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Gaurav Shah

Bio Health & Disease 3350.501

Exam 2 Review
Exam 2 Review
1. Define hypospadias.
This is a congentital defect in males in which there is malpositioing of the erthral opening, it is locatied n
the ventral surface of the hypospadias
2. What is the function of the seminal vesicles?
Adds fluid to the ejaculate to propel the sperm forward. The fructrose secreted by the seminal vesicles
provides the energy for sperm motitity
3. Explain the function cremaster muscles and the pampiniform plexus of the testes.
The paminform plexus asorbs heat from the arterial blood cooliting it as it enters the testes. The
cremaster muscles, which respond to decreases in testicular termpature move the testes closer to the
4. What role does nitric oxide play in erections?
It involves increased inflow of blood into the corpora cavernosa due to relacation of th etravuclar
smooth muscle that surrounds the sinusoidal spaces and compression of the veins controlling outflow of
blood from the venous plexus
5. What nervous system controls erection?
Parasympathetic nervous system
6. What are the major sources of estrogen in premenopausal and menopausal women?
Ovaries and adipose tissue
7. The secretion of FSH and LH are under the control of ____________.
Gonadotrophin-releasing factor
8. What hormones would be used to treat exceptionally tall children by effecting early epiphyseal
Estrogen and testosterone
9. ________ is produced and secreted by the interstitial Leydig cells in the testes, while under the
influence of luteinizing hormone (LH)
10. Describe the functions of testosterone.
Differentiation of the male genital tract in fetal development, induction of secondary male sex
characteristics and promotion of musculoskeletal growth
11. The _____________ houses the testes and regulates their temperature.
12. What describes herniation of the bladder into the vagina?
13. What is testicular torsion and what is it a common consequence of?
A twisting of the spermatic cord that suspends the testis; It is consequence of cryptorchidism along with
infertility and malignancy
14. What is the most common cause of cancer in males between the ages of 15-35?
Testicular cancer
15. Describe the causes of scrotal cancer.
Gaurav Shah
Bio Health & Disease 3350.501
Exam 2 Review
It has been linked to occupation (chimney sweep), poor hygiene and chronic inflammation
16. What cancer is the most common nonskin cancer in the US affecting men 65 years of age and older?
Prostate cancer
17. A hydrocele forms when excess fluid collects between the layers of the ____________.
Tunica vaginalis
18. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and polycystic ovary syndrome are conditions that alter estrogen
metabolism and elevate estrogen levels. Increased estrogen levels are associated with
Endometrial cancer
19. Undesired or harmful effects of supraphysiologic doses of androgens including estrodial and estrone
are_________, ___________ and _______________.
Acne, decreased testicular size, azoospermia, and a change in libido
20. In order for embryonic gonads to become testes, what is required?
A Y chromosome
21. What condition is characterized by heavy bleeding during and between menstrual cycles.
22. Describe the luteal stage of the menstrual cycle.
After ovulation, the follicle collapses, and the luteal stage of the menstrual cycle begins. The granulose
cells are invaded by blood vessels and yellow lipochrome-bearing cels from the theca layer. A arapid
accumulation of blood and fluid forms a mass called the corpus luteum. During the luteal stage,
progesterone is secreted from the corpus luteum
23. What are the local effects of progesterone on reproductive organs?
The glandular development of the lobular and alveolar tissue of the breasts and the cyclic glandular
development of the endometrium
24. What role does oxytocin and prolactin play in a womans body?
Secretion of milk of alveolar cells, which are under the influenced of the anterior pituitary hormone
prolactin. Milk ejection from the ductile system occurs in response to the release of oxytocin from the
posterior pituitary
25. __________________ is an abnormal, painful, sustained erection that can lead to ischemic damage
of penile structures.
26. What hormone(s) are produced after ovulation when the follicle becomes lutinized as the corpus
Estrogen and progesterone
27. What is a term for benign neoplasms of smooth muscle in the uterus?
28. What is usually recognized as the leading cause of osteoporosis?
Decreased estrogen levels
29. During lactation, milk is secreted by ____________________.
Alveolar tissue of the breast
Gaurav Shah
Bio Health & Disease 3350.501
Exam 2 Review
30. What forms when excess fluid collects between the layers of the tunica vaginalis?
A hydrocele
31. What is oogenisis?
Generation of the primordial ova by mitotic division occurs during fetal life
32. A preponderance of evidence suggests a causal link between both cervical cancer, penile cancer and
HPV (human papillomavavirus )
33. What is stored in the ampulla of the vas deferens?
34. What are causes of male infertility?
They include: varicocele, ejaculatory dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia, hypogonadotropic
hypogonadism, infection, immunologic problems (IE antisperm antibodies), obstruction (including
wearing tight jeans), and congenital anomalies
35. Infertility, malignancy and testicular torsion are long term consequences of
36. When does gonadotrophin-stimulated production of testosterone normally begin?
Between 10-12 years of age
37. ________________ serves as a storage reservoir for sperm.
Vas deferens
38. The ________________is the site of the Skene glands, which have a lubricating function.
Urethral opening
39. The wall of the uterus is composed of three layers (__________, ____________ and __________) one
(__________) of which extends to form a cul-de-sac.
The perimetrium, the myometrium, and the endometrium; the permetrium
40. High levels of what hormone exert a negative feedback loop on FSH?
41. What are common causes of vaginitis in women of childbearing age?
Candida albicans, trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis
42. What structure secretes fluid and serves as a buffer and prolongs the life of
spermatozoa once they reach the vagina?
Prostate gland
43. Gradual cessation of ovarian function and diminished estrogen levels during perimenopause and
menopause may lead to ______________.
Vasomotor instability
44. What is the role of the fructose in seminal fluid?
Sperm motility
45. What is the function of inhibin in males?
Inhibits FSH production leading to reduction in spermatogenesis
46. What microorganism causes candidiasis?
Gaurav Shah
Bio Health & Disease 3350.501
Exam 2 Review
A yeast
47. Why might antibiotic therapy cause vulvovaginal candiasis in females?
Suppresses the normal protective flora
48. What is a complication associated with women having chlamydial infections?
Pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility or ectopic pregnancy
49. What are the symptoms associated with trichomoniasis?
Coious, frothy, malodorous, green or yellow discharge
50. Factors that increase the risk of tubal pregnancy include?
Pelvic inflammatory disease, therapeutic abortion, tubal ligation or reversal and fertility drugs
51. Which structure in the female anatomy begins to dilate upon parturition (birth)?
52. Describe testicular torsion? What structures are affected?
Two risk factors are trauma and strenuous physical activity
Twisting of the spermatic cord that suspends the testes
53. How many spermatozoa are produced by one spermatognium in spermatogenesis?
54. What kind of cells does a Pap smear detect?
Cancerous and precancerous cells
55. What is endometriosis?
The condition in which functional endometrial tissue is found in ectopic sites outside the uterus.
56. What hormone surge causes ovulation?
57. Factors that increase the risk of tubal pregnancy include? What is the greatest danger?
Pelvic inflammatory disease, therapeutic abortion, tubal ligation or reversal, and fertility drugs. Tubal
58. What is a chocolate cyst and where does it form?
In the ovary, the endometrial tissue may form cysts (IE endometriomas filled with old blood that
resembles chocolate syrup [chocolate cysts])
59. What hormone is responsible for fluid retention in females during PMS?
Increased aldosterone secretion
60. Untreated syphilis might cause complications in what organs?
Aorta, liver, and central nervous system

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