costs were individually evaluated by consultation with industry professionals and
literature values. The cost per control loop is summarized below. Included in the price are the sensor,
transmitter and control element costs for each.
Temperature Control $ 1980
Pressure Control $ 30,000
Level Control $ 6,450
This analysis was undertaken with regard to some assumptions which consequently lead to limitations in
the design. The following recommendations were suggested to further increase the control capacity.
Implement multiple sensors to increase the accuracy of the measurement taken.
Implementation of pumps and isolation valves to allow for increased flow diversion.
Incorporation of alarms incase unavoidable faults occur to increase safety.
More rigorous implementation of cascade control loops.
Inclusion of more control loops to determine product quality throughout the process.
Generate more extensive models for the controller software to apply.
More extensive control throughout the process.
Justification of the defined parameters can be found throughout the report with extensive calculations
to be found in the appendix.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose of Report ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Process Description ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Control System Design .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Control Overview .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Process Terms ....................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Elements and Instrumentation ............................................................................................. 2
2.2 Control System Architecture ......................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Control Loops ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Hardware............................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Control System Design Method .................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Selection of Controlled variables .......................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Selection of Manipulated Variables ...................................................................................... 8
2.3.3 Selection of Measured Variable ............................................................................................ 9
3. Inventory Control Loops ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Gasifier Reactor (R-101) .............................................................................................................. 10
3.1.1 Mass Inventory Control ....................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Energy Inventory Control .................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Compressor (P-101) .................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Mass Inventory Control ....................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Energy Inventory Control .................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Ethanol Gas-Shift Reactor (R-103) .............................................................................................. 13
3.3.1 Mass Inventory Control ....................................................................................................... 13
3.3.2 Energy Inventory Control .................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Distillation Columns (D-101 & D-102) ......................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Mass Inventory Control ....................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Molecular Sieve (S-101) .............................................................................................................. 16
3.5.1 Mass Inventory Control ....................................................................................................... 16

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
3.6 Condenser Balance (C-301 & C-302) ........................................................................................... 17
3.6.1 Mass Inventory Control ....................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Re-boiler Balance (B-101) ........................................................................................................... 18
3.7.1 Mass Inventory Control ....................................................................................................... 18
4. Process Control Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 18
5. Instrumentation and Costing .............................................................................................................. 19
5.1 Instrumentation Selection .......................................................................................................... 19
5.1.1 Temperature Controls ......................................................................................................... 19
5.1.2 Pressure Controls ................................................................................................................ 19
5.1.3 Level Controls ...................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.4 Ratio Controls ...................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Control Element Sizing ................................................................................................................ 21
5.2.1 Gasifier Steam Inlet Valve ................................................................................................... 21
5.2.2 Distillation Fluid Discharge Valve ........................................................................................ 22
5.2.3 Cooling Water Pump for Ethanol Reactor ........................................................................... 22
6. Discussion ............................................................................................................................................ 23
6.1 Assumptions and Limitations ...................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Control Difficulties ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1 Gasfier Inlet ......................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.2 Ethanol Synthesis Temperature .......................................................................................... 25
6.2.3 Distillation Column Parameters .......................................................................................... 25
6.3 Recommendations for Control Modifications ............................................................................ 25
7. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 26
8. References .......................................................................................................................................... 27
9. Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 29
9.1 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................. 29
9.2 Appendix B .................................................................................................................................. 30
9.3 Appendix C .................................................................................................................................. 31
9.4 Appendix D .................................................................................................................................. 32

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
Tables and Figures
Table 1: Control Instruments and Measurements (Control Systems Inc. 2013), (Honeywell, 2012) ........... 3
Table 2: Final Control Elements (Control Systems Inc. 2013) ....................................................................... 3
Table 3: Control Type Advantages and Disadvantages (Control Systems Inc. 2013) .................................... 6
Table 4:0 Gasifier Reactor Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification ........................................... 10
Table 5: Gasifier Reactor Energy Inventory Variable Selection & Justification .......................................... 11
Table 6: Compressor Reactor Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification ...................................... 12
Table 7: Compressor Reactor Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification ...................................... 13
Table 8: Compressor Energy Inventory Variable Selection & Justification ................................................. 14
Table 9 Distillation Columns Mass Inventory Variable (Liquid & Vapour) Selection & Justification .......... 15
Table 10: Distillation Column Mass Inventory Master Loop Selection & Justification ............................... 15
Table 11: Molecular Sieve Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification ........................................... 16
Table 12: Condenser Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification.................................................... 17
Table 13: Re-Boiler Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification ...................................................... 18
Table 14: Temperature Control Selection ................................................................................................... 19
Table 15: Pressure Control Selection .......................................................................................................... 19
Table 16: Level Control Selection ................................................................................................................ 20
Table 17: Ratio Control Selection................................................................................................................ 20
Table 18: Steam Valve Sizing Parameters ................................................................................................... 21
Table 19: Fluid Valve Sizing Parameters ..................................................................................................... 22

Figure 1: Process Overview ........................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2: Feedback Control Diagram ............................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3: Feedforward Control Diagram ....................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4: Cascade Control Diagram ............................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5: Ratio Control Diagram.................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 6: General mass and energy balance for process unit ....................................................................... 9

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of Report
The purpose of the following report is to design an appropriate process control system for the proposed biomass
to ethanol production process. Following the successful completion of the initial analysis, the development of an
effective control strategy was undertaken to further justify and expand on the viability of the proposed project.
As with any process design development, the controlling of the process needs to reflect the caliber of the design
and must be simultaneously considered. Multinat have requested that the control loops which are required for
the successful implementation of the process are identified and evaluated. The instrumentation required for
each of these loops are also investigated as well as the required sizing and approximate costing associated with
the control loops. Following this, the process plant is able to operate within the specified limits which will ensure
that losses are minimized, profits are maximized and employee safety is capitalized.
1.2 Process Description
The previously developed process flow diagram identifies how biomass was converted to high-grade ethanol by
means of gasification. The gasification section was fed with 100 t/d of straw (biomass) as well as steam and
oxygen to facilitate the formation of syngas. The syngas produced contained high levels of nitrogen and sulphur
impurities which are removed from the process. By use of a catalytic tar reformer, undesired tar is broken down
and the remainder of the gas is passed onto the ethanol production stage. It is here where ethanol is produced
by manipulating the reactor operating conditions to produce ethanol. To further separate the desired product
from the other heavy alcohols and water, the use of distillation columns is employed. A molecular sieve is the
final unit in the production process and is used to further refine the ethanol to the required 99.8% purity. In
order to ensure that the process functions correctly and efficiently, control loops need to be systematically used
in the process to ensure that the final product obtained is of optimal purity in order to maximize production
values. Figure 1 provides a graphical overview of the process with the process flow diagram in Appendix A.

Figure 1: Process Overview
1.3 Scope
As this is a preliminary analysis of the control of the ethanol production process, there are several parameters
which have not been included in the investigation.
The brief of the process is to provide an overview of the control loops which are required over the process. This
includes a preliminary investigation into;
Number and type of control loops required;
Instrumentation (sensing elements, controllers and final control element);
Sizing final control element and cost of the control loops
Separation and
Dry Straw
N0x , S0x , CO2
Heavy Alcohols + Water
Steam + O2

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
In order to simplify the initial analysis, the sizing and costing will only take place over the following control loops;
Gasifier steam supply
Ethanol synthesis reaction temperature
Final distillation column liquid level
The development of the initial process flow sheet as well as corresponding mass and energy balances were
prepared in the preceding report and subsequently will not be reiterated. As this is intended to be a preliminary
investigation into control strategy, the PCD will be kept simply and a piping and instrumentation diagram will
not be developed.
2. Control System Design
Process control in an industrial setting refers to methods used to control process variables when manufacturing
a product. For instance, in this case, it is crucial that variables such as temperature, pressure and flow should be
maintained during the production of ethanol from biomass. This stringent control of the process is required to
reduce variability which ensures that ensures a high quality end product which is essential in this case. Process
controls also help increase efficiency especially if the reaction is temperature dependant. More importantly,
implementation of process controls ensures safety throughout the process. Essentially, control system design is
dictated hierarchically by the following objectives:
Maintenance of safe operations
Maintenance of steady operation and mitigation of process disturbances
Maintenance of optimal operation
2.1 Control Overview
2.1.1 Process Terms
Implementation of process control is a combinatorial use of various control system elements, control system
architecture and utilization of strict guidelines for the design of control loops based on mass and energy
inventories. The three main components of any process control are that it aims to measure, decide and adjust
within the process. The process variable is the condition of the process fluid (gas or liquid) that impacts the
manufacturing process in some way. Example of process variables relevant to this case are temperature,
pressure, level and flow. Other process variables include density, pH, conductivity or even mass. A controlled
variable is ideally maintained throughout the system operation at a particular set point to prevent unwanted
outcomes. A measured variable is dependent on the controlled variable and is detected using a sensor, which is
the initial measurement step of a control. Utilizing the data from the measurement phase, the adjustments are
carried out by altering the manipulated variable of the system. A major manipulated variable in this process is
the flow which is altered using final control elements such as valves and pumps.
2.1.2 Elements and Instrumentation
In alignment with the three main tasks of measuring, deciding and adjusting several elements such as sensors,
transducers and transmitters are employed that satisfy each stage.
Sensors Also referred to as primary elements since they are the first element in the control loop to
measure process variable. Sensors essentially respond to changes in the process fluid or disturbances in

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
a predictable way which then produces a signal that can be interpreted by downstream instruments
such as transmitters.
Transducers Transducers are devices that translate a mechanical signal from the sensor into an
electrical one. It essentially amplifies this signal and sends it to a controller which is prior to the
adjustment stage. In this proposal, transducers are assumed to be part of the transmitters.
Transmitters This device converts the reading from a sensor or a transducer into a standard signal
which is then transmitted to a controller. There are several types of transmitters for pressure, flow and
temperature to name a few.
Controller The control element in the loop exerts a direct influence on the final control element, which
then carries out the actions on the system. The final control element, accepts input from the controller
and translates it to some operation that is then performed on the
The table displayed below highlights the different types of sensors, transducers and transmitters that can be
Table 1: Control Instruments and Measurements (Control Systems Inc. 2013), (Honeywell, 2012)
Control Type Instrument
Sensor Transducer
Flow Volumetric
Magnetic flow meters, Positive displacement
metering, Orifice plates
Thermo Mass
Level Ultrasonics , Radiation or microwaves,
Pressure (static head), Radio Frequency
Capacitance, Guided Wave Radar
Pressure N/A Pressure Transducer
Spring loaded/ elastic member
Temperature Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD),
Thermocouples , Infrared (IR), Thermistors
Final control elements dictate the final adjustment stage of the control process, by physically altering the
process variables. The use of a valve could be to regulate, divert or interrupt fluid flow of a system. The use of
valves is usually coupled with actuators that direct the motion of the valve. Other final control elements include
pumps which reply on pressure or suction to move a body of fluid. These pumps could be positive displacement
pumps or centrifugal. Choice of final control element used for a system depends to a large extent on the stream
characteristics. This is further expanded in Table 2Error! Reference source not found. below.
Table 2: Final Control Elements (Control Systems Inc. 2013)
Instrument Motion Valve Characteristics
Globe Valve Linear High pressure drop across valve
Throttling applications
Gate Valve Linear Flow shut off applications
Diaphragm Valve Linear Flexible surface
Shut-off applications

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
Throttling applications
Pinch Valve Linear Low pressure drop
Shut-off applications
Ball Valve Rotary Shut-off applications
Throttling applications
Butterfly Valve Rotary Shut-off applications
Not suitable for throttling
Plug Valve Rotary Shut-off applications
Centrifugal Valve Back flow present
Rate of fluid flow is sensitive to pressure
drop downstream of pump e.g. valve
Positive Displacement Pump
(Plunger, Piston, Diaphragm,
Rotary pumps)
Flow independent of system head
No backflow
2.2 Control System Architecture
2.2.1 Control Loops
Feedback Control
Feedback control is a closed loop system, which measures the output signal downstream of the control process.
The figure below highlights the main elements of a feedback control loop (Figure 2). The plant is the system
being controlled, sensors measure the output signal of the controlled variable, and the controller evaluates the
signal received while the actuator is the final control element that adjusts variable to a desired set point. The
error junction displayed is where the desired system output and measured system outputs are compared to
generate error. The system operates in either maintaining the process at its current state (regulatory control) or
changing the process from one state to another (servo control). A major disadvantage of feedback control is that
disturbances in the system go undetected until process variables are measured downstream and adjusted to the
desired set point.

Figure 2: Feedback Control Diagram
Feedforward Control
Feedforward control is an open loop system that relies on measuring and compensating the disturbance variable
before any deviation in the controlled variable occurs. The disturbance in the system could be attributed to
abnormal conditions, operator actions, maintenance, sequence and changes in feed (load). Figure 3, displayed
below, is a block diagram of feedforward control.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design

Figure 3: Feedforward Control Diagram
Integration of feedback and feedforward control systems can minimize disturbances by a factor of ten compared
to a single feedback control (Smith, 2006).
Cascade Control
Cascade control is utilized in the presence of multiple disturbances to divide the system into primary and
secondary control sections which help simplify the feedback loops (Smith, 2006). Essentially, a multi-loop system
is created where the secondary loop addresses major disturbances and the output of this loop acts as a master
loop which is the set point for the primary loop or slave loop which deals with the remaining minor
disturbances. This allows for disturbance reduction and improved control of the primary variable. Refer to Figure
4 below for a diagrammatical depiction of cascade control

Figure 4: Cascade Control Diagram
Ratio Control
A ratio control system is a feedforward type control that commonly applies to flows. The purpose of the control
system is to ensure two or more process variable such as material flows are maintained at a specific ratio
although their individual values might be changing. This control plays an important role when two or more feed
streams are mixed to obtain a specific final composition. In the proposed control for this scenario, ratio control
is utilized for the inputs entering the gasifier.

Figure 5: Ratio Control Diagram

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
The two methods for ratio control are displayed above; with the only difference is the divider element that is
present in method 1.
All these control loops have various advantages and disadvantages, these have been summarized the in the
table below
Table 3: Control Type Advantages and Disadvantages (Control Systems Inc. 2013)
Control Type Advantages Disadvantages
Feedback (Closed Loop) Data noise reduction
Increased accuracy due to complex
Undisturbed in the presence of non-
Higher costs
Reduces overall system gain
Does not account for disturbances to
the process
Feedforward (Open
Higher stability and increased simplicity
More economical construction
Accounts for system disturbances
Reduced accuracy in terms or result
Unable to remove disturbance from
external sources due to absence of
feedback mechanism
Ratio Allows for defining and maintaining a
desired ratio between streams
Economical non-complex set-up
Simplifies a control system
One controlled stream Is not measured
directly, increasing control error
Not applicable for variables other than
flow rates
Cascade Simplifies a feedback process with
complex disturbances
Accounts for disturbances in primary
variable faster
Reduce lag time effects on system
Improved overall dynamic performance
High costs due to increased instrument
and equipment
Increased difficulty during control
2.2.2 Hardware
Totally distributed hardware
A system architecture where sensors, controllers and controlled equipment are in close proximity with many
controllers is linked to a single sensor and final control element. The hardware is capable of accepting inputs
from supervisory controller in order to initiate or terminate automatic sequence. It is also capable of adjusting
set points as determined by the local controller. A major advantage is that if a single controller goes off-line,
other controllers are not affected. However, identifying the malfunctioning unit would be difficult if an extensive
amount of controllers are used since it is a complex process.
Centralized Hardware
Refers to hardware where a number of control processes are linked to one high capacity controller or group
controller with a single CPU that is able to account for all loops. This helps increase the speed of responses to
contingencies and operator knowledge of system conditions. Another advantage is that all process control
information is present at a single location (Ye, 2013). However a disadvantage is that a malfunction of a single
control unit affects the whole process. Also problems with the CPU may cause data loss. Routing and installing

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
control systems at a central location also incurs a higher cost. This hardware choice is most suited to a smaller
facility that does not require the use of numerous control systems.
Distributed Hardware
In contrast to centralized hardware, distributed hardware architecture consists of a number of different control
modules for systems or groups of equipment but simultaneously networked to one or more operator station in a
central location through a digital communication circuit. Although the crucial control actions are carried out at
local controllers however, the status of all systems is visible to the operator station. Furthermore, the structure
of a distributed system allows it to intervene in the control logic of the local controllers if necessary. Overall, a
distributed hardware would be the best choice for the ethanol plant being investigated. This is because it allows
for efficient monitoring for the local controllers but also allows overriding process operations if necessary.
2.3 Control System Design Method
Before constructing control loops the following steps must be carried out chronologically to ensure efficient
design and control:
1. Mass inventories performed prior to energy inventories. Therefore, qualitative mass balances
constructed for a particular unit operation.
2. Using the guidelines (expanded on below), the controlled, manipulated and measured variables should
be selected.
3. Perform energy balances, similar to mass inventories
2.3.1 Selection of Controlled variables
The three key engineering practices that play a crucial role in the selection of control variables are:
The use of mechanical energy (e.g. pumps) rather than gravity to move materials
Minimization of vessel design
Small design margins on pressure vessels
These practices coupled with four guidelines dictate the choice of the control variable. It should be noted that
the guidelines discussed below are not hard and fast rules, rather just provide a logical method in selecting the
variables relevant to a system.
Guideline 1 (G1): Always select state variables representing inventories which are not self-regulatory
A self-regulatory variable refers to a variable which modulates it output to a new steady state with respect to
any changes caused in the input. In contrast, a non-self-regulatory variable require the use of pumps or valves in
order to reach new steady states. Instead, these variables do not automatically modulate their steady states
with changes in the input.
Guideline 2 (G2): Select state variables which, although self-regulatory may exceed equipment or process

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
This guideline essentially hopes to maintain the operational constraints of equipment are adhered to, this
ensures safety maintained throughout the process. Operational constraints referred to are maximum and
minimum flow rates for instance in pumps and compressors.
Guideline 3 (G3): Select state variables which self-regulatory may interact with other inventories
This guideline suggests that the variable chosen should be controlled in such a way that it is not passed on to
other inventories
Guideline 4 (G4): Select state variables that are direct measures of product quality or that strongly affect it.
This ensures that the controlled variable selected is directly related to final product quality ensuring product
specifications are met.
2.3.2 Selection of Manipulated Variables
After utilizing Guidelines 1-4, for the selection of controlled variable, the manipulated variable should now be
selected using the following guidelines.
Guideline 5 (G5): The manipulated variable should affect the state variable directly
An important objective associated with the selection of manipulated variable since it ensures shorter response
times. Shorter response times are achieved since it does not rely on indirect or inferential measurements.
Guideline 6 (G6): The value of the gain between the manipulated and controlled variable should be as large as
possible, known as sensitivity.
This guideline outlines the how the control element should respond in order to bring about the desired change.
It implies that if the sensitivity of the manipulated variable to the controlled variable should be large, which
means it would not be necessary to produce a pronounced change. Similarly, if the sensitivity between the
controlled and manipulated variable was small, the control element would be required to produce major
Guideline 7 (G7): Speed of response. Any delays or lags associated with a possible manipulated variable should
be small compared with the state variable time constant.
Although in reality lag is inevitable with response times however it should be small compared to the state
variable time constant. Minimizing this ensures that the sensor and the controller are not working out of sync.
That is, any change in the manipulated variable is evident without an unreasonable delay.
Guideline 8 (G8): The extent of interactions with other balances should be minimized
This ensures that the manipulated variable is not responsible for heavily interacting with other variables in the
system, since the relationship between the manipulated and controlled variable is of interest.
Guideline 9 (G9): Pass the disturbances downstream. Take care to make sure disturbances are not recycled.
Choosing an outlet stream that either removes or absorbs disturbances is preferable. For instance inlet streams
essentially recycle disturbances, which is not ideal when selecting a manipulated variable.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
2.3.3 Selection of Measured Variable
The Measured variable is the third variable that must be chosen. With respect to feedback control, the
measured variable is the controlled variable since it is reacting to a measured change in the process. However,
feedforward control utilizes a disturbance as a measured variable for the implementation of a control. A number
of different state variables are utilized as a measured variable depending on the product phase. Liquid level,
weight and pressure are the usual measured variables for liquids, solids and gases respectively. However, it
should be stated that component mass inventories are fairly difficult to measure, hence although inferential
measurement techniques need to be utilized. The two important guidelines for measured variable selection are:
Guideline 10 (G10): The selected measured variable must be sensitive to underlying changes in the state
This guideline highlights that it is necessary to consider the operational range of the measuring instrument and
also its physical location.
Guideline 11 (G11): Select measurement points that minimise time delays and time constants
Similar to G7 for the selection of manipulated variable, minimising the time delays, allows for a quick inference
of the effect of the measured variable on the controlled variable. It also means the controller element and the
transmitter are in sync throughout the process.
3. Inventory Control Loops
The guidelines listed in section 2.3 were used in conjunction with qualitative mass and energy balances (and the
assumptions that underpin them) to control selected major units (see Figure 6 for general equation used for

It is important to consider that the guidelines are implemented such that the control system is able is run the
unit safely, steadily and optimally (in this order of priority). However, it should be considered that is often not
possible to select a controlled variable that satisfies all guidelines so experience and the specific workings of
individual unit operations were considered. Unless the unit was considered important in the control of the major
selected units (e.g. reboilers and condensers for distillation columns) its control system was not designed.

Figure 6: General mass and energy balance for process unit

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
3.1 Gasifier Reactor (R-101)
Key Process Conditions
Gasifier Pressure = 2.5MPa
Gasifier Temperature = 1100K
: CO = 1.6
System can be described by the ideal gas equation of state (no liquid phase)
Well insulated reactor so no exchanged with surroundings
Changes in kinetic and potential energy are small compared to enthalpy changes
No leaks or losses of material
Equilibrium conversion due to favourable process conditions (high temperature and pressure)
Ash is inert (no side reactions)
3.1.1 Mass Inventory Control
There are gas and solid phases present in the reactor; heuristics indicate that treating each phase separately
would be the ideal approach, however the complex mass and energy transfer associated with the Gasifier make
this difficult so overall mass and energy balances are done.



Table 4:0 Gasifier Reactor Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification
Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification

Pressure The safety of the process depends on operating at a pressure that does not
exceed material of construction constraints (satisfies G1 & G2). Pressure is a
good measure of product quality as it relates to amount straw gasified (G4).

Syngas Flowrate This is an appropriate choice as it affects the controlled variable directly
(G5); similarly the response is fast as it removes excess gas (pressure)
directly (G6). The amount of straw fed could also be used but would not
respond as fast as the syngas flowrate as a variable. Oxygen and steam
flowrate represent further choices however they relate to product quality
(ratio they are fed) so would not be as good a choice. There will be a limit to
how much (gain) pressure can be dissipated by the syngas flowrate so a
pressure relief valve is also placed on the reactor. Though not designed
here the changed syngas flowrate due to the control valve will need to be
checked to ensure there are no adverse interactions (recycling or safety)
with other units.

Pressure Since pressure can be measured directly this naturally represents a good
choice of the measured variable (satisfies G10 & G11)

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
3.1.2 Energy Inventory Control
There are gas and solid phases present in the reactor; heuristics indicate that treating each phase separately
would be the ideal approach, however the complex mass and energy transfer associated with the Gasifier make
this difficult so overall mass and energy balances are done.


Table 5: Gasifier Reactor Energy Inventory Variable Selection & Justification
Quality & Stability Control
There are two ratio control loops placed on the process to control quality and steady production of product gas
at a specified composition. Both ratio controllers measure the flow of straw entering the Gasifier, one ratio loop
then adjusts the steam flow and the other the oxygen flow to achieve an optimum ratio and consistent product
3.2 Compressor (P-101)
System can be described by the ideal gas equation of state (no liquid phase)
Well insulated compressor so no heat lost to surroundings
Changes in kinetic and potential energy are small compared to enthalpy changes so neglected
No leaks or losses of material
No chemical reaction
Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification

Temperature The safety of the process depends on operating at a temperature that does
not exceed material of construction constraints (satisfies G1 & G2).
Temperature is also a good measure of product quality as it indicates
equilibrium conversion in the unit (satisfies G4).

Temperature Since temperature can be measured directly this naturally represents a good
choice of the measured variable (satisfies G10 & G11).

(enthalpy) of
oxygen by
the flow of
heating fluid in
The mass inventory control of pressure could also act to control the
temperature of the reactor however this would increase the interaction with
other balances (G8), though if outlet flow were selected the response would
be more rapid compared to the delayed response of manipulating heating fluid
in H-101. Therefore, it could it said that this control loop is more a redundancy
for the mass inventory control. It is also important to consider that the ratio
control loop is also placed on the oxygen flow, if there was a reduced flow of
straw this valve would reduce the flow of oxygen which poses a problem
because there would be less oxygen available for cooling the reactor if it was
overheated, however if the flow of straw was reduced this means it is less
likely that the reactor is overheated.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
3.2.1 Mass Inventory Control
The compressor will be controlled to deliver constant discharge pressure. This also implies that the use of
compressed gas will be intermittent (Perry & Green, 2008).

(Condenser Mass Balances)


(Compressor Mass Balance)


Table 6: Compressor Reactor Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification
3.2.2 Energy Inventory Control


(Compressor Energy Balance)

(Condenser Energy Balance)


Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification

Outlet Pressure The safety of the process depends on operating at a pressure that does not
exceed material of construction constraints (satisfies G1 & G2). If the flowrate
of this stream is too low it can also lead to surging which can destroy the
compressor, therefore controlling pressure is important. Maintaining constant
discharge pressure also increases process stability.
Manipulated Work input to
the compressor.

Manipulated by a control valve on the steam flowrate into the turbine that
causes the blades in the compressor to rotate. The pressure generated by the
compressor is generated through the addition of work from the turbine so the
value of gain is large (G6). The compressor work directly dictates the outlet
pressure so meets G5. It would be expected that the response would be fast
and pressure deviations (disturbances) are not passed downstream (G9).


The inlet pressure or flow is directly related to the discharge pressure on a
variable speed pump so meets G10. A further advantage of this feed-forward
loop is that inlet pressure disturbances can be rejected before the outlet
pressure varies in response to the disturbance.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design

The outlet temperature of the compressor is an important variable to control to ensure that the
ethanol reactor runs at an optimal temperature for conversion. The outlet pressure is controlled
through the mass inventory which will also act regulate temperature. To reduce the interaction but
also achieving control of the outlet temperature the flowrate of cooling water in the condenser after
the compressor can be manipulated by measuring the outlet temperature from the compressor.
3.3 Ethanol Gas-Shift Reactor (R-103)
System can be described by the ideal gas equation of state (no liquid phase)
Well insulated reactor so no exchanged with surroundings
Changes in kinetic and potential energy are small compared to enthalpy changes
No leaks or losses of material
Equilibrium conversion due to favourable process conditions (high temperature and pressure)
Ash is inert (no side reactions)
3.3.1 Mass Inventory Control
The compressor will be controlled to deliver constant discharge pressure. This also implies that the use of
compressed gas will be intermittent (Perry & Green, 2008).



Table 7: Compressor Reactor Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification
Variable Chosen Justification

Outlet Pressure The safety of the process depends on operating at a pressure that does
not exceed material of construction constraints (satisfies G1 & G2). If
the flowrate of this stream is too low it can also lead to surging which
can destroy the compressor, therefore controlling pressure is
important. Maintaining constant discharge pressure also increases
process stability.
Manipulated Product flowrate from

This is an appropriate choice as it affects the controlled variable directly
(G5); similarly the response is fast as it removes excess gas (pressure)
directly (G6). However, it is important not to recycle the disturbance, as
this excess pressure is passed onto another unit. Therefore a purge
stream of steam may be needed on the flash column, though the valve
before the flash column that is used to generate two phases (not on
PCD as it is not a control valve) will have an associated pressure drop
which can remove excess head pressure.
Measured Inlet Pressure/Flow

Since pressure can be measured directly this naturally represents a
good choice of the measured variable (satisfies G10 & G11)

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
3.3.2 Energy Inventory Control




Table 8: Compressor Energy Inventory Variable Selection & Justification
3.4 Distillation Columns (D-101 & D-102)
Constant molar overflow
Negligible heat effects
Perfect separation of heavy and light alcohols (D-101)
Perfect methanol separation (D-102)
3.4.1 Mass Inventory Control
Liquid phase mass balance:


Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification

Temperature Outlet
The safety of the process depends on operating at a temperature that
does not exceed material of construction constraints. Also, avoiding
unwanted side reactions and the stability of the process are also sound
reasons to pick this variable (satisfies G1 & G2).

Temperature and
Jacket Temperature

Since temperature can be measured directly this naturally represents a
good choice of the measured variable (satisfies G10 & G11). However,
the reactor set-up presents an opportunity for cascade control as the
temperature of the jacket can also be measured (feed-forward) and the
values of the reactor and jacket temperature compared, which
generally provides better control. However, cascade control is more
hardware intensive so more costly.

Flow of cooling
water through
This deals with the disturbance directly so meets G9. The speed of the
response depends on the overall heat transfer coefficient so could be a
fast response. The value of gain is also large as the flow of the cooling
water can be varied with a pump.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
Vapour phase balance:

Table 9 Distillation Columns Mass Inventory Variable (Liquid & Vapour) Selection & Justification
Although the current mass inventory control is outlined above, it should be noted that this is in fact a slave loop,
which is linked to the master loop at the reflux stream of the distillation columns. Integration of these loops is
essentially an example of a cascade control being utilized. The slave loop that modulates the level in the
distillation column is an operational control to prevent excessive liquid hold-up in the column. The master loop
at the reflux stream is responsible for quality control. Altering reflux automatically influences the final distillate
product leaving the column. This is achieved by employing ratio control over the reflux stream and the
condensate entering the second distillation column. However, increasing reflux, would then increase the liquid
level present in the column. In order to maintain a specific level that prevents flooding the level controller loop
is linked to the master loop at the reflux. The PCD does not display the DCS that utilizes the information from
the RC and LC to accordingly modulate the controllers and thus the final control valves depending on whatever
steps are necessary. DCS has not been included since it out of the scope of this report, in reality however,
without a DCS such a complex cascade control would fail.
Therefore, the mass inventory control of the master loop is:
Table 10: Distillation Column Mass Inventory Master Loop Selection & Justification
Variable Chosen Justification
Liquid level in the
reboilers (B-101 and B-

, L

The efficiency of the process is dependent on the level the liquid reaches in
the bottoms section of the distillation columns. The chosen variable in this
case also plays a major role in the efficiency of the columns (G4). Choosing the
liquid level as a controlled variable also satisfies G1 and G2.

Flow of heavy alcohol and
water leaving the
Reboiler B-101

The flow of the heavy liquid and water exiting the reboiler directly impacts the
level of liquid present in the distillation column. By adjusting this variable
appropriately the amount of boil-up liquid entering the bottoms can be
maintained as required. Since this can be easily performed, there is minimal
lag in responses satisfying G7. Considering that

has no other crucial

interactions within the system it also meets G8 and G9.
Level in the distillation
columns D-101 and D-102

, L

Since level can be measured directly it is a reasonable choice for a measured
variable (satisfies G10 & G11). Furthermore, this measured variable is directly
dependant on the manipulated variable. The measurement can be performed
with minimal time delays as the manipulated variable is modified (G11).

Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification
Controlled Ratio of Reflux
and Condensate
In contrast to the previous control variables, in this case the ratio
between the reflux flow and the condensate flow is the controlled
variable. Since flows are self-regulatory, this variable does not meet G1,

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
3.5 Molecular Sieve (S-101)
Steady State
No chemical reaction
No loss of material through leaks
Gas phase pressure drop is constant
Liquid obeys Raoults law
3.5.1 Mass Inventory Control
Liquid phase balance

Table 11: Molecular Sieve Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification

however, it satisfies G2 and G3.

Reflux The controlled variable is maintained by manipulating the reflux being
fed into the reactor. The reflux strongly influences the final, therefore it
satisfies G6, G7 and G8.

Reflux and
Since the controlled variables in this case is the ratio of reflux flow and
condensate flow, in order to adequately control this measurements
would have to be taken at each of these streams. However, since its a
ratio loop, the final control element only needs to be on one of the
streams. Both these satisfy G10 and G11.
Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification
Controlled Liquid level in the
molecular sieve

The controlled variable for the mass inventory of the Molecular sieve,
is the level of liquid in the sieve. In order to maintain efficient
operation of the equipment, it is crucial overflow of liquid or flooding
does not occur. Since it is the liquid level, it does not satisfy G1 but
meet G2, G3 and G4.

Stream 316 on the
PCD, the stream
which stores excess
liquid in a storage
The manipulated variable of choice is the flow going into the storage
tank. If excessive liquid is entering the sieve, it is ideal that the input
stream (stream 315) is drained instead of the output. This is because
the molecular sieve works by exposing the incoming liquid to the
packing within the column, draining the output product is redundant.
Therefore, the decision was made that a bypass stream would be best
positioned at the inlet of the sieve.

satisfies G5, G6, G7, G8

and G9.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
It should be noted that although not displayed in the PCD there should be a back up molecular sieve that is
available on site. This is because over time, molecular sieves will fail due to fouling of the packing. In order to
avoid any complications down the track and ensure maintenance of the process, having a spare molecular sieve
available would be beneficial in the long run.
3.6 Condenser Balance (C-301 & C-302)
Constant pressure and temperature
Steady State operation
KE = PE = 0
Saturated liquid at condenser outlet and incompressible
3.6.1 Mass Inventory Control
Liquid-phase balance

Table 12: Condenser Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification

Stream 315 on the
PCD, which is the
reboiler product.
Utilizing stream 315 as a measurement variable allows for a quick
inference if the liquid entering sieve would lead to flooding in the tank.
Since it has a direct link to the controlled variable, choosing

would make for a measured variable. Therefore, it
satisfies G10 and G11.
Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification

The level of liquid in the condenser sump is imperative in order to avoid
overflow of liquid condensate, which is a safety and operational issue.
However although using level as a mass inventory variable does not satisfy
G1 since it is self-regulatory to an extent, it satisfies G2, G3 and G4.

Flow of
The manipulated variable of choice for the mass inventory, however
is it not directly related to a state variable therefore it does not
meet G5. Nevertheless, modifying the flow of the condensate
directly impacts the level in the condenser sump, thus meeting G6
and G7.

Level In order to appreciate the effect on modifying the manipulated
variable on the controlled variable, in this case it is best to select the
level in the condenser as the measured variable. This mass inventory
variable satisfies both G10 and G11.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
3.7 Re-boiler Balance (B-101)
Constant molar overflow
No liquid hold-up
Steady state
Constant relative volatilities
3.7.1 Mass Inventory Control
Liquid-phase mass balance

Table 13: Re-Boiler Mass Inventory Variable Selection & Justification
4. Process Control Diagram
From the previous inventory control analysis, a process control diagram was produced and can be found in
Appendix A. Assumptions which were used to develop the diagram are listed below and their limitations are
discussed in section 6.
Biomass feed composition is consistent and doesnt vary
All valves have linear characteristics
Black box process has internal control loops which function independently of external streams
Utilities provided are at required operating conditions
Units exhibit consistent properties and require one sensor to dictate conditions
No heat losses to the external environment which need to be recovered
Negligible pressure drop over heat exchanger units
Variable Type Variable Chosen Justification
Controlled Liquid Level in
the distillation


The controller from the slave loop for the distillation column mentioned
earlier is also linked to a flow control loop at the reboiler. Hence L

would be the controlled variable in this case. The liquid level is
considered to be self-regulatory but is not a state variable, it does not
meet G1. However, this controlled variable satisfies G2, G3 and G4.

Flow out of the
The manipulated variable of choice for the mass inventory, is directly
related to L
therefore it does meet G5. Nevertheless, modifying the
flow of the condensate directly impacts the level in the condenser
sump, thus meeting G6 and G7.

Level In order to appreciate the effect on modifying the manipulated variable
on the controlled variable, in this case it is best to select the level in the
condenser as the measured variable. This mass inventory variable
satisfies both G10 and G11.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
5. Instrumentation and Costing
An investigation to the required control instrumentation, sizing of final control elements for the steam supply,
distillation liquid levels and ethanol reactor cooling system was conduction. The costing of the control loops for
these three systems was also determined. These control loops consisted of various sensors, transmitters,
controllers and valves.
5.1 Instrumentation Selection
5.1.1 Temperature Controls
Temperature controls are implemented in multiple areas of the process, such as in the gasifier, compressor,
reactor and distillation control loops. The desired temperatures of the systems can be achieved, by altering flow
rates or pressures. A main consideration when determining the ideal temperature controls was that high
operating temperatures are required.
Table 14: Temperature Control Selection
Element Type Brand Description Cost Justification
Sensor RTD Oakton
Air Temperature RTD Sensor
Measures Air / Gas, High
Temperatures(-200 to 850C),
Fast Response, Good for
pressurized systems, High
accuracy (2C)
$313 RTD is used a range of
temperature uses. It is
suited to this purpose as it
has a fast response with
good accuracy, and higher
temperature stability.
Transmitter Head
RTD Input
4-20mA output, 12V DC, High
Accuracy 1%, Linear output
with Temperature,
$105 Mountable transmitter with
4-20mA signal conversion. It
is easy to remove and
reprogram, so can be used
in for multiple RTD
Controller Auto
Tuning PID
On/Off Control
High accuracy reading (0.2%)

Direct Plug in installation,
with multiple types of
thermocouple compatibility.
5.1.2 Pressure Controls
Pressure controls are important as poor control can lead to rupturing of vessels, poor product quality and overall
downtime of the process. The ethanol reactor requires 2.5MPa of pressure for production of ethanol. The
controls are required to withstand these pressures. As these pressures are fairly high, incorrect selection of
sensors and transmitters can result in damage to the elements, as well as unsafe and poor operating control.
Table 15: Pressure Control Selection
Element Type Brand Description Cost Justification
Sensor Digital
Digital Pressure Gauge
1 to 1000 bar, 0.25%

$794 Suitable for high pressure
conditions, with good
accuracy. Digital for easy
Transmitter Industrial
Pressure Transmitter
30 Hg to 0 psi, 4-20mA signal
$840 Good operating range

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
Controller Pressure
Digital Pressure Controller
1% flow rate error, Quick
Response time

$28360 As high pressures can lead
to explosions of vessels, a
quick response time is
5.1.3 Level Controls
Level controls are necessary to ensure that tanks and other vessels do not overflow. The distillation columns
have a tank after the condensers. By installing a level control loop here, it can be ensured that there is no
overflow. Level controls generally, manipulate the flow leaving the vessel, in order to control the level in the
vessel. In the distillation column, a level control loop is also located around the reboiler. This will ensure that if
the liquid in the reboiler is too low or high, the valve position after the reboiler will change to account for this.
These sensors are to be selected to operate at the temperatures and pressure at which the vessels they are
installed in operate at.
Table 16: Level Control Selection
Element Type Brand Description Cost Justification
Sensor +
Sensor with
Utrasonic Sensor
10m range
Transmitter included, 4-20
mA signal, 0.2% Accuracy,
Explosion Proof, Corrosion
Resistant, Low Noise
$2268 This model has a transmitter
combined with the sensor. It
has 4-20mA output. As we
have multiple flucations in
temperatures in tanks and
vessels, this model has a
temperature compensation
Controller Process
Level Controller
4-20mA input, Multicoloured
bar graph, for visual
representation of system.
$4180 Good visual representation of
levels. Can be used for
multiple signal tupes. Easy to
5.1.4 Ratio Controls
Ratio controls are important to ensure that particular flow rates are entering at the correct ratio. The oxygen,
steam and straw are to be fed the correct ratios. The flow rates of steam and oxygen are dependent on the flow
rate of the straw entering. Therefore flow sensors are needed on both manipulated streams, which connect to
each individual flow controllers. These controllers then based on their set point will manipulate the valves to
maintain a specific ratio in the flow rates.
Table 17: Ratio Control Selection
Element Type Brand Description Cost Justification
Sensor +
High Flow
Rate Mass
GF90 Gas
Mass Flow
Built in sensor
69 Bar Max Operating
Pressures, Up to 500 standard
litres per second
$700 High operating pressures
and high operating
temperatures. Also very
sensitive, and has a built in
Controller Multi
GF Signet
Multi Parameter Controller
Measures multiple variables
(flow, temperature, pressure)
$801 This controller accepts 4-
20mA signals from other

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
5.2 Control Element Sizing
The sizing of the final control valves for different control loops in the process was determined. To determine this
size, the C
value was to be deduced and compared with values from literature and valve manufacturers. Using
this C
the possible valves for control applications were evaluated.
In order to determine the C
, there was particular system factors considered, which were:
Gas flows may vary between 70-110%.
Pressure drop for liquid process due to minor losses is 2 bar.
Other assumptions which were made were:
Valves have linear characteristics.
25% of total pressure drop of system is due to the control valve.
Ideal Gas behaviour in all gasses.
Liquids have the same material properties as water at 25C
There are three primary control valves which are sized in the report. These include the compressible steam
leaving the boiler, the fluid exiting the distillation column and the pump supplying the cooling jacket.
5.2.1 Gasifier Steam Inlet Valve
In order to calculate the size of the valve required to control the steam leaving the boiler, the following
relationship from Perry & Green (2008) was used (see Appendix B for calculations and variable definition);

Table 18 below shows the know parameters which were obtained from the previously calculated mass and
energy balances and the calculated parameters. Steam properties were obtained from NIST.
Table 18: Steam Valve Sizing Parameters
Known Parameters Calculated Parameters
m 792 kg/h m
871.2 kg/h
mw 18 g/mol m
554.4 kg/h
T 682 K P
8.784 bar
Cp 41.485 J/mol.K P
6.784 bar
Cv 30.832 J/mol.K x 0.2
(Discharge) 25 bar 0.934
(Stream) 33.784 bar Y 0.857
0.7 C
Z 1
From the calculated Cv value of 5, a Saunders Weir Diaphragm Valve (1 1/4) was chosen at a cost of AUD590

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
5.2.2 Distillation Fluid Discharge Valve
5.3 In order to calculate the size required for the valve from which the ethanol
following relationship was used with reference to the parameters identified in
Table 19. (See Appendix B
Controller Sizing- Compressible

Perry & Green, 2008

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design

Appendix C for calculations)

Table 19: Fluid Valve Sizing Parameters
Known Parameters Calculated Parameters
m 46.8 kg/h m
0.015 kg/h
1000 kg/m3 m
0.010 kg/h
f(x) 0.7 P
2.1 bar
(Discharge) 3.5 bar P
0.1 bar
(Stream) 5.6 bar C
From the calculated Cv value of 5, a Saunders Weir Diaphragm Valve (1/4) was chosen at a cost of AUD380.
5.3.1 Cooling Water Pump for Ethanol Reactor
In order to size the pump, the flow rate of water through the pump, as well as the required head pressure was
to be determined. In order to do this, the enthalpy change across the reactor was used to determine the heat
produced. In order to maintain steady state conditions, the cooling water is required to remove this same
amount of heat. Assuming a temperature increase of 50C, a C
value of 4180 J/kg.K , the mass flow rate of
water required was able to be determined as 16.74 hg/h. The work required to operate this pump at the 57.6

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
/h flow rate of water and to achieve 21m of differential head pressure is 3.3kW. See Appendix D for
Using the Extended Bernoulli Equation, the head pressure was able to be determined. It was assumed that there
were no velocity changes or static head.

The volumetric flow rate was therefore 57m

Using the Davey Pump Curves (Appendix D), the intersection of the cooling water flow rate and the head
pressure was found. The closest pump operating curve above this point was determined to be the most ideal
pump for application.
After consulting Davey Water Products Pty Ltd and discussing with the Customer Service and Sales Team, the
use of this pump was validated. The price of the DT110KZ(N)-H which was reported to Biolink was $8800. It was
recommended that if flow increases, this pump may be required to overwork and that investigation into a
DT150KZ may be necessary, in the case of inconsistent flow. This DT150KZ pump was priced at $10000
6. Discussion
6.1 Assumptions and Limitations
In conjunction with the assumptions which were made in order to develop the process flow diagram which the
process flow diagram was based on, the following assumptions were made with their resulting limitations
Black box process is self regulating
o As the extraction of the impurities in the process is modeled by an overall process, there are
some simplifications made in terms of control. For the purpose of this report, control of this was
negated and deemed to be independent of external parameters. However, in reality this would
not be the case as the control of these units would need to be analysed and will be affected by
things such as utilities etc.
Feed of biomass is consistent
o This neglects the changes in the organic feed composition and assumes that all the straw will
consistently have the same properties. Doing so means that the inlet feed rate will not need to
be regulated. However this will not occur realistically and there will be changes in the feed
which will need to be controlled so as to ensure that the gasification process is feed with the
correct components so that the subsequent syngas outlet is consistent.
Process operates within control limitations

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
o This assumption means that all aspects of the process will operate within the design
specification of the control units. In the case that the operating parameters are exceeded, such
as runway reactions and huge pressure accumulation, the control system will not fail. The
implementation of alarms, pressure relief valves and pump isolation mechanisms ensure that
that they are considered.
Measurements taken by sensors indicative of entire unit
o This may not be the case in particular with temperature and level measurements as the
temperature is measured at a particular point which may not be consistent throughout the
vessel. A similar issue occurs with the level measurements as vapours and foam which may be
present may distort these readings and result in inaccuracies.
Ratio controllers are instantly functioning
o The used of ratio controllers can be troublesome particularly in startup and shutdown of the
process. When these unsteady conditions are prevalent, the controller doesnt function as
required and will result in a delay of the information transmitted until steady state is achieved
and maintained.
Limited time delays in process
o Feedback control does not function effectively when there are significant time delays occurring.
Instead of reaching an appropriate steady state, the system continuously operates in a transient
state resulting in faulty control (Seborg, 2005).
Measurement of disturbances as required
o In order for feed forward loops to function adequately, the disturbance must be directly
measured in order for a control response to be output. As a result, any unmeasured
disturbances, no matter how small, may result in inaccuracies due to controller sensitivity.
Follows ideal gas model
o This was assumed as the temperatures of the gases are quite high. Although there are no
quantitative balances for the process, this assumption may not hold for the conceptual analysis
of the control structure. Realistically, the individual gas properties need to be considered
All rectors reach chemical equilibrium
o In reality this may not occur as the conversion may be hindered by external and unavoidable
circumstances as well as the process itself. Control measures would need to be considered to
ensure that equilibrium is reached prior to further control strategy being implemented.
Sizing properties for liquids based on water and gases based on ideal gases
o The sizing for the control elements are based on generalized parameters for the process. To
further increase accuracy, the fluid properties for the alcohols leaving the distillation columns
need to be identified. This may result in slight discrepancies for sizing the control units.
No leaks or losses
o All units and piping are self-contained and will not result in leakages into the environment. In
reality this may not be the case and as a result further control measures such as bunding needs
to be considered.
No heat loss to environment

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
o This is taken into account when developing the mass and energy balances and consequent
controller selection. in the process there may be losses to the environment which would need to
be recovered to ensure process efficiency.
Prefect separation of alcohols in distillation
o It is assumed that there will be 100% separation of the heavier alcohols from the ethanol in the
distillation columns. Ideally this will not occur and as a result further control mechanisms will be
required to ensure that product quality is not compromised.
6.2 Control Difficulties
As previously stated, the stringent control of the process is imperative to ensure that optimal operating
conditions are followed. There is however some aspects of controlling the process in which some difficulties
arise and need to be closely monitored.
6.2.1 Gasfier Inlet
The gasifier is one of the most imperative units and needs to be closely controlled in terms of flow into the
reactor and reactor temperature. The flow of oxygen into the reactor needs to be closely regulated to ensure
that there is a sufficient amount available to react with the biomass, yet ensure that there is not excess
provided to the reactor. The use of ratio control ensures that the flow is regulated depending on the feed rate of
the biomass. The feed rate of biomass is also used to control the amount of steam which is fed to the reactor in
the same way. Although the calculation of the ratio is done outside the control loop and doesnt interfere with
the loop response, difficulties may arise in the initial ramp up where ratio controllers struggle to adjust to the
unsteady conditions.
Another aspect of the gasifier inlet in which difficulties can arise is the control of the temperature of the vessel.
Ideally this would be done with the use of a heating jacket or similar, but is deemed inefficient due to lack of
effective control. As a result the temperature of the oxygen fed to the reactor is adjusted by manipulating the
flow of steam used to manipulate the temperate of the oxygen. Although this is not a direct measure of the
manipulated variable, it is inherent to the process control and safety as well as the product quality.
6.2.2 Ethanol Synthesis Temperature
The temperature of the ethanol synthesis reactor is another vital unit which needs to be stringently controlled.
Deviation from operating conditions will result in decreed conversion to ethanol and subsequently decreased
final production rate. By implementing a cascade controller, the temperatures of both the heating jacket and
reactor contents can be considered in the final control decision. The added complexity of the control
architecture requires increased equipment and instrument cost. One of the difficulties that arise from the
cascade controller is the inconsistent temperature of the liquid in the heating jacket. The set point for this is
determined by a predefined model and may not necessarily be indicative of the actual process. The
measurement of the actual temperature of the reactor adds to the accuracy of the temperature control and
subsequently conversion.
6.2.3 Distillation Column Parameters
As the distillation columns employee the use of both ratio and cascade control to control the reflux flow and
liquid level respectively, similar design issues that were previously expected will occur. One of the difficulties
that are encountered with the control is the placement of the sensors for both the pressure of the tank and the

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
temperature of the liquid hold up in the column. Pressure sensors should ideally be located throughout the
vessel to ensure an accurate overall representation of the system instead of a localized measurement. The same
is required for the temperature sensors for the liquid holdup.
6.3 Recommendations for Control Modifications
As this is a preliminary control analysis, there are further modifications which can be made in order to increase
how effective the control strategy is. The following recommendations are suggested to improve the overall
control strategy.
Implement multiple sensors to increase the accuracy of the measurement taken. This ensures that a
measurement which is indicative of the entire situation is taken instead of a localized and possible
inaccurate measurement
Implementation of pumps and isolation valves to allow for increased flow diversion competency if
Incorporation of alarms incase unavoidable faults occur to increase safety. This allows for employees to
be made immediately aware of issues which may arise and allow for sufficient action to be taken. This
should also be linked to automatic systems which will cease the process continuation so as not to result
in catastrophic equipment failures.
More rigorous implementation of cascade control loops. Although there are increased costs, there are
significant benefits which will allow for a more stringent and accurate control strategy.
Inclusion of more control loops to determine product quality throughout the process so as to limit the
amount of disturbances which are to be passed downstream.
Generate more extensive models for the controller software to apply. This increases the accuracy of
how the controllers function.
More extensive control throughout the process. There are sections which have been assumed to be self-
regulating or have been negated as they were not deemed crucial to control. Further analysis of all
sections is recommended to ensure that all parts of the process are considered.
7. Conclusion
In order to successfully expand on the previously completed biomass to ethanol synthesis plant, appropriate
control structure was developed. There are several components of a single control loop which must work in
unison in order to ensure that the process runs optimally and efficiently. Although the developed control
structure is adequate for the implemented system, there are a few recommendations which are outlined above
which should be applied in a more rigorous study.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
8. References

Blackmonk Engineering 2009, How To Size A Pump, viewed 4 May 2014,
Brooks Instrument 2014, Delta Class Remote Pressure Controller / Flowemeter, viewed 5 May 2014, <
Brooks Instrument 2014, Pressure Controllers, viewed 5 May 2014,
Cole Parmer 2014, Digi-Sense Standard Temperature Controller 110V, viewed 5 May 2014,
Cole Parmer 2014, Oakton Temp-16 Precision RTD Thermometer, viewed 5 May 2014, <
Davey 2007, Sump Pumps, viewed 5 May 2014, <
Doherty, MF, Fidkowski, ZT, Malone MF & Taylor, R 2007, Distillation in Green DW (ed.), Perrys Chemical
Engineers Handbook, McGraw Hill <2
Flowline 2014, EchoSafe Ultrasonic Level Transmitter, viewed 5 May 2014,
Green, DW & Perry 2008, Distillation, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, McGraw Hill 2007
Green, DW & Perry 2008, Process Control, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, McGraw Hill 2007
Honeywell 2013. Sensing and Control. In: Pressure Tranducers, viewed 20 April 2013
Instrumart 2014, GF Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller, viewed 5 May 2014,
OmegaEU 2014. LVCN-300 series, viewed 5 May 2014,
Physics Classroom 2010, Mechanical Energy, viewed 4 May 2014,
Seborg, 2005, Feedforward and Ratio Control, Chemical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara
Smith, C and Corripio. A.B. 2006. Principles and Practice of automatic Process Control. Wiley.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
Techmation Inc, 1999, Control Strategy: Ration Control Systems, Application Note, Arizona USA
The Valve Shop, 2014, Saunders Weir Valve Specification <>
WIKA Australia 2014, Digital Pressure Gauge, viewed 5 May 2014,
Ye, L 2014, Introduction to Process Control Course Reader. Australia, The University of Queensland.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design 2014
9. Appendix
9.1 Appendix A

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design

9.2 Appendix B
Controller Sizing- Compressible

Perry & Green, 2008

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design


9.3 Appendix C
Controller Sizing- Incompressible

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design
9.4 Appendix D
Pump Sizing

= power (kW)
q = flow capacity (m
= density of fluid (kg/m
g = gravity (9.81 m/s
h = differential head (m)

The work required to operate this pump at the 57.6 m
/h flow rate of water and to achieve 21m of
differential head pressure is 3.3kW.

Biomass Gasification to Ethanol Control System Design

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