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MULTIPLE CHOICE:Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before the number.

(20 Items)

____ 1. All are ways on how to maintain your vehicle in order to help in clean the air except one.
a. Changing the oil regularly.
b. Keep tires properly flatted.
c. Plan trips and observe proper driving habits.
d. Keep the engine well-tuned based on the owners manual.
____ 2. All are ways on how to become a responsible commuter and help to promote environmental
Education, except;
a. Share a ride, if possible.
b. Keep your waste inside the car.
c. Patronize mass transit such as buses and trains.
d. Talk to the drivers about the high health risk of poor vehicle maintenance.
____ 3. As an office worker, how can you help to maintain and promote environmental care?
a. Make sure that lights are energy-efficient.
b. Reduce use of air-conditioning units.
c. Use company vehicles as always.
d. None of the above.
____ 4. Being a son/daughter, how can you be a good example to your family especially to your
younger brother/sister in protecting our environment?
a. Limit the use of air-conditioning units.
b. Always burn garbage.
c. Avoid using aerosols.
d. All of the above.
____ 5. We always use the tern Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair. What are these terns for?
a. The Four Rs of Environmental Education.
b. The Four Rs of Waste Management.
c. The Four Rs of Service.
d. All of the above.
____ 6. It is a means to reasonably limit or conserve the use of materials for more important projects.
a. Recycle b. Reduce
c. Reuse c. Repair
____ 7. It is to use again the materials that are reusable, recyclable, and non-biodegradable.
a. Recycle b. Reduce
c. Reuse d. Repair

____ 8. It is to reuse the materials after they were reprocessed either into new products similar
functional products.
a. Recycle b. Reduce
c. Reuse d. Repair

____ 9. . It is to reconstruct/restructure and reinstall equipment/gadgets that are still repairable to its
functional state.
a. Recycle b. Reduce
c. Reuse d. Repair

____ 10. Being a good Kidapaweos, why do we need to recycle? All are the answers of the question
except one.
a. It is because we need to save our energy.
b. It is because we need to produce pollution.
c. It is because we need to save our resources.
d. It is because we need to create job opportunity.
____ 11. We as student are obliged to follow the Ten Golden Rules of recycling. From the statement
below identify one which is not under the Ten Golden Rules of recycling.
a. Buy milk in glass bottles instead of cartoons.
b. Use things until they are really worn out.
c. Separate your garbage from recycling.
d. None of the above.
____ 12. If you are an office worker, what you can do to promote recycling within your co-worker?
a. Encourage your company to buy recycled stationery and envelops.
b. Always avoid throw-away containers.
c. Gather all the old newspapers.
d. All of the above.
____ 13. The community-school administrators can initiate and enforce a recycling program in so
many ways as stated below but except one.
a. They make recycling as mandatory.
b. They will hire a full-time recycling coordinator.
c. They will approve proposal if they can benefit.
d. They will help to create a market for recycling products.
____ 14. It is the physical and chemical alteration of the properties of air which renders the air
harmful to human health, vegetation, and animals.
a. Air condition pollutant b. Air pollutant
c. Air pollution d. Outdoor pollution
____ 15. It is one of the Environmental Education Objective that we should involved in finding
solutions to real environmental problems and issues.
a. Action-oriented b. Experiential
c. Future-oriented d. Global oriented
____ 16. It is defined as the alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as a product of mans
actions, through direct or indirect effects that change every pattern of chemical and physical
constituents of organisms.
a. Carbon Oxides b. Pollution
c. Sulfur Oxides d. None of the above
____ 17. It is one of the Environmental Education Objective that should use a variety of approaches
and environments.
a. Action-oriented b. Experiential
c. Future-oriented d. Global oriented

____ 18. It is one of the Environmental Education Objective that must be concerned with the present
and future generations.
a. Action-oriented b. Experiential
c. Future-oriented d. Global oriented

____ 19. It is one of the Environmental Education Objective that must consider the whole earth as
one ecosystem.
a. Action-oriented b. Experiential
c. Future-oriented d. Global oriented

____ 20. It is one of the Environmental Education Objective that must deal with the natural and man-
made aspects of the environment.
a. Action-oriented b. Experiential
c. Holistic d. Interdisciplinary

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