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Sara Ali
08 March 2010

BIOL 3350 Unit 3 Review
1. Where are the location openings of the coronary arteries?
a. x-aorta, above the aortic valve

2. Describe the event that happens during ventricle systole.
a. The opening of the semi lunar valve.

3. What is meant by Preload work of the heart?
a. The amount or volume the heart pumps before systole

4. Describe Pulse Pressure, and what if any type of medication might be given for elevated pulse
a. x- Difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
(ACE inhibitor) might be prescribed in this instance

5. Describe the Cardiac Cycle.
a. x-term referring to all or any o the events related to the flow or blood pressure that occurs from the
beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. Different phases of filling and ejection of
blood. Diastole (the period of time when the heart xafter systole, blood fills the ventricles) and
systole (contraction of heart chambers, driving blood out of the chambers)

6. What causes the closing of the AV valves, and what muscle(s) cause tension to better hold the
7. x-the AV valves are closed by the tightening of the chordae tendiae. The chorea tendineae are attached
to What is the surbvalvular apparatice?
a. papillary muscles that cause tension to better hold the valve

b. x- both the papillary muscles and the chordate tendineae together

8. What is the arterial system, and where is the greatest pulse pressure in the arterial system?
a. x-canals that carry blood from the heart to the organs. Aorta is greatest pulse pressure

9. In healthy adults, how many normal heart sounds are typically described and what are they?
What causes the first heart sound and any others that exist?
a. x- two, often described as lub and dub which are first heart sound S1 and second heart sound S2.
Closing of the AV valves and semi lunar valves respectively

10. Describe the isovolumetric contraction period of the cardiac cycle.
a. x-during the time period between the closure of the AV valves and the opening of the aortic and
pulmonic valves, ventricular pressure rises rapidly without a change in the ventricular volume.
Ventricular volume does not change because all valves are closed during this phase

11. What greek words does the term tachycardia come from? In rapid tachycardia, why does the
cardiac output fall
a. x- tachys (rapid or accelerated) and kardia (of the heart). Reduction in TIME for diastolic filling

12. What factors have the largest effect on the amount of blood flow? What disease(s) might decrease
blood flow?
a. x-diameter, radius, etc. (how WIDE). Hypertension, atherosclerosis

13. What is atherosclerosis and what part of the arterial system does affect?
x- Clogged and hardened arteries that narrow and become clogged with plaque. Affects large and
medium sized arteries

14. How does atherosclerosis exert its effects?
a. x- narrowing of the vessel lumen (ischemia), disruption of endothelial lining, inflammation of
atherosclerotic plaques

15. How does the sympathetic nervous system regulate blood pressure?
a. x- increased heart rate. Contraction strength. Perveso resistance and release of epinephrine

16. What is hypertension and what are the factors that predispose someone to the
development of hypertension?
a. x-chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure is elevated, obesity,
alcohol consumption, high sodium intake

17. What are some symptoms of high blood pressure?
a. x- may have no signs or symptoms, but some will have dull headaches, dizziness, and/or
abnormal amounts of nosebleeds

18. The central circulation contains blood that is in what?
a. x- heart, lungs, pulmonary blood vessels

19. What primarily controls autoregulation of blood flow in microcirculation?
a. x-metabolic needs of tissues

20. What is microcirculation?
x- the flow of blood through the fine vessels (arterioles, capillaries, and venules)

21. Describe the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism
a. x- rennin converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin 1
angiotensis 1 is then converted into angeiotensis 2
angiotensis 2 constricts blood vessels and increase the blod pressure

22. Build up of Hydrogen ions, Potassium ions, and nitric oxide in local tissues promote what?
a. x-vasodilatation (widening of the diameter of a blood vessel in order to decrease the
resistance to blood flow)

23. What is an embolus and what are some causes and symptoms?
a. x-something that travels through the blood stream, lodges in a blood vessel, and blocks it. Examples
of emboli are detached blood clot, a clump of bacteria , and foreign material such as air

24. What is atherosclerosis and what are the major risk factors?
a. x- a condition in which fatty material collects along the walls of arteries. This fatty material
thickens, hardens (forms calcium deposits), and may eventually block the arteries. Major risk
factors include hypertension, smoking, high blood cholesterol, high fat diet, obesity, diabetes,
and genetic predisposition

25. . How does cigarette smoking and hypertension enhance atherosclerosis?
a. x-disrupting endothelial layer of arteries

26. Give examples of medical conditions that can induce secondary hyperlipoproteinemia?
a. x- diabetes mellitus and obesity

27. Long term regulation of blood pressure depends on the function of what?
a. x-kidneys/salt water levels

28. Where are the majority of the receptors that bind and remove LDL to carry cholesterol from
a. The liver

29. What lifestyle factors increase the risk of atherosclerosis by producing a decrease in HDL?
a. x- cigarette smoking

30. What conditions can contribute to the development of venous thrombosis?
a. x- immobility, older age, pregnancy, smoking, and obesity

31. Where does deep venous thrombosis (DVT) generally occur?
a. x- deep veins of the legs or the pelvic veins

32. . What are the two factors that predispose to the development of varicose veins?
a. x- obesity and long term standing

33. Describe varicose veins.
a. x- swollen, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an abnormal collection of

34. What parameters of circulation are related to the arterial blood pressure?
a. x- cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance

35. General action of ADH anti diuretic hormone.
a. x-increases the absorption of water and sodium in the kidneys (more so of water). Water and
sodium can go into circulation and increase blood pressure

36. What helps reduce water retention and decease vascular volume in individuals with hypertension?
a. x-limiting the amount of salt (NaCl)

37. Where are the effects of hypertension on the heart largely manifested?
a. x- left ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement)

38. What does the diastolic blood pressure represent? What does the systolic blood pressure
a. x-diastolic: pressure maintained by the perifpheral blood bessels during diastole. Systolic: the
blood pressure when the heart is contracting

39. What does the systolic component of blood pressure directly reflect?
a. x- maximum arterial pressure during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart

40. What is pregnancy induced hypertension related to? What is another term for this?
a. x- toxic mediators. From impaired placenta perfusion that alter vessels endothelial cells.
Toxemia or preeclampsia.

41. What are symptoms of toxemia?
x- high blood pressure (a blood pressure reading higher than 140/90 mm Hg, or a significant
increase in one or both pressures), protein in the urine, edema (swelling)

42. Explain isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly.
a. x-aorta gets increasingly rigid

43. Describe ACE-inhibitors?
a. x-ACE = angiotensis converting enzymes. Decreases conversion angiotensin 1 to angiotensis 2

44. In addition to hypertension, what else might ACE inhibitors be used to treat?
x- scleroderma and migrains

45. What medication is frequently used to reduce the risk of coronary thrombosis (blood clot) in the
absence of angina?
a. x- anti platelets, such as plavix

46. Describe variant (Prinzmental's) angina (chest pain).
a. x-chest pain caused from coronary vessel spasm

47. What is myocardial infarction? What are the signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction?
a. x-heart attach. Crushing chest pain, feeling of nausea and indigestion

48. What is the most recommended treatment to reduce chest pain for myocardial infarctions?
x- Nitroglycerin

49. What is the cause for the high frequency myocardial infarction from 6:00 am to noon?
a. x- catecholamine sensitivity of coronary vessels higher more vasocontracting action

50. Most common complication of early myocardial infarction?
a. Dysrhythmias (irregular heart beat)

51. What role does myoglobin play in myocardial infarction?
x- Enzyme test used to determine if there is elevated levels. Levels elevate during the first 2-3 hours of a
heart attack

52. Explain why anginal pain does not develop in a number of people with advanced coronary
a. x-pain tolerance, sedentary life style, adequate collateral circulation

53. Describe the cardiac conduction system.
a. x- specialized myocardial cells that can create and conduct impulses

54. What is hypovolemic shock and what are the causes?
a. x- emergency condition in which sever blood and fluid loss makes the heart unable to pump
enough blood to the body. This type of sock can cause many organs to stop working. Causes:
excessive loss of body fluid (includes vomiting)

55. What is the reason for the appearance of pale, cool, and clammy skin that is found in an
individual with shock?
a. x-blood is shunted away from skin to vital organs

56. What compensatory mechanisms come into play if heart failure occurs?
a. x- hypertrophy, sympathetic stimulation, rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism

57. Describe ECG graph paper. What is an ECG and what represents the ventricular
depolarization on the ECG?
a. x-electrocardiograph runs at a paper of 25 mm/s. one small block of ECG paper translates
into a 0.04 s. five small blocks make up 1 large block, which translates in .20 s.
electrocardiogram. Records the electrical activity of the heart. QRS wave

58. Most common initial manifestations of dilated cardiomyopathies are related to?
a. x- heart failure

59. Describe what happens during the T, P and QRS wave of the cardiac cycle.
x- T: ventricular re-polarization. P: atrial depolarization (stimulation). QRS: complex ventricular
depolarization (stimulation). KNOW THE DIF ONES THAT ARE STIMULATION AND

60. Sympathetic stimulation causes what effects on the heart?
a. x-increase in rate and strength of cardiac contraction

61. What is the SA node and what is its function?
a. x- sinoatrial node. It is the pacemaker of the heart generates impulses faster than other cardiac

62. Describe congestive heart failure.
a. x-inability to meet the needs of the body demand for blood

63. What is the order of impulse conduction in the heart?
a. x- SA-AV node bundle of HIS-Purkinje system. (sa going to va and his going to purkinje)

64. What is the modern explanation of the mechanism of cardiac cell contraction? (which crossbridge)
a. x- a cross bridge that is formed between myosin and actin

65. What are LDL and HDL? Which one carries cholesterol to the liver for removal?
a. x-lipoproteins. HDL

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